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Wenjie Chen

How people see?

That answer is very simple: eyes, but how is eyes work and why eyes can see things?

Frist let us make a small test how we can’t see things. Many people have thought that

closing their eyes is means not see things, but it is not, because darkness is the visual

experience of the environment without light, and it is also the result of "seeing”.

Therefore, let's do a little experiment if we can’t see what it looks like. First, closes your

eyes now and you will see black. Then open one of the eyes, the one you closed, perhaps

the world of the not see thing. (this piece will be published on the Junior high school

biology class). Next let’s see how our magical eyes are work:

This is a complex biological and chemical process.

Biological processes: The ability to see objects requires a complex transfer and visual

process. When looking at an object, the light reflected by the object viewed through the

refraction of the cornea, lens, and vitreous is imaged on the retina to form a light

stimulus. After being stimulated by light, the pyramidal cells and rod-shaped cells on the

retina are transformed into nerve impulses through a series of physical and chemical

changes, and the optic nerve is transmitted to the visual center of the cerebral cortex. At

this point, we can see the object.

Chemical Process: In the process of looking at an object, it is indispensable for the eyes

and brain to function properly. If a person has normal function of the retina, but because

of corneal leukoplakia or cataract, the light reflected by the object cannot be transmitted
to the retina, and the light stimulation of the retina cannot be transmitted to the brain, and

the object cannot be seen. Those chemical elements are come from sun.

Eyes function introduction




The principle of eyeball construction and imaging is similar to that of a camera.

The camera has a lens, aperture, focusing device, black box and negative film. The

eyeball has a similar structure. The cornea is equivalent to the lens, the pupil is equivalent

to the aperture, the lens is equivalent to the focusing lens, the choroid is equivalent to the

dark box, and the retina is equivalent to the negative.

1. Cornea: Located at the forefront of the eyeball, it is clear and transparent. The

blinking action of the eyelid will evenly wet the corneal surface, so that the light

can enter the eye directly without being blocked. It is like a camera lens.

2. Pupil: It will automatically reduce or enlarge with the intensity of light, which is

equivalent to the aperture of the camera. It can adjust the brightness of light into

the eye to prevent the eye from being injured by strong light.

3. the lens: by the zoom of the ciliary muscle to change the thickness, you can

adjust the focal length of the distance, let us see the object is clear, equivalent to

the lens of the focus.

4. choroid: the inner cavity of the eye is filled with vitreous, the choroid in the wall

of the eye contains a lot of pigment, there is a shading effect, making the inner

cavity of the eye become like a black box.

5. the retina: contains a lot of photoreceptor cells, cones and rod shaped cells,

respectively, in charge of color vision and light and dark vision, the retina

receives light stimulation and imaging, it is equivalent to the camera's negative.

The eye is the most important organ in human senses, and about 80% of the brain's

knowledge is acquired through the eyes. Eyes must be used for reading and reading,

watching pictures, watching people, enjoying the scenery, and so on. The eye recognizes

light of different colors and brightness and turns this information into a neural signal that

is transmitted to the brain.

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