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Sensor Physical Unclonable Functions

Kurt Rosenfeld and Efstratios Gavas and Ramesh Karri
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Brooklyn, NY

Abstract—We propose a novel variety of sensor that extends have been developed for high security applications such as
the functionality of conventional physical unclonable functions to nuclear and chemical materials tracking [1]. Cryptographic
provide authentication, unclonability, and verification of a sensed protocols and infrastructures have been developed for securing
value. This new class of device addresses the vulnerability in typi-
cal sensing systems whereby an attacker can spoof measurements communication in sensor networks [2]. However, neither can
by interfering with the analog signals that pass from the sensor extend the trust perimeter to include the sensing element itself.
element to the embedded microprocessor. The concept can be Our work also builds on work from the PUF community.
applied to any type of analog sensor. PUFs have emerged over the past decade as a potent tool for
hardware authentication and key generation at low cost [3][4].
Their low cost makes them particularly attractive for use in the
cost-sensitive sensor market and they serve as the foundation
For sensing applications it is desirable that the system pro- for our work. Specifically, our example sensor makes use of
vide some degree of assurance regarding the authenticity and non-homogeneous coatings, which have been used to achieve
veracity of measurements. One scheme for achieving this is to per-chip uniqueness and unclonability [5][6] in conventional
couple the sensor with a trusted cryptography module which PUFs. We also make use of comparisons of on-chip quantities
digitally signs the sensor data. Unfortunately, that scheme can that are selected by the challenge, a concept borrowed from
provide only limited assurance because the sensor is separate ring-oscillator PUFs [7].
from the crypto module. As a result, the crypto module has The problem of protecting analog sensor data before it
no mechanism for verifying the sensor data before signing it. enters the crypto-enabled digital domain is related to the
Sensor-crypto separation is an architectural vulnerability. problem that digital rights management (DRM) systems have
of protecting the media after it leaves the crypto-enabled
vulnerable digital domain. This “analog hole” has been a vexing program
a) uC sensor
analog signal for the content protection community [8].
Additionally, related work exists in the media forensics
challenge literature with camera image sensors. Digital photos can be
b) uC sensor forensically attributed to the camera that took them because
response of distinctive anomalies introduced by camera image sensors
deception [9]. These features, like a PUF, are unique to each sensor
that is fabricated, and are reasonably stable across time and
Fig. 1: The naı̈ve secure sensor architecture does not bind environmental conditions. However, unlike a PUF, they are not
the sensing with the cryptography, allowing the analog link functions in the sense of having a challenge and a response.
between the sensing element and the crypto processor to be
easily attacked.
B. Our Contribution
We propose an architecture that eliminates sensor-crypto
In the naı̈ve architecture shown in Fig. 1, we illustrate how separation. By merging sensing with cryptography, we raise
an attacker could interpose circuitry between the sensor and the strength of the assurances that the system can provide. The
the microcontroller. Using this extra circuitry, the attacker device we propose is a form of PUF that co-mingles sensing
could cause the microcontroller to falsely report the sensed with challenge-response processing. We provide the following:
data. Our work aims to make this and other sensor attacks • definition of the security properties of the new device,
impractical. • a candidate design that targets those properties,
• a protocol used for making secure measurements, and
A. Related Work • an analysis of the candidate design.

The technique of integrating a physical quantity into a

PUF challenge-response calculation is new, but the security C. Security Properties
of sensors in general has been studied. Secure remote sensors A traditional PUF [10] is a physical device that takes in a
This work was partly supported by NSF award numbers 0831349 and challenge and ideally produces a response with the following
0621856. properties:


PUF The candidate sensor PUF we propose consists of an array


of on-chip photodiodes, a coating, and some on-chip circuitry,
PUF as shown in figure 3. The photodiodes are organized in
groups of three. A coating containing swirls of dark material
Fig. 2: A conventional silicon PUF has a binary input and a in a translucent base is applied onto the sensor area. The
binary output. The sensor PUF has a binary input, physical nonuniform optical transmittance of the coating results in
quantity being sensed, and a binary output. per-chip variations in the optical sensitivity of each of the

1) For a given binary challenge, a PUF always produces COATING

the same response. PD1 PD2 PD3 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD1 PD2 PD3

