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Our First Bare Halloween Party - Happy Nude-a-ween!!!

Our initial Unclothed Halloween Party in NJ:

Bare Halloween Party - In the event you missed it on October 22nd, FKK and Ranger World
partnered up to take on the Jersey coast with a Naked-A-Ween bash!
What's Ranger World, you say? It's a group that assembles at Sandy Hook / Gunnison
naturist beach for a dynamic social scene, while keeping a watch out for camera pervs and
misbehaving peeps that want a stern word or "kick" in the other way. We merely discovered
the group this past summer, but we've been told they have been around for 30 years!
So some of the Ranger World guys decided to keep inhabiting their shore place with some
unclothed Halloween bash hoopla in the off season.
Their site was a huge nightclub / bar with a dance floor in one room and pub in another. We
joined about 30-40 people and a good mix of guys and gals. Some were in full costume,
some wearing accessories and some with costumes painted on, for example a complete-
body painted skeleton. Sweet.
These are not RW or FKK folks, but they would be if we had a nude pumpkin run at our
Naked Halloween Celebration!
Which sounds wrong, and maybe it's, but still made for an enjoyable, really interesting game
of Twister!
Additionally, only a reminder that this Thursday November 3rd is the naked launch party for
Bare Naked Bake Sale! This is a new firm in NYC that uses tasteful, artistic, provocative,
thoughtful nudity to raise cash for a cause or organization.
They'll be launching their new web site and showing you how you can create your own naked
photo shoot if you so fancy! It is not clothing-optional regrettably, but it will be a great time!
Hope you all had a Happy Unclothed Halloween celebration, or as we like to call it -
Unclothed-a-ween and see you Thursday!
The Never Ending Cycle Of Drama From Vita Nuda - Happy Nude-a-ween! and other Naked
Party And Naked Parties posts written By Felicity Jones For - Young Naturists And Young
Naturists America FKK
Labels: new jersey, naked and naked parties
Group: Felicity's Naturist Blog, Naked Party and Bare Occasions, Bare Party and Naked
Parties, Social Nudity Sites
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Author of Naturist Website. Co founder of Naturist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader.
Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you've
got something to say!

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