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Conversation Questions

Accidents at Home
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Home, House Renovation

 What is the most dangerous thing in your home? How can your home be made less
 What is the most dangerous thing in your home for a child? How can it be made less
 What is the most dangerous thing in your home for an elderly person? How can it be
made less dangerous?
 What dangers can be found in the kitchen that can cause accidents?
 What can be done to prevent kitchen accidents?
 What can a parent do to childproof a kitchen?
 What dangers can be found in bathrooms that can cause accidents?
 What can be done to prevent bathroom accidents?
 What can a parent do to childproof a bathroom?
 What dangers can be found outside the home in the yard that can cause accidents?
 What can be done to prevent yard accidents?
 What can a parent do to childproof the yard?
 What other dangers can be found in a home in bedrooms, laundry rooms, garages, and
living areas?
 What can be done throughout the house to prevent accidents?
 What can a parent do to childproof the different rooms of the home?
 Where at home would you put your first aid kit?
o What would you have in it?
 Where are these items found in a house, why could they be dangerous, to whom could
they be dangerous, and what could someone do to lessen the danger they present?
o hot pan/pot
o hot curling iron
o knife
o window
o iron
o medicines
o gasoline
o pool
o insecticides
o natural gas
o balcony
o toilets
o staircase
o stove/oven
oyard tools
ocellar /attic
obad dog
otall pieces of furniture
oswing set / playground
overy clean glass sliding door
oelectronic equipment
ocleaning supplies
olake/retention pond
oloose carpet on slippery tile floor
oglass table or sharp edged table
 What do you need to do if...
o you cut your finger preparing food?
o you fall down and can not move a limb?
o your child drinks a poisonous liquid? (discuss syrup of ipecac)
o the toilet is flooding the bathroom?
o a pan on the stove is on fire?
o a neighbor's dog is growling at you?
o our child falls off a chair and is bleeding?
 What is the phone number for the police?
 How do you call an ambulance?
 What is the phone number for poison control?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What is adoption?
 Do you know anyone who was adopted as a child?
 Do you know anyone who has adopted a child?
 What are some of the reasons people choose to adopt?
 What is the difference between domestic and international adoption?
 What are the views of adoption in your country?
 How would someone interested in adopting a child go about doing so?
 Where do children available for adoption come from?
 What happens to children that are not adopted?
 How do you go about adopting a child?
 Would you want to adopt a boy or a girl? Why?
 Do you think brothers and sisters should be separated in adoptions?
 Are adoptions common in your country?
 What are some organizations that help with adoptions?
 Should you tell the child that he or she was adopted? If so at what age? Or when?
 Should adopted children have the right to know their biological parents?
 Should families with birth children also adopt?
 Is the real parent the birth parent or the adoptive parent?
 Should adoptions be between children and families of the same race and or culture?
 How or should the adoptive parents maintain the adopted child's cultural identify?
 In your country are the legal rights of an adoptive child different from that of a birth
 What are the legal consequences of adopting a child from a different race or country?
 Why don't more people adopt children?
 What makes a family, genetics or environment?
 Do you support an open adoption policy where the birth parents can choose to be
involved in the child's life?
 Do you believe there is discrimination within the adoption organizations?
 Do you think a person should be able to adopt a child of a different race?
 Should a gay or lesbian couple be allowed to adopt a child?
 Should there be an age restriction for the adoptive parents?
 Should a single man or woman be able to adopt a child?
 If you were to find out that you were adopted and not really from the country where you
are a citizen, which nationality would you hope would be your true mother country?
 When is the right time for a child to be told that he/she was adopted?
 Do you think it is preferable to adopt or to use artificial reproduction technology?
 Would you agree to an open adoption or closed adoption? Why?
 What is an open adoption?
 Would you want to find your birth family? Why or why not?
 Should prospective parents in adoption cases be required to do a parenting course?
 Are there any risks when adopting a child?
 Do you think biological parents should always have a right to keep their identity secret
from the children they give up for adoption? Why or why not?
 Do you think people who have been adopted should always have the right to find out who
their birth-parents are?
 How would you feel if a child you had adopted wanted to search for his or her birth
 Do you think that adopted children should feel especially loved and wanted?
 Should people be allowed to adopt children of a different race and/or culture?
o What are some good points and bad points of this kind of adoption?
 How would you feel if you found out you were adopted?
o What would you do?
 Do you it is preferable to adopt or to use artificial reproduction technology?
 If you had a choice, would you want to be adopted?
 Should people be allowed to adopt children of a different race and/or culture? What are
some good points and bad points of this kind of adoption?
 How would you feel if you found out you were adopted? What would you do?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What is the most shocking advertisement you have seen?

 What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it.
 What makes an ad memorable?
 What are the different types of advertising? (Eg. TV)
 What types of companies choose each type?
 Do you buy products because of advertising?
 Do you find advertising persuasive?
 Why do you buy one product over another?
 Should advertisers be allowed to advertise to children?
 Should alcohol or tobacco companies be allowed to advertise? Why or why not?
 What do you think of celebrity endorsements?
 Which celebrities advertise which products?
 Do favorite or annoying celebrities make you want or not want to buy a product?
 Should there be advertisement-free zones?
 Is there truth in advertising?
 What kind of advertisements attract your attention?
 Why is it necessary to advertise?
 Do you think advertising should be allowed to interrupt TV or radio programs? What are
the alternatives?
 What is the best way to advertise to children? Adults? Seniors? etc..
 Do you think advertising is too expensive?
 What are some effective adverts you have seen lately (on TV, newspaper, etc)?
 What are some ineffective adverts you have seen lately?
 Can you remember an advertising campaign that caught your attention?
 What are the different methods of advertising?
 What is the most popular way of advertising?
 Do you think that the Internet and cable/satellite TV have become more important than
national TV for advertising products?
 What do you think is the best way of discovering the tastes and interests of teenage
 Can TV advertising be a force for good?
 How easy do you think it is to influence children with advertising?
 Do you agree with anti-consumerism organizations that the child will have watched
350,000 commercials by the time she graduates from high school?
 Do you think the government has he right to ban advertising for junk food and soda
during children's TV programs. What do you think about this? Why do you think they
made this decision?
 Do political parties in (country) use TV advertising? If so, should they?
 When out walking or shopping in the city, do you accept advertising fliers or free
samples that are offered to you?
 What forms of advertising are there?
 What would make an advertisement more interesting?
 Can you buy something and get something for free in your country?
 Do people use coupons where you live?
 What is the most advertised product in your country?
 What is the best form of advertising?
 What gets you interested in an advertisement?
 Describe an advertisement that you have seen or heard on the TV or radio. What was it
about? How long did the commercial last? Did it make you want to buy the product?
 What is the funniest commercial that you have seen? Describe it.
 What differences can you notice between commercials from 10 or 15 years ago and
commercials today?
 Do you think ads influence the choices you make when you buy clothes?
 Do you often buy a particular brand when you buy clothes?
 Why do you buy this brand?
 Does it give status to wear particular brands like Nike or Lacoste?
 Do you sometimes want very expensive things which you or your parents can't afford?
 Do you think ads influence the choices you make when you or your parents buy food?
 What brand is the ketchup you or your parents buy?
 Is it always the same brand? Why do you prefer this brand?
 What brand is the toothpaste you or your parents buy?
 Can you name three different ways of advertising? (For example, different media)
 Do you think there are too many ads in television? Why/why not?
 Do you know why some channels have ads and others not? If you do know explain.
 Do you think there are too many ads in magazines? Why/why not?
 Do you think there are too many ads in newspapers? Why/why not?
 Think of an ad you think is good or funny and tell about it.
 What kinds of ads do you like and why? What makes a good ad?
 Do you think children or young people are easier to influence through ads compared to
 Do you think it's ok to show ads aimed at children on television? Why/ why not?
 When you watch TV, how much attention do you pay to the advertisements?
 Which advertisements do you like most and which least? Why?
 How would you advertise something you wanted to sell?
 What are the harmful and the beneficial effects of advertising?
 Do you think that ads create a desire for more and more material possessions?
 Do you think that commercials on TV are annoying because they interrupt programs or
do you think that many ads are more amusing that the programs on TV?
 Do you think advertising is too expensive? What are the different methods of


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 I want to quit smoking. What should I do?

 I won 100,000 dollars and I don't know how to spend it. What should I do?
 I gained a lot of weight in last few years. I want to lose at least 10kg. What should I do?
 I have just lost my job. I haven't told my husband/wife yet. How should I tell him/her?
 I found a wallet which had 2,000 dollars in it. How should I spend it?
 My son doesn't want to go to school. He says that his teacher and all other students hate
him. What should I do?
 My child wakes up very often in the middle of the night. He sleeps usually during the
day. I haven't had any good sleep for weeks. What should I do?
 I have a headache. What should I do?
 I hate working. What should I do?
 I feel sad. What should I do?
 I want to protect the environment but I don't know how. What should I do?
 I am always late. What should I do?
 I keep losing my credit card. What should I do?
 I have a red nose. What should I do?
 I am new in this city. I would love to meet some people. What should I do?
 I want to get rich quickly. What should I do?
 I need a car but I don't have enough money. What should I do?
 I want to be a cool man. What should I do?
 My girlfriend left me. I feel depressed. What should I do?
 My husband doesn't help me with house chores. What should I do?
 Have you ever self-published something? What are some good ways to publish your
writing independently?
 If you have a lot of things to get done in one week, how do you manage? What advice
would you give someone who is very busy?
 My girlfriend/boyfriend is seeing another man/woman. I saw a message in his/her mobile
phone. What should I do?

Conversation Questions
Age: Youth & Old Age
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Nursing Homes and Retirement Communities, Retirement, Disabilities and Handicaps

 Are young people generally more selfish than their parents and grandparents?
o Does age make you more aware of and caring for others?
 Should adults try to teach young people lessons, such as the dangers of drinking too
much, taking drugs or catch the AIDS virus, or should they leave them alone to find out
about these things themselves?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches?
 What do you think is the best age to be?
o Explain your opinion.
 Most countries give young people rights as they reach a certain age. For example, British
people can legally make love or fight for their country at the age of 16; they can drink,
vote and drive a car when they are 18.
o Do you think that any of the age limits need changing?
 Some people think you should give something to society before you have the right to join
o Should young people have to do some form of military or community service by
 Should people of between 50 and 55 be forced to retire from their jobs in order to make
way for younger workers?
 If people are still able to (and want to) work, should they have to retire when the reach a
certain age?
o Explain your opinion.
 In most countries the legal retirement age for men is five years older than for women,
even though women live longer than men on average.
o Why do you think this is?
o Is this fair, or should it be changed?
 Are there many things that the old can teach the young or are they hopelessly out of touch
by the time they reach a certain age?
o What things were you taught by your older family members?
o How have they been useful to you in your life?
 In most countries, compulsory education is targeted at five to sixteen year olds.
o Would it be better to offer it to pensioners who want to learn rather than young
people who prefer not to be in school? Explain your opinion.
 In Russia, China and many other countries, there is a tradition of choosing leaders who
are quite advanced in years.
o Do you think that older people make better leaders? Explain your opinion.
 One of Britain's best-ever leaders was William Pitt, who became Prime Minister when he
was 24 and remained in power for 18 years.
o Could this ever happen in your country? Why/why not?
 Many elderly people have disabilities which limit their mobility.
o Do buses, shops and public buildings in your country provide easy access for the
disabled or are your towns and cities designed mainly for the young and able-
bodied? Why is this?
 Should the elderly be expected to pay for residential care out of their own savings or
should appropriate accommodation and nursing be provided by the tax payer? Explain
your opinion.
 Some people say that men age better than women, and remain attractive longer. Do you
agree? Explain your opinion.
 Some people say that men never grow up, they just get bigger. Do you agree? Explain
your opinion.
 Some people say that young women are usually two to three years more mature than
young men. Do you agree? Explain your opinion.
 In most countries women live an average of five to six years longer than men. Why do
you think this is?
 In some countries having children is considered a way of "investing in the future", and
young people are expected to give money to their parents when they get a job, and then to
care for them when they retire.
o What are the good points and what are the bad points about this system?
 Many countries are facing the problem of an "aging population", i.e. there will soon be
more old people than young people.
o What problems will this cause?
o What can be done to prepare for them?
 What do you think is the ideal age for each of these stages of your life: (Explain your
 What age do you want to live to?
 How do you feel about your parents growing older?
 If your parents could no longer care for themselves, would you let them live with you or
put them in a nursing home?
 Are you afraid of getting old?
 What is your ideal old age to live to?
 Do you prefer to live in the retirement home or live with young people?
 Should parents continue to finance their children after the children are 18?
 Where do you wish to live when you are old?
 Where do you see yourself when you are 70 years old?
 Should older people spend their money on themselves, or save it for their children to have
after they die?
 Where do you wish to live when you are old?
 What advice would you give to an older person who wants to feel young?
 Some people say that youth is a state of mind, do you agree?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 How old were you when you went on your first flight?
o Where did you go?
 Do you like to travel by airplane?
 What was the longest flight you have ever taken?
 What seat do you prefer: window, center or aisle?
 What are three things you're supposed to do before the flight takes off?
 What do you like to do during the flight?
o Does the plane provide anything to do to pass the time?
 What are some movies you remember seeing on the plane?
 What do you do when you experience turbulence?
 Have you ever met anyone or established any relationships during a flight?
 What should be done with obese people who practically take up two seats?
 Can you sleep during the flight?
 Have you ever seen a female pilot?
o Why do you think that most pilots are men?
 Would you like to be a flight attendant?
o What are the benefits and /or downfalls?
 Are most flight attendants female?
o Is being a flight attendant considered a good job in your country?

What do you think are the qualifications?

 Are planes really safer than cars? ( A British study shows that flying is 176 times safer
than walking, 15 times safer than driving and 300 times safer than a motorbike.)
 Would you rather have a younger, more beautiful/handsome flight attendant or an older,
more experienced one?
 What are the advantages of traveling by airplane?
o What are the disadvantages?
 Do you know someone who is afraid of flying in an airplane?
 What questions should you ask when buying airplane tickets?
 What is a group rate?
 What is a charter flight?
 What arrangements should you make for pick-up at the airport?
 What things can you see in an airport?
 What questions do they ask you when you check-in at the airport?
 What questions do they ask you when going through immigration and customs at the
 Have you ever seen an airplane crash?
 Have you ever seen terrorists on the plane?
 Have you ever met an annoying person during a flight?
 Have you ever had an accident during a flight?
 Have you ever work as a flight attendant?
 Do you only fly one airline?
 Do you think budget airlines are safe?
 Do you like to fly? Why or why not?
 What is the smallest airplane you have ever been on? How small was it?
 Do you prefer to fly in big planes or small planes? Why?
 Would you like to learn how to fly? Why or why not?
 Do you think being a pilot is a good job? Why or why not?
 Have you ever gone sky-diving? Why or why not?
 Have you or someone you know ever been in a plane crash?
 What would you do if you were on a plane that was crashing?
 Do you like to watch movies or TV about airplane crashes? Why or why not?
 Do you enjoy the foods on airplane?
 What arrangements should you make for pick-up at the airport?
 What things do you see in an airport?
 What questions do they ask when you check-in at the airport?
 What questions do they ask when going through immigration/customs at the airport?
 How much baggage do you take with you?
 What items should not be included in your hand baggage?
 What documents do you need for international travel?
 What airline do you prefer using?
 How was the service on your last flight?
 Do you like airline food?
 Would you pay money for airline food?
 Do you enjoy talking with strangers on an airplane?
 Do you enjoy takeoff / landing?
 What are some airplane disaster movies?
o Why do you think they are popular?
 How do the pilot and the co-pilot navigate their planes?
 What is a boarding pass?
 When do you pay for airport tax?
 Where can you hang your coats after boarding an airplane? 5. What do you do when you
get blocked ears during take off / landing?
 What do you do before take off / landing?
 Where can you smoke while traveling by plane?
 What do you do when you need a flight attendant's assistance?
 How can passengers reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis?

Conversation Questions
Amusement Parks
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Have you ever visited an amusement park?

o If so, what was it called?
o Where was it?
 What has been the best amusement park you have ever visited? Why?
 What was your favorite ride or activity? Why?
 What was your worst ride or activity? Why?
o Was it expensive?
 If you were to recommend an amusement park, which one would you recommend and
 What rides or activities would you recommend?
 How regularly do you visit amusement parks?
 Can you think of an amusement park ride or activity that would be both enjoyable and
 Are you afraid of going on scary amusement park rides?
 Do you know of anybody who hurt themselves or died at an amusement park?
 Even though you may have been terrified by a particular ride, would you go on it again?
 What are some famous amusement parks near where you live?
o Have you been to them?
o How much does it cost to enter?
o What rides is this amusement park famous for?
 Do you have any plans to go to an amusement park in the near future?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What causes anger?

 Are there different types of anger?
 What are various ways people respond to anger?
 Is anger ever justified? If so, how can we determine whether it is?
 Is anger ever a good thing? If so, when? Why?
 Is anger ever a bad thing? If so, when? Why?
 Are there better and worse ways to respond to one's own anger?
 How do you decide what to do when you get angry?
 Do you think men and women show their angry differently?
 What makes you angry?
 When was the last time you got angry?
o Tell us about it.
 What do you usually do when you get angry?
 What are the situations that make you angry?
 What are the physical effects of getting angry? (e.g blood pressure...)
 Is getting angry an effective way of dealing with problems?


Conversation Questions
Animals & Pets
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Dogs and Cats

Selected Questions

o Do you have a pet?

o How old is it?
o Where did you get it from?
o Who takes care of it?
o What does it look like (color, breed, etc.)?
o What do you feed it?
o Do you play with it?
o What is it's name? How did you choose this name?
o Does it know any tricks or understand any words?
o If you don't have a pet, why not?
o Would you ever consider getting a pet?
o Did you grow up with pets in your home?
o What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?
o What is the best pet to own?
o What are some animals that live in your country?
o Are there animal rights groups where you live?
o Are you afraid of snakes? What is the biggest snake you have seen? Are there any
poisonous snakes in your country?
o Are you frightened of spiders? What do you do if you see one?
o Can you name some endangered species?
o Have you ever ridden a horse?
o Are there birds or squirrels in your neighborhood?
o Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?
o Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals?
o How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research?
o Do you think it is okay to eat meat? Do you know any vegetarians?
o Is there any kind of meat you would not eat?
o What kind of meats have you eaten?
o Have you ever been to a zoo?
o Are there laws about hunting in your country?
o What do you think of hunting? Would you eat an animal that you killed yourself?
o Do you think it's okay to free animals that have been in captivity all their lives?
Why or why not?
o Do you think people should buy and wear fur coats?
o Do you think that animals dream?
o Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you been stung by a bee?
o Have you ever been to a farm? What animals did you see there?
o Have you ever been to a horse race?
o Have you ever eaten rabbit meat? Have you eaten octopus?
o Have you ever seen a dog that helps people, such as one to assist a blind person or
a policeman?
o If so, what did you notice about the dog?
o How do you think that dog was trained?
o What animals do you think are cute?
o What animals do you think are ugly?
o What can children learn by having a pet?
o What is the largest animal you have ever seen?
o Why do some people not like pets?
o What can people learn from animals?
o Does feeding an animal bring you happiness?
o If you saw a stranger drowning, and you also saw your pet drowning, and you
could only save one, who would you save? What would most people choose?
o Can people be too attached to their pets?
o Do you think animals have souls?

