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Aftab Hussain

Rukhsana Hussaini
What is climate change?
Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather
patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e.,
decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in
average weather conditions.

Why Climate Changes
•Thereare both natural and
anthropogenic reasons of climate
change .

•Anthropogenic activities the most

dominant with an ever increasing
trend since the industrial
revolution of 1940s.

•Population growth in developing

countries, which makes about 70%
of the comity of nations, has been
too high putting an increased
pressure on fixed natural resources
and the compensation of increased
demand for food and shelter
through better socio-economic
Temperature records of meteorological observatories (1500-2900 masl) located in northern
mountains of Pakistan from 1961 to 2010. Last decade has shown a sharp rise. (Source: PMD

 Natural Factors which influence

Climate Change have remained
constant for centuries.
 Since 1750, the average amount of
energy coming from the sun either
remained constant or increased
 If the warming were caused by a more
active sun, then scientists would
expect to see warmer temperatures in
all layers of the atmosphere. Instead,
they have observed a cooling in the
upper atmosphere, and a warming at
the surface and in the lower parts of
the atmosphere. That's because
greenhouse gasses are trapping heat in
the lower atmosphere.
 Given current concentrations and on-
going emissions of greenhouse gases,
it is likely that by the end of this
century, the increase in global
•From 1880 to 2012, average global temperature will exceed 1.5°C. The
temperature increased by 0.85°C.
•Oceans have warmed, the
world’s oceans will warm and ice melt
amounts of snow and ice have will continue. Average sea level rise is
diminished and sea level has predicted as 24 – 30cm by 2065 and 40-
risen. From 1901 to 2010, the global
average sea level rose by 19 cm as 63cm by 2100.
oceans expanded due to warming  Most aspects of climate change will
and ice melted. The Arctic’s sea ice
extent has shrunk in every persist for many centuries even if
successive decade since 1979, with emissions are stopped.
1.07 million km² of ice loss every
decade  2014 was the hottest year on record
•Global emissions of carbon and 14 of the 15 warmest years on
dioxide (CO2) have increased by
almost 50 per cent since 1990 record have all occurred in the 21st
•In1988, UNEP and WMO jointly
established the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as
concern over climate change
became a political issue. The
purpose of the IPCC was to assess
the state of knowledge on the
various aspects of climate change
including science, environmental
and socio-economic impacts and
response strategies.

The IPCC is recognized as the most

authoritative scientific and
technical voice on climate change,
and its assessments had a profound
influence on the negotiators of the
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol.
 “Climate change does not respect borders, it
does not respect who you are – rich and poor,
small and big. Therefore this is what we call
Cop-21 global challenges which require global
• In 2015, France hosted 21st
solidarity.” Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General,
Session of the Conference of the United Nations.
Parties to the United Nations  Culminating a four-year negotiating round, the
Framework Convention on new treaty ends the strict differentiation
Climate Change (COP21), between developed and developing countries
otherwise known as “Paris
that characterized earlier efforts, replacing it
2015” from November 30th to
December 11th. with a common framework that commits all
• The main aim of the conference
countries to put forward their best efforts and to
was to achieve a universal, strengthen them in the years ahead.
legally binding agreement on
combating climate change, with
 All parties were bounded to report regularly on
the aim of keeping global
warming below 2°C. their emissions and implementation efforts, and
• Another key objective was the
undergo international review.
mobilization of $100 billion per  Call for a new mechanism, similar to the Clean
year pledged by developed Development Mechanism under the Kyoto
countries, from public and Protocol, enabling emission reductions in one
private sources, from 2020. country to be counted toward another country’s
Why should we be interested in
climate change?
• Climate determines the type and location of human-managed ecosystems, such
as agricultural farmlands.
• Climate affects the weathering of rock, the type of soil that forms, and the rate of
soil formation.

Why should we be interested in
climate change?
• Climate helps to determine the quantity and quality of water available for human
• Climate determines the severity of droughts, storms, and floods.

