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The Master Course • Level One • Book One

Professional Teacher’s Guide

First Edition

Copyright 
by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Íaivite Hindu Religion, The Master Course, Level One, is a seven-book children’s course. Books One
to Four contain some illustrations and text from Íaiva Neri, a course prepared by the Educational
Publications Department of the Government of Sri Lanka and copyrighted in 1979 by the Gov-
ernment of Sri Lanka. Material from Íaiva Neri is used with the permission of His Excellency, the
Honorable Ananda W.P. Guruge, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the United States.

Sri Lanka Course Book Subcommittee: Mr. N. Shanmugaratnam, Mrs. Parashakti Sundaralingam,
Mr. S. Velauthapillai, Mrs. Palam Lakshmanan, Dr. V. Ramakrishnan, Mr. S. Murugavel. Writers:
Mrs. Puvaneshvari Arunasalam, Mrs. Manonmani Naganathan, Mrs. Paramesvari Alagaratnam,
Mrs. Pathma Somakanthan, Mr. K.C. Shanmugam, Mr. K. Kuruswamy. Artists: Mr. K. Rajaratnam,
T. Sriskandaraja, Mr. Asaipillai Gnanasekaram, Mr. Janarthanan Rathnasapapaty, Mrs. Parame-
svari Alagaratnam. Editor: Mr. V. Vellipuram.

Original English material by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Translations in Hindi have been
expertly provided by: Vedic University of America (USA), Dr. Seshagiri Rao (USA), Dr. Shanta Sri-
vastava (Canada), Pa∫∂ita Tirthadeva Peruman (Fiji). Translations in Tamil ably assisted by Tiru
Ramesh Sivanathan (Malaysia), Tiru Appasamy Kuppusamy (Malaysia) and Tiru A. Rammohan

All illustrations and text not drawn from the Sri Lanka course are copyright 1995 by Satguru Sivaya
Subramuniyaswami. All rights are reserved. This book may be used to share the Hindu Dharma
with others on the spiritual path, but reprinted in quantities over fifty only with the prior writ-
ten consent of the publisher. Translations are available in several other languages including San-
sk®it, Malay, French, French Creole and German. For any major printing, please write to the pub-
lisher. Designed, typeset and illustrated by the swâmîs of the Íaiva Siddhånta Yoga Order and pub-
lished by Himalayan Academy, 107 Kaholalele Road, Kapaa, Hawaii, 96746-9304 USA.

Published by
Himalayan Academy

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 95-078249

isbn 0-945497-54-7
This detailed lesson guide has been prepared at the request of teachers of Saivite Hindu Religion.
It is meant as a series of suggestions for each class from which the teacher can develop his or her own presentations.

Welcome to the Book One School Guide. This guide was produced for it, as well as an assortment of analogies and illustrative descriptions
the professional school teacher, as well as for individuals involved that make presenting complex spiritual ideas to children much easi-
in education programs within Hindu organizations and individuals er. In fact, the teacher will probably find there is so much included
who are conducting their own Saivite Hindu Religion course in their in each lesson guide that it cannot all be used, unless the class is very
community. Additionally, it can effectively be used by parents teach- long or divided up into several days over a given period.
ing their children at home. The guide itself is written at a level of lan- On occasion we used words such as realization or enlightenment
guage that even teenage youth can digest and use as their guide for that the teacher needs to give creative thought to in order to explain.
classes. It has been Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s observation We didn’t attempt to step down every word we used, though we did
from many decades of teaching Saivite Hinduism that the best way much of the time. It is up to the teacher to creatively explain these
for a person to deeply learn their religion is to begin teaching—in- concepts, and there are many helpful aids in this guide, as well as
cluding talking and writing about—what they have learned. And of the references in Dancing with Siva. Study out how we approached
course, this is the challenge of all educating: how to get children ex- this guide. For instance, enlightenment directly relates to “seeing
cited, thinking, talking, self-creating in the subject. light—the spiritual light of Siva” inside the mind in meditation. It
This School Guide is a work in progress. It is the fruit of many is actually much more than this, but the idea of bright light in the
years of teaching Saivite Hinduism to children by many people— mind is a good beginning place to start explaining this to children.
including professional Saivite teachers and the Saiva swamis in the This opens the door to use “light” imagery, to make some kind of
monastic order of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. We are con- light demonstration.
tinually looking for feedback and suggestions of how to make this Each lesson guide is divided into a number of sections. But not
School Guide better and as useful as possible. Any and all suggestions every lesson has all the sections. A brief description of the sections
are welcomed and encouraged. is as follows: Lesson Focus: a brief statement on what is being cov-
The School Guide is set up on a lesson format, called the lesson ered in the lesson. The teacher must cover what is in the lesson focus.
guide. The lessons correspond to the pages of Book One. But we also Key Presentations: the main guide for presenting the topic. The un-
combined lessons that logically belong together, such as the entire derlined sections quickly identify the key ideas, but the whole section
story on Semmana Selvi (which takes up ten pages of Book One) or should be presented. Often there are analogies and lots of metaphors
the lessons on the sacred cow and the temple elephant. There are 33 built into this section. Analogies & Illustrations: very specific imagery
lesson guides all total here. Each one is two pages long, and addi- that teaches the concept by comparing it to a situation the children
tional pages can be added. Each lesson guide is clearly labeled at the can “do,” “picture”or “sense” in their minds. Visual Interpretation:
top of both of its pages. And, in most cases, all of the illustrations quick pointers to unusual features of the illustration that are part
from the Book One pages appear in the “Visual Interpretation” il- of the overall presentation. Often there is information here that ap-
lustration box. So it is very easy to reference this guide to Book One. pears nowhere else in the lesson. Story Reading: a short story to be
Each lesson guide is written as a reference for the teacher. Often read dramatically by the teacher. Each story involves an 8 or 9-year
it is written largely as if we were talking directly to the children. At old in a different country, and the story directly relates to the les-
other times, it is speaking, again in simple language, right to the son. The story reading is a must. Background: a brief historical dis-
teacher, giving special instructions or helpful hints or specific points cussion primarily for the teacher’s benefit. Connections: ways that
to emphasize. In other words, the guide itself is in largely simple lan- the current lesson relates to other lessons in Book One—it threads
guage, and is making a painstaking attempt to step down the lesson lessons together for the children. Citizenship: hints on how a partic-
to the level of the 6 to 8-year old child. It is written to the child’s ular lesson creates a better citizen in the nation this course is being
point of view. It is written as a sentence-by-sentence reference guide taught. Wrong Thinking: a correction to very specific misinformation
for the teacher. However, and we make this point strongly: this guide or disinformation concerning Saivite Hinduism. An important sec-
is not supposed to be read to the class. There is the temptation to tion. Homework: small assignments for home, often involving an ex-
stand in front of a class and just read the text of this guide. This is not perience. Many lessons do not have a homework assignment, but the
the intention of this guide. The only section that is specifically meant teacher can create their own if they wish. Activities: experiential
to be read to the class is the section called “Story Reading.” The games designed to demonstrate the lesson dramatically. Each one of
teacher does read “Story Reading” to the class. In addition, there are these activities is custom-created for these lessons. The activity is one
occasional sentences, or paragraphs, in each lesson that may (or of the central focuses of the class.
should) be used verbatim, because they were specifically written as One thing not to do in this class. Please do not use any of the pu-
a very good way to present an idea to a young child. ranic stories or the popular epics (Mahabharata, etc.) This guide
The major intention is for the teacher to creatively study and ex- provides everything you need. Stick to this guide. And use Dancing
pand upon this School Guide so that an inspiring, animated presen- with Siva as a further reference. There is also a very good list of sup-
tation with the children takes place. This means at least two hours of plementary reading materials in Book One.
preparation must go into a one-hour class. Again, we have taken great
pains to provide the teacher with a step-by-step discussion of the les-
son topic, and with the language and concepts necessary to present

Book 1, Lesson 1
This simple statement is very important in
Saivite Hinduism. It is important to every Most often we worship at the
Saivite. No one outgrows worship. For a temple. Depicted here is a
young child, worship is the first experience large, ornate temple gate
of their closeness to Siva, Murugan and through which the children are
Ganesha. The main focus of this lesson is about to pass. Like a gate into a
to explain what worship is. Second, is to ex- large mansion, the temple gate
plain when and where we worship. (called a gopuram) takes the
devotee from the outside
world into the inside realm of
the temple. Our worship of
KEY PRESENTATIONS Siva begins the moment we see
Worship means to love God. It means to
any part of the temple. We see
think of God. It is awe and wonder. This the temple gate or main sanc-
love is our most powerful emotion. It is tum tower rising into the sky.
called devotion. It makes us feel good and We worship Siva. In many
pure. It is a love that goes to Siva. He can countries the temple may not
feel it. We feel this love mainly in our chest have a a gate or tower. But you
area, which is why it is said love is from the still worship at the sight of the
heart. When we worship, our love of God temple building. This applies
is strongest. It takes the place of all other even if you are not entering the
feelings. We don’t feel angry or jealous or temple, but just passing by it.
tired or worried. We feel great joy.
The children are worshipping
Our worship brings us close to God. It by doing the namaskar saluta-
works automatically. God loves us too. His tion over their head. This signi-
love is for every person and animal and for
the whole world. He does not worship us. We worship. fies the higher spiritual con-
sciousness of the head region.
Worship is love to God or a God much It says the children are entering
more spiritual than we are. The only person a state of worship for the high-
we worship is the Sat Guru. It is impor- est Being. When you are riding
tant to make this clear. a bike or driving a car, where
the hands are occupied, it is
Worship has color. If we could see the col- customary to briefly touch the
or of worship, it would look light blue. together in the home shrine. Monks living right hand to the heart area.
When we worship this color surrounds us in ashram monasteries worship together in
like a big egg or cocoon that stretches out the ashram shrine. Then the day begins. Of- when you are in a large store and become
farther than our outstretched hands. It is a ten people on their way to school or work separated from your mother’s hand. She
beautiful color, soft and pure and makes us will briefly stop outside a favorite temple disappears into a large crowd. Suddenly you
feel good to people and animals. and worship. It used to be that Friday are alone and lost. Strangers surround you.
evening was the customary time for the You look around in fear. And call out in
To Saivites, there are many locales of wor- family to attend their favorite temple. But panic. There is only one thought in your
ship. Ultimately, Siva is everything, every- that is changing to the weekend. mind, and one emotion, finding mother.
where. But there are special places where Worship is such a state of single thought
the worship contact between God and and emotion.
devotee is deepest. The most important ANALOGIES &
places of worship are our home shrine and 2. Doing a good deed for someone also
the Saivite temples of Siva, Murugan and ILLUSTRATIONS stimulates devotional love. We feel selfless
Ganesha. These holy locations naturally 1. The simplest analogy of worship is a and good. This same devotion from a good
bring forth our worship devotion. We al- child’s love for his or her mother. Love of deed, when expressed to God, is worship.
ways behave at our spiritual best in these lo- God is like the total, surrendering love of a For instance, let’s say a young child picked
cations. We also worship at Saivite ashram child to mother. Mother is the supreme some flowers for another child who is sick,
shrines, Saivite guru samadhi shrines, and comforter in the child’s universe. There is and is at home in bed all alone. For the
any nature locale—river, lake, mountain— nothing a child can do, that the mother is friend there is a very special joy in choos-
sacred to Siva, Ganesha or Murugan. not there as a source of love, comfort and ing the flowers and then giving them to an-
kind direction. But much higher than other to bring cheer. This same special joy is
Times of worship: the early morning before mother is God. If a child can love God with experienced in worship.
the sun rises is the most common time for the same love he or she feels for their moth-
the daily worship period. Families worship er, that is worship. Imagine how it feels 3. Worship is also like the awe of watching

2 As hungry children here below sit round about their mother, even so all beings
expectantly sit round the agnihotra [temple fire pit].—SAMA VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 1
the night sky. We look out into this im- thought the temple was empty, and he did-
mense stretch of stars and space and are n’t believe in the power of God. His heart 1. Color in the drawing of the children
struck with wonder. Billions of galaxies, was a little hard and his mind was a little and temple. While the children are col-
stars and the solar system planets circle cold. He had his two friends. But he was oring have them try to feel love of God.
overhead. Shooting stars streak across the somehow lonely. Everyday his friends They should color around the children
sky. It fills us with wonder and makes us stopped at the temple. They always seemed with the color of light blue. That is
feel both large and small at the same time. to get a little brighter, like their cheeks had what worship love looks like.
This wonder is worship. It is the wonder of been rubbed with winter’s snow. And they
standing in the presence of God. were smart. They understood the teacher 2. Have the children stand up and hold
more often than he did. Now, as his friends their hands in the namaskar greeting
STORY READING were laughing with such delight, he became slightly above their heads. With eyes
Three children once lived in a kingdom in curious. He walked over to the tall temple closed and breathing deeply and slow-
India. There were wide rivers with ships gate. And he suddenly felt a great feeling of ly they feel worship to God inside
and mountains often covered in clouds. love come into his chest. It made him feel themselves. Their clasped hands above
There were towns and farming fields. Every so happy. It felt like Siva was right in front their head shows they are worshiping
town had a big Siva temple at its center. Its of him. From then on, he worshiped every somebody much higher than them-
tower reached into the blue sky. The three day with his two friends. selves. Repeat this several times. Ask
children were best friends in a town in the the children to tell what they felt when
mountains. They played with goats and WRONG THINKING they did this.
climbed trees and threw rocks in lakes and When we worship in a shrine or temple, we
built dams like the beavers. Everyday they are not worshipping the stone or metal im- 3. Ask the children to briskly rub their
walked on the road that passed the tall and age of Siva or the Gods. That is wrong hands together for a minute or so. This
thick walls of the stone temple. It was made thinking. Saivite Hindus do not worship creates warmth by friction. Then they
of a pinkish red granite. They were on their statues, even the statues enshrined in tem- touch their right palm to their left arm
way to study arithmetic and writing in the ples. If we are not worshiping the image, and feel the warm glow from their
forest. Two of the friends always paused at then what is it we are projecting our love palm. This is like the feeling of love. It
the gateway of the temple. It was huge and and devotion to? We are worshipping the is warm and healing.
they were so small. But it was comforting, Soul Being that uses the image. Siva uses
like a castle of God. They peered into the the image to send light and blessings and 4. Bring several large flashlights. Care-
shadows, into the inner courtyard and in to communications to the devotees. The im- fully cover them with a blue plastic ma-
where the image of Siva stood, all aglow age in the temple, therefore, is a tool. It is terial so blue light shines out. Darken
with flickering lamps. They didn’t step in an instrument of the Gods. Here is an easy the room with the flashlights on. Ex-
plain that our worship love shines out
through the gate, but just stood outside. way to explain this to youngsters. The stone
from us like this light. Pass the lights
Their hands were held together at their image is like a television set. When we
around so everybody can hold them
chest and their eyes widened. Little crystals watch TV we do not watch the television
and see the blue light coming from
in the stone caught the sun and glistened set itself. That would be like watching a
like diamonds. A shadow of a large cloud piece of furniture. But we do watch the pic-
moved over the inner temple courtyard, tures on the TV screen that are being elec-
creating a sense of motion to the Siva tronically sent from long distances away.
shrine. The boys leaned in through the The TV is a tool, an instrument. In the
door to see better. Suddenly, the two friends same way, we don’t worship the temple im-
felt a warm breeze wrap around them. But age, but we do worship the God who sends
there was no wind blowing. Everything was energy from the worlds of light through the
still. No leaves moving. Their clothes did- temple image to us.
n’t move. But the boys felt a force pushing on the TV and just look at it like a piece of
on them, coming from the shrine, out to- CONNECTIONS furniture, like it was a book shelf. They ig-
ward them. It was gentle and almost like This lesson will connect with many in the nore the shows on the screen. Again, this is
sunlight. They both felt it, and they looked future weeks and months. Since much of like worshiping the stone or metal image in
down at their chest, where this blessing Book I covers the Deities we worship and the temple. This is unnatural and wrong.
from Siva was tingling their skin. Then they a number of devotional practices it is im- Then the children watch the TV shows on
looked at each other and laughed, for they portant for the teacher to occasionally re- screen as is normally done. You are not
felt very happy, more happy than when view this lesson. normally aware of the TV set itself. This is
they were eating as many sweet balls as they the correct understanding and practice of
could stuff in their mouths. HOMEWORK worship.
The third friend didn’t pause in front of Have the children practice watching their Notes:
the temple gate each day. He didn’t wor- TV at home. First they watch the TV set,
ship. He felt no love at the temple. It was while it is off, as a piece of furniture. They
like God was very far away, and the image just see the TV unit. This is like worship-
of Siva in the temple was just stone. He ing the temple image itself. Then they turn

Book 1, Lesson 2
The temple bell represents several themes
for the young worshipper. First, it is often This is a temple tower as found
a prominent feature of the temple architec- in Sri Lanka. It is a common
ture. Second, it is a source of beautiful and architectural design feature of
powerful sound. Third, it sets the timing of temples in Sri Lanka, or of
worship. temples built by Sri Lankans in
other countries. In India, this
style is not common. But it is
KEY PRESENTATIONS now becoming more widely
Just as there are many sizes of houses, there spread in countries where
are many sizes of temples. Big, medium and Hinduism is fairly new.
small. The large and medium size temples Because it is high in the air,
have special rooms or even tall towers for its sound can travel a long
their large bells. Small temples may have a ways. People can also see it
small hung bell or use hand bells. This is from distances. It becomes fa-
common in north India. But they all have miliar to the townspeople. It is
bells. No temple is without bells of some a landmark of security and
kind. Anywhere a young Saiva Hindu may well-being in God Siva.
travel in the world, the temple they visit For children, the opportuni-
will have bells. ty to pull and ride on the bell
ropes is a daily delight. Boys
Often today the sound of the bells are and girls are often lifted off the
played on speakers. This is a little sad. ground as the weight of the
Recorded sound is not the same as real cast swinging bell takes the rope
up. The youth become part of
metal bells. And it means no one, not even
the temple experience as they
little children, can actually ring the bells.
One of the pleasures of going to the tem- Here is the ring the bell. They know it is
part of the temple ceremony.
ple for a young boy or girl is to pull and
They know people listen for it,
hang on the big ropes to ring the bells. In
Sri Lanka many large temples have tall tow-
temple bell. even time their day around it.
To have a real temple bell,
ers for their bells. They are hung way at the rather than a recorded bell on
top. People from a long ways away can hear a speaker system is far more
them and see them moving back and forth. desirable.
The sound of the bells ringing tells us that
worship is starting at the temple. The
sound of the bells can travel very far. Any- bells is hung on the inside of the temple
one that hears them, whether it be in the near the main sanctum. When the ring is bells say that God is present. Chiming bells
early morning, afternoon, or evening, will shaken, all the bells wondrously sound to- help children tune in to worship. They gen-
know it is time for puja. They will turn gether. erate a vibration that is carried as waves
their attention to the temple. They may through the air. The sound surrounds the
worship and offer a prayer. They may pause Hand bells come in many sizes, from so youngster’s body. It even goes inside their
and think of Siva for a few minutes. large it takes two hands to lift them to tiny body, vibrating the organs and cells. This is
bells that can be rung with two fingers. In easily felt along the spine of the back and
Bells are rung during the performance of the island of Bali, the Hindu priests use tiny neck.
the puja. The priests ring the bells as they bells that they ring during ceremonies with
wave incense and arati lights before the de- lots of intricate hand gestures. Hand bells Bell chiming also makes changes in the
ity. When the main arati is offered to the are used in the home shrine. Often children subtle atmosphere. The bell sound not only
deity, many or all of the bells in the temple will wake up at the sound of the morning vibrates the air, but vibrates the astral at-
are rung together. This marks the high puja bell being rung in their home shrine. mosphere at the same time. The ringing
point of the ceremony. bell causes the astral air to become clearer,
The sound of bells is especially lovely and less foggy. As a result the astral world deva
Some bells cast in India’s ancient history uniquely powerful. Bells create a unique people can see the physical world people
are so large you can actually stand up in sound called chiming. Chiming bells sound more clearly to help them. The bells can be
them. On occasion bells are carved entire- naturally good to us, like listening to rush- heard in the heaven world.
ly of stone, rather than metal. Many small ing water or singing birds. The bell tones
temples have a large metal ring with nu- are full, far-reaching, angelic, joyful. It is a
merous small bells attached. This ring of spiritual sound. It inspires. The ringing ANALOGIES &

