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Caroline Kastensmidt

Mrs. Tatum

AP Language, 4th Period

13 December 2019

Revised Synthesis Essay

Across the United States, several people are turning to a new diet which requires all the

food that they eat to be locally grown and locally produced. Unlike other dietary fads that have

come and gone, this diet, locavorism, has remained popular amongst consumers because all of

the negative aspects that may come with this diet are heavily outweighed by the positive aspects

that will result; therefore, this community’s choice to start a locavore movement is wise, and will

not only benefit the people, but the surrounding economy as well. Many people will begin to buy

locally, which can only strengthen their economy. Along with the pecuniary benefits, the food

will become tastier and more nutritious. One can envision this easily. Compare eating a locally

grown apple picked straight off the tree from down the road at Mercier Orchards with one bought

from a supermarket. One can easily understand the difference between the two and distinguish

that the locally grown apple is far superior. Even though there are problems to both sides of the

locavore movement, the community will benefit greatly by putting it into place.

When it comes to eating food, locally grown food tastes better. Trust me, as a person that

loves to eat, I can personally support the claim that fresh food has a deeper flavor. The main

reason this food tastes better is because it has not “been in transit or cold-stored for days or

weeks” (Source A). In fact, most locally grown food will have been picked the day before

(Source A). Being fresh and tasting better are nowhere near being mutually exclusive. In fact,

freshness acts as a causation for the flavor that comes from our food. Along with flavor, local
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foods are more nutritious: “Obviously fresher foods that are grown on better soils are going to

have more nutrients” (Source B). A more nutritious lifestyle along with the fact that the food will

taste better is plenty reason for the community to be excited to start this movement.

In addition, the local economy will benefit. According to Jennifer Maiser, a writer of a

blog for people interested in locavorism, “A dollar spent locally generates twice as much income

for the local economy” (Source A). Locavorism provides the community with more income than

they have to expend in order to start the movement. Local farmers will benefit vastly from the

movement too as “the number of small farms has increased 20% in the past six years to 1.2

million according to the Agriculture department” (Source E). Just by eating locally, the

community has more income available for its people, along with providing more jobs for those

who might need them.

However, while locavorism can help the community thrive, there are some issues that

arise when the system is set into place. For example, there are areas that do not have the same

luxuries as other areas, such as verdant fields that are easily accessible and open to growing food.

For instance, while I live in a suburb that could maintain access to fresh food, other urban centers

might not. The majority of people in the United States often live in urban cities, far from the

nearest area of food production (Source F). However, depending on the community’s

surroundings, this could be an easily avoidable obstacle that would have no further impact or

implications on the people.

While, yes, there are downsides that could arise for this community starting the locavore

movement, there are more benefits that could positively affect them. The change in the economy

alone could kickstart rapid growth in the community along with possibly reducing poverty rates

in the area. With the economic growth, the people will be more likely to enjoy the flavor of their
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food as well, along with being more nutritious. Overall, the community’s locavore movement

will be more beneficial to the community, and these positive aspects will easily outweigh the


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