For Pakistani’s, Climate Change is no longer a distant
threat-we are already feeling and experiencing its
impacts across the country and the region.
Losses in the 2010 floods alone exceed US$ 9.6 billion.
Pakistan is signatory to all major UN climate change
Pakistan has an National Climate Change Policy.

Pakistan is considered one of the top ten

countries that are vulnerable to climate
 Projected Recession Of (HKH) glaciers
Pakistan Climate
threatening water inflow into Indus River
Change and
 Increased Intrusion of saline water into
Vulnerability. Indus ..
 A new study released by WWF-Pakistan
As the rest of the world moves has found that agriculture here could face
towards cleaner and renewable a loss of up to 10pc of its output by 2040
energy generation Pakistan is
looking towards an energy due to climate change.
generation future powered by coal. These Threats may lead Pakistan into concerns
on its…
The developments of sources
a) Food Security
powered by renewable have been
small in Pakistan. b) Water Security

c) Energy Security
Pakistan aims is to add 8,100
megawatts of coal power to the d) National Security
Pakistan’s contribution to global
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is
very small about 0.08%.
Climate Change

 Third country most affected by climate change as

per Global Climate Risk Index
 More rains in summer, and less rains in winter.
Productivity of wheat and other winter crops is
 Agriculture contributes 21% to the total GDP.
Pakistan is an agrarian country, where 62% people
depends on agriculture for their living.
Climate Change

 Increased health risk and CC-induced migration

 Increased in disasters such as floods, heatwave,
siltation, GLOF.
 Loss in biodiversity
 Only 5.2% land area is covered
by forest (in 2010);
it should be minimum of 20-30%. Deforestation is at
the rate of 2.1% per year (47,000 ha).
Climate Change
Pakistan Pakistan

 Pakistan Floods (1950, 1956, 1957, 1973, 1976, 1978, 1988, 1992, 1995,
2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2012)
Pakistan Floods 2010: (Around 2000 people died and over 20 million affected)
 2007 Cyclone Yemyin July 2007: At least 730 people died, some 350,000
people were displaced, 1.5 million affected and more than two million livestock
perished. Tropical cyclone also proved devastating in the recent past history of
 1998-2002 series of Droughts: At least 1.2 million people in Baluchistan were
affected by drought, and over hundreds of people died, mostly because of
dehydration, Millions of animals perished.
 Heat Waves 1978, 1990, 1995, 1996, 2007, 2010, 2013,2016
Climate Change
Attached Departments
 National Disaster Management Authority
Ministry of Climate
 ii. Pak EPA
 iii. Zoological Survey Department (ZSD)
Pakistan has elevated  iv. Global Change Impact Study Center
the climate change (GCISC
division to a ministry
.The Ministry of Climate
Change has been vested
with the mandate to
address Disaster
Management along with
spearheading national
climate change
initiatives both in
adaptation and
protection Act, 1997
An act to provide for the
protection, conservation,
rehabilitation and improvement of
environment, for the prevention
and control of pollution, and
promotion of sustainable

•To implement the Pakistan

environmental protection
act, Pakistan environmental
protection agency was created as a
department of Ministry of Climate.

