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  by Vape Critic / Updated July 8, 2019

My top 3 picks for the best vaporizers going into 2019 are the MV1,
Mighty & VapCap. Not much has changed lately! ;-)
This is based on how much I personally like them and how much use

they got over here in 2018. There are many, many great vapes out
there, but this page is for people who want a quick list of the best you
can get right now.

Comment below and tell me what your top 3 favorite vaporizers are
currently, think about which ones you used the most in the last year,
they can be either desktop or portable models. If you can, let me know
the few things that set these apart for you.

Stay up!

My Top Picks:
Best Portable Vaporizer
Best Vaporizer Pen
Best Desktop Vaporizer

UPDATE: I counted up your votes and just posted my video going over
the poll results for the top 10 best vaporizers, check it out below and
thanks again for your feedback guys!

Top 10 Best Vaporizers Right Now

Check out the excellent reviews below from real members of the
Vape Life Forum!

DynaVap 2018 M Review and User Guide by @SouthboundPachyderm

Hey there! I’d like to take a minute to discuss the 2018 M by Dynavap.
The M is the entry level vaporizer in DynaVap’s VapCap line-up. For
$60 (USD) you can pick up the 2018 M, and it will come shipped with a
green plastic storage tube. When I purchased my VapCap a couple of
months ago, I decided to go with the “M Starter Kit” (currently $110). I

mainly went with the kit to get the DynaStash (think OG Dugout), and
an extra torch, but the other goodies are nice to have too. I also chose
to pick up the “Fat Mouthpiece” for $1, and 3 extra Stainless Steel
CCDs (screens) for another $5. The M Starter kit includes:

– The 2018 M/Green Storage Tube

– 1 DynaStash in Cedar or Walnut
– 1 Hawk Triple Torch Lighter (Lighter may vary, I received a
Vertigo Dual Torch)
– 1 container DynaWax
– A 5 pack of Hard Bristle Pipe Cleaners
– 3 Replacement High Temperature O-Rings
– 2 Replacement Condenser O-Rings
– 1 Replacement Stainless Steel CCD (screen)

The DynaVap M is an ultra-portable butane torch powered on-demand

vaporizer. It is a conduction/convection hybrid vape that leans heavily
towards the conduction side of heating. It is worth noting that while
the recommended heat source is a handheld butane torch, you can
heat the VapCap with just about anything that will radiate enough
heat. Including but not limited to: cigarette lighters, candles, alcohol
burners, hot coals, or even a match (this would be really suck, but you
could make it work). There is a bit of a learning curve with the
VapCaps, but it isn’t too complicated, it shouldn’t matter if your a
beginner or a pro, you’ll have it down in no time. If you need some
help there are a number of great Heating Technique videos on
DynaVap’s YouTube channel that are very useful, and I will speak more
about technique a little bit later too.


The 2018 M is approximately 3.5 inches long, with a ⅜ inch diameter,

and when I threw it on my scale it came in at just over 20 grams.
Maximum capacity on the M is about .1 gram fully loaded, but it works
well with a smaller load too. This vaporizer is made entirely of Medical
Grade Stainless Steel, except for 3 O-Rings that help seal the tip into
the stem/condenser, and 2 O-Rings that seal the condenser in the
stem. All of the O-Rings are made of a high temperature/chemical
resistant Viton material.


The design of the VapCap makes for very easy Maintenance and
cleaning. To disassemble your VapCap for cleaning follow the steps
– Remove the tip and cap from your device.

– Use the cut out part of the cap to gently push the condenser
from the tip end of the stem, then remove the condenser from
other end.
- Remove the 2 O-Rings from condenser (leave O-Rings on tip)
– If your vape is particularly dirty, you can use the condenser to
poke the screen out by gently poking the condenser through the
bottom of tip until you feel the screen pop out. With normal wear
and tear you shouldn’t need to clean your screen every time.

Now that you have taken your M apart you can throw everything
EXCEPT the cap into a little bit of 91%+ Iso, and shake it up for a
couple of minutes, then give it a thorough rinse with warm/hot water.
Your cap won’t get that dirty, and Iso will tarnish the nish. After you
have cleaned everything, set it out to dry (if you put it in front of a fan
it will dry quicker). To
re-assemble your VapCap just follow the disassembly instruction in
reverse. You will want to make sure that the bigger of the two
condenser O-Rings goes on closest to the mouthpiece end of your M.
It’s that easy!

Performance & Technique

The VapCap is a pretty easy vaporizer to use, however it is actually

quite versatile, so it helps to have a basic understanding of how it
works. There are a few di erent variables that can a ect your
performance, but the two big ones are going to be torch size (number

of torches (dual, single, etc)/ ame size), and torch position( location on
cap/distance from cap). DynaVap recommends a dual or triple torch
lighter for beginners, as the bigger ame will give you quicker more
consistent results. A bigger ame will however limit your heating

For more advanced heating options with a wider temperature range a

single torch ame is highly recommended. In my opinion the triple
torch will be easier at rst, and a bigger torch can be very bene cial
when it is cold or windy, but do yourself a favor and learn to use a
single torch ASAP. You won’t regret it. It really isn’t all that advanced (I
gured it out just by watching a bunch of heating technique videos
while impatiently waiting for my M to be delivered), and the added
versatility is a game changer.

To heat your VapCap, place the cap up to the tip of your torch’s ame,
and slowly spin your VapCap in one direction. Imagine that you are
spinning the cap over the tip of a marker and creating one perfect
ring/band around the cap. Continue to heat until you have heard the
“click”. The click will sound once your VapCap has reached the
appropriate temperature to let you know your ready to take a hit. It is
critical that you do not heat past the click, doing this will cause you to

Once heated, simply cover the airport (carb hole). When you start to
feel vapor you can slightly feather your nger on and o of the airport
to increase air ow and cool your vapor. Once you have nished taking
your hit you will need to wait until you hear the “cool down click”, this
click lets you know that it is safe to reheat your cap. If you want to help
speed up the cool down time you can place the cap onto a metal

object (my torch has a metal casing, so I use that, but a grinder or any
other metal object should work) this will help dissipate the heat,
allowing your VapCap to cool down faster. It’s very important to wait
for the cool down click. If you don’t, once again you will combust.

For me the only time I end up combusting, is if I space out and think I
missed the cool down click. The solution was to ritually place my cap
on my lighter to cool down after each hit. I should mention that if you
do wind up combusting, you will immediately want to clean your
DynaVap as it has a horrible taste that will linger in your unit. That
pretty much sums up the basic heating technique, however if you
want to have a bit wider temperature range it helps to know a bit

The full temperature range of your VapCap goes from 300F

(149C)-450F(232C), which gives you a lot of options. The temperature
you reach is based upon your torch position in relation to the cap.
Simply put, for low temps (300F-340F) heat near the top of your cap,
for medium temps (340F-400F) heat in the middle, for high temps
(400F-450F) heat near the bottom of the cap. You will de nitely want
to be using a single torch lighter, to allow for precise positioning of
your torch.

To demonstrate the versatility of the VapCap I vaped 3 sessions, using

various torch positions. For all 3 sessions I used my dual torch lighter,
with a ½ inch ame, however instead of having both torches lined up
vertically with the cap I turned my torch to the side to have the ames
be in line with the diameter of the cap, allowing for more precise
heating. For all my sessions I used a medium/ ne grind, with a
medium/tight pack, and I only lled the bowl ¾ full to allow for a bit

more air ow and convection heating. I waited 5-10 minutes between
each session to allow the tip/cap to cool down, to ensure a cold start
for each session. To give a more accurate description of where I
positioned my torch, I will use a letter from the DynaVap logo on the
cap as a reference point (i.e. I heated near the “N”). My results are
listed below.

Session 1

For my rst session I heated the cap four times near the “D”, then once
near the “N”, and one more time near where the “A/V” overlap.The rst
two hits were super tasty, however it was all avor, no vapor. My next
two pulls were also quite tasty, but now I had the added bene t of a
pleasant low temperature vapor to accompany the avor. When I
moved the torch closer to the “N”, I received a robust hit that had less
avor than the others, but was much more potent. My last hit near the

“A/V” was both huge, and super potent, however now I got the taste of
burnt popcorn, indicating my session was over. My AVB was evenly
brown throughout. By the end of round one I had a pleasant elevation.
In fact if it was daytime, and/or I had somewhere to be I would have
more than likely skipped the last hit, and still been good to go.

