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The word is derived from 'Prana' which stands for 'life force' and 'Ayama'
which means 'to lengthen or to work on it'.mpany's activities throughout
the preceding year.

In the classical understanding of Pranayama from the Patanjali Yoga Sutras,

it is taught that Prana is the Life Force while Yama is the practice to
control. Therefore, Pranayama can be understood as ‘to control the life
During the practice of Pranayama the stimulation of the system of Nadis in
the body are activated, in time giving through experience perception realms
beyond the physical such as, the emotional, the pain, the pranic and the
bliss bodies. Eventually this leads the practitioners into a process both of
self healing and spiritual advancement.

It is believed that when the  Prana  is not able to move freely in the body -
due to blockages in  chakras  or  nadis  - a person begins to harbour sickness.
The concept of  prana  and its effect on a person's well-being has more to do
with the mental state, mindfulness and the emotional health of a person.
Interestingly, just the way we breathe may affect the way we perceive things
as well as our mental health. Therefore,  pranayama  is a simple practice of
many breathing techniques and  asanas  that promote emotional, mental and
physical well-being.

Surya Bhedi 
Anulom Vilom
Chandra Bhedi
While in the sacred scripture The Gita, it has been written that there are
two aspects to the breath which are; the outgoing (apana) and the incoming
(prana). In this manner when these two parts merge together there is the
experience of pure Brahman (pure consciousness). The discontinuance of
inhalation and exhalation can be brought about by Kriya Yoga.

There are different techniques of  Kriya Yoga  Pranayama, wherein the
human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this
extra oxygen are then transmuted into life current, rendering breathing
unnecessary for certain periods. Through the practice we move from matter
to spirit and increase our willpower. Our five senses, touch, taste, sight,
smell and hearing are thus disconnected, and the attention is freed from any
possible invasion of sensory perceptions.

For more and to learn more about Pranayma, Philosophy, Mantra etc Click

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