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Executive Summary

c In individuals with overt CVD, a lower c Include smoking cessation counsel- either ACE inhibitors or ARBs should be
LDL cholesterol goal of ,70 mg/dL ing and other forms of treatment as used. (A)
(1.8 mmol/l), using a high dose of a a routine component of diabetes care. c If one class is not tolerated, the other
statin, is an option. (B) (B) should be substituted. (E)
c If drug-treated patients do not reach c Reduction of protein intake to 0.8 1.0
the above targets on maximal tolerated Coronary heart disease (CHD) g z kg body wt21 z day21 in individuals
statin therapy, a reduction in LDL cho- screening and treatment with diabetes and the earlier stages of
lesterol of 30 40% from baseline is an CKD and to 0.8 g z kg body wt21 z day21
alternative therapeutic goal. (A) c In asymptomatic patients, routine screen- in the later stages of CKD may improve
c Triglycerides levels ,150 mg/dL (1.7 ing for coronary artery disease (CAD) is measures of renal function (UAE rate,
mmol/l) and HDL cholesterol .40 mg/ not recommended, as it does not im- GFR) and is recommended. (B)
dL (1.0 mmol/l) in men and .50 mg/dL prove outcomes as long as CVD risk c When ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or diuretics
(1.3 mmol/l) in women, are desirable. factors are treated. (A) are used, monitor serum creatinine
However, LDL cholesterol targeted statin and potassium levels for the develop-
therapy remains the preferred strategy. (C) ment of increased creatinine and hy-
c If targets are not reached on maximally c In patients with known CVD, consider perkalemia. (E)
tolerated doses of statins, combination ACE inhibitor therapy (C) and use as- c Continued monitoring of UAE to assess
therapy using statins and other lipid- pirin and statin therapy (A) (if not both response to therapy and pro-
lowering agents may be considered to contraindicated) to reduce the risk of gression of disease is reasonable. (E)
achieve lipid targets but has not been cardiovascular events. In patients with a c When estimated GFR (eGFR) is ,60
evaluated in outcome studies for either prior myocardial infarction, -blockers ml z min/1.73 m2, evaluate and manage
CVD outcomes or safety. (E) should be continued for at least 2 years potential complications of CKD. (E)
c Statin therapy is contraindicated in after the event. (B) c Consider referral to a physician ex-
pregnancy. (B) c Longer-term use of -blockers in the perienced in the care of kidney dis-
absence of hypertension is reasonable if ease for uncertainty about the etiology
Antiplatelet agents well tolerated, but data are lacking. (E) of kidney disease, difficult manage-
c Consider aspirin therapy (75 162 mg/ c Avoid TZD treatment in patients with ment issues, or advanced kidney dis-
day) as a primary prevention strategy in symptomatic heart failure. (C) ease. (B)
those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes at c Metformin may be used in patients with
increased cardiovascular risk (10-year stable congestive heart failure (CHF) if
risk .10%). This includes most men renal function is normal. It should be Retinopathy screening and
.50 years of age or women .60 years avoided in unstable or hospitalized pa- treatment
of age who have at least one additional tients with CHF. (C)
major risk factor (family history of c To reduce the risk or slow the pro-
CVD, hypertension, smoking, dyslipi- Nephropathy screening gression of retinopathy, optimize gly-
demia, or albuminuria). (C) and treatment cemic control. (A)
c Aspirin should not be recommended c To reduce the risk or slow the progres-
for CVD prevention for adults with c To reduce the risk or slow the progres- sion of retinopathy, optimize blood pres-
diabetes at low CVD risk (10-year CVD sion of nephropathy, optimize glucose sure control. (A)
risk ,5%, such as in men ,50 years control. (A)