Session 2

On the next session I heated the cap a total of four times, all near the
“N”. Once again, my rst hit was all avor, no vapor. My second pull
was very tasty, and extremely potent, without being too hot. My last
two hits were similar to my second in size, potency, and temperature,
however the avor trailed o , and by the tail end of my last hit i had a
very faint taste of burnt popcorn. The AVB wasn’t too noticeably
di erent from round one. The e ects of my second round hit hard,
and couch lock was coming on fast! For the ten minutes between
sessions 2 and 3 my new mantra became, “You can do it, it’s for

Session 3

I only heated the cap twice for the third round. Both times near the
“A/V”. Since temperatures at this level are pretty high (400F-450F), and
I had just got done taking 10 hits, I opted to use the “Fat Mouthpiece” I
ordered with my M. The Fat Mouthpiece is just a black silicone
mouthpiece that acts as a water pipe adaptor for use with any rig with
a 14mm female joint. I got two massive, extremely potent hits through
my water pipe.The rst already had a slight burnt popcorn taste, the
second was all popcorn. The AVB for round three was noticeably
darker than the previous rounds, but there was no combustion. By the
time I was nished with all three sessions, I found myself drifting

through the universe, oating this way, and that.

Final Thoughts
All things considered, this is a pretty amazing little vaporizer. It o ers

hits ranging from, cool mouthwatering vapor, to massive extremely
potent bong rips. With all the versatility that the 2018 M o ers when it
comes to how you like your hits, the choice is all yours. This device is
built to last a lifetime, and the simplistic design gives it a really nice
look, and feel. For me it kinda feels like the pocket watch of vapes, it
looks classy, feels great in your hand, and you know it will never let
you down. For only $60 (USD) you could certainly call the M a budget
vape, but I feel that doing so would somehow cheapen this awesome
device. This inexpensive vaporizer exceeds the performance and
construction of many more expensive vapes.

As I mentioned earlier, when I picked up my VapCap, I ordered the M

Starter Kit, and in my opinion it was well worth the extra cash. The
DynaStash makes an already ultra-portable vaporizer even more
portable, by adding the ability to store your pre-ground material, and
your vape all in the same pocket sized case, and the magnet on the
stash is nice for removing hot caps. The extra torch and replacement
parts are also very nice to have on hand. Now, when I inevitably lose a
small part I know I won’t be waiting on the USPS for my next VapCap

I do wish that it wasn’t quite so easy to combust, but you just have to
respect the click. With a .1 gram capacity this is de nitely a very
e cient micro-doser, but it also makes it more of a one user vape.
When I’m vaping with another person I will usually reach for more of a
session vape, because I hate having to watch someone else enjoy my
VapCap while I impatiently wait. If you have issues with dexterity in
your hands this might not be the vape for you, but with DynaVap hard
at work on their upcoming Induction Heater (no release date as of

yet), that may soon change.

The M is the vape that allowed me to give up combustion for good. I

personally think this is a great vape for a beginner looking to convert
from smoking that may crave a little more bite to their hits, or even for
someone who has never smoked or vaped who might prefer a lighter,
cooler draw. If you are after the cooler avors I would highly suggest
getting and learning to use a single torch lighter with your VapCap.

To make a long story short.. I absolutely love my DynaVap 2018 M. I

think that there is a spot in everyone’s collection for this vape. My only
real complaint is that I don’t have more VapCaps.

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on the VapeLife forum
under the user name @SouthboundPachyderm.

Click here to buy one from the o cial Dynavap store, and use promo
code STAYUP for 10% OFF your order!

Happy Vaping!

Ghost MV1 review by @Lucic and Chong

In another review I compared the Arizer Solo 2 to a Volvo. The Ghost

MV1 would be the fancy sports car on the other side of the
comparison. It’s sleek and sexy, shiny and eye catching, and it goes 0-
60 in seconds. And also like a sports car, you won’t get the most out of
it until you learn how to drive it properly.

The most common comment I get when I show it to someone is that it

looks like a spaceship.

What’s in the Box

– MV1
– battery
– 2 crucibles with lids
– 1 concentrate pad
– 3 picks
– 3 iso wipes
– 3 cleaning buds
– usb charge cable
I have one of the early ones, order #1131, so I was lucky to get a free

fast charger with my order. I also now have a second, newer one too.

Look and Feel

This looks and feels like a premium vaporizer. It feels really solid and
well made, and it has some decent weight to it too. Nothing about it
looks or feels cheap.

You can tell a lot of thought went into every aspect of this vape,
including how it feels in your hand. The little grove in the back to rest
your thumb by the trigger, it just feels natural.

The MV1 comes in a choice of 5 colors- black chrome, satin silver,

nickel, rose gold and a new stealth black. The shiny colors can collect
ngerprints. They’re tough to notice from a distance, but up close

they’re easier to see.

It only has 2 buttons on the unit, one on the front, and the trigger
button in the back. The mouthpiece is retractable and the newer units
are coming with an acrylic mouthpiece.

They also have the option of glass mouthpieces as an add on, on the
website. The acrylic works great, but I prefer glass, so it’s nice to have
the option.

It’s a very unique vape in that the ceramic herb chamber, or crucible, is
removable. This is one of the polarizing features of this vape. Myself, I
love this feature, but I can also understand why some people may nd
it bothersome. Changing crucibles does require some manual
dexterity, and the crucibles do get hot.

But the crucibles don’t take too long to cool to a reasonable enough
heat to swap them. Just open the crucible door for a short bit and
they’re not too bad.

Ease of Use/How to Use

This is where some people can have a problem with this vape. This
isn’t a pack and go vape, it can require a bit of technique. Most people
can pick it up fairly quickly, and it’s really not that di cult. But it isn’t

quite as user friendly as some other vapes.

There are a few variables that can greatly a ect the quality of your
session, the most important being herb dryness and draw speed.

Problems with the seal and heat sink can also greatly a ect
performance, luckily it’s also easily remedied. The best trick is if you
think there might be a seal issue- take out the heat sink, plug the
intake holes and draw, if any air leaks through the seal is broken and
the heat sink needs to be reassembled.

Fortunately, most of the inconsistent seal problems were xed with

the an improved heatsink that comes with all new units. But the seal
can still be a ected by not reassembling it properly or by not pushing
the heat sink into the unit rmly enough.

It’s also really important to keep the holes on the heatsink, and
crucible lids clean. Clogged holes will greatly a ect air ow and

I use a medium grind, but dry herb is key here. I like 49% Boveda
humidity packs and nd that it’s a great level for my MV1. I can’t
recommend Bovedas enough, no matter which humidity you use. By
taking that one variable of moisture level out of play, it can really aid
with getting more consistent sessions.

Don’t pack it too tight, air ow is really important. Less is more. I nd

that it’s easiest to just scoop the herb from your grinder so it’s just
barely higher than the edges, then very lightly tamp that bit down,
clean the edges, and put on the lid.
Pop open the crucible arm, insert crucible and close. Choose temp

(with front button of unit, or on app) and hit the trigger. It will do an
initial buzz as the heater engages, then after 4-10 seconds it will
vibrate when it’s ready. It gives you a 15 second draw before the unit
vibrates again and the heater turns o .

Draw speed and temps can vary from user to user. But I nd, as is true
with most vapes, slow and steady is usually best. But with higher
temps you can also draw a bit quicker for bigger hits. There’s no one
way to use this thing.

On Demand Convection

This is an on demand convection vaporizer, meaning that the herb is

only cooking when you engage the heater with the trigger button and
draw hot air through the crucible. This helps to make it extremely

e cient as there’s really no waste. Plus it’s easy to just have a draw or
2 and go back to nish the crucible later.

Heat up time from cold is about 10 seconds on the rst draw, and it
only takes 4-5 seconds on the second draw, once the unit is already

With convection your draw speed plays a major role in performance.

The heater is below the herb, and your draw is what is bringing the
heat through the crucible. If you draw way too slow the unit can
overheat, too quick and the heat doesn’t have a chance to cook the

You have to experiment with di erent draws and temps to nd what

works best for you.

E ciency

As I just touched on, this is a very e cient vape. A crucible ts about

0.1- 0.12g and that’ll usually get me 6-8 decent draws, give or take a
few depending on herb and temps. Sometimes I’ll go high temp and
just have 2-4 huge hits and it’ll be done.

You can also ll the crucible half full to microdose if you chose. Or just
take a draw or 2 and pick it back up later, because with on demand
convection you can do that without compromising the vapor quality.

There can be some green in the AVB on the top.

