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Nama : Pri Hartini

NPM : 1810631160121

Kelas : Teknik Elektro D

The Wonderful Small Town, Indramayu

Indramayu is a city and district which serves as the capital of Indramayu Regency in the West
Java, Indonesia and located in the northern coastal area of West Java, east from the city of Jakarta,
north-east from the Paris van java city- Bandung, and north-west of Cirebon. Most of its land reside
below sea level, which makes the district vulnerable to high tide in stormy conditions. Some dunes and
barrages only protect the area at the seaside.

The climate is quite dry. The rainfall is quite variable, with precipitation of 2,571 mm in 2014 but half
that in 2012 and 745 mm in 2016, partly due to the influence of climate anomalies like La Nina and El

The citizens of Indramayu Regency is about 1.600.000 in 2017, but in the town itself, just over 100,000
people reside. The estimated land area of the city of Indramayu is 2.600 km². The local population near
the shore flatten on fishing. Furthermore, kapok, cloves, citrus, and other fruits cultivated. Indramayu is
famous for the first sweet mangosteens and is also known as one of the mango producers in West Java,
Indonesia. Indramayu was known as Indonesia's main rice supplier in the early 1980s to late 1990s.

98.8% of the inhabitants are adherents of Islam, with the others being Protestant or Catholic Christians,
Hindus, Buddhists, and Confucians.

Other than that, Crude oil found in the Indramayu area. Pertamina, the state's oil company, has operated
a refinery just outside the town since 1994.

Furthermore, because of an overall lack of industry and jobs, there is the migration to other parts
of Indonesia. The majority of "agricultural" workers in this town are either rice farmers or fishermen,
which employs about 5.000 workers each.

Indramayu is one of the exciting areas, but not everyone knows the beauty of Indramayu's nature and
culture, so now many people are looking for information about Indramayu, both information about
tourism potential in Indramayu, as well as a variety of Indramayu arts and culture.

The population of Indramayu Regency is a mixture of Sundanese and Javanese tribes, where the culture
that grows and develops is a form of implementation of the expression of the local community which is
influenced by Javanese and Sundanese culture so that the cultural form is the acculturation of the two
Indramayu district arts are very diverse, and it is an art that must preserve. If we speak Indramayu, it
means we are talking about the issue of skill in the very diverse district of Indramayu. Maybe because it
is so different, we cannot review in detail than others. Speaking of Indramayu, what comes to mind is
West Java and also the north coast. Yes, because Indramayu is indeed in West Java Province and even
crossed by the northern coastline or north coast.

The following are examples of art in the Wonderful town Indramayu.

1. Tari Topeng

Tari Topeng is an art originating from the Cirebon area, including Indramayu. This dance is one of the
hops in Tatar Parahyangan. The dancer wears a mask while dancing, which is why this dance is called Tari
Topeng. This Tari Topeng is also diverse and has developed concerning movements and stories that are
to convey in the dance. Graceful hand and body movements, as well as a musical accompaniment which
is dominated by drums and fiddle, is another characteristic of mask dance. Until now this Tari Topeng art
still exists to be studied in dance studios and also often performed at official regional events. One of the
Tari Topeng studios in Indramayu is Mimi Rasinah's Tari Topeng Studio, Maestro Tari Topeng which died
in August 2010.

2. Mapag Dewi Sri

According to Indramayu people's beliefs, the tradition of Mapag Dewi Sri must hold every year.
According to the story, in the 1970s never did this ritual because of the small amount of harvest. As a
result, many local people are sick. Since then this people's party has been held every year without seeing
the grain.

3. Sintren

Sintren is one of the arts owned by the Service Society. This art is famous on the north coast of Central
Java and West Java. Many call Sintren and Lais, and in Indramayu, Sintren performed at certain events.

4. Genjring Acrobatics

It is a show using stairs as a medium, one wheel bike and so on. The Genjring Acrobat in its presentation
accompanied by a Genjring / Rebana musical instrument equipped with Rudat dance.

5. Sandiwara

This art is almost the same as the performing art of Ketoprak originating from Java. Dramatic arts in
Indramayu Regency usually tells about legend and history, namely performance of a story or also called
Lakon in Javanese.

6. Tarling
Tarling is a musical art that is displayed using a guitar and flute where guitar and flute are the
accompaniments of this art. This art follows the times because now Tarling is not only accompanied by
guitar and flute but also equipped with modern musical instruments.

7. Wayang Kulit

This art is indeed inherent in Javanese society in general, so is Indramayu because this Wayang Kulit art is
still attached to the Indramayu community. And Indramayu Wayang Kulit is like Javanese Wayang Kulit,
which differ only in language when performing.

8. Kesenian "Berokan"

"Berokan" is an art originating from Indramayu, where this art is almost the same as lion dance from

9. Singa Depok and Kebo Ngamuk

This art is similar to Sisingaan art originating from Subang and began to modify with the Kebo Ngamuk
and Burok

10. "Paoman" Batik (Indramayu's Batik)

This art written art is originating from Indramayu district. This batik has coastal characteristics with
different patterns from batik from other regions: the combination of trust, customs, literature and the
environment of coastal life, plus the influence of outside influences the formation of motifs and
characters in coastal batik.

Indramayu Regency Arts there are several similar/similar to other regions. However, of course, some
differences characterize the typical Indramayu area.

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