and women ,60 years of age with no c To reduce the risk or slow the progres-
major additional CVD risk factors), sion of nephropathy, optimize blood c Adults and children aged 10 years or
since the potential adverse effects from pressure control. (A) older with type 1 diabetes should have
bleeding likely offset the potential an initial dilated and comprehensive
benefits. (C) eye examination by an ophthalmologist
c In patients in these age-groups with or optometrist within 5 years after the
multiple other risk factors (e.g., 10-year c Perform an annual test to assess urine onset of diabetes. (B)
risk 5 10%), clinical judgment is re- albumin excretion (UAE) in type 1 di- c Patients with type 2 diabetes should
quired. (E) abetic patients with diabetes duration have an initial dilated and comprehen-
c Use aspirin therapy (75 162 mg/day) as a
of $5 years and in all type 2 diabetic sive eye examination by an ophthalmol-
secondary prevention strategy in those patients starting at diagnosis. (B) ogist or optometrist shortly after the
with diabetes with a history of CVD. (A) c Measure serum creatinine at least annu- diagnosis of diabetes. (B)
c For patients with CVD and documented
ally in all adults with diabetes regardless c Subsequent examinations for type 1
aspirin allergy, clopidogrel (75 mg/day) of the degree of UAE. The serum creati- and type 2 diabetic patients should be
should be used. (B) nine should be used to estimate glo- repeated annually by an ophthalmolo-
c Combination therapy with ASA (75
merular filtration rate (GFR) and stage gist or optometrist. Less-frequent exams
162 mg/day) and clopidogrel (75 mg/ the level of chronic kidney disease (every 2 3 years) may be considered
day) is reasonable for up to a year after (CKD), if present. (E) following one or more normal eye exams.
an acute coronary syndrome. (B) Examinations will be required more fre-
quently if retinopathy is progressing. (B)
Smoking cessation c In the treatment of the nonpregnant pa- c High-quality fundus photographs can de-
c Advise all patients not to smoke. (A) tient with micro- or macroalbuminuria, tect most clinically significant diabetic
Executive Summary

c In individuals with overt CVD, a lower c Include smoking cessation counsel- either ACE inhibitors or ARBs should be
LDL cholesterol goal of ,70 mg/dL ing and other forms of treatment as used. (A)
(1.8 mmol/l), using a high dose of a a routine component of diabetes care. c If one class is not tolerated, the other
statin, is an option. (B) (B) should be substituted. (E)
c If drug-treated patients do not reach c Reduction of protein intake to 0.8 1.0
the above targets on maximal tolerated Coronary heart disease (CHD) g z kg body wt21 z day21 in individuals
statin therapy, a reduction in LDL cho- screening and treatment with diabetes and the earlier stages of
lesterol of 30 40% from baseline is an CKD and to 0.8 g z kg body wt21 z day21
alternative therapeutic goal. (A) c In asymptomatic patients, routine screen- in the later stages of CKD may improve
c Triglycerides levels ,150 mg/dL (1.7 ing for coronary artery disease (CAD) is measures of renal function (UAE rate,
mmol/l) and HDL cholesterol .40 mg/ not recommended, as it does not im- GFR) and is recommended. (B)
dL (1.0 mmol/l) in men and .50 mg/dL prove outcomes as long as CVD risk c When ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or diuretics
(1.3 mmol/l) in women, are desirable. factors are treated. (A) are used, monitor serum creatinine
However, LDL cholesterol targeted statin and potassium levels for the develop-
therapy remains the preferred strategy. (C) ment of increased creatinine and hy-
c If targets are not reached on maximally c In patients with known CVD, consider perkalemia. (E)
tolerated doses of statins, combination ACE inhibitor therapy (C) and use as- c Continued monitoring of UAE to assess
