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Teaching Portfolio Midpoint Review

Mentor: Andrew Harpenau

Resident: Brian Chang

Teaching Philosophy - The resident has developed a teaching philosophy that is clear, concise, and reflective. The
resident has considered his or her own personal approach to teaching and precepting.


Up to this point, Brian has only precepted once during his residency; for 1 week during his Internal Medicine rotation.
Through his normal work day, Brian actively thinks about how to teach students in the future. His plan is to customize his
teaching style to each student’s learning process. Brian’s goal as a preceptor is to make each student feel as if they
learned something, and can take something from the learning experience and utilize it in their professional careers. Brian
has a scheduled precepting opportunity in January during a Pediatrics rotation. On this rotation, Brian plans to utilize all
of the skills listed above. Brian will be reflecting on all of this information and his precepting opportunity to implement it
into his teaching philosophy. Along with teaching philosophy examples from this peers, Brian will continue to develop his
teaching philosophy in early 2020.

Examples of Teaching - The resident has included teaching materials (handouts, cases, presentations) that reflect
his or her teaching philosophy.


Regarding handouts, Brian has tried several approaches; handouts utilizing Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
templates, in-depth bullet points and brief highlights. Brian has utilized different approaches to meet the preferences
of his preceptor(s) at the time. Through the different approaches, Brian has come to enjoy utilizing PowerPoint for
his handouts as it allows him to be personable with his audience and not read word for word from a printed
document. Overall, Brian likes to utilize supplemental handouts. These handouts allow Brian’s audience to be
engaged in the discussion while learning meaningful material to positively impact their professional practice. Utilizing
supplemental handouts has granted Brian with positive feedback from his peers. Brian keeps all of his material
(handouts, slides, supplemental material) organized and will be implemented accordingly in to his portfolio.

Feedback regarding Teaching - The resident includes feedback from lectures and presentations given from
students, peers, and/or preceptors.


Brian has actively kept all of his feedback received from peers. Notably, Brian received strong positive
feedback from physicians and other professionals following his first Grand Rounds presentation. Brian
attributed a lot this success to previously reflecting on feedback, and implementing personal changes
accordingly. The biggest change that Brian has made is practicing his presentation. Brian has said that
practicing a presentation 2 weeks before the actual presentation has made him feel more comfortable with
presenting; the more time he puts into a presentation results in a better outcome. As noted with the
organized handouts and slides above, Brian will be appropriately placing received feedback into the

Resident Reflection of Teaching - The resident has provided self-reflection following each lecture highlighting areas that
he or she did exceptionally well during the lecture, as well as opportunities for improvement. If a lecture or presentation
was repeated, did the resident adequately reflect what was done differently to make the lecture successful?

The first part of this answer is thoroughly reflected upon in the section above “Feedback regarding Teaching”. To build
upon those comments, Brian has felt that the most positive feedback he has received focuses on his presentations being
organized. Brian strives to complete his presentation rough drafts at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date. This
allows ample time for feedback and practice to make the final presentation extremely organized. Brian’s self-identified
biggest area of improvement is developing a stronger confidence of delivery. Brian is actively practicing to not read from
slides as much. At this point, Brian has not repeated any presentation or lecture. Brian expects to reflect more on
repeated presentations once Midyear is completed, as this experience will allow him to present his poster on several

Portfolio Organization - Is the portfolio organized in a clear and concise manner?


Brian is actively working on the website portion of the portfolio. He is planning to meet with an additional preceptor for
setting up the website. Brian also continues to work on his reflections. As it stands, Brian has built a sturdy framework for
completing the portfolio; once the website is organized, completing the portfolio will be more streamlined and quicker to
complete. Until the website is completed, Brian is continuing to work on collecting reflections and completing additional
presentations and topic discussions to ensure that he has completed all requirements of the teaching certificate.

Teaching Log - Is the teaching log updated by the resident as lectures or presentations are given? Does the resident
appear to be on target to complete the minimum requirements for IPTeC?


Brian almost has the entire teaching log completed. He has to delete 2 instances of presentations as the audience did
not have a pharmacy student involved, but Brian feels confident in completing this part of the log. Overall, Brian has an
additional Grand Rounds presentation and previously mentioned precepting opportunity scheduled which will allow him
to additional solidify his completion of the log.

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