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Definisi Kompetensi (KepMenDikNas No. 045/U/2002):

Kompetensi adalah seperangkat tindakan cerdas, penuh tanggungjawab yang dimiliki

seseorang sebagai syarat untuk dianggap mampu oleh masyarakat dalam melaksanakan
tugas-tugas di bidang pekerjaan tertentu.

Definisi lain :

 Competency Identification (1976), Curric.Improvement Office, College of

Pharmacy, Univ. of Minnesota.

“Competency is defined as an intellectual, attitudinal and a motor capability derived from

a specified role and setting, and stated in terms of performance as a broad class or domain
of behavior”.

Kompetensi didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan intelektual, motorik dan afektif yang

diturunkan dari peranan seseorang dalam lingkungan tertentu (di masyarakat), yang
dirumuskan dalam suatu kinerja umum yang merupakan gabungan perilaku dalam ranah
taksonomi tujuan instruksional.

Dengan demikian maka istilah “kompetensi” bukannya sinonim dari tujuan perilaku,
tujuan kinerja atau tujuan belajar. Kompetensi dapat dianakisis atau diuraikan menjadi
satu atau lebih tujuan belajar. Asesmen kompetensi itu hendaknya menyeluruh (holistik) ,
dan dilakukan pada lingkungan yang disimulasikan dari peranan dan tatanan praktek
dalam kehidupan yang sebenarnya, di mana kinerja itu diperankan dan dari mana
kompetensai itu diturunkan.
Thus the term “competency” is not synonymous with the terms “behavioral objective”,
“performance objective”, or “learning objective”. A competency can be analyzed and
subdivided into one or more terminal performance objectives. Assessment of a
competency must be holistic and conducted in an environment simulating the real world
practice setting and role in which performance is expected to take place and from which
the competency is derived. Performance of the competency in such a situation is
necessary for predicting the succesful transference of that competency to the real world.
Attainment or mastery of a competency provides one with the ability to perform
satisfactorily that function in the setting and role from which the competency was

 Learning, Doing, Becoming (1977), College of Pharmacy, Univ.of Minnesota

“ A competency is a demonstrated state of preparedness for the realities of professional

A competency is a means of describing the various categories of professional behavior
and performance. These categories are not arbitrary or theoretical – they’re drawn from
real life roles.
“A competency is not the achievement of particular knowledge or skills; it is a broad-
based capability which integrates learning, doing and becoming”.
The statements begin with present tense action verbs (evaluates, interprets, selects, etc.).
This form is used because competencies are performed.

Desain Kurikulum

 The Competency-Based Instructional Design (C-BID), (1999), Technical

Education Department, Richland College

Richland College performed a very careful Performace Criteria Analysis (PCA) and
developed quality instruction that was based on the identified needs of business in the
area. The C-BID process is a proven method for identifying, measuring, and validating
what students need to know and do upon completion of instruction. They have
demonstrated that careful analysis of training needs early in the developmental process is
an investment, rather than a liability as some may thinks.

The C-BID is a four-step process : 1. Needs assessment

2. Performance Criteria Analysis
3. Development
4. Implementation
Evaluation is an integral part of all steps in the C-BID

Model Desain Kurikulum

 Competency-Based Curriculum Frameworks (2002), Technology/Career

State Board of Education, Georgia

Each framework includes two components:

1. the core employability skills that are to be integrated throughout the instructional
course sequence of a given program.
2. the technical skill standards that reflected the occupational-cluster performance
requirements unique to a given course.

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