therapy using statins and other lipid- pirin and statin therapy (A) (if not both response to therapy and pro-
lowering agents may be considered to contraindicated) to reduce the risk of gression of disease is reasonable. (E)
achieve lipid targets but has not been cardiovascular events. In patients with a c When estimated GFR (eGFR) is ,60
evaluated in outcome studies for either prior myocardial infarction, -blockers ml z min/1.73 m2, evaluate and manage
CVD outcomes or safety. (E) should be continued for at least 2 years potential complications of CKD. (E)
c Statin therapy is contraindicated in after the event. (B) c Consider referral to a physician ex-
pregnancy. (B) c Longer-term use of -blockers in the perienced in the care of kidney dis-
absence of hypertension is reasonable if ease for uncertainty about the etiology
Antiplatelet agents well tolerated, but data are lacking. (E) of kidney disease, difficult manage-
c Consider aspirin therapy (75 162 mg/ c Avoid TZD treatment in patients with ment issues, or advanced kidney dis-
day) as a primary prevention strategy in symptomatic heart failure. (C) ease. (B)
those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes at c Metformin may be used in patients with
increased cardiovascular risk (10-year stable congestive heart failure (CHF) if
risk .10%). This includes most men renal function is normal. It should be Retinopathy screening and
.50 years of age or women .60 years avoided in unstable or hospitalized pa- treatment
of age who have at least one additional tients with CHF. (C)
major risk factor (family history of c To reduce the risk or slow the pro-
CVD, hypertension, smoking, dyslipi- Nephropathy screening gression of retinopathy, optimize gly-
demia, or albuminuria). (C) and treatment cemic control. (A)
c Aspirin should not be recommended c To reduce the risk or slow the progres-
for CVD prevention for adults with c To reduce the risk or slow the progres- sion of retinopathy, optimize blood pres-
diabetes at low CVD risk (10-year CVD sion of nephropathy, optimize glucose sure control. (A)
risk ,5%, such as in men ,50 years control. (A)
and women ,60 years of age with no c To reduce the risk or slow the progres-
major additional CVD risk factors), sion of nephropathy, optimize blood c Adults and children aged 10 years or
since the potential adverse effects from pressure control. (A) older with type 1 diabetes should have
bleeding likely offset the potential an initial dilated and comprehensive
benefits. (C) eye examination by an ophthalmologist
c In patients in these age-groups with or optometrist within 5 years after the
multiple other risk factors (e.g., 10-year c Perform an annual test to assess urine onset of diabetes. (B)
risk 5 10%), clinical judgment is re- albumin excretion (UAE) in type 1 di- c Patients with type 2 diabetes should
quired. (E) abetic patients with diabetes duration have an initial dilated and comprehen-
c Use aspirin therapy (75 162 mg/day) as a
of $5 years and in all type 2 diabetic sive eye examination by an ophthalmol-
secondary prevention strategy in those patients starting at diagnosis. (B) ogist or optometrist shortly after the
with diabetes with a history of CVD. (A) c Measure serum creatinine at least annu- diagnosis of diabetes. (B)
c For patients with CVD and documented
ally in all adults with diabetes regardless c Subsequent examinations for type 1
aspirin allergy, clopidogrel (75 mg/day) of the degree of UAE. The serum creati- and type 2 diabetic patients should be
should be used. (B) nine should be used to estimate glo- repeated annually by an ophthalmolo-
c Combination therapy with ASA (75
merular filtration rate (GFR) and stage gist or optometrist. Less-frequent exams
162 mg/day) and clopidogrel (75 mg/ the level of chronic kidney disease (every 2 3 years) may be considered
day) is reasonable for up to a year after (CKD), if present. (E) following one or more normal eye exams.
