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Table of Content


Table of Content ................................................................................................................................. 1

Description of the subject of the document ....................................................................................... 2

Why these 3 questions? ...................................................................................................................... 3

Answers ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Articles related to these 3 questions + Conclusion............................................................................. 6

Individual reflection on the assignment (what did we learn from it?) ............................................... 7

APA referencing .................................................................................................................................. 8

Description of the subject of the document
This document is a report about Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the course “E-Skills”.
AI is basically intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence
displayed by humans. (Wikipedia)
What this means is that AI is a kind of computer software that uses human intelligence in order to
learn and ameliorate certain things.

Description of the criteria

- Reviews and criticisms of companies using (or have used) AI

- Reviews of individuals using AI

- Benefits of AI

- Disadvantages of AI

- Impact of AI in future

- Impact of AI on the employment rate

Our questions
- What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence related to Customer Service?

- What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence related to Marketing and Sales?

- What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence related to Security?

Why these 3 questions?
The reason why we chose a question about the relation of artificial intelligence to customer service
is because at this moment, there is something very remarkable happening.
Most of the people have probably encountered a bot when they were searching for solutions to
their mostly technical problems. Many well-known companies like Facebook, Electronic Arts and
Starbucks are already making use of it. It’s interesting how easy customers are being helped in much
less time than when, for example, a human would need to solve the problem.
Another interesting point is what kind of influence it has on the employment rate, will it decrease
the amount of jobs in the customer service or will it increase the amount of jobs in another sector
like the technical sector for instance?

The influence of artificial intelligence on marketing and sales is another very interesting subject. It’s
intriguing to see how AI is making a huge difference on the people working in that sector. At this
moment they are searching how to use AI in an effective way. Some businesses are already using
some AI to do some of the mundane tasks linked to tje marketing and sales sector.
If those tasks are done by making use of AI, the employees can focus on more important duties.
Another interesting point of AI is its role as assistant for salespeople, as it is currently giving
appropriate content and feedback to each customer. This all saves the employee a lot of time and it
helps him a lot.

Our third question is about the security. We chose this question because artificial intelligence of
course doesn’t only have advantages but also creates disadvantages like security leaks. The
interesting thing about AI is, that it is so smart, that it can solve their own created problems.
Because AI systems are trained through learning data sets, the cyber security firms need to work
with many new different data sets of malware codes, non-malicious codes, and anomalies.
If all of this needs to be done accurately, it will take a lot of time and it will also require certain
resources that are very expensive. Hackers can also use AI to test their malware and make it better
and even AI-proof. On the other side AI can also have a positive influence on cyber security. Finger
or palmprints for instance are an example how AI can have a useful and positive influence on cyber
security. (more about that can be found in the document)

There is currently a big debate going on about whether AI is a good or bad thing.
With more and more enterprises making use of AI, it’s time to analyze the possible impacts of the
implementation of AI.

What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence related to customer service?

Customer service is one of the most important and time-consuming aspects of any business. That’s
why it is so important for businesses that their customer service is working optimally.
For example, when a customer has complaints about certain aspects, it can sometimes take a long
time before that problem can be solved. Nowadays, IT-specialists have created a solution for this;
chatbots. Chatbots can be described as computer programs designed to simulate conversations with
human users, especially over the Internet. (Rajai Nuseibeh, 2019)
The main reason why businesses are using chatbots is because by using chatbots, the time required
to solve a certain complaint can be shortened efficiently.

Nowadays, when a user has a problem, the company can already know what kind of problems a user
can have. This is something that seems magical for an external observer who is not familiar with AI,
but it is very real and it will even get better and better.
In some cases, users are even notified of problems with their accounts before they even realize that
something is wrong. Eventually this results in happy and loyal customers as they appreciate the
efforts of the company to improve their experience.

Another big advantage of AI is that it is available 24/24. This allows the company to solve the
problems of the customers at any time of the day.

Thus, we can conclude that AI has created a lot of advantages related to customer service and that it
has become much easier for businesses to communicate with customers.

What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence related to Marketing and Sales?

Nowadays you can find AI everywhere. AI promises to bring a serious evolution in marketing and
sales. One of the most important benefits for the Marketing and Sales sector of AI today are the
different leads, as they are much faster and more effective than people, so that sellers can simply
close deals.

When we think of marketing and sales, we naturally think of the CRM system. When there are
certain problems within the CRM system, it can sometimes take hours before the problem can be
solved. AI makes it possible to speed up that process since it can turn the CRM into a self-updating,
automatic correcting system that works easily.

There are also other benefits. For example, hyper-personalized email messages. Those email
messages ensure that targeted content is sent to each customer in which discounts and other deals
are offered to the customer with the aim to improve the customer service. In the past this was not
possible as it took far too much time for the employees. Today it is possible to do this without any
human intervention. The only thing you need to do, is to implement the right AI processes.