I nd that it’s minimal (I don’t stir, stirring can help but I don’t bother),
and it’s only really noticeable since it’s a few akes right on top, right
around the edges (this will be worsened by packing it too tight). Once

it’s dumped it’s easy to see how little it actually is, it’s literally just a few

But it is still there, it’s not always perfectly even AVB and this is
something that can really bother some people. Especially for a vape of
this price.

Convection vapes are known for excellent avor and the MV1 doesn’t
disappoint in that category. This vape produces some of the best
avor out of any vaporizer that I’ve ever used. The vapor quality is just

The vapor is very cool and easy on the throat too. Normally I love
using my vapes with a water pipe, but with this one there’s no need.
It’s just so smooth as is. I bought a WPA for it and I never use it.

If you want huge clouds you can sure get them with this. If I want a
really big hit I’ll put it on high, start my draw slow and once I start to
feel the warmth I’ll speed up my draw. I’ll only get 2-4, but they’re huge

It has very free owing draw resistance, especially for a portable. Draw
speed can be adjusted by extending and retracting the mouthpiece.

Another advantage of on demand convection is odor control. Since the
herb is only cooking when you have the heater engaged and are
inhaling it’s tough for any extra smells to escape.

It has a mesh concentrate pad and a special concentrate temp mode.
The only concentrate that I use is CBD isolate, and it works great for
that, but I can’t speak personally on how it performs with other

From listening to other owners, it sounds like a lot of people are

satis ed with how this performs with concentrates.


The battery is custom from Ghost and is user replaceable. This is a big
plus. Some of the most common problems with vapes are battery
related, so it sure is nice to be able to replace that simple part
yourself. And having an extra battery just makes it more portable.
It’s almost half of the size of the unit, and it’s most of the weight. The

battery is basically the back of the MV1 when it’s all together.

It can be charged via usb, but I never have. It apparently takes a really
long time. Using the fast charger it will charge from dead in about 2
hours. The fast charger isn’t included, but it’s a very strongly
recommended add on.

It is a long lasting battery. I’ve had as many as 9 crucibles, of 6-8 draws

per, on a single charge.

But the battery is not perfect, the output can drop as the battery
drains, which can a ect the heat output. I nd it’s usually after the 4th
crucible and when the power drops to 2 green lights. But I’ve learned a
trick for that.

They installed a manual calibration feature on the units, so I use that

to boost it when the output drops. Pressing both buttons on the unit
together 3 times activates the calibration feature. Amber ashing is
normal, red is hotter, green is cooler.

When I hit 2 green lights for power I’ll bump it up to red for a boost
and use that for the rest of the battery. Or I’ll just swap batteries every
3-4 crucibles if I’m at home.


It is on the larger scale when it comes to portables, and it’s quite heavy
too. It’s de nitely not in the pocket portable category. Yet to me it’s the
most portable of my portable vapes. I even nd it more portable that
my much smaller Davinci IQ.

Portability means more to me than just being able to put it in my

pocket, it’s also about how easy it is to use on a day away from home.
Being able to bring a spare battery, as heavy as it can be, really adds to
it’s portability.

The crucible dispenser though, that’s what makes it really portable for

Crucible Dispenser
Simple, small, plastic carrying containers for up to 5 crucibles. Plus it

includes 5 crucibles and lids, and that alone is almost worth the price.
These things are so handy that I bought 2. They’re almost like little
weed pez dispensers.

It requires a bit of prep time, but being able to have 5-10 crucibles
packed and ready to go sure makes vaping on the go easier. No
messing around with grinding, loading or watching out for wind gusts.
Just swap crucibles and go.

They go in both ways, so one trick is to put the used crucible back in
the dispenser upside down so you’ll know it’s spent. Also handy for


Like a lot of other vapes, it comes with an app. It’s more of a

complimentary app than essential. But it is needed for any future
updates to the MV1 and to adjust your preset temps.
You can also use the app to change temps during a session. But now

that I have my preferred preset temps set, I rarely use the app
anymore. I nd the buttons just as easy, while also freeing up a hand.

Amber 1, 2 and 3 are the pre sets, while red 1 and 2 (favorites 1 and 2)
are customizable, C is concentrate mode.

Cleaning and Maintenance

As with all vaporizers there is some cleaning involved. It’s not too
tough though, it’s pretty much just the heatsink and crucibles that
need a thorough and regular cleaning.

Just take it apart, separate the top and gasket as they don’t get
cleaned (other than maybe a quick wipe), and soak the mouthpiece,
heatsink, and ceramic piece in iso for a short bit, rinse and dry. I need
to clean my heatsink once a week with daily use.

The crucibles just need quick iso bath and a rinse to clean. The
crucible lids, in particular, need regular cleaning. If the holes get
clogged it can really a ect performance. For this reason having a few
extra crucibles and lids is very useful.

The crucibles will get discolored over time.

Customer Service

Their customer service is second to none. They will help coach people
on proper techniques if they’re having troubles, and try to do
whatever it takes to help people get the most out of their MV1.

Warranty and Reliability

It comes with a 2 year warranty, that will be upgraded to 5 years upon

registration via their app.

As for reliability it’s such a new vape that it’s tough to call. There were
a few problems on the initial release, but it seems to be mostly
smoothed over from what I’ve seen and heard.

I haven’t had a problem with mine in almost the year that I’ve owned
it. And with a 5 year warranty, and Ghost’s amazing customer service,
I’m not worried. I know that with reasonable use I’ll be covered for

another 4 years.


This is currently my favorite vaporizer, it’s my daily driver. The avor is

top shelf, with amazing e ciency. Some people like to refer to this as
a connoisseur vaporizer, the vapor quality is just that good. On
demand convection, there’s so much to like about it.

It’s great battery life and ultra quick heat up time are also big perks for
me. Plus I love the convenience of the crucible dispensers.

The MV1 looks and feels like a high end vaporizer, mainly because it is.
It is a premium vaporizer that comes with a premium price of $295us.
I think it’s worth the price, though not everyone would agree.

Some people can have problems with this vape and nd it nicky. But I
like to look at it as just having more variables at play that a ect
performance than some other vapes. Herb dryness and quality, how
the crucible is packed, temp and draw speed are the biggest variables.

So this might not be a good vape for someone who’s looking for
something consistent and easy to use right out of the box. It takes
some time getting to know this vape and it can require an element of
patience while you dial it in.

The crucibles are smaller, and thus aren’t great for groups. I see it as a
1-2 person vape. Heavy hitters might not be happy with having to
swap out hot crucibles for extra sessions either (they do get hot). And
people with dexterity issues may have problems with the crucible
So, all in all it’s an amazing vaporizer, but it’s not for everyone.

Click here to visit the o cial Ghost Vapes store.

Review above written by @Lucic and Chong from the VapeLife Forum

Crafty vaporizer review by @High from the VapeLife Forum

The Crafty by Storz & Bickel is still, 4 years later, one of the most
potent battery-powered and portable vaporizers on the market. It was
rst introduced in 2014 and the slightly improved version came out in
2018 with 20% longer battery life. Everything else remained the same,

which is mainly a good thing.

Ease of use

One of the main reasons why I keep using and recommending Crafty
is how easy it is to use. You connect it with the smartphone app, set
your favorite default and boost temperatures, load the herb chamber
and just start using it. After you have set the temperatures, you can
forget the whole app if you want to. You may have to adjust the
temperatures later to get the most out of it, but otherwise there is no
need to use the app.

Loading it up couldn’t be easier either. Twist o the cooling unit, insert

your favorite herb in the chamber and put the cooling unit back in its
place. If you want to keep the herb chamber as clean as possible, as I
recommend on doing, use the stainless steel dosing capsules (by Storz
& Bickel) instead of loading the herb directly to the chamber. After
you’re done loading, press the only button to start the heating and
wait for the vibration to tell you when it hits the default temperature.
There is no learning curve whatsoever – just start drawing, hold onto
your hat, and enjoy the e ects.


The Crafty performs just like you would expect a high-end vaporizer to
perform. It vaporizes the material evenly; no hotspots mean no
stirring needed – full extraction every time.

As long you pack the chamber with medium ground herb you will
notice little to no draw resistance. Avoid over lling or packing the
chamber too tight with too ne ground herb, as it a ects the air ow
and you will start noticing some draw resistance.
I get 10-12 draws per session and the battery lasts for about four

sessions – ve with the new version. And this is where the Crafty could
perform a bit better. The heating takes its time also; when the battery
is fully charged, it takes up to 2 minutes to heat up. It’s not that big of
a deal though – until you would want to take a really quick hit.