More Questions

o Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in captivity all there life
o Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping people in
o Why are pets, not people used for medical research?
o What is your favorite animal?
o Have you ever had a pet?
o What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?
o Have you ever been to the zoo? What animals did you see there?
o Have you ever been on a farm? What animals did you see there?
o Do you ever bird watch?
o Do you think people should wear fur coats?
o Should animals be kept in a zoo?
o Do you know any endangered species?
o Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
o Do bats help people?
o What animal is liked to be petted?
o Do you think the most important thing by which psychopaths can be recognized is
their attitude toward animals? Explain why.
o Do you think it is a good pattern in general to judge people by their attitude
toward animals? Explain why.
o What kind of animals do humans ride?
o Are you afraid of snakes?
o Are you frightened of spiders?
o Are your pet(s) healthy?
o Can you ride a horse?
o Do you ever go bird watching?
o Do you ever talk to your pet? If so, what do you say?
o Do you have a cat?
o Do you have a dog? If so, what's your dog's name?
o Do you have any pets?
 If not, would you like to have a pet?
 Have you ever had a pet?
o Do you know anyone who has a horse?
o Do you know anyone who keeps their dog in their house?
o Do you love your pet?
o Do you prefer dogs or cats?
o Do you talk to your pet sometimes?
o Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals?
 How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research?
o Do you think it is okay to eat meat?
 Is there any kind of meat you would not eat?
o Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?
o Do you think that animals dream?
o Do your pets have special behavior problems?
 How do you deal with those problems?
o Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
o Have you ever been bitten by a snake?
o Have you ever been to a farm?
o Have you ever been to a zoo? What animals did you see there?
o Have you ever eaten rabbit meat?
o Have you ever gambled on a horse race?
o Have you ever given your pet a bath?
o Have you ever had a pet? / Have you ever had any pets?
o Have you ever ridden a horse? How about a camel?
o Have you ever seen a bullfight?
o Have you ever seen a dog race?
o Have you ever seen a dog that helps people, such as one to help a blind person?
 If so, what did you notice about the dog?
 How do you think that dog was trained?
 Have you ever seen a "therapy dog?"
o How long do you think a dog can live without food?
o How many birds do you know that can't fly?
o How many legs does a spider have? How about a squid?
o How many national animal preserves do you have in your country?
 Are there any animal preserves around here?
o How many pets have you had?
o How many pets have you raised and what are they?
o How many zoos have you been to?
o How much does it cost to keep your pet?
o If you could be an animal, what would you (choose to) be? Why?
o If you don't keep pets, please explain why?
o Is is right to keep animals in a zoo?
o Is it harmful for a dog to travel in cabin on a airline under the seat where your
carry-on bags go?
o Pets are considered to be a burden to most of the city dwellers. To what extent do
you agree?
o Some people think that people shouldn't wear animal furs. Do you agree? Why or
why not?
o Think of some people you know. Which animals do they resemble?
o What animal do you think is the funniest?
o What animal do you think is the strangest-looking?
o What animal do you think makes the best pet? Why?
o What animal would you like to be? (Which animal...?)
o What animals are symbols of your country?
o What animals are you afraid of? (...scared of?)
o What animals do you think are cute?
 What animal do you think is the cutest?
o What animals do you think are scary?
o What animals do you think is the most dangerous?
o What are some popular pets?
o What are the most popular pets in your country?
o What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?
 (Why are there so many people who are willing to sacrifice their time and
money to raise a pet?)
o What can children learn by having a pet?

What are some things a child can learn by having a pet?

o What do you think of animals being raised in captivity?

o What is one of your favorite animals?
 Why do you like it?
 Do you have one for a pet?
o What is the difference between a pet and a wild animal?
o What is the most unusual pet you have ever seen?
o What is your favorite animal?
 Why is it your favorite animal?
 Would you like keep it as your pet, why or why not?
o What joy does your pet bring you?
 Are you the one who takes care of it every day?
 How do you take care of it? If you don't take care of it, who does?
o What kind of animal would you like to be?
o Do bats make good pets?
o What animals like to be petted?
o What kind of dog do you have?
o What kind of master would you like to have if you were a pet?
o What particular animals have become famous in your country for some special
skill or accomplishment?
o What wild animals can you see around here?
o When was the last time you went to a zoo?
o Where is the nearest zoo to your house?
 How often do you visit that zoo?
 When was the last time you went there?
 How much does it cost to get in?
o Why do people have pets? / Why do people keep pets?
o Would you recommend that others keep pets similar to yours?
o Should we feed our pets unhealthy but tasty treats?
 What's more important, their health or their happiness?
o In your opinion, why do some people like to have unusual pets?
o Do you think dogs should be banned or muzzled?
o Would you want to see aggressive dogs muzzled or banned?
o In your country, what kind of dog laws are there? If dogs are man's best friend, as
the saying goes, is banning dogs a friendly act?
o What is a safari?
 Would you go on a safari?
o Have you ever hurt an animal?
 Was it intentional or unintentional?
o Do you know of any websites for people that want to keep animals as pets?
 How about websites for people who are against animal rights?
 Do you think keeping an animal as a pet is a violation of that animal's
o Do you know any animals that you think are being treated badly or unfairly?
 If so, how do you think you can help?
o What do you think would animals say about humans if they could make a
documentary movie about humans?
o What is a breed?
o What breeds can you name?
o What does AKC stand for?
o What is a standard for a dog breed?
o What is dog intelligence?
o Which dog breed do you think is the most intelligent and which the dumbest?
o What is the role of an Alpha dog in a pack?
o Do you think it is a good pattern in general to judge people by their attitude
toward animals? Explain why.
o Do bats help people?


Conversation Questions
Annoying Things
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What annoys you about living where you live now?

 What annoys you about taking trains to work?
 What annoys you about driving a car?
 What annoys you most about living at home with your family?
 Do you think you have habits that annoy other people?
 Does it annoy you when people kiss in public?
 Do you get annoyed when someone cuts in front of you when you are waiting in line?
 What are some new pet peeves you have as a result of recent technology (i.e. cell phone
 What annoying habits does your best friend have?
 Does smoking bother you?
 Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples.
 What is the most annoying thing for you?
 What is the most annoying thing about your partner?
 Do you annoy people with some of your habits?
 What is something that your parents do that annoy you?
 Can annoying someone be a good thing?
 If something is annoying you, what do you usually do?
 What are some things that annoy you that don't annoy your best friend?
 How do you change annoying habits
 What are some things that car drivers do that annoy you?
 Can you think of some things children do that annoy adults around them?
 What does pet peeve mean?
o What is your pet peeve?
 Does it annoy you when people don't use the right punctuation?
 What kind of people annoy you?
 Who is the most annoying person you know? Why?
 How do you inform someone they are being annoying
 Do you think other people find you annoying? Why?
 Who is the most annoying celebrity? Why?
 Which is more annoying, being caught in the rain without an umbrella, or finding out you
don't have enough money to pay for something you really need?
 Is there anything about your teacher that annoys you? What will you do about it?
 Does it annoy you when people don't use the right punctuation?
 Do you think it is annoying if people can't or don't speak your language?
 Which is more annoying, being caught in the rain without an umbrella, or finding out you
don't have enough money to pay for something you really need?
 Why do people get annoyed?
 Do bandaids on ladies feet annoy you?
 What's the most annoying thing about your partner?
 What's the most annoying catchphrase or cliche you can think of?
 Is it worse to be ignorant or annoying?
 What annoys you about yourself?
 What do people do on the subway that annoys you?
 What do people do on the bus that annoys you?
 What do people do on the street that annoys you?
 Does it annoy you when people snore?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you feel bad after you have an argument?

 What are some reason why people argue?
 What does your family argue about?
 How do you avoid arguments?
 Do you think it is best to argue or just walk away? Shy?
 Do you get along with argumentative people?
 Are you passionate about your beliefs?
 Do you ever try to impose your beliefs on others?
 Do you at times enjoy "playing the devil's advocate" (debating for the fun of it)?
 Do you get along argumentative people?
 Are you passionate about your beliefs?
 Would you describe yourself as an argumentative person?
 What other adjectives would you associate with an argumentative person?
 In your opinion is being argumentative a positive trait or a flaw?
 Are you easily persuaded in an argument?
 Do you ever try to impose your beliefs on others?
 Do you at times enjoy "playing the devil's advocate" (debating for the fun of it)?
 Have you ever taken part in a debate? Did you have to defend an opinion that wasn't your
own? If so, was it easy? Did it make you re-evaluate your own views?
 How do you feel when someone disagrees with everything you have to say?
 Do have a "butinski"in your family? Do you tend to but in?
 At work do you often voice your opinions on controversial issues? If so, what kind of
reception do get?
 Do you steer clear of some touchy topics or do you get a kick out of provoking others?
 How do you feel when you have a hunch someone's not paying attention to what you
have to say? Do you raise your voice? Do you get nasty?
 How do you grab someone's attention when you're making a point? What can you do to
lose it?
 Are hand gestures useful in an argument?
 Do you think it's disrespectful to argue with your elders?
 Do you often feel patronized in an argument?
 What do you say when someone is being condescending?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Are you a good painter?

 Can you draw pictures well?
 Do you believe what art critics say?
 Do you consider yourself a good artist?
 Do you enjoy your art class at school?
 Do you like modern art?
 Do you like paintings?
 Do you like sketching?
 Do you like to visit art museums?
 Do you like wood carving?
 Do you prefer using water colors or oil paint?
 Do you think it is proper to call nude paintings art?
 Do you think music and dancing are forms of art?
 Do you think of cartoons and comics as art?
 Do you visit museums when you go to another city?
 Have you ever been to any famous art museums?
 Have you ever visited an art museum?
 What art form do you like best?
 What art museums have you visited?
o Which did you like the best? Why?
o Which did you like the least? Why?
 What famous painters do you know? What are they famous for?
 What is art?
 What is the longest time that you have spend on a painting?
 What is your favorite art web site?
 What would life be like without art?
 When was the last time you went to an art museum?
 Who are some famous artists in your country?
 Who is a famous potter in your country?
 Who is the most famous artist in your country? What kind of art does he do?
 Who is your favorite painter?
 Do you enjoy taking photographs?
 What things do you like to photograph?
 Do you consider photography an art form?
 Why do artist like to draw women's figures?
 Why do you enjoy art?
 Why is art important?
 Why do people become professional artists?
 Have you ever participated in any art competitions?
 Have you ever been jealous of someone else's artwork?
 Do you find Picasso's work astonishing or weird?
 Do you have a favorite painting?
o If so, what is it?
o Why do you like it?
 Do other people ever compliment your artwork?
 Do you have a sketchbook?
o If so, how often do you use it?
o What kind of sketches do you make?
 Do you feel proud after finishing a work of art?
 Do you think graffiti is art?

Do you agree with this statement? Graffiti is a form of art; a form of expressing
one's mind.

 Do you like to doodle?

o What kinds of doodles do you make?
o Where and when do you doodle?
 Have you ever gone to an exhibition?
 Do you know any art galleries? Are there any in the place where you live?
 Were you interested in art when you were young?
 In your opinion, is design an important part of culture?
 Can you tell me the name of a fashion designer you know?
 Is design a great importance in your daily life?
 The famous artist and designer William Morris said that you should not have nothing in
your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful'. Discuss.
 Do you know any art gallery? Is there any in the place where you live?
 Were you interested in art some years ago? and now?
 Have you studied any pictorial movement?
 Has design a great importance in your daily life
 Is your work figurative or abstract?
 What is your medium of choice?
 What influences your work?
 If you could buy a great work of art, what would it be? (style, title, artist's name...)
 Do you think performance art should be considered art?
 What do you think of shock art?
 Have you ever seen performance art?
 Have you ever seen shock art?
 Does art imitate life?
 Are movies a form of art?


Conversation Questions
The Art of Conversation
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What makes it easy to talk to someone?

o What traits do you look for in a conversation partner?
 Tell about your favorite types of conversations to have?
o What do you talk about?
o How do you know the other person?
 Who is the best conversationalist that you have ever met?
o Why are they such a great conversationalist?
 Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?
o What made it so great?
o What did you talk about?
o Where were you?
 What is your role in a conversation?
o Do you dominate?
o Do you subordinate?
 What percent of a conversation do you spend talking?
o Have you ever tried to consciously change your conversational style?
o What did you change?
 What are some good habits you have in conversation?
 What are some bad traits you have in conversations?
 Who communicates better: men or women?
o What makes their style better?
o What makes it worse?
 Do you like to flirt?
o How do you flirt?
o What do you say?
 On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your conversational skill with the opposite sex?
 How do conversations between men and women differ?
 Do you like to argue?
o What do you like to argue about?
 Do you always want to be right?
o What types of arguments do you hate to lose?
 What topics should you avoid when talking to a stranger?
o To a Swiss person?
o To a Japanese?
o To an American?
 What topics are taboos for your culture?
o What topics are taboo for you personally?
 Why do people like to learn bad words in another language?
 What do people do that drives you crazy in a conversation?
 How do you feel about talking on the phone? Why?
 Do you think that some conversations are easier to have on the phone? <ul
 Face to face? </ul

 What types of conversations, and why?

 What are some topics that you can't stand to talk about? Why?
 Do you have better conversations when you are drinking?

 How do your conversations change after you have been drinking?

 Have you ever said something to someone that you wish you hadn't said?
 What was it? Explain.
 If you could relive any conversation of your life, what would it be? Why? Explain.
 How do you feel about being frank? Explain.
 How do you feel about blunt people?

 Is there such a thing as being too honest? Explain.

 In your experience, which country's people are the easiest to talk to? Explain.
 Which country's people are difficult to talk to? Explain.
 If you could have the voice of any famous person, whose voice would you want? Why?
 How do you feel about conversations with people older than yourself?

 Are there any older people who you have conversations with regularly?
 Who are they?

 Some people like to talk about things, and some people like to do things.
 What kind of person are you? Explain.

 If you could have a conversation with any famous living person, who would you talk to?

 What would you talk about?

 Why would you want to talk about that? Explain.

 If you could have a conversation with a famous deceased person, who would you talk to?

 What would you talk about, and why?

 Do you like to eavesdrop on other people's conversations?

 What kind of questions do you like to overhear? Where do you listen?

 Have you ever spied on anyone?
o Have you ever recorded a phone call or conversation? Why?
o Would you ever do it? Explain.

 If you had to choose, would you rather marry a partner who is handsome/beautiful and sexy,
but who is a terrible conversationalist, or a partner who is a wonderful conversationalist, but who
is less-attractive-than-average? Explain.
 What was a difficult conversation you had to have in your life?

 How did it turn out?

 What made it hard? Explain.

 Would you like to be a salesman, a teacher, a reporter?

 Would you like to have a career that requires you to talk to a lot of people? Why?

 Which career?

 How can you improve your conversation skills? Explain.


Conversation Questions
Bags and Purses
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you always carry a bag or purse?

o What do you have in your bag or purse?
o How heavy is your bag or purse? Have you lost it before?
o Has it been stolen?
 What do you usually carry with you?
 What things do you use every day?
 What things are important to carry with you?
 Do you always carry a bank card?
 Do you always carry money?
 How much money do you usually carry on you?
 Do men carry billfolds in your country?
 Do women carry a purse or handbag in your country?
 Is it a custom in your country for men to carry or hold the woman's purse or bag?
 Will guys hold their wife's and/or girlfriend's purse or bag where you live?
 Do men carry bags or purses in your country
 What if you see a guy carrying a purse or woman's bag, would you think he is gay?
 What do you think a president would carry on their person?
 What are essential (necessary) items to take with you when you leave the house?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Basketball, Bullfighting, Sports

 Have you ever played baseball?

 Do you know the rules of baseball?
 Do you like baseball?
 Are you interested in baseball?
 How many players are on a baseball team?
 What position do you think is the most difficult?
 Who is your favorite baseball player? Why do you like him?
 Does baseball look like a fun game to you?
 What qualities do you think of baseball player needs to be good?
 Do they have professional baseball teams in your country?
 How much does it cost to watch a professional baseball game?
 Would you rather watch baseball at a stadium or on television?
 What is your favorite baseball team? Why?
 Do you follow professional baseball?
 Are there any baseball players from your country playing in the USA?
 Do you think baseball will ever be a worldwide sport like soccer?
 What are the differences between baseball in America and baseball in your country?
 How much does it cost to attend a pro game in your country?
 What kinds of food are sold at baseball stadiums in your country?
 Does your country have a minor league?
 Do you think young players aspire to be a pro in their home country or make it to the
American Major Leagues?
 Are there recreational baseball teams in your country?
 Do children have easy access to baseball in your country?
 Do people play softball in your country?
 Are there women's baseball teams in your country?
 Do you consider baseball to be a slow game?
 Do you think the playoffs are more exciting than the regular season?
 Do you think baseball will ever be a worldwide sport like soccer?
 How does a kid make it to the pros?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Baseball, Bullfighting, Sports

 Are you interested in basketball?

 How many players are on a basketball team?
 What are the positions on a basketball team?
 How long is a basketball game?
 Who is your favorite basketball player?
 Why are basketball player usually tall?
 Can short people be good basketball players?
 Have you ever played basketball? How was it?
 Do you follow professional basketball?
 Have you ever been to a professional basketball game?
 Are there any basketball players from your country in the NBA?
 Describe the abilities that a good basketball player must have.
 What is needed to play basketball with your friends?
 What basketball teams do you follow? What is interesting about this team to you?
 What are the skills of your favorite basketball players?
 What is the difference between a basketball team and a basketball league?
 Who is number one star player now in the NBA? Do you like his style of playing? Why?
 Which parts of the body can players play the ball with?
 How many people can play in a game of basketball?
 When the ball goes out of bounds what happens?
 When the ball stuck between the ring and backboard, what happens?
 When a team scores a goal where is the ball placed for a restart?
 Which sports uses a court to play a game on?
 Which sports uses a field to play a game on?
 Who invented the indoor game which we call it basketball?
 In which years did James Naismith invent basketball?
 What nickname do Americans give to the ring of basketball?
 When the ball goes out of bounds, what should the referee do?
 When the violation occurs, what should a referee do?
 What is the height of the basket?
 Who was known as the greatest player in the world?
 In which city did the first basketball game play in 1891?

Conversation Questions
Beauty and Physical Attractiveness
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

There is a related set of questions at

 Who do you think is the most beautiful person in your country?

 Who do you think is the most beautiful person alive today?
 Who was the most beautiful person in history?
 Who is the most attractive in your family?
 Does beauty affect one's success in life?
 Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?
 Is it better to be physically attractive or wealthy?
 Is beauty related to power?
o Can you think of anyone who is in a position of power that is not physically
 Do people spend too much time and money on beauty?
 How much time should be spent on making yourself look better each day?
 Who would you say is beautiful that others maybe wouldn't?
 Do you think people should have cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks?
o If so what is the minimum age when someone should have plastic surgery?
o How popular is plastic surgery in your country?
o What is the most popular feature for cosmetic alteration?
o Do you think self-esteem affects beauty?
o Do you think beauty affects self-esteem?
 How important is beauty in your daily life?
 Have you ever noticed anyone ever feeling pressured to be more beautiful?
 What do you think of the proverb, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder?"
o Do you have any proverbs or idioms from your country that relate to beauty?
 What do you think "beauty is skin deep" means?
 What are some beauty tips that you could share?
 Do you think people with many tattoos can be beautiful?
o How many tattoos are too many?
o Would you ever get a tattoo?
o Do you have a tattoo?
 Do you think people with many piercings can be beautiful?
o What kind of body piercing, if any, do you feel are acceptable?
o What kind of piercing, if any, do you feel are unacceptable?
 What personality trait is the most important for inner beauty?
 How do you define beauty, using your own words?
 Would you ever date someone who was not conventionally attractive?
 What makes one person more attractive than another?
 Do you think people from different countries than you see attractive the same way?
 Is there someone famous that is considered beautiful, that you think is not?
 Are beauty pageants good or bad?
 Should children be entered into beauty pageants?
 Do you think one gender or group worries more about beauty than another?
 Would you want your children to be beautiful or talented?
 What are some of the drawbacks of being beautiful?
 What do you think about plastic surgery?
o Would you ever have plastic surgery?
o If so, what would you change?
 What do you think of celebrities who get plastic surgery?
 Do you think it's necessary to have plastic surgery if you are famous in order to be
 Do you think skin color affects whether a person is regarded as beautiful or not?
 Do you think that fairer skin makes you more beautiful?
 What are some advantages of being beautiful?
 What makes someone beautiful in your country?
o What differs between that idea and the American idea of beauty?
 What do you think "beauty is skin deep" means?
 How many different adjectives can you think of to describe a beautiful woman or a
handsome man

What do these English expressions mean?

