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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Chapter 2


Attendances are one of the most important checks in any institution such as education,offices
and events, Attendance Application is useful and effective this study aims to develop the
punctuality,behavior and lifestyle of the student and their academic performances. Attendance
application provides efficiency and excellent performance to record the daily attendance of the
students without forging and biases.Attendance application improves recording daily bases of
participations in school or in offices. Attendance application can save time and effort and keep
the attendance safely and secured.Attendance application maintain and improve fairness and
quality of monitoring and checking the presence of the students.

2.1 Local Literature

2.1.1 Different attendance system

As a state funded teacher, it is no uncertainty that we expend such a great amount of paper
in one school year – making tests, gifts, test papers, examine papers, structures, reviewing
sheets, thus substantially more. That is a ton of paper and some of it just goes to squander,"
Maleriado said. The 37-year-old educator said that he concocted the thought toward the
beginning of class this year. He likewise instructs Contact Center Administrations (CCS) under
the innovation and occupation training division in GEANHS. He spearheaded the pattern at
the General Emilio Aguinaldo National Secondary School, noticing that his co-instructors still
can't seem to get the eco-accommodating pattern. I was attempting to make sense of how I
could screen the participation of my understudies. Our printer broke in the staff room so I
couldn't print the participation sheet for my classes. So I perused [online] for a participation
checker on the web and I saw this application called Participation Control Checker [where you
can] use QR codes," Maleriado jested.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

The investigation was directed to decide the highlights and worthiness of Quick Response
(QR) Code imaginative stage as a participation observing framework. Purposive examining
was utilized in the investigation including 20 instructors who adjusted the QR code and 36
understudies who were presented to the participation observing framework during the main
quarter of the scholarly year 2018-2019. Illustrative information investigation was utilized in
the examination utilizing the adjusted institutionalized study poll expected for assessing
database interface. The computerized application was accessible and free on Android cell
phones that can be traded to Microsoft Excel, while the framework doesn't require a web
association and perfect for a major class. With the joined assessments of the instructors client
and understudies, information uncovered that QR Code as participation checking framework
was commonly profoundly worthy as far as dependability, effectiveness, exactness, ease of
use, while exceptionally adequate as far as security and privacy. The perspectives on the
members suggest that QR code as participation checker was condition agreeable, savvy, easy
to use, creative, exceptionally quick and clear codes. Consequently, this examination is
equipped towards proof based work on utilizing this sort of advancement that will fill in as an
inclination towards nonstop improvement and effective adjustment of the QR code that is basic
in altering and rearranging the checking of participation of understudies in the study hall.[2]

This investigation intended to build up a gadget that will screen the participation of
understudies and workforce. The gadget, involving a radio recurrence distinguishing proof card
peruser and labels, checking framework, worldwide framework for portable correspondence,
remote correspondence and microcontrollers, will fill in as an observing framework that will
help the Dean in monitoring the dependability of fifth year designing understudies and their
consultants. This plan venture utilized trial advancement technique. The productivity of the
framework's individual highlights and its general execution were evaluated through a distinct
methodology utilizing polls. The gadget was tried for 10 days and was assessed by 21
respondents, who were included six employees, five direction advisors, five
guardians/gatekeepers, and five ECE understudies. Each perception during the testing of the
gadget was recorded. These information were dissected to depict how well the gadget
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

The participation observing framework gives enrollment and complete handling of the
representatives' participation, and can be interlinked to other data frameworks. It is expected
for all association types, running from state organization bodies to banks to modern
organizations. Information is put away in a SQL server database (MS SQL Server, Oracle 8i,
Sybase SQL Anywhere), permitting appropriated information handling inside a PC arrange.
Clients can likewise use a slim customer – the intranet application eKriváň, for participation
information handling (representatives can utilize the application for participation information
seeing). The arrangement includes bi-directional interface to work force and compensation
framework. Recognizable proof is completed by methods for participation perusers with a
presentation and keypad (to enter banners, for example, business matter, medicinal
arrangement, occasion and so forth.), which can distinguish an individual dependent on the ID
component. An individual is recognized in the control programming by being appointed a
methods for distinguishing proof, which can be and ID card or biometric trademark. The
product can be enhanced with an observing system, giving constant on-line data on
representative nearness status. The participation framework permits: * observing of the
representatives' essence at any minute * singular setup of work schedule for every worker *
computation of genuine long stretches of work and recording of extra time hours * count of
month to month complete hours worked * programmed figurines for late appearances (because
of business matters, medicinal arrangements) or prior leaves from work (working time
interference), appraisal of half-day occasion leaves.[4]

