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Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

DOI 10.1007/s00402-017-2809-5


Evidence‑based concepts for prevention of knee and ACL injuries.

2017 guidelines of the ligament committee of the German Knee
Society (DKG)
Julian Mehl1 · Theresa Diermeier1 · Elmar Herbst1 · Andreas B. Imhoff1 ·
Thomas Stoffels2 · Thore Zantop3 · Wolf Petersen4 · Andrea Achtnich1 

Received: 22 February 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract  warm-up exercises and are focusing on muscle strength, bal-

Introduction  Knee injuries and especially anterior cruciate ance, and proprioception, as well as running and flexibility.
ligament (ACL) tears are frequent in athletes. Therefore, pri- It is reported that these training programs can reduce the
mary and secondary prevention of sports-related lower limb incidence of knee injuries by up to 27% and ACL injuries
injuries is an ongoing topic of interest. The aim of present by up to 51%.
study was to establish guidelines for the prevention of knee Conclusions  Screening, identification, and correction of
and ACL injuries on the basis of evidence-based concepts endangering movement patterns like the dynamic valgus
represented in current literature. are the first crucial steps in order to prevent knee and ACL
Methods  A comprehensive literature review regarding pre- injuries in athletes. Furthermore, jumping, running and flex-
vention programs for knee and ACL injuries was conducted. ibility exercises as well as balance and strength training are
Results  Several modifiable and non-modifiable risk fac- proven to reduce the incidence of these injuries and should,
tors for knee injuries in athletes have been reported in lit- therefore, be integrated into the regular warm up program.
erature. Referring to the ACL, specific injury mechanisms Appropriate complete prevention programs are freely acces-
have been identified and are well understood. In particular, sible via the Internet and should be adapted to the specific
it has been demonstrated that dynamic valgus is one of the sport disciplines.
most important modifiable risk factors. Simple tests like the
drop jump test have shown their efficacy in screening and Keywords  Injury risk · Knee · ACL · Prevention ·
detecting athletes at risk. There is only few evidence for Screening · Valgus · Core stability · Proprioception
the preventive effect on knee and ACL injuries by single
exercises. However, in order to prevent or correct endanger-
ing movement patterns including dynamic valgus, several Introduction
complex prevention programs have been developed in the
past. These prevention programs are included in standard Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are one of the most
frequent injuries of the knee with an estimated incidence of
1:3500 [34, 44]. Due to the typical jumping and stop-and-go
* Andrea Achtnich movements ACL tears are relatively common in ball sports.
However, knee injuries are also frequent in other sports like
Department of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Klinikum alpine skiing, judo, and field hockey.
Rechts der Isar, TU Munich, Ismaninger Str. 22, The ACL has an important function for knee kinematics,
81675 Munich, Germany and ACL tears result in serious consequences for the con-
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, cerned athlete. Instability of the knee joint might directly
Unfallkrankenhaus Marzahn, Berlin, Germany reduce the athlete’s performance. In the long term chronic
Sporthopaedicum Straubing, Straubing, Germany instability might lead to repetitive subluxations with conse-
Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, quently meniscal and cartilage lesions [51–53]. Therefore,
Martin-Luther-Krankenhaus, Berlin, Germany