 Pretty is as pretty does.

 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
 Beauty is only skin deep.
 What you see is what you get.
Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Manners

 What is good behavior? What is bad behavior?

 Were you well-behaved as a child?
o Why do some children seem naturally well-mannered, while others seem
o Were you a well-behaved child?
o How do you raise well-behaved children?
 What influences you to make good choices?
 Have you ever not tolerated someone's behavior?
o Is there any behavior that you would not find acceptable?
o What are some examples of bad behavior?
o What is he worst behavior you have seen?
 Would you teach your child to "hit back" at school if somebody hit him?
 How can we teach our children good behavior? Are words or example more important?
 Are you influenced by what you see on TV? Or by what you read?
 Do friends influence you?
o Can you influence your friends?
o Is it important to surround yourself with good people?
o How can friends have a bad influence on you?
 Can music influence your behavior?
 Is it important to only watch wholesome TV shows and only read good books?
 How has the media affected society? Has TV made society better or worse?
 How does religion influence people's behavior?
 Do you care what other people think of you?
 Do you care about the private behavior of a politician?
o Can you judge a politician by how he behaves toward his family?
o Do you give up your private life when you become a politician?
 Should people behave differently with friends than with family? Do you treat people who
are close to you better than strangers, or vice versa?
 Does the behavior of well-known people, such as celebrities and politicians, affect how
average people behave?
 Does economic status affect people's behavior? For example, are people more generous if
they have more money?
 Who do you admire? Do you try to be like this person (or people)?
 Are there historical figures you admire?
 Who is affected by your behavior?
 In what ways have the choices of others affected you?
 Does your happiness depend on the behavior of others?
 Should you always be on your best behavior?
 Will we be judged for our behavior? Do you believe in a God who punishes bad people
and rewards good people?
 Does it always pay to be good?
 How do you act when you are happy? Do you like being around happy people?
 Should people act on their feelings? If you are in a bad mood, can people around you tell?
 Do you believe we have a moral obligation to act happy, even if we do not feel happy?
 Is it possible to change one's behavior?
 Have you changed anything about your behavior?
o Have you started good habits?
o Have you broken bad habits?
o What are some ways to change your behavior?
 Do you set goals to improve yourself?
 What behaviors are expected from children towards their parents?
 Do the clothes you wear affect your behavior? Should school teachers wear casual
 What behaviors are expected from university and college students?
 Should corporal punishment be illegal?
 Are bad people bad because of circumstances or choices? What about good people?
 Do you think there is such a thing as an evil person, or just a sick person?
 Can bad behavior lead to crime?
 Should parents be held responsible for their children's behavior?
 What would you do if you saw somebody else's child behaving badly in public?
 Should some parent give medicine to their children to calm them down?
 Can you think of a behavior that is 'good' behavior in one culture and a 'bad' behavior in
another culture?
 How would you behave in a hospital?
 What is the strangest thing you have ever done?
 Should children be punished in public?
 What kind of punishment do you think is the most effective ?
 What does "misbehavior" mean?
 What can we do to prevent or discourage it
 Is there a behavior considered a 'good' behavior in one culture and a 'bad'
 behavior in another culture? If yes, give examples.
 Can we teach our children good behavior?
 How can we teach our children good behavior?
 How do children acquire good behavior?
 What would you do if your child behaves badly in public?
 What would you do if you saw somebody else's child behaves badly in public?
 Would you spank (To slap on the buttocks with a flat object or with the open hand, as for
punishment) your child for bad behavior?
 What would you do if you saw somebody spanking their child behaves for bad behavior?
 What should you do with a child who has very bad behavior?
 Would you teach your child to "hit back" at school if somebody hits them?
 How should we punish children who commit crimes?
 What behavior is not acceptable among friends?
 How should movie stars behave in public?
 Is it OK to show negative types of behavior when you are angry?
 What behaviors make you feel good?
 What behaviors make you feel angry?
 Should children be encouraged to ask questions in class?
 How can teachers stop "bullying" at school?
 Have you ever got embarrassed by your friend's/girlfriend's/husband's misbehavior?
 What is the right behavior to use in a job interview?
 How should you behave when you see someone you don't like?
 What is good behavior?
 What is the right behavior to use in a restaurant?
o At school?
o At a party?
 Can you think of a behavior that is 'good' behavior in one culture and a 'bad' behavior in
another culture?
 Can we teach our children good behavior?
 How can we teach our children good behavior?
 How do children acquire good behavior?
 Would you spank your child for bad behavior?
 What would you do if you saw somebody spanking their child for bad behavior?
 Is it acceptable for parents to spank their children?


Conversation Questions
Body Language
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Why do you think body language is important?

 How do you use body language in your daily life?
 How does body language help you to communicate?
 How does your native culture use body language? What kind of body language do you
use at school? What are some examples of body language that boys use? Women? Boys?
Girls? Children?
 What actions are threatening?
 What actions are friendly?
 What actions are not allowed?
 What "new" body language have you seen since coming to your new country? did those
actions confuse you?
 How does eye contact differ from your native country to your new one?
 How can you misinterpret someone's body language?
 Do you try to use body language when you communicate in English?
Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Could I ask you some questions about your business?

 When did you start your business?
 Are you only a service provider?
 Do you have any service expansion plan?
 Do you have international presence?
 Do you think recession is affecting your business?
 What is the strength of your employees?
 Do you have any challenge in manpower retention?
 Who is taking care of your human resources department?
 What is so special about your business?
 How do you motivate your employees?
 Do you provide transport facility to employees?
 Do you have any play ground / gym in your company?
 Do you take of everything personally?
 Do you have any program like employee of the month or employee of the year?
 How many branches do you have in overseas?
 What one quality in your people really affect your business?
 Will you give any special benefit to your employees?
 How often do you travel abroad?
 Do you really believe in innovation?
 Where from do you get inspiration for growth?
 Do you think every company should prepare budget for income and expenses?
 What is the governing principal of your business?
 Do you take any assistance for technology improvement?
 Do you think technology is must to grow your business?
 Do you invite outside consultants to train your people?
 What do you feel about growth of your company?
 Do you want to give any message to the people?
 What one thing can transform business to a higher level?


Conversation Questions
Cars and Driving
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 How old were you when you first learned to drive?

o Was there anything difficult about learning to drive?
 Can you drive a car?
 Can you drive a manual shift car?
 Do you have a car?
 If so, what kind of car do you have?
o Is it a standard (manual shift) or automatic shift?
o Which do you like best, a standard or automatic shift car?
 What are the advantages of owning a car?
 What are the disadvantages of owning a car?
 Are you a good driver?
 Have you ever been in a car accident?
 Have you ever been pulled over by the police?
o What happened?
 Have you ever driven a car in a foreign country?
o If yes, which side of the road did they drive on?
o Were the road signs different?
 Are the drivers in your area where you live good drivers?
 Do you know anything about repairing or maintaining a car?
o What do you know how to do?
o Where did you learn how to do this?
 Do you enjoy repairing cars?
o What are some things you do to maintain your car?
 Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation?
 What kind of car do you prefer?
 Do you like drive at night?
 Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?
 What side of the road do you drive in your country?
 Is drunk driving a problem in your country?
 What kind of laws does your country have about drunk driving?
 What is the penalty for drunk driving in your country?
 Have you ever been (or) do you know anyone who has been in an accident related to
drunk driving?
 Is jaywalking legal in your country?
 Do people often jaywalk in your country?
 Who taught you to drive?
 How long did it take you to learn to drive?
 What is the longest trip you have ever taken by car?
 Have you ever broken down and been stranded on the side of the road?
o Who helped you?
 How do American drivers compare to drivers in your country?
 What are the speed limits in your country?
 On what occasions do you honk your car horn?
 Is it acceptable to honk in your country
 Are men better drivers than women?
 Are women better drivers than men?
 At what age can you get a licence in your country?
 Do you think the age for driving should be raised or lowered?
 Do you think driving lessons should be provided by high schools?
 Should new drivers have a period of accompanied driving?
o Or some kind of trial period?
 Do you have a GPS (Global Position System)?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a GPS?
 Does the type of car a person drives tell us about the person who drives it?
 What can we tell or imagine about a person by looking at the car they drive?
 What are the laws about seat belts in your country?
o How are they different to this country?
 Is your car air conditioned?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of air conditioning?
 Do you have a GPS?
o If yes, when do you use it? If no, would you like one? Why or why not?
 What is the price of gasoline in your country?
o Is it cheaper or more expensive than in this country?
 Do you allow passengers to eat inside your car?
 What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a second-hand car?
 Do you wash your car yourself or do you have it washed?
 Do you think that there is a relation between global warming and cars?
 Have you ever seen a "hybrid" car?
 What do you know about "hybrid" cars?
 Do you really think that car manufacturers are interested in global warming?
 How often do you need to get your car repaired?
 On what occasions do you honk your car horn?
o Is it acceptable to honk in your country?
 Do you like to drive or be driven?
 Have you ever bribed a policeman in your country after he pulled you over?
 Is it common for traffic cops to accept bribes?
 How are the traffic laws in your country?
o Are they strict or lax?
 Do most people follow the rules of the road?
 Is it easy to find parking?
 Is parking expensive?
 What should be done in order to prevent traffic congestion in your city?
 Is there any kind of rules to avoid traffic congestions?
 How do you feel about spending time in your car during rush hour?
 Is car theft a big problem in your country?
 Have you had your car stolen?
 Have you had your radio stolen?
 Is road side assistance common in your country?
 Can you change a flat tire?
 Do you know anything about fixing a car?
 Who taught you to drive?
o Was it pleasant or unpleasant?
 Have you ever broken down and been stuck on the side of the road?
o Who helped you?
 What do you think of international car-free days?
 Can you recall any memorable car drive in your life?
 What are the most frequent driving offenses?
 What factors are responsible for railway crossing accidents?
 According to insurance statistics women are better driver than men.
o Do you agree?
 What do you think of car pooling?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Have you ever seen a celebrity in person? What did you do?
 Which celebrity would you like to meet? What would you do if you could spend a day
with this person?
 Do you think famous people have the right to have a private life?
 Do you think it's moral to sell your private life to the media?
 Do you approve of people who become famous as a consequence of appearing again and
again in the media and not because of having an artistic career?
 What do you think of the paparazzi?
 Why do you think there is such a high demand for gossip magazines and gossip TV
 What are the pros and cons of being a celebrity?
 What do you think of fans and fan-clubs ?
 Did you have any heroes when you were a teenager?
 Why do you think adolescents need to have heroes?
 Do you think being a celebrity automatically means the person is intelligent?
 Do you think that there are times when the common man has an edge over a celebrity?
 If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit
of the planet?
 Which celebrity do you most admire and why ?
 Would you like to be famous ? Why or why not ?
 Do you think there is a relationship between beauty and celebrity ?
 Can you name some famous people?
 Do you know someone famous?
 Would you like to be famous? Why?
 Are famous people happy?
 Would you like to be a celebrity?
 Would you like to be a celebrity? Why would you be famous?
 If you were a celebrity, would you take advantage of it to date some fans?
 Should celebrities be role models?
 Do you think being a celebrity automatically means the person is intelligent? Why? Why
 Do you think celebrities write their own music?
 Can you give some examples of when the common man has an edge over a celebrity?
 What do you think of celebrities championing a cause? (e.g. - a cure for AIDS)
 Do you think that some celebrities earn much more money than they deserve taking into
consideration what they produce?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Have you made any recent changes in your life?

 Do you think change is important?
 Do you ever get the urge to refurnish your whole house?
 Do you rearrange the furniture in your house often?
 Do you like to rearrange your room or living-room?
 Do you think change is important in people's life?
 Do you think it is possible for a cold hearted person to change?
 Do you think that it is easy to mend our old ways?
 Do you think it is easy to keep up with the times?
 If you could change anything in your life, what would it be?
 What is the most difficult change you have ever had to make?
 Have you ever decided to get a tattoo?
 Have you ever cut your hair really short?
 What was the craziest change in appearance you have ever made?
 What was the last major change you made in your life?
 Have you ever decided to change the group that you usually hang out (spend time) with?
 What is one thing that you think you will never change about yourself?
 What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't?
 If you won a million dollars what things would you change about your life?
 What things would you keep the same?
 Has a friend of yours ever made any major changes that you were proud of?
o An alcoholic?
o An unmotivated person?
oA person who is stuck in their ways?)
 Have you ever converted (changed) over to a different religion?
 Have you ever changed over to a different political party.
 Have you ever dumped a boyfriend or girlfriend? Was the change difficult?
 Have you ever said no to a friend?
 Have you lost a pet, or has a person ever passed away on you?
 Have you ever quit your job?
 Have you ever became depressed and stay indoors for long periods? How did you get out
of your depression?
 Have you ever had to change the way you speak, or the way you act? Why?
 Have you ever decided to change the way you dress? If so, why?
 Have you ever decided to change the way you eat, or your form of exercise?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Volunteer Work

 Have you ever worked for a charity?

o How long did you work there?
o Was it a well run charity?
o Did you enjoy this work?
 Do you give money to registered charities? (e.g. Red Cross, World Wildlife Fund, Green
o Can you name some other registered charities?
 Do you think having large charity organizations is a good idea? Why or why not?
o What are some of the good points?
o What are some of the bad points?
 Do you think that locally run charity organizations are more effective?
 Are there any charities in (your town/city)?
o How about in (your country)?
o What are they?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Childbirth, Children

 Did you have a happy childhood?

 What did you like to do when you were a child?
 What did you look like?
 Where were you born?
 When were you born?
 How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?
o Did you have your own bicycle?
o Do you remember who taught you to ride a bicycle?
o Did you have a bad bicycle accident?
 Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
 What was your favorite subject? Why?
 What was your favorite game?
o Who did you play it with?
o Who gave it to you?
o When did you like to play it?
 Do you remember anything about your personality when a child?
 Were you good at making friends?
o How did you make friends?
o Did you have a lot of friends?
o What did you enjoy doing with your friends?
 What were some embarrassing situations when you were a child?
 Were you a good student?
o Did you enjoy going to school?
o Did you get good grades?
o Did you enjoy doing your homework?
 What did you like about school?
 What didn't you like about school?
 Who was your best friend?
o How did you meet this friend?
o What did you do together?
o Do you still do things with this childhood friend?
o What other things can you tell us about your best friend?
 Were your parents super protective?
o At what age could you go places by yourself?
o Did your parents always tell you what to do?
 Did you play outside?
o What did you like to play?
o How long did you play outside a day?
o Could you play outside all year long?
 Did you play on the streets?
o Was it dangerous to play in the streets?
o What kind of things did you do in the streets?
o Did you ever have an accident while playing in the streets? What happened?
 When you were a child, what did you want to grow up to be? Did you want to be a
mother or father? A firefighter? A doctor? A scientist?
 Can you remember specific things from your childhood clearly?
o How old were you at the time of your first memories?
 What kind of food did your like?
o Did you used to eat anything or were you a picky eater?
o What foods did you like eating?
o What foods didn't you like to eat?
o Did you have any foods you hated?
 What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
o Who gave you this toy?
o Did it have a name?
o Do you still have it?
 What was your worst punishment as a child?
 Where did you grow up? Did you move frequently? If so, why?
 Who took care of you when you were little? A parent? A grandparent? A nanny? A
daycare center?
 How are you similar to your parents? How are you different?
 Describe the first memory you have of going to school.
 Do you think children today eat too much fast food and don't play enough sports?
 What childhood diseases did you have?
 Did you have any nickname? Tell us about it.
 Were you afraid of anything? What?
 What were your favorite cartoons and TV shows?


 When playing a game...

o You always wanted to win and if you didn't you cried.
o You changed the rules just to win.
o You stopped playing if you were losing.
 When sharing your stuff...
o You never lent anything but you wanted to borrow things from the others.
o You lent your stuff but you also had to borrow from the others.
o You lent things to the other children and they never lent you anything.
 On your birthday, you'd like to receive...
o toys
o clothes
o things for school
 When going to school...
o Your mother had to take you to school and you always cried before getting there.
o You had no problem going and soon started talking to friends deciding what you'd
do at at school.
o You went to school but nobody talked to you because you'd answer nothing and
look at people with an angry face.


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Why do you like living in the city?

 What are some of the advantages of living in a city?
 What are some of the disadvantages of living in a city?
 Do you know the neighbors who live near you?
 What's your favorite city? Why?
 What city do you live in?
o What part of this city do you like the best?
o Can you describe the city?
 What aspects of life in the city would you complain about?
 What do you think should be done to improve living condition in cities?
 What are some differences between living in the city and living in the country?
 What size city is best to live in? Why?
 What are the names of two big cities in Europe?
 What are the names of two small cities in Europe?
 Would you prefer to live in a really old historical city, or a really new modern city?
 If you had grown up in a different city, how would your life have been different?
 Did you grow up in the city or in the country?
 Would you enjoy designing a new city ?
 Do you walk alone at night in your home city?
 Would you want to be the mayor of your city?
o What would you do?
o How would you change things?
o Do you think you could make big changes in your city?
 Would you want to be a member of the city council of your city?
 What monuments of your city do you consider the most impressive? Why?
 Do you like modern cosmopolitan architecture?
 How would you describe the architecture of your city?
 Which cities do you feel safe in?
 Which cities have the best bus services/taxis/metro?
 How can we make our cities safer places to live?
 Do you think that each city should have their own laws or could all cities share the same
general laws?
 What would you do if you were in charge of a city? How would you improve it?
 Do you know if your city has a disaster plan for earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, etc?
o If so, what is the plan?
o In your opinion, is it a good/sufficient plan?
o What changes would you make?
 Do all the cities in your country or the U.S. have the same educational system?
 Can you suggest some good tourist sites to visit in your city?
 Does your city have a professional or semi-professional sports team?
o How many teams are there?
o What are sports?
o What are the team's names?
o Do you go and watch some of these sports? How much does it cost?
o Do some of these teams win championships?
 What are you doing to reduce the amount of pollution in your city?
o Does your city have any laws about dealing with pollution?
o Do you follow them?
o How do you sort garbage in your city?
o Do you recycle on a regular basis?
 If you had grown up in a different city, how would your life have been different?
 Would you enjoy designing a new city?
 Can you name two cities in twenty different countries around the world?
 Do you think some cities are becoming too large? Why?
 What are some tourist attractions in your city?
 What are some historical places in your city? Have you visited them?
 What's the most prestigious university in your city?
 What are the major problems in your city?
o What are some long term problems?
o What are some recent problems?
o What is your city doing to solve these problems?
o What do you think should be done to solve them ?
o What are you doing to help solve these problems?
 Where's the trendiest area in your city? Do you enjoy going there?
 who are some famous personalities from your city?
 What would you do to improve some aspects of your city?
 Which city's sports team do you cheer for?
 Is your city very cosmopolitan?
 What are some cosmopolitan cities around the world
 What is the most important part of a city?
 Who is the local government head in your city?
 Which cities would you like to visit in your home country?
 Which cities would you like to visit around the world?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What is cloning?
 What are the advantages of cloning?
 What are the disadvantages of cloning?
 Do you think animals should be cloned?
 Do you think vegetables should be modified?
 What are the ethical concerns about cloning?
 Are you against or in favor of cloning? Why?
 How does cloning affect our lives?
 Can you name some animals that have been cloned?
 What do you think about eating the meat from cloned animals?


Conversation Questions
Clothes & Fashion
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 About how much money do you spend on clothes a year?