Raymundo T. Tongson National High School Suay Extension (once known as Vicente B.
Figueroa National High School, to pay tribute to the part giver) is an addition school of
Raymundo T. Tongson National High School, Talaban, Himamaylan City. It is situated in
Purok RD, Barangay Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental with part region of pretty
much 3,000 square meters with an all out enrolment of 350 understudies from Grade 7 to Grade
10. The school has 12 school personnel remembering the Teacher-For charge as the school
head. It is an auxiliary school under the Department of Education Funded by the National
Government. The RTT NHS Su-ay Extension utilizes a manual exchange, for example,
enlistment, participation and library the executives. This issue is basic to certain schools
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

particularly in certain zones that are far situated in the city. These days, the understudies'
populace is quickly expanding and this is a major issue for the schools to have a manual
exchange and activity. So as to give an answer for this issue, building up an electronic and
computerized exchange is an incredible answer for the schools. This will profit the school as
well as the understudies, instructors, and staff that will make the work increasingly solid and

The Institute of Information and Communication Technology of Isabela State University

Echague Campus is currently confronting issues concerning checking the participation of the
understudies during school's exercises. More often than not understudies are required to take
care of all exercises as required by the college and the establishment itself. Be that as it may,
as early days experience until today, the understudy body association is making some hard
memories to screen the participation of the understudies. The leaders of each class expect
understudies to sign their names on a bit of paper as a proof of their participation in a specific
action preceding beginning the program/action. The lines of understudies in the enrollment
zone cause the postponement and unwavering quality of checking the
attendance.Miscommunication is another issue of the understudy body association of the IICT.
Understudies gripe that why they are stamped missing since they were not educated about the
action. Another issue that the understudy body association is confronting now is the
solidification of the report of the participation of the understudies. During the marking of the
freedom numerous understudies whines that they are checked missing despite the fact that they
are available during the action and the other way around. Because of the temperamental reports
of participation checking and inconsistent observing of understudy's participation the specialist
had the option to think of an answer to take care of the issues the improvement of Event
Monitoring System Using Biometric with SMS.[6]

Supervisory crew in school whether essential and auxiliary school utilize less electronic
framework in their administration. The vast majority of the schools in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
are utilizing a manual procedure to screen the understudy's participation. In a manual
framework, instructors will bring and record the understudy's day by day participation in the
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

record book, at that point toward the month's end the educator is mindful to refresh the record
by computing the level of understudy's participation. This indicated the manual framework
isn't severe and the understudy doesn't give a lot of consideration to the participation.
Guardians likewise don't know either their youngsters come to class or not. They possibly
know when the report card is given to them, two times per year. These days, Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) carries a huge new innovation to change and facilitate the
administration to get the data in a progressively orderly and effective manner. Hence, a
modernized framework that will be named Student Attendance Monitoring and Identification
System utilizing Barcode and SMS of INHS(Study on SMS Application) framework has been
proposed to be created and actualized for supervisory crew in school. The objective of this
framework is to screen the day by day understudy participation and to illuminate guardians
about the participation regarding their youngsters. This framework will be completely
mechanized and furthermore apply another correspondence innovation called SMS. The
entirety of the day by day understudies' participation will be spared in a particular database. At
the point when the understudy sign on by swiping their school ID on the framework, it will
naturally produce a message that will be sent to the hand telephone by means of SMS. Ideally
with this framework, the understudy discipline issues will be zero deformities in participation
setting and the guardians will be educated if the understudy escapes in school. This framework
additionally will make the school the executives framework to be progressively orderly,
productive and easily handled.[7]

The participation checking framework gives enlistment and complete handling of the workers'
participation, and can be interlinked to other data frameworks. It is planned for all association
types, going from state organization bodies to banks to mechanical organizations. Information
is put away in a SQL server database (MS SQL Server, Oracle 8i, Sybase SQL Anywhere),
permitting appropriated information preparing inside a PC arrange. Clients can likewise use a
meager customer – the intranet application eKriváň, for participation information preparing
(representatives can utilize the application for participation information seeing). The
arrangement includes bi-directional interface to work force and pay framework. ID is done by
methods for participation perusers with a showcase and keypad (to enter banners, for example,
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

business matter, restorative arrangement, occasion and so forth.), which can distinguish an
individual dependent on the ID component. An individual is distinguished in the control
programming by being relegated a methods for recognizable proof, which can be and ID card
or biometric trademark. The product can be enhanced with a checking program, giving ongoing
on-line data on worker nearness status.[8]

