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Dr. Turdjai, M.Pd


Insyi Novlita

Grade B




With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given love and mercy so
that a paper entitled " instructional design and technology in health care" can we finish well.
The paper is structured to meet one of the tasks of the education technology.

On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have helped us in
completing the writing of this paper, to Dr. Turdjai, M.Pd as lecturer in education technology
for the support and motivation.

We are fully aware that the many flaws in the writing of this paper, in terms of
material, technical and presentation material. Therefore, we expect criticism and constructive
suggestions to further refine the writing of this paper. Finally, we hope that the writing of this
paper can be useful for readers.

Manna, 1th August 2019

The writer

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Table List Of Content

Cover 1

Preface 2

Table List Of Content 3


A. Background 4
B. Formulation of the problem 4


1. Education, Technology, And Health Care 5

2. Medical Education : A Brief History 5

3. Observations About Health Science Education 6

4. Factors/Issues Affecting Education And Training 7


A. Conclusion 8
B. Suggestion 8


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A. Background

Instructional design and technology are employed in different settings.

General societal forces affect each context, and those who work in a given setting
have their own priorities, values and culture. All of these factors affect the education
and training agenda and, consequently , the way in which technology is used and
instruction is created. In this chapter , I review instructional design and technology in
health care setting, especially as a relates to educating and teraining physicians and
other health proffesionals.

The chapter begins with as overview of education in different areas of helth

and a brief history of medical education. The later is used to frame a disscussion of
education and trining in the health care field and the factors currently driving
application of technology and development of instruction. Educational issues that are
important to the health science community are identified and an attempt is made to
portray the overriding concers of those working with educational.

B. Formulation of the problem

How about history of instructional Design And Technology In Health Care ?

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1. Education, Technology, And Health Care

One of the first thing that you learn is that the health care field is very broad.
Most of us associate health care with hospitals and doctors offices. The health care
field involves not only the delievery of health services, but also biomedical research.
It includes the edical proffesion and its varied subspecies plus the proffesions of
veterinary medicine, dentisary, nursing, allied health, and public health.
Biotechnology (the use of dna and protein sequences to engineer biological
substances) and medical informatics are emerging as new subspecialis due to
advances in genetics and computer science. The health field includes varied
proffesions and specility groups and also embraces such related sciences and
diciplines as anatomy, biochemistry, molecular, biology, physiology, and pshycology.
In addition to academic institutions , hospitals, clinics, and research centers, the health
care field also include certain regulatory agencies and industries involved in drug
manufactring , genetic engineering and medical instruments.

2. Medical Education : A Brief History

Another of the first things that you learn in the health field is the key roles
physicians play in providing health care and leading terms of other health
proffesionals. This leadership extends to management and other areas outside the
direct delievery of health care . trends and standards in medical educational often spill
over into other domains as a consequences. But there are additionl reasons why
medical education affects other health proffesions. There stands to be more research
and evaluation of medical education programs, so much of the empirical evidence
guiding education and training in health programs.
Other research has documented the benefits of problem based learning. Meta-
analysis and literature reviews indicate that students in PBL curricula perform as well
as well as or better than those in traditional programs on clinical reasoning test but
somewhat less well on basic science exams.

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3. Observations About Health Science Education
The health proffsions are helping proffesions in which much is at stake.
Although medical doctors make a lot of money and incoe may be a factor in choosing
some of the higher praying health proffesions , it is not always the overriding one.
The idea of healing and helping people is more than just rheotoric. Those who work
with education and training in the health field are working with health proffesionals
whoa are cocerned about others and who have high standards .
The health field is one area in which errors in learning literally can be a matter
of life or death.there are risks not only for patients, but also for health practitioners
and students. Health proffesionals do not wear rubber glovesbecause they are trying to
make fashion statements.

4. Factors/Issues Affecting Education And Training

Varied factors affect the development of instruction and the application of
instructional design and technology in different settings. A factor that is significant in
one context might be negligible in another. There are many factors affecting
education and training in thehealth care field as a whole, but perhaps the four most
significant ones are knowledge and research, regulations and standards, cost and
damaged care, and convergence
a) Knowledge and research
Knowledge advances rapidly in health care. Consequently, its currency and
integrity are overriding concerns. Given the visual nature of much of he
content, these concerns extends to the level of the pixel. Any instruction that is
developed must have accurate, up to date information.

b) Regulations and standards

Regulation and standards effect education and training because they dictate
what has to be learned. Many of the substance and devices that are used in
health care and the procedure for their use are regulated.

c) Costs and managed care

Although tuition for some health proffesins can be high, education is cost
center, not a profit center, for health care institutions. There costs often are
underwritten from income generated by hospitals and clinics.

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d) Convergence
Converging technlogies re affecting education and training in all fields,
including health care. As television, telephony, and computing come together,
applications are emerging in coporation these varied modalities.

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A. Conclusion
Although this chapter has provided separate accounts of the history of
instructional design and technology health care, there is an obvious overlapping between
these two areas. Many instructional solutions arrived at through the use of instructional
design processes require the employment of the instructional media discussed in the first
half of this chapter. Moreover, many individuals (e.g., Clark, 2001; Clark, 1994; Kozma,
1994; Morrison, 1994; Reiser, 1994; Shrock, 1994) have argued that the effective use of
media for instructional purposes requires careful instructional planning, such as that
prescribed by models of instructional design. In the field of instructional design and
technology, those whose work is influenced by the lessons learned from the history of
media and the history of instructional design will be wellpositioned to have a positive
influence on future developments within the field.

B. Suggestion
In this paper may be error and something wrong, please for your critical and
suggestion for the better next paper.

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American Association Of Medical School Web Site

American Heart Association We Site

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Web Site

Food And Drug Administration Web Site

Kellog Foundation Web Site

Merck And Company Web Site

Novartis Web Site

University Of Lowa Virtual Hospital Web Site

University Of UTAH

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