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Medicina (Kaunas) 2011;47(12):682-5

Cloacal Exstrophy: A Case Report and Literature Review

Vitalij Varygin1, Šarūnas Bernotas2, Pranas Gurskas3, Valerijus Karmanovas4,
Sigitas Strupas3, Olga Zimanaitė5, Gilvydas Verkauskas5
Department of Gastroenterology, Nephrourology and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University,
Department of Pediatric Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University
Hospital Santariškių Klinikos, 3Department of Pediatric Surgery, Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University
Hospital Santariškių Klinikos, 4Department of Pediatric Intensive Care, Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius
University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos, 5Department of Pediatric Urology, Children’s Hospital,
Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos, Lithuania

Key words: exstrophy; cloaca; cloacal exstrophy.

Summary. Cloacal exstrophy is an extremely rare congenital malformation resulting in an ex-

strophy of the urinary, intestinal, and genital organs and associated with anomalies of other organ
systems. We present a complicated case of cloacal exstrophy and the recent progress in the manage-
ment of this probably most complicated anomaly in pediatric urology and surgery.

Introduction urinary, gastrointestinal, and genital reconstruction,

Cloacal exstrophy, sometimes also called vesi- designed to adapt the patient as a free person and of
cointestinal fissure, is probably the most challenging appropriate psychological gender.
birth defect in urology and pediatric surgery. It was
suggested even to relate the number of departments Case Report
of pediatric urology in a country to the number of A 24-year-old woman gave birth to a preterm
newborns with exstrophy born per year. Patient alive newborn (gestational age, 32 weeks). This was
survival and optimal management of this anomaly the second pregnancy and the first delivery. The
reflect the maturity of pediatric surgery and urol- first pregnancy was terminated due to complica-
ogy and pediatric health care in general. Since every tions at the eighth week of pregnancy. She did not
case is different in a complexity of the anomaly, we have any antenatal history of drug intake or infec-
present our case with review of the literature. tion. Antenatal ultrasonography revealed the fetus
Cloacal exstrophy is an extremely rare congenital in the breech position having an omphalocele with
disorder thought to be related to abnormal develop- no visualization of the bladder. The newborn was
ment of the cloacal membrane, a transitory structure born by cesarean section. Birth weight and height
composed of endoderm and ectoderm that overlies of the fetus was 1930 g and 41 cm, respectively. The
the embryonic cloaca. The arrested development of mother, together with her child, was transferred to
the cloaca leads to urethral, vaginal, and rectal open- a tertiary center, i.e., a neonatal intensive care unit.
ings all sharing a common single external orifice. On external examination, the ventral abdominal
The faulty embryogenesis in cloacal exstrophy com- wall was found to be defective with a giant ompha-
pounds the problem by rupture onto the anterior ab- locele incorporating the liver, stomach, spleen and
dominal wall. The result is primarily an abdominal loops of intestine, covered by a partially ruptured
wall defect with failed closure of the lower urinary membrane with exstrophy elements in the lower part
tract, maldevelopment, and failed closure of the co- (Figs. 1 and 2). Male sex was confirmed after ex-
lon. Several theories have been suggested, but the amination of the external genitalia. Normal 46 XY
exact nature of this problem is currently unknown. karyotype was determined later. Just above the epis-
Over the last 30 years, the focus has shifted from padiac glans penis, there was a duplicated bladder
the survival, despite its complexity, to improving patch with 2 ureteric orifices separated by an extro-
patient outcomes and ensuring the optimum qual- fied cecal patch with 4 orifices. On squeezing the
ity of life for him/her afterward, which includes an abdomen, a speck of meconium was found to appear
appropriate gender assignment, independence from in the upper part of the central mucosal patch. There
stoma appliances, higher level of physical and social was an imperforate anus with only a dimple seen in
independence and mobility. The priority is given to the perineum. The penis was epispadiac. On x-ray,
sacral agenesis and spina bifida was detected. Fur-
Correspondence to G. Verkauskas, Department of Pediatric
Urology, Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University ther examination of the pelvic organs with sonog-
Hospital Santariškių Klinikos, Santariškių 7, 08406 Vilnius, raphy showed the pelvic hypoplastic left kidney and
Lithuania. E-mail: intraabdominal testicles.

