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Group Discussion - How to deal with international terrorism?

Background :-

 Terrorism refer to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror).

 Lakhs of innocent people died because of terrorism. And so many people suffered. Now a day’s terrorism is a
biggest challenge for the entire world.

 Terrorists do not see themselves as evil. They believe they are legitimate combatants, fighting for what they
believe in, by whatever means possible. In Terrorist view, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom

 Terrorist’s main ways are bombings, kidnappings, armed Attacks, hijackings.

Intentions of terrorists:-

 To earn money easily.

 To produce fear among people.

 To catch the attention of media.

 To decrease the country’s economy by discouraging foreign investments and tourists.

 To make their religion is the only religion in the world.


 Poverty.

 Illiteracy.

 Religious extremism.

 Extreme nationalism.

 Unemployment.

 Injustice in some cases.


 Eradicate poverty.

 Increase in no. of jobs.

 Creating awareness among people, so that they won’t get influenced to join in terrorism.

 Severe punishment for terrorists, who were caught.

 Full security at the boundaries of the country.

 Justice must not be denied and it should not be delayed too.

 Everyone must know the true meaning of religion and also the truth that killing people is against to God.


Terrorism can be completely eradicated, if Govt. concentrate mainly on the causes of it because prevention
is better than cure. We all have to join our hands for eradicating poverty, which is the main cause of terrorism to make
our world peaceful.
GD Topic - Corruption is the price we pay for democracy

Corruption is any unfair means to get your work done. Corruption exists in almost in every sector. In small terms
corruption exists in colleges where students pay to get marks. In big terms it exists in politics!

As we know, democracy means of the people, for the people and by the people. It is to help people leave the way
they want. This liberty however can be misused. Hence a question here is “Is democracy resulting in corruption”?


 Democracy makes everyone a free bird. Some people especially the politicians make use of this in the
wrong way.

 Though it is unfair to say that because of Democracy, corruption is existent, however, the fact remains that
democracy provides equality to everyone that results in people to have their own aims.

 These aims may not always necessarily be for the country.

 Democracy allows people to choose their leader. The leaders can thus easily buy votes!


 Corruption is not a direct result of democracy. It can exist anyway. At the end of the day, it is an individual’s
decision to spread corruption or not.

 When people are given a choice to their leader, they must think twice before doing so. If they accept bribe
it is not democracy that can be lamed.

To summarizes, corruption in whole should be stopped. Whether it is a direct outcome of anything or not, it does
not matter.

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