While the battery life certainly a ects the vaping experience, it by no

means makes the vaporizer any less good – it’s still great.

Vapor Quality / Taste / Flavor

It’s hard to beat the Crafty in vapor quality. It uses a combination of

conduction and convection heat which means you get the best from
both worlds; hybrid heat provides potent vapor with big clouds.
Starting your session at 370f or more give even bigger and more
visible clouds.

The cooling unit (or CU) is made from plastic and I had my concerns
about this, but they were unfounded. The taste was great and pure
from the start, and the cooling unit works e ectively even with higher
temperatures constantly delivering cool and smooth vapor. Tastewise
the Crafty gets almost perfect points.

E ciency

The herb chamber holds up to 0.3g of dry herb and about half of that
when using dosing capsules. You can also microdose below 0.1g with
dosing capsules and liquid pads. For best results I’d recommend
packing the chamber (or the capsule) lightly with medium to ne
ground herb. Too ne ground herb might slip through the holes of the
bottom screen or through the top screen located in the cooling unit.

Use it solo or in a group – the Crafty delivers quality vapor. The default
one-minute session timeout will confuse in some point and especially
in group sessions. If you happen to own or are getting a new version
of Crafty ( rmware v02.50 or newer), they have extended the auto-
shuto to two minutes. And with older rmware versions you can
always just press the one button to keep it going.


The Crafty shines outdoors as it is pocketable and stealthy. It ts in

jeans pocket nicely, although, there are many smaller vapes out there
which t better even in a smell proof storage. The dosing capsules
take the experience to a whole new level – they cool down quickly for
a quick and easy swap to a fresh one. For indoor use I’d suggest
getting the Mighty for double battery life and a more convenient
temperature control.

In optimal conditions, the Crafty’s battery lasts slightly over 40

minutes. You can plug it in via USB and use it while it’s charging if
there’s more than 20 % battery left. If it’s less than that, you need to
charge it rst above that point. It takes from 2 to 2,5 hours to recharge
the battery from empty to full.
You can pair it with a portable power bank to more than double the

battery life. I usually pair my Crafty with a 5000mAh power bank, so I
don’t have to worry about the battery dying on me.

After time, the one 18650 battery will lose its capability to hold power,
which leads to fewer sessions and slower heat up times. Storz & Bickel
charges you $$ for a new battery replacement and you need to send
your Crafty to Germany. They usually update the rmware at the same
time and you most likely will get the 20% battery upgrade for the same
price if you had the older version.

Build Quality / Elegance / Odor

So, the Crafty is manufactured in Germany. I feel like they have really
thought about the build quality to make the vaping experience as
comfortable as possible. Crafty’s not a big vaporizer and it’s not on the
small side either. It’s perfectly in the middle and it feels good and solid
in hand, and thanks to the outer ns, it’ll not slip out of your grip.

All the materials are medical grade; the herb chamber and liquid pads
are made of stainless steel, dosing capsules are aluminium and even
the cooling unit is made from avorless, medical grade plastic with no
fragile parts.

Compared to many other vapes the Crafty is nearly odorless, and

while I believe there’s no such thing as an odor free vaporizer, the
Crafty is pretty darn close. So yes, there is a noticeable smell when
heating up and vaping, but it’s a light one and you can minimize the it
by using a clean cooling unit.


The Storz & Bickel liquid pads allows concentrates, liquids and oils to
be vaporized with Crafty. The pads do what they are supposed to be
doing, though I have not had the chance to enjoy concentrates yet.

Reliability and Warranty

The Crafty is covered by two-year warranty and within the warranty

period Storz & Bickel either repairs the old unit or replaces the entire
defective device with a new one.

Because of the issues with battery and vibration, and the red and
orange LED lights ashing which is caused by a broken thermal fuse, it
is quite likely that at some point the Crafty will need service. The good
thing is that Storz & Bickel takes warranty issues seriously and a fully

functional device is often returned to the user within two weeks.

As with any other battery powered vape, let it cool down before you
store it – this way the battery lasts longer, and you most likely will
experience less battery related issues.

Cleanliness and Maintenance

Depending on the use, cleaning should be done at least once every

two weeks. And if not, it will a ect the taste and the ground herb will
start to clog up the screen of the cooling unit, which results in
restricted air ow.

This is where multiple cooling units come in handy – swap a clean and
shiny one for a clogged one and you’re good to go again. Also, get 1, or
preferably 3, extra cooling units so you can clean them all in one

session once a month. The dosing capsules do their part too in
keeping the chamber and cooling unit cleaner.

And when the cleaning day nally comes, it’s over almost as fast as it
started. Put the Crafty upside down and gently brush the bottom
screen with the included brush. Swipe the herb chamber with some Q
tips dipped in 99% isopropyl alcohol. Pull the cooling unit(s) apart and
soak the pieces in iso for at least 30 minutes. Use Q tips on anything
sticky, rinse with water and reassemble. That’s it. You can view more
detailed instructions here.

There are no parts that have to be replaced, and you can even reuse
the dosing capsules and liquid pads over and over again.

Personal Opinion / Price

As it is a premium vaporizer, the Crafty’s price point is on the higher

side but completely worth it – you get what you pay for. It’s one of my
favorite vaporizers not least because of its solid construction,
consistency and vapor quality. It’s easy to maintain and fun to use, and
with single-button operation it’s also very beginner-friendly. For heavy
and indoor users, I would recommend Mighty as it’s more reliable of
the two and its battery lasts 2 to 3 times longer. For everything else,
get the Crafty.

Click here to buy one from the authorized dealer, and use
promo code VAPENOW15 for 15% OFF!

Review above written by @High from the VapeLife Forum

Thanks again guys for all of your thoughts and input on the best vapes

right now, I truly do appreciate your help.

Stay tuned for that G43! ;-)



  A list of the latest coupon codes and vape promos.

  My current top picks for the best vaporizer.

  My picks for the best vape pen for concentrates and oils.

  Subscribe to my channel on Youtube.

  Ask a question on the Vape Life Forum.






April 5, 2019 at 11:10 am

Hey Bud, thanks for all the killer info over the years.

I’m curious about the Sticky Brick products. A lot of people seem love
the avor on these it but it didn’t show up in your best vapes survey. Is
there anything wrong with this vape? It had a positive review from you
in ’17 but haven’t heard much about it since.
I currently have a Dynavap M, Lotus, Mighty, Crafty and Fire y 2. I use

the M pretty much all the time if I’m ying solo and the mighty when
I’m with friends. Do you think its worthwhile and it will get some use?



February 21, 2019 at 2:54 am

Hi, I am totally blind, and need an easy way to vape, do you guys have
some ideas? I would like to spend under 100, and I’d like something
that already has a warmer.


April 5, 2019 at 8:49 am

Hi, I’m guessing you probably want to stick with electric vapes to avoid
the risk of open ames. It does depend on how you prefer to vape but
my suggestion is the crafty/mighty for several reasons:

-It vapes evenly and doesn’t require any stirring,

-You’ll know when you’ve spent your material from feel and even if you
over do it there are no consequences (you just wont get any vapor),
-You can pre- ll many capsules which are really easy to load in the
-If you have multiple cooling units you only have to do a clean every
couple of months.
Most importantly it hits like a champ and tastes pretty good. Only

downside is its not very e cient if you prefer to have one or two hits
and come back to it. In my opinion you’re somewhat obliged to nish a
0.1g ish (capsule with the concentrate pad) bowl per session. Also this
costs quite a bit more than $100 but if you decide to get one and Bud
can arrange it, I will cover the di erence.

Good luck and hope you nd what you need.


February 19, 2019 at 6:14 pm

hi Bud,
thank you for the free ick and Stickers.

within the past year. I bought a Fire y II, Pax 3, Genius Pipe, and 3
Dynavap’s. I Love my Dynavap’s.
I think I want a Pu co Peak. what is your taks on the Pu co?


February 19, 2019 at 6:07 pm

hi Bud,
I don’t believe I have seen an review for Pu co Pesck.


January 22, 2019 at 9:03 pm

Hello Bud (and anybody else listening),

My most used vape is still my 2016 Flowerm8. However, my favorite is

to sit down with the owerpot and have a nice indoor session. I also
own a blue dynavap Xl which gets occasional use. I’m a pretty light
user anyway (only about once or twice a week at weekends). Favorite
artifact is my pick tool that you sent me. I have a couple of pipes and
stu but don’t use anything that burns anymore. Not for health
reasons, mostly just because vaping is easier to clean-up and doesn’t
produce much smell. Please keep up the good work this year…still love
your vids!