2) One challenge-response pair leaks nothing about other offset slope offset slope
generator gen generator gen
offset slope
generator gen
pairs. adder adder adder
3) The manufacturer of the PUF cannot predetermine the
The variation that we propose extends conventional PUFs GL.1 GL.2 GL.n GR.1 GR.2 GR.n

by including two inputs: a physical quantity and a traditional

binary challenge. This system, which we call a sensor physical
unclonable function, has the following as its ideal properties:
1) For a given challenge and a given sensed quantity, the P
sensor PUF always produces the same response. Q BITS
2) One challenge-quantity-response triple leaks nothing
about other triples. Summation Control Logic
3) The manufacturer of the sensor PUF cannot predeter-
mine the challenge-quantity-response mapping. Stream Cipher
The third property on both lists is known as manufacturer Conventional PUF
resistance. Here, the manufacturer is considered a potential
adversary. From a black-box point of view, a PUF looks like Fig. 3: The analog portion of the light level sensor PUF
a message authentication code (MAC) operation. From the includes the coating, the photodiode groups, the switches, the
outside it is difficult to distinguish a true PUF from a MAC summing junctions, and the analog comparator. The challenge
operation with an embedded key. If the adversary replaces the applied to the sensor PUF determines the keystream input
PUF with a MAC module, the adversary could predetermine to the control circuit, which controls the random selection
the mapping without the user’s knowledge. Manufacturer of left gate signals GL.i and the right gate signals GR.i,
resistance is limited in practice. which determine the set of sensors that are included in the
A trivial example of a sensor PUF is actually found in summations. The left and right sums are compared, producing
the temperature dependence of a conventional silicon PUFs. one raw bit.
The output depends on the challenge and the temperature.
Our objective is to measure physical quantities other than Each of the three identical photodiodes (P D1 , P D2 , and
temperature. P D3 ) within a sensor group has its own approximately linear
response function. The slope of the response function is gen-
erated by photodiode P D3 (see Fig. 4b) and slope generator
circuit. The slope is determined by the optical transmittance of
We present an example of a sensor PUF that measures the coating covering the photodiode, along with non-varying
light level. The inputs to the device are light and a series factors (photodiode area, quantum efficiency, etc) and external
of challenge bits. The output is a series of response bits. factors such as temperature.
The light sensor PUF is profoundly different from Pappu’s The offset of the response function for the group is de-
optical PUF [11]. Pappu’s challenge is a beam of coherent termined by the optical transmittance from the light source to
light and the response is the light that scatters when the photodiodes P D1 and P D2 (see Fig. 4a). The offset generator
coherent beam passes through a mixture containing tiny beads. produces a DC voltage that is determined by the coating on
Pappu’s optical PUF does not measure a physical quantity. the sensor PUF as it independently affects each photodiode
Where a conventional PUF has a single input, the challenge, group.
the sensor PUF has two inputs. Operational protocols for using As shown in Fig. 3, the currents from each photodiode group
conventional and sensor PUFs dictate that the challenge not be are brought to two summing junctions where independent
reused in the field. The physical quantity input to a sensor PUF subsets of these currents are added together to produce two
can be repeated in the field without compromising security. It currents, P and Q. These currents are compared to produce
is only the challenge bits that need to be excluded from reuse. one bit of the raw binary result. The input challenge determines

B. Protocol



The conventional PUF that is used as a component of the

+ +
sensor PUF must be enrolled before the sensor PUF itself can
− be enrolled. The exact procedure enrolling the conventional
− V_bias

D1 D2
+ PUF depends on what kind of conventional PUF is used. The
design and operation of conventional PUFs is outside the scope
(a) offset generator (b) slope generator of this paper but has been developed by the PUF community
Fig. 4: a) The offset generator produces a DC voltage that is The enrollment procedure for the sensor PUF consists of
determined by the optical transmittance of the coating at the the following steps for each point along the sensor domain:
sites of photodiodes P D1 and P D2 . b) The slope generator 1) The enrolling party randomly selects (and removes) a
produces a voltage proportional to the light input at photodiode challenge-response pair from the database. The chal-
P3 . lenge is sent to the conventional PUF and the response
is used as a cipher key.
200 300 2) The enrolling party generates a unique random challenge
200 and sends it to the sensor PUF.
3) The sensor PUF uses the challenge to initialize the
Output of Summations

