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Kelas : IX.7
Report Text About Butterfly

Butterflies are insects. A butterfly’s lifecycle is made up of four parts,

egg, larva (caterpillars), pupa (chrysalis) and adult. Butterflies attach their eggs
to leaves with a special glue. Most caterpillars are plant eaters (herbivores).
Fully grown caterpillars attach themselves to a suitable twig or leaf before
shedding their outside layer of skin to reveal a hard skin underneath known as a

An adult butterfly will eventually emerge from the chrysalis where it will
wait a few hours for its wings to fill with blood and dry, before flying for the
first time. Butterflies can live in the adult stage from anywhere between a week
and a year, depending on the species.

Butterflies have four wings. Butterflies often have brightly coloured

wings with unique patterns made up of tiny scales. Most butterflies feed on
nectar from flowers. Butterflies have taste receptors on their feet.

Scientists estimate that there are between 15000 and 20000 different
species of butterfly. Birdwing butterflies have large, angular wings and fly in a
similar way to birds. Monarch butterflies are known for their long migration.
Every year monarch butterflies will travel a great distance (sometimes over
4000 km), females will lay eggs and a new generation of monarchs will travel
back, completing the cycle.

Report Text About Bee

Bees fly from flower to flower, sipping nectar and collecting grains of
pollen. Bees have a special tongue that sucks up the nectar and a crop in their
throat for storing it until they get back to the hive, where it is turned into honey
to use as food.

Many plants depend on bees to spread pollen, helping them to reproduce.

Flowers that attract bees are usually yellow, blue, or purple. Many bees
specialize in one plant species. In areas where different flowering plants bloom
at the same time, this keeps different bee species from fighting over the same

Honeybees and bumblebees live in colonies or hives. All the bees in the
colony work together for the good of the hive. Each has a job to do: the queen
lays the eggs and the workers build the honeycomb, care for the larvae and
collect the food.

Report Text About Ant

Ants are social insects and most live in colonies which can be extremely
large consisting of millions of members. There are about 20,000 different
species of ants and they can be found almost anywhere and in every biome.

There are three different kinds of ants. The queen is the first kind and she
has one purpose – to mate. She spends her entire life laying eggs. The second
kind of ant is the male who mates with the queen and they don’t live very long.
The third kind of ant is the female worker and she cannot produce young but
she is the one that builds the mounds and supplies the colony with food.

Most ants build some type of mound to live in. Many dig their mounds in
the dirt or sand. Some use twigs to make them stronger. Some ants live in fallen
logs or trees. Most ants build a system of tunnels under their mound which
connect rooms, or chambers, they use for specific purposes. Some of the
chambers are used to store food and some are used as nurseries. The rooms are
used as resting places for the worker.

The ant’s body is made up of three part – the head, trunk and metasoma,
or rear. Each ant has six legs that are attached to the trunk. An ant has eyes that
allow them to see extremely well because of the many lenses.

An ant’s antennae are also very special. They allow the ant to hear, taste,
touch and smell. Ants use their antennae to touch one another, which is the way
they communicate.

Report Text About Mosquito

Mosquitoes are insects in the family Culicidae. They have a pair of scaled
wings, a pair of halteres, as lender body, and long legs. The females of most
mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from other animals, which has
made them the most deadly disease vector known, killing millions of people
over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of

Length varies but is rarely greater than 16 mm (0.6 inch), and weight up
to 2.5 mg (0.04 grain). A mosquito can fly for 1 to 4 hours continuously at up to
1–2 km/h travelling up to 10 km in a night. Most species are nocturnal or
crepuscular (dawn or dusk) feeders. During the heat of the day most mosquitoes
rest in a cool place and wait for the evenings. They may still bite if disturbed.
Mosquitos are adept at infiltration and have been known to find their way into
homes via deactivated
air conditioning units.

Report Text About Dragonfly

A Dragonfly is a winged insect belonging to the order Odonata. There are
many more than 5000 species of Dragonflies in the world. Dragonfly have a
large eye with thousand of tringular-facet lens that can be see all directions.
Dragonfly is also the natural predators of mosquitoes.

