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Nutrition Interventions in Aging and

Age-Associated Disease
Vascular Biology Program, Jean Mayer USDA-Human Nutrition Research Center on
Aging at Tufts University, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155, USA

ABSTRACT: The nutritional status and needs of elderly people are associated
with age-related biological and often socioeconomic changes. Decreased food
intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and reduced energy expenditure in older adults al-
together become critical risk factors for malnutrition, especially protein and
micronutrients. Surveys indicate that the elderly are particularly at risk for
marginal deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. Changes in bodily func-
tions, together with the malnutrition associated with advancing age, increase
the risk of developing a number of age-related diseases. Chronic conditions
pose difficulties for the elderly in carrying out the activities of daily living and
may increase the requirements for certain nutrients due to changes in absorp-
tive and metabolic capacity. Free radicals and oxidative stress have been recog-
nized as important factors in the biology of aging and of many age-associated
degenerative diseases. In this regard, modulation of oxidative stress by calorie
restriction, as demonstrated in animal models, is suggested as one mechanism
to slow the aging process and the decline of body functions. Therefore, dietary
components with antioxidant activity have received particular attention be-
cause of their potential role in modulating oxidative stress associated with ag-
ing and chronic conditions. Several studies have indicated potential roles for
dietary antioxidants in the reduction of degenerative disease such as vascular
dementia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In support of epidemiological
studies, our recent studies indicate that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E
and polyphenols present in green tea may contribute to reducing the risk of
cardiovascular disease, in part by reducing the susceptibility of low density li-
poproteins to oxidation, decreasing the vascular endothelial cell expression of
pro-inflammatory cytokines, and decreasing the expression of adhesion mole-
cules and monocyte adhesion. Recently, we also demonstrated that these di-
etary antioxidants may have a preventive role in cancer, potentially through the
suppression of angiogenesis by inhibiting interleukin-8 production and the cell
junction molecule VE-cadherin. These findings concur with epidemiologic,
clinical, and animal studies suggesting that the consumption of green tea and
vitamin E is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and can-
cer, the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among the elderly.

KEYWORDS: Aging; Antioxidants; Degenerative diseases;; Green tea; Nutri-

tion; Oxidative stress; Vitamin E

Address for correspondence: Dr. Mohsen Meydani, Vascular Biology Program, Jean Mayer
USDA-Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111.
Voice: 617-556-3126; fax: 617-556-3224.



Aging is a complex biological phenomenon often accompanied by various socio-

economic changes that have a great impact on the nutritional status and needs of the
elderly individual. The population of elderly over 65 years of age is rising in the
United States and other countries. The number of older Americans has increased by
3.2 million in the last decade. This increase will be even greater in the coming years,
when the “baby boom” generation arrives at old age. By 2030, there will be about 70
million elderly over the age of 65 years in the US, more than twice the number in
1998.1 This large number of elderly is projected to constitute one fifth of the whole
US population. A variety of factors, such as improved health care and diet, vaccina-
tion, and new drugs, have contributed significantly to the growth of the elderly pop-
ulation in the US and abroad.
With aging, however, the incidence of disability increases due to the commonly
seen development of chronic conditions requiring medical attention and assistance
from family or social organizations. Over one third of elderly persons are limited by
chronic conditions and are unable to carry on major activities. According to recent
data,2 more than 50% of elderly over 65 years of age have one form of disability, and
33% of the elderly have at least one type of severe disability. Arthritis, hypertension,
heart disease, hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, cataracts, sinusitis, and
diabetes are the most frequent health problems that pose difficulties for the elderly
in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL). Therefore, it is expected that the
prevalence of elderly with disabilities will increase concomitantly with the rise in the
elderly population to more than 30 million in the US by the first decade of new mil-
lenium, a great responsibility to the society and younger generation. Therefore, strat-
egies to prevent an age-related decline in mobility and reduce the prevalence of
chronic disease have been recognized as important in allowing the elderly to main-
tain their independence and ability to carry out ADL. From an economic standpoint,
preventive strategies are considered the most cost-effective solution to the problem
of disability in the elderly.


