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Clin Rheumatol (2003) 22: 1–5

DOI 10.1007/s10067-002-0672-3


B. Van Houdenhove

Fibromyalgia: a challenge for modern medicine

Ó Clinical Rheumatology 2003

patients should be divided into subgroups, for example

Introduction those with an idiopathic symptom onset, and those with
a post-traumatic onset [11–13]. On the other hand, a
The article by Ehrlich [1] rightly points to the hazards of
strong plea has been made for classing all kinds of
the diagnostic concept of fibromyalgia (FM). However,
functional somatic syndromes (FM, CFS, irritable
the author appears to be highly biased by a medicolegal
bowel syndrome etc.) together, as they clearly overlap
perspective. As a liaison psychiatrist with a main interest
and may even be considered ‘an artefact of medical
in FM, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and other
specialisation’ [2,14].
‘functional somatic syndromes’ [2,3], I disagree on sev-
In contrast, the term ‘illness’ connotes a subjective
eral points with Ehrlich’s comments. In what follows I
state of physical, psychological and social suffering
will try to demonstrate that FM, viewed from a broader
which can only be understood and defined within the
clinical perspective, is a kind of ‘ill health’ that consti-
individual’s experience [4,15]. Many studies have docu-
tutes a formidable challenge for modern medicine. My
mented the suffering of patients with persistent pain,
commentary will be organised around six topics: con-
involving not only physical misery, but also emotional
cepts and terminology; diagnostic assessment; labeling;
distress associated with psychological losses, an unpre-
aetiology; pathophysiology; and assessment of disabili-
dictable outcome, and a frequent lack of social recog-
ty. I will conclude with some considerations about the
nition [16].
task of modern medicine.
Thus, although patients with chronic widespread
musculoskeletal pain and fatigue may not have a discrete
disease [1], they undeniably suffer from a very real illness
A virtual disease? Perhaps. A real illness? Definitely! [17,18]. But how should this kind of ill health be diag-
nosed and labelled?
The term ‘disease’ usually refers to a well-defined med-
ical condition, based on a specific pathological process
[4]. FM – a syndrome consisting of widespread pain,
tenderness, and non-specific symptoms such as sleep Tender points or tender patients...
problems, fatigue and effort intolerance – cannot be
considered a ‘disease’, because the above conditions are In 1990 the American College of Rheumatology rec-
not fulfilled. Not only is there much criticism regarding ommended tender point measurement as the only reli-
the definition [5–7] and uncertainty about the aetio- able diagnostic tool for FM [19]. Although originally
pathogenesis [8], but it has also been argued that FM is intended for classification and research purposes, ‘tender
not a discrete entity but the end state of a spectrum of points’ have rapidly become the diagnostic hallmark of
pain and tenderness [9,10]. Others have claimed that FM FM in the clinic. However, basing a diagnosis on ‘the
doctor’s thumb’ takes neither the complexities of the
patient’s illness experience into account, nor the cogni-
tive–perceptual, emotional, and sociocultural biases af-
B. Van Houdenhove (&) fecting symptom reporting [15]. Moreover, during the
Department of Liaison Psychiatry, last decade the specificity and clinical usefulness of the
University Hospitals KU Leuven, tender point criterion has been increasingly called into
Herestraat 49, B-3212 Leuven, Belgium
Tel.: 016-348702 question [20,21].
Fax: 016-348700 At present, it is assumed that the core symptoms of
E-mail: FM (widespread pain, mechanical allodynia and

