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The Human Design System

6/2 Profile
You are encoded with a certain "geometry", a certain pattern, which
represents your inherent structure / pattern / boundary to your embodied
manifest form. As a 6/2 profile, you are a combination of the 6th line
conscious personality (“The Role Model”) and the 2nd line unconscious
designed nature (“The Hermit”). The details of this encoding are below.

The sixth line personality is inherently different from all the others. It has a
different process that it goes through in its life. It has a dynamic that divides its
life into several distinct periods, regardless if it is the sixth line as a personality
or at the unconscious level. The sixth line is the line of the role model. In our
metaphor of the hexagram as a house, the sixth line is the roof of that house.
It is not really part of the hexagram process itself. It is beyond that. It is in fact
the observer of what's gone on through all the other profiles. It is looking at
the process itself and its bringing judgment with that observation.

The sixth line goes through three distinct stages. The first stage goes from birth
to approximately thirty years old. It is during this stage that the sixth line
engages in third line activity.

Remember that in the symmetry of the hexagram structure that the third line
and the sixth line are actually doing the same job. The third line completes
the lower trigram. It is the ceiling of the lower trigram. The sixth line is the roof
of the whole house. They have a relationship to each other, a harmony. The
third line is a trial and error process. The sixth line during this first thirty year
period engages in trial and error in order to taste the various possibilities of its

Sixth line personality is a role model personality. It is insistent that everything

work correctly. Everything must work correctly. It learns very quickly through its
trial and error experiences that things do not work out that way but the 6th
line strives to change that. This is when the sixth line theme moves towards the
second stage of aloofness (between 30 and 50 years) and begins to

With the 6/2 profile and its second line hermit unconscious this withdrawal is
natural. It is during this second period that the sixth line personality will
become aloof, will not engage. They will become the objective observer of
what is going on around them.

In the final stage of their life, in the post fifty year period, is the opportunity for
the sixth line to be able to re-engage. This is an essential completion process
for the sixth line. To come to a point of re-entering into, rather than staying
aloof from life itself.

The 6/2 profile has great transpersonal power. They are always noticed. They
can be withdrawn and reclusive sitting on the roof of the house, but they are
visible up there. There are many who recognize that they are being watched.
They see that there is a constant observer and that observer becomes an
attractive force. A place to seek out objective advice.

The 6/2 profile is the role model hermit. It is the democratic administrator. The
role model administrator seeking the perfect place. The right work. The right
career. The right relationship for others. The 6/2 profile is society's sounding
board. However, within themselves is a basic dilemma.

The sixth line personality is fundamentally optimistic. It looks out in the world
and it dreams and hopes for the best in life. And not only for itself, but
through its transpersonal nature, the best in life for others. There is always the
assumption within the sixth line that it is possible. At the same time the second
line unconscious has come to see the frailness of humanity, the weakness
and self-hatred.

It is the 6/2's unconscious and its memory that keeps its personal aloofness.
6/2's interact powerfully with the communities around them. They are truly
transpersonal beings. Yet at the personal level within themselves, through
their second line unconscious, they are not involved. They have their

Perhaps the most difficult aspect for a 6/2 profile is the nature of bonding in
their life. All human beings need another. We are part of a binary system and
we are not fulfilled without the other. The sixth line personality is an idealist.
More than an idealist it is an optimist that is looking for a true reality, a true
value that it can trust.

The sixth line in the first part of its life, in the first thirty years of its life, will dive
into intimacy and it will dive into intimacy only to discover that it has not
found its soul mate. It will be driven in that first half of its life to find that perfect
soul mate and the disillusionment that comes with such a pursuit.

The sixth line needs to have trust. When it sees that relationships are
untrustworthy they become aloof from intimacy. The 6/2 profile cannot live by
anything it cannot trust and likewise they cannot live with anyone they
cannot trust. If you break the trust of a 6/2 profile, they will never engage with
you again. It does not mean that they will not be social with you. The sixth line
personality has a pure transpersonal skill. They can always interact with the
other at the surface. They are here to be leaders in that process. But they
won't let you in.

Determined leaders is the theme of the 6/2 profile. As a leader they have
their natural separation from those that they are interacting with. But whether
or not it can finally join in the process is the ultimate determination whether
the 6/2 profile is complete in its life.

There is nothing that one has to do about this. It is not as if this knowledge will
stop a 6/2 profile from being scarred in the first period of its life by
experiences that simply do not work. It is not going to stop the 6/2 profile from
becoming aloof in its mid-life.

The 6/2 profile is always moving between sympathy and apathy. They are
always being sought out by the other for confirmation. It is the 6/2 that is
naturally considered to be a reliable authority.

We know the second line theme is a theme of being called. The 6/2 is called
upon to bring its objective judgment, to bring its leadership. There is a
seduction in a lifetime of administrating and not being involved. The most
difficult aspect of the 6/2 profile's life comes when they reach fifty years of
age. It is in this post fifty year period that the real value of life for them can
emerge. When they are no longer aloof but they have received the call
themselves and join in what they judge to be correct.

The new age 6/2 profile can clearly discern and discriminate between all the
various paths that are available. In its capacity as a role model administrator
it can point out to others which way works. They themselves are not
participating. They themselves are not engaged. All sixth line personalities
must come to a point where they can re-engage, where what they
recognize through their administrative capacity to be correct is also what
they themselves live. In that way their process is complete.

When the 6/2 profile is living out its Type, when it is entering into things
correctly according to its Type, engagement automatically happens.

The above in red is sourced from:

More about your Human Design profile can be found here:

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