Free radicals and oxidative stress have been recognized as important factors in the
biology of aging and in many age-associated degenerative diseases. A time-depen-
dent shift in the antioxidant/prooxidant balance, which leads to higher free radical
generation and an increase in oxidative stress and dysregulation of cellular function,
is the basis for the free radical theory of aging. This theory is commonly manifested
with phenotypic changes and functional deterioration in later life. Genetic, environ-
mental, and lifestyle factors play important roles in the rate of changes in this bal-
ance (FIG . 1) and therefore in the rates of aging and the development of age-
associated diseases. Decreased food intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and reduced energy
expenditure in older adults together are the risk factors for malnutrition, especially
for protein and micronutrients, and may further contribute to the decline of bodily
functions and the development of chronic age-associated degenerative diseases. Oth-
er factors that reduce food intake in the elderly are listed in TABLE 1. A recent survey
of 40,000 subjects in 88 communities in the third National Health and Nutrition Ex-


TABLE 1. Factors increasing the risk of inadequate consumption of food by the

• Diseases
• Physical disability
• Inability to chew food adequately
• Polypharmacy
• Living alone
• Limited income

amination Survey (NHANES III) in the US also included a survey of about 5,000
elderly in the US population grouped from 60–69 years, 70–79 years, and 80+
years.3,4 This survey for the first time provided a cross-sectional health and nutrition
status in the aging US population.5 The report indicated that the median intake of
total energy in elderly subjects in general is lower than the recommended 2,300 Kcal
for men and 1,900 Kcal for women.6 Caloric intake from fat by the elderly is higher
than 30% of recommended allowance (RDA). Low intake of fat is widely recognized
to be important for reducing the risks of obesity, coronary heart disease, and certain
forms of cancer. The survey also found that elderly Americans consumed less cho-
lesterol than 300 mg per day and more folate and B12 vitamins. They consumed
enough vitamins C and A, micronutrients important for maintenance of healthy life,
to meet RDA levels. However, elderly Americans appear not to be consuming suffi-
cient calcium to meet the recommended 800 mg/day level, which is important for
bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. The survey also
reported that intake of vitamin E is lower than the current recommended level (for
the natural form of vitamin E), which is 15 mg/day. Vitamin E is an important anti-
oxidant to prevent lipid peroxidation and maintain cellular membrane integrity. The
NHANES III study demonstrated clearly that food insufficiency exists in the US and
that its prevalence is significantly associated with the income status of the elderly

FIGURE 2. Prevalence of food insufficiency in the United States by Income Category

NHANES III (1994-98).

(FIG . 2).2 In addition to inadequate food intake and malnutrition due to income lim-
itations, other factors listed in TABLE 1 may contribute to the risk of inadequate con-
sumption of food in the elderly.


It is important to note that in many age-associated diseases food and nutrition

play important roles (TABLE 2). Chronic conditions may also increase requirements
for certain nutrients due to changes in absorption and metabolism. Mounting evi-
dence suggests that generation of free radicals and oxidative stress is a major player
in the aging process and age-associated diseases. Thus, eliminating the formation of
free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, thereby increasing antioxidant defenses,
are considered one means by which both the rate of aging and the risk of chronic dis-
ease can be reduced. Historically, nutrition has been recognized as an important fac-
tor in the modulation of disease and longevity. However, the only intervention shown
to be effective in slowing down the aging process in animal models is caloric restric-

TABLE 2. Several age-related diseases associated with nutrition

• Cancer
• Cardiovascular disease
• Diabetes
• Osteoporosis
• Sarcopenia
• Cataract
• Macular degeneration
• Infection

