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HW Physical Science 2.

Diurnal Motion
Diurnal motion is the daily motion of
stars and other celestial bodies
1.Terrestrial Motion
across the sky. This motion is due to the
-That is movements that the earth makes. Earth's rotation from west to east, which
In physics, motion is a change in causes
position of an object with respect to celestial bodies to have an apparent
time. Motion is typically described in motion from east to west.
terms of displacement, distance,
velocity, acceleration, time and speed.
3.Annual Motion
Three types of terrestrial motion :
Over the course of a year, the Sun appears
Motion with respect to quality - Motion to move a little towards the
in respect of Quality let us call
alteration, a general East each day as seen with respect to the
background stars. This daily eastward
designation that is used to include both drift is <1° per day (there are 365 days
contraries: and by Quality I do not here in a year, but only 360° in a circle).
mean a property of substance (in that This apparent motion is a reflection of
sense that which constitutes the Earth's annual orbit around the Sun.
a specific distinction is a quality) but along the ecliptic.
a passive quality in virtue of
which a thing is said to be acted on or
to be incapable of being acted on. 4.Solstice and Equinoxes
Motion with respect to quantity - Motion A solstice is an event occurring when the
in respect of Quantity has no name that Sun appears to reach its most northerly
includes both contraries, but it is or southerly excursion relative to the
called increase or decrease according as celestial equator on the celestial
one or the other is designated: that is sphere. Two solstices occur annually,
to say motion in the direction of around June 21 and December 21. The
complete magnitude is increase, motion seasons of the year are determined by
in the contrary direction is decrease. reference to both the solstices and the
Motion with respect to place - Motion in equinoxes.
respect of Place has no name either The term solstice can also be used in a
general or particular: but we may broader sense, as the day when this
designate it by the general name of occurs. The day of a solstice in either
locomotion, though strictly the term hemisphere has either the most sunlight
'locomotion' is applicable to things of the year (summer solstice) or the
that change their place only when they least sunlight of the year (winter
have not the power to come to a stand, solstice) for any place other than the
and to things that do not move themselves Equator. Alternative terms, with no
ambiguity as to which hemisphere is the
locally. Explain what is meant by diurnal context, are "June solstice" and
motion, annual motion, precession of the "December solstice", referring to the
equinoxes. months in which they take place every
The word solstice is derived from the
Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand
still"), because at the solstices, the
Sun's declination appears to "stand
still"; that is, the seasonal movement of
the Sun's daily path (as seen from Earth)
stops at a northern or southern limit
before reversing direction.