4 All this universe is inthe glory of god, of Siva, the God of love. The heads and faces of men are His
own, and He is in the hearts of all.—YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 2
ILLUSTRATIONS It had taken all day since early in the morn-
1. Hearing the temple bell, which alerts ing and went late into the night. The hot 1. Bring in several sets of hand bells.
and reminds us that puja is about to begin, fires and bubbling metal had shot orange Set them in a line. Have the children
is like our alarm clock that we all use at light into the sleeping neighborhood. At form a circle around the bells, all sit-
home to wake up by. We set the clock to the times Ananda just wanted to lay down and ting. Call up a child at random and
desired time to wake up. We fall asleep as- sleep. But he was brave and strong. This have them go to the center and ring
sured that the clock will noisily buzz to temple bell was important. It was for Siva. one of the bells of their choice in a
wake us up for a new day. The temple bell Its booming sound would be heard all rhythmic pattern. The other children
close their eyes, listen to the bell, and
always is rung at the same times of day. It across the city, and even out to an island in
then try to sing the same note and pat-
is the temple’s alarm clock. When we hear the nearby bay. Not even in India did they
tern as the bell. Make this a fast game.
the temple bell we are “woke up” from our have a bell like this. Ananda’s job was to
As soon as the bells is rung and chil-
usual daily activities and remember to turn keep tending the bees wax that went inside
dren start to sing, call up the next child
our minds and worship to Siva, Murugan the mold of thick clay. He did his job with- to ring the bell.
and Ganesha. out complaining. And he sang Siva songs as
he worked. He ate his meals on the run, 2. Direct several of the children to ring
2. To children, smaller bells often seem to chewing on a chapati, and some honey and the bells together. The other children
talk. It is like they have voices, or like the roasted peanuts for energy. His mom had go outside, listening for the bells at a
deva angels talking through the bells. As the thought of that. distance. They continue to go further
bell is ringing, a child can hear a message Ananda’s father was over at the great bell way until they can barely hear the bells.
being said, some guidance to be good or to mold. He directed workers who took down They sit and just listen for the bells for
help someone, or to learn something new tall bamboo ladders. Today the mold would a few minutes.
or to see life in a different way. So every be carefully chipped away. The bell, called
time they hear a bell, it is like the deva an- Siva’s Voice, would be seen for the first 3. Make a circle of the children. They
gels speaking to them. time. There was a lot of excitement. Crowds are the outside of a bell, the bell rim.
of Hindus and Chinese Buddhists were Make a smaller circle of children on the
3. Often bell handles will be decorated with outside. Slowly the mold was broken away. inside. They are the bell knocker. The
images of the faces or figures of Gods or the The golden brownish bell began to show inside bell knockers move to one side
animal symbols of Gods. This is another re- through. It glowed as if it had its own light. of the bell rim circle. When they get
minder that the bell serves as a direct con- It was perfectly smooth. Ananda ran his real close to the bell-rim children on
nection to the world of Siva, Murugan and hand down the metal sides. It was like one side of the circle they sing out
Ganesha. smooth ice. Finally, after several hours, the “ding” like a booming bell. When the
bell was free. It was magnificent. Everybody bell knockers get to the other side of
STORY READING was silent. A great feeling of awe came over the bell rim circle, they sing out “dong.”
Ananda was an 8-year-old boy with dark everyone. Even the crowds outside fell qui- The bell knockers go back and forth.
black hair and brown eyes that squinted be- et. Ananda’s father came up to the bell with
cause he often stared into the white hot a small hammer. It would be the first strike.
flames of a fire. This was not a cooking fire The first sound from the bell. His father
like his mother used at home. Ananda swung the hammer and it struck. Instant-
thought of the delicious smell of the cheese ly, the bell gave off a wondrous chorus of
and garden pea curry his mom was cooking sound. It was like musical thunder in slow
for lunch that day. It would taste so good, motion. All the other metal in the shop vi- CONNECTIONS
he thought. He had picked the peas him- brated. All the people could not help but Bells are a standard feature of temples,
self that morning. His brown eyes looked at smile at the beautiful sound. The one strike home shrines and festivals, all discussed in
the orange and white wall of fire he was lasted for ten minutes, then died away. Book 1 lessons. They can also be used at the
tending now. It was for melting metal. Ananda sat down as he heard it. To him, it beginning of a yoga meditation period to
Ananda was in his father’s metalsmith was the voice of Siva. help create a pure atmosphere. The mak-
shop. It was huge, with several fire furnaces, ing of bells is also an art. It is a skilled craft.
lots of heavy black tools and neat stacks of CITIZENSHIP As well as sounding pleasant, bells are often
metal like copper and tin. It was the largest Just as we as Saivite Hindus enjoy and look quite beautiful to look at. It is good to ap-
metal shop in the city. His family was in forward to the sound of chiming bells com- preciate the people who make the bells, es-
China, where a large temple to God Siva ing from our temples, we also respect the pecially if they are handmade. Bells at
was being built. His father was in charge of ringing bells of Christian churches, the home should be polished often. They
all the metal work. Today they were finish- beating of drums of Buddhist temples and should shine with brightness. If a bell has
ing a huge metal bell. It was as big as two the prayer call from Muslim mosques. It been in the family for a long time, it should
farm carts stacked on each other. All the would be wrong for a Hindu citizen of a be treated as very special.
boys in the shop could easily fit inside. It country to try and discourage another re- Notes:
would weigh as much as an elephant. The ligion’s daily calls to worship and prayer.
pouring of the bell had been two days ago.

Book 1, Lesson 3
We go to the temple because it is a nice feel- 1. Gopuram, a temple entrance
ing to be near God. The temple is a sacred, tower. It usually has many carv-
holy, magical place, very different from any ings on it. It is high so devotees
other place. can see it from a distance and
think of God even if they are
KEY PRESENTATIONS not going to the temple when
1) We go to the temple because it is so hap- they see it.
py and joyous to be near God. Most chil- 2. Offerings in baskets. We al-
dren will not expect much of an explana- ways bring a gift to the Deity at
tion—content that because their parents the temple when we go. It is just
think it is important to go to the temple is like taking a present when we
reason enough. But some children will ben- visit someone we love. The gift
efit—not to mention be really interested to the Deity can be as simple as
in—some useful and imaginative explana- a flower or as much as a big
tions of why going to the temple is impor- basket of fruit and flowers, co-
tant and such a joy. Of course there are conuts, incense sticks and cam-
many ways to describe the spiritual beauty phor on special occasions. Usu-
and power of the temple experience, so feel ally, the priest will return some
free to share the feelings with them that im- fruit and flowers blessed at the
pressed you as you grew up. They carry a puja that we can take home
special strength. with us as prasadam.
Before going too deep into the impor- 3. Washing feet first in the tem-
tance of going to the temple to be near to ple tank. Most temples have ei-
and enjoying being in God’s home, remind ther a tank or a water faucet
children that actually God is in all things, outside where you take off your
lives everywhere and can be felt every-
where, not only in the temple. You should
Let us go to shoes and wash your feet before
entering the temple. This prac-
always keep repeating this idea that God is tice shows respect for how sa-
all-pervasive throughout the lessons as it is
the foundation of many important princi-
the temple. cred the temple is.
4. Knocking forehead. It is an
ples, especially ahimsa (nonviolence) and ancient custom to knock one’s
compassion. Then explain that it is easiest temples on either side of the
to feel God’s presence at the temple. And forehead, especially when en-
tering a Ganesha temple.
everyone loves to feel the presence of God. feel happier inside. Like God was inside of
The feeling of God is of love and joy. The us suddenly, smiling, and we had to smile
feeling of God at the temple is wonderful. too because His smile was so strong.
Go ahead and be exclamatory like this. Let So, for the Lesson “Let us Go to the Tem- divine telephone line gives children some-
them have the highest expectation of the ple,” we have put some images in their thing concrete to use to understand what
temple. Say sometimes the temple makes us minds of why going there can be so special the priest is doing.
feel like a bird soaring high in the sky, free. and looked forward to. Minor point #1: God does not live only in
Sometimes it fills us with the warmth of Now for a little deeper discussion. What the temple. Because a connection with God
bright sunshine. Sometimes it is like a soft, makes the temple so special and why do we is made so often at this one spot, a feeling
cool, nice wind. Sometimes it makes us feel say it is easiest to feel God at the temple gets created, a Godly feeling, that is
like we are diving in a high mountain lake than at other places? This will be gone into stronger than at other places. Tell them
on a hot summer day. Sometimes it has a much more in later lessons but we want to every time a puja is done and God is con-
totally magical feeling like the first time we make some simple explanations in the be- tacted or a devotee contacts God through
see snowflakes falling from the sky. Some- ginning too. Compare the temple to a tele- heartfelt prayer or bhajan, some of this
times being in a Hindu temple is like like phone booth, a divine telephone booth. bhakti/shakti is left at the spot. After many
going deep-sea diving, diving into another The priest calls up God using Sanskrit years, the spot, or the temple, has a big in-
world, so different, silent, deep, mysterious mantras like God’s telephone number. visible balloon of God’s energy and feel-
and filled with amazing colors and beauty. Children will enjoy that visual image and ings. So when anybody comes, they first
And sometimes it makes us feel like we are it also gives a nice simple picture of what can feel the big spongy balloon of God en-
flying in outer space, weightless, among the priest is doing. Children are often un- ergy that has built up.
bright stars and galaxies and waving to all sure of what the priest does and this can God does not live only in the temple.
of them. And sometimes it is like being at lead to criticizing what he does because it is Every soul in the universe has a private, 24-
a birthday party with lots of sharing, love, not understood. So comparing his chanting hour cellular phone service with God. (You
laughter and joy. But always it makes us just in Sanskrit to an operator calling God on a should explain what wireless mobile cellu-

6 For you is my offering, to you I will pray, to you who are worthy of homage and worship. You, O’
God are a spring in the desert for the man who is thirsty for you, O’ Everliving.—RIG VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 3
lar phones are to the children if they don’t temple feel really nice because everyone is
know.) Our cellular phone connection to looking so nice. Give some examples of 1. We are going to make a temple. Have
God is in our heart and we can reach God how we can treat the temple like a special the class, except for 6 of them, form three
circles, one inside the other. Put four stu-
anytime 24 hours a day. This cellular phone place: walking around the temple at least
dents in the very middle—three surround-
image is important because we want chil- one time before entering, placing our shoes ing a fourth. The very middle one is Lord
dren to always feel God is always with neatly, bringing an offering, flowers, etc. Ganesha. The three surrounding Him are
them, even when they are not at the temple. not talking loudly or joking, not running Ganesh’s spiritual energy. Then tell the fifth
“Most easily felt at the temple, not only felt around, etc. extra person that he (or she) is the pujari
there. For older children, you might add and should be positioned between the most
more subtly by explaining how private mo- outer and middle circle. The 6th extra per-
bile cellular phones are not as reliable as an ANALOGIES & son is a temple devotee and starts by stand-
established telephone booth with perma- ing outside all three circles. Ask all to Aum
nent wiring etc. The temple is permanent, ILLUSTRATIONS very softly. This is the sacred feeling of the
temple. The outer circle is the temple wall.
and very reliable. With cellular phones, if 1. One of the most beautiful images of a
Have the devotee-student walk through
you go into a tunnel, they don’t work. You temple that can be created in a child’s mind outer circle, the temple wall. He is now in-
can say how a tunnel is similar to when we is that of a bubble. Tell that if they could see side the temple. Then have the pujari chant
get mad and dark and have a hard time a temple with their third eye—and maybe Aum Ganesha three times. As he or she
contacting God at these times, but if we some of them can and have seen this—they does, students forming the middle circle
went to a temple it would still be easy. And would see a beautiful big bubble surround- and inner circle create openings in their
sometimes with cellular phones, the batter- ing the temple. This is the bubble that is lines so that the devotee can look into
ies go dead, which you can compare to created by all the times the Deity comes where Ganesha and His shakti is and Gane-
when we are tired, and don’t have enough and all the love and joy that the devotees sha looks out to the devotee. Then the three
energy to call God. But temples always have bring each time they come and all the light students, Ganesha’s shakti, rush out through
the two gaps in the circles and go around the
energy so we can go there to be with God. that comes from the temple devas—souls
devotee auming, blessing her or him. The
So that is why God really likes temples, be- like us, who are usually between births, idea here is to show that the temple is not
cause they are very dependable—like a very who are helping and serving at temples and just physical, but is a way to open windows to
fancy telephone service center where they live in the invisible atmosphere. So tell the inner world where Siva, Murugan, Gane-
have the best professional operators—the them each time they go to the temple not sha and other Mahadevas live.
priests—placing long-distance calls to God only are they entering a physical place but
for you. they are going inside a bubble, like into an-
Minor point #2: God’s energy is at the other world, into another dimension. This smile. Then he woke up and called a friend
temple even at times pujas are not hap- bubble is very real and forms the astral pro- who was in India and told him the dream.
pening. Although we have called the priest tective sheath of a temple. The friend knew that this was an important
an operator who calls God, we do not want 2. A second beautiful image that helps un- dream and flew to New York and the two
to say that God is not at the temple at all fold the magic of a temple for a young per- men drove around that part of the city and
unless a priest is there to call Him. You can son is telling them that Hindu temples have actually found the old Christian church he
also compare the temple to a reservoir, a big a ray of light that goes through this bubble saw in the dream. It was for sale. Very soon
dam of water. Use one by name from your and into the earth. This ray of light is cos- they bought it and tore it down and built a
area or country and say how a temple can mic force from the Deity’s shakti which is beautiful big Hindu temple there for Lord
be compared to a reservoir. Just as a reser- magnetized by the temple—like lightning is Ganesha.
voir stores up water, so do temples store up attracted by a lightning rod—and then goes
God’s energy. This reservoir image is valu- down into the earth. Those rays of light ac- HOMEWORK
able so children know that the temple has tually bring peace to a whole community. Tell them that the next time they go to a
the sacredness of God all the time, not just temple, to try to feel at exactly what point
during puja times. STORY READING they enter the temple shakti bubble. Even
Also we should encourage bathing and Here is a beautiful story to tell. In the 1970’s if they don’t feel it, just trying to feel is fun.
dressing nicely to go to the temple. Nowa- in New York City, a Hindu man had an
days Hindus go to temples dressed very ca- amazing dream. He was flying over New WRONG THINKING
sually, even in logo tee-shirts and shorts. York City. Many, many Hindus who moved 1. It is ok for Hindu temples to be un-
They treat the temple like an ordinary place from India to the US were living in New clean, run-down and unlandscaped. No.
and they lower the feeling of the place York City but they had no temple. As he This is not OK. We all know both temples
when they dress like this. If we go to the was flying, he was looking down and then that are cared for and others that are not
temple unbathed, wearing tee-shirts and he saw an old Christian steeple, a pointed nicely cared for. Tell them that the temple
sportswear, etc. we are not treating it spe- tower that Christian churches usually have. should be the most beautiful place, nicer
cial. But if we bathe first and dress nicely— All of a sudden, he went down and straight than a fancy hotel, and that if it is outside
men in a kurta shirt and women in a sari into the steeple and down inside the Chris- in a forest or by a lake, still, it should still be
or punjabi outfit wearing flowers in their tian church. When he was inside, it was all beautifully surrounded with flowers and
hair—this shows a lot of respect for the empty except that Ganesha was there sit- plants. There is no excuse for not doing
temple as God’s home, and it makes the ting up in front looking at Him with a this.