tion. Caloric restriction has been proven to be an effective dietary intervention to re-
duce oxidative stress, improve the antioxidant defense system, and extend both
median and maximum life spans in several animal models.7 Caloric restriction has
also been shown to slow the age-associated decline of bodily functions, such as those
of the immune and neuronal systems,8,9 and to delay the onset of age-related diseas-
es such as cancer, diabetes, and cataracts.10–12 Caloric restriction in rodent models
has been shown to increase longevity when caloric restriction is introduced at any
time after the animal has matured.13 Evidence suggests that the mechanism of action
of dietary restriction is mainly reduction of oxidative stress and an increase in en-
dogenous levels of antioxidant enzymes. Restriction of caloric intake by 30–40% in
humans, however, appears to be difficult, as it would require drastic behavioral mod-
ifications. This type of restriction is virtually impractical at present, except in clini-
cal settings, and is therefore not a plausible option for increasing longevity or
reducing disease risk in a population.
Because reduction of oxidative stress appears to be a main mechanism of action
in dietary restriction models and is in accordance with the free radical theory of ag-
ing, it was proposed that increasing antioxidant status by feeding animals natural or
synthetic antioxidants would reduce oxidative stress and thus contribute to longevity.
These attempts, however, were not as successful14–17 as the results obtained from
food restriction paradigms. However, a relatively recent study demonstrated that a
mixture of several dietary antioxidants, if begun early in life, might extend signifi-
cantly the longevity of animals.18 Although the results are promising, this observa-
tion needs to be reproduced by other investigators. Extension of this observation to
humans, that is, long-term supplementation of a large number of human subjects
with antioxidants to examine longevity, would be of great value. It would be very in-
teresting to prove that high antioxidant capacity and low oxidative stress are a major
contributing factor in the human population, in whom life expectancy according to
demographic data is longer than that in others. Modification of diet without drastic
reductions of caloric intake in combination with lifestyle modifications, such as ex-
ercising, abstaining from smoking, and moderating alcohol intake, together with
maintenance of an individual’s ideal body weight, are the factors suggested by sev-
eral health organizations for upkeep of health and reduced risk of chronic diseases.


Several observational studies have shown that supplemental intake of antioxidant

vitamins such as vitamins E and C is associated with reduced risk of age-associated
chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer, cataracts,
and cognitive impairment, which in turn might have contributed to the longevity and
growth of the elderly population. Thus, it would be of great value to examine the po-
tential role of supplemental intake of antioxidants vitamins in relation to the in-
creased life expectancy observed in recent decades in the population in the US and
other parts of the world.
Dietary components of foods containing antioxidant activity such as vitamin E or
specific forms of fatty acids such as (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have
received particular attention because of their potential role in modulating the oxida-
tive stress associated with aging and age-related chronic diseases. Several studies

have shown a potential role of these components of the diet in the modulation of im-
mune and inflammatory systems, which play important roles in preventing infec-
tious and inflammatory diseases in the elderly and in reducing the risk of chronic
disease such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, the two leading causes of morbid-
ity and mortality in US and other Western societies.
Earlier, Meydani et al.19 reported that supplementation of aged mice (24 months
old) with dietary vitamin E (500 ppm) improved several indices of the immune sys-
tem to levels comparable to those seen in young animals. Supplementation of aged
mice with this vitamin also increased clearance of influenza virus from the lung
compared with that in animals supplemented with other antioxidants such as mela-
thonine, glutathione, or strawberry extract which contains a high level of flavonoids
with antioxidant activity.20 In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Meydani et
al.21,22 also reported that supplementation of elderly subjects with vitamin E for a
short (1 month) or long (4.5 months) period of time also improved several in vitro
and in vivo indices of immune response. The optimal immune response was observed
with 200 IU of vitamin E per day in the long-term study. It is worth noting that this
level of vitamin E has also been reported to be the optimal level for reducing plasma
F2-isoprostane, a reliable index of lipid peroxidation.23 Improving the immune re-
sponse in the elderly may result in a lower incidence of infections, which are preva-
lent among the elderly, and thus may contribute to a longer and healthier life.
Scores of observational and clinical trials have also indicated that a high intake
or high plasma level of this vitamin is associated with a low risk of cardiovascular
disease.24,25 Several lines of evidence indicated that supplemental levels of vitamin
E may prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing susceptibility of LDLs to oxida-
tion,26 reducing expression of chemokines and adhesion molecule expression and
monocyte adhesion,27 decreasing smooth muscle proliferation,28 improving vessel
relaxation,29–31 and decreasing platelet aggregation.32
Marine-derived (n-3) PUFA has also been reported to contribute to cardiovascular
health through its antiinflammatory properties.33,34 Consumption of marine-derived
(n-3) PUFA, which does not reduce LDL cholesterol levels, does reduce plasma lev-
els of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol, and has been consistently
shown to reduce plasma triglyceride levels.35 Furthermore, marine-derived (n-3)
PUFA have been shown to decrease platelet aggregation36,37 and high blood pres-
sure,38 which, in part, supports the epidemiologic findings on the association of re-
duced risk of cardiovascular disease with fish or fish oil consumption.33,34 In
addition, the antiinflammatory characteristics of these fatty acids contribute signifi-
cantly to their antiatherogenic properties. This latter effect of marine-derived (n-3)
PUFA is mainly attributed to their modulation of prostanoid, leukotriene, and cyto-
kine production, all of which participate in atherogenesis.
Supplementation with (n-3) PUFA from fish oil, however, has been reported to
suppress the immune response,39,40 which hampers enthusiasm for the use of ma-
rine-derived PUFA for its benefits in cardiovascular disease. However, the latter con-
cern could be addressed by including the supplemental intake of vitamin E along
with fish oil supplements. In a recent study, we found that supplementing elderly
persons with (n-3) fatty acid of fish oil in combination with vitamin E, while main-
taining the antiinflammatory properties of (n-3) PUFA, did not reduce immune indi-
ces in the elderly.41