•Pak-EPA is mandated to prepare

or revise, and establish the
National Environmental Quality
Standards (NEQS) with approval of
Pakistan Environmental Protection
Council (PEPC);
Policy Objectives
1. To pursue sustained economic growth by
Climate change Policy
appropriately addressing the challenges
of Pakistan 2012 of climate change;
The National Climate Change 2. To integrate climate change policy with
Policy provides a framework for
addressing the issues that other inter-related national policies;
Pakistan faces or will face in 3. To focus on pro-poor gender sensitive
future due to the changing
climate. adaptation while also promoting
mitigation to the extent possible in a cost-
Policy Goal effective manner;
• To ensure Climate change is 4. To ensure water security, food security
main-streamed into
economically and socially and energy security of the country in the
vulnerable Sectors of the face of the challenges posed by climate
economy and to steer change;
Pakistan towards Climate
resilient development. 5. To minimize the risks arising from the
• In view of Pakistan’s high expected increase in frequency and
vulnerability to the adverse intensity of extreme weather events such
impacts of climate change, as floods, droughts and tropical storms;
in particular extreme
events, adaptation effort is
the focus of this policy
1. To facilitate effective use of the
opportunities, particularly financial,
available both nationally and
2. To foster the development of
appropriate economic incentives to
encourage public and private sector
investment in adaptation measures;
3. To enhance the awareness, skill and
institutional capacity of relevant
4. To promote conservation of natural
resources and long term sustainability
Services of the Climate Change Centre (CCC)
CLIMATE CHANGE Of all adaptation needs, the agriculture sector has to
CENTRE (CCC) prepare itself the most for coping with climate change
since food crops are highly sensitive even to little
Peshawar change in temperature and rainfall conditions, for this
purpose CCC plans to:
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is
1. Establish a system of information provision and
sheltering a population of more than
advisory on climate change adaptation accessible
20 million people. The major portion
of this population is dwelling in rural
to organizations engaged in agriculture related
areas and depends on farming for
activities (including farmer corporate/platforms).
their livelihoods. 2. Serve as knowledge resource repository focusing
Along with crop production and on climate change adaptation in order to provide
horticulture, livestock farming is also cutting edge information on CC adaptation.
a dominant occupation of the rural 3. Sensitize and enhance capacities of the relevant
communities particularly women. departments (including applied research and
Changes in temperatures and outreach) to enrich their teaching, research and
uncertain hydrological patterns are development agenda for addressing/linking to
expected to affect food security and climate change adaptation needs.
access to water in this highly diverse
4. Serve as a bridge among multiple sub sectors of
and ecologically fragile province.
agriculture, Government, Non Government,
Farmers are confronted with these
Private sector for enhanced coordination.
changes and need to be supported in
finding and developing adequate 5. Establish regional/global linkages and to facilitate
responses to these new challenges for relevant department for appropriate research and
ensuring their food security and development coordination.
resilience to weather extremes.

 Adaptation is usually distinguished from coping , which is
conceptualised as a short term mechanism of dealing with
immediate shocks

 Coping begins when a household is forced to mobilize

resources to respond to crises

 Also responses to declining food availability and entitlements

in abnormal seasons or years
 The degree to which adjustments are possible in practices or
structures of systems to projected or actual changes of

 This is largely influenced by resilience within the

(UNFCCC, 2002 and Reid & Vogel, 2006)

 It is also the ability of farmers to respond successfully and

make adjustments to climate change
 Potential or the ability of a system region or
communities to adapt to the effects or impacts
of a stressor
 Developed countries Vs Developing countries
 Within countries (Low and High Favoured
 Within communities (The rich, the middle and
the poor)
 Gender, age, health etc (at family level)
 Human capital
◦ Knowledge on climate (scientific and local)
◦ Technical and political
◦ Education level/perceptions/health status
 Information and technology
◦ Communication network (radio, TV, etc)
◦ Freedom of expression
◦ Technology transfer and packaging of information
◦ Innovative systems and capacity
◦ Early warning systems
◦ State of CSO relationships

◦ Social mobilization

◦ Density of institutional network

◦ Transport system

◦ Water infrastructure

◦ Sanitation

◦ Energy supply and management

◦ Modes of governance

◦ Leadership legitimacy

◦ Participation in decision making

◦ Decision and management capacity

◦ Sovereignty (trans boundary water course)

◦ Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and
property by lessening the impact of disasters.

◦ Mitigating climate change is about reducing the

release of greenhouse gas emissions that are
warming our planet
◦ The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant
human interference with the climate system...

◦ Switching to low-carbon energy sources such as

wind power, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric or
nuclear represents one of the major strategies
for lowering the emissions of greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere.
 Mitigation also extends to the protection of
natural carbon "sinks" like the forests or oceans.
New sinks can be created through, for example,
forest regeneration.

 Tackling Waste

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