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DotCom Secrets Summary


Most of the times the problem is not about traffic or conversion but rather a wrong
funneling. What this means is that you need to make more money out of the same
traffic you are getting now.

Secret Formula

Ask yourself Who is the ideal client you really want to work with, and Where can
you find it online, and ultimately What can I create to attract him and repel
everyone else, Which result can I deliver for them. Thats the secret formula

Who is your dream client: You MUST have a clear picture of it

Where can I find them: Where do they hang out online
What can I use to attract them: This must attract them but repeal everybody else
Which results do I want to help them achieve: We are talking about results not

The Value Ladder

To attract somebody you need a bait (anzuelo), if you can get their attention with it,
everything that comes later is easy.

So you need to create a value ladder to upsell on your costumer and deliver more
and more value, so that you make sure they get to the result they desire. However
be aware, no value ladder is complete without a good continuity program, this
means something you can bill for each month and will generate you the residual
income that will become the life blood of your business.

Think about all the products you could create around your main continuity program
and add value to your client with them.

Keep working on your value ladder, you can never have enough products on it.
Make it so large you can keep serving your costumers infinitely.

Be sure to create an attractive fronted offer to get people through the door. If not,
whatever your efforts will be worthless.

The Value Ladder is the key to building your marketing funnels.

From Ladder to Funnel

It’s almost impossible to sell your most expensive service to someone who you’ve
not provided any value yet.
You’ll provably remember this quote: “Ultimately the business that can spend the
most to acquire a costumer, will earn it over it’s competitors”

But do you see its relationship with the funneling? The deeper your funnel is, the
more each costumer will be worth to you and the more you can spend to acquire

Squeezing through upsets = Spend more per costumer = More costumers

So Funnels work both ways: Vertically: Better returns per costumer. Widely: More

You can immediately offer upsets before even leaving the page, but you can use
other follow-up communication funnels to build a relationship as well.

How to find your dream customers

To drive traffic you must first understand the concept of congregations: People who
share similar values and therefore hang out (physically or online in the same
places). Just put your message in front of where they hang out!

Trust me there are congregations of everything you can dream up. Just type in
google your keywords + forum.

Who is your target market?

Today’s segmentation is so powerful you can even group according to movies

they’ve watched last month, however this is worthless if you don’t know your target
perfectly. Within your target market you’ll find subgroups make sure to advertise
leveraging those differences so that they feel addressed or they will just ignore
your message.

Get inside your costumer’s mind and create hyper-targeted messages.

What were my desires? What got me excited? Where did I look for more
information? What words and phrases was I searching for? What magazines did I
read? I try to figure out what my mindset was at the time.

Where are they congregating?

Remember we are talking about real people so look at their real behavior. Think
about where do they actually spend time online if they are part of a Fb Group they
never visit you are wasting your time.

Internet is a huge mountain, and your ideal costumer is gold inside that mountain,
so when you find a little bit of hold follow that vein and you’ll be able to mine out all
the gold.
How can you make them leave the page and jump into yours?

The National Enquirer had headlines that will stop anyone. You need to suck their
attention with your ad and make it irresistible for them to visit your page.

Your role as an entrepreneur

Your role is to understand the strategy and hire a Facebook/Google guy to run the
ads. Don’t confuse your role.

3 types of traffic:

1. Traffic you don’t control

2. Traffic you control
3. Traffic you own

Traffic you own is that that you can send out 1vs1 messages without marketing
costs. Mark Joyner’s N1 advice to me was: ‘Russell you have to build a list’

Fb Ads is traffic you control as you can decide what to show them and where to
send them.

Traffic you don’t shows up, you don’t know where the hell did it came from and
have no information about them to follow up.

The secret to convert cold traffic is leveraging the power of the Word Free

Communication Funnel

The question is now: What to do with that people on your list?