The biggest difference between the

equinox and the solstice is that a
solstice is the point during the Earth's
orbit around the sun at which the sun is
at its greatest distance from the equator,
while during an equinox, it's at the Babylonians and Assyrians
closest distance from the equator. Babylonian
Model Universe was the study
or recording
Egyptians Ancient Egyptian temples of celestial
were not just homes for the gods, they objects
were also replicas of the universe at the during early
moment of creation. In Egyptian history
mythology, the universe emerged from a Mesopotamia.
vast cosmic ocean of nothingness. For These
countless eons, the creator-sun god Atum records can be found on Sumerian clay
had drifted asleep in this primordial sea tablets, inscribed in cuneiform, dated
which the Egyptians called Nun. approximately to 3500–3200 BC.
Eventually, the creator god awoke and
willed a small island to emerge from out In conjunction with their mythology, the
of the cosmic sea. From atop this hill, Sumerians developed a form of
which the Egyptians called the mound of astronomy/astrology that had an
the "First Event," Atum proceeded to call influence on Babylonian culture. Therein
all things into existence starting with Planetary gods played an important role.
the male god Shu (the air) and the goddess
Tefnut (moisture). Next came a third
generation of deities in the form of the Thales of Miletus Thales pictured the
male earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut. Earth as a
After further generations, every feature flat disk that
of nature was born, each with a god or floated on an
goddess to govern it. infinite
motivated by
that wood and other substances float on
water. ... The Greek historian,
Herodotus, attributes the prediction of
a solar eclipse (on 28 May 585 BC during
a battle between the Medes and the
Lydians) to Thales.
Anaximander of Heliocentric Model
Miletus Copernican
(c.610-c.545 BC), heliocentrism is
a pre-Socratic the name given to
philosopher, was the astronomical
a contemporary model developed by
of Thales and was Nicolaus
one of the first Copernicus and
‘cosmologists’ published in 1543.
(i.e. one who This model positioned the Sun
attempted to near the center of the Universe,
explain the origin and form of the motionless, with Earth and the other
Universe). Anaximander was quite a planets orbiting around it in circular
productive philosopher as he made maps of paths, modified by epicycles, and at
the known world, offered explanations uniform speeds. The Copernican model
for the origin of the Sun, Moon and stars, displaced the geocentric model of
and even performed simple experiments Ptolemy that had prevailed for centuries,
such as marking the solstices and which had placed Earth at the center of
equinoxes on sundials. the Universe. Copernican heliocentrism
is often regarded as the launching point
The cosmological model he proposed was a to modern astronomy and the Scientific
ring of fire surrounding the Earth, that Revolution.
was hidden from view except through vents.
The stars were the light of this fire that Phytagorean Model An astronomical
could be seen through the openings. This system positing that the Earth, Moon, Sun
model could also explain the phases of and planets revolve around an unseen
the Moon: its phase depended on how wide "Central Fire" was developed in the 5th
or narrow the vent covering was. century BC and has been attributed to the
Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus.The
system has been called "the first
coherent system in which celestial
Geocentric Model bodies move in circles", anticipating
In astronomy, the Copernicus in moving "the earth from the
geocentric model center of the cosmos [and] making it a
(also known as planet". Although its concepts of a
geocentrism, often
Central Fire distinct from the Sun, and
a nonexistent "Counter-Earth" were
specifically by the
Ptolemaic system) is erroneous, the system contained the
a superseded insight that "the apparent motion of the
description of the Universe with Earth at heavenly bodies" was (in large part) due
the center. Under the geocentric model, to "the real motion of the observer".How
the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets all much of the system was intended to
orbited Earth.[1] The geocentric model explain observed phenomena and how much
was the predominant description of the was based on myth and religion is
cosmos in many ancient civilizations, disputed.
such as those of Aristotle in Classical
Greece and Ptolemy in Roman Egypt.
Modern Views Galileo's observation that Venus has
phases without making it necessary for
Copernicus Copernican heliocentrism Earth to be moving. His model had all the
is the name given to planets (except Earth) orbiting around
the astronomical the Sun, but then the Sun orbited around
model developed by the Earth.
Nicolaus Copernicus
and published in 1543.
This model positioned Galileo Galilei Galileo's
the Sun near the observations
center of the Universe, strengthened his belief
motionless, with in Copernicus' theory
Earth and the other planets orbiting that Earth and all other
around it in circular paths, modified by planets revolve around
epicycles, and at uniform speeds. The the Sun. Most people in
Copernican model displaced the Galileo's time believed
geocentric model of Ptolemy that had that the Earth was the
prevailed for centuries, which had center of the universe
placed Earth at the center of the and that the Sun and planets revolved
Universe. Copernican heliocentrism is around it.
often regarded as the launching point to
modern astronomy and the Scientific

RheticusIn 1536 Rheticus was appointed

to a chair of mathematics and astronomy
at the University of Wittenberg.
Intrigued by the news of the Copernican
theory that Earth revolves around the Sun,
he went to Frauenburg (now Frombork, Pol.) Johannes Kepler Following observation
in 1539, where he studied for two years of the orbit of Mars, Johannes Kepler
with Copernicus. Rheticus published the discovered that the planets all move on
first account of the new views in his De elliptical orbits, and developed his
libris revolutionum…Nic. three laws, published between 1609 and
Copernici…narratio prima… (1540; “The 1621: Kepler's First Law: ... These laws
First Account of the Book on the showed that the planets did indeed orbit
Revolutions by Nicolaus Copernicus”). He the Sun, supporting the Copernican
encouraged Copernicus to complete his universe.
great work and took it to Nürnberg for
publication, though in 1542 he moved to
Leipzig to take up a new appointment
before it was actually printed.

Tycho Brahe Brahe

proposed a model of the
solar system to explain
Aguelo, Mary Joy M.
HUMSS 11-11

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