50 measurement logic, generates a vector of raw bits, and
0 sends the raw bits back to the enrolling party, encrypted.
4) The enrolling party decrypts the raw response bits and
−100 −200 inserts the challenge-measurement-response triple into
−150 −300 the database.
−100 −50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100

Sensor Input
(b) Making a measurement with the sensor PUF has the fol-
200 150
lowing steps.
100 1) The querying party sends a challenge to the device. This
Output of Summations

Output of Summations

challenge is used to establish a volatile shared secret key
between the querying party and the sensor PUF.
−100 −100 2) The sensor PUF makes a conventional measurement and
−150 sends the encrypted conventional measurement to the
−200 querying party. This measurement is the claim.
−100 −50 0 50 100
−100 −50 0 50 100 3) The querying party randomly selects (and removes) an
Sensor Input Sensor Input
(c) (d) entry in the challenge-measurement-response database
that matches the claimed measurement. The querying
Fig. 5: In all four subfigures, the sensor input level is on the party sends the challenge to the sensor PUF.
x-axis and the electrical response is on the y-axis. Subfigure 4) The sensor PUF initializes the measurement logic using
(a) shows eight photodiode group response lines generated by the challenge, performs n comparisons to generate an
simulation of the candidate light sensor PUF. The bold line is n-bit vector of raw bits, encrypts them, and sends them
the sum of the eight lines. Subfigures (b), (c), and (d) show to the querying party.
pairs of response lines that occur for different values of the 5) The querying party decrypts the raw bits and com-
left and right gate signals. Assuming a sensor input value of pares them to the response that is in the challenge-
10 and assuming that solidline > dashedline is interpreted measurement-response database. If the Hamming dis-
as a “1”, evaluating the comparisons for the line pairs shown tance is below a threshold, the measurement claim has
in (b), (c), and (d) gives the raw bit sequence “0”, “1”, “0”. been validated.
In our simulations, the raw bit sequences are 256 bits long.
In order to throughly develop the analysis of the sensor PUF,
which of the sensor groups will be included in the summations the candidate sensor PUF was studied using:
producing P and Q. • SPICE simulations of the analog modules,

The gate signals that control the summations shown in figure • a C program to simulate the statistical operations of the

3 are generated by summation control logic. A conventional sensor PUF,

silicon PUF is used as a component in the architecture, to • analysis according to standard models, and

transform the public challenge into a volatile secret initializa- • discrete implementation of critical analog modules.

tion vector for the stream cipher. The stream cipher generates
a keystream that is used by the summation control logic for A. Assumptions
selecting which gate signals to enable at for each comparison. We assume that the optical coating is a non-homogeneous
The summation control logic shifts the raw response bits from mixture of two epoxy-like materials which attenuate the wave-
the comparator into a shift register. lengths of interest: one material has an optical transmittance

0.012 0.04 0.018

of 0.25, and the other material has an optical transmittance 0.010



of 0.75. Additionally, we assume the transmittances affecting 0.008 0.012

P(cutpoint = x)

0.006 0.02
each of the photodiode are independent and uniformly dis- 0.004 0.006

tributed along the range {0.25, 0.75}. Lastly, we assume that


0.000 0.00 0.000

the photodiodes that are operated in the reverse-biased mode 0 1 2

3 4 5 −30 −20 −10 0
10 20 30 −100 −50 0
sensor input value x
50 100

have an approximately linear current-versus-light response. (a) ratio PDF (b) offset PDF (c) cut point PDF

B. Distribution of Cut Points Fig. 6: Plot (a) shows the distribution of the offset generator
To evaluate the sensing resolution of the sensor PUF, we current ratios observed in simulation. Plot (b) is the density
analyze the probability distribution of the cut points in the function of the offset signal of each individual photodiode
sensing domain. The cut points define the intervals in the group. In plot (c) the green trace shows the probability density
sensing domain that can be distinguished by the sensor’s function of the cut points in the sensor input domain, as
response. Each cut points is the x-coordinate of the intersection observed in simulation. The red trace shows the Cauchy
of the response lines formed by the left and right summations density function for χ = 0 and γ = 20.
shown in the previous section and illustrated in figure 5. Since
we have designed each sensor group response function to have
an independent slope and offset, we can statically analyze the 120
expected crossing points which determine the cut points.
The offset of the voltage-versus-light response of each 100

