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ACSM Current Comment

Ankle Sprains and the Athlete

Reports estimate that 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain each day. Ankle sprains
account for almost half of all sports injuries and are a common reason why athletes take time off
from activities. Accurate diagnosis is critical, as some studies suggest that 40 percent of ankle
sprains are misdiagnosed or poorly treated leading to chronic ankle pain and disability. Self-
education is therefore important in order to decrease the risk of this disabling complication.

What is an ankle sprain?

An ankle sprain is an injury to one or more of the ligaments in the ankle. These strong fibrous
bands hold together the bones of the ankle and are prone to injury during strenuous movement
and repetitive activity. There are two categories of ankle ligaments: those on the outer and
those on the inner surfaces of the ankle. The most common sites of injury are in the outer – or
“lateral” – ankle ligaments.

Common Causes
More than 80 percent of ankle sprains are a result of inversion, or inward rolling, of the ankle.
This is commonly experienced in athletic activities that involve running, pivoting and jumping.
While sudden, forceful movements are certainly the cause of many ankle sprains, low-grade
repetitive trauma can also weaken and injure ankle ligaments. Risk factors for ankle sprains
include previous ankle injury, impaired balance/postural control, type of sport played, position,
and muscle strength/range-of-motion deficits. Excess body weight may also be a risk factor for

Evaluation and Diagnosis

Obtaining a thorough, detailed history of events is critical in the evaluation of ankle pain in order
to lead to an accurate diagnosis. Immediate evaluation is important to determine if there are any
other injuries such as a fracture. Common signs and symptoms of an ankle sprain include
swelling, pain, instability and bruising. Numbness or severe weakness may suggest a related
nerve injury. Examination of the ankle for evidence of instability and localizing pain is part of the
initial assessment. Clinicians may often obtain x-rays or MRIs for further evaluation. A widely
validated and sensitive rule of the thumb for assessing ankle sprains is known as the Ottawa
Ankle Rules. These rules recommend imaging for possible fracture if there is pain on the side of
the ankle with palpation and the patient is unable to walk four steps without pain. Ankle sprains
are generally categorized into three grades:

Grade I: The most common type; these are associated with a mild degree of swelling
and pain related to stretching of the ligament.
Grade II: More commonly seen in athletic injuries, these are associated with a moderate
degree of swelling and pain and are related to an incomplete tear of the ligaments.
Grade III: The most severe of ankle sprains; these are associated with significant
swelling and pain and are related to complete tear of the ligaments.

Initial Treatment and Prognosis

After an accurate diagnosis is obtained, treatment will vary depending on the severity of injury.
Early and comprehensive treatment remains the best predictor of a good recovery. Initial
treatment includes four common concepts referred to as R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, and
Elevation). Relative rest or discontinuation of athletics is often necessary. Ice bags applied at
20-minute intervals three times per day for at least 72 hours post injury, along with compression
and elevation, can help reduce swelling and pain. A thorough evaluation by a medical expert
will help determine other possible treatments, including bracing, taping and anti-inflammatory
ACSM Current Comment

Prognosis is directly related to the severity of injury. Immediate evaluation and treatment will
often lead to an increased chance of complete recovery. Surgery is rarely necessary, as most
ankle sprains will heal with conservative management.

A comprehensive rehabilitation program is a critical part in the treatment of ankle sprains. With
the guidance of an experienced physical therapist or athletic trainer, stretching and
strengthening of the ankle joint and calf muscles will quicken the recovery time and decrease
the risk of re-injury. To maintain cardiorespiratory fitness during recovery,walking or jogging in a
pool or cycling is recommended, as the weight on the ankle is decreased. Re-training the
muscle sensation (called proprioception) and postural control (balance) should be a critical
component of any rehabilitation program. Balance training, using ‘wobble boards’, is an
excellent rehabilitation technique that helps strengthen and stabilize the ankle, reducing the risk
of re-injury. Returning to activities usually varies from a few days to two months, depending on
the severity of injury.

Prevention of Re-Injury
Prevention in athletics is an important matter to discuss with a skilled sports medicine
practitioner. Properly applied external ankle supports (tape, semi-rigid, and rigid braces) and
balance board exercise training can reduce the risk of ankle re-injury by more than 50%. These
prevention strategies are especially effective for those with a history of a previous ankle injury.
External ankle supports do not adversely affect athletic performance. Semi-rigid and rigid ankle
supports are most effective, widely available, and cost less than athletic tape.

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in the athlete. Accurate and rapid diagnosis,
comprehensive treatment, and rehabilitation are critical in reducing the risk of re-injury or
chronic disabling ankle pain. Prevention of injury should be a part of any training and exercise
plan. The ultimate goal of any treatment program is to improve function without inhibiting the
athlete’s performance.

Written for the American College of Sports Medicine by Victor Ibrahim, M.D., Zinovy Meyler,
D.O., and Andre Panagos, M.D.
ACSM Current Comment

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