P.S. I’m from Michigan : )


January 22, 2019 at 6:19 pm

Hey! I’m looking for some detailed input from existing owners and
users that are familiar with the E-Nano, Flowerpot, Woodscents, Cloud
Evo Xhale, Volcano, Ghost MV1 and other desktop options that I may
be overlooking. You guys are going to know what day to day
ownership and use really looks like on these devices. I just want to
make a purchase that keeps me smiling for years to come with no side
order of buyer’s remorse (I’m looking at you my little Pax)

Budget: $150-$350.

-Primarily for dry herb use.
-My tolerance is high because of heavy edible use, so I need a heavy
hitter that can dose more potently than my bong. Would love being
able to pack .1G or less and get completely gobsmacked.
-Won’t break on me easily, nobody wants reliability or longevity
concerns. I would like something low maintenance that doesn’t
require incessant cleaning and upkeep. I’m okay with cleaning once
every 2-3 weeks but anything beyond that is tedious.
-I have a big ole percolator bong for parties so I don’t need a party
vape, this is primarily for 1-2 people. I just need something that can
get at least 2 people very very lifted with small amounts of herb. The
bowls going into my bong are just criminally large for how mediocre of
a buzz I’m getting.
-Big avor and big vapor. I’m tired of combusting all my weed into ash,
I want to taste all the creme brulee, strawberry, evergreen tree skunk
avors my budtender keeps going on about. I also would like medium
to big sized vapor, but that isn’t a dealbreaker.
-Some degree of portability would be nice, like the whole setup can t
into a carrying case and I can easily move it to a friend’s place or on
trips, if need be. This also isn’t a huge dealbreaker either way.
-I’m okay with the device being cumbersome ( owerpot), as long as all
the bells and whistles meet their purpose. Simplicity is great too (e-
nano), as long as the device hits heavy.

Please advise, all help and input in narrowing down is greatly




January 22, 2019 at 2:45 pm

Plenty, Crafty and mighty. When will Storz & Bickel make the batteries
removable for the user to replace ( Mighty & Crafty ) and the plenty
needs an update from analog.


January 14, 2019 at 8:54 pm

Dynavap Omnivap XL
DaVinci IQ
Arizer Solo 2


January 11, 2019 at 1:56 am

dr dabber aurora. i think the pax sucks i could never get a good hit


January 9, 2019 at 9:35 am

Volcano for desktop and Mighty portable!


January 8, 2019 at 1:07 pm

Volcano Digit at home, Crafty on the go with friends and Fire y 2 for
single draw sessions.
I do have a pax 3 as well but I don’t get the same e ect from it
compared to the three above.


January 8, 2019 at 9:14 am

Guys, Dynavap + bong > all

Life time vaporizer with top vapor production….

I have a might, a underdog, a craft, davinci, Brix

9 at 10 times i vaporizer, i pick the dynavap + bongs, so better…


January 7, 2019 at 2:28 pm

Volcano and Davinci IQ have been holding me downs for years and
have yet to disappoint.


January 7, 2019 at 7:16 am
Solo 2

Power, simplicity, reliability, and when you learn how to drive it
properly, the vape is as good as the best.


January 7, 2019 at 6:12 am

Volcano, Mighty & Davinci IQ


January 7, 2019 at 3:49 am

X max starry, vapcap M Plenty


January 6, 2019 at 8:55 am

The only vape I got this year was the MV1 stealth black!
For me the best this year!


January 6, 2019 at 8:09 am

Arizer Air. Old but still my fav experience. Followed by Crafty and

January 6, 2019 at 7:59 am

Top 3 – Portables Vapes

Ghost MV1 Stealth

Fire y 2 Jet Black
Dynavap Shadow M

Top 3 Desktop Vapes

VapeXhale Cloud Evo

NewVape FlowerPot
The Plenty


January 6, 2019 at 7:52 am

Argo vapcap and stuckybrick og


January 5, 2019 at 6:58 pm

Herbalizer gets most use at home. Two favorite ways are self titrated
bags where I cycle through almost all of the temperatures and
attached to a glass pipe.
Mighty gets a ton of use for hiking and daily portable use. Consistent
but I always like it best as a complete session both for avor and

e ects. I also get best e ects from gradually increasing the
Out of the world for a while just tuning back in now, have ordered a
dynavap M and we’ll see.
So 3 would be the SSV that I pretty much keep plugged in and in as an
on-tap Enail.


January 5, 2019 at 6:49 pm

LSV, Elev8r, Mighty


January 5, 2019 at 6:49 pm



January 5, 2019 at 6:46 pm


January 5, 2019 at 6:40 pm

As of August, I’ve been using the Crafty. It has produce the best tasting
and e ciently used owers. I have not used it for dabs yet, but friends
say that it gives the same e ects as the dry owers. That’s my rst
vape, currently saving to purchase the Fire y 2 which came highly
recommended. Thanks for the reviews and information. You have my
continued gratitude and support.


January 5, 2019 at 8:51 am



January 4, 2019 at 5:06 pm


Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and comments!!

I just tallied up all of your votes and will be posting a video with the
results shortly!


January 4, 2019 at 4:54 am

1. Crafty – home o ce
2. Davinci Micro – outdoor

Congratulate for your work – I love your videos !!

I saw your “happy new year” video and you were speaking about less
innovation by vaporizers in 2018. There is one interesting innovation
by Zeus Arc GT with goldSink technology and gold vapor path.
Designed in Germany. In many test rankings of portable vaporizers is
the Zeus Arc GT on rst place (even before Mighty …). Have you
already tested this vaporizer? Could be a new review video ;o)

Have a good year 2019 !!


January 4, 2019 at 2:00 am

1) E-Nano. Daily driver, unfussy and over delivers. Wish they could
redesign the power unit but otherwise love it.
2) FM V5s – cheap, cheerful and awesome.
3) Ghost MV1 – Used most of all, but after 2 consecutive fails and
many problems throughout, sold the warranty replacement and
moved on, not trustworthy.


January 4, 2019 at 1:47 am

Boundless CFX converted me to vaping; really good through water.


January 4, 2019 at 12:16 am

Pax, Mighty and Sticky Brick Jr. But your endorsement of the Vapcap
enticed me to buy one but what is the heater you were using?


January 4, 2019 at 12:17 am

Or… uh I mean Dynavap.


January 6, 2019 at 12:08 am

It’s a pipes portside mini induction heater, check on FC and you’ll nd

it but theres also a dude who custom makes nice ones on reddit, I’m
personally waiting for the mythical co ee cup induction heater
dynavap has claimed to be working on for ages now.


January 2, 2019 at 11:52 pm

I have the IQ,CF,and the Dynavap M with that being said,the M is a

banger, the IQ is the one, I take on the road with me,and the CF I use
for extra credit


January 2, 2019 at 9:40 pm

Crafty, Plenty, and believe it or not Summit plus. Reason being I’ve
become mad lazy so if I wanna vape in the walk somewhere and then
vape on the walk back (like a store) instead of reloading the crafty like
some kind of a caveman, I just bring two loaded vapes. This is my life


January 2, 2019 at 8:18 pm

Mighty, MV1 stealth and crafty


January 2, 2019 at 8:00 pm

My most used vapes of 2018. In at 3rd} The 2018 M. At 2nd} The


January 2, 2019 at 6:14 pm

Ghost MV1

Lil Bud

Dynavap M


January 2, 2019 at 5:03 pm

1 plenty
2 Boundless cfx
3 mighty


January 2, 2019 at 4:50 pm

1. EpicVape E-Nano
2. VapeXhale EVO
3. RastaBuddhaTao Splinter Z


January 2, 2019 at 4:47 pm
1. Dynavap OmniVap (w/an induction heater)

2. Pax 3
3. Boundless CFX with the mouthpiece screen and ELB mod.


January 2, 2019 at 4:30 pm

1. Nonavong & M
2. Grasshopper (whenever it used to work)
3. Force from HR (it was bought on the verge of 2018 as a cheap
decent electric backup and has worked well so far)


January 2, 2019 at 4:26 pm




January 2, 2019 at 3:59 pm

My top 3, no particular order,

– Ghost MV1
– Sticky Brick (Runt)
– Volcano, there’s just no topping this legend.

