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The example of the dialogue expressing pain, relief, pleasure, displeasure

( B hits A from the back )

A : Oh my God. It hurts me so much. Be careful boy! Ahhh.., I'm getting head aches..
B : I’m so sorry, Sir. I’m in a hurry. Are you Ok, Sir ?
A : I thought, I would die because of you. But, it doesn’t matter.
B : I’m sorry, Sir..Are you Mr. A ?
A : How do you know me ? Have we met before ?
B : No, we haven’t. I just ever saw you in a hotel when you were having a meeting, there.
Nice to meet you Sir.
A : owh, I see.. Nice to meet you, too. What’s your name ?
B : My name’s B. Where will you go ?
A : I’ll go to the bus stop and go to the hospital. and you ?
B : I’ll submit my task to my lecturer. Why do you have to go to the hospital ?
A : My wife is going to give a birth our first baby, I’m so worried about it.
B : Don’t worry, sir, All will be fine. I’m sure.
(A's cellphone is ringing.)
A : really ? Thank you very much, I can’t say how pleased I’m..
B : what’s the news sir ?
A : my wife has given a birth, I have a son. That’s fantastic!!! Thanks God for that.
B : Really ? It’s a great pleasure. Thanks goodness. Congratulation.
A : ya, thank you so much. I’m glad everything’s running well. Aha! That’s the bus, i’m
sorry, I must go now. I hope, you’ll graduate with the best score.
B : yes sir, Thanks. Be careful, and see you.
A : see you.
Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Fera : Morning, Tuti.

Tuti : Morning, Fera.
Fera : How’s everything today ?
Tuti : It’s okay, but ....
Fera : What’s the matter, Tuti. Are you not satisfied with that story ?
Tuti : Yeah. I’m little dissatisfied with this story. The story makes me sleepy.
Fera : Do you have any complaints ?
Tuti : I don’t like the story. It is a lousy story.
Fera : What are you complaining about ?
Tuti : I’m a bit disappointed with the main character of the story.
The story is also a sad ending story.
Fera : Oh, I see
But don’t worry, Tuti. Be happy please. It’s just a story.
You can read other stories that can make you happy.
Tuti : Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks for your suggestion, Fera.
Fera : You’re welcome. By the way, I must go now, Tuti.
See you tomorrow at school.
Tuti : See you.
Dialog Expression Warning, Advice and Opinion

Nopita : “ Hi.. Anik? ”

Anik : “ Hi, how are you? ”
Nopita : “I’m fine, thank you, and you? ”
Anik : “ I’m very well, thank you ”
Nopita : “ Ehm, Anik, I will tell you something..! ”
Anik : “ What is it about ? ”
Nopita : “ I got an invitation from Ana to have dinner. ”
Anik : “ So.. ? what happened!? Ana is your bestfriend, isn’t she ?
Why do you look so confused? ”
Nopita : “ Yes, cause tomorrow night, I can’t come. I must go with my
family. Do you have any advice for me ? ”
Anik : “ Why don’t you try calling her tonight ? ”
Nopita : “ Her mobile phone is very busy, so I can’t contact her ”
Anik : “ I think it’s better for you to explain to her that you can’t have a dinner in her
house because you must go with your family ”
Nopita : “ Oh… that’s a good idea, thank you Anik… ”
Anik : “ You’re welcome, Nopita. ”
Dialogue prohibiting mother to go to the garage
Aji : Hi mom, where are you going ?
Mother : Hi ji, I want to go to the garage to take a broom.
Aji : Please mother, do not go to the garage!
Mother : why ?
Aji : because the door of the garage is under construction.
Mother : Aji, thanks for the information
Aji : You're welcome


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Dialogue expressing warning, advice, opinion, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, pain,
relief, pleasure, displeasure

Fera : Morning, Tuti.

Tuti : Morning, Fera.
Fera : It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
Tuti : Yes, you’re right.
Fera : That’s why I have a plan to go to the cinema this afternoon.
Tuti : But Fera, you have to be careful because I heard from the weather forecast that it’s
going to rain hard this afternoon. And as you know if it happens, flood is everywhere.
Fera : Really? What should I do, then? Do you have any advice for me?
Tuti : I think it’s better for you to postpone your plan to go to the cinema.
Fera : Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Thanks, Tuti.
Tuti : You’re welcome, Fera.
Fera : By the way, have you read the novel that I gave you last week?
Tuti : Yes, I have, but I don’t really like that novel.
Fera : Why? Are you not satisfied with the story?
Tuti : Yeah. I’m little dissatisfied with the story.
Fera : What’s your opinion about the story?
Tuti : I don’t like the story. It is a bad story.
Fera : What are you complaining about?
Tuti : I’m a bit disappointed with the main character of the story. And, the story also has a
sad ending.
Fera : Oh, I see. But don’t worry, Tuti. It’s just a story. You can read other novels that can
make you happy.
Tuti : Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks for your suggestion, Fera.
Fera : You’re welcome. Hey, you look so pale, Tuti. Are you sick?
Tuti : Actually I’m not feeling well today, I’ve got a headache. But I must go to school
because we have an English test today, don’t we?
Fera : Yes, we do. Wait a minute. I think I put some tablets for reliefing a headache in my
bag. Let me check first. Here they are. You can take one, Tuti.
Tuti : Oh, thank you very much, Fera. I will directly swallow it.
(After for a while)
Fera : How do you feel now, Tuti? Is it getting better?
Tuti : Thanks to you, Fera, my headache has gone. What a relief. I can think clearly for the
test now.
Fera : Good, thanks God. I’m glad to hear that. I hope we can do the test well and get a
good score.
Tuti : Yeah. Hey, the teacher is coming to our classroom. Let’s go there!
Fera : Yeah, let’s go!

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