Book 1, Lesson 4
The main focus of this lesson is that Gane- 1. Noose. He uses this imple-
sha protects dharma. Dharma is a giant ment (which is actually a power
word that means many, many things—like of His mind) to pull positive
spiritual conduct, duty, truth, inner laws— conditions/situations/opportu-
but the most useful definition at this age nities/events/lessons/people into
level is: “Dharma is the path to God.” Gane- our path that will help us grow
sha keeps this path, the dharma, open and spiritually.
clear so there is always a clear path to God. 2. Goad. He pushes negative con-
Because Ganesha loves dharma so much, ditions/forces/events and people
He is even sometimes called the Guardian away with this implement (which
of Dharma, among his many, many other is, again, a power of His mind)
names. that will slow down or stop our
spiritual growth are not necessary
KEY PRESENTATIONS for us to experience.
1). Lord Ganesha, who He is. Ganesha is an 3. Modaka ball. This is a very
amazing God who lives in the Third World, sweet sugary pastry goodie that
a real world of light where all the Gods have represents the idea that Ganesha
bodies made out of light. That is what the is full of sweetness.
bodies of the Gods are like, very bright, 4. Mushika, Ganesha’s Mouse.
light, and shining, but still looking like us. All the Gods have an animal or
Tell the children to think of all the sunshine bird to travel on. Ganesha rides
from the sun and moon and putting it in- on a mouse. An elephant on a
side one person and all the love of all poor little mouse! Actually,
mothers and fathers on the earth and all though Ganesha is big, He does-
the intelligence of all the wise people on the n’t weigh anything. In the Sivalo-
ka, the world of the Gods, people
earth and putting all that into that same
person. And then add super all-knowing Lord Ganesha and things are weightless. Ganesha
chose a mouse because mice can
intelligence like a cosmic computer might
have. That is like Ganesha and also like the
other Gods too.
protects dharma. get into very hard-to-get-to spots.
Ganesha is like that because He
too is extremely able and agile in
But Ganesha is a very special God. He
getting into every little detail and
has an elephant head. Isn’t that amazing?
corner of our minds and karma to
We don’t know any humans with an ele-
better help us in our lives.
phant head, (or elephants with human too.
heads!) but this God really has one. Gane- Ganesha can appear, in dreams and vi-
sha decided He would give Himself a sec- sions, either with His human-like face or that will serve as the main foundation on
ond form—a form with the head of an ele- with His elephant head. Usually His ele- which they build a deeper understandings
phant. One main reason He did this is so phant head. But whichever head He ap- they get older. “Dharma is good conduct,
that when humans saw Him in visions and pears with, He always has the same human- doing what is right, like obeying our par-
dreams they would know it was Ganesha like eyes. They are soft beautiful brown ents.” Impress the children with the fact
immediately. Because Ganesha wants us to eyes—full of love, tenderness and intelli- that even the sun and moon and stars ob-
be able to know who He is easily and quick- gence. serve dharma. Tell them that the sun always
ly—and Siva told Him to love, communi- Of course, small children have no real comes up in the morning because it is the
cate and stay close to humans on earth— reason to question that a God would have sun’s dharma. Imagine if the sun decided to
Ganesha took this form. an elephant head, but as they get older, they sleep late and not come up and it just
Another reason He took the form with might hear people say who don’t believe in stayed dark until the sun decided to rise
an elephant head is because He is the great the Gods things like, “Oh, Ganesha is just sometime in the afternoon. Aren’t we glad
Godfriend of all the animals, fish, trees and an abstract symbol of wisdom, not a real the sun follows dharma, good conduct, and
flowers, etc. on the earth. He loves animals Being.” Or they might hear teasing com- comes up on time each day? Think how un-
and flowers and fish and birds just as much ments from non-Hindus such as, “You happy all the vegetable plants would be
as humans and took the form with an ani- don’t really believe in a God who has an who need the sunshine to grow if the sun
mal head, so animals would feel as close to elephant head, do you!” So it is good now didn’t do its dharma and come up each
Him just as humans do. And He chose an to assure them that Ganesha is real so that morning.
animal that everyone loves, an elephant. later questions and teasing will not affect Then tell them to visualize a long, beau-
Also, everyone respects an elephant because them. tiful road that had a magical golden glow
they are so strong and also very smart. So Defining dharma. We need to give the and wound through valleys, through
Ganesha is a God for humans and animals children a very simple definition of dharma forests, over rivers and mountains and up

8 Worship Him with love-offerings of jackfruit, hoppers, bananas and mango fruits and thus miti-
gate the burden of deeds.—SAINT AUVAIYAR
Book 1, Lesson 4

into the sky, up through the clouds to the top of the volcano exploded with orange
Third World where Lord Siva lives. This and yellow streamers of flame and big hot
path is dharma. When we tell the truth, and rocks and hot mud shot high into the 1. Bring a very lightweight, big plastic
do things that our parents tell us to do and night. It was volcano fireworks. It lit up the beach ball to class. (Blow it up at class.)
are nice to people, and say nice things to whole island of Bali, home of the Balinese It should be at least two feet wide, very
other people, then we stay on this happy Hindus. Bali is a small island with steep light. bigger is fine. The ball is going to
path of dharma and reach God. When we cliffs on most sides, off the coast of the big represent dharma, “acting in truthful,
tell lies, and do things that our parents tell island of Java in Indonesia. Lovely stone good ways.” Have all the students form
us not to do and say things that make oth- temples built with tall pagoda-like towers a big loose circle (single file is not nec-
er people unhappy, then we go off this lie all over this jungle island that the peo- essary) and put one student in the
beautiful path called dharma and get lost ple call the meeting ground of the Gods. middle, sitting down quietly, who is
until we get sad enough and come back and The main Siva temple, a huge area of mul- Ganesha. Tell them to throw the ball in
get on the path again. tiple temples, large courtyards on terraces, the air and everyone tries to keep
and steep stairs was on the mountain slope bouncing it back into the air, not let-
ANALOGIES & of the volcano itself. This volcano was sa- ting it hit the ground. If it does, it
cred to Siva. And it was still alive, erupting means that dharma stopped. No one
ILLUSTRATIONS every one hundred years or so. person is blamed but someone, any-
1. To help the children understand how big The roar of the volcano woke up Dhar- one, quickly takes the ball and hands
a mind Ganesha has, tell them to visualize a ma instantly. All the houses in Bali were it to Ganesha and says, “Ganesha,
computer that is 100 kilometers wide and built of wood and bamboo and were open please forgive us for letting dharma
so high it touches the clouds. Think how air—very few walls so the cooling breezes fall.” Ganesha smiles, hugs the ball,
much information can be in that computer. could blow through. Dharma jumped up aums three times and says, “Let dhar-
Now tell them Ganesha’s mind/memory is from his grass mat on the floor and saw the ma bounce high again!” and throws it
even greater than this, and faster. He has in- volcano shooting up a giant fountain of fire back into the air for the group to keep
stant access to all knowledge about our past and smoke. A huge river of red lava was up in the air as long as they can.
lives and the way we feel and think, our flowing down the north side of the volcano.
hopes and fears, even at this very moment. Dharma was 9-years old with a thick body
But computers of course have no soul and and long black hair. He knew he had to get running and climbing, but he kept going.
are not intelligent. They just store informa- up to the great Siva temple and help protect Lord Ganesha was giving him strength. He
tion, tons of it and process it. Ganesha has it or save the sacred items. He had just wok- reached the first stone courtyard of the
information but He is also immensely wise en up from a dream, a bright, rainbow huge temple. It was all lit up with orange
and intelligent. The point here is that the dream. In the dream Lord Ganesha ap- light and covered by black ash, but the lava
analogy of the computer is useful only to peared, like a beautiful, pinkish elephant flow was turning to the right. There were
help children visualize how much informa- face on a big TV, and told Dharma that his other people up there too. Many were
tion and knowledge Ganesha has immedi- dharma right now was to run up to the Siva priests. He followed one priest up more
ate access to all the time. temple and rescue the sacred Bell of Dhar- steps into a small stone shrine. Here was
2. To better appreciate how bright and joy- ma. Then, the blast of the volcano woke kept the Bell of Dharma. It sat on a deep
ous He is, tell the children to visualize a sun him. He knew he had to the good thing red cushion with gold tassels. The bell it-
inside Ganesha. See Ganesha as sort of see- right now, the right thing to do in this good self had a long gold handle carved into an
through and all this brilliant sunlight com- moment. It was a good moment because it image of lightening. The bell was beautiful
ing out of Him in all directions is pure love. was a time of need, and of testing. He liked bronze and made a sound like rolling thun-
Remind them how big the sun is and how being helpful and following the way of der. This bell started all the grand cere-
bright it is. Tell them that just as the phys- good conduct. That was Dharma’s thinking monies. It could not be lost to the lava.
ical sun cannot stop shining, Ganesha can of the way of dharma. He thought to him- Dharma took the bell carefully with both
never stop sending love out from Himself. self, “I can’t be afraid. I have the strength of hands. It was heavy. He wrapped it in a
There is no way He can stop waves of love Ganesha, the Lord of dharma, in my mind thick white cotton cloth. Then he headed
flowing out of Him to all beings, humans and muscles.” He was already dressed in a home, his dharma mission done.
and other creatures, in the whole universe. white and yellow wrap-around verthi. So Notes:
Isn’t that fantastic? Then tell them that this he quickly jumped through the house en-
feeling of a sun inside oneself will happen trance, paused briefly before small, black
to them one day too as they grow spiritu- stone Ganesha and ran for the road that led
ally and their soul body grows and burns to the Siva temple up on the fiery volcano.
away dark karmas, like the sun burns away He ran up the road as fast as he could,
the fog in the morning. breathing hard. He found the steps, so very
steep, that led up the volcano to the grand
STORY READING temple. He could feel the heat, and a black
In the middle of the black night when there rain was falling on him. It was black ash
was no moon the volcano came to life. The from the eruption. His chest hurt from

Book 1, Lesson 5 & 45
The main focus of this lesson is to tell the It is traditional to offer fruits and
children that by going to, and/or praying to flowers to all the Gods, so in this
Ganesha first before starting anything new, respect, Ganesha is like the oth-
our trip or project or event will be blessed er Gods who enjoy fruits and
and it will happen more smoothly than if flowers too. But Ganesha, even
we did not go and get Ganesha’s blessings. It more than the other Gods, likes
also introduces the biggest festival for Gane- to be offered sweets—pastries
sha, Ganesha Chaturthi, His birthday. and candies and cakes etc.

KEY PRESENTATIONS The round modaka ball, (seen in

We take all new new things we plan to do to the picture in Ganesha’s hand
Lord Ganesha to bless them and help make and in the plate in from of him)
them successful. which can be made many ways,
We go to Lord Ganesha first before start- is one of his favorites. You can
ing something new because this wonderful tell the children one of the rea-
God has special powers to clear the path of sons Lord Ganesha likes to be of-
our projects of various obstacles. He can see fered sweets, is that He knows
with His powerful mind by looking into the that all that is offered to Him is
patterns of the future. This does not mean blessed and then offered back to
that just by praying to Him that automati- the devotees.
cally there will be no problems that arise in
a project we have. We still all have our own Notice that the men and boys are
karma to experience, both positive and neg- on the right, the women and
ative. Ganesha does not ignore or erase this,
We worship Lord Ganesha first. girls on the left. Lesson 46 dis-
nor does our prayer erase it. So the best He likes fruits, flowers and cusses this.
teaching to the children will be that by pray-
ing to Ganesha for the success of an event,
sweet cakes. Here the priests are using their
we assure that it will be more smooth, more hands in special mudra “seal” po-
successful than if we had not gone to Gane-
We celebrate Ganesha sitions to channel spiritual ener-
sha at all. But we don’t want to tell the Chaturthi at the temple. gy into the kumbha pot. The pot
contains water. Water absorbs
children that just by going to Ganesha and
asking His blessings that a project will be spiritual energy. Then the water
without challenges. That is not true. Lord is poured over the Ganesha im-
Ganesha loves it when we use all our own of devas of all shades of spiritual capacity age in the background.
God-given divine will power, intelligence help Him. Ganesha can, for example, even
and creativity to make our own projects send messages to raincloud devas and ask
successful. Then He is very happy to assist. them not to rain at a certain spot on a cer- tival is celebrated at His temples all over the
But why do we pray to Lord Ganesha tain day if one’s karma is really good and a world by Hindus all over the world. This is a
first, and why not Lord Murugan or even person has prayed for sunshine. Or He can world-wide festival. It is a very fun festival
Lord Siva? The reason is that Lord Siva ap- ask the raincloud devas to rain for a farmer for children. There is usually plenty of good
pointed Lord Ganesha the Gatekeeper. This who prays to Ganesha for rain for his veg- sweets and birthday cakes to eat. There are
is a very nice name for Ganesha, the Gate- etable plants that need water. The raincloud more birthday cakes for Ganesha than any
keeper—one of His hundreds of names, by deva, the farmer and Ganesha are all mys- other person on Earth.
the way—and it means that He stands at a tically one in this magical process.
gate (not an actual gate, that is just an image Minor point #1: Give Ganesha as much ad-
to understand) between the inner worlds Ganesha Chaturthi is the biggest festival vance notice as possible. Say a child was
and outer world, our Bhuloka world and the for Lord Ganesha. It is like the birthday of going to start a new little flower garden in
inner world of the Devaloka. This makes Lord Ganesha, the time when we celebrate the back yard. Then it is good to say a prayer
Him close to us, just like a gatekeeper is close His creation by God Siva. Now the creation to Lord Ganesha at least three days before.
to visitors of a palace. A gatekeeper is the of Ganesha by God Siva would have been This gives Ganesha time to make adjust-
first one you see and the first one you would very long ago, far beyond any time frame ments that will help remove obstacles in the
tell what you need or who you want to see. the young children can imagine. It is so long future success of the garden.
But Ganesha is more than just a gate- ago, it was before the Earth and our moon Minor point #2: No project or plan is too
keeper of a palace, the inner worlds. He is and our stars were created. Since Ganesha small to pray to Ganesh first for. Some
also like a king in many ways too, even is so close to us, helping us with many of children always say “Om Ganesha” before
sometimes called Ganapati, Lord of the our interests and goals in life, Ganesha they go anywhere on their bicycle—just the
Ganas. He is the inspirational guide for so Chaturthi is one of the best times to offer same as their parents do when they get in a
many devas of many inner realms. Millions our love and thankfulness to Him. This fes- car and say “Om Ganesha” before they drive

10 If you worship the elephant-faced Vinayaka, your life will expand bountifully. —SAINT AUVAIYAR
Book 1, Lesson 5 & 45 A C T I V I T I E S

1. Tell the students beforehand to bring

anywhere. This is asking Ganesha to make a rock the swami said was where the Deities flowers, some little sweet and a piece of
the trip safe so neither does the child fall off would be put. She kept a little camphor, in- fruit to class. Choose one of the students to
the bike, nor does the child bump into cense and an arati lamp at the site. She was be Ganesha. a boy or a girl. Have Ganesha
someone and hurt someone else. all alone and never missed doing this, not sit down with legs crossed and smiling. If
Minor point #3: If a project, plan or trip even once for six months. Many times it you have a ganesha mask, which is quite
worked out really well, we should thank would rain very hard in the afternoons. common temple item for dramas, bring
Ganesha afterwards. Lord Ganesha and Still she hiked up and did the puja, always that, too, and the student can be wearing
His helper devas are just like us in the sense smiling. She loved Ganesha. Her puja al- the mask. Then everyone comes up and of-
that they too like to be thanked. So it is nice ways felt magical. fers fruit, flowers and sweets to Ganesha as
the rest sing “Ganesha Saranam” or any
when we have first prayed to Ganesha for Then one day something amazing hap-
simple Ganesha song they know. The fruit
blessings and our project, plan or trip then pened. (Years later, she told the story to and sweets are put in front of Ganesha. Let
worked out really well, that we thank Gane- some children who were wondering if the the students put the flowers all over Gane-
sha for this. This can be done by a visit to Gods were really real. It was recorded. These sha, decorating Him nicely. this will, of
the temple with a little offering, or a prayer are her words.) “It all started with a funny course, be very funny for most and cause
before we go to bed in our home shrine feeling that something really unusual was a lot of laughter. this is fine. Then Gane-
room or a letter/note burned in a temple going to happen. I was on the telephone and sha eats a sweet and a bite of a fruit. He
homa fire. Being thankful is part of Hindu was telling one of my friends that some- waves His hand over all the offerings and
culture. thing unusual was going to happen. Just as says, “Thank you for your love offerings.
Minor point #3: Ganesha does not help I was saying that the electricity went off. So Here, now you enjoy too.” And Ganesha
hands out a piece of fruit and sweet to all.
negative prayers. If Ganesha gets a prayer I got king of excited and thought that
from someone who asks Ganesha to hurt maybe that was what was going to happen.
somebody else that this person is mad at, It was just after dark. Later I found out that enclosed in. It was almost as if it was a time
Ganesha does not respond. Ganesha re- the two murthis of Ganesha and Murugan capsule from outer space. Ganesha had on
sponds only to prayers that are positive, had arrived at the dock on our island just a white cloth tied in the front at waist level
thought up with a feeling of love, helpful- that afternoon. I was in the kitchen helping and they both had on a lot of flower gar-
ness, joy or sincere need. my mom. We had candles. It was dark. And lands, really lots, like about ten, with really
up there in the mountains where we live its incredibly beautiful flowers. Murugan was
STORY READING get really pitch black at night. Then all of a wearing orange, and really tall and just
This is the real-life story of a Hindu girl sudden, I just had this feeling come over beautiful and smiling. He had his peacock.
who lived in Hawaii and had a vision of me. You know, where you almost get chills It was walking on the left hand side. I re-
Ganesha. She was living with her parents when you know something is going to hap- member that they were walking inside this
and brother in a very simple, tiny wooden pen. I looked up. I wasn’t looking with my ball of light. Their feet were moving but
house perched high up on a lush green two eyes, but it would seem like I was. I was they weren’t touching any surface. They had
mountainside that sloped down to the Pa- looking with my third eye. I just started anklets around their feet with flowers. They
cific ocean which was so big it looked just talking and saying what I saw. First it was just smiled at me. And I’m looking at them
like an upside down sky. Looking out from just a little tiny light as big around as two and I’m going, “Oh my God, I can’t believe
her porch, the view of the emerald-green fingers put together. It was blue and it had this is happening. Then it started to pass
and sapphire-blue ocean was so beautiful, white on the outside of it. I thought I won- over our house and right up toward the
she felt like she was in heaven. She felt like a der what that is. I kept talking to my mom bamboo and disappeared from my sight. I
princess looking out from her “palace.” This and as I telling her what I was seeing. She had a real strong feeling that they had come
was a coffee farming region. Her nearest was right next to me. She kept saying, to bless me for the pujas that I had done. I
neighbor was was very far away. It was very, “Where? Where?” She couldn’t see it. I kept felt really privileged. I did this for six
very peaceful and very quiet. Her father was describing every detail. My family got real months and never missed one day. A cou-
a hard-working farmer. worried. The ball kept getting bigger and it ple times when I was up there I saw Gane-
When the school bus dropped her off at was coming from the direction down to- sha, just His eyes, smiling at me”
a spot on the highway, she would hike up ward the ocean toward where the murthis
the mountain on a bumpy dirt road to her arrived at our island’s little seaport that day. WRONG THINKING
house about half a mile. Then after she left I found this out later. It was coming straight Ganesha will remove all obstacles if we
her books at the house, she would hike even for the bamboo forest. I remember very pray to Him first. No. The Gods are not like
further up the slope to a bamboo grove clearly that I wasn’t using my two physical puppets who do everything we tell them.
where a swami had blessed a spot for a tem- eyes because I remember being able to al- Neither do they have us and human events
ple to be built. She had asked him if she most see the trees and things but at the on strings that they just pull according to
could do a little daily puja every day to help same time there was this ball of light, a bub- what they want. Each human being has to
bless the spot until the images of the ble. As the bubble got closer, I could see two experience his or her karma. The Gods help
Deities arrived from India to help keep the somethings inside of it, two figures. As they us in that experience, softening difficult kar-
vibration sacred. So each day, she would got closer and closer I saw Ganesha was on mas and making positive ones brighter. But
pick flowers and get a little fruit like pa- the left. Murugan was on the right. The the key is that they help us help ourselves.
payas or bananas that grew around her thing I remember the most about it was the That way we grow, get stronger. Our soul
house and walk up and did a little arati at specialness of the feeling of what they were grows.