Medicina (Kaunas) 2011;47(12)

684 Vitalij Varygin, Šarūnas Bernotas, Pranas Gurskas, et al.

complished. Bilateral orchidopexy and hernia repair It occurs probably in 1 per 200 000–400 000 live
were performed during the same procedure. births (5). The European Society for Paediatric Urol-
The postoperative period was complicated by pre- ogy conducted a prospective study on the incidence
mature extubation and necessitating resuscitation, of bladder/cloacal exstrophy and epispadias, but the
complicated by pneumonitis and sepsis. Complex true incidence is still not clear. In Lithuania, cloacal
treatment, including tracheostomy, in the intensive exstrophy may occur approximately once in 10 years,
care unit resulted in recovery, primary wound heal- but 2 cases were registered in 2 consecutive years.
ing, and taking off the tracheostomy tube. The child In our case, only omphalocele was suspected
was immobilized initially with a hip spica cast, later prenatally. Nowadays, cloacal exstrophy can of-
changed to Bryant’s traction for 6 weeks altogether. ten be diagnosed using antenatal ultrasound. The
There was also a problem in obtaining good fecal ultrasound criteria involve no visualization of the
consistency; the infant did not gain weight. Not only bladder, a large midline infraumbilical anterior wall
because of malabsorption caused by the absence of the defect or a cystic anterior wall structure, an ompha-
colon, this was also linked to intestinal allergy to cow’s locele, and lumbosacral anomalies. The antenatal
milk. Food intake was improved with a hypoallergenic diagnosis of cloacal exstrophy may cause parents to
mixture, nutritionally complete powdered formula, have antenatal consultation with a pediatric urolo-
containing 100% free amino acids and manufactured gist or a surgeon and facilitate appropriate referrals
in a milk protein-free environment together with por- before birth (6).
ridge of boiled rice and mixture without lactose. It The classic cloacal exstrophy manifests itself as
resulted in the improvement of fecal consistency, and two exstrophied bladder halves divided by a strip of
body weight increased to 4300 g in one month. the exstrophied cecum, generally accompanied by
Despite this achievement, child’s growth was a prolapsed ileal segment. In our case, there was no
complicated by frequent diarrheas and malabsorp- typical prolapse of the small bowel, so-called elephant
tion. The mother was taught to dilate the distal trunk deformity. There were duplicated appendiceal
reconstructed blind segment of the colon by an- orifices on the central strip. The most inferior ori-
tegrade enemas. The volume of infused isotonic fice, representing the distal colon, was not duplicated
solution was gradually increased from 5 to 25 mL. in our case. It is not always evident on inspection,
At the age of 1 year, he was operated on again: the and the true intestinal anatomy in every case is estab-
colonic remnant was connected to the ileum and lished only during surgical exploration (Fig. 2).
put as a new stoma. It significantly improved fecal Male genitalia are typically represented as an
consistency and growth of the infant. epispadiac penis on widely separated pubic bones.
At the age of 1.5 years, 6 months after the last In female fetuses, the Mullerian duct orifices may
operation, the child’s weight was more than 9 kg. be exstrophied below the bladder mucosa, and a
The parents are confident in stoma care, and the duplicate vagina and bifid clitoris may be present.
child is regularly followed up by a pediatric gastro- In our case, it was difficult for the obstetrician to
enterologist, urologist, and neurosurgeon. He is uri- determine the sex of the newborn from external
nary incontinent with epispadias, but has no recur- examination. Male sex was confirmed in a tertiary
rent urinary tract infections or dilatation of the renal center by a specialist after examination of external
collecting system. genitalia and by karyotype investigation.
Historically, a genetically male infant with cloa-
Discussion cal exstrophy and a phallus of inadequate size for
Exstrophy of the cloaca was first described in reconstruction was often assigned to female gender,
1709 by Littre and later in 1812 by Meckel. The sur- performing early orchidectomy with subsequent
gical correction was introduced with the report by hormone replacement at puberty. This concept was
Rickman in 1960, describing a 3-stage procedure accepted, given the prevailing opinion on gender
carried out within 8 months. The survival rate of neutrality in the newborn and importance of sex of
50% was acceptable, and male-to-female gender re- rearing at that time. The appropriateness of this de-
assignment was recommended (1). cision has now been re-evaluated by several authors,
Cloacal exstrophy is difficult to define because leading to increased awareness but also additional
the combination of anomalies is different from case controversy in the gender reassignment of these pa-
to case. Severe anomaly along a spectrum that in- tients (4). It is important to remember that cloacal
cludes both epispadias and classic bladder exstrophy exstrophy is not a disorder of sexual differentiation,
collectively has been termed the exstrophy-epispa- and those genetically male patients have histologi-
dias complex (EEC) (1, 2). Cloacal exstrophy has cally normal testicles with a normal response to
also been referred to as the OEIS complex: ompha- antenatal androgens in the utero, as would be ex-
locele, exstrophy, imperforate anus, and spinal de- pected (7). The short penis and marked chordae is
fect (3). Beside these classic defects, most affected attributed to abnormally separated corporal bodies
infants also have other anatomic anomalies (4). on the ischiopubic rami. Reconstructive procedures
Medicina (Kaunas) 2011;47(12)
Cloacal Exstrophy: A Case Report and Literature Review 685