Life Cycle of Dragonfly :

 First stage : Egg

Dragonfly lay their eegs on the plants that exist in water.
 Second stage : Nymph
Dragonfly nymphs, live and thrive in the bottom water and breathe with
gills. It several time through the turn of the skin called instars. They mostly
live in water that is more or less for 4 years.
 Third Stage : Adult Dragonfly

When dragonfly release it nymph skin, it has become an adult dragonfly.

Adult dragonfly live only a maximal of 4 mothns. Dragonfly has been on this
planet for approximalately 300 milion years ago ! ! !

Report Text About Firefly

The Firefly (also known as the lightning bug) is a common firefly in North
America. This partly nocturnal, luminescent beetle is the most common firefly
in the USA.

At night, the very end (the last abdominal segment) of the firefly glows a
bright yellow-green color. The firefly can control this glowing effect. The
brightness of a single firefly is 1/40 of a candle. Fireflies use their glow to
attract other fireflies. Males flash about every five seconds; females flash about
every two seconds. This firefly is harvested by the biochemical industry for the
organic compounds luciferin (which is the chemical the firefly uses for its

This flying insect is about 0.75 inch (2 cm) long. It is mostly black, with two
red spots on the head cover; the wing covers and head covers are lined in
yellow. Like all insects, it has a hard exoskeleton, six jointed legs, two
antennae, compound eyes, and a body divided into three parts (the head, thorax,
and abdomen).

Both the adults and the larvae are carnivores. They eat other insects
(including other fireflies), insect larvae, and snails.

Report Text About Horn beetle

(Oryctes Rhinoceros)
Horn beetle is one of the largest beetles in the world and are nocturnal
(active at night). During the day, they hide under trees to avoid predators.
Proportionally, horn beetle is the strongest animal on earth. They can lift up to
850 times their own weight.

Only the male beetles have horns. Antler size is an indicator of male beetles
physical health. Bull horn beetles use their horns to fight over food and territory
to attract females. Opponents who lost not trying pursued and no kill or injure
each other. Horn can also be used to dig and bury themselves in the ground,
hiding from danger. Horn beetles have wings and can be used to fly.
Because of his cool, clean, easy maintenance, and can be pitted, beetle horns are
often used as pets children, especially in Japan. Price beetle horn / female
rhinoceros beetle cheaper because they do not have horns.Beetle horns are
related to claw / Deer Horn Beetle / Stag Beetle from the family Lucanidae.
Large claws possessed scary stag beetle can not shut perfectly and is only used
as a means attract the opposite sex or to wrestle with other males.

Horn beetle live in the rain forest where there are many dead trees that can
be used as the nest once their larval food source. Horn beetle can be found in
almost all continents from Asia, Australia, America, to Europe.
Outdoors, bats, rodents, birds, and raccoons are the natural enemies of the beetle
horns. Horn beetles undergo complete metamorphosis process with four stages:
egg, larva, pupa, and imago. Long process of metamorphosis of beetles or beetle
rhino horn varies depending on the species and the environment. Indonesia's
tropical climate, rhinoceros beetle metamorphosis takes place tends to be faster
than the rhinoceros beetle species from countries with four seasons.
Report Text About Lizard

Lizard is the animals that belong to reptile that has scales and four legs.
Based on the size of the body, these animals are classified into two groups that
are small-bodied lizards like home lizards, sand lizards, geckos, and big-bodied
lizard such as Biawak, and Komodo.Large-bodied lizard’s length can reach
more than 3 m. Lizard’ body is generally filled by scales but some are smooth
and shiny like type of Infraordo Scincomorpha. This animal belongs to cold-
bodied animals. They need sun to regulate their body temperature.
Lizard has various habitats to live. Most of lizards live on the land
(terrestrial), some of them lives inside soil or sand (tonsorial) while some snake
hangs around on the top or in the trunk of the tree (arboreal). They are the
explorer animal. They actively explore the environment to hunt their prey.
Although most of this species are predator, but actually lizard’s food is very
varied. They can eat fruits; seeds, insects, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
Even komodo can eat prey which is larger than its body. Most lizards reproduce
by spawning such as home lizard and Komodo dragon but some reproduces by
They are not dangerous for humans. It is generally useful for humans as pest
control, pet, medicine and much more. However, there are also several types of
them that are harmful to humans such as Komodo and Biawak. There are even
lizards that have very strong poison such as Giant Mad Lizard and Beads Lizard
which can be found in Mexico.

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