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All educational subjects have been affected by technology, from math and science

to music and art. But perhaps most dramatically changed is the instruction of literature
within secondary classrooms. With the introduction not only of the accessible Internet,
but also of e-readers and social media, the way students look at, interpret, and understand
literature has changed drastically.on the path to personalizing learning, technology empowers students by
giving them ownership of how they learn,making education relevant to their digital lives and preparing
them for their future.
with this technology access to resources beyond classroom walls, students are inspired to become
problem solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators,and creators.where technology has been successfully
integrated into classrooms, students develop a lifelong love of learing. In an age when teachers are
expected to work side-by-side with technology on a daily basis, when teachers are made to become nearly
a cyborg, or to become part machine and part human, it is important to note the effects of technology
upon modern education.
In today's sink or
swim situation, classrooms seem to exist with technology: they have to learn to get along with technology
and use it to the best of their capacity,
or they have to do without and suffer as a consequence from technologically unskilled learners.
Therefore, to succeed, the classroom must become cyborgial in nature. Classroom people need to work wi
th technology to prepare learners for technology expertise.
Many types of technology in the classroom have become irreplaceable. Today, most people can not
imagine classroom instruction without the use of computers, television, or the Internet.
Here are some of the information sources such as
According to Li and Hart (1996), the web’s multimedia capabilities and interactive functions
have made it an attractive medium to conduct instruction. Among the reasons for using the
web in ESL learning increased student motivation, authentic language, and global
awareness have been cited (Meloni, 1998). However, there are still many problems with the
application of the Internet in the classroom including the reliability of the information on
the web, the cost of the equipment needed to connect to the Internet, inequality of access
between the haves and have-nots, and frustrating slow connections (Lyman, 1998; Sussex &
White, 1996; Warschauer, 2000).

Being exposed is not enough if the student does not have time or the English proficiency to
analyze any of them. The degree to which the Internet is useful in language learning
depends fundamentally on how well the materials found match the needs of the students a
The purpose of this study is to explore some of the different variables that influence people to become
cyber bullies. The study seeks to answer the research question, How does the lack of the physical
intimidation affect people’s inclination to cyber bully? The goal is to analyze the demographics of cyber
bullies and determine whether or not there is a physical influence on this growing trend.nd their
ability level.

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