Hamming distance
photodiode group follows from the linearity of photodiodes
and the simplified Shockley ideal diode equation.
ID = IS e VT (1)
We assume that all of the photodiodes have equal intrinsic 40

response, and the differences in their actual response are

caused purely by the differences in their coatings. Using this,
we can calculate the offset voltage as follows: 0
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
sensor input
IP Di,1 = IP Di,2 (2)
ci,2 Fig. 7: Hamming distance for five statistically independent
VD = VT (ln ID − ln IS ) (3) instances of the candidate sensor PUF
VDi,1 = VT ln IP Di,2 − ln IS (4)
  where Bb is the offset of line B, Ab is the offset of line
VDi,1 = VT ln + ln IP Di,2 − ln IS (5) A, Am is the slope of line A, and Bm is the slope of line B.
ci,2 The numerator is the difference of two independent random

VDi,2 = VT ln IP Di,2 − ln IS (6) variables and the PDF is given by the cross-correlation of their
ci,1 density functions. The same applies to the denominator.
VDi,1 − VDi,2 = VT ln (7)
ci,2 Since we approximate the slopes and offsets of the sum
where IP Di,1 is the current in photodiode 1 in photodiode lines as Gaussian, the numerator and denominator are also
group i. Gaussian. Simulation results support the zero-mean Gaussian
The slopes of the response function are simply proportional model for these variables. The cut points are the ratio of
to ci,3 , the optical transmittance of the coating affecting these zero mean Gaussian variables, and the resulting ratio
photodiode 3 in photodiode group i. distribution is Cauchy. This result is further supported by the
The offset generator takes two uniform random variables simulation results, as shown in figure 6c.
and calculates their ratio. This results in a uniform ratio
distribution, as shown in figure 6a. The natural log of the ratio
distribution produces the distribution shown in figure 6b. C. Hamming Distance
The sum lines are the sum of logs of uniform ratio distribu- To evaluate whether the raw response of the sensor PUF is
tions. Since these distributions have finite mean and variance, brittle with respect to changes in the input, we simulated the
we can invoke the central limit theorem to infer that the raw sensor response. For several randomly chosen challenges
resulting distribution is approximately Gaussian. and randomly generated instances of the candidate sensor PUF,
To determine the cut point, we considered the random we selected a reference sensor input value and measured the
variable that represents the x-coordinate of intersection of the Hamming distance between the raw response for the reference
two sum lines that are selected by the challenge. The cut point input and the raw response for sensor input values in the
in the sensor input domain is at: neighborhood of the reference value.
Bb − Ab In figure 7, the Hamming distance is shown for five sta-
cut = (8) tistically independent instances of the candidate sensor PUF
Am − Bm

100 100
design. The raw bit vectors are 256 bits in length. A reference
bit vector is taken for arbitrary reference sensor input values 80 80

offset voltage (mV)

offset voltage (mV)

-10, 0, and 10 using a reference challenge. While continuing
60 60
to apply the reference challenge, the sensor input value is then
swept from -30 to 30, in steps of 1, while the resulting raw 40 40

output bits are compared with the raw output bits produced for
20 20
each of the reference sensor inputs. From the figure, we see
that the candidate sensor PUF’s raw response is not brittle with 0 0
10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1
respect to the sensor input. For a given challenge, measuring LED drive current (A) LED drive current (A)

