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There are a lot of ways of learning about a new campus if you are a fresh-man that has

just started studying at a new university. It is important to choose the best option when it
comes to this, that`s why I believe that the most useful way of learning is choosing a
second-year student to give a personal tour of the whole campus. It brings more benefits
rather than just following a map.
First of all, a student that has already studied for more than a year in this particular
university has more experience and knows better what it is like to be new and lost.
Moreover, it is a huge perk having someone that has gone through the same dilemma as
you. He`ll give you a better chance of learning about the new campus, while showing you
the most important places and maybe even some shortcuts that a regular map will not be
able to. My personal experience is a compelling example of this. Being a fresh-man in a
completely new environment is harder than anyone can imagine. I was completely lost
and confused, did not know where to go, how to find my class or even my dorm. Then I
decided to ask my roommate that was a second-year student for help. Her way of
showing me the campus was better than any GPS. She explained how you can easily
move from class to class and not be late, thus showing me the short way from chemistry
to math that not so many new students knew about.
Secondly, interacting with someone that is already familiar to the campus life and asking
him or her for help is much faster than just trying to orientate by yourself. You don`t
have to go through the struggle of getting lost at every second. Furthermore, it will save
you so much precious time. The time that you need for accommodating, studying and
other important tasks. For instance, when my brother was a first-year student he had so
many assignments just in his first week. He had to read a whole book for his English
class in just a couple of days which was practically impossible to do when you don`t even
know where your English classroom is. So, he asked for a second-year student to give
him a personal tour of the campus and they succeeded to do it in just an hour. While other
freshmen were dealing with this huge problem, my brother managed to read the book on
time and even finish all his homework.
In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the best option of gaining information of the new
campus is asking a student that has already been through this situation. This is because
you can find out about different tricks and shortcuts and never be late, and also it will
save you time for other essential tasks.

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