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3 Reasons Why Your Housing Project Needs

a Playground

A playground is one of the most indispensable gifts you can provide to children. A well-designed
park can act as a vital hub for the entire community or apartment complex. In an increasingly
technologically dependent society, playgrounds offer children a chance to express themselves,
and hone their cognitive and motor skills. What’s more, they can also support economic, social,
and physical growth of not just children, but the entire community at large.

At the same, building a playground comes with a significant planning. So, if you're unsure
whether to build a playground for your apartment complex or not, here are a few benefits they
provide that make them worth the investment:

1. Rise in Property Value

The addition of a playground to your apartment complex can be a great asset as recreational
amenities can increase the property values of residential homes by up to 20%. As cities tend to
be cluttered with high-density living spaces, proximity to open green space becomes a highly
desirable factor when it comes to home buying or renting.
Housing complexes featuring parks or community gardens are attractive to newly married
couples, parents with young children, grandparents, and even for businesses that provide housing
to their employees.

Moreover, the presence of playgrounds in a community boosts local business in the area. Parks
and playgrounds can also promote the establishment of outdoor fitness programs, laughter
clubs, and much more.

2. Promotes Child Development

While playgrounds merely seem like places where children can have fun, they provide a host of
developmental benefits through playtime. One of the most important benefits of play is that it
promotes basic cognitive skills. A child can learn problem solving, reasoning, creativity,
dexterity, and more.

For example, while playing on loopy rungs a child has to apply motor skills to swing from the
first bar to the last. It also requires hand-eye coordination to swing from one bar to the next.
Children who spend time on playgrounds can learn diverse skills and improve them over time.
What’s more, interaction with other kids can help in making new friends and develop an open
view of the world.

Below are some of the other benefits that playgrounds provide for kids:

· Promotes physical activity and limits dependency on electronic devices

· Provides an outlet for the release of stress or pent-up energy

· Improves social skills

· Hastens cognitive development

· Helps in building confidence and self-esteem

3. Establishes a Healthy Community

Children aren’t the only ones who enjoy a well-equipped playground. A playground is a place
where families bond and communities gather together. Addition of a jogging track and other
adult fitness equipment to playgrounds enhances their value and creates a gathering spot for
socializing. In fact, residents living close to parks and recreation areas engage more often in
social activities as compared to those who don’t.

Are you looking for playground equipment to build a playground in your apartment
complex? Simply contact ArihantPLAY and we will assist you in choosing the right
playground equipment. We offer an extensive range of outstanding products that children of all
ages and abilities can enjoy.

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