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

the incidence of osteoarthritis in athletes with an ACL tear present preventive exercises or programs and investigate
is significantly increased [40]. their influence on the incidence of knee and ACL injuries
Reconstruction of the ACL decreases the risk of osteoar- in athletes.
thritis [2]; nevertheless, only 50% of athletes return to their The following were the key questions that should be
pre-injury activity level, which frequently leads to an early answered by present study:
end of the athlete’s career [6]. It is also alarming that 7–24%
of patients with ACL reconstruction suffer an ACL tear of 1. What are the typical injury mechanisms and risk factors
the contralateral knee [45, 55]. For these reasons primary for knee and ACL injuries in athletes?
and secondary prevention of knee injuries is a topic of cur- 2. Is there evidence for exercises or programs reducing the
rent interest. incidence of knee and ACL injuries in athletes?
In the past years various strategies for prevention of ACL 3. How can these programs be integrated in the regular
tears have been developed including following key points training?
The recommendations given at the end of this article
1. Education about typical injury mechanisms and poten- have been confirmed by all authors unanimously.
tial modifications of endangering movements,
2. exercises to improve balance and proprioception,
3. neuromuscular training for inter- and intramuscular
coordination, Injury mechanisms and assessment of risk factors
4. invigoration of the ischiocrural and hip stabilizing mus-
cles, and Injury mechanism
5. running exercises.
Video analyses of ACL tears revealed new details about
These strategies were summarized in special prevention the injury mechanism [9, 63]. According to these studies,
programs (e.g., Sportsmetrics, Prevent Injury and Enhance in 72–95% of the cases, ACL ruptures occur during non-
Performance PEP, Knee Ligament Injury Prevention Pro- contact situations [9, 45, 46]. The most dangerous situa-
gram, FIFA 11) [4]. A recent meta-analysis found a reduc- tions for ball sports are as follows:
tion of both knee injuries in general and ACL tears by 27
and 51%, respectively, for patients, who participate in such 1. landing after a jump,
programs [18]. 2. abrupt stopping, and
The aim of this article was to summarize and analyze 3. sudden direction change including rotary knee motion
evidence-based concepts for prevention of knee and ACL [49, 63].
injuries. On the basis of these data the ligament commit-
tee of the German Knee Society (DKG) wants to provide At the same time the knee is only slightly bended
guidelines in order to reduce the incidence of knee and ACL (5°–25° knee flexion) and in a valgus position. In such sit-
injuries in athletes. These recommendations are directed to uations, the in situ forces within the ACL increase remark-
clinicians, physical therapists, athletes’ coaches, and to the ably. In addition it could also cause an impingement of the
athletes themselves. ACL against the lateral femoral condyle. Most athletes
report from a planted foot at the moment of injury. Further,
usually the body’s center of gravity is behind of that of
Methods for guideline development the knee. In this position the associated contraction of the
quadriceps femoris muscle results in an anterior transla-
The present study was conducted on behalf of the ligament tion of the tibia with high tension to the ACL. Due to an
committee of the German Knee Society (DKG). All above- inappropriate lever arm, the ischiocrural muscles cannot
mentioned authors are members of the committee and were sufficiently protect the ACL against this anteriorly directed
involved in the development of the literature search strategy force. In addition to that, the hip needs to be flexed in
according to a general consensus process as well as in the order to maintain the balance, which forces the quadriceps
internal review process. femoris muscle to further contract. By means of surface
The first part of this article gives a short overview of EMG Colby et al. [12] could demonstrate that this move-
current aspects of injury mechanisms and the assessment ment is connected with high activation of the quadriceps
of risk factors for knee and ACL injuries, while the main femoris muscle, whereas the activity of the ischiocrural
part discusses different concepts for injury prevention. muscles is lower [12].
For this purpose literature was searched for studies, which

