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Riska Yulianti Putri


My college life this semester

Before telling about my lecture in this semester, I want to tell how I feel to get into the
college. It feels very proud, very excited and very lucky. Why do I feel lucky? because not
everyone can go to college. My first at college had a great meaning to me. It was the beginning
of my dream to go to college and to pursue a higher education. I always wanted to be a college
student, a serious student who would decide what to be in her life. The night before my first
class, I was very excited and that’s make me cant sleep and make me so nervous. Because of the
feeling of excitement that was felt that made me late in my first class. That was bad start, ugh.

Talk about now, now I have been in semester 3, the semester is heading towards
"seriousness" because if we speak of age, we have entered the age to mature. Of course, this
semester has entered learning about the majors we take like, interpersonal communication,
English for communication, the basics of broadcasting, public opinion, communication sociology
and photography. there lessons that are not from majors, or general subjects, entrepreneurship.
besides I learned the basics of broadcasting in class, outside of class I also participated in radio

In this semester, my opinion is a semester with hours of study that are very early in the
morning, starting at 09:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. I thought it was too early even though there were
still more early on other campuses. maybe because in the first semester the class schedule was
always afternoon after lunch. even though the morning or afternoon class takes, students always
feel sleepy during class. About lectures and lecturers, there are lecturers who are very intolerant
when we are late in class even if only 3 minutes. Sometimes it makes me have to run from the
lobby to the top just for fear of being late, even though there are still 10 minutes the class hasn't
started yet. But sometimes I am very sorry with my friends who lives far away from campus and
have to go by public transportation, such as trains or busways, because the trains and busways
that come often soaked from the hour of arrival are also my friends often late and sometimes
lecturers like to not accept excuses something like that.
When teaching in class, the lecturer is very clear when explaining the lesson. I was very
interested when the lecturer explained something from a book that was they read, such as
inspiring me to read and have a lot of knowledge. Assignments in this semester also felt very
difficult and almost all lecturers gave assignments with very short deadlines. What I don't like
from the lecturers who teach is when they give assignments, I think that when collecting
assignments with assignments that are not appropriate sometimes it makes students dizzy and
does not get enough to sleep. Although many tasks are given and deadlines are very
uncomfortable this semester, I think I can pass it like the before this semester.

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