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Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and

Communications DETEC
Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA
Safety – Division Flight Personnel
3003 Bern

Radiotelephony Examination Applicant's licence number:

Applicant last name: first name: date of birth:

place of birth: place of origin: nationality:

private address: postal code: city: street:

phone/fax home: phone/fax office:

e-mail: signature of applicant:

ATO/DTO name: registration number:

name of Head of Training: EASA licence number:

location & date: signature of Head of Training:

Enrolment Desired examination date: _______________ Alternate examination date: _______________

Radiotelephony examination VFR for pilots

q Initial examination q 1st repetition q 2nd repetition q 3rd repetition
Licence category
q Aeroplane q Helicopter q Glider q Balloon q Hang glider

q Practical Classroom test q Theoretical examination Result: (to be filled in by the examiner)
90 VFR Communications*
Phraseology in Examination papers in Passed Failed

q English q English Practical Classroom test

q German q German
q French q French *Theoretical examination
q Italian q Italian 90 VFR Communications

*The theoretical exam for VFR Communications (091 for CPL/ATPL, 90 for lower categories) must be taken in a regular theory exam
session. Exception: Holders of a pilot licence with no radiotelephony privileges (RPPL, RGlider, hang glider...) who want to upgrade their
existing licence may take the theory part in a radiotelephony exam session, together with the practical classroom test.

Radiotelephony examination IFR for pilots

q Initial examination q 1st repetition q 2nd repetition q 3rd repetition
q Practical Classroom test Result: (to be filled in by the examiner)
The theoretical exam for IFR
Phraseology in Communications (subject 092) must be Passed Failed
taken in a regular IR theory exam session.
English Practical Classroom test

Radiotelephony examination VFR for the issue of an Independent Flight Radio Operator Certificate
q Initial examination q 1st repetition q 2nd repetition q 3rd repetition
q Revalidation/Renewal

q Practical Classroom test q Theoretical examination Result: (to be filled in by the examiner)
90 VFR Communications
q Special theory exam PPL Passed Failed

Phraseology in Examination papers in

Practical Classroom test
English q English
q German Theoretical examination
q French 90 VFR Communications

q Italian
Special theory exam PPL


Examiner: last name: first name:

Examiner authorisation (licence number): signature:

FOCA Form 69.500 - Version 03.2019 1/2

BAZL OFAC UFAC FOCA CH-3003 Bern (Switzerland)

Applicant's licence number:

Innert 10 Tagen nach Zustellung des Ergebnisses der RTF Prüfung kann beim Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt, 3003 Bern, schriftlich die
Ausstellung einer beschwerdefähigen Verfügung über das Prüfungsresultat verlangt werden

Il est possible, dans les dix jours suivant la communication du résultat d' examen RTF d'obtenir, sur requête écrite auprès de l'Office
fédéral de l'aviation civile, 3003 Berne, une décision susceptible de recours portant sur le résultat dudit examen

Entro dieci giorni dall'invio dei resultati del esame di RTF può essere richiesta per iscritto all'Ufficio federale dell'aviazione civile, 3003
Berna, una decisione impugnabile sull'esito dell'esame

A candidate may, in the 10 days following the result of the RTF examination, obtain written confirmation of his/her official result from the
Federal Office of Civil Aviation, 3003 Bern, against which he/she may then appeal. The candidate’s request must be in writing in one of the
official languages (German/French/Italian).

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