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

Athletes at risk ankle (eversion) and foot (external rotation) [56]. Another
risk factor in these athletes is an extended “one-leg-domi-
The risk factors for injuries of the knee and in particular nance” [29].
the ACL are summarized in Table 1 [3, 52, 57]. Common These movement patterns are more common in female
non-modifiable risk factors ACL re-ruptures are age and athletes [29]. Micromotion studies could demonstrate that
gender. Patients under 20 years and female patients have a landing position is more upright in women compared to men
significantly higher risk for ACL re-ruptures [19, 39]. Also with a less flexed knee and hip. “One-leg dominance” and
generalized ligamentous laxity is mentioned as one risk fac- predominance of strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle
tor [3]. Modifiable risk factors are kind of sports, hormone is also a typical female phenomenon. Moreover, female ath-
status, and neuromuscular control. letes have an increased valgus position of their knees and
Sports at risk are soccer, basketball, handball, and alpine deficiencies in hip and core stability.
skiing [3]. Several studies could also show an elevated injury
risk for females without contraception in the pre-ovulatory
phase [3]. Screening tests
With regards to prevention programs, neuromuscular risk
factors are of major interest. Various studies could show Prevention programs are expensive and, therefore, in the past
associated neuromuscular risk factors in athletes [3, 29, 30, years several tests were developed to identify athletes at risk.
32]. Especially quadriceps femoris muscle dominance, weak The main focus of these tests is to detect functional valgus
knee flexors, and the dynamic valgus-position with defi- position of the knees.
ciency in hip and core stability are of importance. It has been The “Drop Jump Screening Test” is one of the most com-
observed that in athletes at risk, activation of the quadriceps mon tests [30, 47]. It consists of a vertical jump from a box,
femoris muscle occurs earlier than for the protective flexors in which the landing position is analyzed with a video cam-
(hamstring muscles) [32]. era (Fig. 1). The frontal projection angle or the distances
Furthermore, athletes at risk show general movement pat- between both knees and ankles could be measured (knee
terns similar to the knee position identified during injury distance < ankle distance = dynamic valgus). During such
mechanism analyses: knee valgus (frontal plane) and low landing situations the knee sustains the most uncontrolled
flexion angles with the center of gravity behind the knee movement [47].
(sagittal plane). This valgus knee position is also termed as Minzner et  al. [43] demonstrated a good correlation
dynamic valgus [3, 29, 57]. between the relation of the distances of knee and ankle and
In principle, the harmful valgus drift right after a one- two- or three-dimensional video analyses. Noyes et al. [47]
legged landing- or stabilization phase- could occur due to showed that this test is also useful to evaluate the success or
decreased hip and core muscle strength with consecutive progression of training focused on the correction of dynamic
lateral tilting of the hip to the contralateral side, extended valgus knee position. In this study the distance between the
eversion of the lower ankle, missing coordination, and pro- two knees in female athletes before training was 23 ± 8 cm.
prioceptive skills or by any combination of the aforemen- After a neuromuscular prevention program the knee distance
tioned mechanisms. In athletes at risk proprioceptive defi- was increased to 29 ± 8 cm was, therefore, able to reduce
ciencies in core control and strength deficits of the external the dynamic valgus.
rotators and abductors of the hip could be verified [36, 70]. Hewett et al. [30] evaluated the “Drop Jump Screen-
The dynamic valgus could also arise in the distal part of the ing Test” in 205 female athletes (soccer, basketball,

Table 1  Risk factors for knee and/or ACL injuries

Non-modifiable risk factors Modifiable risk factors

Age: < 20 years Dynamic valgus

Gender: female Low flexion of hip and knee during landing
Hormone status: preovulatory phase without contraception Poor hip and trunk control
Sports: soccer, handball, basketball, alpine skiing Weakness of knee flexors and hip abductors (relative to knee extensors)
Narrow intercondylar notch Delayed activation of flexors
Generalized ligamentous laxity Proprioceptive deficits
Pes pronatus valgus Muscle fatigue
Synthetic floor or turf Poor general fitness
History of muscle, tendon, knee or ankle injuries
Infectious disease
Poor weather conditions (outdoor sports)

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

Fig. 2  Another test for analyzing the dynamic valgus position is the

Fig. 1  “Drop Jump Screening Test” to detect risk athletes. It con- “Single Leg Squat” [16]. Therefore, the athlete should perform five
sists of a vertical jump from a box, in which the landing position single-leg squats with maximum flexion (one squat in 2  s). These
is analyzed with a camera. The frontal projection angle or the dis- squats are recorded by a video camera and graded as “good”, “mid-
tances between both knees and ankles could be measured (knee dis- dle” and “poor”
tance < ankle distance = dynamic valgus). During such landing situa-
tions the knee sustains the most uncontrolled movement