2.2 Foreign Literature

2.2.1 Different attendance checking system

The most significant factor for understudies in schools and colleges is ordinary participation.
Understudies who are missing from talks will encounter issues acquiring extra guidance and
data from their educators. Because of noteworthy non-attendance, understudies may bound to
be jobless, destitute, or engaged with equity framework. Understudies with high paces of
truancy can influence different understudies who have normal participation in a similar class.
High paces of truancy may make understudies bomb in a particular class and they may need to
select another school or college. Along these lines, colleges ought to give a framework that
causes understudies to improve participation. Participation frameworks are utilized in
numerous colleges. At the University of Sulaymaniyah a participation framework is generally
utilized by the two schools and divisions. Ordinarily, the participation framework is overseen
by every instructor. Instructors record a rundown of understudies that are missing from class
or talks. Additionally, a few instructors at the University of Sulaymaniyah make participation
a piece of an understudy's evaluation; in this manner to acquire the most ideal evaluations,
understudies must go to classes. Notwithstanding, a few understudies don't know about what
number of classes they have missed in light of the fact that this data can be hard to get, In this
manner, understudies with high pace of truancy may get low evaluations or may bomb a class.
For instance, the College of Science has ordered that all understudies be goes to all talks.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

As a piece of correspondence innovation, it is difficult to acknowledge that we would now be

able to speak with one another at wherever and whenever. By the occasion, cell phone
innovation is developing quickly in Japan, and it is critical to apply this innovation as an
apparatus in instruction. This examination will show the use of an educator supported m-
learning framework which comprises of an inviting realistic UI, study hall the executives
server and presents simple access QR code use.[2]

Unique—Student participation assume noteworthy job so as to legitimize scholastic result of

an understudy and school as by and large. Sadly, there is no mechanized participation record
keeping application accessible in Malaysia's optional schools. A fundamental report has been
led in one of optional schools in Selangor, Malaysia so as to comprehend the manual
participation record keeping process. Through meeting session, Student Attendance System
(SAS) improvement group, have distinguished that educators and school board face issues in
recording and overseeing participation of their understudies. Accordingly, SAS has been
proposed and created. Requirement for an instrument to deliberately keep the understudies
participation record expanded because of expanding number of school understudies. Endless
supply of SAS, client acknowledgment testing led among potential end clients. Consequence
of UAT shows the vast majority of the client happy with the framework with some minor
changes required.[3]

Understudy participation assume huge job so as to legitimize scholarly result of an understudy

and school as generally speaking. Tragically, there is no robotized participation record keeping
application accessible in Malaysia's optional schools. A primer report has been directed in one
of auxiliary schools in Selangor, Malaysia so as to comprehend the manual participation record
keeping process. Through meeting session, Student Attendance System (SAS) advancement
group, have recognized that instructors and school the board face issues in recording and
overseeing participation of their understudies. Consequently, SAS has been proposed and
created. Requirement for an instrument to methodically keep the understudies participation
record expanded because of expanding number of school understudies. Endless supply of SAS,
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

client acknowledgment testing directed among potential end clients. Aftereffect of UAT shows
the greater part of the client happy with the framework with some minor changes required.[4]

2.2.2 Effectiveness and usefulness of attendance application system

According to Lamey, 2018 and Satisteban, 2017 The advantage of checking the daily
attendance in class can influence the performance of the school. Studies believed that academic
performance thus improved if students are regularly present to the class. Checking the
attendance is one routine that teachers always go through every day in every class student goes
to. This is where normally a teacher will individually call the names of the students and wait
for them to raise their hands. Though this may seem effective, perhaps this takes a lot of time
and repetitive which may lose interest or motivation of the students to come to class[5]

According to Rizal, 2016 The customary methods for checking the are by and large broadly
utilized for connecting to organizations' site, promoting items, cost, online menus and
challenge join pages With the innovation we have accessible presently, making QR codes are
so natural to produce and can be perused regardless of whether you utilize a downloadable
scanner tag peruser in your cell phones. The development of cell phones builds the utilization
of QR code in light of the fact that a cell phone has highlights of examining and disentangling
a QR code Perceived advantages or incentives in the wake of filtering a QR code is an immense
driver for persistent use.[6]

According to Durak et al, 2016 Without a doubt, the conventional methods for checking the
are as a rule generally utilized for connecting to organizations' site, publicizing items, cost,
online menus and challenge join pages With the innovation we have accessible currently,
making QR codes are so natural to produce and can be pursued regardless of whether you
utilize a downloadable standardized tag peruser in your cell phones. The development of cell
phones expands the utilization of QR code on the grounds that a cell phone has highlights of
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

examining and deciphering a QR code Perceived advantages or incentives in the wake of

checking a QR code is a gigantic driver for consistent use.[7]