hyperalgesia) are based on a hypersensitivity of central will certainly be possible by symptomatic measures
pain mechanisms, whereas tender points have been re- and – above all – by learning to cope with the illness.
considered ‘a marker of distress or somatisation’ [22]. Thus, giving a name to the illness and using it con-
Interestingly, some years ago we published an arti- structively will not ‘foster a life of somatising’ [1], but
cle in this journal, discussing the possible aetiological rather open a perspective on pragmatic treatment, aimed
role of psychopathology in FM, and the importance of at optimising physical and mental functioning and
a thorough exploration of previous and current life quality of life, by promoting active coping, self-efficacy
stresses in these patients [23]. Others, however, have and long-term self-care [37,38].
claimed that psychopathology might primarily be a
reaction to the illness [24], or not linked to the illness
itself but to the patients’ healthcare seeking [25].
Meanwhile, several studies (also in the community) Overcoming aetiological simplicity
have shown that FM is in most cases intrinsically re-
lated to pre-existing or concurrent psychosocial or In medicine, aetiology is all too often explained in simple
psychiatric problems [26,27]. In our experience, the monocausal terms, whereby ‘organic’ and ‘psychogenic’
onset of FM (and CFS) is often associated with the causes are dichotomised [39]. Within a broader biopsy-
chronic stress of an overactive lifestyle, pathological chosocial perspective, however, the aetiology – particu-
perfectionism, or self-sacrificing care-giving behaviour larly of functional somatic syndromes – must be
[28,29]. Moreover, a substantial subgroup of FM pa- considered multifactorial (implying a complex interplay
tients has been victim of severe adverse experiences, of physical and psychosocial factors) as well as multi-
such as emotional neglect, physical maltreatment, or dimensional (implying predisposing, precipitating and
sexual abuse during childhood and/or adulthood reinforcing/maintaining factors) [40,41].
[30,31]. It appears that many of these patients have As mentioned above, the history of FM patients often
long tried to keep their head above water, but even- reveals longstanding psychosocial vulnerabilities, as well
tually end up as ‘exhausted fighters’ [18]. as precipitating physical overburden and emotional
The lesson to be learned from the above is that the distress, which may interact with a genetic predisposi-
diagnosis of FM (and other functional somatic syn- tion. Furthermore, symptoms and disability may be
dromes) should not be limited to the assessment of perpetuated by somatic hypervigilance (giving rise to
clinical features, but essentially requires careful listen- symptom amplification); maladaptive illness beliefs; ac-
ing to the patient [32]. That such listening is more the tivity avoidance (leading to physical deconditioning and
exception than the rule in contemporary medicine is disuse); persistent sleep disturbances; anxiety and de-
clearly illustrated by a clinical case conference on a pression, related to the stress of the illness or ongoing
CFS patient, published in an authoritative medical familial or professional problems; and operant condi-
journal [33]. tioning of illness behaviour (e.g. because of protracted
compensation/litigation disputes).
This broad view should replace common medicolegal
Labeling may be good for your health dilemmas, for example whether FM symptoms are
caused by a prior whiplash injury, or related to a
The ‘FM’ label for these patients should not necessarily be pre-existing psychiatric condition [42]. It seems more
‘iatrogenic’, as Ehrlich [1] and others [7,34] contend. For plausible that a physical trauma – particularly when
example, in a recent study it was found that this label did associated with chronic emotional distress, poor coping,
not negatively affected the long-term outcome of patients and lack of support – may in vulnerable individuals fa-
with chronic widespread pain [35]. Evidently, the purpose cilitate the development of an abnormal and persistent
of the ‘FM’ label is not to ‘reify’ the patient’s distress into a pain response, which in turn may impede normal healing
disease construct, but to integrate symptoms and and recovery [18].
functional limitations into a descriptive term that makes Intensive research is now being carried out to unravel
communication about the illness easier [4,36]. the exact nature of pathophysiological processes playing
A diagnostic label further reassures the patients that a role in the initiation and chronification of pain and
their condition is known by the doctor, that there might other FM symptoms – see below.
be an explanation for it, and that their symptoms and
suffering are real and legitimate. This may lessen anxiety
and worrying, restore a sense of predictability and
control, prevent further ‘doctor shopping’, and stop the Somatisation is not ‘all in the head’
relentless search for a biomedical cause [4,36].
When asked for the underlying cause of ‘FM’, the When the patient’s pain and other symptoms cannot be
physician should present only tentative explanations, explained within the biomedical model, doctors often
such as ‘your pain system might have become hyper- refer to ‘somatisation’ – which patients generally inter-
sensitive’ [18]. The patient should further be informed pret as ‘psychogenic’ or even imaginary. However, there
that no causal treatment is available, but amelioration is now ample evidence that somatisation should be