 Do you like shopping for new clothes?
 Do you often buy new clothes?
 Do you prefer to go shopping or just browse? Why?
 Do you think men should be allowed to wear skirts?
 What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? Why?
 Do you read fashion magazines?
 Do you sometimes wear a hat?
 Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?
o Do you think it is important to be in fashion?
 Do you wear jewelry?
o If so, what kind of jewelry do you wear?
o How often do you wear jewelry?
o What is your most valuable piece of jewelry?
 Do you wear the same color clothes now that you wore ten years ago?
 Do you wear the same size clothes this year as you wore last year?
 Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes?
 Have you ever made your own clothes?
o If so, what did you make?
o Do you often make your own clothes?
 How many pairs of gloves do you have?
 What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?
 What colors do you think look good on you?
 What colors do you think look good on your mother?
 What did you wear yesterday?
 What do you think of body piercing?
o Do you have pierced ears?
o Do you know anyone with a pierced nose?
o Would you ever pierce your tongue?
 What do you think of people who dye their hair green?
 What do you think of women who wear high heel shoes?
o Do you think high heel shoes are bad for a person's health?
 What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two years?
 What is your shoe size?
 What kind of clothes are in fashion now?
 What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
 What's the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought?
 What's your favorite color for shoes?
 When was the last time you got dressed up?
o Why?
o How often do you get dressed up?
o Do you like to get dressed up?
 Where are some good stores to buy clothes in this area?
 Where do you usually buy clothes?
 Would you like to be a fashion model?

Questions on Styles, Clothing and Fashion-based Stereotypes

 What would you think of a women who cut off all her hair and went around bald as a
fashion statement?
 What do you think of a man who is bald for fashion's sake?
 What do you think of women who wear short mini-skirts?
 Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us ?
 What do you think of people who always and only wear black?
 What do you think of people with tattoos?
o Do you have a tattoo?
o Do you know someone with a tattoo?
 What do you think of people with body piercing?
o Do you have pierced ears?
o Would you pierce other parts of your body?
 What would you think of a high school student who always wore very conservative
 What type of clothing do you wear when you are angry and you want to express yourself?
 What colors do you choose to wear when you are happy?
 Would you dress the same as you do in your country if you went to America for a visit?
 Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?
o In what ways do you dress differently?
 If you went out with a group of high school friends, would you dress differently then if
you went out with your grandmother and her friends?
 In what ways does your Grandmother dress differently then you?
 When you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother or grandfather?
 Would you ever wear dreadlocks?
o What do you think of the people who wear them?
 Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids.
o Did anyone look at you differently because of it?
 Would you ever wear contacts to change your eye color?
 What is the difference in the people who choose to wear contacts and the people who
choose to were glasses?
 What do you think about women who don't wear earrings?
 What do you think about men who wear earrings?
o What do you think of women who do?
 Is it possible for women to wear too much make-up?
o When is a person wearing to much make-up?
o What do you think of men who wear make-up?
 Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up, earrings or other accessories?
 Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks?
 What differences have you noticed in the fashions here and in your country?
 What do you think of men who where tights?
 What do you think about secondhand clothes?
o Why do you think people buy secondhand clothes?
o Have you ever been to a store that sells secondhand clothes?
o Have you ever bought secondhand clothes?
o Would you buy secondhand clothes?
 When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now? Why did
you choose it?
 What would you think if the mother of the groom wore black at a wedding?
o What would you think if a bride wore red?
o Should a bride's dress be long or do you think it could be the length of a regular
 What items of clothing do you consider provocative in this country?
o What types of clothing are provocative in your country?
o Do you ever dress this way?
 What do you think of men wearing high heels?
 What do you think of women wearing high heels?
 Why is it acceptable for women to wear men's clothing, but not for men to dress in
women's clothing?
 Is there a stigma attached to people who buy no-name (no brand) clothing?
 Are some people more fashion conscious than others? What types/groups of people?
 Have you ever bought imitation brand clothing?
 What traditional clothes do people from your country wear?
oWhen do you wear them?
oAre they comfortable?
 In your country do children have to wear school uniform?
o Did you wear a school uniform?
o Do you think wearing uniforms is a good idea?
 What would you do or feel if you were refused entry to somewhere because of what you
are wearing?
 Do you think dress codes should be adhered to if requested on an invitation?
 What would you wear to meet royalty or the President of your country?
 Would you go to a fancy dress party? Why or why not?
 How much do you spend getting ready to go to school? Work? Out with friends? To a
o Do the times vary much?
 What traditional clothes do people from your country wear?
 When do you wear them?
 Are they comfortable?
 Do you think there's a difference between" fashion " and "style" ?
 How often do you go clothes shopping?
o Where do you like to go?
o Who do you like to go with?
o How much money do you usually spend?
o Would you bring your husband/boyfriend with you when you go clothes
 What do you like to shop for the most?
 Where is your favorite shopping centre?
 What is your favorite brand?
 Are you a shopaholic?
 Do you go to many shops before buying one particular item or do you just buy the first
one you find?
 Do you spend a lot of money on clothes your clothes?
 Which type of clothes do you "collect"?
 What's your favorite piece of clothing?
o How much did it cost?
o Where did you buy your favorite piece of clothing?
 Have you ever felt uncomfortable with what you wear?
 Did your parents ever make you wear something you didn't like?
 Do you like to go shopping during the sales?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: University

 What is the name of your college or university?

 How many students go to your college?
 Is your college coed?
 How many subject are you taking this semester?
 Who is your favorite teacher?
 How did you decide which college to attend?
 What is your typical day at college like?
 What are three big differences between your college life so far and your high school
 What is your major? Why did you choose your major? Do you have any regrets?
 What is the most difficult class you have taken so far?
 Have you ever pulled an all nighter? What was the situation?
 Have you participated in a college festival?
o Talk about your experience.
o Do you think this style of festival is held in Western countries? Why or why not?
 Are you a member of any student groups? Which ones? What do you do? Are you
satisfied with what's happening with your group(s)?
 Are there some professors that you can learn from more easily than others?
o What are the qualities that make you want to study for a certain professor?
 What are the top three changes you would like to see happen at your university?
 What do you think of student government?
o Are you now or have you ever been part of it?
o Do you think it's worthwhile?
o Does participation in student government bring any benefits to the participants?
 What are the top three things you hope to get out of (get as a result of) your university
 In the West, one of the most valued parts of college life is independence.
o Are you more independent from your parents now than you were in high school?
o Name some things you can do now that you weren't allowed to do in high school.
o Are you as independent now as you would like to be?
 Talk about relations between upperclassmen and freshmen.
o What kinds of things do freshmen have to do for "initiation?"
o What other things do upperclassmen do to freshmen?
o Were you a victim of "hazing" by upperclassmen? Talk about it.
 What's the most difficult class you have taken so far?
 Are you a member of any student groups (circles or club)?
o Which ones?
o Are you satisfied with what's happening with your group(s)?
 Are there some professors that you can learn from more easily than others?
o What are the qualities that make you want to study for a certain professor?
o Perhaps is it just a matter of class rules and homework demanded?
 What do you think of student government?
o Are you now or have you ever been part of it?
o Do you think it's worthwhile?
o Does student government do anything important?
o Does participation in student government bring any benefits to the participants?

For Students who have Graduated from College.

 What is your fondest memory of your college experience?

 What is your worst memory of your college experience?
 Were there any subjects that you just couldn't seem to master?
 Were you a good student or did you slack off and procrastinate?
 Did you have any college romances?
 What was the hardest thing about going to college?
 If you could have done something different with your college life, what would you have
done differently?
 Where did you get the money to attend college?
 Do you feel it is necessary for young people to attend college these days?
o What happens to people who just stop after high school or even quit high school?
 Do you wish your college had a better sports program?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What do you like about your community?

 How did you decide on your community?
 What do you think should be changed in your community?
 How can you help your community?
 How many of your neighbors do you know?
 Are there old people living in your community? Tell me about them.
 Are there little children in your community? Tell me about them.
 What do the people in your community do for recreation?
 What do you think is the most important thing about community?
 Does your community have special days to get together?
 Does your community have meetings?
 Is there a neighborhood watch program in your community?
 Would you like to raise your children in a community like yours? If yes, tell me why. If
no, tell me why?
 Is your community afraid of strangers?
 How can you live in a community and maintain your privacy?
 Does your community welcome strangers?
 Have you ever helped a neighbor?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Are you computer literate?

 Are you connected to the Internet?
o Do you access the Internet with your computer?
o Can you access the Internet from your home?
o What is your favorite "news" site?
o What Internet sites do you visit regularly?
 Can your mother and father use a computer?
 Do you have a computer?
o Do you have a computer at work and at home?
o Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? Do you have both?
o Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?
o Have you ever studied English using your computer?
o How many times have you upgraded your computer?
o How powerful is your computer?
o What company made your computer?
o What kind of computer do you have?
o What size is your computer screen?
 What do you think is the best size to have?
o Where do you use your computer?
o Where in your room is your computer?
o Why did you buy your computer?
 Do you have a digital camera?
o Do you send photos by email?
o What kind of pictures do you take with your digital camera?
 Do you have a scanner?
o What kind of scanner do you have?
 Do you have a web page?
o What's the URL?
o When did you start it?
o How much time did it take to make?
o How much time do you spend keeping it updated?
 Do you know any computer programming languages?
o How many computer programming languages do you know?
o Which languages do you know?
o Which language do you use the most often?
 Do you read computer magazines?
o Which computer magazines do you read?
 Do you use a computer?
o Are you good at using a computer?
o Are you still using your first computer?
o Did you learn to use a computer in high school?
o Do you know how to type well?
o How often do you use a computer?
o What are some of your favorite computer games?
o What do you use a computer for?
o What operating system do you use?
o What software do you use the most often?
o When did you first start using a computer?
o Who taught you to use a computer?
 Do you use chat rooms? If so, what chat rooms do you use and who do you talk to?
 Do you use e mail?
o Do you use e mail every day?
o Do you write e mail in English?
o Have you ever sent an e mail to your teacher?
o How many e-mails do you get a day?
o How many e mails do you send a day?
o How many times a day do you access your e mail?
o What's your e mail address?
o How many e mail addresses do you have?
 Do you have a Facebook account?
o How often do you access it?
o How often do you update it.
o How many friends do you have?
o How many hours a day do you spend looking at it?
 Do you want a more powerful computer? If so, what computer do you want?
 Does your family have a computer?
 How fast can you type?
 Have you ever taken a course at school where you used a computer?
 Have you tried Mac-OS, Windows and Linux?
 How do you study English with your computer?
 How does email work?
 How many people in your family can use a computer?
 How much did your first computer cost? How much did you last computer cost?
 How much does it cost by buy a computer?
o What's the least expensive computer?
o What's the most expensive computer?
 How much does your Internet service provider cost?
o Which ISP do you use?
 If you could buy a new computer, what would you like to buy?
 If you had lots of money, what kind of computer system would you like to buy?
 What is the difference between software and hardware?
 Which do you like better, a laptop computer or a desktop computer?
 What is your favorite website?
 Do you ever visit English websites?
 Do you think our lives have been improved by computer technology?
o Think of a few examples of how computers have an educational or an
entertainment value.
o Could you do without them?
 What is multimedia?
o What are the components and the element of multimedia?
 When did you first get a computer?
o What kind of computer was it?
o About how much did it cost?
o Do you still have it?
o Do you still use it?
 Do you remember the first time you used a computer or the Internet?
o What did you think about it?
 How long have there been personal computers in your country?
o When did the average person start using a computer?
 Can your parents operate a computer?
o How do they use their computer?
o Do you chat with your parents?
o What kind of computer do they use?
o Do they enjoy using their computer?
 Can your children use a computer?
 Do you think a computer can bring us happiness?
 Do you have a computer?
 Do you know any computer languages like C or C++?
 What is configuration of your PC?
 How often do you perform a backup?
o What kind of backup method do you use?
o What kind of backup media do you use?
 What are some good things about having a computer?
 What are some bad things about having a computer?
 Does having a computer make life more complicated or less complicated?
 What computer games have you played?

Which are your favorites?

o Which do you think are not so interesting?

 Do you use chat rooms and instant messaging?
o Which ones do you use?
o Why do you use them?
oWhat are some things to think about when using them?
oWhy can these be dangerous for you and your kids?
 What do you do when your computer doesn't work properly?
o Do you have more than one computer?
o Can you do everything you need to do when your computer is broken?
 Do you have a webpage?
o Did you make your own webpage?
o What is on this webpage?
o Why do you think people have webpages?
o What would you like to add to your webpage?
 Do you know what a blog is?
o Do you have one? Why/ why not?
o Why do people have blogs?
 What do you think about file sharing?
 On the Internet, you can say whatever you want. Is that true?
o Is it a good or a bad thing? Why?
o What is artificial intelligence?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What is conflict?
 When you see the word "conflict", what do you think of?
 What causes conflict?
 Is conflict inevitable?
 Is conflict always negative?
 How can conflicts be resolved?
 What would you consider to be a constructive approach to conflict?
 What would you consider to be a destructive approach to conflict?
 Does there have to be a winner and a loser of a conflict?
 What happens to people who are involved in conflicts?
 What conflicts are going on around the world?
 What conflicts exist in your life?
 How do you deal with conflicts?
 Can violent conflicts be solved with violence?
 How can the world be peaceful when other countries are not trying to bring peace?
 Can conflicts at work place affect the efficiency of one's work?
 Is it possible to avoid conflicts?
 Does it solve anything?
 Have you ever used third-party mediation?
o If so, did you use a professional, or a friend?
 What was the experience like?
 Did it help resolve the conflict?
 Would you recommend this approach to others?
 Are there any kind of conflicts in the family?
 What kind of conflicts occur in a family?
 Is there any conflict in your family?
 Did you experience any kind of conflict in your family?
 How can conflicts in the family be solved?
 What strategies do you know to solve conflicts in the family?
 What kind of conflicts appear at school?
o Why are there conflicts at school?
 What should teachers, parents and pupils do to avoid and solve such conflicts?
 What conflicts could happen in a neighborhood?
 Why are there conflicts among neighbors?
 What should neighbors do to avoid and solve conflicts?
 Should a conflict be solved straightaway or when we calm down?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Police, Corruption

 Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts?
 Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?
 Are there problems with drugs where you live?
 Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark?
 Do you always lock your house? How about your car?
 Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how?
 Do you drink and drive?
 Do you know anyone who has been mugged?
 Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime?
 Do you think abortion is a crime?
 Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain.
 Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail?
 Do you think police TV dramas are realistic?
 Do you think policeman should be allowed to carry guns?
 Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea? Why or why not?
 Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and
adults? Why/why not?
 Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why or why
 Do you think that the legalization of narcotics would decrease the crime rate?
 Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal?
 Do you think there is a link between drugs and crime?
 Do you think prostitution is a crime?
 Do you think there will be more or less crime in the future?
 Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?
 Do you walk alone at night in your home city?
 Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? Should it?
 Have you ever been the victim of a crime? How about others in your family?
 Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what did you do?
 Have you ever had anything stolen?
 Have you ever seen a crime?
o Have you ever witnessed a crime?
 Have you ever stolen anything?
 How can you prevent things from being stolen?
o How can you avoid having things stolen from you?
 If a person steals a loaf of bread because he needs to feed his starving family, should he
be punished?
 Is child abuse a problem in your country?
 Is drunk driving a crime where you live? If so, what is the punishment?
 Is it ever O.K. to break the law? If so, when?
 Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?
 Is there a problem with organized crime and/or gangs where you live?
 Is your hometown considered safe?
 Under what situations would you think of committing a crime?
 What are some things people can do to protect themselves from crime?
 What are some things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal?
 What crimes do you think will decrease in the future?
 What crimes do you think will increase in the future?
 What crimes have you heard about recently in the news?
 What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?
 What do you think of the death penalty?
 What is a gang?
o What gangs exist in this country and in your home country?
o What are the characteristics of these gangs?
 What is the punishment for murder in your country?
 What is the punishment for stealing in your country?
 What kinds of crime are most common in your country? What are the penalties for these
 What kinds of crimes are increasing?
 What kinds of crimes do you think can be prevented? How?
 What makes some people become criminals? Is it poverty, upbringing, lack of education,
unemployment or something else?
 What weapons do police carry in this country? How about your home country?
 What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?
 What's your opinion about the death penalty?
 Why do you think crime is more prevalent in some societies than in others?
o Why is there more crime in some countries?
 Why do you think people steal things?
 Do you think corporal punishment is necessary?
 Who decides what is and isn't a crime?
 Do you think that "corporate criminals" are sufficiently punished for their crimes?
 Do you think that police dramas can teach people how serious certain actions can be?
 Is a person born as a blank page or does he have some things predetermined like
vulnerability to crime?
 Should adultery be considered a crime?
 Why do people commit crimes?
 What can be done about gun/knife violence?
 Do you think your city is a dangerous place to live in?
o Do you see a lot of crime happening around you?
o What kind of crime is it? Shoplifting? pickpocketing? Etc?
 Have you ever witnessed a crime? If "yes" tell us about it.
 Have you ever witnessed acts of vandalism?
o What do you think is the main cause of vandalism?
o How can we fight vandalism

 Do you think graffiti is vandalism or art?

 Have you ever been robbed?
o How did it happen?
o Did you report to the police?
o Did they help you?
 Do you agree that terrorism is the evil of the 21st century?
o What are the roots of terrorism?
o What act of terrorism terrifies you most of all?
 Is bribery a crime?
o What spheres are corrupted most of all in your country? Police? Education?
o What is the best way to fight corruption?
 What is your attitude to the death penalty?
o Is there a death penalty in in your country?
o If you think it should exist, what kind of criminals should be sentenced to death?
 Which punishment is more severe, the death penalty or life imprisonment?
 What do you think is an adequate punishment for an adolescent who has committed a
serious crime? Murder? Burglary? Car theft? Rape?
 Is piracy a great problem in your country?
o Do you consider piracy to be a crime?
o Is it possible to get rid of piracy?
 What is intellectual property?
o Can you think of some examples of stealing intellectual property.
o Do you think it is a serious crime?
 What do you know about the mafia?
o How does the mafia affect your life?
o How does the mafia make money?
 Have you ever noticed someone stealing in a store?
o What were your actions?
 If your friend has committed a serious crime, how would you act?
o Would you report to the police or not?
 Do you agree that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed?
 Is downloading music or videos a crime?
 What's the difference between copyright infringement and theft?
 What is the difference between crime and sin?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Have you been in the midst of danger before?

 What do you do when you feel someone might be following you?
 If you are in danger, what should you do?
 If your life was in danger, who would you call and why?
 Can you explain the 'fight or flight' complex?
 What makes you suspicious of someone?
 What makes you suspicious of a place?
 Have you tried doing anything dangerous that could risk your life?
 Why are there still people who love to do dangerous sports?
 Why are there people who still live in a dangerous society?
 Do you think your neighborhood is dangerous?
 Have you caused any danger to other people before?
 What was the most dangerous thing that you have done?
 Why are the rich facing a lot more danger than the poor or average people?
 What time is the most dangerous time to go out?
 Do you think there are dangers in your house?
 What do you do when you see someone in danger?
 What do you do when you see the back label of a product with a danger sign on it?
 What do you do when you feel that something might happen to you?
 Is there an emergency number you can call when you are in danger?
 Can we stay away from danger?
 Are you a person that worries about nothing or everything? Give an example of
something that you worry (or don't worry) about.
 What dangers exist when you drive? When you fly? When you take a train?
 What dangers exist for babies? For children? For university students? For the elderly?
 When can a government be a danger to its own people?
 What kinds of people in your community have occupations related to danger?
 What country do you consider the most dangerous in the world and why?
 Which city in your country do you consider the most dangerous and why?
 Do you think that media (TV, movies, music) can be dangerous? Why?
 Have you been in a midst of danger before?
 Has your put your life been put in danger before for a stranger?
 Has your life been put in danger before for a stranger?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Plans, Goals, Future, Dreams, Daydreams and Nightmares

 Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them.
 What was your nicest dream that you can remember?
 Talk about the most recent dream you can remember that you have had in the past.
 Talk about a recurring dream that you have had in the past.
 How do you interpret a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it?
 Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? What is your opinion on it?
 Do you generally have pleasant dreams or nightmares?
 Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like?
 What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?
 What is "prophecy"?
 Have you ever had or heard of a dream that foretold the future?
 Did you know that Abraham Lincoln supposedly foresaw his own assassination in a
dream? What do you think about it?
 Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? Why/Why not?
 Have you ever dreamt about dead friends or relatives? How was it? How did you feel?
 There is a movie called "The Cell" with Jenifer Lopez - It is about dreams - Have you
ever watched this film? Would you like to see it? Why/Why not?
 Are dream messages sent from our unconscious, predictions of the future, or the brain's
way of cleaning out information?
 Some people say that dreaming about losing money means that you will receive it. Have
you ever heard this? What other sayings about dreams do you know?
 Do your dreams ever affect your moods? Explain.
 Do you usually dream in black and white or in color?
 What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a language that you don't
 Have you ever woken up from a dream "in a cold sweat"?
 Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the future?
 Has anyone told you if you have walked or talked in your sleep?
 Here is a list of dream images. What might they represent?
o a road
o the sky
o snow
o a garden
o an open door
o a light
o sand
o fire
o falling
o darkness
o being chased
o speaking with a dead relative
o flying
 When you were a child, what was your dream for the future? Has it changed?
 Do you remember what you dream about in your sleep?
 What is your dream for the future?
 Have your dreams for your future changed?
 Do you tell people about your dreams?
 Do you think you can achieve your dreams?
 If you had lots of money what would you do with it?
 Do you think that having a lot of money can make you happy?
 Do you think that having dreams and aspirations is a waste of time?
 Do you believe in deja vu?
 What is a daydream?
 What is the difference between our daydreams and our dreams at night?
 Are some kinds of thoughts and dreams similar?
 What's the difference between our everyday life and dreaming while we are sleeping?
 Do you agree with the idea that "Life is like a dream"?
 What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a language that
 Do you agree with the idea that "Life is like a dream"?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Earthquakes, Tsunami, Disaster Preparation


 Do you know someone who has done any volunteer work?

o What was it?
o Did he or she enjoy it?
 How can you help after a natural disaster?
 If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what could you do?
 Have you ever volunteered to help in a disaster?
o What did you do?
o Did you enjoy it?
 Do you think the Internet can be helpful in a disaster?
 Could the Internet be used for bad purposes in a disaster?