If nobody is opening your mails you are missing one concept: An attractive
character. This means somebody we want to be like, and we want to buy what he
sells (this is key, it’s not even the product at this point, is who delivers it)

4 Elements of the attractive character

1. Backstory
2. Speak in parables
3. Share their flaws
4. Polarizes his message

Here I identify 2 relatability elements and 2 communication elements: Backstory +

Flaws: People want to know their origin story and that he is not perfect so that they
can relate to him. Parables + Polarization: To explain concepts he leverages things
that happened throughout his life and he takes a side on his postures, he is not
neutral at all.
4 Identites of the attractive character

1. Leader: Has achieved the result others desire

2. Adventurer: May not have the results but has the guts to set on dangerous
journeys and share the treasures he found along the,.
3. Reporter: Interview top players is great to start when you don’t know much.
4. Reclutant: He must overcome his shyness to deliver the information and secrets
he discovered.

6 Attractive character storylines

1. Loss and redemption

2. Us vs Them
3. Before & After
4. Amazing Discovery
5. Secret Telling
6. 3rd Person Testimonial

Soap Opera Sequence

You must build a bond between your costumers and your attractive character. The
magic of this sequence is that drags your reader from one mail to the next one.

Recommendation: Do it once a day for better results.

This sequence as any other has hidden objectives and those are to build belief
attacking their false belief patterns (vehicle-internal-external) Here are the main
points for a structured effective Soap Opera Sequence

1.Open with High drama: Most people mistakenly start stories at the beginning and
loose the whole attention.
2.Backstory: Struggeling emotional backstory
3.Epiphany: That led you to the discovery of the product
4.Hidden Benefits: You show the transformation this implies not only the achieved
external results (express them with parables > stories)
5. Urgency & CTA

I like to write the basic structure elements first and then fill all the juicy details and
emotional hooks (skeleton first)

Daily Seinfield Sequence

My emails switched from 100% content to > 90% entertainment and just 10%
content. I strongly recommend to email every day. Understand that these emails
are about nothing, just random entretaining stories (you’ll find examples page 78)
EXCEPT that they have a purpose, you’re selling. Each story must be tied back to
some type of offer to your audience. Leverage this stoires, cross-pollinate them
into other content, this works great for blogs.

Reverse Engineering a Successful Funnel

There is so much gurus in information that you can’t be sure who is a scam and
who works, trial and error will take you a life time to discover it. A smarter way is
find out whats actually working and reverse engineer it. Go to the source of results,
not the mouths that tell them.

Find out where your traffic is and redirect it into you. The best way to find your
traffic is not using your imagination but reverse engineering.

The 5 Elements of successful campaigns:

1. Dempographics
2. Offer
3. Landing Page
4. Traffic Source
5. Ad Copy

1. Know your target perfectly get in their lives and minds and where they
2. Find out what successful competitors are offering. Look at their upsells &
downsells (remember their first offer may not be their primary on, but just a front
door). Spend as much money as you need to buy their products and study their
funnels. Look agh their copys, their email follow ups, the frequency of those mails.
The more you know the more chances you’ve got.
3. I won’t make my own landing page and hope it works, reverse engeer whats
already working and model it.
4. Where is your competitor’s traffic coming from. Social media, banner ads, email?
5. How does it looks like, Image or video, which title, how long

“i’ve gotten really good reverse engineering, however If there are two unknowns I
won’t go into that market. I want as much data as possible before I start building
my offers, landing and ads. NEVER move forward with 2 unknowns, keep digging.

How to reverse engineer a successful campaign

Step #1 Where are your competitors: Study both direct and indirect (most people
miss this one, don’t do so)

The first step is then making a list of your direct and indirect competitors and seek
out their landings, look for their paid ads. Where they put their paid ads, there is
where your audience is congregating.

Step #2 What are they doing?:

You can use

Step #3 Purchuse competitors product: This is vital so that you get a sure idea of
their funneling upsells, downsells, and email follow ups.


1. Make that list

2. Find their landings
3. Enter that URL into research tools
4. Collect data (click links, buy products see their whole process)
5. Model those ideas.

7 Phases of a Funnel

So which is the key of a successful funnel? It’s not the copy, not the traffic neither
the product:

The real difference between having a six, seven o eight figure business is wether
you understand the phases of a funnel and monetize successfully at the different
points along the line

You need to carefully engineer the costumer journey process. And I’ve broke the
costumer experience into 7 specific points in the funnel. Word of worming: One of
the big mistakes marketers make is focusing 100% on short-term conversions
without taking into account the long-term relationship.