Book 1, Lesson 6
The idea of a supreme God, what it means
to be supreme. The course’s first introduc- This is a picture of Siva that is
commonly seen. There are
tion to “Aum Namah Sivaya,” the most im-
many symbols in it. Lord Siva is
portant and powerful spiritual saying in
seated in meditation in the Hi-
Saivite Hinduism.
malayan mountains of north
India, His traditional earthly
KEY PRESENTATIONS home. Siva’s spiritual light is in-
All the children in the class know from side the Himalayas. Sometimes
their own experience that there are many, we can see Him through the
many people in the world. They see hun- rock and snow of the moun-
dreds of people every day. Sometimes when tains. Siva is in meditation. He
they go to festivals or sports events or con- is one with everything and
certs they see thousands of people. On tele- everybody. He knows all knowl-
vision they can see millions of people. edge of the past and future. Out
There seems to be no end to the amount of of his meditation Siva creates
people on Earth, over 5 billion now. Chil- all worlds and all people from
dren are also aware that a few people are His own mind. We see that by
very important in the world. They help and his Third Eye symbol.
guide and protect large groups of people. The river Ganga pours from
They could be spiritual leaders or govern- Siva’s hair. This means Siva is
ment leaders. These leaders are smart and the creator of the entirety of
skilled. They want to improve. They know Earth’s environment. Siva made
how to lead. They know how to get things our planet with oceans, rivers,
done. They are supreme. They are above lakes and all the mountains,
the people who have a duty in society to plains, deserts and coasts.
follow. They lead the people who follow The Supreme God is Lord Siva. The trident of Siva tells us He
them. This could be in a country or a reli- has three supreme powers. He
gion that exists in many countries. But on We say “Aum Namah Sivaya.” has supreme Will, supreme
Earth, there is no one supreme leader. Knowledge, supreme Energy.
There is no leader that is above all the rest. Siva is Lord of the entire uni-
Never in history has there been a one hu- verse.
man supreme leader.

Now, just as there are so many types of an- everybody on Earth. He is the supreme
imals and insects, and so many millions of leader of earth and all worlds and all peo-
people on Earth, there are many millions ple. He leads by love and wisdom. ANALOGIES &
and millions of people who have bodies of
light and live in worlds of light. There are Siva’s name is very powerful. It means per- ILLUSTRATIONS
so many that we could not begin to count fect goodness. It is always favorable. Siva 1. Supreme generally means something or
them. We call them devas (angels) and means that which is always good for us. somebody that is over others by virtue of
Gods. These devas and Gods have many Siva is the beauty of a sunrise across the power, position or ability. For instance, Mt.
powers. They help and guide everybody on mountains. Siva is the power to push our Everest is the supreme mountain on Earth
Earth and on many other planets too. The planet Earth around the sun. Often, during because it is the tallest. It is higher than all
devas or angels are obedient to the Gods or the day we want to talk to God Siva. We other mountain peaks on Earth. When
Lords. They follow the leadership of the want to call His name. It makes us feel good standing on the peak of Mt. Everest, and if
Gods. The Gods are very spiritual people of to say His name, which is also His power. there was a clear view, you could look down
light. Their bodies give off light like a very The best way to say God’s name is to say, on the all the other mountains and valleys
bright rainbow. They are so smart they “Aum Namah Sivaya.” This means, “Adora- and glaciers and see everything about
know all knowledge and even our future. tion to Siva.”“Aum” is the sound of the uni- them. Because we are higher we have more
There are many Gods. Lord Murugan and verse. Adoration is our highest love for knowledge. We see more. We know more.
Lord Ganesha are Gods. But there is only God. If we see something good or beauti- We can do more. If we are on a lower
one supreme God. There is one Lord who is ful—a mother and child, a gift to a beggar, mountain and are looking up at Mt. Everest
the highest, the first God. He is the bright- a man petting a dog, moonlight on a we cannot see everything about the Everest
est, the most powerful, with the greatest pond—we can say “Aum Namah Sivaya.” peak. Our knowledge is limited. The
mind. He is Siva. He is God. Siva is the Or if we want to change something from supreme does have mystery about it.
supreme person. His mind is everywhere. bad and ugly into goodness, we can say
His love is everywhere. His power is every- “Aum Namah Sivaya” and know their lives 2. There are many Gods. But there is only
where. Siva’s light completely goes through will change in the future. one Supreme God. This is like the British

12 The mystic expression “Namah Sivaya” is the sacred name of Lord Siva, and conveys in the sa-
cred path souls which are full of devotion and do utter it with a melting heart.—TIRUMURAI
Book 1, Lesson 6
system of government. There are many them. And the waves were mirrors. As the
ministers, but there is only one Prime Min- waves hit, hid rock house shook. His body 1. Bring a strong flashlight. Arrange for
ister. He or she is the supreme minister, the trembled. To him, this was the living pow- a large box, big enough for one, two or
one with the most ability, power and com- er of Siva. Every few minutes another wave more children to fit under, to be at the
mand. rolled in, rising like a horse and kicking at classroom. It must be totally opaque to
the rock. The rock thumped like a drum. light. Place it with the bottom side up,
3. When we say “Aum Namah Sivaya” to He thought this is how Siva is supreme. He and the top side open to the ground so
ourselves it is often to make us feel better is the waves traveling through all creation. the children can go under the edge and
if we have been hurt. Someone said some- His power never ends. He is the ocean of be inside the box. Cover it with a thick
thing that hurt our feelings. Called us a life. And with the rhythm and sound of the dark cloth that drapes down and over
name. Or if mom got mad at us because we waves, he would start saying softly to her- the floor around the box. But leave one
didn’t eat a certain vegetable. Or if we self, “Aum Namah Sivaya.” Each time a wave small area on the edge of the top side
sprained an ankle. At these times of sad- rushed toward him he said Siva’s name. He open. In this area, take a small nail or
ness, Siva’s name can make us feel better. It felt as if part of him became the waves and thick needle and make a pin-size hole.
is like an ointment that makes the pain go ocean. He felt part of Siva. Cover the hole tightly so no light gets
away. It is like aspirin that relieves the inside. One, two or more children
headache. So we say “Aum Namah Sivaya” BACKGROUND crawl under the box. Turn out all the
and start to quickly feel better. Many non-Hindus have interpreted Hindu lights in the classroom. It should be
primary scripture—the Vedas—as invoking pitch dark for the children inside. They
STORY READING many Gods, but not recognizing a single start to chant Aum Namah Sivaya, and
The ocean waves came crashing against the supreme Deity. This is called polytheism. after a short while the other children
dark rocks. Spray jetted up like water foun- And even today, Hinduism is often present- quickly remove the covering of the pin
tains. The blue and silver water rolled up ed by non-Hindu educators and texts as be- hole while shining a bright flashlight
into long waves. Foam bubbled at the top. ing polytheistic. This interpretation was be- into the hole. The incoming light to the
With a great roar the waves hit the wet gun by Christian clergy and researchers to children in the box represents Siva as
rocks. Every day and every night as the show that Christianity was superior to Hin- the supreme God in the universe as
moon drifted overhead the waves hit duism because it had a one God. Histori- they chant Aum Namah Sivaya. The
against the rocks. It never ended. A little cally and psychologically, this was a pur- children take turns under the box.
boy loved to watch the waves. His home poseful distortion to help the Christian
was on the coast of South Africa. He lived conversion campaigns. In reality, the Vedas 2. Split the class into four groups. One
near a beach that had lots of huge rocks. clearly and repeatedly describe a one of the groups is the Supreme God Siva.
They looked like shipwrecks. Seaweed hung Supreme Being who creates and guides all The other three groups are Gods. The
from them. Seals played around them. Gods, devas and people, whose energies Supreme God group thinks up some-
Starfish clung to them. The beach was the and mind wholly are the universe. thing for the other Gods group to do
boy’s private place. He came nearly every that is good and helpful, like helping
day. Even when grey clouds covered the sky CONNECTIONS poor people get better homes. They tell
that to the other Gods groups. The
and sheets of rain poured he came to watch Compare Siva to Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is
Gods groups then think what they can
the sea waves, to watch the life of the sea. not the supreme God. Lord Ganesha is one
do to accomplish that helpful task. As
His family was Hindu. They had a nice of many Gods who have special powers and
the other Gods groups are thinking
store that sold grocery items for the coast duties. Ganesha looks to Siva as the ulti-
and planning, the Supreme God group
town. But they didn’t sell any meat or fish mate God. move around in a circle saying Aum.
or fowl or eggs. They were devotees of God They are maintaining the power of the
Siva. The boy had been taught that Siva was HOMEWORK universe.
alive in all creatures. To even take an egg to Ask the children to think of God Siva each
eat was wrong. He liked those ideas. At the night before they go to bed and fall asleep.
beach, she knew all the crabs and mollusks They should see Siva in all the stars in the God Siva is the Supreme Being, the First
and starfish and tide pool fish. They were night sky. If there was one brightest star Soul who is the creator, preserver and de-
his friends. The tide came in, and the wa- that suddenly lit up so bright it filled the stroyer of all existence. Destroyer is not the
ter flowed around his feet. And he watched entire night sky, that would be Siva. That best word for understanding this process. It
all the tide pool creatures sway with the sil- would be the supreme star. Its light is the is more like changer, for one thing is
very rush of the water. Then, he would power behind all the other stars. Have the changed into another thing. For example,
move on to the rugged brown and grey children think of this as they fall asleep. water is changed into snow. Ice is changed
rocks. He had a secret passage that took back into water. Also things are changed
him up through one rock that was like a WRONG THINKING into more fundamental forms. For exam-
house. It had little rooms in it made by the Many Hindus think of Siva as the destroyer, ple, a dead leaf breaks down into soil.
waves constant crashing. If the waves were following a wrong notion that Brahma is Notes:
small, he sat in one of these rooms, look- the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Siva
ing out. It was evening. The sun’s fire was the destroyer. This would mean there are
dripping into the ocean. Clouds driven by three co-equal supreme Gods—a very
wind had the sun’s sunset fire painted on wrong and unenlightened understanding.

Book 1, Lesson 7
The focus of this lesson is very, very sim- 1. Big ears. Yes, very big ears. Ask
ple—we want to impress on the children the children what ears are for. Yes,
that more than any other idea or feeling listening. Ganesha has big ears
they should hold of Siva, it is that He is pure because He is the very best listen-
love and happiness. er. He never get tired of hearing
all your worries, problems, hopes
KEY PRESENTATIONS and dreams. Talk to Him often.
Love and happiness are the two most 2. Ganesha is often shown in pic-
sought after feelings in our world. If a per- tures with a big round belly. His
son has love in their heart and is happy that big belly tells us that in a magical
person is considered very fortunate by all. way the whole world is inside
Many people feel that love and happiness Him. Or, you could say it anoth-
are something outside of them. Love and er way—He is inside the whole
happiness can be gained by having a lot of physical world. Have the children
money, a big house, very expensive cars and visualize both the round earth in-
clothes and perhaps even power over other side his stomach and have them
people. That is what many people think visualize the planet earth and
Ganesha inside it. In both images,
makes them happy. Many people think that
you can impress on the children
love is a feeling other people should give to
how close He is to us, not “way far
them. They think that to give love to some-
away somewhere.”
one else depends on how they are treating
3. Mango and banana. Never
us. If they are mean to us, or don’t give us
miss the opportunity to repeat
what we want, then we don’t love them any- how much Ganesha likes sweet
more. So most people go through life with candy-like fruits. If He likes fruits
love and happiness as kind of thin clouds and sweets, children figure He is
they are trying to grab hold of, but their
hands just go right through. Ganesha says “Lord Siva is at least a little like them!
4. Good to just remind the chil-
Now, actually the children all have a very dren that this is a drawing, an
deep ocean-like feeling of love and happi-
ness and joy and bliss already inside of
love and happiness.” artist’s drawing of Ganesha. We
are not a comic book religion and
them. Love and happiness are already there the Gods do not look like every
inside of them as a part of their soul, as a artist’s painting. Pictures just help
part of their divine nature. The children us a little visualize the Gods.
don’t need to have the latest popular toy to out of Siva. Siva means “auspicious” or”
be happy. The children don’t need every- “ever good” and the purest love and happi-
body to like them and do them favors to feel ness is always radiating from that perfect Siva— they will automatically begin to feel
pure love. Happiness and love are within us. goodness. The soul is made of light. It is a a warm love and happiness. It is automatic.
They are as real a part of our mind as kind of light that we do not see in our phys- In the shrine room at their home, this feel-
thoughts. All we do is move our mind into ical world. This light is so pure, so power- ing is even stronger. At the Siva temple, it is
the “happy” land of the mind. We send our ful that a giant star far bigger than our sun very strong. When we sit in personal yoga
thoughts, like bubbles, to the “happy” land. could be made from one very tiny, tiny flash meditation, it is even stronger. When we sit
And in doing this the children are actually of this light. It is like white diamonds and in front of a satguru—who personally expe-
working with the very fabric of conscious- red rubies and green emeralds and blue sap- riences the full power of Siva’s love and hap-
ness itself. They are moving their con- phires turned to light that is stronger than piness—then it is extremely strong.
sciousness—this is like a personal ball of our hardest steel on Earth. This is the light
mind—out of a sad area into another area, a of our soul body and of the Siva Supreme ANALOGIES &
happy area. If the children were to contin- Soul. If we were to barely touch that light
ue moving their personal ball of mind into with our fingertips, we would instantly be ILLUSTRATIONS
deeper and deeper, and more intense layers filled with an indescribable love and happi- Ask the children to remember the happiest
of happiness, they would come right into ness. The intensity of love and happiness we moment of their life. Then tell them to mul-
the very Mind of Siva. Riding their person- would feel coming from God Siva would be tiply that a trillion times. Siva is even hap-
al ball of mind—their consciousness—the so great that the children could not sit still. pier than that all the time. Amazing isn’t it!
children would bump right into the very They would literally have to get up and
source of love and happiness: God Siva. jump for joy. They would be filled with the Have the class visualize a tidal wave. First,
God Siva is the source of love and happi- very energy of love and happiness. make sure everyone knows what a tidal
ness. He is the Supreme Soul. The very pow- When we even think about God Siva— wave is—a huge wave on the ocean created
ers of love and happiness are ever-streaming just have the children begin to think about by an earthquake or volcanic eruption un-

14 There is no difference between devotion and perfect knowledge. A person who is engrossed in devotion
enjoys perpetual happiness.—SIVA PURANA
Book 1, Lesson 7
der the ocean. Make it about a mile high. me feel, when the most amazing, incredi-
Then say it’s coming toward the coastline of ble thing happened. A giant wave of love 1. Tell the students to all think of
whatever country the children in the class came right into my body—flooded me, to- something that they have done wrong,
live. A mile high means that no matter how tally, head to toe. My anger washed away. or an action that someone else has
far inland they live its going to reach them! It’s hard to explain if it’s never happened to done wrong or some action that they
Now, tell them to turn the tidal wave into you. But I suddenly felt like loving every- just think up. (Examples are: refusing
to eat some food at a meal that they
pure love and happiness. It is sparkling en- body, not even like I had a choice, more like
didn’t like, crying about having to go
ergy, twinkling lights, like the electric lights at I was just love itself and it is was coming
somewhere that they didn’t want to go,
Diwali time. It is all colors of the rainbow. up from inside me like a fountain, geyser or
complaining that they didn’t have a toy
There are magical fish jumping on the top of volcano and just pouring out of me and
that a friend has.) Then select someone
the wave and thousands of beautiful little be- making what felt like a sparkling bubble to be Siva, who sits in lotus position
ings of light dancing inside the wave. Let the around me a little bit like that shower of and smiles. Any kind of costumery to
children describe this visualization from sparkling energy in Star Trek when they make Siva look more like Siva is good.
their imagination. If this doesn’t work well, say, “Beam me up Scottie.” then have each student go up to Siva,
don’t worry, just go ahead with the image. Anyway, there I was sitting in my room sit in front and relate out loud to Siva
Let the wave finally reach land and start and I had turned into love. If you asked me some action that was not very nice to
flooding the first towns. People who were not my name at that moment, I would say do and then ask for Siva to forgive
nice, started to say nice things. Storekeepers “Love.” If you don’t believe me, I don’t them. To each, Siva smiles and says,
who would never give anything away for blame you, it sounds really weird. But you “Thank you for telling me this. I know
free, gave away things to the hungry. should believe me because it really hap- you will now act better. Because my na-
pened. ture is love and happiness, I am never
STORY READING As I as sitting there, I thought of those sad and always full of love. I love you
Namaste! My name is Shantini. I am 9- girls. I now had zero hate for them. In fact, and send you my happiness now and
years-old and I live in Nadi, Fiji. For those I felt sorry for them. Really sorry. Can you always.” The fun for the children is
of you who are reading this story of mine believe it? I could see that the unkind way thinking up, relating from personal ex-
and have never heard of Fiji, don’t feel bad. they treated me—and probably others— perience and hearing other’s actions
I don’t know a lot of places where other actually blinded them to the core of them- they think would make Siva unhappy
Hindu children like me live. So we are both selves, love, Siva. This sounds pretty com- and unloving and then seeing how Siva
“in the same boat.” But just so you know, plicated, but when it happened it was so remains pure love and happiness no
Fiji is a little island/country in the South simple, so clear. I could just see that they matter what He hears.
Pacific and is a beautiful place to live—ex- were sort of blind, almost like crippled peo-
cept for one day last month. I’ tell you what ple. And I could “see.” I felt sorry for them.
happened. I continued to sit there feeling this total- on that day and some of that feeling of to-
I was at my bus stop waiting for the ly absolutely amazing giant bubbling feel- tal infinite love lifts me up. I know it is Siva.
school bus and some girls who were not ing of love thrilling me for about twenty One day I hope you have an experience like
Hindus were giggling. Then I heard them minutes. It then became less strong but the I had. It can happen anywhere to anyone,
say something about “God with an ele- feeling stayed in my body for several days. anytime.
phant head” and they looked over at me The next morning at the bus stop I saw
and laughed even harder. I knew they were the girls again. As I approached them, they WRONG THINKING
making fun of Ganesha, making fun of my started to giggle. I walked up to and said Siva is married. No, Gods are not married
religion and laughing at me for being a “Good morning” and smiled a smile about like humans. Sometimes they are shown
Hindu. I had just read the lesson the day as big and happy and full of warmth as the with wives and husbands. These consorts
before that says, “Ganesha says God Siva is sun. They said, “Good Morning” real soft- represent their various powers and abilities.
love and happiness,” and then this! Just the ly back to me and started to talk about
opposite of love and happiness. I felt like something else. Siva is a man. No, God Siva is not a man.
asking Siva why, if He is love and happiness Now I didn’t become a saint or anything Nor a woman. God has a soul body, the
and He lives inside everyone, why are some and I didn’t even tell me Mom about this first, most magnificent soul body—totally
people so unloving and try to make others right away it was so incredible. I don’t even perfect, beautiful. The soul body is not male
unhappy. How could this be in Siva’s uni- know if this story has a clear lesson be- or female, though it looks like a nice blend
verse? I was also mad, angry, and part of me cause the problems that we children have of both. The soul body is made of light and
wanted to say something just to “get back at with other children are different for each naturally they have no digestive and repro-
them.” Anyway, I went to school that day of us and and things still happen to me that ductive organs like we have who have phys-
and felt rotten all day and came home and can get me annoyed or kind of down. But ical bodies for life in the first world. Our soul
went to my room and sat in front of my what I can tell you for sure is that love and body is also sexless, like Siva’s, neither male
picture of Siva and asked Him to help me happiness are very, very real things, the core nor female. This is an important point to tell
figure all this out. I was sitting there look- of life, the center of me and you, God Siva. the children.
ing at His picture and thinking about those I know that now for sure. So when I get un- Notes:
girls giggling at me and how awful it made happy about anything, I always think back