 Have you ever given money to a charity?

 How do you decide what charity to give to?
 Are you willing to donate money to help victims of a natural disaster in your country?
How much?
 Are you willing to donate money to help victims of a natural disaster in other countries?
How much?
 How much money should your government give to help victims of natural disasters in
your country and how much to help people living in other countries?


 What is a disaster?
 Have you ever been in a disaster?
 What are some different kinds of disasters?
 What kind of disasters are common in your country?
 What is the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane?
 What is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane?
 What is disaster insurance?
o Do most people have it?
 Are there ways we can prepare ourselves in advance to cope with disasters?
 What is PTSD?
 How are businesses affected by disasters?
 How are families affected by disasters?
 How are the problems solved after a disaster?
 If you had the power to stop a natural disaster that has happened in the past, which would
you choose? Why?
 What is the difference between natural disasters and manmade disasters?
o Can you name a few of each type?
o Where do these usually often occur?
 Do some natural disasters occur repeatedly in the same area?

Do many people live in these areas?

 What are examples of manmade disasters?

 What examples are there of natural disasters?
o What kind of damage can occur in each case?
o Have you ever been in a natural disaster?
o Do you know anyone who has been in a natural disaster?
o Can you find someone in the class who has been in a natural disaster?
o What natural disasters occur in your country?


 Are you prepared for a disaster?

 What can you do to prepare for a disaster?
 Do you know someone who has been in a disaster?
 How do you think you would react in a disaster?
 How can we help children who are victims of disasters?
 Does your family have a plan for what to do in the event of an earthquake?
 Have you ever been injured?
 Have you ever had a broken leg?
 Can you find the story of anyone who lived through a disaster?
 What would you do if you knew there would soon be a serious natural disaster and this
could be your last day on earth?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: First Dates, Single Life

 Describe a perfect date.

 Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date?
 Describe the character of the person you would like to date?
 Do you "go Dutch" when dating?
 Do you know what it means to 'go Dutch'?
 Is it usual for people in your country to 'go Dutch' if you go out together?
 Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger girls/boys?
o Do younger girls/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys?
 Do you believe in love at first sight?
o Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first
time they meet?
 Do you know what a 'blind date' is?
 Have you ever been on a blind date?
 Did you ever arrange a blind date?
 Do you drive or take the train when dating?
 Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
o Where did you meet your him/her?
o What does he/she look like?
 Do you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner?
 Have you ever had a crush on someone?
 Have you ever hated loving someone?
 Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships?
 How often would you like to go out on dates?
 How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend?
 How old were you when you went on your first date?
o Where did you go?
o What did you do?
o Who did you go with?
 Is going out on dates important for you?
 Is there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you?
 If you could go out with anyone, who would it be?
 If you are a man, and a woman asks you for a date, do you feel you should pay, or that
the woman should pay?
 What are some popular places to go on a date?
 What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend?
 What do you consider cheating in a dating relationship?
 What do you like to talk about when on a date?
 What do you look for in a girlfriend or a boyfriend?
 What do you think most people talk about when dating?
 What kind of clothes do you wear on a date?
 What qualities are important to you in a boyfriend or girlfriend?
 What was the most boring date you've ever been on?
 What was the most interesting date you've ever been on?
 What would you consider "the perfect date" for you?
 Where is a good pace to go on a date in this town?
 Where would you like to go on a date?
 Would you mind if your boyfriend/girlfriend went out to party without you?
 Would you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person?
 At what age do you think that dating should begin?
o Do you think there is any age when a person is too old to date?
 Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart? Do you believe that he or she
will always have a special place in your heart?
 What is your definition of love?
 Would you wait on a person you were dating for a long time if they joined the army?
o How about if they went to prison?
 What do you think about dating a friend's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
 Are there any superstitions on making someone fall in love with you?
o Have you heard of any successful "love potions?"
 Can you control your partner by playing games?
 When should you introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents? (when you begin
dating, after you have been together for a while, only when the relationship is serious)
 Do you like to have boy friend or girl friend in your school or in your classes?
 Do you think it is right to continue seeing a person if he has not introduced you to his
family yet?
 How long does it take for dating to become a relationship?
 Is it important to be punctual in your first date? Why?
 Would you dress up for a first date? What clothes would you wear?
 What kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date? Why do you think so?
 Do you think that age difference is important when dating?
 Would you date someone much older or younger than you? Why or why not?
 Would your parents have a problem if you married someone much older or younger than
you? Would it make a difference if that person were rich?
 Do you like to flirt? If so, what do you usually do? Where? With whom? Why?
 Do you ever set your friends up on blind dates? If so, have you had much success?
 Do you think blind dates are a good way to meet someone special? Why or why not?
 What is an intimate relationship for you?
 How do you know you are in a relationship?
 Do you have any expectations for your partner?
 What is a perfect date for you?
 Do younger girls/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys?
 Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time
they meet?
 Where did you meet your him/her?
 What does he/she look like?
 How old were you when you went on your first date? Where did you go?What did you
do? Who did you go with?
 What kind of boy/girl do you like?
 Do you think there is any age when a person is too old to date?
 Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart?
o Are you still in contact?
o Would you like to see your first love again?
o Do you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart?
o How about if they went to prison?
 Have you heard of any successful "love potions?"
 Have you ever returned a gift to your boyfriend or girlfriend and later find out that he has
given it to his/her new mate?
 When should you introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents?
o When you begin dating.
o After you have been together for a while.
o Only when the relationship is serious?
o Why?
 What kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date? Why do you think so?
 Do you think that age difference is important when dating?
 Do you consider withholding information from your significant other lying?
 Should you sleep with your friends?
 Do you like to have boyfriend or girlfriend in your school or in your classes?
 What do you think about internet dating?
 Do you know anybody who does internet dating?
 Have you heard of any successful relationships through internet dating?
o Would you consider trying it yourself?
 Have you ever met the man/woman of your dreams when you were on vacation?


Conversation Questions
Do You Wish...?
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you wish you lived in another country? Why?

 Do you wish you didn't have any brothers? Why?
 Do you wish you were taller? Why?
 Do you wish you were thinner? Why?
 Do you wish you studied in a different university? Why?
 Do you wish you worked in a different company? Why?
 Do you wish you you went to a different school? Why?
 Do you wish you you were younger? Why?
 Do you wish you you were older? Why?
 Do you wish you were the opposite sex? Why?
 Do you wish you you could cook better? Why?
 Do you wish you you were thinner? Why?
 Do you wish you you were more fashionable? Why?
 Do you wish you your brother would come to visit? Why?
 Do you wish you you could go back to your native country? Why?

............................................................................................................................... .....................
Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Where did you go to kindergarten?

 Where did you go to elementary school?
 Where did you go to junior high school?
 Where did you go to high school?
 Did you go to college or university?
o Where did you go?
o What did you study?
o How many years did you go?
o Did you work while you went there?
 Did you enjoy going to elementary school?
 Does your country have middle schools?
o What is the age that children begin school?
o How old are students they when they graduate?
 Did you go to a good high school?
 What do you remember about your teachers?
o Who was your favorite teacher?
o What teacher impressed you the most?
o Do you still stay in touch with your teachers?
o Did you have any teachers you didn't like?
 How many students were in your high school?
 Describe the students who attended your high school.
o Did they have a good influence on you?
o Did they make your childhood and teenage years harder or easier?
 Were there cliques in your high school? Were there gangs?
 Did you make friends in high school that you still keep in touch with?
 What subjects were you good at?
 What subjects were you bad at?
 Did you study a foreign language in school? Was it taught well?
 Do you know anyone who attended a private school? Do private schools offer higher
quality education or are they just prestigious?
 Did you attend college?
 If you did, what made you decide to go to the college you did?
 Was it a good school?
 How many students attended it?
 How many students were in your biggest class? How many in your smallest class? Did
you prefer small classes or big classes?
 Was it harder to study in college than in high school? How does college compare to high
school? What advice would you give a high school student who is about to go to college?
 What did you major in? Why did you choose the major you did?
 Did you live in a dormitory while you went to college? Who were your roommates?
 Does your country provide a good public school system?
 Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack
of funding for education in your country?
 What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?
 What role do you think human capital plays in the development of countries?
 How many years did you attend college?
 Did you study abroad?
 Do the elite in your country attend one or two universities?
 Do elite universities help or harm your country?
 Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student - in elementary, middle
or high school?
 What are the skills that separate good students from bad students?
 Were good grades important to you?
 Did teachers grade students fairly? Did you ever feel like you should have gotten a better
grade then you did in a class?
 Did you procrastinate studying? Did you ever pull an all nighter?
 Did you study with other students?
 Did classmates talk to each other much before or after class?
 Did you skip class very often?
 Do college professors give students syllabuses at the beginning of term? Were you clear
on what professors expected of you?
 Are college tuitions reasonable in your country? Is it easy to get scholarships or
government grants?
 Are there good colleges in your country?
 Do many people in your country study abroad?
 Are there any subjects you wanted to study but they weren't available at your school?
 Are women encouraged to pursue education?
 Are straight-A students smarter than others or just better at memorizing things? Did you
really learn in school or did you just memorize information and pass tests?
 Do you know anyone who does not know how to read or write?
 Do you think teachers are paid enough? Do you think teachers are well educated?
 Do you think your teachers gave too much homework? How much homework should
teachers assign students?
 Did you ride a bus or walk to school?
 Was school ever canceled for a day when you were a child?
 Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?
 Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?
 Does education guarantee a good job?
 What are the qualities of a good student?
 What are the qualities of a good teacher?
 Why do you think people become teachers?
 How much free time does a high school student in your country have?
 Do parents home-school their children in your country?
 What do you think of home schooling?
 Do you know anyone who was home schooled?
 Do you wish you had been home schooled?
 Are teachers the only ones qualified to teach children? What makes someone qualified to
teach children?
 Can parents influence their children's schools? What can a parent do if he or she
disapproves of a teacher's decision?
 Do children have a right to an education? Should education be free?
 Does your country provide a good public school system?
 What improvements does the school system need?
 Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?
 If a school gets more money, will the quality of education always improve?
 What would happen if public schools were abolished? Could children still get an
 Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?
 What are some ways a person can continue to learn?
 Are college graduates smarter than people who did not go to college?
 Would you ever vote for a politician who did not attend college?
 Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities? Do elite universities help
or harm your country?
 What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?
 Why do students cheat during tests and exams? How do they cheat?
 What is your attitude towards cheating? How should parents react? How should teachers
 Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student - in elementary, middle
or high school?
 Should people go straight from school to a university, or do something different?
 What is a "genius"?
 Do teachers sometimes teach things that are not important?
 Are there things your school does not teach that you think it should?
 Are school uniforms good to have? Why or why not?
 Would you ever want to learn a third language?
 How important is curiosity in a student?
 Can you teach someone who has no desire to learn?
 What do you think about a gap year, is this something you would consider?
 Should people go straight from school to University, or do something different?
 Do you think it is necessary that there are windows in the classroom to provide for a
proper learning atmosphere?
 What do you wish your teachers understood about you?
 Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?
 What do you consider to be a "smart" or "slow" person?
 Are things your school teaches that you think are not important?
 Are school uniforms good to have? Why/why not?
 Do prefer school uniforms or casuals better?
 Would you ever want to learn a third language? [To be "trilingual"]
 What do you consider "hardworking" or 'lazy"?
 What is the role of schools in society?
 Do you enjoy going to school? If so, why if not why?
 What does your education mean to you?
 What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of state and private schools are?
 What would you do if you saw someone with a gun at school?
 Are college tuitions reasonable?
 Are foreign languages part of the curriculum? If so, which languages?
 Are most schools coeducational in your country?
 Are there any subjects/classes you wanted to study but they weren't available at your
 Do you have difficulty with school work?
 Do you think teachers are paid enough?
 Do you think your school is a good one? Why/why not?
 Do you think your teachers give too much homework?
 Do you think public speaking can improve your english?
 How can we improve our classroom?
 Why English is hard to learn at university level?
 How do you travel to school?
 How long must you go to college to get a degree?
 How much is too much homework? How should the homework load be managed?
 If you have not attended college, do you plan on doing so?
 What are some good ways to learn English?
 What are some important factors in determining which college to attend?
 What classes would you take?
 What do you study? What's your major?
 What is the average age of a high school graduate?
 What is your favorite class?
 What was (or is) your favorite subject? Why do you like it?
 Who selects the college you will attend -- you or your parents?
 Why are you studying a foreign language?
 Why is it helpful to learn a Second language ?
 Why is it sometimes very difficult to speak another language?
 Would you consider studying abroad?
 Do parents home-school their children in your country?
o What do you think of home-schooling?
o Do you know anyone who was home-schooled?
 Do you think that most parents influence what university their child will attend?
 Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?
o What are some ways a person can continue to learn?
 Which is more important, the essential skills in life you've learned to develop on your
own or the artificial structure in college about the "real" life?
 Which high schools and colleges are the best in your country?
 Which high schools and colleges are not so good in your country?
 We should not just prepare for life, but live it. Do you agree?
 What kind of world do you think this would be if people never went to school?
 Should education be free?
 Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities?
 Do your children attend US schools? If so, how do their schools differ from those your
children attended back home?
 Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack
of funding for education in your country?
 Why do students cheat during tests and exams?
 How do they cheat?
 What is your attitude towards cheating?
 What are the dangers of cheating?
 How should parents react?
 How should teachers react?
 What is the role of school and decision makers?
 What skills separate good students from bad students?
 Should people go straight from school to university, or do something different?
 Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?
 Are things that your school teaches you that you think are not important?
 Do prefer school uniforms or casuals clothes better?


Conversation Questions
Faith and Faithlessness
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Religion, Pope John II

 What is faith?
o What it faithfulness?
o Is there a difference?
 What do you have faith in? (i.e., religion, money, government)
 How does faith affect your life?
 How do you live faithfully or with faithfulness?
 Do you think that celebrities/the media displays good faithfulness?
 If you didn't have faith, where would you be?
 Do you think society needs faith? Is it beneficial or harmful?
 Is faithfulness harder to have than faith?
 If you already believe something, is it possible to grow in faith?
 In what area do you feel the most faithful?
 Can you have faithfulness without faith?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Fads and Trends, Clothes & Fashion

 Are you a fashionable person?

 What is fashion?
 Who is fashionable that you know?
 Do you read fashion magazines?
 Which season is it the easiest to be fashionable?
 Can you be fashionable without spending money?
 Who is the most fashionable in your family?
o Why do you think so?
 Where is a fashionable city in your country?
 Do you think your friends are fashionable?
 Are you dressed fashionably today?
 Why do some people ignore fashion?
 Who is the most fashionable teacher you know?
 How much do you spend getting ready to go to school?
o College
o Work
o Out with friends
o To a party
o Do the times vary much?
 When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now? Why did
you choose it?
 Have you ever gotten an item of clothing tailored?
o When?
o What was it for?
 In your country do children have to wear school uniform?
o Do you think it is a good idea or not?
 What would you do or feel if you were refused entry to somewhere because of what you
are wearing?
 Do you think dress codes should be adhered to if requested on an invitation?
 What would you wear to meet royalty or the President of your country?
 Would you go to a fancy dress party? Why or why not?
 What would you wear to a disco?
 What wouldn't you wear to a wedding?
 What clothes do you wear that require you to shave your hair?
 What is your favorite article of clothing?
 What's your favorite color for clothes? Why?
 What two things you wouldn't wear together?
 What fabrics do you like?
 What is the longest you've ever worn your hair?
 Do you like to wear a school uniform? Why or why not?
 What fabrics do you think are beautiful
 What color would you wear on a first date
 What clothes would you wear on a first date
 What would you wear to a romanic meal
 What is a relaxing color
 What is the most useful article of clothing in your wardrobe
 Who is your favorite designer why
 What would you wear to a formal dinner
 Do you prefer brand name clothes? Why
 What style hat would you wear?
 What accessories do men wear/carry?
 What style would a trendy young woman wear?
 What fashion groups are there in your culture? For example skater style
 What would you never wear to a wedding
 What material is uncomfortable in summer?
 Describe the most expensive thing you own
 What item of clothing is most uncomfortable material in summer?
 What items of clothing are uncomfortable?
 What is a major fashion faux pas?
 Who is the best dressed person you can see now?
 What clothes or hairstyles are from the 70s or 80s
 What items of clothing do people not wear anymore?
 What clothing do only children wear?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Are you annoyed when your partner, husband, or wife flirts with someone else ?
 Do bad mannered people upset you?
 Do you get angry when politicians make promises they can't keep?
 Do you get angry when you watch the news on TV and see all the terrible things
happening in the world?
 Does it annoy you when shop assistants try to sell you things you don't need?
 Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you when you are speaking?
 Does it annoy you when someone knows everything better than you and says so?
 Does it annoy you when you are waiting in a long queue and someone pushes in front of
 Does it annoy you when your teacher speaks too quickly?
 Does it drive you crazy to always see the same faces and read about the same celebrities
in the gossip columns?
 Does it drive you crazy when waiters ignore you?
 Does it drive you crazy when you have invited people to dinner and they come late and
the meal is spoiled?
 Does it make you angry when motorists drive too closely behind you?
 Does it make you angry when people make nasty comments about you ?
 Does it make you angry when you have made an appointment to see the doctor at a
certain time and he/she keeps you waiting for ages ?
 Does it upset or annoy you when a beggar asks you for money?
 Does it upset you when have to say "No" when someone asks you for help?
 Does it upset you when you see homeless people?
 Does it upset you when you see people hitting children or animals?
 Does it upset you when you see pictures of famines in India, Africa or other countries?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What are some characteristics of your personality?

 What makes you happy?
 What are some things that make you angry?
 Are you happy with your personality?
 Would you like to be different?
 Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person?
 Are you shy ? In which occasions are you shy?
 Do you consider yourself selfish ? Why?
 Is your personality suited to your job?
 In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed??
 Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on
other people and the outer world)?
 Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your personality if you try?
 Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?
 If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?
 What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?
 What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend / a boss / a partner?
 Do you consider yourself to be even-tempered?
 What is one thing that many people don't know about you?
 What expressions include colors when discussing illness? (ex., white or pale, pink eye,
black and blue for bruises, yellow fever)
 What expressions include colors and feelings? (ex. I feel blue, green with envy, red with
rage, turning red, black circles under the eyes, you are turning blue)
 What do the colors in your home country's flag represent?
 Do you think birth order makes a difference in your personality?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 How many parts of your body can you name?