volleyball). This study verified a dynamic valgus position Table 2  Clinical assessment of single-leg squat according Crossley
et al. [16]
as one risk factor for sustaining an ACL tear. In female
athletes with an ACL tear the knee abduction angle was Criterion To be rated “Good”
increased by 8° when compared to healthy female controls.
(A) Overall impression
In this study, an abduction moment could predict an injury
 1. Ability to maintain balance 5. No loss of balance
to the ACL with a specificity of 73% and sensitivity of
 2. Perturbations of the person 6. Smooth performance
78%. In the sagittal plane, the authors found a decreased
 3. Depth of the squat 7. Squat with at least 60° of knee
maximum knee flexion angle of 10.5° during landing in flexion
athletes with ACL tear compared to healthy athletes (flex-  4. Speed of the squat 8. 1 Squat per 2 seconds
ion angle in athletes with ACL tear: 71.9° ± 12°; flexion (B) Trunk posture
angle in athletes without ACL tear: 82.4° ± 8°).  9. Lateral deviation 13. No lateral deviation
Another test for analyzing the dynamic valgus position  10. Rotation 14. No rotation
is the “Single Leg Squat” (Fig. 2) [16]. In the original  11. Lateral flexion 15. No lateral flexion
version of the test the athlete is positioned on a 20-cm  12. Forward flexion 16. No forward flexion
box with folded arms: In this position the athlete should (C) Pelvic posture
perform five single-leg squats with maximum flexion (one  17. Shunt or lateral deviation 20. No shunt or lateral deviation
squat in 2 s). These squats are recorded by a video cam-  18. Rotation 21. No rotation
era. With different qualitative criteria the performance of  19. Tilt 22. No tilt
the squats is graded in “good”, “middle” and “poor”. The (D) Hip
criteria are listed in Table 2. Further, it is also possible to  23. Adduction 25. No adduction
determine the frontal projection angle. Originally this test  24. Internal rotation 26. No internal rotation
was designed to evaluate the dynamic valgus position in (E) Knee
patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Ortiz et al.  27. Valgus 29. No valgus
[48] also used “single leg squats” to assess the effect of a  28. Knee to foot position 30. Center of knee over center
6 weeks’ ACL prevention program in female soccer play- of foot
ers. The authors found a successful reduction of functional
To be classified as “good” in the overall assessment, 4 of 5 criteria
valgus during “single leg squats” after performing that have to be fulfilled. Athletes, who fulfill only one criterion, are clas-
sified as “poor”

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

prevention program. In these tests a valgus position of the avoid abrupt motions. During landing, after a jump the knee
knee was correlated with a reduced hip abduction [1, 16]. should be flexed and stopping should also be performed in
The “Functional Movement Screen” (FMS) is another several small steps and with avoidance of low knee flexion
test known in sports science to evaluate the risk of injury angles. This prevention strategy was educated to the sports-
[10, 13, 42, 58]. The aim of the FMS is to detect functional men by means of a video film. With this approach of preven-
asymmetries and disbalances [58]. The athletes have to tion the injury rate was reduced by 89% [23].
complete seven different exercises, which are scored with a Moreover, a study from alpine skiing demonstrated a pre-
maximum of three points (three points: perfect performance, ventive effect by education regarding injury mechanisms.
two points: evasive movements, one point: exercise is not Within the “Vermont ACL prevention program” athletes
possible, no point: pain). 14 points and more are associated were confronted with videos of typical ACL injury situations
with an increased risk of injury. Until now this test has been during skiing. These videos should stimulate the athletes
used only rarely for knee injury prevention since the main to develop individual prevention strategies [20]. Further-
aim of the test is limited to injury risk assessment [10, 42]. more, the videos should help to detect endangering situa-
A systematic review demonstrated a specificity of 86% for tions and to develop strategies as a response to the injury
the FSM, but also a low sensitivity of 25% [18]. The predic- stimulus in “almost injury” situations. In the winter season
tive value for risk assessment is also low [18]. Therefore, at of 1993/94 4700 ski instructors and ski slope patrols took
the moment FSM is not recommended for ACL injury risk part in this program. Hereby the rate of severe knee injuries
assessment. was reduced by 62% [20].
In summary, there are certain indications that education
about injury mechanism and modification of endangering
Prevention program knee movement patterns could avoid ACL tears (Table 3).
The avoidance of dynamic valgus position and landing
Education about mechanism of injury and modification with flexed knee are the basis for exercises and warm-up
of endangering movement patterns programs with the aim to prevent knee and ankle injuries.