Book 1, Lesson 8 & 55
The festival is a time of celebrating God’s
presence in our lives. For children it is a Small versions of the temple
deities, called parade deities, are
time of spiritual joy and fun activities that
being carried around the tem-
promote their spiritual growth.
ple. The parade deities are tem-
porarily charged with the spir-
KEY PRESENTATIONS itual energy of the temple
In Saivite Hinduism there are many festi-
deities. These parade deities
vals that are celebrated throughout the carry the power of God and the
year. Festivals are a community event of Gods to people who may not
creating spiritual awareness and gratitude be able to enter the temple. For
among many people. A Saivite Hindu fes- instance, those who are not
tival can be celebrated by millions of people vegetarian.
all over the world at the same time. Wor-
shipers of Siva in Toronto, Canada are join- Often the parade is led by a
ing worshipers of Siva in Duesseldorf, Ger- group of musicians playing the
many and Chidambaram, India. Each tem- large temple drum and the na-
ple in every village, town or city holds its gaswaram, a loud reed instru-
festival in its own way. Each year the Saivite ment with a piercing sound.
citizens look forward to and help with these Groups of women may be
great festivals. Festivals are celebrated by singing bhajan and men may be
people who believe the same way. They all keeping up a steady chant of
believe in Siva as the supreme God. They all the God’s sacred name. Conch
believe that Siva is present everywhere. shells are blown into the air. It
They all believe that all people will know is like a circus of sound.
Siva in oneness. Festivals bring people to-
gether who want to grow spiritually. It is
Festival Here, two girls are greeting each
also a time of fun, of games, gift-giving and other. Their hands are in a spe-
good food, of music and dancing and dra-
When we meet each other we say cial position, palms together,
ma. Fireworks are shot off. New friends are hands facing skyward. Putting
made. Old relatives are visited. Swamis and
“Namaskara” or “Vanakkam.” hands in special postions like
yogis and elders give spiritual instruction. this is called mudras. Mudra
Therefore festivals are very unique events. means “seal” as in making a seal
Another word for festival is holiday. They of psychic energies flowing
are holy days. Often, they are national hol- their hearts. New ideas come that may lead through the hands.
idays. Children are out of school. Adults are to success. They want to help others. They
off from work. Everybody is happy. Every- are creating good karma. The festival cre- build stalls and stages. They may make
body is thankful. Everybody is hopeful for ates a mood of openness: “God is helping arrangements with town officials for use of
the future. Everybody wants the blessings me. How can I help God?” people ask roads and park land. They may invite
of the Deity and the deva angels. themselves. The temples and ashrams, swamis to give talks. There is always lots to
The festival takes place inside and out- which need money to keep going, receive do for the festival.
side the temple. Often it goes for a great many donations. Everybody gives how
distance away from the temple. Parades go much they can afford. The gift of the peas- Often festivals are the best time that we
down streets. Lines of booths sell food and ant farmer is as valuable as the gift of the see cousins or friends that we have not seen
trinkets. Conferences and performances millionaire doctor. During festivals, home- for a long while. It is an occasion of greet-
may be held in indoor halls. So the festival less and poor people are fed and given ing and friendship. As Hindus we have a
spreads out. But the center of the festival is clothing. This is a time when Saivite Hin- special way of greeting each other. It is a
the temple. The highlight of the festival is dus take care of the unfortunate. This also spiritual greeting. In fact the way that we
the grand puja finale. inspires us to regularly provide for the poor greet our fellow people is the same way that
In each season Saivite Hinduism has a and homeless. Siva may inspire us to vol- we worship Ganesha, Murugann and God
festival, or often two. This means every few unteer to work for a religious or social ser- Siva. We place our hands with the palms to-
months there is a holiday celebration. Be- vice that provides meals and shelter for gether and the right thumb over the left
cause so many millions of people are cele- homeless folk. thumb. The fingertips are pointing up to
brating these festivals, God Siva and the Almost everyone helps in the festival the sky. This means we are seeing that the
Lords Murugan and Ganesha can give lots preparations. The wives and mothers are soul in front of us—either a soul in a phys-
of help to all those people at the same time. cooking for great feasts. They are decorat- ical body or a God soul—is in truth one
Because everybody is being kind and gen- ing. They are making garlands. Often the with the Supreme Spirit. We salute with our
erous and more spiritual, they become children help with this. The men may go to hands the Siva Perfection that is in every-
more aware of Siva. They feel a new love in the temple and help clean, or they may one. This is called the namaskara saluta-

16 Seers can reach Him because He is visible; worshipers, too, can see Him. but if they possess love
for Him, Hara, will manifest Himself to their mind as light.—TIRUMURAI
Book 1, Lesson 8 & 55
tion. Namaskara is a beautiful Sanskrit bedroom. He made his bed, tucking in all
word that means “I see the Divine in you the corners nice and neat. He was extra 1. Bring a picture of Lord Siva, a strong
and I bow down to the Divine in you.” careful today. This was Maha Sivaratri, the portable fan, a big bowl of honey-
Thus, this greeting which we should use great night of Siva festival. It was late Feb- sweetened popcorn, and arrange for
everyday turns an everyday “Good morn- ruary. There were a lot of devotees of Siva the children to bring flower petals and
ing” into a spiritual “seeing” and reminder in Toronto. He would be up all night till bells, cymbals and drums from home.
that we are all souls of Siva Spirit. early in the morning. Last year he fell The Lord Siva picture is placed at the
asleep. But this year he wanted to try to center of the classroom. Place the fan
make it all the way. He would be worship- so that it is facing towards God Siva,
ANALOGIES & ing and singing. He would try to sit still in but a ways away. While most of the
meditation. He would talk to his friends. children are making as much noise as
ILLUSTRATIONS He would eat all kinds of good food when possible with the bells, cymbals and
1. When we hold a festival, it is like a grand the late night worship was finished. Today, drums, the children take turns releas-
party for God and the Gods. They are the he would just be eating fruit as a part of the ing flower petals in front of the fan so
chief guests to this great party on Earth. It spiritual practice for being close to Siva. they blow toward Siva (like a helicopter
is held at their temples and the surround- But he also knew he could have hot milk dropping petals out of the sky). Then
ing countryside. Imagine all the prepara- with honey this morning. He was looking the popcorn is offered to Siva (fan off),
tions we would go through to have the best forward to that. and everybody eats the popcorn.
party for Siva. The temple should be very Shanti had a pet hamster. It was in a cage 2. Bring to the class a variety of differ-
clean and spotless. in the corner of his room, on a desk. He ent colored ribbons: yellow, red, blue,
turned on the desk lamp. The hamster orange, green. This can be ribbon used
2. During the festival we are trying to im- woke up and blinked his eyes at him. Shan- for wrapping gifts. Or it can be yarn, if
prove ourselves spiritually. We join a bhajan ti gently petted his soft fur. He was struck that is more readily available. The chil-
group and sing to Siva. We learn to play the by the thought that God was in this ham- dren help each other tie one color of
cymbals. We get up a little earlier in the ster too. It was still dark outside. The sun ribbon around their hands that are in
morning just to say Siva’s name as the sun wouldn’t be rising into the cloud-filled sky the customary greeting gesture of the
rises. We are more selfless. We try to help for another hour. But Shanti could see a palms and fingers face-to-face and the
as much as possible. If we get an allowance faint reddish glow in the east. He went over right thumb over the left thumb. As a
of money, we give some of it to the poor. to the window that faced east. There was a result, each youth has their hands in
We go to be with the swamis and spiritual bit of frost on the window. With his finger, namaskara greeting bound by a single
leaders. We bring them a gift. We try to un- he wrote out the word SIVA. He wrote it color of ribbon. That is their color.
derstand a little more of our religion. We backwards so it could be read by people Now, all children with like colors clus-
ask questions. And we also have a lot of fun. walking by outside. And he began to think ter together in groups. Then the
what he could do at the temple that morn- teacher calls out two combinations of
STORY READING ing. He really wanted to help make this the colors: red and yellow, for instance. All
Shanti woke up by himself this morning. best Maha Sivaratri ever. the children with red and yellow rib-
Usually his mother had to come in and Later that morning he and Shakti put on bons have to go over to each other and
whisper to him to wake up. Sometimes she their winter clothes and boots. They with their hands still in namaskar, do
had to give him a little shake too. But Shan- jumped out into the snow banks laughing. a slight bow and say “Namaskar.” As
ti came out of dreamland by himself. It was It was a good day. The sun was out. The that is happening the teacher calls out
another pair. They rush over to bow
cold outside. He looked out the window. In snow was powdery like sugar. He and Shak-
and greet each other. The teacher keeps
the pale moonlight he could see white drifts ti had decided to walk to the temple. No
calling out different pairs of colors, so
of snow. The trees of his yard had arms of need for dad to drive the car and cause
all the children have to pay attention to
snow. He really liked the snow. He was born more pollution they decided.
which color to seek out next. This is a
in Toronto, Canada. And that is where he So they walked and threw snowballs. fast, colorful game.
still lived, out in a suburb. So snow was a They saw a few adults along the way and
fun friend each winter. Still it was early in they greeted them with their palms in the
the morning and he was glad to be indoors, namaskara salutation. The Siva temple of
in his bed. A huge mountain of cotton Toronto wasn’t too far away. They were the floors so they shone like mirrors.
blankets covered him. Ok, he thought, time meeting a bunch of other children to help
to jump out of bed and see if his sister with cleaning the temple. Shanti really liked HOMEWORK
Shakti was awake. He quickly shoved the the Siva temple in winter. It rose like a Have the children think of several ways
blankets aside and leapt up. He put on a white castle out of a field of snow and ever- they could help clean and prepare a temple
robe to stay warm and headed down the green trees. It had high towers, all made of for a major festival. The temple should be
hall to his sister’s room. But then he heard white granite. In the distance Shanti and super clean. What would they do to make
her singing a lovely Siva bhajan in the bath- Shakti could see their friends standing out- it like a beautiful temple out of a fairy tale?
room. Gee, she woke up before I did, he side the beautiful temple. They were all
thought to himself. And she beat me to the smiling, and they all had buckets and cloths
bathroom. “Don’t use all the hot water,” he and brushes to clean with. Shanti went in,
said cheerfully. And he went back to his and with a group of boys began to polish

Book 1, Lessons 9, 10 & 11
The chariot festival and pulling the chari-
ot are an important annual event at many See how strongly these men
temples. The chariot, holding the parade and boys are pulling the char-
deity image, becomes an extension of the iot. They use all of their
temple into the greater community. The strength to pull the power of
community is blessed and benefits through God on the chariot. We should
worship and service. put this much strength into
our daily spiritual
practices.There are musicians
leading the chariot parade.
The chariot is a large, wheeled vehicle used
Sometimes devotees roll on
to carry a special deity image from the tem-
the ground in front of the
ple around a parade route. Usually the chariot. This is a way of saying
chariot is ornately carved from wood and they are sorry to God Siva for
rolls on four large wheels. Some smaller whatever they did wrong over
chariots are gilded with precious metal at the past year. They hope that
wealthy temples. A large chariot can stand rolling on the ground will help
several stories tall and carry many priests soften their karmas for the
and devotees who tend to the parade deity. coming year. We can also see in
Many temples, both large and small, have this picture that women are
chariots for the chariot festival. This is es- prostrating on the right. They
pecially true in South India and Nepal, and are surrendering to the power
where the Hindus from these regions have of Siva and hope His love and
settled around the world. But also many light will be in their lives.
temples would not have chariots, depend-
ing on their locale and traditions. But they Pulling the chariot. Perhaps this is a family of fa-
would have some kind of parade palanquin ther, mother, son and daughter
for festivals that parade a deity outside the
temple. Some ancient temples have chariots
Chariot festival who have set up a water shed.
They give out water to thirsty
carved in stone as part of the temple archi- devotees for free. It is often
tecture. very hot during the festival.
Food is also given out for free.
The chariot is usually stored in a special And the poor are fed a grand
shed built for it near the temple. For most process for each year’s chariot pullers. You meal.
temples the chariot is only used rarely dur- must remove your shoes before pulling.
ing the year. Then it is taken out of the shed, when you first approach the rope, you
cleaned and polished. It is decorated with touch it with both hands and touch both singing, drumming, chanting, bell ringing.
bright cloths and beautiful patterns of flow- hands to the eyes, in respect. It is a very joyous, physical festival. Because
ers and leaf decorations. The idea is to make of its extroverted nature. often this festival
the chariot beautifully visible for long dis- Stored inside the temple is the parade deity, is the most popular among devotees. At
tances. People will be able to see the chari- which like the chariot, is only used several large temples, tens of thousands of devotees
ot from far away. Then they too may wor- times a year. It is often a smaller version of participate. Each temple will schedule its
ship. The chariot’s height makes it visible in the main diety in the temple shrine. After chariot festival according to its own calen-
large crowds. Often, the chariot is made elaborate pujas inside the temple which dar, so there can be chariot festivals all dur-
taller by the addition of large and brightly charge the parade deity with spiritual force, ing the year at different temples.
colored cloth sails at the chariot’s top. it is placed on the chariot outside. The idea
is to temporarily transfer a part of the pow- With the chariot festival outdoors in the
The chariot is pulled by thick, long ropes. er of the temple to the deity on the chariot sun as a lengthy parade, many people get
Temple chariots are never pulled by ani- outside. A colorful psychic beam of energy thirsty and hungry. As a special service to
mals, such as bulls or oxen. It is men who connects the temple to the chariot. This the devotees, water sheds are set up by car-
always take up the rope and pull the holy brings the power of the temple to many ing people. Other sheds serve free food.It
vehicle for the God. Since chariots can be more people than could normally worship is a special time to allow the poor to wor-
so big and heavy, it often takes hundreds of in the temple or who may travel a great dis- ship and to feed them a hearty meal. This
men and women to pull the chariot. It is tance to be at that temple. Once loaded is typical of the many good karma services
considered a great honor and spiritual with the parade deity, the chariot begins its that are performed as part of the chariot
practice to be among those who take the slow route around the temple, often going festival. Often children help with this ser-
rope and pull the mighty chariot. Some- out into streets a great distance from the vice.
times there is an established selection temple. The chariot parade is awash in

18 I’ll wreathe Him in garlands. I’ll hug Him to heart. I’ll sing Him His name and dance with
gifts of flowers. Singing and dancing, seek the Lord. This alone I know.—TIRUMANTIRAM
Book 1, Lessons 9, 10 & 11
ANALOGIES & climbing towards always made him feel big
and light, like he was a bubble of water 1. Bring to the class two ropes, about
ILLUSTRATIONS growing into a lake. That was the way he 15 feet long. Divide the class into about
1. The chariot festival extends the spiritual explained it. Most children didn’t under- two-thirds and one-third. The group of
power of the temple to the surrounding stand what he meant. But to him it meant two-thirds become the chariot by
town and countryside. This is like if we had he was experiencing Siva. “Hmm, looks like grouping together in the design of a
a single room with small windows but with that was it. No more horse clouds,” he said. chariot vehicle, complete with wheels.
a very bright, pure flame burning inside. The third boy, Srinivas—with a wide smile This group holds onto both ropes, one
Very little of the fire light goes outside and mud brown hair that always brushed on the left and one on the right side of
through the windows. This analogy repre- his forehead—shook his head, “Yes, yes. It the group. The one-third group are the
sents the temple. Normally, not a lot of its might be a holy day, but its also a fun day. devotees who pull the chariot just like
power spreads out. It is contained in the I hope to pull on the ropes today. Let’s get in the picture. They pull on the right
and left ropes and guide the chariot
temple. During the chariot festival’s temple going.” The children ran up the narrow
around the classroom or outside. Redi-
pujas, a part of that fire burning inside the stair lane, laughing and giggling. Out of
vide the group so everybody gets to
room is actually brought outside through nowhere some monks in dark, thick orange
the parade deity, placed on the chariot and robes suddenly appeared at the top of the
paraded around for long distances. stairs. They were old and wrinkled like wal- 2. Bring to class some cardboard box-
nuts, with silver hair. Through their hair es of large, medium and small size, and
STORY READING snaked a strand of Siva’s rudraksha beads. two sheets of cardboard that can be cut
As the three boys ran up the steep stairs of a These were special monks, from a rare or- into wheel shapes. Have the children
narrow lane they could see a milk white der. The boys knew them from a distance create a chariot out of the boxes and
dome rising into the morning sky. The but had never met them face to face. Their cut out the wheels, and stand them
walls of houses rose up on both sides of the faces looked frozen, like a man who spends next to the chariot. Then they gather
stairs. So all the boys saw was the dome at too much time in the snow fields of the around the chariot and sing a few bha-
the top of the stairs. It was large and made mountains. But their eyes were clear pools jans.
of stone blocks. The blocks fit together like of kindness and love. The boys stopped like
a puzzle. A carving of a face—the face of a bull running into a fence, nearly tripping 3. Bring some water containers , and
Siva—stood out from it. It was a face of over each other. They did not wish to of- some of the children bring some pop-
peace and power. This was the central tem- fend the holy monks. They also did not corn or some other simple snack. In
ple of the capital of Nepal, a kingdom know quite what to do. Then the old one part of the class area the children
carved into the Himalayan mountains. Out monks started to laugh, their faces wrin- set up a mock water and food stall.
of the top of the dome came a gold spire, a kled even more over wide smiles of miss- Here they pass out water and snacks to
straight rod going through golden balls that ing teeth. Guhaji, relieved that the monks the pilgrims and poor people, who are
grew smaller toward the point. It was solid were not disturbed by their play, respect- played by the rest of the class.
gold, and had been there for many hun- fully approached them and touched their
dreds of years. The three boys saw it shin- old brown feet. The monk in the lead ty men. Srinivas said, “I’m heading for the
ing, catching the orange sun light. A yellow leaned forward on a thick pine wood staff rope to help pull.” And he ran off. De-
cloud passed behind the sacred spire. The and whispered, “You saw the sign, eh? The vanathan went to a food stall to offer his
winds that came out of the Snow Jewel cloud that became a horse?” service in caring for devotees. He worked
mountains near the city had shaped the “Yes,” whispered back Guhaji. “We all saw hard without eating himself. At the end of
cloud into a horse. The boys stopped their it a few minutes ago.” the day a priest gave him a huge bowl of
jumping. They stared. The horse cloud “Only from the angle of this lane could sweets blessed in the Siva temple. Guhaji
swept overhead. It pranced right over the you see it. It was meant for you,” the old found a nice corner in the temple and med-
gold spire. “What do you think of that?” man said. “You will all get your wish today. itated more deeply than ever before. All
said 9-year old Devanathan. He was the Now let some old men down the stairs.” three boys got their wish that day.
oldest of the three, a big lad who liked to The other two boys touched the ancient
eat sweet candy and wear a red scarf tied swamis’ feet and they all three pressed up CONNECTIONS
neatly around his curly black hair. close to the wall to let the monks pass. They This lesson connects in important ways to
“I’d say it was a wonderful sign. An omen walked noiselessly by. The boys went up the the lessons on festivals, worship and the
that today’s chariot festival will be good,” remaining stairs and stood at the top of a temple. Note that the chariot festival makes
said Guhaji, whose round, somewhat sad courtyard, wide-eyed. They overlooked a larger the area of power of the temple for
face was still looking up. He was the giant crowd of people that filled the whole that day. It allows huge numbers of devo-
youngest, but the smartest. While his warm city. They could see a great line of people tees to worship. Some Hindu children may
cotton blue shirt and long brown pants walking down the main road through the never see a big and massive temple chari-
stirred in a quick blast of cold wind he was countryside. Coming around the corner of ot, but you the teacher must help them
hoping another magical cloud would float the beautiful white and gold temple was a imagine what a spiritually charged and en-
by. Among the three he was the most spir- huge chariot with wheels taller than a war- tertaining time the chariot festival is.
itual. The great Siva temple they were rior guard. It moved slowly, pulled by six-