 What are some important things about your body?
 How do you take care of your body?
 Do you think your body is beautiful? Why?
 What can you do to help your body be healthier?
 What do we wear on our body?
 What can we do with our hands?
o Ears?
o Eyes?
o Nose
o Mouth?
o Legs


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What kind of music do you like?

 Are you a good singer?
 Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?
 Can you play a musical instrument?
o If so, what do you play?
o How long have you been playing?
o Are you good at it?
 Can you play the drums?
 Can you play the guitar?
 Can you read music?
 Do you enjoy music videos?
 Do you ever listen to MP3 files on your computer?
 Do you have an expensive stereo system?
 Do you know the band named Metallica? If so, do you like them?
 Do you like all kinds of music?
 Do you like American rock bands?
 Do you like country music?
 Do you like heavy metal bands like Megadeath, Marilyn Manson, and so on?
 Do you like jazz?
 Do you like to listen classical music?
 Do you like to listen country music?
o Who is your favorite country singer?
 Do you like to listen to Broadway musicals?
o What is your favorite Broadway musical show?
 Do you like punk music?
 Do you like singing karaoke?
o How often do you sing karaoke?
 Do you like to dance?
 Do you listen to music while doing your homework?
 Do you sing while taking a bath?
 Do you think there is a relationship between drugs and music?
o How about violence and music?
 Do you think your favorite music twenty years from now will be the same as it is today?
 Do you watch music shows on TV? If so, what do you watch?
 Does you mother play the piano?
 Have you ever been to a concert?
o Have you ever been to a rock concert?
o Have you ever been to an orchestra concert?
 Have you ever taken part in a singing competition?
 How does music make you feel?
 How many CD's do you have?
 How much time do you spend listening to music?
 How often do you listen to music? ( classical music, ... to jazz, ...)
 How often do you listen to the radio?
 If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
 If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?
 If you were a song, what song would you be and why?
 Is live music popular in your country?
 Is there any kind of music that you hate?
 Should music lyrics be rated similar to the way movies are rated?
 What are some concerts you have been to?
 What are some special or traditional musical instruments in your country?
 What do you think the world would be like without music?
 What do you think of manufactured bands? Can you name any?
 What is one of your favorite songs?
o Why do you like it?
o When did you first hear it?
o Who sings it?
 What is your favorite karaoke song to sing?
 What is your favorite kind of music?
 What kind of music do you like?
 What kind of music do you listen to to cheer you up?
 What kind of music do you usually listen to?
 What kind of music do your parents listen to?
 What kind of music you like the most?
 What kind of songs do you like to sing?
 What kinds of music do people listen to in your country?
 What kinds of music do you dislike?
 What musicians did you like when you were in junior high school? How about high
 What radio station do you usually listen to?
 What was the last CD you bought?
 What was the last concert you went to?
 What was your favorite music five years ago? 10 years ago? How have your musical
tastes changed?
 When was the last time you went dancing?
 When was the last time you went to a concert?
 Where do you usually listen to music?
 Which do you prefer, songs in English or songs in your own language?
 Who is your favorite singer or group?
 Who is your favorite singer?
 Why do you think music is important and how does it affect different people?
 Why is music so important to people and culture?
 Is the image of the group or singer more important than the music?
 Can you think of examples of music calming people or increasing their efficiency?
 Do you mind singing to other people? (Another wording: ...singing in front of people?)
o If you don't mind then how large an audience would be too many?
 While listening to the radio, do you ever want to sing the song that is being played?
 Why do you think some people believe opera singers should be fat?
 Do you ever download MP3 files from the Internet?
 Do you prefer rock music or romantic music?
 Do you think music can heal sick people?
 Do you think that animals can enjoy music? How do you know?
 Do you think that music can help make world peace? How?
 How important do you think a good music teacher is to mastering an instrument?
 What do you think the next piece of music technology will be, after digital technology?
 If you could invent a new instrument, what would it sound like?
 Do you think the use of drugs by some musicians increases their artistic creativity?
 Who is your favorite composer?
 Did you go to the symphony when you were a child?
 Do your brothers and sisters also love classical music?
 What makes a song popular for you, the lyrics of the song or the melody?
 Why is the recorder called the recorder?
 Who is the most famous musician from your country?
 Do you think it is wrong to download music for free?
 Do you ever create (mix) CD's for your friends?
 Does your country have laws against copying CD's?
 Do you prefer listening to songs in your own language or in another language? Why?
 Does music affect unborn children?
 Do you think that people form different cultures react to music in different ways?
 What do you think of when you listen to music?
 What kind or style of music would it be weird for your parents to listen to? Why?
 If you could be any musician in the world, who would you be and why?
 If you could be a musician who would you be?

........................................................................................................................................... ..........

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Love, Dating & Marriage, Weddings

 About how many guests attended your wedding?

o How many guests would you invite to your wedding?
 At what age do most people in your country get married?
 At what age do you want to get married?
o At what age did you get married?
 Do women usually work after getting married in your country?
 Do you get along with your in-laws?
 Do you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage?
 Do you know someone who has gotten a divorce?
 Do you know the difference between love and like?
o Can you still love your partner and not like him/her?
 Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?
 Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? Why or why not?
o What is your opinion of arranged marriages?
 Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?
 Do you think if you get married that you will change?
 Do you think it is better to be single or to be married?
 Do you think it is good to get married?
 Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why
 Do you think it is okay to marry someone of a different race?
 Do you think it is okay to marry someone with a different religion?
 Do you think it's OK for a man to have two wives?
 Do you think it's OK for a wife to have two husbands?
 Do you think it's okay for a man to have a mistress?
 Do you think it's okay for a man to hit his wife?
 Do you think love is necessary to have a good marriage?
 Do you think marriage is necessary?
 Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages?
 Do you think marriage is very stressful for women? How about for men?
 Do you think people change after getting married?
 Do you think religion influences marriage? If so, in what ways?
 Do you think that all adults should be married?
 Do you think that you can you find eternal love through the Internet?
 Do you want a husband or wife who is older, younger or the same age as you?
 Do you want to have children?
o If so, how many?
 How long do you think couples should know each other before they get married?
 How many children would you like to have?
 How old were your parents when they got married?
 If your husband or wife has an affair what would you do?
 If your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry, would that be
a difficult situation for you? Why/Why not?
 If you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved, or a rich man whom you
did not love, which would you choose?
 What advice would you give to someone whose partner hates their best friend?
 What age do you think is best for getting married?
 What are some dating and marriage customs in your country?
 What are some of the main reasons people get divorced?
 What are some qualities that you think are important in a spouse or partner?
 What do you think of people who get divorced?
o Would you ever consider getting divorced?

What do you think of people who get divorced?

 What do you think of same-sex marriages?

 What do you think of single mothers?
 What is a wedding ceremony like in your country?
 What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage?
 What kind of man do you want as a husband?
 What kind of person do you want to get married to?
 What kind of woman do you want as a wife?
 What makes a good husband/wife?
 What makes a happy marriage?
o What do you think are some things that contribute to a successful marriage?
 What qualities in a partner are important to you?
 What would you do if your soon to be mother-in-law seems to hate you?
 What would your parents think if you don't get married?
 When did your parents get married?
 Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?
o Where did you go for your honeymoon?
 Which is more important for you, your job or your marriage?
 Why do people break up with their partners?
 Will you continue working after you get married?
 Would you date someone you really liked if your parents did not like him or her?
 Would you ever marry someone who has been divorced twice?
 Would you introduce your date to your family?
 Would you live with your parents after you get married?
 Would you marry someone from another country?
 Would you marry someone ten years older than you? How about ten years younger than
 Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?
 Would you marry someone who couldn't speak the same language as you speak?
 Do you know a happily married couple?
 Can you name a famous happily married couple?
 What do you think is the most important ingredient in a good marriage?
 How long is the marriage ceremony in your country?
 Do you think its possible to wait for the man or woman you love while he or she is in
 What is the best season to get married?
 Do you know anybody who has two families at the same time and supports them both?
 How many families can you have in your country?
 Do you know of any superstitions connected with weddings?
 Would it be important for you to have a "white wedding'?
 Why do you think the bride's maids wear white.
 In your opinion is marriage for life?
 What is your worse fears to face during marriage?
 Do you think it is OK if married people go out alone?
 If you were married would you like to have an open relationship?
 Is it better to marry someone who loves you rather than someone whom you love?
 In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances, or both?
o Do you think when people get married it is really until death?
o What is the ideal age to get married? Is it the same for men and women?

International Marriage

 Would you marry someone of another nationality?

 Are your parents of the same nationality?
 What are some advantages of an international marriage?
 What are some disadvantages?
 Do you want to have an international marriage?
 Do you know anyone who married someone from a different country? If yes, what is their
experience like?
 Do you think it is more difficult to marry someone from a different country?
 How would your parents feel if you married someone from a different country?
 Do you think that it is good for children to have parents from two different countries?
Why or why not?
 What is the ideal age to get married? Is it the same for men and women?

 The following question may be considered inappropriate in some situations.

 Do you think that gay people should be allowed to marry?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Behavior

 What do you think are some good manners?

 What do you think are some bad manners?
 Can you think of some good manners that are bad manners in another country?
 What are the titles of some books on manners? Have you ever read them?
 What are some good manners for using a cell phone?
 What are some good table manners?
 What are some good party manners?
 Is kissing in public good manners?
 Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not?
 Do you listen to other's people conversations on the street?
 Do you think it is good manners to hug or kiss another person in greeting?
 Do you let people pass you when you are driving in your car? Is it considered a good
 Do you honk your horn to people when you drive?
 Why are manners important?
 Do people have more manners now or in earlier times?
 Can manners affect your success in life? How?
 What's the best way to teach manners to children?
 What culture do you think is the most polite? Explain.
 What advice would you give a foreigner visiting your country who would like to show
good manners?
 What things about manners in the USA do you find difficult to adjust to?
 Is there anything about manners in the USA that you prefer to manners in your country?
 When you walk , what side should you be on?
 When you are entering an elevator, what should you, do if there are people getting out?
 How closely do you think good manners are related to income and social status?
 Can the idea of good manners inhibit people's natural sense of fun and inhibition?
 To what extent is the idea of good manners used to control women's behavior in society?
 What manners have you found acceptable in here that would be
 bad manners in your country?
 Do you let people pass you when you are driving? Is it considered a good manner?
 What manners are found only in your country?
 Why do we have manners?
 What are some manners in your country that no longer exist?
 Do you think staring at somebody that looks totally different from you is good manners?
Why do you think people stare?
 Can manners effect your success in life? How?
 What culture is the most polite? Why do you think so?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Stereotypes, Discrimination,

 Why do people immigrate to other countries?

 What is the reason you moved out of your country to move here?
 Is immigration from one country to another a problem? In what ways do you see it as a
 Do you know any immigrants?
 Do you think that immigrants are treated well in in most countries?
 Do you think there is a relation between immigration and crime?
 Should any government limit the number of immigrants entering the country? What
would be a good number?
 Is local culture threatened by immigration?
 How far should immigrants retain their culture?
 Should immigrants have the same rights as native citizens?
 Is there a difference between political and economic immigration?
 Should immigrants have the right to vote? In which elections?
 What should be done with the illegal immigrants entering a country?
 Should the country of origin of illegal immigrants be held responsible?
 Do immigrants have a good or bad reputation in your part of the country?
 Should students be allowed to wear clothes with cultural or religious symbolism at
 Do you think immigrants are treated with more suspicion now than they were a year ago?
 Do you know anyone that is married to an immigrant?
 Do you know any people who have emigrated from your country?
 Would you ever think of emigrating?
 Why would you think of emigrating?
 What would be some of the issues that would concern you about emigrating?
 Are there a lot of immigrants in your community?
 Do immigrants in your community isolate themselves into a certain area?
 Should immigrants be required to learn the local language?
 How would you help an immigrant learn the local language?
 How would you encourage children of immigrants to become bilinqual by maintaining
the original language and becoming fluent in the local language?
 Should immigrants be educated in their original language or the local language?
 To what extent should official documents be written in several languages to
accommodate immigrants?
 Are immigration regulations too strict? In what way should they be changed?
 How long should immigrants be required to live in the new country before they can
become naturalized?
 What should be the requirements for naturalization?
 How does an immigrant become a citizen in your country?
 How does immigration affect the economic situation in your community?
 To what extent has the culture of your community become richer by immigrants?
 How is your community incorporating immigrants into the life of the community?
 How would you define the word "home"?
 Should employers who employ illegal immigrants be penalized?
 Should illegal immigrants be deported?


Conversation Questions
If You Were...?
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 If you were planning your best friend's wedding for six months from now, what would
you start preparing this month?
o What would you do three months from now?
o What would you save until the month before to do?
 If you were planning a big party for all your friends, and had all the money you needed,
what would you have at the party ?
o Food?
o Entertainment?
o Baby sitting??
 If you were planning a party on a very small budget, what would you do to make it a
great party?
oBaby sitting??
 If you were invited to a fancy dinner with the president or a celebrity, what would you do
to prepare?
 If you were going to listen to a song to before you died, what song would it be? Why?
 If you were a rich man, where would you go for the next holiday?


Conversation Questions
Honesty and Truthfulness
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Cheating, White Lies


 What is the definition of honesty?

 What do we mean when we say a person is honest?
 Why is honesty important?
 Why is honesty so difficult at times?
 When is honesty difficult?
 What is the opposite of honesty?
 Why is it good to be honest?
 Why is dishonesty not good?
 Is there a difference between honesty and truthfulness?
 Is there a different between dishonesty and lying?
 When have you been honest?
 When have you been dishonest?
 At what times do you appreciate people being honest with you?
 When have you had times when people have been dishonest with you?
 How do feel when you have been dishonest with someone?
 How do you feel when someone has been dishonest with you?
 Who have you been honest with?
 How can you be honest and not hurt someone?
 Is it ever all right to give only a partial truth?
 When might it be all right to give only a partial truth?
 When might it be kind more to be completely honest with someone?
 Are there people that you do not trust?
 How can you tell when people are being dishonest with you?
 How can people tell if you have been dishonest with them?
 What kind of problems does dishonesty cause?
 What are some common situations when people are sometimes dishonest?
 Is dishonesty every justifiable?


 What is truthfulness?
 What do we mean when we say that a person if truthful?
 Why is it important to be truthful?
 Are you always truthful?
 What problems do you encounter when you are not truthful?
 How can you tell when people are being truthful with you?
 How do people act when they are untruthful?
 How do you feel when people have been untruthful with you?
 How do you feel when you have been untruthful to others?
 What is a half truth?
 When have you told a half truth?
 Is a half truth really being truthful?
 What is a misleading truth?
 When have you heard a misleading truth?
 What professions are sometimes accused of giving misleading or half-truths?
 How can you tell when someone is not telling you the whole truth?
 What are some situations when telling a partial truth might be OK?
 When are times when it might be kinder to tell a partial truth to someone?
 What is the different between telling a partial truth and lying?
 How do you know when to trust someone?
 What do you do if you are in a biracial relationship and you have moved in together, and
you find out that your boyfriend hasn't told his best friend you are black or white?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: After a Vacation, Travel

 When is the holiday celebrated?

 Is it celebrated as a family or a group?
o Does your family celebrate this holiday?
o Has your family always celebrated this holiday? If not, when did you start
celebrating it?
 When does the celebration for this holiday generally start?
 Is it a religious holiday?
o Which religion celebrates it?
o Is attending a temple or a church on that day part of the celebration?
o Are there specific prayers or blessings that go with the holiday?
 Are there special foods connected with the holiday?
o Have you eaten any of these foods?
o Do you or did you like the foods?
o Can you make these foods? Are you good at making them?
 Is gift giving a part of this holiday?
o Are there specific types of gifts to be given?
o Who are they given to?
 What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being observed?
 Is it strictly an American holiday?
o When did Congress approve this holiday? Or did they?
o Is it only a state or city approved holiday?
o Has is ever been disapproved by officials?
 What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated?
 Are the banks, post offices or schools closed for this holiday?
 Is there is a person or god connected with the holiday?
o Who are they and do you believe in them?
o If you do not believe in these people or gods, does the celebration of these bother
you in any way (e.g., ignored, dismissed, angry, etc.)?
 Do you enjoy the holiday?
o Why or why not?
 Do you decorate the outside of your house for the holiday?
o Do your neighbors decorate their house?
o How is the house decorated?
o Is the inside decorated? How?
 Are there special songs associated with the holiday?
o Do you know the songs?
o Can you sing some of them?
 Do schools, temples or churches have special programs for this holiday?
 Are there parties?
o Are these for adults, children or both?
 Do you see your relatives during this holiday?
o Who did you visit?
o Do you visit them every year on this holiday?
 How many different nationalities or ethnic groups do you see celebrating this holiday?
 What do you usually do for this holiday?
o What did you do last year?
o What would you like to do next year?
 Are cards sent or given for this holiday?
o Did you send any cards last year?
o How many cards did you send?
o Who did you send cards to?
 What traditional colors are associated with this holiday?
 Do you do something different during this holiday?
 Would you like to go on a cruise? Why or why not?
 Will you go back to the same place again?
 Have you ever entered a competition to win a holiday?
 Compare the experience of being a tourist with being an international student.
 Would you take a job where you had to travel at least once a month?
 In your opinion, what are the five most essential items to pack on any holiday?
 Is a 'working holiday' really a holiday?
 Who do you know that really needs a holiday, and why? Where should they go and what
should they do?
 Compare caravan holidays with youth hostels.
 Compare camping in a tent with staying in a five star hotel.
 Compare traveling alone to traveling with a companion.
 Compare package tours with do-it-yourself tours.
 Do you think package holidays for pets is a good idea?
o If so, what kind of tours and activities should they offer?
o How much should they be?
o Should dogs and cats be allowed to travel on the same tour?
 What holidays have disappeared in your country?
 What is your parent's favorite holiday?
 What new holiday are needed in your country?
 What holiday should be abolished?
 What are some of your fondest memories of Thanksgiving?
 What kind of traditional food do you eat for Thanksgiving?
 Where is the best place to be for the holidays?
 Do you think holidays are important? Why?
 What kinds of thing do you like to do on the holidays?
 Do you ever feel blue during the holidays? What do you do about it?
 Do you think pets need holidays? What kinds of holidays would we have for pets?
 What games do you play during your holidays?
 How many holidays do you have in your country?
 What special foods are associated with your favorite holiday?
 What special clothing/customs are associated with your favorite holiday?
 What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it.
 Who is your favorite holiday character (e.g. Santa Claus)? Why?
 What are three holidays that you like to spend with your family?
 What is your worst holiday memory? Tell us about it.
 If you had a long holiday, what will you do with it?
 Do you like to stay up late on holidays?
 Who do you usually spend the holidays with?
 If a holiday falls on a Sunday, should you get another day off?
 What is best present you ever received?
 What is your favorite holiday food?
 What is your favorite holiday song?
 Does it bother you that some holidays are religious and some are not?
 Do you celebrate holidays differently now than you did when you were a child?
 What is your favorite holiday festival in your country?
 Do you light off fireworks on New Years Eve in your country?
 If you could visit any other country during Christmas, where would you go?
 What holiday is the most dangerous in your country?
 What holiday is the most exciting in your country?
 Why do we celebrate Easter?
 Do you celebrate Easter in your country?
 How do you celebrate Easter in your country?
 Do you have any special family traditions?
 Did the original meaning of Easter get lost?
 What do you think of Father's Day? Mother's Day? Parent's Day?
 What are 3 holidays that you like to spend with your family?
 If you had a long holiday, what will you do with it?Do you like to stay up late on
 What's your favorite holiday food?
 What kinds of religious holidays have become secular in your country?
 Is there any religious holiday that has a special meaning for you?
 Is there any non-religious holiday that has a special meaning for you?