January 2, 2019 at 3:27 pm

1. Volcano (of course theres no question about it. It is biologically the

best vaporizer because our lungs are not designed to breath anything
beside air, air being a mix of oxygen & nitrogen our lungs expand and
absorb more in the presense of air, the Volcano roughly 50/50 Vape to
air ratio technically gets you higher than any other vape ever
2. Mighty (portable desktop & a beast that can be enjoyed anywhere
any time )
3. VapeXhale cloud EVO (the most e cient beast biggest hit for hit
with such tiny amounts 0.05 at most 0.1 you’ll get a huge ass hit, i
personally use just my 7mm roor straight tube but is also v)


January 2, 2019 at 3:27 pm

Very good with percolater bongs :)


January 2, 2019 at 3:09 pm

1) NewVape FlowerPot
2) RBT Splinter Z
3) DynaVap Omni XL
Milaana 2 and Arizer ArGo get honorable mentions. That said I have a

lot of vapes gathering dust and sold o three other quality vapes in
2018. Also awaiting delivery of my Lil’Bud and the Flux Deluxe IH for
the DynaVaps.


January 2, 2019 at 2:50 pm

1. Mighty – consistent, multi-purpose (love using with hash) and solid

2. VapCap (DynaVap M 2018) – love it. If I had a handy induction unit
I’d put it #1
3. Crafty – vapor quality matches Mighty but weak battery is never

Must admit these are the only three I’ve had experience with beyond
the terrible G Pen I started with.


January 2, 2019 at 2:44 pm



VapCap ‘M’


January 2, 2019 at 11:32 am

1. Crafty. Just as good as the Mighty but easier to manage.

2. Pax3. Always works, consistent, very easy to maintain.
3 Zeus GT. Good new entry. Expensive but very smooth.

MV1 excellent quality but a pain to operate and not that consistent.


January 2, 2019 at 11:28 am

My favorite vaporizer is the Ariizer Solo, because it has the best price
to performance ratio, has great avor, and is easy to clean. And I keep
my vaporizer clean by using food grade alcohol in the form of orange
extract or lemon extract,


January 2, 2019 at 11:11 am

Mighty is my favorite of all time, still didn’t found a better vape

Fire y 2 I love the on demand stu that allow you to take a couple hits
and put it away and I’ve to say that with concentrates is the best
portable vape I found, the mighty is just trash compared (only for
concentrate) but overall it’s not like the mighty, draw resistance is too
high for me and for example the app it’s not that comfortable to use
(prefer the screen and buttons to change rapidly the temp)
Herborizer, super strong hit or super avor, it’s very versatile, just

adjust temperatures and you can do what you want from herbs to
concentrate, super clouds or crazy avors

(Still waiting for my new MV1, and for what I see it could be a great
combo between might and re y and hopefully it will be my new rst


January 2, 2019 at 11:05 am

1. mighty
2. fury 2
3. milaana


January 2, 2019 at 10:37 am

1. Evo
2. Milaana
3. VapCap


January 2, 2019 at 9:37 am

1st. mighty- battery life and big clouds

2nd. Vapcap – my micro dosing king for when I wanna get stoned with
a little bud

3rd. iQ – big learning curve but once I got the hang of it I love the size
and vapor quality. My go to suit/pocket vape.


January 2, 2019 at 9:03 am

1. VOLCANO – STORZ & BICKEL – My Daily Driver Totally Epic!

2. MV1 – GHOST – Best Stealth / Travel Vape – The Taste!

3. MIGHTY – STORZ & BICKEL – My Back Up Always Delivers!


January 2, 2019 at 8:22 am

FlowerPot Showerhead – Great vapor, top extraction and e ects and a

lot of fun to use. My most used desktop of the year! Also seems great
for before bed KO hits.

Vapexhale EVO – Love the all glass vapor path, amazing avour and
awesome clouds. My favourite vape and the one I use if I have more
time to accommodate a long heat soak.

RBT Milaana / Grasshopper Ti – These two are my favourite portables,

I prefer the Milaana in the day and the Grasshopper through a water
tool on the evening/night.


January 2, 2019 at 7:55 am

1. Flowerpot vrod
2. Flowerpot showerhead
3. Omni xl



January 2, 2019 at 7:48 am

stickybrick hydrobrick maxxx

dynavap M 2018



January 2, 2019 at 7:45 am

Pax3, VapCap & AirVape X.

R/U- AirVapeX, Crafty & Plenty



January 2, 2019 at 7:53 am

Sorry…I hit post so never nished.

I go for least amount to get high and great taste These all deliver that
in their order on my list. First being best naturally. I use a spacer in the
Pax but prolly the VapCap uses less. When i get an induction heater it’ll

be #1 perhaps on my list as I dislike using a torch even my nice one.


January 2, 2019 at 7:36 am

My top 3 Vapes are: 1. MV1 – great vapor quality and easy to

microdose. 2. VapCap – my favorite when I want easy and quick,
especially with the Pipes Jar Head IH. 3. Pax Era – great exibility with
full temperature control and ability to easily switch between strains.


January 2, 2019 at 7:23 am

1 Crafty, not the best in reliability but customer service and vapour
quality is on another level.
2 Arizer Solo, never lets you down and so easy to clean.
3 Pax 3, super stealthy and good vapour.


January 2, 2019 at 6:18 am

1- Lotus
2- Mighty
3- Omnivap

January 2, 2019 at 5:39 am 

#1. Hands down, the VapCap M. It’s a microdoser’s dream come true.

#2. For the same reason, the Pax Era. Almost complete control (via the
app) over how much you inhale.

#3. The Grasshopper. I know it’s gotten terrible reviews due to it’s
shabby build quality and nonexistent customer support but mine has
worked perfectly, knock wood.

Dosage control is buzz control and this is important to me. With these
devices I can take one gentle toke after another until I reach that high I

And why waste weed? These three vapes allow me to get maximum
value for my few dollars. To each their own but when a cloud of vape
heads towards the ceiling all I can see is precious herb going to waste.
I can ll the VapCap M three-quarters of the way and get fteen good
hits out of it, and THEN those vapped-out dregs go into the
Grasshopper and I can get a couple of more good tokes out of it. This
is an astoundingly good ROI.

VapCap bonus: No electricity!

I always thought vaping was a dumb idea because if you weren’t

burning the weed you weren’t getting all of it. But you actually get
more from vaping because the ames burn up a lot of the turpenes.
With vaping you get all of it.

An honorable mention must go to the BloomOne pen vape. The

solidness, the simplicity, the power and reasonable price make it one
of the best choices out there. My only problem with it is the power,

too strong for me, otherwise it would be perfect.


January 2, 2019 at 5:58 am

DynaVap ‘M’.


January 2, 2019 at 5:09 am

I use a Solo 2 for my daily driver, and I love my Fury 2 for a traveler. I
use a Nonavong, or Stealth M when I really want to get plowed. My
Solo is a great reliable vape. The Fury 2 is so fun to use I have a hard
time putting it down, gets kinda hot after 3 or 4 sesh, though and the
battery is only good for about 6 or 7 sesh. I’m looking forward to
getting an induction heater this year. What interests me the most in
2019 is on demand convection vapes. I’m a avor chaser so I’m looking
at Fire y 2 or MV1. The FW5 looks cool but I’m wondering what the
lifespan is. Really keeping my eye on the MV1. And I would be in
remiss if I didn’t get my hands on the G43! Oh yeah honorable
mention goes to the Saionara and Istick Pico. What an incredible wax
vape. Really don’t miss the torch too much,lol. Stay lifted


January 2, 2019 at 3:43 am

1- Mighty
2- Ghost MV1 Stealth
3- Omnivap Ti XL


January 2, 2019 at 12:29 am

DynaVap M, Fierce, and the MV1


January 1, 2019 at 11:31 pm

A testament to the quality of some of the earlier vapes. I am still using

my Vapor Bros desktop, Arizer V Tower and Arizer Solo.

A quarter teaspoon of ground weed in these vapes produces enough

vapor rich draws to fully medicate me. I plan on trying some of the
new ones as soon as one of my old school vaporizers give up the
ghost but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. If it ain’t broke,
don’t x it!

Always a fan and always watching your reviews


January 1, 2019 at 11:27 pm

3 favorites right now, MV1 is my go to portable followed by my davinci

IQ and for my table top nothing beats the herbalizer!