an acute coronary syndrome. (B) Examinations will be required more fre-
quently if retinopathy is progressing. (B)
Smoking cessation c In the treatment of the nonpregnant pa- c High-quality fundus photographs can de-
c Advise all patients not to smoke. (A) tient with micro- or macroalbuminuria, tect most clinically significant diabetic
Executive Summary

retinopathy. Interpretation of the im- Foot care years of age and has had diabetes for 5
ages should be performed by a trained eye c For all patients with diabetes, perform years. (B)
care provider. While retinal photogra- an annual comprehensive foot exami- c Treatment with an ACE inhibitor, titrated
phy may serve as a screening tool for nation to identify risk factors predictive to normalization of albumin excretion,
retinopathy, it is not a substitute for a of ulcers and amputations. The foot should be considered when elevated
comprehensive eye exam, which should examination should include inspec- ACR is subsequently confirmed on
be performed at least initially and at in- tion, assessment of foot pulses, and two additional specimens from differ-
tervals thereafter as recommended by testing for loss of protective sensation ent days. (E)
an eye care professional. (E) (10-g monofilament plus testing any
c Women with preexisting diabetes who one of the following: vibration using
are planning pregnancy or who have 128-Hz tuning fork, pinprick sensa- c Initial treatment of high-normal blood
become pregnant should have a com- tion, ankle reflexes, or vibration per- pressure (systolic or diastolic blood
prehensive eye examination and should ception threshold). (B) pressure consistently above the 90th per-
be counseled on the risk of development c Provide general foot self-care education centile for age, sex, and height) includes
and/or progression of diabetic retinopa- to all patients with diabetes. (B) dietary intervention and exercise, aimed
thy. Eye examination should occur in c A multidisciplinary approach is rec- at weight control and increased phys-
the first trimester with close follow-up ommended for individuals with foot ical activity, if appropriate. If target
throughout pregnancy and for 1 year ulcers and high-risk feet, especially blood pressure is not reached with 3 6
postpartum. (B) those with a history of prior ulcer or months of lifestyle intervention, phar-
amputation. (B) macologic treatment should be consid-
c Refer patients who smoke, have loss of ered. (E)
c Promptly refer patients with any level protective sensation and structural ab- c Pharmacologic treatment of hyper-
normalities, or have history of prior tension (systolic or diastolic blood
of macular edema, severe nonproli-
lower-extremity complications to foot pressure consistently above the 95th
ferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR),
care specialists for ongoing preventive percentile for age, sex, and height or
or any PDR to an ophthalmologist
care and life-long surveillance. (C) consistently .130/80 mmHg, if 95%
who is knowledgeable and experienced
c Initial screening for peripheral arterial exceeds that value) should be consid-
in the management and treatment of
disease (PAD) should include a history ered as soon as the diagnosis is con-
diabetic retinopathy. (A)
for claudication and an assessment of firmed. (E)
c Laser photocoagulation therapy is in-
the pedal pulses. Consider obtaining c ACE inhibitors should be considered
dicated to reduce the risk of vision loss
an ankle-brachial index (ABI), as many for the initial treatment of hyperten-
in patients with high-risk PDR, clini-
cally significant macular edema, and patients with PAD are asymptomatic. (C) sion, following appropriate reproduc-
c Refer patients with significant claudi- tive counseling due to the potential
some cases of severe NPDR. (A)
cation or a positive ABI for further vas- teratogenic effects. (E)
c The presence of retinopathy is not a
contraindication to aspirin therapy for cular assessment and consider exercise, c The goal of treatment is a blood pres-
medications, and surgical options. (C) sure consistently ,130/80 or below the
cardioprotection, as this therapy does
not increase the risk of retinal hemor- 90th percentile for age, sex, and height,
rhage. (A) Assessment of common whichever is lower. (E)
comorbid conditions
Neuropathy screening and
c For patients with risk factors, signs or
treatement Screening
c All patients should be screened for
symptoms, consider assessment and treat- c If there is a family history of hyper-
ment for common diabetes-associated
distal symmetric polyneuropathy (DPN) cholesterolemia or a cardiovascular
conditions (see Table 15 of the Stand-
starting at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes event before age 55 years, or if family
ards of Medical Care in Diabetesd
and 5 years after the diagnosis of type 1 history is unknown, then consider
2012 ). (B)
diabetes and at least annually thereafter, obtaining a fasting lipid profile on
using simple clinical tests. (B) children .2 years of age soon after
c Electrophysiological testing is rarely Children and adolescents diagnosis (after glucose control has
needed, except in situations where the been established). If family history is
clinical features are atypical. (E) c Consider age when setting glycemic goals not of concern, then consider the first
c Screening for signs and symptoms of in children and adolescents with type 1 lipid screening at puberty ($10 years).
cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy diabetes. (E) For children diagnosed with diabetes
should be instituted at diagnosis of type at or after puberty, consider obtaining
2 diabetes and 5 years after the diagnosis Screening and management a fasting lipid profile soon after dia-
of type 1 diabetes. Special testing is of chronic complications in gnosis (after glucose control has been
rarely needed and may not affect man- children and adolescents established). (E)
agement or outcomes. (E) with type 1 diabetes c For both age-groups, if lipids are abnor-
c Medications for the relief of specific mal, annual monitoring is reasonable. If
symptoms related to painful DPN and c Annual screening for microalbuminuria, LDL cholesterol values are within the
autonomic neuropathy are recom- with a random spot urine sample for accepted risk levels (,100 mg/dL [2.6
mended, as they improve the quality of albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR), should mmol/l]), a lipid profile repeated every
life of the patient. (E) be considered once the child is 10 5 years is reasonable. (E)
Executive Summary

Treatment if the patient develops symptoms of may benefit those with life expectancy at
c Initial therapy may consist of optimi- thyroid dysfunction, thyromegaly, or least equal to the time frame of primary or
zation of glucose control and MNT an abnormal growth rate. (E) secondary prevention trials. (E)
using a Step 2 American Heart Associ- c Screening for diabetes complications
ation Diet aimed at a decrease in the should be individualized in older adults,
amount of saturated fat in the diet. (E) c As teens transition into emerging adult- but particular attention should be paid to
c After the age of 10 years, the addition hood, health care providers and families complications that would lead to func-
of a statin in patients who, after MNT must recognize their many vulnerabi- tional impairment. (E)
and lifestyle changes, have LDL cho- lities (B) and prepare the developing
lesterol .160 mg/dL (4.1 mmol/l), or teen, beginning in early to mid adoles- Cystic brosis related
LDL cholesterol . 30 mg/dL (3.4 cence and at least one year prior to the diabetes (CFRD)
mmol/l) and one or more CVD risk transition. (E) c Annual screening for CFRD with OGTT
factors, is reasonable. (E) c Both pediatricians and adult health care should begin by age 10 years in all pa-
c The goal of therapy is an LDL choles- providers should assist in providing sup- tients with CF who do not have CFRD
terol value ,100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/l). (E) port and links to resources for the teen (B). Use of A1C as a screening test for
and emerging adult. (B) CFRD is not recommended. (B)
c During a period of stable health the
c The first ophthalmologic examination Preconception care diagnosis of CFRD can be made in CF
should be obtained once the child is c A1C levels should be as close to normal as patients according to usual diagnostic
$10 years of age and has had diabetes possible (,7%) in an individual patient criteria. (E)
for 3 5 years. (B) before conception is attempted. (B) c Patients with CFRD should be treated
c After the initial examination, annual c Starting at puberty, preconception coun- with insulin to attain individualized gly-
routine follow-up is generally recom- seling should be incorporated in the cemic goals. (A)
mended. Less-frequent examinations routine diabetes clinic visit for all women c Annual monitoring for complications
may be acceptable on the advice of an of childbearing potential. (C) of diabetes is recommended, beginning
eye care professional. (E) c Women with diabetes who are contem- 5 years after the diagnosis of CFRD. (E)
plating pregnancy should be evaluated
and, if indicated, treated for diabetic
c Consider screening children with type 1 retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, Diabetes care in the hospital
c All patients with diabetes admitted to the
diabetes for celiac disease by measur- and CVD. (B)
ing tissue transglutaminase or antiendo- c Medications used by such women should
hospital should have their diabetes clearly
mysial antibodies, with documentation be evaluated prior to conception, since identified in the medical record. (E)
c All patients with diabetes should have
of normal total serum IgA levels, soon drugs commonly used to treat diabetes
