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A bus accident I saw was fearsome.

A bus was moving

very fast. A child was crossing the rod. The driver lost
control and the bus hit against a big tree. Many
passengers got hurt. Someone rang up the nearby
hospital. A few doctors and nurses arrived therer. They
gave first aid to the injured, Seriously injured
passengers were taken to the hospital. I can never
forget it.
I cannot forget that fire accident. I was sleeping on the
root of my house. Suddenly I heard a loud noise, ‘Fire! I
saw a hous on fire. I reached there. Many people were
there. I ran to a telephone booth and telephoned to fire
station. Some people were throwing sand on the fire.
Then fire-brigade vahicles came and controlled the fire.
We thanked God that no one lost his of her life. Thee
annual function was celebrated in my school on 3red
January in the School auditorium. The Chief Guest was
welcomed. The cultural programmes were presented.
The annual report of the school was read by the
principal. The Chief Guest made a short and sweet
speech. He admired the staff and the students for their
remarkable achievements. Then the Chief Guest gave
away the prizes to the students for their achievements.
The Vice Principal gave a vote of thanks to all.
A boy falls into a bad company. The father thinks of a
plan. He brings some good apples and a rotten one. He
asks his son to keep the good ones and the rotten one
together. The son does that. Next day, the father asks
the son to inspect the apples. On seeing, he finds all the
apples rotten. The son realiss his mistake and leaves the
bad company. The father and the son are happy now.
One man’s hobby may be another man’s work, or the
other way round. Thus reading is work to a university
professor but to a banker or business executive, it is a
hobby. Similarly, photography is work-and hard work at
that do a p0rofessional photographer who takes
pictures for a fee at wedding, receptions and other
similar functions but to an eighteen year oild who goes
about happilyt clicking away his Canon, It is a hobby.
I read in Govt. Sec. School. There are many teachers in
the school. Shri Gupta is my most favourite teacher. He
teaches us English. He works very hard. He loves all the
srudents. He helps the week and poor students. He is a
kind teacher. He lives simplelife sometimes takes extra-
classes. He gives good advice to the students. He wishes
that every student should progress in his life. We are
proud of him.
Iping was a small village. The arrival of a stranger at an
inn there in winter was an unusal event. Besides, Griffin
wore bandages round his forehead. He wore dark
glasses, big whiskers and a hat. This uncommon
appearance of him made everybody look at him with
suspicion. Then his strange habits as living alone and
irritable temper made him a suspect at Iping. The theft
at the clergyman’s house and Griffin’s suddenly
producing money made them suspect him of theft.
The test of a great book is whether we want to read it
only once or more than once. A really great book is one
which we want to read the second time even more than
we wanted to read it the first time: and every additional
time that we read it we find new meanings and new
beauties in it. A book that a person of education and
good taste does not care to read more than once is very
probably not worth muct. But we cannot consider the
judgement of a single individual infallible . The opinion
that makes a book great msust be the opinion of many.
For even the greatest critics are apt to have certain
dullness. Carlyle, for example, could not endure
Browning; Byron could not endure some of the greatest
of English pooets. A man must be many-sidedto utter a
trustworthy estimate of many books. We may doubt
the judgememnt of the single critic at times. But there is
no doubt possible in regard to the judgement of
Purity of body is physical health. Purity of speech is
unsullied truth. Purity of heart is unselfish love. Purity
of thought is righteous reason. Purity of mind is sincere
and unselfish service. Purity of society is harmonious
unity. Purity of environment is soul-elevating serenity.
In the Mahabharata, there is an interesting episode to
illustrate the nature of purity. The Pandavas and
Kauravas were Drona’s disciples. They were once
summoned by the preceptor Drona for a test. The eldest
of the Pandavas, Yudhishthira, was asked to bring one
had person from the society. The eldest of the
Kauravas, Duryodhana was asked to fetch one good
person form the same society in Hasthinapura.

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