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A Micro-primer on Corruption
If you are caught in the act, just deny it.

his is EPW in an introspective mood at the end of the was thinking only about themselves. To feel as Yossarian does
year. Just look at us. From issue to issue, we plod our constitutes what the infants will recognise, after they have
lumbering way from kernel density functions to the laby- become trained economists, as a dominant strategy equilibrium.
rinthine by-lanes of postmodern prose, from stern Notes and Not that they should be required to draw pay-off matrices
Commentaries to sterner Perspectives and Editorials, from the every time they do something self-seeking and anti-social:
dry tabulation of data to their even drier interpretation. When these things should become second nature, and come instinc-
we are not wagging our finger at the world, we are boring the tively to them, just as it will come instinctively to them to steer
world’s pants off with our laboured turgidities. Where is the their BMWs against the traffic lights without their having to
family in any of this, where the tiniest space for caring and solve a set of complicated differential equations in order to
sharing, where the possibility of offering to parents something understand the dynamics of their vehicles’ motion (much less
with which they can inspire and ennoble their offspring? Occa- the morals of their behaviour, guided as it is by inter-temporal
sionally, at least, should this weekly not make an effort to reach utility-maximisation).
out with hope and promise to the needs of the next generation, It only remains to instruct the toddlers on what they
with positive and encouraging little tracts for the times that should do when they are caught in the act and invited to de-
reflect the manners and morals and mores of the contemporary fend themselves on a television panel show of the variety that
world? The thought emboldens us to try our hand at writing a is now a staple feature of every Indian intellectual’s evening
helpful little primer on one of the most pressing requirements of from 9 pm onwards. Here are the easy steps they must be invited
success and achievement in the modern world—corruption. to adopt. First deny the facts. When that becomes untenable,
Parents who read aloud pieces such as the present one every claim ignorance of the facts and assert their unknowability.
night at bedtime to their moppets might expect the latter to dis- When that becomes untenable, play for time. When that becomes
play a marked improvement in their attitudes and conduct, to untenable, indicate loss of video, and then audio, contact.
take rapid strides towards achieving an irredeemably hard- When that becomes untenable, keep asking what’s so wrong
boiled unprincipledness. about the alleged misdeeds. When that becomes untenable,
One could begin by instructing children on the virtues of talk about the distinction between legality and morality, while
corruption by quoting to them from Joseph Heller’s Catch-22: carefully dealing with neither. When that becomes untenable,
“From now on I’m thinking only of me.” Major Danby replied change the subject. When that becomes untenable, blame
indulgently with a superior smile: “But, Yossarian, suppose the critic. When that becomes untenable, smirk, shout, and
everyone felt that way?” “Then,” said Yossarian, “I’d certainly become abusive in a gradually orchestrated progression. It is
be a damned fool to feel any other way, wouldn’t I?” It might bound to work. As that great philosopher P G Wodehouse, who
be added for the benefit of the children (if they haven’t already deserves a place on every bookshelf next to Spinoza’s Ethics,
cottoned on to it, the devious little things), that Yossarian would always maintained: “Stout denial is the thing. Stick to stout
be an even bigger damned fool to feel any other way if nobody denial. You can’t beat it.”

Economic & Political Weekly EPW decEMBER 26, 2015 vol l no 52 9

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