Book 1, Lesson 12
Yoga is a method, even a science we should
say, for directly finding and experiencing This is the Ekakshara Ganapati
God Siva. Siva is one with us. How to per- form of Ganesha. He is very
sonally find this oneness is through yoga. beneficial for helping us in
People who practice yoga are called yogis. yoga. His feet are in the pad-
Since yoga is a union of the yogi and Siva, masana—lotus pose—where
yogis are very close to God Siva. Children the two legs are bound so the
should practice simple yoga. two upturned feet look like lo-
tus flowers. This is the best seat-
KEY PRESENTATIONS ing pose for practicing yoga. So
here Lord Ganesha Himself is
As children know from their own view of
being an example of a great
the world, there are many pursuits in life.
yogi master.
There are many people doing many kinds
of activities, from work to entertainment to
The crescent moon is usally
sleep at night. Life is so rich with experi-
seen on God Siva, but here it is
ence and activities that most people do not part of Ganesha’s symbols. It
know what the purpose of life is. An entire reminds us of the passing of
life of 100 years can come and go without time, that we need to use our
the person knowing or pursuing the real time well. It also signifies the
purpose of that life. Children should ask best time for an occasion, as in
themselves early in life: why am I on Earth? the most cosmically favorable
What is the purpose of my life? They time.
should ask themselves this because there is
a clear, definite answer. The single purpose In this hand Ganesha is holding
of a birth, and life, on Earth in a human the goad. This goad moves us
body is to find God. We are here to discov-
er our innate oneness in and with God Siva.
Ganesha says, “Yogis are along when we are going too
slowly on the spiritual path.
It is like we are searching for something. Perhaps we are spending too
Many people do feel they are searching in very close to God Siva.” much time in play or even
life, most usually after they have found suc- school study, without giving
cess. They have a good job, a beautiful enough time for daily worship,
family and lovely house and car and they divine learning and meditation.
take a vacation once a year. But is that
enough? Most people don’t think so, even if best times to learn yoga. Often a young
they are very wealthy. They need and search child can be successful at beginning yoga
for something deeper. What they are look- because he or she has a pure mind, unclut-
ing for is the presence of God. Children are tered by the ego and mental clouds that God, should be revered and honored by all
especially open to this truth. Trying to find arise at puberty and into adulthood. Many children. There are people who practice
God and feeling the presence of Siva is a children in the world do practice yoga, yoga as a daily or weekly part of their lives.
very natural expression for youngsters. So, which is also called meditation. Their par- Then there are the master yogis who live
if the final purpose of life is discovering our ents practice meditation, so naturally they yoga. Children should be taught that the
oneness with Siva, there must be a method teach their children meditation. In the lifetime yogi is a very unique person, a per-
or means of discovery. That method is United States and Europe, there are many son deserving of great respect and awe.
called yoga. It is the oldest, most powerful, tens of thousands of children that do yoga. They can give wise advice and powerful
science of our human civilization. Yoga blessings to people and to the Earth itself.
means to yoke, as in the wooden yoke that Children like to learn yoga, because it is like
binds two bulls together to pull a plow. a game. For one, it is a search. You are try-
Yoga is a union between our mind and the ing to find something. Children love to ANALOGIES &
mind of God. And in that union, we dis- search for treasure. For another, yoga
cover we are one with Siva. We find God. means you have to sit still. Children do not ILLUSTRATIONS
God is in us, in the perfect stillness of our normally sit still for long, but giving them a 1. What do we do when we have lost some-
mind. And we find that God is everywhere, challenge to sit without moving is often thing of priceless value, or something that
in all people and all animals, in all skies, enough to motivate them. The best time for we absolutely need: an ancestral heirloom
mountains, valleys, rivers and oceans. yoga for children is after they wake up and or the car keys, for instance? We stop every-
shower, and just before they go to sleep. thing and look for the lost object with to-
A person who practices yoga is called a tal determination. It is vital we find what
yogi. Even children who practice yoga are Yogis, the great master yogis who have ded- was lost. We ask people if they have seen the
called yogis. During childhood is one of the icated their lives to seeking and realizing car keys. Who had them last? We look

20 From all knowledge, yoga practice and meditation, all that relates to the Aum sound is to be
meditated on as the only blissful (Siva). Indeed the Aum sound is Siva.—ATHARVA VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 12
everywhere. We retrace our steps mentally to be close to God Siva.” So as the leaf lay
1. Bring something small of value to
and physically. It is the same in our search in the grass, still glowing by a sunbeam,
the classroom: a coin, piece of jewelry
for God Siva. We have temporarily lost our Hara silently said in his mind “Aum
or a crystal. Hide it someplace (any-
identity as God. That identity is actually al- Namah Sivaya.” And he thought I am sur-
where, including on yourself or on one
ways there inside us. Our search for Siva is rounded by beauty this morning. I must be of the children) in the classroom. All
in our mind. We need to search for Siva surrounded by Siva. And with that fine the children sit in a yoga posture, close
with all the determination and energy we thought, a few leaves landed on his chest. their eyes and try to mentally find the
would put into searching for a lost dia- Hara was raking up the leaves on the lawn, item you hid. They don’t look for it
mond. We look in our mind. We ask gurus, and was now taking a rest. He had worked physically. If they think they found it,
where is Siva in our mind, and follow their hard. There were piles of sunset-colored they raise their hand. Then you ask
advice. We retrace our steps of misplacing leaves around him. Piles of leaves, like piles them where it is. If they get it right,
our Siva identity, and find that Siva is in the of hay, invite children to jump into them. then everybody goes outside while you
perfect stillness of mind. Run, yell and jump into the air, land in the hide it again. If no one gets it within a
leaves, like a big, bouncy bed. Normally, reasonable amount of time, then tell
2. Yoga is like a bridge. A bridge brings to- that is what Hara would do. But this morn- them where it is, and hide it again. This
gether two pieces of land, separated by wa- ing, his thinking of Siva brought another is like yogis searching for God.
ter or a steep valley or chasm. The two idea. I want to do yoga, Hara thought. He
pieces of land are actually part of a one had attended a class with a Saiva swami re- 2. Have the children sit down in a
landscape, a one terrain. The chasm floor cently and all the children had been intro- cross-legged position—preferably a
or the river bed that the bridge crosses is a duced to yoga. Hara liked it. Now, in a hap- half-lotus pose, and breathe deeply
part of the whole terrain. Yoga is the bridge py mood on this fall morning, yoga was the through the nose for nine counts in-
that crosses from our individual mind to thing to do. He sat in a welcoming pile of halation, hold the breath one count
the mind of God. But like the oneness of leaves. He crossed his legs and sat up and breathe out for nine counts. They
the land terrain, our mind and God’s mind straight, like an oak staff was against his should try to remain perfectly still.
are a one whole. They are only separated by back. His hands, covered by cotton gloves, Place a book on each child’s head as
our feeling that we are a physical body with went into his lap, the right hand on top of they breathe. The object is to be so still
emotions and a human mind. the left, palms up. His brown eyes closed. that the book remains on their head for
As he had been taught, his breathing be- five minutes.
STORY READING came deep. Leaves fell around him. The
Yellow, red and orange leaves floated from wind whistled by. He didn’t move. Hara
the sky. Dozens sailed from the great oak was a yogi. He thought of beauty. He saw
tree. To Hara, a nine-year-old boy with the stain-glass leaf in his mind. The beau- and He then guides each yogi on the yoga
curly brown hair and dark brown eyes, they tiful image stayed with him. It was his yoga, path. Worship itself and temple attendance
were sky-boats. Turning and twisting the his bridge to Siva. The leaf looked as real in create the proper mood of spiritual love for
leaves were caught by the wind. They sailed his mind as on a television set. And then, yoga to be successful. The energy from puja
right and left, up and down. Hara lay on as Hara watched in his mind, the leaf can be used by yogis—even children—for
the grass of his home’s front lawn. His turned transparent, faded and brilliant sustaining deep yoga into the Mind of Siva.
home was in Hamm, Germany, and it was white light washed into his imagination.
the fall season. He was on his back. He The nine-year old Hara had touched Siva. CITIZENSHIP
watched the colorful leaves break loose A simple practice of yoga for children is
from the oak tree a hundred feet in the air. BACKGROUND one of the best contributions to good citi-
He was smiling. It was such a simply joy to Historically, yoga is so old that its origins zenship. Yoga creates a peaceful, kind, tol-
lie there, on his back, watching the leaves are unknown—predating the ice ages. It is erant person. The youngster who practices
come down. The oak branches were dark the oldest, most powerful system of psy- yoga will feel responsible and compassion-
against the sky, a pale shade of grey blue, chology and mind development. It is like ate for the situations of his country and his
filled with horse-shaped clouds. The leaves Hinduism itself, with no human founder. It fellow citizens and his environment. It is
were landing all over the ground. He is understood that yoga is a system devel- proven that people who meditate generate
turned his head to try to listen to hear the oped by the God Murugan, Lord of Yoga, in a psychic energy that positively influences
leaves hit the grassy lawn. He heard it. A the inner worlds and given to humanity in large groups of people around them.
soft, brief swish. One leaf landed right next a far, far past, as a technique for spiritual
to his face. It was caught at the same mo- unfoldment and Siva Realization. The ear- HOMEWORK
ment in a single beam of sunlight that shot liest known writings on yoga occur in the Have the children practice sitting still in a
through the tall oak. The leaf lit up like it Vedas and Agamas. Yoga is Hindu. yoga pose at home for five minutes every
was a window. A stained-glass leaf window day. They can mentally chant Aum to
filled with rust and golden colors. Wow, CONNECTIONS themselves, or try to feel the Love of Siva
Hara thought to himself, what a beautiful Lord Murugan is the principle deity of ac- coming into them, or simply allow the
sight. It reminded him of a deep thought tual spiritual practice, and yoga is the pri- mind to quiet like the surface of a lake that
his older sister, Meenakshi, taught him re- mary spiritual practice. Our highest wor- is perfectly still, not even a ripple on it.
cently, “The enjoyment of beauty is a way ship of Lord Murugan brings us into yoga,

Book 1, Lesson 13, 51
The focus of this lesson is to introduce
Lord Murugan to children as the brother of Lord Murugan
Lord Ganesha and let them know that Lord
Murugan has really wonderful temples that The peacock is Murugan’s vehi-
Saivites love pilgrimaging to. Another focus cle, or vahana, that he chose to
is that Lord Murugan was created by Lord be associated with. The peacock
Siva. is very beautiful and reflects
Murugan’s spiritual beauty. Mu-
KEY PRESENTATIONS rugan likes to fly. So He chose a
Saivite Hindus understand Lords Ganesha bird. This is how he travels from
and Murugan as brothers. We know from star to star, from the Pleiades,
previous lessons that souls—including the his star home, to earth.
Gods—are not male or female. So Ganesha
and Murugan are not really male. They Murugan’s lance. This is his
both are special super soul creations of God “jnana shakti” weapon of love
Siva. Siva created Ganesha and Murugan as and intelligence to conquer the
super souls to help with all other souls. ignorance which covers the soul.
Hence we look at them as brothers, because
they are both special souls from Siva. They
were among the first souls created by God Siva creates Lord Murugan who
Siva so long ago that it is beyond our Earth emerges out of His third eye and
time. Both of these Gods have specific du- appears in a lotus in the Sara-
ties to do in the universe, and they both vana Lake. This lake represents
have incredible spiritual powers to carry divine essence or primal con-
out these duties. sciousness, the very first and
Lord Murugan is the God who most primary state of consciousness.
steers us on our spiritual journey. He is also
the God who oversees the political rulers of Lord Murugan—brother of Lord
countries so that religion and spiritual life
are made an important part of the country. Ganesha. We pilgrimage to His great He is full of sun-like Self-confi-
Ganesha guides us especially in dharma: dence. “I can, we can, you can, we
our path of good conduct and mindfulness temples. are able!” are expressions He
in earthly life. Murugan guides us especial- might say to inspire devotees.
ly in our spiritual life. Murugan is ap-
Lord Siva creates Lord Murugan. Murugan is very beautiful. His
proached by tens of millions of devotees name translated literally actual-
every day for help at His powerful temples. ly means “beautiful one.” Those
Many Saivite Hindus do not distinquish who have seen Him in vision say He
between the celestial duties of Ganesha and For children, we need to keep a descrip- is extremely beautiful to look at. Like a
Murugan. Often they pray to Murugan for tion of Him quite simple. Here are a few celestial movie star! He also loves beauty, all
very speedy help in matters of health, or very general insights into Lord Muruga’s kinds of beauty. Love of course is the purest
success in a business venture. Girls often nature to help children feel closer to Him. form of beauty and he loves the beauty of
pray to Murugan for a handsome and vir- Murugan is very energetic, “full of pure love the most. That is the most wonderful
tuous husband. Murugan is revered as be- spiritual force, cosmic power, Siva’s pure kind of beauty. What is more beautiful than
ing extremely quick in responding to the primal energy.” You can sense that He is a a happy smile on the face of someone pure
needs of devotees. And so many people Being who never gets tired, never thinks, and loving?
pray to Murugan at His temples for all “Oh “I’ll do it tomorrow when I have more Look at the beauty of nature all around
kinds of help. But Murugan’s main respon- energy” or “I’ll do it when I feel a little us. Murugan loves this too. Think of a wave
sibilities and interests are in guiding and more inspired.” In His presence, you feel He swelling up on the ocean—curling up high-
providing for us spiritually. is standing inside the source of inspiration er and higher and then rolling forward and
Murugan is revered in scripture and po- itself, like someone standing inside a giant finally crashing and then gliding up grace-
etry as the God of celestial beauty. It is a waterfall and has all that energy pouring on fully on the beach. That is beauty. Or a
beauty that is enchanting, like in a fairy them. He is also like someone who just small bud on a fruit tree turning into a
tale. The children should understand that reaches the top of a giant mountain and white flower and then slowly turning into
no artist or sculptor is able to capture ex- immediately says, “Let’s climb another a big round red apple. Or drops of water
actly what a God (in this case Lord Muru- one!” You feel in Him the most positive falling from the sky and splintering into a
gan) really looks like—i.e. the beauty, radi- outlook—a “We can do it!” approach to shower of trillions of snowflakes. These are
ance, spiritual presence and energy. So, if everything. “We can solve anything, heal natural wonders of beauty, the work of tril-
the children ever see Murugan in a anything, help anyone, accomplish any- lions of deva spirits in love with the ener-
dream/vision themselves that is the “right” thing” are phrases He might use. He is very, gy of God.
picture. very positive. He never worries or doubts. Murugan likes it when we humans create

22 Radiating the luminous sparks is Murugan, who lights up the world by His peerless light.
Book 1, Lesson 13, 51
beauty too—a kolam design in front of a birth of babies is very extraordinary when
1. Bring to the class six fairly large
house, a beautiful marble temple, a beauti- you stop and think about it. We tend to for-
squares of colored paper or cloth. These
ful bronze murthi, a beautifully hand-sewn get how amazing that is—one body coming
represent the six temples of Murugan in
dress or a beautifully prepared meal. He creating another. Murugan’s creation was
South India. Also bring a small box. Scat-
loves refinement and elegance. just quicker, came from the third eye in-
ter the colored squares randomly around
Murugan loves beauty in all forms be- stead of the womb and was made out of
the class area as if they are pilgrimage
cause beauty uplifts us. It fills us with en- light rather than flesh.
destinations, and number them 1
ergy, with joy, and makes our soul light up.
through 6. In the box place a large num-
Murugan is also very courageous. He ANALOGIES/ ber of pieces of paper—each single piece
likes it when you have the courage to be
happy when it would be very easy to be sad, ILLUSTRATIONS bearing a number from 1 to 6—so that
1. Here is an image we can think of when when each piece is picked out of the box
defend people who are unfairly treated
trying to visualize Murugan—as a powerful a single number is written on it. These
when it would be easy not to defend them
volcano that is erupting, but the lava that are pilgrimage tickets. Have each of the
and say nice things about people when it
is erupting is pure white molten energy, students pick a pilgrimage ticket. They
would be easy to say things that are critical
pure love. This image of power and ener- read the destination on the ticket and
or judgmental. This is the courage to act
gy is very good to catch and convey as Mu- then pilgrimage to the correct colored
like our soul which loves.
rugan has this kind of energy. You can add square. This can go fast, so there are sev-
your own images like thunder, lightning, eral rounds played.
Pilgrimage to Murugan’s temples
fusion generators, meteor showers, geysers, 2. Bring to class a video tape that displays
We can come right to the side of Lord
etc. solar flares, giant jets of plasma gas
Murugan by thinking about Him. The chil-
erupting from the sun millions of miles
dren can see Murugan in their imagination,
2. A dramatic visual image for the creation out into space. We want to show this to
and He will travel to them much faster than
of Lord Murugan by Siva to think of the the children as a small display of the kind
a bolt of lightening. He will be there, im-
first rays that shoot out from a rising sun of power that went into the creation of
mediately. We want His powerful assistance
over the land. Take a thousand of those Lord Murugan, who was created as a jet
in our spiritual life. But besides calling Mu-
sunrises and put all their rays of sunshine of energy from God Siva. After watching
rugan mentally from anywhere in the
bursting out and then multiply all this a the video, or watching that section sever-
world—even down in the snow-frozen
million times, squeeze it together, and that al times, have the children sit down and
world of Antarctica—there is another great
is like the light that came out of Siva’s eye think about the awesome power of Lord
way of visiting Murugan. This is the ancient
when Murugan was created. Murugan.
tradition of pilgrimaging to His temples.
Murugan has six great temples in South In-
dia. The children are familiar with oases in STORY READING brightness was so bright it was like diving
Avinash lives in Himachal Pradesh, India, into a giant world of light. When he got in-
the desert—pools of fresh, clear water sur-
a state nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, side, He saw Murugan standing there and
rounded by date trees in the otherwise
North India. His home is in a beautiful behind Him was a land so beautiful you
parched vastness of sand. Murugan’s six
green-carpeted valley with snow-capped can’t describe it. He went over to Murugan
temples are oases of spiritual power in the
mountains behind it and wildflowers all and gave him a hug and just as he did, he
desert of worldly life. To pilgrimage to Mu-
around. Gushing streams and thousands of woke up. One of the goats was pushing him
rugan’s temples is a great spiritual event for
little paths are everywhere. It is a peaceful and trying to wake him up to take them
the Saivite Hindu. All Saivite Hindus all
land, not much electricity, but the people home for milking. Avinash still felt a tingle
over the world wish to come to these very
are happy. Avinash loves Siva and Murugan in his spine as he went home and later
old palaces of Murugan in India. The chil-
(whom he calls Kartikkeya) and Ganesha. found out that Murugan’s home is the
dren should hold this dear in their hearts.
His father has a very big herd of goats that Pleiades star cluster.
Created by Lord Siva Avinash and his three sisters milk every day
Murugan was created right out of Siva’s after school and their father sells to the vil- WRONG THINKING
lage nearby. One day when Avinash was 1. Murugan is a warrior. Some of the Pu-
third eye, or out of the energy of Siva’s own
with the goats on a hill, he took a nap and ranic stories about Lord Murugan and
being. The third eye is the center of “divine
dreamed. He dreamed he was running up some festivals revel in the idea of Lord Mu-
sight.” This eye sees the divine, the light and
a hill and then just kept running up into the rugan as a warrior, a killer of demons and
God-energy inside the physical forms that
air, into the sky. In the dream it seemed so asuras. No God is more a God of peace than
the two physical eyes see. Ask the youths to
natural. He could feel a tingling feeling in Murugan. He was born in the lake of Sara-
imagine themselves creating a being out of
his spine as he left the ground. Sort of like vana, the mind in a state of absolute tran-
their mind, spirit, inner divine vision. This
an anti-gravity booster rocket. He soared quility, peace, no ripples. The idea of Him
way they will get an idea of how amazing
above the earth and then swished through being having a “warrior-like” nature is only
being able to do this is. And this is what
space. He looked back. Earth was a little true in the sense that He fights for peace
God did. But for God, creating a being of
speck. He felt very bright and wonderful and harmony but He fights using love and
light of out His own being of light is actu-
and was passing many bright stars. Then intelligence as weapons. Murugan does not
ally similar to your mother giving birth to
ahead he saw an extremely bright cluster of murder. He combats darkness with light,
a baby physical body out of her physical
stars. He was heading right into them. The impurity with purity, hate with love.
body. Even physical reproduction and the