......................................... Conversation
Gossip and Rumors
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you like to gossip?

 Do your friends often gossip about you?
 Why do you think people like to listen to gossip ?
 Why do people like to gossip about the rich and famous?
 What are the most common themes for gossip?
 What are some of the things you like to gossip about?
 What are some ways which gossip can be harmful?
 Do you think gossip can be used for something good?
 Why is it considered that women gossip more then men?
 Where are some places where people like to gossip?
 Which newspapers can be called gossip newspapers?
o Do you like to read gossip newspapers?
 What is your attitude to gossip newspapers?
 Have you ever told a rumor that got someone in trouble?
 Has someone ever spread a rumor about you?
 Has spreading rumors ever got you in trouble?
 Do you think that a friend who gossips or starts rumors will ever gossip or start a rumor
about you?
 How would you try to resolve the problem, if you had got into trouble through gossiping?
 Has answering these questions changed your attitude towards gossip?
 If you discovered that someone had been gossiping about you, would you confront them?
 If no-one at your high school had ever gossiped, how would it have been different?
 If you heard some harmful gossip about someone you knew, what would you do?
 Who gossips more men or women?
 Would you say that people who like gossiping do it because their lives are empty or
because it is just a way of entertainment?
 Have you ever had problems because of gossip?
 What would you do if someone gossips about you?
 Have you ever told a rumor that got someone into trouble?
 Has someone ever spread a rumor about you?
 Has discussing gossip and changed your attitude towards gossip?
 If no one at your high school had ever gossiped, how would your school be different?


Conversation Questions
Gender Roles
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you see yourself as a typical man or woman? Why or why not?

 In your country are the responsibilities of a mother the same as the responsibilities of a
father to their families?
 What are the responsibilities of a father to his family?
 What are the responsibilities of a mother to her family?
 Are fathers capable of carrying out the duties of a mother and vice versa?
 Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?
 What habits are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
 What behaviors are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
 What jobs are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
 Are more doctors female or male in your country?
 Are more nurses female or male in your country?
 Are more professional musicians female or male in your country?
 Are more teachers female or male in your country?
 Are more truck drivers female or male in your country?
 Are men and women equal in ability and intelligence?
 What things can either men or women do that the other cannot do and why?
 What type of clothing do men wear?
 What type of clothing do women wear?
 Can men wear women's clothing or can women wear men's clothing? Why or why not?
 Can men wear pink clothes?
 Is it OK for men to cry?
 Is it OK for women to cry?
 What do people think of men or women crying?
 What would people think of a man who backs down from a fight?
 What would people think of two women involved in a fist fight?
 Is it OK for men to appear sad?
 Is it OK for women to appear angry?
 Is it OK for men to appear weak?

 Is it common for women and men to take part in sporting activities? Do they take part in the
same type of sporting activities?
 In you home, who does the cooking, cleaning and household chores?
 Is it possible for women to join the army in your country?
 Is it compulsory for men and women to join the army in your country?
 Do women swear a lot?
 Are there more male or female managers and executives? Why do you think this is?
 What jobs do men do and women not do in your country?
 Who is regarded as the head of the family?
 Should boys and girls be brought up differently?
 Should boys and girls be treated differently on the part of the parents?
 What would happen if your parents changed their place for one day?
 How would the world look like without men?
 How would the world look like without women?
 When a woman and a man are together, who does most of the talking? What makes you think
 Can a man and a woman be only friends?
 Do men/men friendships differ from women/men or women/women friendships? How?
 Who do you think has life easier, girls or guys? Why?
 Do you see yourself as a typical man/woman? Why or why not?
 What things can men or women do that the other cannot do and why?
 In your country
 What are the responsibilities of a father to his family?
 What are the responsibilities of a mother to her family?
 Are fathers capable of carrying out the duties of a mother and vice versa?
 Who is regarded as the head of the family?
 Who do the children go to for emotional support? For financial support?
 Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?
 Should boys and girls be brought up differently?
 What habits are deemed as appropriate for women but not for men?
 What behaviors are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
 What jobs are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
 Are more doctors female or male in your country?
 Are more nurses female or male in your country?
 Are more professional musicians female or male in your country?
 Are more teachers female or male in your country?
 Are there more male or female managers and executives? Why do you think this is?
 What type of clothing do men wear?
 What type of clothing do women wear?
 Can men wear women's clothing or can women wear men's clothing?
 Can men wear pink clothes?
 Is it OK for men to cry?
 Is it OK for women to cry?
 Is it OK for men to appear sad?
 s it OK for women to appear angry?
 Is it OK for men to appear weak?
 What would people think of a man who backs down from a fight?
 What would people think of two women involved in a fist fight?
 Is it OK for women to swear (to cuss)?
 Is it common for women and men to take part in sporting activities? Do they take part in the
same sports? Are there famous women athletes?
 Do you think it's permissible for a woman to show her face to a stranger?

Conversation Questions
Gay Community
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What's the meaning of "homosexual"? And "heterosexual"?

 Are there many words in your language to refer to homosexuals?
o About how many of them would you say are not offensive?
 How is it being gay in your country?
 Do you know anyone who is gay?
o How about any celebrities?
o Or any historical figure?
o Are there any gay characters on a current TV series?
o Could you tell us about them?
 Do you think gay people have enough role models in our society to identify themselves
 Do you think those references portrait a positive image of the gays?
o Do they help the gay community to enhance their self-esteem?
 What's the meaning of "homophobia"?
o In your view, is there homophobia in our society? If not, why?
 Do you believe that the gay community is being discriminated against in any way?
o If so, why do you think there is such discrimination?
 What problems do you think someone goes through when they find out they are gay?
 Do you think they should try to change?
 In your opinion, should they say they are gay?
 What do you think your parents' reaction would be if you told them you are gay?
o Do you think one of them would take it better / worse?
o Do you think their first reaction would persist or would it change?
 How about your best friend's reaction?
 How would you react if one of your children told you they're gay?
 What are the main problems gays have to face at college?
 Is it easier for a gay to live in a village or in a city?
 Is being gay more difficult in some countries than others?
 In your opinion, can a gay be a religious person?
 What main problems do gays have in the military?
 In what ways does the gay community try to tackle homophobia? Are they being
 What main achievements have they had in the last 25 years?
 How important are gay associations or organizations?
 Do you think being lesbian is viewed as being worse, the same or better than being gay in
our society?
o Are they simply ignored?
o Could you name any famous lesbian through history?
 Do you believe gays and heterosexuals have the same rights? Do they have equal duties?
 What's your opinion on gay marriage?
 What do you think of adoption by gay couples?
o Do you think homosexual families can bring up children as well as straight
families? If not, why?
 Is AIDS a major problem for the homosexuals only?
o What do you know about this disease?
o How do you think it is transmitted?
 Could you define the word "stereotype"?
o What stereotypes do you know about gays?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you play the lottery?

 What kind of lottery do you play?
 Do you play football pools?
 Do you play slot machines?
 How many forms of gambling as you can think of?
 What percentage of people do you think gamble?
 What do you think is the most amount of money that different people loose? E.g. An
average person or a big gambler?
 Do you bet? How often? What's the biggest bet you ever placed?
 Apart from the obvious financial problem what other consequences can occur as a result
of excessive gambling?
 Who suffers the most from a gambling problem?
 Apart from the obvious reason of winning money, why do people gamble?
 Why is gambling addictive?
 Do you think it could be genetic?
 What kinds of people do you think are more prone to developing a gambling problem?
 Do you think there is gender difference?
 At what age do people generally start gambling?
 What's the usual age limit for gambling games?
 Do you regard putting money in machines for prizes, at an amusement arcade, as
 Is there such a thing as good and bad luck? If so, what is it?
 Does luck have anything to do with winning?
 Do you think it's possible for a gambling addict to kick the habit?
 What help is available for addicts?
 What techniques can you think of that may help an addicted gambler quit?
 Should some forms of gambling be banned?
 Do you think that those who own and run casinos are criminals or conmen?
 Does the national lottery encourage gambling?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?

 Can you describe one of your closest friends.
 Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.
 Do you have any long distance friends?
o How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?
o How often do you see your long-distance friends?
 Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?
 Do you make friends easily?
 Has a friend ever let you down?
 Have you made any friends over the Internet?
o How often do you write to them?
o Have you ever met them in person?
 How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?
 How do you maintain a good friendship?
 How do you make new friends?
 How many people do you consider your "best friends?"
 Is it common to have friendships across generations?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.
o Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?
 There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend."
o How can you be a good friend?
 What do you usually do with your friends?
 What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?
 What is a best friend?
 What is the longest friendship that you have had?
 What makes friends different from family?
 What qualities do you think are important in a friend?
o What is a friend?
 What things should friends never do?
 Why do you like your best friend?
o What are some things you like about your best friend?
 Where is a good place to meet new friends?
o Where is a good place to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend?
 Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becoming a
girlfriend or boyfriend?
 Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-
 There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree?
 Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?
 Do you believe your parents should be your friends?
 What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name?
 Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
 What do you like best about your best friend(s)?
 What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?
 How close do you get to your friends?
 Why do you need a friend?
 What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?
 Do you trust all of your friends? Why?
 What is the best time for making new friends?
 What was your best friendship?
o Are you still friends with him or her?
o What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?
 What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best
 Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
 How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have
in common?
 What are some good opportunities to meet new people?
 How can you get to better know a person?
 What is the relationship between love and friendship?
 Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?
 Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?
 What type of people do you get along with best?
 What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most
 What behavior of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions,
what do you try to do?
 What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?
 What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
 What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?
 Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some
 Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in
 Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt?
 How important is forgiveness in human relationships?
 What are friends for?
 Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?
 To what extent can you be friends with your child?
 What was your best friendship? Are you still friends with him or her? What life lessons
did you learn from this relationship?
 Do you tell your best friend everything?
 Do you have a close group of friends?
 What do you usually do together
 Is it easy for you to make friends?
 Talk about friends you've made in this country.
 Are you good friends with your family members?
 Do you fight with your friends?
 How often do you talk with your friends?
 What is the difference between friendship and 'kinship' (blood relatives)?
 Do you have different groups of friends who never meet one another?
 *Are you a different 'self' with each group?
 * Do you think these groups would get along if you
 introduced them to one another?
 * Would you want these friends to mix,or do you get
 something different from each set of relationships?
 There is a saying that "to lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with him/her". Do
you agree? Why/Why not?
 What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought your
relationship to be brother/sister asked you out on a date?
 Do you think you can find eternal friendships through the internet?
 What is your best friend like?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.


 What is plagiarism?
 Why do you think people plagiarize?
o Homework?
o Articles?
o Books?
 Have you ever broken
Copyright rules?
 Why did you do this, if you did?
 If you're against CD burning, massive photocopying and pirate copies, what are your
reasons for this? Have you ever had material on your webpage plagiarized?
o What did you do about it?
o Were you action successful?
 What do you think of the growing trend in downloading ready-made essays etc from the
 What do you think of the growing trend in downloading music etc from the Internet?
 How can countries prevent plagiarism?
 Which countries are know for plagiarism?


 What is piracy?
 What kind of things can be pirated?
 Have you ever seen pirated goods for sale?
 Why are pirated products cheaper?
 Do you think that pirated products are just as good?
 Where can you buy pirated products in your country?
 When you buy things online, are you worried they might be pirated?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Did you vote in the last election?

 How old were you when you first voted?
 What is the minimum voting age in your country?
 What type of political system does your country have?
 What different types of governments are there?
 What does an ambassador do?
 Who appoints an ambassador?
 Why is it important to have reliable ambassadors?
 What characteristics should a good ambassador have?
 Who is the mayor of your city?
 What are the main political parties in your country?
 How do you decide how you will vote?
 Who represents you in your local and national government?
 How long is the term of elected officials in your country?
 Which party is now in power in your country?
 When were they elected?
 Who is the leader of this party?
 How has your political views changed during your lifetime?
 How can we get more people to vote?
 Is voting an important responsibility of a citizen?
 Why do you think voting is important?
 How are elections financed?
 Do you think too much money is spent on campaigns?
 How can campaigns be better organized?
 How could elections be more representative?
 What is your opinion about actors or actresses who run for a position in politics?
 Would you vote for an actor or actress who runs for a government office? Why or why
 Should voting be compulsory?
 What is your opinion about actors or actresses who run for a position in politics?
 Would you vote for an actor or actress who campaigns for a government position? Why
or why not?
 What type of political system governs in your country?
 What are some different types of governments?
 What are the main political parties in the country where you live?
 What politicians represent you in local and national government?
 Can you name the President of the United States?
 Which party is in power at the moment in your country?
o When were they elected?
o Who is the leader of this party?
o Do you agree with most of their policies?
 Have your political views changed much during your lifetime?
 What are the benefits and drawbacks of being an EU member?
 Do you think that every future politician should be vetted for security reasons?
 Who is the most controversial politician in your country?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Discrimination

 What is race?
 What races do we have in the world?
 What race are you?
 What is ethnicity?
 What ethnicity are you?
 Is your home country largely homogeneous?
 How are people of a different color or appearance treated in your home country?
 What is discrimination? Have you experienced it?
 What is racism? Have you experienced it?
 Can you share a story of experiencing or witnessing racism?
o How did it make you feel?
 How do you think victims of racism or discrimination feel?
 What do you think of interracial marriages?
 There are more and more interracial people these days? How do you think they identify
 In what ways is racism and discrimination a problem in society?
 What are some ways we can combat racism and discrimination?
 Some people believe that humanity is divided into distinct races, others believe that all
human beings belong to only one race. What do you think?
 How does race effect our interactions with each other?
 What would you say if someone told you that some races are smarter than others?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Faith and Faithlessness, Pope John II

 What are some religions of the world?
 Is religion important to you?
 What is the main religion in your country?
 Why do you think religion is important in our lives
 Do you have a religion?
 What countries do you think have religious freedom?
 Have you changed your religion?
 What are some religions of the world?
 How do you practice your religion?
 Can you tell us about your religion?
 Have you ever been persecuted because of your religion?
 Do you know someone who has gone to war for their religion?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Age: Youth & Old Age, Nursing Homes and Retirement Communities Disabilities and

 What is the age for mandatory retirement in your country?

 At this stage of your life, are you beginning to make plans for your retirement years?
 What would be a perfect retirement for you?
 How would you rate your career in general? (For retired people)
 Ranging from 1-10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate your career? Why?
 Where would you like to spend your retirement years? Why?
 During retirement, where would you like to stay, in the city or in the province?
 Do you intend to look for another job after you retire? Why?
 In one word, how would describe your career?
 Would you like to spend the rest of your life in another country?
 Is it common in your country to leave for another one after retirement?
 In your culture, do the children have to support their parents financially after they retire?
 Would you like to live together with your children even if they are already married?
 Do you have a pension plan?
 What are your goals before you retire?
 Would you consider retiring early if you make it big?
 Do you consider spending the rest of your career in your present company? Why?
 Five years from now, what do you think would be the improvements in your career?
 Do you expect any promotion sometime soon?
 Are you going to move to another company if you don't get the promotion you are
 Do you think you would be able to save enough for your retirement years?
 What is your major goal before you retire?
 If you can still work after your mandatory retirement, will you look for another job?
 Are you planning to open your own business when you retire?
 What kind of business would it be?
 What are the three (3) things you would like to accomplish/have before and after you
 How would you spend your daily life after retirement?
 Five years from now, what do you think would be the improvements in your career? How
about 10 to 20 years?
 Are you planning to open your own business when you retire? What kind of business
would it be?
 What are the three things you would like to accomplish/have before and after you retire?


Conversation Questions
Science and Technology
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What is technology?
 What is science?
 What is the difference between science and technology?
 What are some of the greatest technological achievements?
 What are the advantages of technology?
 What are the disadvantages of technology?
 In your opinion,what is the greatest technological invention? Why?
 What do you think are the three most important or interesting inventions since 1850?
o How about since 1950?
 Do you think pets should be cloned? Why or why not?
 Do you think people should be allowed to clone people or organs of people? Why?
 What do you think about GMO (genetically modified organisms) vegetables?
o Is it better to use natural food although it might not produce as much or should we
use GMO crops?
 What do you think about GMO farm animals?
o Would you eat pork from a GMO cow?
 Are you willing to pay more for food that is really organic?
o How much more?
 What do you think robots should be used for?
 Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more
work? Why?
 Do you think using cell phones too much is bad for our physical or mental health? Why?
 If you could copy your brain for future generations, would you?
 How do you think face to face communication differs from communication using
 What social changes have cell phones made?
 What are good and bad points of using computers?
 Do you think to stop global warming that the amount of car driving should be limited or
 What are some local ways you have seen to reduce waste and pollution or conserve
 In your life time what changes have you seen in your environment for better or worse?
 Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why?
 Do you think money should be spent to explore space or is it better spent helping people
on earth? Why?
 What is your opinion about children playing violent video games or computer programs?
 What do you think should be done to people who spread viruses, start hoaxes or create
spam on the Internet?
 How often do you buy things on the Internet?
 Do you worry about identity theft or credit card number theft when buying things on the
Internet or do you avoid buying things online because of this concern?
 Have you used a chat site?
o Have you ever used voice chat?
o What do you think about it?
 Have you used the Internet to learn English or read or talk in English?
o What are the pros and cons (good and bad points) about improving your English
by Internet rather than with a teacher?
 Have you heard of the Large Hadron Collider?
o If so, what do you know about it?
 Do you have a smart phone?
 Can you access the internet on your telephone?
o If so, how often do you use it?
o How often do you check email?
 Are you a Mac or a PC user? What are some of the differences?
 What do you think open source software means?
 What do you know about software? What can software be used for?
 Are you a Facebook, Mixi or Myspace user?
o If not, are there websites that are similar to these in your country?
 Facebook often gets in trouble for not having very good privacy settings. Do you think
that this really is a big problem?
 How much private information are you prepared to share about yourself on the internet?
 Do you feel comfortable with the idea of Artificial Intelligence (that robots can think)?
 What science fiction movies have you seen?
o Do you think that what you have seen in these movies is possible?
 What was your favorite science subject?
o Biology? Physics? Chemistry? Why?
 Do you remember any interesting, fun or dangerous lab experiments that you did at
 Do you think the stereotype of the 'mad scientist' is true?
 Does the potential that science has to change the world scare you?
 How will science change the world in the next 100 years?
 What changes would you like to see science make to the world?
 Do you think that one day science will find a way to make people live forever? If so, do
you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?
 How have technological advances affected our life?
 Do you think technological advances are always good?
o Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful?
 How have technological advances affected communication/ how we receive news/ the
medical field/ education?
 How have technological advances affected our life?
 Do you think technological advances are always good?
o Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful?
 How have technological advances affected communication/ how we receive news/ the
medical field/ education?
 Do you think couples should be allowed to choose the sex or other characteristics of their
baby like eye color? Why or why not?

.................................................. Conversation
Silly Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What is your favorite way to eat a cockroach?