According to Kadu et al, 2017 Examining QR codes additionally enable an individual to record
a gigantic measure of information and move them to a Microsoft Excel document through a
versatile application. Regardless of whether out in the open or tuition based schools, a larger
part of the understudies as of now utilizes cell phones, and all associated with the web. In this
way, understudies these days are more innovation wise, routine exercises and instructing
methodologies should likewise progress. There has been numerous examinations and inquires
about the utilization of QR codes in checking the participation or utilized as a school id
framework or even utilized of a scanner tag in the business. The vast majority of the
investigations are uncommonly implied for their school id framework where a particular
program has been made and actualize which may cause a great deal of cash and at times
possibly too costly to even consider affording. In this exploration, the proposed participation
framework will utilize two Android applications that are totally free. By examining the QR
codes of the understudy that they have produced free on the web. The instructor will utilize a
cell phone as the filtering gadget to check the understudies' code after entering the study hall.
The records of the understudy will at that point be saved money on an Excel position that can
be sent out effectively to a PC. An Excel rundown sheet will likewise be produced to
distinguish the quantity of unlucky deficiencies every understudy has brought about. As
mindfulness increments about the handiness of these codes, we can anticipate that them should
be utilized in increasingly open areas.[8]

According to Singh, 2016 Since the analyst spearheaded the QR code as a participation
checking framework, the examination was restricted to 20 instructors' member from better
places in the nation who adjusted and used QR code in dealing with the participation of their
understudies for one quarter. It includes 36 understudies as members who were occupied with
QR code as a methods for checking their participation during the primary quarter of the
scholarly year 2018. The extension underscores the highlights of the QR code as participation
observing framework; the degree of agreeableness as far as the unwavering quality,
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

proficiency, precision, ease of use, security, and secrecy of the stage. It gives a viewpoint and
a road for consistent adjustment and improvement of an imaginative versatile application for
instruction purposes. This examination is a noteworthy activity in advancing an imaginative
participation checking framework that is condition cordial, practical and simpler access to
information. This framework would likewise give educators an appropriate persuasive
intercession for understudies who are not constantly show at school. It is helpful to the school
staff in adjusting the QR code electronic-based participation observing framework that is
fundamental in improving the checking of participation progressively effective and quick that
has simple access to QR code perusers. The participation checking framework utilizing QR
code proof based practice will be a marker of the 21st-century expertise upper hand that will
fill in as a guide for other organization in systematizing activity designs in understanding of
QR code portable application database program interface and ICT coordination inserted on
instructive purposes. In addition, this examination would be useful to schools in building
inspiration that will improve understudies' participation. Thus, this would add fervor to come
to class, to have their codes checked and it will likewise give understudies a thought that there
are boundless potential outcomes in the utilization of innovation while they are having a great
time. This spearheading study would fill in as a model to actualize the imaginative portable
application for checking the participation of the understudies in the homeroom. Also,
instructors' strengthening and promotion are critical towards a profitable and fruitful
adjustment of the database program interface in school. It is in this specific circumstance, the
scientist needed to lead the examination to empowering familiarity with the highlights of the
participation observing framework utilizing the QR code. It likewise proposed to decide the
degree of adequacy of QR code participation observing framework as saw by specific
educators client and the understudies of General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School as
members of the examination. Accordingly, this examination is equipped towards proof based
work on utilizing this kind of PC framework that will fill in as an inclination towards consistent
improvement and work on the proposal on how this sort of framework can be adjusted in the
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Aquilan (2004) made a practically identical theory on the robotization of time participation
that records the time in and break of each representative utilizing Key card framework. It will
in general wipe out the manual chronicle arrangement of time and participation and
furthermore incorporate compensation calculation of every worker dependent on the time and
participation reports. Ramon Faloran (2005) wrote in the article "The Computer Edge of the
New Employment and Opportunities "in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He expressed that PC
gives you an alternate inclination about what's going on in the organization. Business will be
profoundly aggressive and creative in light of the fact that the PC gives moment data.
Concentrate by Cantoma (2004) in her proposal entitled "PC Library System for St. James
Academy" expressed that, in manual framework in recovering, keeping up security and
heaping records happen as a result of the years passed by. Besides, these documents were just
kept in envelopes and organizers in wooden rocks.[10]

2.3 Synthesis

This study present the functionalities of the attendance application, this application is useful
and effective in terms of school monitoring and participation bases .This study develops the
behavior of the student's punctuality and lifestyle management. This may affect strong
influence in their lifestyle, routine and attendance in their academic performance and other
school matters, nevertheless this study aims to provide fairness, implementing punctuality and
excellence.The research studies are closely related to the present system wherein it discusses
the importance of the attendance system. It said that it is better to use an automated process
than conventional method for attendance. With the help of different related studies it gives the
researcher an idea to enhance the system.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

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