Book 1, Lesson 14 and 15
These two lessons present two ways to
Here a man and woman are
bring Lord Murugan’s grace and power
doing the kavadi dance at a
into our personal lives. These are chanting
Murugan festival near a river.
or singing a special spiritual phrase, and
The timing and message of the
dancing as a form of self-changing dance is set by the singers who
penance. are playing the drum and cym-
bal. Kavadi dancing always has
KEY PRESENTATIONS some sort of weight that is car-
Lord Murugan is the God of spiritual ad- ried by the dancer. On top of
vancement. He oversees your progress of the man’s head is a large pot
unfolding spiritually. That is, like a flower with a coconut encircled by a
unfolds its petals into its greatest beauty wreath of leaves and flowers.
and fragrance, each soul on Earth unfolds The kavadi dance is a simple
into its greatest spirituality. Lord Murugan dance, with very few steps, and
provides ways and guidance for this un- often the dancer is inspired to
foldment. In fact it is Lord Murugan who make up his own pattern of
oversees all religions on our planet and dance. The lady is carrying a
many other planets as well. In all religions, small pot with camphor burn-
singing and dancing are popular and pow- ing in it, making it a beautiful
erful ways to create a sense of God’s near- sight, especially at twilight.
ness. Singing and dancing also bring us into
our own personal spiritual nature. They These are professional kavadi
create devotion and surrender. Divine dancers at the famous Kathi-
singing and dancing take the devotee out of ragama Temple in southern Sir
their normal feeling of body, emotions and Lanka. This is a performance
mind. The devotee, when singing or chant-
We sing, “Vel Vel Muruga, Shakti kavadi dance that entertains
ing a key phrase, or dancing as an expres- Vel Muruga.” and uplifts the devotees, but is
sion of surrender, is not very aware of body not a true penitent kavadi
or intellect. The devotee is much more Kavadi dance in the temple. dance. Kathiragama is dedicat-
aware of their soul nature. ed to Murugan, and is as pop-
ular with Buddhists Muslims
There are many styles of singing in Hin- as it is with Hindus. Buddhists
duism. One that is spiritually potent is bha- also do kavadi.
jan. Bhajan is devotional singing by an in- gy so we can live good lives and know God
dividual or a group. It uses a series of sim- Siva through yoga. We should always know
ple lyrics that often express simple philo- the meaning of songs or chants.
sophical truths. The music is fairly simple, ical karma the dancer is bringing to himself
easily memorized and repeats itself. In the Sacred dancing is a great expression of de- or herself. This act, plus feeling sorry and
case of this lesson’s illustration, the singing votion. Because it is physical, the normal deep devotion, begins to soften the bad
is part of the kavadi dancing. It creates the feelings of the body are left behind. A new, karmas he or she has yet to face. Thus, the
rhythm and the mood for the dancing. The fresh energy comes into the dancer. Chil- dancer’s future is improved by the kavadi
repeating of the lyrics and melody has the dren can especially feel this. Children love dance, if it is done in the right spirit. Kava-
steady power of a train on tracks. It is hyp- to dance, and they quickly abandon them- di is also done as a performance.
notic. People, including children, can go for selves to the joy of dancing. Kavadi is a very
hours in singing bhajan. special dance to Lord Murugan. It is a ANALOGIES &
dance that positively changes the karmas of
It is important to understand the meaning the dancer. This is called penance. This is ILLUSTRATIONS
of the words. In this instance, the man in done by the dancer feeling great love for 1. Singing a devotional song to Murugan is
the picture is singing a song to Murugan Lord Murugan, feeling sorry for any very much an act of worship. The words
with the lyrics, “Vel Vel Muruga, Shakti Vel wrongdoing he or she might have done, and melody, often repeated, are like a bub-
Muruga.” Vel is the spear of spiritual light and vowing to Lord Murugan to live reli- ble of rainbow colors that surround the
that Murugan carries to bring God knowl- giously in the future. At the same time, the singer. Since bubbles can float, the singer
edge and wisdom to people. Shakti is the dancer carries a heavy arch on the shoul- floats in the song bubble to the great Mind
tremendous power of the Vel. There is ders decorated with symbols of Lord Mu- Bubble of Lord Murugan. The surface of
more power in Murugan’s Vel than in all rugan. This is extra weight for the dancer. the two bubbles come together and the
the stars of our galaxy. So when we sing This extra weight places a strain on the spiritual power of Lord Murugan comes to
about Murugan’s Vel, we are inviting Him body, a discomfort. The dancer is bearing the devotee who is singing.
to protect us and to give us spiritual ener- the discomfort on purpose. This is a phys- 2. People are not the only ones who sing

24 In the heart of those who recount His name, He reveals His gracious feet. Thus He appears to
those who chant the hallowed name Murugan. He stand immanent in all.—TIRUMURAI
Book 1, Lesson 14 and 15
sacred songs. Whales deep in the ocean sing sounds of the jungle. Big dragonflies with
long songs of spiritual joy, and they are purple wings flew around them and mon-
1. Bring a large bundle of incense (the
among Murugan’s helpers on Earth. Thou- keys with white faces swung on vines
type that will really smoke a lot) to the
sands of species of birds sing very beauti- through the trees. Anjali and Deepa left the
classroom. And also provide plenty of
ful and unique songs of sacred purpose. worn foot trail at a special marker they had
stiff cardboard squares, about as large
Even the wolf howling at the moon is a placed. They headed north swiftly, going to as a piece of paper. Put the incense in
song of spiritual beauty. Streams and rivers their secret spot. In a few minutes they the center of the room and light it so
murmur with a constant song of spiritual came upon it. It was a group of rhododen- that lots of smoke is created. Half of the
celebration. Children can easily hear songs dron trees that formed a circle. It was a ring class, with their cardboard squares lines
and melodies in nature’s waterways, or the of trees. At the east side of the ring was an up on one side of the incense, ready to
ocean waves. entry way, like a door, through two wrin- fan the smoke up to the ceiling as it
kled trees. The girls knew it was a magic comes at them. They represent Muru-
3. Sacred dancing creates many new feel- circle for Murugan. In the middle was flat gan and his Vel which dissolves bad
ings in the body. There is a rush of energy ground, all clean and smooth. But a carpet conditions. They sing Vel Vel Muruga.
and happiness that comes to the dancer. of flowers lay across it, for the trees were all The other half of the class lines up on
The body feels lighter, stronger, more in blooming with ruby red flowers. Anjali, the other side and with their cardboard
balance. Think of what it feels like to come Deepa and her brother wordlessly stepped tries to fan the smoke directly to the
out of a rain or snow storm, cold and shiv- into the ring. A large beam of golden light Murugan side. They represent people
ering, and warming up next to a big roaring shot into their circle. They carefully undid on earth creating bad conditions like
fire. We immediately feel better. We are their packs and brought out two pairs of wars and animal slaughter and pollu-
warming up and getting comfortable. We beautiful bronze cymbals. They sat in the tion. After awhile they switch sides.
think happy thoughts next to the fire. We flower carpet and began singing their fa-
feel like there is a glow inside of us. Our vorite bhajan to Lord Kartikeya. Their voic- 2. Each student brings an object that
mind, not consumed in the coldness, is free es were like fairy whispers and the cymbals feels heavy, but not too heavy it can’t be
for higher thinking and spiritual awareness. sounded like wind turned to metal. Birds lifted comfortably. Cymbals are need-
This is how dancing affects the dancer. flitted nearby to join in the song. Butterflies ed. Everybody sits down with their
with butter-colored wings wove and dove heavy object. While a simple beat is
STORY READING around the pair, now in their song as if in maintained with the cymbals, the chil-
Anjali was walking in a large and thick for- a trance. Then, Anjali and Deepa rose, and dren lift up their heavy object, still sit-
est one day with her friend, Deepa. Her with cymbals beating like clocks, began to ting, and raise it to shoulder level. They
brother was a few steps ahead. The tree dance a Murugan dance. The cymbals beat then begin to sway in time to the mu-
trunks rose up like giant wood columns at a very steady: claaang, clang-clang, claaang. sic, keeping their object in the air. As
temple. Dark, twisted roots reached out They were barefoot. They danced in a circle they begin to get tired, or feel strained
across the ground. They looked like they inside the circle of trees. A sudden wind they pray to Lord Murugan for
had muscles, like the arms of warriors. It blew across the tree branches and they strength. They should expect a new
was dim in the forest. Very little sunlight whispered. But they were totally unafraid. strength to come to them from the
came down. The leaves and branches of all Their faces glowed like moonlight, and they prayer. When they are really tired, they
the tree tops formed an umbrella that laughed for they were happy dancing on put the object down and rest. Then try
stretched far over the land. This was a land the red flowers for Lord Murugan. Anjali it again.
in the northeast corner of India, where the and Deepa felt that anything they had done
great Himalayan mountains touched Chi- wrong that month melted into the saltiness
na. Anjali lived in the low lands, near the of their tears. They were sorry. Murugan ings.
steaming jungles fed by heavy rains and lifted up their feet like wings of rainbow
rivers. Many children would be afraid in light. WRONG THINKING
the dark green jungle. But not Anjali and Since kavadi dancing is a spiritual dance of
Deepa. They liked the green glow of light CONNECTIONS feeling sorry and wanting to improve our
coming down, and the huge boat-shaped Every lesson on Lord Murugan will try to future, it is often said by people who do
flowers and thick vines that stuck to the awaken the power and knowledge of this kavadi that their suffering pleases Lord Mu-
trees. Anjali and Deepa looked alike, mid- great God in the children. But it also takes rugan. This is wrong. The physical discom-
night black hair and moon-like cheeks with the children being open to Murugan’s wis- fort caused by carrying heavy arches or by
almond eyes. Their people worshiped Siva dom and the direction He is wanting them having spears through cheeks, tongues and
the Supreme Soul, and many of the moun- to go. Temple worship is one easy way, and other parts of the body is not to please Mu-
tains in the distance, wearing cloaks of yoga is the most advanced way. Singing rugan. These are acts the devotee does to
snow and cloud, were sacred to Siva. But bhajan and kavadi dance are often done as himself as a self-inflicted karma to soften
this jungle was kept sacred for Lord Muru- part of temple worship. Murugan is our future karmas. Murugan is pleased with
gan, or Kartikeya as Anjali’s people knew spiritual teacher, as many lessons discuss. this karma-changing process and the
Him in the north. Intelligence and devotion go together. willpower of the devotee, not by the suffer-
Anjali and Deepa walked along the jun- Think of this as learning and love togeth- ing. Also, for the devotee properly tuned to
gle trail, happy in their freedom and listen- er. When we are expressing devotional love, Murugan’s mind, there is little discomfort.
ing to all the buzzing and screeching we are better able to understand the teach-

Book 1, Lessons 16 & 43
The making of garlands, both for use in the
The brother is bringing in a
home shrine and temple, is an enjoyable basket of fresh flowers he has
and beautiful act of worship. For the most just chosen and collected. Per-
part, garland making is simple, yet it can be haps he has permission from
a very intricate art in the hands of a mas- certain neighbors to pick flow-
ter. It gives the devotee the opportunity to ers from their yard garden. Or
work with living forms. Garland making he went to a wild area of flow-
focuses the mind of the devotee, for it de- ers that is available to all the
mands a pure mind that is thinking of spir- town folk. It is good to have
itual well-being. permission before picking flow-
ers in someone’s yard.
KEY PRESENTATIONS The sister is beginning to weave
Devotion is our love, our spiritual love, for her garland. She is tying the
God Siva and the Gods. Ideally, devotion flowers with knots. In her hair
should be a natural part of our emotions all is an arrangement of flowers,
day long. And devotion should be at its another skill of flower arrang-
height when we are in the home shrine or ing to be mastered by girls.
the temple. But devotion does come and go
for most people, including children, as dai- Here, a group of friends are cre-
ly activities occupy us. There are many, ating a very nice, large garland
many ways to spark devotion within us, for the temple festival. This gar-
and certainly garland making is one of the land is very thick. What color
finest and most ancient ways. are the flowers?

First, garland making places us in the lap Let us string a garland.

of nature—the flowers must be gathered.
This is an opportunity to express friendly We make big garlands for
and grateful feelings to the nature devas of
the deva world. They are the ones who cre- the festival.
ate the flowers from their invisible region. good thoughts should be in the
The nature devas’ flower creations come mind. A child can think a good
out of a combination of spiritual life force, thought each time they string a sin-
divine love and a caring intelligence. The gle flower. Young children should be
child who is picking flowers for a garland ly in life by their mother or grandmother. supervised by an adult if needles are being
should have this same type of awareness. When learned young, it can become a life- used. Garlands can be made for the home
This creates a spiritual bond between the long devotional practice. Girls and boys shrine and the temple. They can also be
child and the nature devas. Picking the alike should learn this spiritual art. When made for special guests, for swamis, or
flowers allows the child to select ones that young men reach adulthood, garland mak- most importantly for the spiritual master
he or she feels are beautiful, and that will ing can be a very peaceful way to unwind satgurus.
look pretty in combination. It is a time for from work into a spiritual mood. Eventu-
creativity. The child is trying to craft a gar- ally over time more and more skill is ac- When the garland is finished, it is usually
land that will be an expression of love and quired. Ultimately, the very thick and plush placed in a basket or on a fine tray, perhaps
beauty. Children in different countries will weavings of flowers into rope-like thickness with several others. They are best offered
have many different varities of flowers to and balls made of flowers can be mastered. fresh, but can be refrigerated overnight. If
choose from. In many countries, this de- there is a water cleansing area at the temple,
pends on the season. If it is winter in one Making garlands can be done in many dif- the garlands are sprinkled with water be-
locale, then devotees buy their flowers from ferent places, from the home to the temple fore they are taken into the temple. The
merchants who grow them in hot houses. itself. Often people will gather together to garlands are given to the priest of the tem-
make garlands. Several people can work on ple. It is he who actually places the garland
If while picking the flowers, any one drops a single garland that is very big. While on the diety’s image in the temple. In the
to the ground, that flower should not be stringing the garland, that is placing the home shrine, a young child may offer their
used. It is considered as already offered to flowers on the string with a needle or own garland to the deity before the daily
the earth spirits. knots, it is best to be thinking about God puja. Or the father may place it as part of
Siva or the Gods Ganesha or Murugan— the daily puja.
The actual crafting of the garland is a very whichever God the garland is meant for.
pleasurable pastime of devotion. Garland The sacred sound Aum can be silently Garlands bring living beauty to the temple’s
making is often taught to the children ear- chanted, or a bhajan can be sung. Kind and innermost shrines. Flowers and stone are a

