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Music Genre’s Code and Conventions

 Rap
 Rock
 Pop
 Heavy Metal
 Reggae
 Hip Hop
 R+B
 Opera
 Indie
 Folk
 Acoustic
 *Screamo
 Punk Rock
 Classics
 Country
 Sad
 Jazz
 Dubstep
 Trap
 Grime
 Western

Rock/Indie – These music videos contains lots of guitars and focus on

the instruments, not dark but not really light somewhere in between the
two. Sometimes their music tells a story. So, they focus on narratives
and instruments. Performances lots of live shows. Playing instruments.
Black and white is quite popular. Lots of sad under tones. Long takes are
common, like short documentaries. Close ups of audiences having fun.
Close ups on instruments preforming – guitar. Women are the objects
and men are the subjects. Binary opposite colours, heavy shadow. Male
bonding, backstage footage. Baggy casual clothing. Lots of movement.
Slow motion is used. Montage shots of urban landscape. Band being
together showing unity.

Hip Hop – The music videos for hip hop music contains people wearing
very baggy clothes with benny hats, gold chains, either super casual or
super smart, expensive objects, always based on women and wealth.
These videos can contain different crimes also with drugs and guns.
Location is always in a party or a club. They have DJ music as well as lots
of graffiti. There is not really a story or a narrative. Recognised brands –
for advertisement. Opposite genders falling over the artist. Long angle
shot shows dominance. Exaggerated dances by females for males. Lots
of black culture.

Pop – In Pop music videos they have many bright lights, they also wear
lots of bright colours they have varied setting that are also bright. Most
of their music are upbeat and positive. With great positive vibes. Very
stylised artist, lots of close ups and long shots. Based around
relationship, sex and love based. More females then male in pop. Los of
dance routines. Using graphics and cartoons.


In Concert – Audience shots / handheld camera’s / instruments / intense

lighting / lots of sound / live footage / range of target audience / more
fixed / highlights from a show / crop music to listen to crowd / artist on
stage / tone depends on artist and song / don’t need big budget / behind
the scenes backstage footage – travelling / Example – Hook, Line and
Sinker – Royal Blood

Performance – choreography, dance routine / close ups on artist / focus

on mainly artist performance / intense lighting / lip syncing / lots of
movements / not on stage / lower budget / industrial locations / large
open spaces / studio based recording varied camera angles / Examples –
Chop Suey – System of the down / American idiot – Green Day / Black
Magic – Little mix

Narrative – Storyline / plot / moral / theme / genre / lights and sound

based on genre / specific target audience / story sometimes relates to
the lyrics / conveying a message / multiple characters – different story
threads / cutting to the beat / sometimes using film clips / made to look
like a short film (shot like a short film) / bigger budgets / Examples –
Enter Sandman – Metallica / Gives you Hell – All American rejects /
Deeper Underground – Jamiroquiai
Case Study
Themes – There is a theme including the military and violence. Fear of
the unknown also trust and forgiveness – The way he looks at the sun
and asks for forgiveness for the wounded solider – All about War. Killing
an fighting the stereotype of Muslims not killing

Lyric Interpretation – Plays up to propaganda, “God I’ll make them pay”

taking the power into their own hands. Interpreting that that is what the
military do, take power into their own hands.

Pacing – Slow pacing mainly through out performance, however the

tension did rise in the end with the guitar solo it was between the
different scenes with the guitar and the two-people having a stand off.

Shooting Style – There were a good amount of long shots as well as

some close ups, and some wide range shots. There was also silhouetting
showing that they aren’t always there it’s the message not the person
who comes up with it.

Editing Techniques – The technique kept switching from the narrative to

the band playing and singing.

Focus on Band? – There were scenes when the band would be playing
but it would keep cutting back to the main narrative. Also, they were in
the same setting as the people in the narrative.

How does it fit into the Narrative – The lyrics and the narrative both
closely linked with each other when they say the “Day that never
comes” You can see when the characters become hopeless.

Synergy and Controversy

Synergy – is when 2 to more different media sectors / products come

and work together to mutually benefit one another. For example, music
videos and films. Sometimes they contain both the artist and clips from
the film although in other cases the video will just involve footage from
the film.
Why would a producer use Synergy in their work’s

 To sell both the movie and the song

 To gain popularity for both
 To have a wide range of an audience / increase audience
 For more advertisement
 For more Technological Convergence
 More profit on both sides
 Better Royalties
 Increasing the promotion for both the film and music
 Extension of Outlets

Controversy – it often goes against the common ideologies.

Controversy in music video’s

 Racist stereotypes
 Stereotypes
 Objectification of women
 Certain political messages
 LGBTQ / homophobia / transphobia
 Propaganda
 Nudity
 Animal abuse / cruelty
 Mental health piss takes
 Satanic imagery
 Poverty
 Religious imagery
 Pro violence
 Objectification of males
 Suicide / self-harm
 Mistreatment against children
 Discrimination
 Portrayal of drug abuse and alcohol usage
 Over branding
 Bullying
 Abuse
 Sexual abuse
Harvard Referencing

Referencing is an academic practise and makes everything you do look more

professional. You need references so the person marking can see if you work id
accurate and where you’ve got the idea from. This helps the teachers know
you’ve looked through to find more research. It is advised not to look through
WIKIPEDIA since It can be edited. You need to references theories with
particular writers like Laura Mulvey. You can do it with different YouTube
videos and photographs. Altogether whenever you use another person’s work
or taken from it always reference.

In general, this is known as cheating and its known as a lack of academic
learning. You can avoid it by giving the persons reference you can also get
away with it if you re-word what you write.

Harvard System
Seven key points

 Authors name and initials

 Date of publication
 Title
 Journal name
 Publisher
 Place of publication

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