for epispadias have recently improved, but still carry separated from the bladder, closed, and functional-
a high risk of complications, remaining short penis, ized with the hindgut. If the cecal closure is tenuous,
and retrograde, if any, ejaculation. In females, after it should be protected with a temporary ileostomy
exstrophy reconstruction, the perineum seems to be that can be closed in a few weeks. The hindgut also
placed anterosuperiorly, the vagina could be dupli- should not be used for reconstruction of the urinary
cated and short, with a high risk of uterine prolapse tract. As this short piece of bowel grows, it will de-
during or after puberty. In spite of various tech- velop water absorptive capacity that makes a pull-
niques, the final cosmetic and functional outcome through or a colostomy much more manageable (3).
also remains to be improved (8). We managed to preserve the hindgut and tubular-
Surgery performed to repair cloacal exstrophy is ized cecum after initially leaving it defunctionalized
usually carried out in the neonatal period, during because of small size and doubtful blood supply. In
the first 72 h if possible, in collaboration of pedi- our opinion, progressive dilatation by antegrade en-
atric surgeons and urologists. Neurosurgical consul- emas of isotonic solution was an important factor for
tation in terms of accompanying spinal dysraphism the success of subsequent bowel lengthening.
should be held as soon as the infant is medically sta- In the first few years of life, emphasis should be
ble. Early correction diminishes bacterial coloniza- placed on growth and development of these chil-
tion of exposed viscera and may reduce the need for dren. The urinary tract should be left in a condi-
pelvic osteotomy. An individualized approach toward tion that drains freely so that the baby does not have
reconstruction of the genitourinary and gastrointesti- recurrent urinary tract infections. Patient growth
nal tract, whether in a single or multistage procedure, and nutrition needs to be monitored carefully, and
is commonly acknowledged as producing the best regular renal ultrasound scans should be obtained
long-term outcomes. The objectives of management to assess renal growth (9). The next reconstruction
include secure abdominal wall and bladder closure, (epispadias and bladder neck repair) will be planned
preservation of renal function, prevention of short depending on an increasing bladder volume at the
bowel syndrome, reconstruction of genitalia adequate age 3 to 5 years.
functionally and cosmetically, and achievement of Cloacal exstrophy remains a rare and challeng-
acceptable urinary and fecal continence (7). During ing diagnosis and must be managed only in tertiary
the third surgery, after assessing the child’s age, low centers with all necessary specialists and units. In
weight, great degree of symphyseal diastasis, imma- case of a small country, training of specialists in re-
turity of bone tissue, and other associated patholo- ferral centers is of paramount importance. The op-
gies, it was decided to perform a bilateral anterior timal treatment of cloacal exstrophy must address
oblique mid-innominate osteotomy, which seems to many different aspects of an individual, from the
give the optimum mobility and reduced hemorrhage timing and type of repair to genital reconstruction
risk as compared to, for example, posterior osteoto- and quality-of-life issues (10). Advances in medical
my. In our case, it allowed the rotation of pubic bones and surgical management have allowed for dramati-
and improved the bladder closure (Fig. 4). cally improved survival and continence rates, but
The objective of early treatment should be to uti- even with the best care, these children will require
lize an intestine for nutrition and to functionalize the lifelong support.
hindgut so that it could develop. For these reasons, it
is recommended that the cecum, which easily could Statement of Conflict of Interest
be left as a natural bladder augmentation, should be The authors state no conflict of interest.

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Received 7 December 2010, accepted 29 December 2011

Medicina (Kaunas) 2011;47(12)

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