 Why did the ghost cry on Halloween Day?
 Do you enjoy swimming when it is snowing?
 Why don't you want Christmas presents this year?
 How did you escape from the alien space ship?
 How did you feel after watching television for 24 hours?
 Would you ever wear your mother's dress to your all boys high school?
 Did your parents ever have children?
 Would you rather kiss a crocodile or a bear?
 What is on your mouse pad?
 If you were a color, what would you be? Why?
 Why do people call "mouse trap" mouse trap?
 Are couch potatoes good to eat?
 What are the names of the eight colors of rainbows?
 Why do you make your bed in the morning?
 Why do you look at yourself in the mirror?
 What planet are you from?
 When was the last time you went to the restroom?
 How much does your imagination weigh?
 What are some of the ways can you ride a bike?
 Who fell out of the apple tree?
 Why do pajamas have pockets?
 How long is a piece of string?
 Could a husband be married to the sister of his widow?
 If the number five is red, what are the colors of the other numbers?
 What are the colors of the numbers 1 - 10?
 What color is the number 3?
 If you were trapped on an island, why were you there?
 If you were given the chance to be an animal, Which animal would you be?
 What do you do when you are in front of the mirror?
 Can we drink soda during coffee breaks?
 Can we use AM Radio during the evening?
 Are squid balls made of the balls of squid?
 Does fire go out of the fire exit?
 Why do people call ''mouse trap'' mouse trap?
 What are the names of the eight colors of rainbows?
 How does a Boeing 747 weigh?
 Do you have an Internet connection?
 Is the basement downstairs?
 If you were a flavor of ice cream, which one would you be and why?
 What is the answer to this question?
 Can you write a conversation between two items in your refrigerator? (For example, what
might the mayonnaise and the pickles be talking about before you open the door?)
 What is a typical day in the life of your dictionary?(pet frog, walking shoes, classroom
blackboard, etc.)
 Would you like to be rich and beautiful or poor and ugly? Why?
 When did you die?
 Do you remember the doctor spanking you at birth?
 Did you hang your stockings at Easter?
 Did you put up a Christmas tree for your birthday?
 Did you bathe in mud this morning?
 Did you brush your teeth last year?
 What kind of leaves do you eat for breakfast?
 When were you released from jail?
 What was the day after yesterday?
 What's the funniest way you ever went to the bathroom?
 Why did you decide to get up this morning?
 Do you ever stick your fingers in your ears? If so why?
 What would life be like if you decided never to open your eyes again?
 Are there days when you just enjoy having a good cry for no reason. If yes, why?
 Why do people ask why?
 Why do we have mirrors and what would life be like without them.
 Why do your hands look the way they look?
 If you could turn into an animal, which animal would you be?
 Why do little children stick their tongue out at people?
 Why do people pretend not to see each other sometimes?
 Can you answer this question with out opening your mouth?
 Would you still learn English if there was no English in the world?
 ----------- ASK AT YOUR OWN RISK ------------------------
 (You need to be careful with these)
 Why is your breath so bad?
 Were you sleeping as you drove to work this morning?
 How are those anti-schizophrenic drugs that you're taking working?
 How was the last Christmas you spent in jail?
 How many multiple personalities do you have?


........................ Conversation Questions

Social Problems
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Poverty, Homeless

 Are there food kitchens for the needy in your country?

 Are there homeless shelters in your country?
 Are there many homeless people where you live?
 Are there many suicides in your country?
 Are there nursing homes in your country?
 Do you agree that teachers should use corporal punishment as a means of discipline?
 Do you know anyone who is homeless?
 Do you think it's acceptable for parents to use corporal punishment as a means of
discipline? Why/why not?
 Do you think people should be allowed to smoke in public buildings?
 Do you think that minorities should be given job priority because of their race? Why/why
 Have you ever been a volunteer at a hospital?
 Have you ever experienced discrimination?
 Have you ever known someone with an addiction?
 In an overpopulated world, should people be free to have as many children as they want?
 Is there assistance available to people that are homeless?
 Is there public assistance in your country?
 What are some expectations parents have for their children?
 What are some reasons people use illegal drugs?
 What are some reasons that people become homeless?
 What are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?
 What are some ways we can help homeless people?
 What do you think is the most serious problem in the world?
o Why do you think so?
o What can we do as individuals to solve this problem?
 Do you think in vitro fertilization should be available to parents so they can choose the
sex of their child?
 What do you think when you see a homeless person?
 What types of noise pollution do you hate the most?
 Who takes care of the elderly when they are no longer able to care for themselves?
 Have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level?
 What is racism?
 What are some ways we can wear words and slogans? i.e. badges, clothes, hats etc.
 What should be done about football hooligans?
 Should drinking be allowed outdoors ( parks, squares, streets) as it is in Spain?s
 Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping people in need?
 Are you pro-life, or pro-choice? Why, and how do you see the opposing viewpoint?
 Do you believe in the individuals right to own firearms?
o How do feel about the right to carry firearms?
o Have you ever had to carry a firearm?
 How would you prevent someone from committing suicide?
 How would you describe "positive discrimination"?
 Which countries are poor?
o Why are some countries poor?
o How can the rich countries help the poor countries?
 What does G8 mean?
 Where will the G8 summit be held?
 Who will attend the G8 summit?
 What kind of people are members of the G8?
 Why do some people think graffiti is a problem for society?


 What is graffiti? Where do you see it? i.e. walls, trains

 What messages do you see? i.e. political, love messages, funny, personal, poetic?
 Should the government punish those who write graffiti?
 Should the government reserve places for those who want to write graffiti?
 Is graffiti a type of "art"?
 If you were allowed to write something, what would you say?
 What can we do about graffiti writers?
Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Immigration, Discrimination

 What are some stereotypes?

 How is your country stereotyped?
 Do you stereotype people?
 Does stereotyping help you in some way?
 Why do you think people stereotype?
 How can stereotypes be damaging?
 Do you think that it is a good idea to stereotype people?
 How are various nationalities stereotyped?
 How can being stereotyped hurt your job opportunities?
 What is the difference between stereotypes and prejudices?
 Are stereotypes offensive?
o Funny?
o Realistic?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Recognizing Stress

 What is stress?
 What causes stress?
 How do you recognize stress in your life?
 Have you been under stress recently?
 How does stress affect you?
 Do you have a kind of red warning flag that indicates too much stress?
 When you are stressful, how do you feel physically?
o Do you feel tired during the day?
o Can you sleep well at night?
o Does your stomach hurt?
 How do you feel emotionally?
o Do you feel nervous or worried about stressful situations?
o Do you get angry easily?

Helping Others

 Have you ever helped someone who was feeling stressful?

o What did you do?
o Did you give them advice?
o Did you listen to them?
o Did you do most of the talking?
o Did you take some action to help them?
 Have you ever helped someone that you didn't know?
 What are characteristics of a good counselor?
o Is it necessary to have shared the same experience?
o Is it important to be an expert?
o Is it important to be patient?

Healthy Stress

 Do you think stress is ever good, useful, or necessary?

o Why or why not?
 Do you play games or sports that are sometimes stressful?
 When can stress be a good thing?
o If you are playing a sport and your team is losing, does it give you extra energy?
 Does stress make you feel more alive?
 Is your home life stressful?
 Are you busy at home?
 Can you relax at home?
 Do you enjoy having discussions about politics with other people who have different
 Do you like to argue about different ways to do things at work or at home?


 Have you felt stress recently?

o Did the stressful feeling last a long time or a short time?
o Had the cause of the stress happened to you before or was this a new situation?
 How often do you think you feel too much stress?
 Do you feel too busy sometimes?
 In what way does a too full schedule lead to stress?
 Do you like being busy?
 If you are very busy at work or at school, do you have ways to balance your life?
 If you have nothing to do, do you enjoy yourself or do you get bored?
 Does stress make it hard for you to think or act?
 How can you judge what is the right amount of stress for you?
 Is your stress caused by relationships with other people?
o At work? At school?
o At home?
o With best friends?
o With partners?
o Can you think of some examples?
 Does stress come when you worry about your life?
 Do you keep your worries a secret from other people?
 Do you have anyone you can talk to when you are worried?
 When did we start talking about stress as a psychological condition?
 What do you do when you have stress?

Stressful Situations

 Are there situations that you find stressful?

 Do you feel tense when you meet someone for the first time?
 Do you get nervous if you have to make a speech?
 Do you suffer from stress when you have too much work to do?
 Do you work or study for long hours under stressful conditions?
 Does the place you live have a low-stress environment?
 Can you be alone as much as you like?
 Can you be with friends as often as you like?
 Is it easy for you to make decisions about important things?
 Can you relax when you are sleeping away from home?
 In what kinds of situations do you observe other people feeling stressed?
 What are some situations that you enjoy?
 What are some situations that make you feel stressful?
 How can you eliminate stressful situations?
 Plan a low stress, cheap, one day holiday.

Controlling Stress

 How do you relieve stress?

 What stresses you out?
 Do you have a stressful lifestyle?
 How can you eliminate stressful situations?
 How do you get control of a stressful situation that is getting too tough?
 What is the "fight or flight" response? How does it relate to stress?
 Do you enjoy the feeling of being stressed?
 If you are feeling stressed, what do you do?
 Do you like to relax or be active when stressful?
 Are you capable of relieving your stress or do you need help?
 Can alcohol cure stress temporarily?

Living Stress Free

 How can you live a stress free life?

o Can you give five suggestions that would be inexpensive?
o Can you give five suggestions for children?
o Can you give five suggestions for the wintertime?
 Give us suggestions for making school life less stressful.
 When stressful do you like to listen to a certain kind of music?
o Does it help to go shopping or take a long walk?
o Do you like to be alone or be with other people?
o Do you eat more or eat less?
 Do certain colors make you feel happier?
 Do you always follow the same pattern to relieve stress or do you try different things?
 What are some positive ways people deal with stress?
 What are some negative ways people deal with stress?
 How do you deal with stress?
 What is the most stressful experience you have ever had?
 When was the most stressful time of your life? Did you learn anything from that
 What do you think is the greatest cause of stress for most people?
 What is your greatest cause of stress?
 Do you deal with stress differently that your parents do/did? If so, how?
 Do you know of anyone who likes to break things or become violent when they are
stressed? What have they broken? What kind of violence do they do?
 What is the most stressful job you can think of?
 What is the least stressful job you can think of?
 Which would you choose: A stressful job with very high pay or a relaxing job with
considerably low pay? Why?
 Is being single less stressful than married life? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each?
 How do you reduce stress in your life? Do you think they would be considered good or
bad ways of dealing with stress?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Are you on time?

 If you are late, what message does this send to the person who is waiting for you?
 Do you prefer to show up late or early?
 What is your busiest day of the week?
 Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have an easy schedule?
 What takes up most of your time?
 Do you think you manage your time wisely?
 Do you manage time, or does time manage you?
 What do you do if you show up too early for something?
 What do you do if you show up too late for something?
 What do you do if you forget an appointment?
 Do you spend a lot of time when preparing for something?
 How much time do you spend sleeping?
o Do you wish you could sleep more?
 Does waiting for something bother you?
 Do you get bored easily?
 Do you schedule out what you have to do every week? Do you make a schedule for every
 Are you good at getting things done on time?
 Do you think time moves slowly or quickly?
 What would you do if you had a few extra hours in a day?
 Would you rather have more time or more money?
 In your culture, is it polite to always show up on time, or to show up a little late?
 How important is time in your culture?
 Do you think people in America are too concerned with time?
 What time do you get up in the morning?
 What time do you go to bed?
 What time does school start?
 What time is it?
 What time do you go to work?
 What time does your work begin?
 What time does your work end?
 What time do you take a bath in the evening?
 When do you do your homework?
 What time do you like to get up?
 What time do you like to go to bed at night?
 What time do you think high school students should go to bed?
 What's the most significant time of your life? (Significant for any reason: because you
liked it or hated it; because of your profession; because of a relationship; or because it
was a turning point in your life)
 What's your perception of time now? Does it go by slowly or quickly? What does this
depend on?
 Can you do without a watch or a clock? For how long?
 If you could stop time, what would you do and why?
 Do you show up early or late for work? Class? Meeting a friend for lunch? English
conversation class?
 Are you a "night owl" or an "early bird"?
 Which time of day do you feel you are most productive in your work or study?
 If you are a punctual person and your mate is not, how do you resolve conflicts that arise?
 If you had the power to stop and restart time, when would you use it?
 Do you show up early or late in your home country verses in the United States?

Time and World History

 If time travel were possible, which period of world history would you like to return to?
 How far into the future would you like to travel? What do you hope to see?
 On your time travels, you can take five objects to show people what life is like towards
the end of the 20th century. What five objects would you take? Why?
 Which famous person from the past would you most like to meet? Why?
o What would you ask this person?
o How would you spend the time with this person?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 How can you help someone who has suffered if you are not a professional counsellor?
 When should we seek professional counseling help?
 Can trauma be mental and physical?
 Do you think disasters can help build a community?
 What are some ways of helping people who are suffering from PTSD?
 What is the biggest disaster that has ever struck your country?
 Do you know anyone who's ever been in a disaster?
 What is the most stressful or traumatizing situation you've ever been in?
 What is Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome?
o What causes it?
o What are the symptoms?
o What are some situations that cause PTSD?
o What are some ways of dealing with it?
 What are some ways of helping people who are suffering from PTSD?
 Have you ever been in a traumatic situation?
o How can you avoid it?
o Why is it difficult to deal with?
o Why is it important to deal with it?
o How does it affect your lifestyle?
o How does it affect the lifestyle of those around you?
 Have you ever been in a traumatic situation?
 Have you ever known anyone who's been in a disaster?
 Can a tragedy or disaster help to promote community?
o Can you think of any examples?
 Can the Internet be useful in dealing with a tragedy or trauma?

Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: College

 Describe a mistake or something you should not have done since being in university.
 Can you explain the process of registering for a class/course?
 What celebrations/festivals/events do you enjoy the most? Why?
 What's the best advice you would tell a brother/sister or friend who is now entering
 What's the best excuse you've heard or given for missing a class?
 How has your life changed since beginning college?
 How much note taking do you do in most of your classes?
 How often do you reread or organize your notes from a professor's lecture?
 What are some advantages in studying with sophomore/junior/senior students/friends or
with older students?
 If you wanted to, when could you fit in more study time?
 What do you fear most about next semester's classes?
 What was your biggest fear before you began your freshman year of college?
 How much of the course material is covered by the professors in your classes?
 During classes, do you like working in student groups or working alone? Why?
 What are some advantages of studying alone? Disadvantages?
 What are some advantages of studying in groups? Disadvantages?
 Do you prefer to study with friends/classmates or to study alone?
 Do you have easy access to your professors outside of class?
 How often do you read ahead for your classes?
 What can/do you do if you fall behind in your classes?
 What do you plan to do during the summer vacation?
 What's your biggest motivation for your university life?
 What can you do if you don't like your roommates?
 Are the counselors at school helpful?
 What's your favorite spot on campus?
 What's your favorite way to take a 'short' break from studying at night?
 What do you miss most about your home and your hometown?
 What's your best memory? What's your worst memory?
 Are you a member of any student organization?
 What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
 If you were not attending college now, what would you be doing? Where? Why?
 What are some qualities of a good student?
 What are some qualities of a good teacher?
 How do you travel to your classes everyday?
 What advantages are there to home schooling?
 How can classes or classrooms be improved?
o What would be the effect?
 If you became president of your university, what changes would you make? Why?
 If you became president of your university, which rule would you abolish (cancel)?
 What is the biggest difficulty in being a college student?
 Why is a college education important?
 What does a college education provide?
 How much is tuition do you pay?
 What kinds of scholarships are there for students at your school?
 What must you do to receive a college diploma?
 Where is the best place for you to study? Why?
 How many hours do you spend on homework or studying each night?
 What do you do on campus when you're not studying?
 Which class or subject is most important for your future job?
 What is your favorite class or subject? Why?
 How can a student receive a scholarship?
 How many back-to-back classes do you have?
 What is a disadvantage of back-to-back classes?
 Why are you attending college?
 After your grade point average (GPA), what is the 2nd most important thing in college?
 Do most of your professors or instructors take attendance? Why?
 How often do your professors let class out early?
 Which do you prefer more, morning or afternoon classes? Why?
 What time does your first class begin tomorrow?
 The cost of university education is becoming very expensive in many countries.
o How can we make the cost of education more affordable to the general public?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 Do you want to become a soldier?

 Is being a soldier compulsory in your country?
 Would you volunteer to become a soldier?
 Why does your country have an army?
 Which army would you join if you had to?
 Would you be a conscientious objector if your country went to war?
 Which job would you like to have in the army?
 Is having an army a waste of money in your country?
 What are some of the jobs that soldiers do?
 Would you fight for another country other than your own?
 How can countries prevent conflicts when other nations are not trying to bring peace?
 Do you think women should be soldiers?
 Have you been in the military?
 Is there a special day to honor veterans in your country?
 What is military service? Is it compulsory in your country?
 Do you know of any countries where military service is compulsory?
 Do many young people in your country join the army? Why/why not?
 Do you know anyone who is in the army or who has been? Tell me about him/her.
 What do you think of people whose job is in the army?
 Do you think soldiers are well paid?
 Have you ever lived in a country at war?
 If you were the partner of a soldier who had just been sent to fight in a war, what would
you include in his luggage?
 What things would you like to send your partner in the army?
 What do you think soldiers away from home miss the most?
 What do you think soldiers find the most difficult to get used to?
 What do you think is the average age for soldiers in the world?
 Why do you think people want to become soldiers?
 What should countries do to prevent conflict when other nations in the world are not
trying to bring peace?
 How can the world be peaceful when other countries are not trying to bring peace.
 Is war necessary?
 Has anyone in your family ever fought in a war?
 Does war have any positive consequences for mankind?
 If war could be eliminated entirely, would there still be a use for armies?
 Do you have a problem with women fighting in wars? Why or why not?
 What are your feelings towards the military?
 What kind of person makes an ideal soldier?
 What causes countries to engage in a war?
 What cause would you fight/die for ?
 Do you think it is morally wrong to kill ?
 How could people resolve conflicts instead of through war ?
 What do you understand by the phrase "might is right" ?
 Can you think of a war that you believe was justified ?
 What is a hero ?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
 What's your favorite season and why?
 Are there any special traditions associated with different seasons in your country?
 Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do?
 What crops are produced in which seasons in your country?
 Do you think weather patterns are changing? If so, why do you think this is?
 Do you have many disasters in you country which are caused by weather?
 Do you know any interesting myths or stories about weather?
 Do you like snow?
 Which do you like better hot weather or cold weather?
 Do you have snow in your country?
o Do you have hail?
o Do you have frozen rain?
o Do you have typhoons?
 What month gets the most rain in your country?
o What month gets the most rain around here?)
 About how many inches of rain does your hometown get per year?
 What's the average temperature in your country in the summer time?
o How about in the winter?
 Do you get tornadoes where you are from?
o Do you get typhoons?
o Do you have frost?
 Do you think that in recent years we are losing our four distinct seasons?
 What kind of climate do you prefer when choosing a place to go on vacation?
 What is the best season to get married?
o Can you think of other activities in which one season may be better than another?
 What are the seasons?
 What is the hottest season?
 What is the coldest season?
 In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful?
o Which season is the most comfortable for you?
 Why do you think spring (or another season) is the most beautiful season?
 Have you ever been stranded in a snowstorm? What did you do?
 Do you think weather affects the way people feel?
 How can extreme weather conditions affect the economy and social life in countries?
 Do you think weather patterns are changing?
o If so, what do you think is causing these changes?
 What are the different kinds of weather?
 What is the weather like in your country for each season?
 What some of the different kinds of weather?
 What is the weather like in your country for each season?
 How does weather affect your attitude?
o How does weather affect your lifestyle?
 What is the relationship between weather and natural disasters?
 How to you depend on the weather reports on TV?
 How do television stations secure weather reports?
 Why is it important to know future weather conditions in advanced?
 When would knowing tomorrow's weather change you plans?
 Have you ever checked the weather for your city on the Internet?
 What time of year is the best weather where you live?
 Have you ever seen snow?
 Have you ever been in a typhoon?
 Where do you get your weather information?
 What is your favorite winter activity?
 What is the hottest natural temperature (not in a sauna) you have experienced? Where and
when was it and what did it feel like?


Conversation Questions
White Lies
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

Related: Honesty and Truthfulness, Cheating

 Are white lies good or bad?

 Can you lie with out lying?
 Is a white lie still classified a lie?
 Is it okay to tell white lies?
 Does telling a white lie make you a bad person?
 When is a white lie acceptable?


Conversation Questions
World Peace
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.

 What are the first steps to world peace?

 Is it important to think about peace?
 How peaceful are you?
 What is the most peaceful place you know of?
 What would it take for the world to be more peaceful?
 Would people need to change how they think, for the world to be peaceful?
 Who is the most peaceful person you know?
 What do you do to feel more calm, tranquil?
 Is some music peaceful?
 Is there any man made objects that you think are peaceful?
 When you think of peace, what image do you think of?
 Do you think that most people think about peace regularly?


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