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Thea M. Wiggins-Clark | December 17, 2019 | OnBehalfOfTheStory.blogspot.

You Tube: Skyla Indigo Ink

The most two important days in your life are the day you're born and the day you discover why. ~Mark Twain

The Wounded Warrior Embarks The Wild Unknown | Divine Trifecta Majicks (thy Story, Arts, AcousticAlchemy)
Hallmark Styled Storylines: PRO-Personal Past, Present, And Yet To Come...
Chakra Stations: Heart, SolarPlexus, Sacral, Root

A a
10-of-Cups | 10-of-Pentacles | Optimal Temperance

Greetings&Salutations CurseBreakers!

Ease Your Storm. Honor Your Moments of Rest&Quietude.

Be it love, family, friendship, business, art, craft, music, and or sacred-alchemy -- the Divine Masculine's hallmark-
quality storylines are hidden in plain sight. Their greatest treasures are wrapped up in unsung hue-man natures and
ashes from generations-upon-generations of phoenix-risings (without proper declaration, since year 1916). They have
spent plenty of silent moments exploring the synergies of a mix'd bag of cultural-complexities and outlandishly creative

Innovative, expressive powers abound, aid, and embed their psychic-compensations, and yet, the time&space renders
unsafe for them to honestly, and wholly show-up and be (the) present.

The matters of the heart are being (super) charged with all sorts of sentiments, emotional expansions, and legacy-
foundations. This also involves the giving of true intra-personal courage to embrace the day-to-day solidification of
esteem. There's a multi-generational curse that hoovers over this time&space, waiting to be redeemed into boosts of
contagious, complementary confidence, (ancient) credence, and visionary connectivity.

As this is so, the Divine shall forever speak thru signs, symbols, story, arts, and acoustic-alchemcial arrangements --
alongside the channelings natures of femininity and masculinity -- we'd all do-good to pursue life, liberty, and
legendary-lesson from the inside out. Into the Wild Unknown we are being called! No longer will we be engaged with
the same ol' stuff; the same ol' stories.

It is my honor plus pro-personal challenge to unapologetically empower the iNTRA-majical maturity continuum that
embraces and incubates the teachings and lifelong learning of one's unique-individuality, authentic-expression, and

Morality>>principles and distinctions establishing what's right/wrong, good/evil. This is especially the case when
upheld within a society; dictating codes-of-conduct, particulars of religion, cultural philosophies, and declarations of

Rise of the phoenix>>when metaphorically analyzed, "the mythical bird that never dies, the phoenix flies far a head to
the front, always scanning the landscape and distant spaces. Representing our capacity for vision, for collecting sensory
information about the approaching environment(s) and the possible events unfolding within it. The phoenix with its
great beauty, creates intense excitement and death less inspiration." ~Lam Kam Chuen: The Feng Shui Handbook


⦁ tap-in, tune-in, turn-on to the migrations of the Unseen. rhythmically closing your eyes and paying close attention
to what you see/feel.
⦁ unleashing of transmuted masculine power(s) to ascend from the anchors of 3D possessions and thus awakening to
divine-sensored opportunity-making.
⦁ cultivating the patience (temperance thru divine-timing) to explain one's declaration into its ultimate maturity-
⦁ suspending the judgements that's binds one's time&attention thru the (special) effects of (historical)
emotional/mental manipulation plus (master-slave moral based) social conditionings.
⦁ daring to authentically express one's storylines inside the 'all that happens (the good, the bad, and the urban-ugly) is
to be utilized for the greatness of one's here-and-now. nothing has been wasted or unfolded in vain.

⦁ Majical-Meditation No.1: smiling in silence (to equalize the stressing in silence) for (7)minutes before sleep and for
(7)minutes upon waking -- for (7) consecutive days. achieving/repeating as needed. setting a timer whenever
challenged to naturally lean-in.
⦁ seeing beyond the current situation - tempering focus upon one's bigger-picture.
⦁ transforming and unveiling one's innermost sacred gifts; shape-shifting paradigms outside of socially conditioned
⦁ honoring one's inner-knowing. intuitive-detailing is (slowly but surely) transmuting into futuristic skill settings.
strengthening psychic-self defenses.
⦁ trusting the process of quest-mate match-making.
⦁ expanding vision of divine-trifecta (thy story/arts/acoustic-alchemy) -- communciation thru song-versations for
healing and sacred understanding.
⦁ elevation is upon you! -- there's a lot to be learned thru the silver-linings that connect one's past, present, and yet-
⦁ setting the serendipitous intentions that instantly fire-up one's intuition for clarity and accuracies according to one's
highest good and bigger-picture(s).
⦁ investigating the differences between sacred-matrimony vs. legal-marriage -- beginning to feel/heal thru the
experiences as they were natually intended. State-based permissions to exist-in-union IS NOT required for true,
authentic, sacred unification between (hue)man beings.
⦁ immediately equalizing the emotional-investments to restore/enrich one's physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and
financial channelings.
⦁ transmuting the powers of sorrow and disappointment.

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