Second thing to take into account is that not all clicks are created equally. Both
titles ‘Russell Brunson is a scam’ and ‘Russell is an amazing person’ get clicks.
The key is on the pre-frame

In the same way you must work the pre-frame on your presentations. As Russells
presenters sucked he asked Tonny Robbins to record a 3 minute video to
introduce himself (This is the power of testimonials)


Pre-Framing is the action of warming up prospects so they are in the correct frame
of mind and receptive to your offer when you drive them to it

#1 Determine Traffic Temperature

Cold-Warm-Hot. Each needs a special treatment. This means, each need a

different landing page.
You must know their level of awareness about you and what you represent and
create different headlines according to it. If they are aware of your product and
knows it can satisfy his desire then your headline starts with the product. In this

Hot = They are aware of the product

Worm = They are aware of the desire
Cold = They are aware of the problem

Talk about what they are most aware of, and slightly talk about what’s next.

Hot: They know who you are and trust you. Use a personality-driven
Warm: Don’t know you but knows somebody who does (Joint venture partnerships
work perfectly here)
Cold: Have no idea of who you are, chances are you are paying for this traffic.

#2 Set up the Pre-frame Bridge

You have to build a frame from which they will get to know you. Knowing how to
communicate with cold traffic is the holy grial of digital marketing, unfortunatly most
marketers fail as they speak in technable ways you must speak in a 4th Level
degree when addressing to cold traffic:

Russels Cold Landing Headline Example: Do you know how to get people visit
your webiste (people not traffic)

So for cold traffic you must be sure to educate them about your offer and industry.

The Blog Strategy: Pay who has gone through the service to write a blog. traffic
that come from somebody’s else website dramatically increase conversions. You
can do the same form a youtube review video with a link to your website in the

An other cool bridge are survey or quiz (knowing which questions to ask)

#3 Qualify Subscribers

Find out who is willing to give us an email address, if they won’t take that chance
they are highly unlikely to give money later.

#3 Qualify Buyers

Immediately after find out who among them is a buyer, don’t wait not even a day.

#5 Identify Hyperactive Buyers

Always have a chain of upsets and downsells going on.

#6 Aging Ascend the relationship

This is what keeps people coming back buying form you over and over again, even
referring you friends. Keep giving value and offering upsells, to this point you’ll start
changing the type of funnels you are using (Eg. form Free+Shipping to a Two-Step

#7 Change Selling Environment

This may include phone, direct mail or even a seminar. It’s much more bidirectional
and you’ll be able to help you costumers overcome their objections.

> You must examine each of the phases and tweak aspects to get more
conversions. You must be able to answer:

Whats the temperature of the traffic you are driving?

Whats the pre frame they are coming from?
Are you qualifying subscribers?
Are you qualifying buyers?
Are you taking advantage of hyperactive buyers?
Are you a aging (madurar) and ascending (make it more personal) the
Are you changing the selling environment for high-ticket offers?
Are you treating each group in each step differently?

The 23 Building Blocks of a Funnel

The magic of a marketer: Try. Test Twak. REPEAT ADINFINITUM

Each of this blocks has an objective (Pre-frame QualifySubscibers QualifyBuyers

IdentifyBuyersInHeat) They will address the prospect according to their
temperature (problem agitate, desire agitate, product agitate) keep this in mind
when using them.

(Mira la imagen paf 103 esta muy claro el objetivo de cada block)

PreFrame Blocks

Agitate the problem, make em remember about how much they hate being

1. Quizzes
2. Articles
3. Blogs
4. Videos
5. Email

1.Quizzes not only pre-frame but also segment as you can drive them to a different
process according to the previous answer.

2.Articles will of course be much more powerful in someone else’s website but you
can use them on yours as well (encourage your best students to write articles). A
little trick here is to design your web page as a newspaper web, this will increase
your credibility by 240%

3. Leverage someone else’s high-traffic blog.

4. Youtube testimonials (keep agitating the problem) on someone else’s channel

will drive magic results.