after the diagnosis of diabetes. (E) and its complications may be contra- an order for blood glucose monitoring,
c Testing should be considered in chil- indicated or not recommended in preg- with results available to all members
dren with growth failure, failure to gain nancy, including statins, ACE inhibitors, of the health care team. (E)
c Goals for blood glucose levels:
weight, weight loss, diarrhea, flatulence, ARBs, and most noninsulin therapies. (E)
abdominal pain, or signs of malabsorp- c Since many pregnancies are unplanned, Critically ill patients: Insulin ther-
tion, or in children with frequent un- consider the potential risks and benefits apy should be initiated for treatment
explained hypoglycemia or deterioration of medications that are contraindicated of persistent hyperglycemia starting
in glycemic control. (E) in pregnancy in all women of childbear- at a threshold of no greater than 180
c Consider referral to a gastroenterolo- ing potential, and counsel women using mg/dL (10 mmol/L). Once insulin
gist for evaluation with endoscopy and such medications accordingly. (E) therapy is started, a glucose range of
biopsy for confirmation of celiac disease 140 180 mg/dL (7.8 to 10 mmol/L) is
in asymptomatic children with positive Older adults recommended for the majority of
antibodies. (E) c Older adults who are functional, cog- critically ill patients. (A)
c Children with biopsy-confirmed celiac nitively intact, and have significant life More stringent goals, such as 110
disease should be placed on a gluten- expectancy should receive diabetes care 140 mg/dL (6.1 7.8 mmol/l) may be
free diet and have consultation with a using goals developed for younger appropriate for selected patients, as
dietitian experienced in managing both adults. (E) long as this can be achieved without
diabetes and celiac disease. (B) c Glycemic goals for older adults not significant hypoglycemia. (C)
meeting the above criteria may be re- Critically ill patients require an in-
laxed using individual criteria, but hy- travenous insulin protocol that has
c Consider screening children with type 1 perglycemia leading to symptoms or risk demonstrated efficacy and safety in
diabetes for thyroid disease using thyroid of acute hyperglycemic complications achieving the desired glucose range
peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies should be avoided in all patients. (E) without increasing risk for severe
soon after diagnosis. (E) c Other cardiovascular risk factors should hypoglycemia. (E)
c Measuring TSH concentrations soon be treated in older adults with consid- Non–critically ill patients: There is
after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, after eration of the time frame of benefit and no clear evidence for specific blood
metabolic control has been established, the individual patient. Treatment of hy- glucose goals. If treated with in-
is reasonable. If normal, consider re- pertension is indicated in virtually all sulin, premeal blood glucose targets
checking every 1 2 years, especially older adults, and lipid and aspirin therapy generally ,140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/l)
with random blood glucose ,180 octreotide or immunosuppressive medi-
mg/dL (10.0 mmol/l) are reasonable, cations. (B) If hyperglycemia is docu-
provided these targets can be safely mented and persistent, consider treating
achieved. More stringent targets such patients to the same glycemic goals
may be appropriate in stable pa- as patients with known diabetes. (E)
tients with previous tight glycemic c A hypoglycemia management protocol
control. Less stringent targets may be should be adopted and implemented
appropriate in those with severe co- by each hospital or hospital system. A
morbidites. (E) plan for preventing and treating hy-
poglycemia should be established for
c Scheduled subcutaneous insulin with each patient. Episodes of hypoglycemia
basal, nutritional, and correction com- in the hospital should be documented
ponents is the preferred method for in the medial record and tracked. (E)
achieving and maintaining glucose con- c
trol in noncritically ill patients.
c Glucose monitoring should be initi-
ated in any patient not known to be
diabetic who receives therapy associ-
ated with high-risk for hyperglycemia,
including high-dose glucocorticoid
therapy, initiation of enteral or parenteral
nutrition, or other medications such as

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