January 1, 2019 at 10:55 pm

Since the purity of the vape is why I vape in the rst-place, and true
portability is an issue,
here are my 3 all-time best-tasting vapes:
1. The best portable ever: most controllable, sturdy, reliable, and
purest of taste: Elevi iPRO DR60. Not many people are aware let alone
experienced with this 2015 Chinese model (now unfortunately
obsolete), but in my humble opinion, it’s a world-class on it’s own
technical merits. Has been constantly used since early 2016.
2. Best portable on it’s own right is the Flowermate v5 Nano, which by
now I use constantly for about a year. It’s air-path design and
compartment heat-isolation somehow leads to one surprisingly
purest-tasting portables ever – and I, personally, am all about the
purity of the vapor – no alien gases, compounds, residues (from
heated electronic boards, chips, leads, construction plastics – see, air-
path design has a lot to do with it) – nada – only dried herb vapor, but
none of those carcinogen toxic crap vapors and gases in the
background – I don’t want to inhale those.
3. DaVinci IQ – a breakthrough that keeps proo ng itself years over. A
bit tricky to control (not very intuitive) but great in the taste
department. It’s clever choice of materials and function made it a

world-class hit, and this time for a good reason.


January 1, 2019 at 10:53 pm



January 1, 2019 at 10:52 pm

1# Evo
2# Mighty
3# Sticky Brick MAXX


January 1, 2019 at 10:43 pm

Hey man I’ve been watching you for a longtime, I listen to what you say
about vaporizers but everyone has their own opinions, and that’s why
you’re letting people pick their favorite three. like you said you want
something to almost shoot the air into your mouth and I had
commented on that that day. I said something almost like had
commented on that that day. I said something almost like a vape bag
so what I want is like a vape bag in a portable, so I just came up with

an awesome idea, there would be the vaporizer hand held and it heats
up like every other Vape ,but the vapor ows through the whole
inside, then once it lls up there would be something to let you know,
then you could press it by hand together like a Slinky together,but it
would be like some kind of plastic or silicone that compresses, when
you compress it,the air shoots into tour mouth.


January 1, 2019 at 10:42 pm

Still just the PAX 2, Mighty , Linx Hypnos Zero


January 1, 2019 at 10:34 pm

1. Ed’sTnT Woodscents , incredible avor & extraction. I own a bunch.

Each one’s a unique work of art made up of the most exciting exotic
timber I’ve ever seen.
2. VapMan I enjoy the heating station. I compare it’s avor breakdown
to a dogs sense of smell. A dog doesn’t smell marinara sauce per say ,
it smells tomato , onion ,garlic, olive oil , basil etc…. Renè’s invention
has captured this mystery for cannabis avor chasers.
3. MV1 would be next , it is wonderful and I would love it more if it was
only comparable in weight & size to the Crafty.
4. My Herbie , an OG Spalted Milanna & a new Ti Grasshopper get
honorable mention.

January 1, 2019 at 10:17 pm

1. Val app
2. Fury 2
3. I’ve been doing a lot of Terp Cartridges. They are ultimately discrete
and the right cartridge packs a nice punch. CCELL is my favorite
battery and currently the CCELL Palm is my go to battery. It holds a
charge for me for about a week. It’s fantastic!


January 1, 2019 at 10:18 pm

1. Should read VapCap not Val app!


January 1, 2019 at 10:00 pm

1. DynaVap
2. Milaana


January 1, 2019 at 9:54 pm
I did not buy a new vape this year. I’m into edibles these days. It’s just

the way I roll. I have a owermate that I still like and a re y 2. I like
the re y because it can do both ower and concentrated.
Congrats on your rig. Happy 2019.


January 1, 2019 at 9:30 pm

1. Arizer Go (ArGo) I feel like this guy doesn’t get enough love on the
2. Flowerpot VROD
3. Dynavap M


January 1, 2019 at 9:19 pm

My 3 best vaporizers for 2018?

1. My own design and build I call the ‘Dart’, cos it kind of looks like one.
Its a portable butane stainless steel unit in pen form. No plans to
manufacture or distribute, so not touting here. Its a one o that has
taken a long time to research and develop for my personal use only. I
have a little trouble with draw resistance and long term feeble lung
capacity. Most other units I have tried take too much out of me to
enjoy fully, so decided to design my own. This unit solves a big
problem for me.
2. Dynavap M.
3. Cricket.


January 1, 2019 at 8:57 pm

Mighty – It always works, always smooth, with the dosing capsules it’s
very convenient. Hooked up to my water pipe it’s a next level

Ghost MV1 – It’s a beast. It gives light to massive draws. It is

exceptionally smooth. Once I knew vaping was permanent I thought
an on-demand vaporizer might be necessary. It is! Even one or two
pulls can give you a very very nice buzz, without having to kill o the
crucible. No other vaporizer I tried hits like this.

Omnivap XL – It’s my “get back to nature” vape. It ful lls my nostalgic

desires to smoke, while still vaping. Packing it with the dugout, using a
lighter (torch), it’s just such a natural routine for me. It’s a ritual I
enjoyed for a very long time. So many times I brought the torch up to
my Omnivap starting to light it like a would a one-hitter.


January 1, 2019 at 8:45 pm

1. Dynavap OmniVong XLS – Daily driver for portability AND through


2. Sticky Brick Flip brick – LOVE rips through water with this thing!

3. EpicVape E-Nano – First log vape but certainly not my last (looking
into Ed’s TNT WoodScents for 420 this year)!
Happy New Year All!!!


January 1, 2019 at 8:45 pm

Mv1, Evo, AirvapeX…..


January 1, 2019 at 8:43 pm

1. Vapcaps! I have a shadow m and an omni

2. Pax 3
3. Ghost MV1


January 1, 2019 at 8:35 pm

1. Plenty
2. Crafty
3. Mighty

S&B the best for hard users.


February 28, 2019 at 6:56 am
No vaporizer can hit me like a plenty


January 1, 2019 at 8:26 pm

1. S&B – Crafty
2. S&B – Plenty
3. SourceVapes – Source Orb 4 version 2


January 1, 2019 at 8:15 pm

1. Dynavap titanium tip with DDave adapter

2. Mighty
3. Arizer Extreme Q


January 1, 2019 at 8:03 pm

1. Stiiizy
2. PAC 3
3. Volcano


January 1, 2019 at 8:02 pm

1. Elev8r
2. Supreme 3
3. G43 – putting this here even though I don’t have it yet.


January 1, 2019 at 8:00 pm


Volcano never let me down ever

You really do get what you pay for


January 1, 2019 at 7:51 pm

1) Dynavap Omni used with Jarhead IH by Pipes

2) Crafty by S&B
3) MagicFlight LaunchBox (added to my collection in the past week)


January 1, 2019 at 7:48 pm
1. Source orb 4.

2. Source orb xl.

3. Source nail xl.


January 2, 2019 at 5:17 am

LOL, I think those were Bud’s choice!


January 1, 2019 at 7:43 pm

1. Crafty.

2. VapCap M 2018.

3. Sicky Brick Jr.


January 1, 2019 at 7:29 pm

1. Omnivap w/ induction heater

2. Firewood 5
3. Fierce


January 1, 2019 at 7:16 pm

1. MV1
2. Dynavap M
3. Solo 2


January 1, 2019 at 6:32 pm



January 1, 2019 at 6:31 pm

1. OG Sticky Brick – This bad boy is just so consistently GOOD with

whatever I throw at it. Yes, you need some technique, but it’s been
extremely simple to show just about anyone how to use it. Great
avor, no batteries, and good looking.

2. Mighty – A no-brainier. Figuratively, you could give this to your “no-

brained” friends with no explanation and they’ll get giant clouds. It’s
not the tastiest, smoothest, or most e cient, but it’s a work horse
that’s stupid easy to use.

3. Zephyr Ion – This one I picked up unexpectedly. It’s a great

inexpensive bag vape. It’s not quite as e cient as I’d like, but it’s an
excellent Volcano alternative. Simple to use and clean, it’s very

versatile and provides smooth, tasty vapor.

In 2019 I’m looking forward to an EVO and of course the G43!


January 1, 2019 at 6:17 pm

1. Mighty
2. Plenty
3. VapCap M


January 1, 2019 at 6:16 pm

It changed through out the year, but has been a combination of:

1) Ghost MV1 (after changing to the Stealth Version… heat sink

put it over the top)
2) Dynavap M (2018) – Just too easy to have a quick hit (…and to think I
started out the year against butane powered vaping)
3) Pax3 – easy to travel with (especially if tossed in a bag with portable
battery chargers) and also easy to use under cover (not sure sitting at
a bar in Jamaica even needs to qualify as under cover).

So 2 on demand (battery and butane powered) and a small session

conduction vape.

