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Rizal Fadillah

1185030171 / 3D

Translation : Indonesia – English

Nadiem Makariem’s Speech

Dear beloved teachers,

Teacher's Day used to be surrounded with some inspirational yet rethoric words. But today,
seems like things will sound different in my speech. I would love to just talk with the way
things are, and this kindhearted of mine, speaking for all teachers in Indonesia, right from the
corner of Sabang till Merauke.
My beloved teachers, you have the most precious and struggling job at the same time.

You are being trusted for developing the future, but mostly get being ruled instead of being

You really hoping to help the student that left behind, but administration works took your
time yet it just sounds nonsense.

You know exactly how potential couldn't be just measured by exams, but chasing numbers is
a must for those skateholders.

You really wanted to get your students out of class and learn from world around, but the
curriculum got you locked away from the adventure.
You feel a bit frustrated knowing how collaborate and create something really define their
path of the successful, not by how they memorising something. It is obvious that every child
has different needs, but pathetically, a solid standard sense has defeated the diversity towards
the poles of bureaucracy.
You want every student got inspired yet the bureaucracy didn't count on you.
I won't make such nonsense promises. Revolution is not that easy going, things are wrong on
all over the places. One thing for sure, I will fight for the freedom right of education in

Note this, revolution doesn't start from the leader, it's all begin and ended up on you teachers.
Don't waste times, don't wait for anything anymore, take your first step now.
From tomorrow on, anywhere you are, do that little revolution in your classroom.
Take them to discuss, not just to sit still and listen.
Give them chances to teach things on the class.
Seek the cooperative hand lessons among each other
Find that hidden talent inside an unconfident student.
Give helps to other teachers that would need some.

Any little thing you've done, if others do it as well, this huge ship called Indonesia would sail
sail away.

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