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Intercultural Blunder (Pizza Hut)

According to my research, a certain intercultural blunder that Pizza Hut has done was something connected
to the discrimination of people of different social groups, those with communication disorder.
Pizzza Hut in Saudi Arabia has apologised for an offensive tweet that appeared to mock people with
a stammer. The fast food chain deleted the tweet which repeated letters at the start of words to mimic people
with the speaking disorder on International Stuttering Awareness Day.
It sparked a huge online backlash, with a hashtag threatening to boycott Pizza Hut trending in the sovereign
Arab state.
The tweet was also brought to the attention of the country’s Ministry of Commerce and Investment who
confirmed it violated their rules.
“We will be taking appropriate action against it after we contact the company involved,” they said.
In response, the company tweeted: “Pizza Hut apologises over the irresponsible tweet which offended a
group of people who we deeply care about.
“Action has been taken against the person who made this error.”
The tweet had been widely criticised, with one posting [translated]: “This is such a silly, offensive ad, the least
we should do is boycott Pizza Hut so that other brands take note.”
Another wrote: “On International Stuttering Awareness Day, Pizza Hut offensively trolled people who suffer
from the communication disorder.”

Intercultural Blunder (Pizza Hut)
According to my research, a certain intercultural blunder that Pizza Hut has done was its sexist
advertising for ‘good-looking girls’
A job advertisement by Pizza Hut which said it was looking for “decent, good-looking girls” has
been removed after complaints it was sexist.
The advert for the chain's Leatherhead branch was posted on the website Gumtree but was removed
after people reported it to Pizza Hut's head office.
It read: "Pizza Hut Leatherhead looking for full and part time drivers. Need to have your own car.
"We are also looking for a decent good looking girls for Reception. That role is just part time."
Jackie Quinn, the president of Leatherhead’s Chamber of Commerce president said the advert was
sexist and claimed Pizza Hut had “let itself down”
Is not acceptable to be sexist, they could have put good-looking girls or boys but they didn't even do
that," she said.
"I'm sure it's a one-off error, someone's done it without thinking but it doesn't make it right.
"I think it's a shame, the company has let itself down. They're in the wrong and they should never
have done it.
"As a woman in business I've had this sort of thing happen to me and you do get used to it but it
doesn't make it right and in a professional company it shouldn't be allowed to happen.
"Realistically I do think they have to let that person go.
"I don't think it's acceptable and a national company of that size should have trained their staff well
enough not to do that publicly.
"I would like to see their head on a block and they should be made an example of because, in this day
and age, it's unacceptable and the company should have procedures in place to have kept that from
A spokesman for the Leatherhead franchise would not comment except to say "It has been dealt
with and taken down."
A spokesperson for Pizza Hut said ""We do not condone this advertisement, which goes against the
guidelines, policies and practices of Pizza Hut.
"It was an individual error of judgment from an employee, which was quickly taken down, and the
issue is now being managed internally.
"We do not tolerate any discrimination of any kind and are committed to creating equal opportunities
in a safe working environment."

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