Several observational studies have indicated that consumption of fruits and veg-
etables is associated with a lower risk of cancer.42 Antioxidants present in fruits and
vegetables in the form of antioxidant vitamins or non-nutritive polyphenols may
contribute to their effect on reducing the cancer risk. Suppression of oxidative stress
and prevention of DNA damages and mutation have been suggested as one of the
mechanisms by which these compounds may affect cancer reduction. Another may
be through inhibition of tumor growth by suppressing angiogenesis, the formation of
new blood vessels from existing ones. We recently made in vitro observations that
angiogenesis can be induced by oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide, and
supplementing the microvascular endothelial cells with vitamin E or green tea cat-
echins (polyphenols with antioxidant activity) inhibits angiogenesis. Vitamin E and
regular consumption of green tea have both been reported to be associated with re-
duced risk of cancer.43–48 Green tea catechins have been shown to be effective in re-
ducing angiogenesis in in vivo animal models.49 Our in vitro studies have indicated
that reductions of interleukin-8 production and disturbance in the assembly of VE-
cadherin with intracellular β-catinin are some of the mechanisms by which these an-
tioxidants modulate angiogenesis.
Decline of cognitive function with age is another factor that hinders indepen-
dence and activity in the elderly. Current evidence indicates that both increased ox-
idative stress and antioxidant status imbalance contribute to the decline of cognitive
function with age. Several studies have found associations between the decline of
memory performance with age and lower status of dietary antioxidants.50,51 The ef-
fect of dietary antioxidants on the prevention of vascular dementia, stroke, and ath-
erosclerosis are other mechanisms by which dietary antioxidants may reduce the risk
of dementia associated with vascular dysfunction and probably Alzheimer’s disease.
In the recent Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
III), elderly over the age of 60 years were tested for their cognitive function in rela-
tion to plasma antioxidant status. The study reported that vitamins C, E, A, caro-
tenoids, and selenium levels were correlated with memory function.51 The survey
reported that the odds ratios for poor memory performance consistently were high
with low levels of plasma vitamin E. Furthermore, supplementation with vitamin E
was reported to delay progression of Alzheimer’s disease.52 Experimental animal
studies indicate that antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables can improve cog-
nitive function.53,54 Therefore, it appears that dietary antioxidants may also provide
protection against oxidative damage in neuronal tissue and may prevent deteriora-
tion of the neuronal system with aging.


It is accepted that free radicals are involved in both aging and the pathology of
many age-associated diseases. This concept is overwhelmingly supported by a great
deal of evidence resulting from dietary restriction interventions in animal models,
modulation of enzymatic and dietary antioxidant status in animal models, and obser-
vational and clinical interventions on the association of antioxidants and oxidative
stress indices with chronic diseases in humans. The contribution of dietary or sup-
plemental antioxidants during the last decades to the increase in life expectancy and
growth of the elderly population is not known. However, evidence indicates that

adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a balanced diet, being physically
active, and abstaining from smoking, as well as the availability of better health care
most likely contributes significantly to increased life expectancy. Emerging data
from epidemiologic and clinical studies also emphasize the importance of micronu-
trients in increasing vigor of several bodily functions such as immune, cognitive,
cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal functions in the elderly. In addition, supplemen-
tal intake of antioxidants and other micronutrients appears to be important in pre-
venting or delaying the onset of several age-associated chronic diseases such as
cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and infections, the major cause of morbid-
ity and mortality among the elderly. In comparison with medical care and drug treat-
ment, nutritional interventions can more feasibly be implemented cost-effectively in
every population along the age spectrum.


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