And of course, last but not least, AI also ensures effective advertising targeting, as collecting and
analyzing huge amounts of historical data is made easier by using AI. This makes it also easier to
decide which ads work best with which people. This is why marketers use AI to accurately analyze
consumer behavior and to find unexpected connections. All this contributes to effective advertising

What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence related to security?

The positive thing about AI is that nowadays, biometric logins are often used. Biometric logins are
logins that use fingerprints or palm prints. Until a few years ago this was not yet the case, people
just had to enter their password. However, passwords are extremely vulnerable to cyber-attacks and
for example credit card information. These are all reasons why biometric logins are a positive AI

AI can also be used for other purposes. AI namely has the qualities to detect threats and other
malevolent activities. AI systems are able to detect certain viruses and malware using complex
algorithms. In that way, AI is able to recognize certain patterns in different software systems.
Previously, these processes used to be done by making use of traditional approaches. This could take
hours and hours. Nowadays, AI systems can perform these processes at unprecedented speeds.

As we can clearly see, AI offers many advantages related to security. However, in order to make
optimum use of AI, it is important that it is implemented by the appropriate cyber security company.
Often the problem is that companies hire unqualified people, which ultimately results in a bad
implementation of the AI principles. Thus, when the AI principles can be implemented by the
appropriate cyber security companies, AI will be able to improve and protect the different processes.

We can conclude that AI has many existing and future applications for security.
As security and personal data threats become more common, your business will gain trust as you
adopt AI into your cybersecurity.

Articles related to these 3 questions

We used this article to gain some basic knowledge about the subject as none of us were very familiar
with AI. Not all of these questions were specifically about the business aspect of AI but as a first
article it really gave us some perspective about AI technology. We also used this site to have some
inspiration for our questions.

As already mentioned before, the first article was more of a broad perspective of the subject AI,
while we used this article to gain some more information about the use of Artificial Intelligence in
business. This article gives a very detailed report about AI right now and in the future.

Our last question is about the impact of AI related to security and so this article fits in perfect with
our report. It contains a lot of useful information about the security and dangers of AI.

Our first question is about sales and marketing and how AI has a big role in this. We found this
article and it fits perfect with our question. We used the article to inform ourselves as we had no
knowledge about how AI influences modern marketing and sales.

The use of artificial intelligence across businesses and organizations has been considerably increased
and there seems to be no stopping. Businesses who are using AI are far ahead of those who aren’t
using AI, that is a fact.
When we’re looking at the benefits of AI, the most useful benefit of AI is its 24/7 availability. The
different machines, for example, don’t require frequent breaks and refreshments as like human
beings, that’s also the reason why human beings aren’t able to be available 24/7.
We can also conclude that AI has created many applications for security. When those applications
are implemented by the right cyber security company, your business will easily gain trust.

In short, we can say that AI offers many possibilities, but that it must be applied correctly!

Individual reflection on the assignment (what did we learn
from it?)

These days, artificial intelligence can be found everywhere. More and more businesses are making
use of it and as future business manager, it is very important to be aware of evolutions like this. I
already heard of the term AI, but my knowledge was fairly limited. Now, I can say that I’m able to
explain AI and to indicate the benefits and disadvantages of AI. I really liked this assignment because
as I’ve said before, AI is becoming (actually it is already) a big part of our live!


I never heard of the term artificial intelligence before, but I was already interested in it. The
technology behind it and most of all what it would do to our world. Which influence it would have
on the employment and what the advantages and disadvantages are. In a way I’m really supportive
about it because it has the impression that it could only make our world better and easier. On the
other hand it makes me a bit scared because we are inclining to a kind of Big Brother world. Privacy
is becoming something strange, I am getting the feeling that the whole world has access to who I am
and what I do, that doesn’t feel completely right.


Xin did not participate in writing this report.


I have heard of AI before, but I never really understood what it meant. It sounded like it was
something out of a science fiction movie. After doing a lot of research while making this task, I feel
like AI is already something very important now, and certainly for the future. I certainly am
supportive of this technology but as this will keep on growing and getting smarter, we shouldn’t
underestimate the dangers of AI.

APA referencing
Laurence, A. (2019). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Security. [online] CPO Magazine.
Available at:
cyber-security/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2019].

LeadFuze. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform the Sales and Marketing World. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2019]. (2019). AI's Increasing Role In Customer Service. [online] Available at:
service/#4af44cab73fc [Accessed 1 Dec. 2019]. (2019). Top 50 Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions & Answers. [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 Dec. 2019].

Business, H. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Business. [online] Business News
Daily. Available at:
trends.html [Accessed 1 Dec. 2019].

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