a set of close physical quantities will generate a set of raw bit (a) (b)
responses that are close in code space. This makes it suitable
for error correction using a linear code. However, it also means Fig. 8: The offset generator circuit shown in figure 4a was
that the raw bit responses leak information. If a challenge is constructed and tested using light from an LED driven by a
repeated (which should never happen in practice), an attacker variable current source. The offset voltage is plotted across the
can infer from the raw bit responses whether the sensor inputs range of currents for three different relative transmittances. We
are close or far. From a practical standpoint, this problem is see ±2.5% variation over the range.
addressed by encrypting the response that is sent back to the
querying party.
A. Substitution
Figures 6c and 7 define the range and sensitivity of the sen-
sor PUF with respect to the physical quantity being measured. The resistance of a sensor PUF to being substituted by an
The Cauchy PDF of the cut points peaks at the origin and inauthentic sensor comes from two things. First, the attacker
falls to half of its peak value at x = 20. The cut point density needs to defeat the conventional PUF within the sensor PUF
determines the sensitivity (slope) of the Hamming distance to architecture. Without defeating that, the attacker is unable to
differences in physical input value. From a design standpoint, establish a shared crypto key. Second, without knowledge of
the gains of the offset generator and slope generator circuits the slopes and offsets of the sensor responses, it is impossible
can be tuned to widen or narrow the cut point PDF, which for the attacker to know what response corresponds to a par-
in turn widens or narrows the range of the sensor. Outside ticular physical quantity and a challenge sent by the querying
the useful range of physical quantity values, the raw response party.
saturates, converging to a fixed pattern for a given challenge.
B. Tampering
The main objective of the sensor PUF is to defend against
D. Verification of Offset Generator the low-budget attack of tampering with the analog signal
that goes from the sensing element to the microprocessor. In
The simulations of the behavior of the candidate light sensor the candidate light sensor PUF, tampering with the analog
PUF assume that the offset generator produces a voltage that signal is not a low-budget attack. The attacker could probe
is independent of the sensor input. If the offset generator’s the on-chip signals while sweeping the physical quantity with
output is affected by the sensor input, the response will be the goal of learning the slopes and offsets of each of the
nonlinear. Linearity is not a requirement for the light sensor photodiode groups. This would have to be done without
PUF to function, but the assumption does simplify analysis. disturbing the optical coating. This could only be done in a
We validated the independence assumption with SPICE sim- properly-equipped lab by skillful staff. The candidate sensor
ulation and with experimental data in the lab using discrete PUF thus significantly raises the cost of a tampering attack.
optoelectronic components, shown in figures 8a and 8b. There is a tradeoff between tamper resistance and robustness
of operation. Assuming that protocol outlined in subsection
II-B is followed, a threshold is applied to the Hamming dis-
IV. D ISCUSSION tance between the enrolled response and the response produced
when the sensor has been deployed. Beyond this threshold, the
Sensor modules are often deployed in the field, outside the sensor’s response will be rejected. To an extent, the threshold
trust perimeter of those who are deploying them. They are sub- can minimized by extracting more challenge-response-pairs
ject to tampering. A motivated attacker can disassemble, break, during enrollment so the distance between the claim and the
or modify any part of a sensor module. The attacker can also enrolled measurement is small, thus minimizing the expected
attempt to substitute an inauthentic sensor. These attacks will distance of the raw responses. Even without constraints on the
be much more difficult to execute against a sensor PUF than duration of the enrollment process or the size of the database,
a conventional sensor. The most straightforward tampering physical variation puts a practical lower bound on the threshold
attack is to decouple the sensing from the challenge-response that can be used for reliable results. If the threshold is too
calculation. For example, if the calculation is performed by high, the attacker can perform a less accurate and therefore
a microcontroller with an analog input and the sensor has an cheaper extraction of the sensor’s physical unique features,
analog output connected to the microcontroller, that analog thus weakening the security of device. The optimal threshold
voltage is vulnerable to tampering. balances these concerns.

C. Manufacturer Resistance exploiting this leakage. It would be better if the sensor PUF
Many sensors are high-volume, low-cost items and are had this property as an integral part of the basic challenge-
subject to the risks of outsourced fabrication and assembly measurement-response functionality. How to achieve this is
[13]. If there are significant monetary or strategic incentives an open problem.
for breaking the security of the system, and not too much risk,
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currently evaluating temperature effects in the candidate sensor [13] D. Agrawal, S. Baktir, D. Karakoyunlu, P. Rohatgi, and B. Sunar, “Trojan
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can be applied to sensor PUFs as well. If error correction
coding is applied in the sensor PUF to obtain a precisely
repeatable response across time and environmental conditions,
the sensor PUF would obtain interesting capabilities. For
example, a message could be encoded so that the sensor
PUF can decrypt it only under bright light, or only in the
dark, or, for an alcohol sensor PUF, only when the alcohol
concentration is in a certain range.
Delay-arbiter PUFs have been used to sense the dielectric
coefficient and position of materials that are in close proximity
to the silicon die containing the PUF [6]. With a suitable
coating, this effect could be the basis for a strain gauge or
load cell sensor PUF.
The raw response bits generated by the comparator leak
information about what the raw response will be for other
physical quantities with the same challenge. In our candidate
design, we encrypt the output to prevent an attacker from

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