rethought of as a process involving not only psycho- internal logic and consistency of the answers – and at the
logical or psychophysiological, but also neurobiological same time evaluating the interference of psychosocial
mechanisms [43,44]. aspects (such as the patient’s emotional state and the
It has been consistently found that the hypothalamic– availability of familial support) may in most cases allow
pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis may be hyporeactive in one to ‘objectively’ determine functional capacities and
various functional somatic syndromes, probably result- limitations [18]. Psychometric testing [59], work-simu-
ing from a lack of central drive [45–47]. This seems to lating tasks [55], and gathering information from sig-
reflect a downregulation of the stress response system nificant others can be of additional value, but should
after a prolonged period of functioning ‘in overdrive’ – always be interpreted within the patient’s personal nar-
which is consistent with the patients’ life histories [32]. rative.
Interestingly, very similar findings have been reported in Evidently, work disability assessors are also obliged
post-traumatic stress syndrome [48], which not rarely co- to prevent possible misuse of the social security system.
occurs with FM [49]. These neuroendocrine dysregula- They ought, for example, to be aware of the increasing
tions may be associated with immune disturbances, such impact of FM self-help organisations, pressure groups
as an abnormal production of proinflammatory cyto- and the modern media (such as the internet) on the
kines, leading to a typical ‘sickness response’ and pos- patients’ symptom presentation [1,60,61]. However, this
sibly being responsible for the lower pain threshold, should not lead to paranoid-like prejudices, whereby
postexertion malaise and concentration difficulties in every FM patient is suspected to be a potential malin-
FM patients [50]. gerer who should even be watched by a ‘candid camera’
Abnormal pain sensitivity may also be fostered by [62,63].
autonomous nervous dysfunction, inhibition of de- Finally, work disability in FM patients is a social
scending pain mechanisms, peripheral and central neu- problem as well. To be able to remain at work depends
ronal sensitisation, and an increase of pro-nociceptive not only on the patient’s functional limitations, but also
neuromodulators (such as substance P and nerve growth on the willingness of employers to adjust work envi-
factor) [45–47]. Recent evidence from neuroimaging ronments and work tasks, and to provide individualised
studies seems to confirm the involvement of dysfunc- solutions [64]. From a broader societal perspective, the
tional brain processes [51]. time has come to investigate why stress-related illnesses
Although the exact nature of the above disturbances seem to increase in all western countries, and to discuss
is unknown, it could be expected that the new and in- how society could best handle the growing numbers of
tegrative sciences of psychoneuroendocrinology and work disability and compensation claims of those who
psychoneuroimmunology will ‘bridge’ the cartesian gap succumb [18].
between (neuro)biological and psychological factors in
FM, and further elucidate the impact of ‘the story on the
body’ [32,52,53]. Modern medicine and ill health

Should medicine only focus on symptoms and syn-

Assessing disability in FM dromes that have reached a full ‘disease’ status? Should
doctors close their eyes to human suffering that cannot
People with FM are not only ill, their symptoms may be proved by hard evidence? Should these kinds of ‘ill-
strongly interfere with daily functioning and lead to ness-without-disease’ be disqualified as ‘non-diseases’,
marked life disruption [54]. Many authors have written i.e. not deserving medical attention [65,66]?
about the thorny problem of disability determination in To answer these questions, consider a curious para-
FM [55,56], and this has given rise to heated medicolegal dox that has developed during the last few decades.
discussions and an avalanche of critical editorials (see, Although medicine has never been more evidence based
for example, [57]). than today, thousands of patients follow the hazardous
Certainly, assessing disability in patients with func- paths of alternative or complementary medicine [67].
tional somatic syndromes is a difficult task, containing Could it be that conventional medicine, by focusing
many pitfalls [58]. For example, ‘objective assessment’ is excessively on its technical and scientific power, over-
in the medicolegal setting often misconceived as ‘verifi- simplifies the complex and interpersonal nature of clin-
cation by measurement’. Strictly speaking, however, the ical care, and by so doing loses the art and humanity of
term ‘objective’ refers to the criteria of validity and reli- its practice [16,68–70]?
ability, i.e. aims at excluding personal bias as much as In this sense, FM challenges modern medicine and its
possible. Nobody will deny that disability in psychiatric practitioners. FM – and other kinds of ill health – invites
disorders can be objectively evaluated, without any mea- us to accept all suffering, even when it is not based on
suring, by carefully listening to the patient’s self-report. ‘objective’ impairment and thus not ‘falsifiable’ [1]. The
Why should functional somatic syndromes such as FM be syndrome reminds us that a trustful therapeutic alliance,
treated differently from a medicolegal point of view? an empathic and non-judgemental relationship style,
Thus, questioning in detail the patient’s physical and and a commitment to continuing care can be extremely
mental functioning – while keeping an eye on the powerful therapeutic tools. It makes us realise that we

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nowadays seem to be the privilege of non-conventional tender points count and pain as evidence of fibromyalgia. Br
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