January 2, 2019 at 3:20 pm 

Under/on or above a bar in Jamaica does not require anything

stealthy, especially when the two Rastas you’re playing Dominoes with
are smoking spliefs.


January 1, 2019 at 6:12 pm

MV1 Stealth, sticky brick Jr, vap cap


January 1, 2019 at 6:10 pm

Volcano, Mighty, Pax 3


January 1, 2019 at 6:02 pm

Dynavap all models,

Plenty by Storz and Bickel
Enano by Epic Vape

Dynavap for fat hits and batteriless exibility

Plenty for huge knockout hits and dank power
Enano for conservation and beautiful avor

January 1, 2019 at 6:01 pm

No particular order:
Dynavap (M & Omni XL.
*I know that’s technically 4


January 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm

Volcano, Splinter Z, Mighty


January 1, 2019 at 5:58 pm

My rst vape was the MFLB and I thought that was pretty cool. Had a
couple replaced on warranty. Lifetime warranty the best! Then I got a
few Summit Vapes from Vapium. I really liked them, but returned a
couple on warranty for store credit and one stopped working after a
year when warranty was only one year.. They were a bit hard to get a
pipe cleaner through due to the sharp angle of the vapor path under
the oven. I do not have any more Summit vapes. Bought Pax 2 and
was quite taken by the Pax so had to get a couple more as back up. I
have already returned two of them on warranty with switches that
became faulty. I believe I did read somewhere there is or was an issue

with the switches. At rst I thought I was pushing the button at the
wrong angle but eventually the switches just did not respond properly
and had to be pushed extra hard and even then would skip petals or
shut o . With the store credit I got a couple of Pax 3. YES . Much better
with quicker heat up, and quicker recharge. I use the oven insert for
my reclaim that I collect with a long shank 1/8th inch drill bit. I did get
a Dynavap Shadow when they came on special . Used a couple times
with a torch lighter but was not satis ed with the results I got. I NEED
and WANT a portable induction heater before I start using it again. My
next one will be the G43. Looking forward to that. My favorites PAX 2
and PAX 3. Very solid compact discreet robust units, easy to clean, and
can take rough handling. That’s the rave of my fave . :)


January 1, 2019 at 5:47 pm

1. Volcano
2. Mighty
3. Plenty


January 1, 2019 at 5:03 pm

I smoke like you..

1.Greenline DynaVap
2.Ghost Stealth
3.The plenty ( which is great !! Will buy it..

I want that induction box Now !! I emailed DynaVap to make me a
custom androgized color haven’t heard bac from good old George yetk


January 1, 2019 at 4:55 pm

1. Fire y 2
2. Plenty
3. Sticky Brick Jr


January 1, 2019 at 4:53 pm

(1) MV1 Stealth

(2) Mighty
(3) Solo 2


January 1, 2019 at 4:40 pm

1) TUBO evic
2) Fury 2
3) Dynavap

*~349+;(3451927/38) RUSSIAN BOT
January 1, 2019 at 4:32 pm 

OmniVap XL, Mighty, EVO… my exact same top 3 of 2017 and maybe
2016, I can’t remember when the OmniVap XL came out


January 1, 2019 at 4:31 pm

1) Ghost
3) Splinter
4) Saionara

Not in any order


January 1, 2019 at 4:27 pm

In terms of how much I use (with category in parentheses)

1) Arizer Extreme Q (Desktop)
2) RBT Splinter Z (cordless)
3) Fire Wood 5 (true portable/pocketable)

This list is just adding to the reasons why I will probably buy a
Flowerpot in 2019.

Runners up for this list are:

4) enano (Desktop)
5) RBT Milaana 2 (cordless, almost pocketable)

6) Ghost MV1 (cordless)


January 1, 2019 at 4:25 pm

Hydro Brick Maxx…Once you get your technique down you can get
massive tasty clouds with this beast, and heating it reminds me of my
bowl smoking days, without the nasty smoke.

Mighty…. Super easy to use, with great vapor, this is my go to no fuss

vape… The fact that a black plastic brick continually gets as much
praise as the Mighty does, should tell you something about the vapor
quality… People don’t keep buying these for there looks, thats for

Stealth MV1 This vape is nuts. Tastiest Vapor of all my vapes with
huge, potent hits. There is a bit of a learning curve, but the homework
is a lot of fun.


January 1, 2019 at 4:23 pm

3-Dynacap Shadow

January 1, 2019 at 4:23 pm 

Only tried and own 2 vapes so..

1. SSV…(Ground glass joint). Love this. Very easy to use. Good

temperature range. Downside…whip and wand look like something
you might use to clean your _____ or maybe your _______.

2. Dynavap M…Good with ower and hash. Downside…I nd the draw

not airy enough.


January 1, 2019 at 4:18 pm

1) Dynavap omnivap. Gets daily use multiple times a day. I love the
build quality, style, and most of all the thick vapor produced (with very
little herb).

2) Arizer Solo. I haven’t used the Solo II, but the original I use is still
kicking, and is a very good counterpoint to the Dynavap. It produces
great avor and clouds consistently, but the vapor is thinner and less
intense than Dynavap vapor, making it great for more casual users.

3). Underdog. I was on the fence between this and the Tubo, but
considering what Underdog has gone through in 2018 with the res
that devastated Paradise California, I feel they deserve credit. Prior to
the Dynavap the underdog got the most use from me, due to it’s
ability to get dense clouds from small quantities.

January 1, 2019 at 4:18 pm 

My top 3 are the only 3 that I currently own ( I only started to vape this
past March) are my XMAX Starry that Bud recommended as a great
rst Tier 3 vape (it is) and the (2) MV1’s I purchased (best by far) from
Bud directly. This past week I was lucky enough to have won the
Dynavap M in Bud & Hazels giveaway contest and I am eagerly
awaiting its arrival. But I am most excited to get a G43 in my hands as
soon as it’s available to see if I can manage the BEAST!


January 1, 2019 at 4:13 pm

1-2018M From Dynavap

2-IQ from Da Vinci
3- Meh not worth the mention


January 1, 2019 at 4:12 pm

Top vapes in order

1. Herborizer Ti. Reliable. Dependable. Strong.clean. Easy to use.
2. Tubo Evic. Versatile. Power full. Heavy hitter
3. Dynacrap. Portable. Bullet proof. Rain proof.

January 1, 2019 at 4:09 pm 

1. vapcap
2. owermate v5.0
3. magic ight launchbox


January 1, 2019 at 4:06 pm

Just got into vaping 4 months ago thanks to you and Pete. I only have
the Dynavap M, and while sessions can sometimes be tedious due to
the small load aize, I LOVE it and have’nt smoked a bowl or bong in
months. I’ve smoked a few joints while out walking the doggos only
because I don;t have a battery powered vape. Been agonizing over my
next purchase for months and dinally decided to get the Ditanium.
Really stoked for that purchase next month.


January 1, 2019 at 4:07 pm

Check for typos next time, ya goof.


January 1, 2019 at 4:06 pm
1. Omni XL – can’t beat the simplicity and easy to re ll, use, clean and

store. Great avour and big on demand clouds…also looks and feels

2. Flowerpot – got to be the best way to vape through a rig for both
ower and concentrate (double deckers optional). Again looks and
feels great, all quality components. Big tasty hits.

3. Crafty – S & B…..enough said.


January 1, 2019 at 4:05 pm

Portables only
1. Pax 3
2. Pax ERA
3. Delta 9


January 1, 2019 at 4:04 pm

Flowerpot, Mv1,Vapcap


January 1, 2019 at 4:01 pm

Much like yourself:


VapCap Ti tip on DDave Mods cooling wand and FC-188 Mobius

Desktops, here we di er slightly:


But I do love and will not sell my Enano and G43 is increasingly taking
up space in the rotation.



January 1, 2019 at 4:01 pm

1: milaana 2

2: Stickybrick Jr.

3: stealth ghost mv1


January 1, 2019 at 4:00 pm

1: Plenty
2: Flowerpot Showerhead
3:Tie between Mighty / Dynavap M

January 1, 2019 at 3:56 pm

1: mv1
2: Arizer EQ
3: Pax 3


January 1, 2019 at 3:55 pm

1- Plenty.
2- Mighty.
3- Dynavap M/Omni XL.
Runner ups: MV1, Boundless CFC.


January 1, 2019 at 3:53 pm

My top 3 are Omnivap XL, Ghost MV1 an E-Nano, now looking forward
to G43, peace.


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