5. Using somebody’s else list will be a great idea. Use a joint venture partner for

Qualifying Subscribers Blocks

1. Pop-Ups
2. Squeeze Page
3. Squeeze Pop
4. Free+Shipping / 2 Steps Form
5. Webinar Registration
6. Free Account
7. Exit Pop

Qualyfing Buyers Blocks

The goal here is to get people pull out their credit cards and actually pay for
something. The 1st purchase is the hardest, so it’s best to offer something of value
for a very low price.

1. Free+Shipping
2. Trial
3. Tripwire
4. Self-Liquidating Offers
5. Straight Sale

>Test different products. Do not assume anything, different markets respond


Leverage Hyperactive Blocks

1. Bumps
2. One-Time Offers
3. Downsales
4.Affiliate recommendations

1.These are little offers we ad just like the candy bars at the end of the grocery
2.Products that will complement initial purchase
3.If they say no to the OTO, offer a downsell, don’t give up because of a little no.
4.Typically at the end of the upsales/downsales on the thank you page

Fronted vs Backend Funnels

You can combine this blocks in every way you’d want to however I have 7 tested
proven funnels.

Cold traffic needs to start at the front of the Value Ladder and will start to warm up.
Hot traffic may be driven to Two-Step Funnels (Shorter pricer funnels)

Before we start speaking about funnels you must know where they start, and that is
in the landing page (it does not include the add or the pre frame). Also take into
account that the more selling you have to do, the longer your script will be.

Immediately after a person joins my list they are taken to my first fronted offer.

The best bait

Image page 122 VERY illustrative!

Junk mail are crazy to get people’s attention so I became a collector and i found
out Free was a word people could just not resist. Therefore he created the
Free+Shipping where he could leverage the word free and qualify buyers and get
them to actually pay so that the flow of income is activated.

One easy way to take advantage of the free+shipping is by shipping a DVD

Bump Box

This little trick will increase your conversions in 33% (Image pag.125)

> The secret to converting cold traffic is by leveraging the power of free. By using
free+shipping you can qualify buyers and start the money flow right away
(Remember if they aren’t willing to pull credit card for shipping they aren’t going to
buy other producets either > Wrong, maybe price is not their objection but shipping
is! Will it actually reach my home)


1. 2Step-Free+Shipping (Fronted Funnel)

2. SLO (Fronted Funnel)
3. Continuity Funnel (Fronted Funnel)
4.The Perfect Webinar (Middle Funnel)
5.Invisible Funnel Webinar (Middle Funnel)
6.Product Launch (Middle Funnel)
7. High-Ticket 3StepApllication (Backend Funnel)

Funnel #1: Two Step - FreePlus Shipping

(Check Image 133)

OTO is 80% structure 20% Script

OTO Structure
‘Not To’ When designing your OTO:
1. Don’t sell more of the same thing (biggest mistake entrepreneurs make on
2. Don’t sell random products (you are wasting the leverage form the 1st

‘To Do’ When designing your OTO:

1.The Next Thing: What else will help them accomplish the goal they seeked with
the 1st purchase
2.Faster: This will compress your process
3.Need Help? Some training because they think they won’t be able alone (great for

OTO Script 137

Funnel #2: Self-Liquidating Offer

SLOs should break even (pay advertisement costs) before any upsell (In
free+shipping if they don’t purchase upsells advertising is costing us money).

Funnel #3: Continuity

If you don’t hace continuity you don’t have a business. Continuity happens when
you get paid in a regular basis. (Kinda subscription).

This funnel really is an addition to the previous two, where you add a short email
sequence promoting the Continuity Funnel.

Funnel #4: Perfect Webinar

Funnel #5: Invisible Funnel

This is a premium webinar where participants enter their credit card to sign up but
aren’t billed yet. They are usually 3/4 hours of amazing high-value content, then
after the webinar if they agree you charge, they must send you an email before
certain deadline so that you don’t charge them.

ClickFunnels Conclusion

First decide which type of funnel you are going to use (depending on the
temperature of your audience) Before designing your funnel remember the 7
Phases of a funnel and the 23 Building Blocks And map out the follow-up

> PD: Podes ir escanenando los Let’s Review del libro para sacar buenos resúmenes
en general

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