Concluding from the data regarding the genesis of an ACL Balance training
tear, education about mechanism of injury could be part of
prevention. Various studies are supporting this hypothesis. Proprioception (afferent information on joint position) rep-
Lephardt et  al. [38] using three-dimensional motion resents the sensorial source of information that enables neu-
analysis demonstrated that endangering movement patterns romuscular control of the joint [37]. Proprioceptive informa-
could be modified with appropriate training. According to tion is given by different mechanoreceptors that are located
Cowling et al. [15], verbal instructions are already suffi- in muscles, joints (ligaments and capsule), and the skin.
cient to increase the knee flexion angle significantly during In the knee joint this mechanism regulates the interaction
landing. between the extensor and flexor muscles, which is crucial
The approach for prevention of knee injuries was first for balancing the stress on the ACL but can be practiced by
described in the “Henning program”, a prevention program balance training (Fig. 3).
for ACL tears in basketball player [22]. The aim of this pro- It has been shown that exercises on a balance board
gram was to modify movement patterns to avoid endanger- decrease the incidence of primary and secondary ankle joint
ing joint positions. The so-called “plant and cut” maneu- injuries [7, 64, 66]. However, current literature is lacking
ver should be performed smoothly in single small steps to consistent data regarding the benefits of such exercises on

Table 3  Avoidance of Frontal plane Sagittal plane

endangering movements
Avoidance of dynamic valgus
 Centers of hip, knee, and ankle are aligned During landing after jumping the hip and the knee
should be flexed (if possible 90°) and should not be
 Knee pointing externally Body’s center of gravity over the foot
 Hips are horizontal
 Trunk is upright
Rotation as a smooth movement in single steps
Stopping with several small steps and without extended knees

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

Fig. 4  Combination of balance exercises with sport-specific exer-

Fig. 3  Proprioception exercises on a balance board; leg position has
to be noted and a dynamic valgus position has to be avoided
significant difference between both groups regarding fre-
quency of injuries. The incidence of severe injuries was even
the incidence of ACL injuries. Caraffa et al. [11] conducted higher in the intervention group (8 versus 1) with four out of
a study with 300 male soccer players and found a significant five ACL ruptures in this group. Only in patients, who have
reduction of ACL injuries due to exercises on the balance had injuries within the past 3 months prior to the beginning
board [10 ACL injuries in the study group (n = 300) versus of the study, a significant lower injury rate was observed in
70 ACL tears in the control group (n = 300)]. the intervention group.
Wedderkopp et al. [67] analyzed an intervention program In summary, on the basis of current data, the usage of
including exercises on balance boards as well as muscle balance boards should be recommended as the general inci-
strengthening on juvenile female handball players. In this dence of injuries can hereby be reduced. In several studies,
study a decrease of the injury rate by 78% was shown by which demonstrate a positive effect of preventive warm up
applying this prevention program. In order to investigate the programs, balance training is included in these programs
preventive effect of balance training, another study com- [41, 46, 49, 50, 54]. Especially the combination of balance
pared two different prevention programs on 16 female hand- exercises with sport-specific exercises is an appropriate sup-
ball teams: (1) Standardized strengthening exercises (control plement to warm up programs (Fig. 4).
group) versus (2) Combination of strengthening exercises
and balance board training (study group) [68]. It was found
that the incidence of injuries was reduced from 6.9 per 1000 Neuromuscular training
playing hours in the control group to 2.4 injuries per 1000
playing hours in the study group. However, on the basis of Athletes at high risk for ACL injuries are characterized by
the given data a statement regarding knee injuries was not a dominance of the quadriceps muscle, as on an experimen-
possible. tal anterior tibial translation (injury stimulus) these athletes
Contrary results were reported by Soderman et al., who react with quadriceps activation. By contrast, several studies
conducted a balance board training with 121 juvenile female have demonstrated that a rapid activation of the hamstring
soccer players [59], while further 100 players served as con- muscles as a reaction on an injury stimulus helps to protect
trol group. After one season of observation there was no the knee joint [5, 8, 26, 33, 60].

