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Today's world is completely ruled by a 'thing' which we call Internet or

International Network.
Kids are simply innocent and immature for these things. In some cases,
they stick to their gadgets whole day and night long and sometimes spoil
their eyes as well. It must be noted that staying late up night will make our
brain perform malfunction tasks and may cause serious problems like Brain
Cancer or any other brain problem. It can make their bodies weak as well
and may affect their behaviour too.
So parents must take special care that their child uses its gadget just for a
limited time and searches for relevant contents and then only we'll be able
to use Internet in a better way.
Children of all ages everywhere these days seem to only depend on
the internet. The internet is an amazing creation, but people take
advantage of it. Since there is internet there is access to all kinds of
social media, games, and all sorts of other things. . However,
because of today’s society internet is one of the only things kids use
and go on, whether it’s go on Facebook for hours or watch
ridiculous videos on YouTube, the internet is taking a negative turn
towards children, their brains, smartness, and attitude. Despite
helpful or early learning programs, the internet does not make
children smarter.
The recent outbreak in the growth of social media, smart phones,
tablets, and any other internet allowing device does in fact impact
the youth school wise and at home.
Their education, speech could become affected and they could start
doing badly in school or start cursing at a young age. Another thing
is that their attitude towards life changes, instead of seeing it as
their own giant happy playground they can view it as a very bitter
and cold place and start looking, feeling, and talking negatively.
The influence of use of internet on kids; this involves both positive
and negative influence.
When the internet is mentioned in relation to kids, what comes
to mind are the negative impacts that the internet has on the
kids. However, the internet has numerous positive influences
on the kids which can be capitalized to ensure that it is
beneficial to the young users. The internet is a source of
information that is relevant in the process of research work;


When the use of the internet is not controlled, it has much
negative influences on the user across all the ages; however, the
kids are at great risk because they may not predict the direction
that an internet interaction is taking. Besides, they may not be
aware of the way to tackle the negative impact of the internet;
thereby, leaving them at risk of online dangers.

Internet influences the kids both positively and also negatively, so
there are pros and cons. So I conclude here by saying that if we use
internet wisely it makes an individual develop.

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