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Pakistan's Fat Ever Newspaper on S&T PT ons incrviows Arles tora = J atya Overview on earth and role of Geologist for the service of mankind vey212 207 | nue te | No conmen water, aie aed the processes that inflnce them called rth The 46 billon years ears history depicted in the Geologie Te Scale the earth i composed of ferent dynamic tconke plates leading toa theory of Pte Tectonics. The each fs composed of thes mor layers which Incide cast, mane and core. There are thre types of rods la nae Le igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. The mast important element of the earth & water which present in the form of glaciers oceans, running and ground water ete. The rock gle shits the rocks fm one type 10 anther and these rocks alo ewpeience stesses being precursors for mountaln buldng. The earth can ako be affeced by natal hazards the foods, earthquakes, tsunams andres od olanc eruptions, The earths fl of energy resources icuding oes, col and mineral depos ‘he ear sence edestlon Is composed of four elds of sty Including gelogy,ssronomy, metsorlogy and oceanography, Ils ama to explore the ‘elatonshp between geosphere, atmosphere, hyosphete and biesphere. The author, beng 2 Geologist. has tater into corsideration geology ony, The stuiy of sobd earth Is called Geology. It encompasses great deal of scale of observations for the consttuents of the earth vaning fem ayproaystaline to macoscopic stale. The earth scence educatlon (Geelogy) & very signcant In ‘order to sustainably manage and explore eats energy, wate, mina, sol and coastal resources, IIs als helpful predicting and nnigaung catastrophic events such as foods, earthquakes, unas, landslides and vlan eupins. ‘he Geologst has a very ruc fle Inthe soo-conomic development of the country. They have variety of roles in ferent national and ‘exemational oqganzaens. The Geologists an work Ia companis such a5 pevoleum, ailing, mining, mineral geclogial surveys, erronmental consulting fms, envormental protection agencies, teaching. deparmens research centres and equipments suppers ‘Thay can work in mines, underpound Investigations, geological mapping, satelite imagery. bung roads and foundations for homes and boulldngs They ae ako searching and extracting raw maternal uted In consruon and inisy provided by mining and quareying. They are sso involved in getecoical stules to provide proper mera for buldig foundations. They have key role in hydrocarbon (ot and 3251 exploration, They can work a5 Petroleum Geologists, Engineering Geologists, Envronmental Geologists, Professors, Researchers and Independent Consutants The each scence isa very ivalable fd of study and Fe should be commen inthe ealy schooling sage tithe scermadiate lvl 0 everyone. Al the four leks of study of earth scence should be part of curcumin collge level In cutis tke Pakistan, Afghanistan 2d ina. Tis wil hp people to vei a beter and safe way. There are bulgs lang faut plane andor above lose sediments et. The people are ving in coastal areas. There are ko communis in landslide prone areas Therefor, at last common publi should have some asc undaandng of earths processes. This wl ep tam not to do constuction along fale plane and or above lose sediments and ako old ing n coastal and lands prove areas. ‘The fossils fuels ol gas and coal are used to dive vehi. The people are ost often tating about the ol prices but they have even no dea how and where ae they formed. The rocks which are hoi hese fos fuels are formed i the maine erwonmens aver mins of years ago, The petroleum fused in many common products like adhesbes,capsting. cosmetics, fertizers, pnts, rubber, fabs and Posies etc. the gemstones are very widely used in jenelley and ako fr emamental purposes. The copper Is most often ued in eectic vies. n short, Geology needs tobe common and people should have at knew how ofthis bask apple scence el Theauthor-Muhammad Avaiss a lecturer in Gelogy at Deparment of Geology neers of Swab

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