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

Hewett et al. [27] could show that by means of a specific

jump training, activation of the hamstring and gluteal mus-
cles can be increased and, therefore, also a possible imbal-
ance between the quadriceps and the hamstring muscles can
be reduced. In this context, it is important that during land-
ing, both the athletes knees and hips are flexed by 90°. On
the basis of this knowledge the “Cincinnati Sportsmetric
Training Program” has been introduced. This prevention
program has been tested on 1263 athletes (football, volley-
ball, basketball) [28]. It consists of different jumping exer-
cises with increasing complexity. In this regard, too, move-
ment control based on the principles proposed by Henning
[23] is very important in order to avoid endangering move-
ment patterns. In the study by Hewett et al. only two athletes
of the training group suffered severe injuries compared to Fig. 5  Muscle strength training: typical exercises for ACL prevention
are the “Russian hamstrings”, which activate the posterior muscle
ten athletes of the control group. The relative incidence for chain both concentrically (upwards) and eccentrically (downwards)
injuries was 0.12 in the training group and 0.43 in the con-
trol group. Summarized, the studies by Hewett et al. [27,
28] show that specific jumping exercises can improve the
balance between flexor and extensor muscles at the knee
joint; however, consideration of Henning’s principles for
movement modifications is crucial [23].
Therefore, jumping exercises have been included in sev-
eral warm up programs [41, 46, 49, 50, 54] and are par-
ticularly suited for sport disciplines with repetitive jumping

Strength training

Because of the crucial role of muscle imbalance in the

occurrence of dynamic valgus alignment and the associated
risk of ACL tears, strength exercises have been integrated in
many prevention programs [17]. These are primarily focus-
ing on the knee flexors, hip abductors, and trunk stabilizers
Muscle strength training can be performed using basic
training devices at the gym. However, for a better integration
of muscle strength training into warm up programs, dynamic Fig. 6  Flexor training on the exercise ball represents a possibility to
exercises have been developed that can be performed by strengthen the posterior thigh muscles as well as the abdominal mus-
means of simple training tools [29]. cles and the stabilizers of the hip
Typical strength exercises for ACL prevention are the
“Russian hamstrings” [29], which activate the posterior their warm up programs [21, 35, 41]. Individual strength
muscle chain both concentrically (upwards) and eccentri- exercises, however, have not been tested separately so far.
cally (downwards) (Fig. 5).
The flexor training on the exercise ball represents a fur- Running und flexibility training
ther possibility to strengthen the posterior thigh muscles as
well as the abdominal muscles and the stabilizers of the hip. Running exercises are suitable for injury prevention as they
In addition to that, exercises that strengthen the hip abduc- are a classical part of every warm up program.
tors and the hip rotators are included in ACL prevention Running and flexibility exercises have been integrated
programs (Fig. 6) [29]. into the “Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance Program”
Several studies that could show a positive effect of pre- (PEP), which was developed especially for the prevention
ventive warm up programs include strength exercises in of ACL injuries in football [21, 41]. It includes different

