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Know More About Tummy Tuck Surgery

Everyone desires to have a firm and flat abdomen profile. Abdominoplasty or

Tummy tuck procedure helps in improving the abdominal shape as it tightens
and reshapes the abdominal area and helps an individual to attain an
aesthetically pleasing, slimmer abdominal shape. A protuberant abdomen is one
of the reasons for distress in many men and women. Often it is observed that
some people who lose weight in a short span of time are more prone to have
excessive loose hanging skin. Tummy tuck is one of the best methods which
helps an individual to look and feel normal, as this surgery flattens the abdomen
by removing excess fat and skin and also tightens the loose muscles in the
abdominal wall.

Dr. K. M. Kapoor is the best plastic surgeon in Punjab (India) who also
performs various body contouring surgeries that focus on improving the body
shape and appearance of an individual. Dr. Kapoor holds an extensive
experience of more than 17 years in performing various cosmetic and plastic
Who is eligible for Tummy Tuck Surgeries?

Tummy tuck procedure is best suited for healthy men and women. Women who
have sagging skin after pregnancy can be benefited from the procedure of
tummy tuck (Note. Females must opt for this surgery after they have completed
with their childbearing/family). Individuals who have lost excess weight after
bariatric surgery can also avail of tummy tuck surgery benefits. During the
procedure, the loose skin around the stomach and excess fat are taken out very
carefully, to achieve the desired results. This surgery is effective for people who
are not able to get rid of exercise-resistant fat and sagging skin through proper
diet and exercise.

What the different types of Tummy Tuck Surgeries?

Tummy tuck surgical procedure removes excess skin and fat from the middle
and the lower abdomen and is also used to tighten the overly stretched muscles.
Abdominoplasty in India is mostly performed in two different types, full
tummy tuck, and mini tummy tuck.

Full Tummy Tuck: This is performed when abdominal muscles need tightening
both above and below the belly button. After the removal of excess skin and fat,
the abdominal skin is pulled downward for a flat firm abdomen. Liposuction is
often combined with this to sculpt and contour the body shape.

Mini-Tummy Tuck: This is performed when excess skin and abdominal

muscles are confined to the lower abdomen only. In this surgery, smaller
incisions are involved to remove excess fat and skin. In this, the naval
repositioning is also performed.

Often people wonder which is the suitable age for undergoing tummy tuck
surgery. The surgeon does not recommend this procedure for individuals who
are younger than 18 years of age. Tummy tuck surgery is performed under
general anesthesia and involves an incision around the belly button and another
incision runs from one side of the hip to another hip on the underside of the
lower abdomen. The muscles of the abdomen are tightened and excess skin and
fat are removed.

Tummy tuck surgery takes about 3 to 5 hours, depending upon the amount of
fat and skin to be removed and the amount of muscle repair required.
Postoperative it is very essential to wear a compression garment for the first few
weeks after the procedure to provide support to the treated area and minimize
swelling. Working professionals with physical activity may require off for about
four to five weeks before resuming work. In the case of office work, an
individual can return to work after one to two weeks, but one should take
proper consultation from the surgeon before performing any type of activity or

Tummy tuck cost in India varies widely depending on the requirements of the
patient. At Anticlock-Age Reversal Clinic and Medispa, one can get treatment
from the best tummy tuck surgeon in Chandigarh, Dr. K. M. Kapoor. For more
information, consult today!

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