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

running exercises (e.g., straight ahead running, side steps, valgus, low knee and hip flexion). Therefore, the individual
running with hip rotation). It is important that the instructors preventive exercises, which are presented in this article, can
pay special attention to the correct execution of these exer- be combined in such a way that the warm up programs are
cises. Above all, a dynamic valgus has to be avoided. Several suitable for the specific sports discipline. Hence, running
studies have shown that the PEP can significantly decrease exercises are suitable for football, jumping exercises for
the prevalence of ACL injuries in football players [21, 41]. handball or basketball, and strength exercises for skiing. It
However, there are no studies, which have investigated the seems reasonable that these exercises are combined with
effect of individual running exercises separately. sport-specific exercises as this can increase the compliance.
Furthermore, it could be demonstrated that movements of
The effect of specific warm up programs the upper extremities can influence movement patterns of
on the prevention of ACL ruptures and knee injuries the lower extremities [14].
There is also evidence that the timing of preventive pro-
Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have shown grams has an influence on the efficacy of risk reduction. Per-
that the risk of knee injuries and ACL ruptures can be sig- forming the preventive training during the pre-season period
nificantly reduced by specific warm up programs [17, 24, shows a significantly higher effect than performing it only
31, 61, 62, 69]. during the competitive period [17]. Further effects on the
In a meta-analysis of 24 studies, published in 2015, a efficacy of preventive programs could be shown for duration,
preventive warm up program could reduce knee injuries frequency, and compliance. The longer the duration of the
by 26.9% and ACL ruptures by 50.7% [17]. Nine of these program (> 20 min) and the more frequent it is conducted
studies reported additional prevention of musculoskeletal (> three times per week), the greater is the effect [61, 62].
injuries in general. Although the majority of these studies
focused on female athletes, a preventive effect could also Established prevention programs
be demonstrated for male athletes [17]. Most studies have
investigated programs that have combined multiple preven- Table 4 gives a summary of different established warm up
tive concepts: balance training, jumping exercises, strength programs for prevention of knee injuries and ACL ruptures.
exercises, running, flexibility exercises, and stretching [17]. The preventive effect on primary ACL injuries is scien-
However, a meta-regression analysis did not show a signifi- tifically proven for most of these programs; however, their
cant effect on the results by any of these individual proce- effects on the secondary prevention of a re-rupture after
dures [17]. Only for stretching a little evidence could be ACL reconstruction are still to be investigated.
shown that it has no effect on the result [25, 65]. Probably All of these programs are available via Internet. They
the effect of the different preventive procedures is based on have been developed specifically for ball sports (football,
modifications of dangerous movement patterns (dynamic handball, basketball) and include balance, strength, jumping,

Table 4  Overview of established warm up programs for injury prevention

Name Discipline Exercises Duration (approx.) Scientific evidence Web address

FIFA 11+ Football R, P, S, B 20 min Soligard et al. [61]

Prevent injury and enhance Football R, P, S, F 20 min Mandelbaui et al. [41]
performance (PEP) program_0412201l.pdf
Sportsmetrics Football, basketball, P, S 60 min Hewett et al. [27, 28]
tennis, volleyball
Harmo Knee Prevention Football, basketball R, P, B, F 20–25 min Kiani et al. [35]
“Sei kein Dummy” (prevention Football R, P, S, F 20–30 min –
program of VBG) Docs/Medien-Center/DE/

R running exercises, P plyometrics (jumping exercises), S strengthening exercises, B balance training, F flexibility training/stretching

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg

running, and flexibility exercises. The aim of these exercises Höher J, Stöhr A, Ellermann A, Stoffels T, Jung T, Herbort M, Akoto
is to reduce the dynamic valgus and to strengthen the poste- R, Achtnich A, Diermeier T, Mehl J, Herbst E, Stein T.
rior muscle chain (flexor muscles of the knee and abductor Compliance with ethical standards 
muscles of the hip). These exercises can be modified and
integrated into specific warm up programs of other sports Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict
disciplines of high risk (e.g. judo, hockey, skiing). This inte- of interest.
gration is very useful in order to increase the athletes’ com-
pliance. The duration of most of the warm up programs is Funding  There is no funding source.
20 min. The application of preventive procedures is intensi-
fied during the pre-season period, while it is reduced during Ethical approval  This article does not contain any studies with
human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
the competition period.

Conclusion and recommendations References

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