26 Purity of mind and purity of conduct—these two depend upon the purity
of a man’s companions.—TIRUKURAL
Book 1, Lessons 16 & 43
beautiful combination. The subtle forces of the Siva festival tommorow. So you want to
the flowers drift through the atmosphere of find flowers for a garland. Good luck. I 1. Bring colored paper to the class and
the shrine. Visiting devotees like to see lots haven’t seen any.” Here in Red Rose, Nor- string. The children all cut out lots of
of flowers and garlands on the deity. It way, lived Devi and Shakti. They were born different shaped flowers from the vari-
makes them feel more spiritual, that their here, and had seen eight years of white win- ety of colored paper. They can also fold
community shares in deep devotion. ters and brief, bright summers. The Hindu smaller pieces of the paper into flower-
During festivals, there will be thousands families saved their money and built a Siva like shapes. As they cut out flowers or
of large and intricate garlands crafted by temple from tree timber and rock careful- fold them, they carefully punch small
holes through them and string them as
devotees. Or devotees will buy masterful ly fit together. It was as big as a house, with
a paper garland. Each child takes their
garlands made by the professional garland a tower the height of a juniper pine tree. In-
garland home to offer in their home
makers. But to buy a garland is not the side were giant wood columns carved in In-
shrine or to their mother.
same at all as making one yourself. In cre- dia. The main deity was a greenish black
ating the garland yourself—including Siva Linga, a perfectly polished stone from
choosing and collecting the flowers—there the Narmada River in north India. A large
is much good feeling and karma. stove that burned wood was kept in one
It is a true spiritual joy to see your per- corner of the temple to provide heat over and climbing over large logs. They were
sonally made garland hung on the deity. the winter chill. As a service for good kar- both full of energy. “Let’s sing a little song
The Gods can sense the subtle vibration of ma Devi and Shakti liked to collect fire as we go,” said Devi. So they sang a favorite
the devotee through the garland. Buying a wood for the temple. They knew the woods Siva bhajan, their high voices echoing
ready-made garland is an act of devotion, well. They knew all the flowers. In the sum- through the trees and up the valley like
but it has nothing of the devotee’s person- mer and fall they helped their mother grow crystal bells. “There they are,” shouted
al love, sacrifice of time and creativity. a vegetable garden. The garden provided Shakti excitedly. “Look. See the red
Therefore, the good feeling and karma are many fresh vegetables for their vegetarian blooms.” And in the yellowish afternoon
much less. diet. Devi and Shakti looked so healthy, and light spreading a golden blanket over the
were so smart and good natured that oth- milky snow, the sisters saw many deep red
STORY READING er people in Red Rose gave up eating meat. roses. They were like red butterflies floating
Near the top of the world is a country “Let’s go,” Devi called to her sister impa- in air. “I can smell them,” said Devi. “What
called Norway. It is far north, and the cold tiently. “The sun is still setting early. We a divine fragrance. God Siva will really like
sea is on one side of it, with beautiful silver have to be quick. We need to gather 108 these.” And so the sisters approached the
rivers that drop through steep, stoney val- roses for our garland. We will string the seven rose bushes. They said thanks to the
leys into the sea. In the northern country- garland tonight. Full moon tonight too.” rose devas, and carefully cut 108 rose
side of Norway the winter snows stay as if Shakti was still putting on her coat and blooms, putting them in their basket. There
time stopped. The winds moan coldly mittens. It was cold outside, but as they were many rose blooms left, so they also cut
through forests and villages. The skies of- moved, they would warm up. “Yes, yes, sis- some for their home.
ten stay gray for weeks. ter. I know. I’m ready. Grab the basket to Later that evening the two girls sat in
On the edge of a large river was a town collect the roses. I’ll get the scissors to cut their living room, a roaring fire in the fire
with lovely wooden houses that had very the rose stems.” place. With their red roses they created a
steep roofs and small yards with gardens. Since the town was famous for its roses, beautiful thick garland. It was a rope of ros-
Many of the streets were made from old red there were patches of rose bushes all over. es. While placing each rose on the garland
brick. Along the streets were trees and brick Many had become wild during the years. they thought that God Siva would help a
boxes to grow flowers in. The town was They grew in the grassy meadows outside family who just lost their home in a fire.
called Red Rose. It was famous for its red the busy town. When the two sisters and The next day, at the temple festival, their
roses, and for the smell of roses that filled their brother searched the snow covered red rose garland was placed on the Siva
its friendly streets. A number of Hindu forest for firewood, they had found seven Linga. It was the only fresh flower garland.
families had moved to the town years ago. rose bushes that seemed very lonely. They The two sisters were very happy. And word
They were merchants and inn keepers were far away from any other rose bushes. quickly spread through Red Rose that the
where tourists could stay. They rose out of the snow like bare deer Hindu sisters had found red roses when all
“Oh mummy,” begged Devi, turning with antlers. But Devi and Shakti were delighted other roses were still in their winter sleep.
wide gold-brown eyes while her mother to see many buds on them. These roses were
braided her straight black hair. “Let Shakti producing flowers even in the end of winter. HOMEWORK
and I go out today after school. Look. The Despite the thorns, Devi and Shakti gave the Have the children go out to their own yard,
sun is out. The snows are melting. I think bushes a little hug and said, “You are brave or a neighbors’ yard or from wild flower
spring is finally here. That means flowers roses. We appreciate your strength. Your bushes and select what they think would be
are coming up in our secret places. I heard blooms will be very dear to us. And we will beautiful flowers for a garland. The chil-
a meadow bird singing this morning.” bring your flowers to the temple of Siva.” dren should think of the nature devas that
Her mother finished a long braid and Buried in warm clothes and waterproof live inside the flowers—the flowers are like
replied, “Yes, it looks like the spring thaw is boots, the sisters and their brother flew their houses. The children should offer
here. Ah, sun and warmth and birds down the brick streets. They headed due thanks for the beauty of the flowers to the
singing. That should make us feel better for north, quickly jumping over an icy stream nature devas.

Book 1, Lesson 17
Creation is one of the ultimate powers of
God Siva. The original source of all cre- This is the Bala Ganapati form
of Lord Ganesha. It is the
ation is God Siva, the Supreme Soul. From
childlike image of Ganesha. It
His infinite knowing and infinite energy, all
reminds us that even as chil-
beings and all things are created. At the
dren we need to fully under-
same time, God Siva is all of His creation.
stand and appreciate that God
He is in it as the Supreme Soul creator. And Siva created everything and
He is it as the complete spreading of love, everyone. Also, it is a reminder
light and energy through all. that adults need to keep a
childlike view of life, that
KEY PRESENTATIONS everything is perfect in the
Create is an important word. It is a key con- great spiritual progress of
cept to understand. When we create some- things.
thing, it means we are making or producing
something that did not exist before. If we All of the different items that
give the children a sheet of white paper and Ganesha is carrying in this
colored crayons and tell them to make a form represent the great vari-
drawing, they will all be creating. They use ety of life on Earth and the vig-
their mind, their hands and the crayons to or of Earth life. When we think
create a picture. If we tell the children to do of the term everything, we
a good deed for an old person, the children must realize that there is al-
have to think of, or create, a good deed. ways new life and new things
They are being creative. The children have that are being created in the
to generate a new idea where one did not great cycle of Earth life. This
exist before. However they do this, it is be- Ganesha says, “God Siva created means God Siva is creating all
ing creative. Our world is full of creation. the time.
A country creates a youth program. A poet everything and everyone.”
creates a poem. A husband and wife create
a family, and a family creates a home. The
sun creates light. The wind creates sound already provided. Also, through
through the tree branches in the forest. Au- our senses of sight, hearing and
tomobiles create pollution of our air. A touch, we feel things are outside of
flower creates a scent. A bee creates bees ourselves. God Siva does not do this.
wax and honey. Everyday, there are millions bers, representing all other beings and His creation is all from His unending and
of acts of creation. The forces of nature are things, come from Him. And we see that all-powerful Mind. And everything is a part
creating. Life is creating life. Life with God Siva not only created all things and be- of Siva, not outside of Siva. To see what this
thinking minds, such as people, can create ings in our world, but all worlds and all is like, have the children try to create some-
almost anything they need or want. souls and all other forces, such as time and thing, like an apple, completely out of their
All these acts of creation are wonderful. light. God Siva is the Creator of all. And He mind. They think about the apple. They
This is part of God Siva’s spiritual plan— continues to create. It is not just a single imagine it. Then they create it with their
for everything to have the ability to create. event of creation. God-Creation is all mind as a physical apple in our world. Then
Yet deep within, beyond the sight of our through time. they feel the apple is part of their sense of
eyes or tools such as a microscope, it is God The amazing thing for the children to self. Can they do it? Probably not. The
Siva that is the true Creator. If everything understand is that God Siva creates every- physical body and mind are very limited.
in our world, and every person, animal and thing out of Himself, out of His own ener- However, children and adults can create
life form were magically followed to their gies. He creates from His mind of light. from their own energies in more subtle
original source, we would see God Siva is There are no materials or energies lying ways. If the children were to think of pure
the first creator. He is creating all the time. around for Him to create from. Remember, love, a happy love feeling, and project that
Let’s look at the children creating a crayon He creates all energies and matter. Let’s go out of themselves to others, it would create
drawing. Have the children think of this. back to the children creating a picture. a love feeling for other people. Or it may
Where did the paper come from? If they say They are given paper and crayons. They help heal a sick person, or calm someone
trees, then ask where did the trees come have also been given intelligence by God who is upset. This is creation from within
from? If they say from soil and seeds, ask Siva. The children do not create the paper ourselves.
where they came from. If they say from the or the crayons or their own intelligence. Now God Siva does not create a soul or
Earth, ask where Earth came from. This is They use these to create their picture. They a world or a sunflower or an elephant, and
like running a film in reverse. Finally, we use materials and their personal mind then let it exist on its own, separate from
see that the first Creator is God Siva. Let’s which are already provided. All people cre- Siva. In fact, that is impossible. No thing or
say God Siva is number 1. All other num- ate with things and their minds which are person, animal, bug or soul can exist totally

28 As threads come out of the spider, as little sparks come out of the fire, so all the senses, all the
worlds, all the Gods, yea, all beings, issue forth from the Self.—YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 17
separate from Siva. If Siva were not fully The rocks came up the cliff like round
within Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain on columns, smooth as ice and the color of red 1. Bring to the class a roll of aluminum
Earth, then Mt. Everest would not exist. It sand. “No, perfectly natural,” replied Dad. foil. Also bring a medium size glass or
would not be here on our world. If Siva’s “This place is a wonderland of nature. This metal bowl (semi-spherical kind) that
Mind was not completely through all the is nature creating poetry in stone.” The pi- is completely covered with aluminum
water and minerals of the Pacific Ocean, lot was busy working with hands and feet foil. Make a little stand in the center of
our world’s largest ocean, then the mighty on the controls. The helicopter stopped its the class and place this aluminum bowl
Pacific would not be here. Let’s return once dive and stood still in the air. It was a big in its center with the opening down.
again to the children’ pictures. The children dragonfly with four people in it, stopped This makes a silver, round half-globe
have their pictures in front of them. The right next to a cliff that formed a solid wall shape on the table. This represents
white paper is smooth and thin. The for as far as they could see. Sruti could hear Siva. Then pass out fairly large squares
crayons are waxy and round. If we break the whine of the blades, sounding like a gi- of aluminum foil to the children. They
are told they are going to help Siva in
the crayon in two we see the inside of the ant food blender she used at home to help
creating everything. Encourage them
crayon. Where is Siva? Well, let’s give the Mom with the vegetarian cooking. Mom
to create any image or object they like
children magic fingers. These children now wasn’t here. She was back in Malaysia, their
out of the aluminum foil: birds, ani-
have fingers that can peel back a very thin home. Sruti missed her mom, but this was a
mals, people, houses, trees, snowflakes,
layer of crayon. The inside space of the true adventure. Her dad was an expert in stars, etc. Then as they finish their cre-
crayon is shown. In that space is an incred- jungle flowers. She and her brother—he ation they place it around the Siva
ibly bright white light sparkling like a bil- was 9, she was 8—came with father on a globe at the center. If they finish quick-
lion stars. That is Siva inside the crayon. trip to Brazil in South America. When they ly, they can make another creation.
went over the cliff she closed her eyes. Now Once all of the images are finished and
she opened them. “Incredible,” she said surrounding the globe, all the children
ANALOGIES & softly. “What a creation.” The cliff went sit and appreciate the silvery images.
straight down hundreds of meters into a You can even darken the room and
ILLUSTRATIONS great sea of green. The green carpet shine a light on them. Then they all go
1. One of the neatest analogies for under- stretched across the horizon, lifting here forward and undo their artistry and
standing God Siva as the creator of every- and there by low mountains. It was called spread the flattened aluminum foil
thing and everyone is a puzzle. A puzzle is a the rain forest. Mahadevan pressed up to over the globe, returning the images
picture made of many pieces. All the pieces the window and looked down with his sis- that were created out of Siva to Siva.
fit together to make the whole scene. When ter, saying, “The largest rain forest in the
the pieces are apart, there is no picture. world. Here in Brazil. And we are going to
When the pieces are all fitted together, the walk into it, exploring for new flowers.” The The rain forest was being cut down and
picture is seen. If possible, bring a nice puz- helicopter was now going down, like an el- burned. Once cleared, the land is used as
zle to class. Tell the children that the puz- evator with windows. They could see some pasture to feed cattle. The cattle are killed
zle represents all the people and animals smoke rising a long ways away and what to supply meat all over the world, particu-
and things in the world. Each puzzle piece looked like fire. larly to the fast-food restaurants. Sruti
is created by God Siva. But each puzzle “Those trees down there are hundreds of looked at the pillars of fire in the distance
piece must fit with the other pieces. They feet tall,” said Sruti. “So much life. Dad told and said, “Scientists estimate 100 species
can not be separate. They must be togeth- me the other day that here in the rain forest every day are lost forever from the slash
er. So when the puzzle is put together, this of Brazil there could be over one million and burn. God Siva’s wonderful creations
shows God Siva creates the whole and that types of living plants, insects and animals. of plants and insects gone forever.”
everything is together through Siva’s light. He said the rain forest creates a huge “Yea,” said Mahadevan. “Just for meat.
amount of the oxygen for Earth so we all We are destroying our planet just for meat.
STORY READING can breathe and live. That’s amazing.” Siva has created, and we, people, are de-
The bright blue and gold helicopter flew Mahadevan gulped some air and his stroying.” And the helicopter landed. The
smoothly over the grey stone ground that gray-brown eyes gleamed. He said, “One engine died down. The children jumped
had great black cracks in it. It was like a spi- million kinds of life. Hard to imagine. This out. It was like being in a giant green dome
der’s web of stone. Some of the cracks were kind of creation has to be from a very great held up by brown tree trunks. It was not
so wide and deep they could swallow a jeep. Being. A Being that reaches out everywhere silent. The rain forest was alive with a mil-
The helicopter turned slightly east, flying and creates with pure love. Remember what lion voices of Siva. Mahadevan and Sruti
over a couple of wind-bent trees and went we were taught a few months ago. About listened. It was forest music. They stood
right over the edge of a cliff. Whoosh. The God Siva as the creator. If we tried to find still. They prayed the rain forest would be
helicopter dove down. The cliff rocks went the original force that created all of this, it saved.
rushing up. Mahadevan and Sruti pushed would be Siva.” The helicopter continued Notes:
their faces to the window. “Wow, what a its slow fall. The top of the rain forest began
ride,” said Mahadevan. “Look at those to look like a golden green roof, a giant
rocks. Dad, look at those rocks. They’re home for Siva’s living creation. But the
carved aren’t they?” he asked his father who smoke and fire worried the children.
was sitting in the seat in front of the them. They knew what it was. Slash and burn.

Book 1, Lesson 18
Worship of God is an important part of our
This is a simple home shrine
daily family schedule. Twice a day, during
room with pictures that serve
the dawn and twilight, the whole family or
as the worshipful images. Here,
individual student/career person dedicates there is a picture of Ganesha on
some time to puja, study and meditation. the left, Murugan on the right
Usually this is done in the home shrine and God Siva in the center. On
room. the shelf are kept some items of
ceremony: camphor burner, in-
KEY PRESENTATIONS cense, water bowl, vibhuti and
While the temples dedicated to Ganesha, kumkum vessels.
Murugan or Siva serve a large community,
the shrine in the family home is for the Some families keep an oil lamp
members of the family. It is their spiritual lit all day and night. It is im-
sanctuary inside the home. The home portant to keep the shrine
shrine should be the center of the home. All room very clean, and not to al-
the interests, activities, life pursuits and low oil smoke and drips to
growth of the family come from the home’s build up. Spiritual beings of
center: the dedicated shrine area or room. light called devas live in the
For our spiritual life is part of everything shrine room and they like to
we do, and God is the life of our life. There live in a spotlessly clean room.
is nothing that is outside of the Siva Light
and Love that goes through all of life and Father is applying Siva’s vibhuti
Earth. It is the family that makes a house a or white sacred ash to the fore-
home, and it is the God altar that makes the head of his son and daughter.
home a sacred abode for the Supreme Be- Can we tell if this is morning or
ing and the Gods and devas to assist the Morning and evening we evening worship? No. There is
family. Children often like to set up their no indication. It could be either
one. After this, the family sits
own personal altar in their room or create a
temporary altar as play. This should be en-
worship God. down for a short meditation.

All land species and most aquatic species

follow a biological timing set to day and
night. But there is also a spiritual timing in family would rise from sleep before the sun
the change from day to night and night to actually rises, and the father, after a show-
day. The morning dawn and evening twi- er, would prepare the Siva altar for puja.
light are very spiritual hours. The rising sun The children may help gather flowers or Temples with their regular puja and trained
brings gentle solar life force and the deep fetch fresh water. The family would gather priests are the dedicated places for the
night, which is good for sleep, gives way to and the father performs a short puja. The Gods. The home shrine is not spiritually
sunrise beauty and a quiet among humans. children may join in at times if they know empowered in the same way. The altar in
At twilight, the business and sharpness of the Sanskrit. The whole mood is worshipful the home is designed to attract and hold
the day is over, and again gentle, peaceful, love. The altar is the focus. The family con- devas (the angelic helpers of the Gods)
beautiful energies are around us. Sunrise centrates on the spiritual energy of the al- from the temples. The celestial communica-
and sunset are the best times for family tar. The devas who assist the Deities send tions of the Gods is relayed from the tem-
worship, or for private worship for students their energy to the altar. From there it fills ple to the home by the devas. Thus a super-
or young adults who live alone. Monks and and surrounds the home. The shrine room charged atmosphere is created in the home
lone yogis find these times among the best should have a very special feeling. It should shrine. The devas can actually live and work
for spiritual practices. At these hours, we feel holy, slightly electric, like a tingling on with the family as long as the shrine is kept
are naturally spiritual, more filled with life’s the skin. After the puja or a simple show- holy, regular worship is performed and
purpose and beauty. We feel religious grat- ing of the arati, the family may sing bha- there is harmony among the family.
itude and the reality of Siva wells up in our jan, or the father may read from Saivite
heart. scripture. Then father, mother and children In the case where the family or individual
sit still for ten minutes, meditating on the has no shrine area or room, then the same
In an ideal Saivite Hindu home, whether it spiritual energy of God Siva. At twilight, a schedule of morning and evening worship
be for a family or individual, there would brief arati flame is passed and a longer and meditation should be established in a
be a worship/meditation time in the home study and meditation period may occur. nice, clean area dedicated to that purpose.
shrine at dawn and twilight. Ideally, the

30 Yes, may the man who within his home pleases you all his days with songs and with offerings
receive a rich reward, be loaded with your gifts. To him be happiness.—RIG VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 18
ANALOGIES & pinks. Of course they got a little wet, and
small waves were breaking across their 1. Bring two small, thin pieces of
ILLUSTRATIONS knees. The water was warm. The air was wood. Cross them in the middle of the
1. A nice thought that all children can ap- warm. The sky and ocean were like mir- room and have the children determine
preciate is that all during the day where the rors. “Wait. Stop. Look,” cried Anandi, which direction is north, south, east,
child lives, there is always a sunrise and breathing hard. “A seahorse washed up on west and correctly position the wood.
sunset at another part of our world. As the beach.” And there was a little tan-col- One half of the class faces east, sits
Earth turns there is always a sunrise and ored seahorse struggling for life. “Let’s save down and each one draws a picture of
sunset somewhere. So there are always it,” said Arati. “It is one of Siva’s beautiful their family worshipping during a sun
Saivite Hindus worshipping around the creatures. A seahorse created by Si-va. See, rise. The other half of the class sits fac-
ing west and draws a picture of their
clock, so to speak. It is like everybody is tak- it rhymes,” said Arati to her friend, and they
family worshipping with a moon ris-
ing turns worshiping Siva, and at dawn and laughed. They both said together, “Siva’s
ing at evening time.
twilight where the children live, it is their seahorse.” Arati reached down to pick up
turn. the seahorse and drop it back into the
ocean. She saw the time on her watch. “Oh,
2. The home shrine is central to the fami- Oh. I’m going to be late for puja at home,”
ly’s well-being. It should be a special place she quickly said. “See you tomorrow,” and
for children. Children should look at the she ran north for the road that would take shrine extremely clean, not allowing it to
home shrine as a magical place, the area or her quickly to her house. She ran up to the become oily or grimy or dusty. Everything,
room in the home where magic can hap- gate, then slowed down, and walked every wall and the floor must be spotless
pen. Children can psychically see the deva through the door. “Hi mum. Sorry I’m late. and polished.
people in the shrine. Children may see We found a seahorse washed up on the
bright colored astral light in the shrine. beach,” she said to her mother, dressed in a CONNECTIONS
They should feel free to talk, either out loud red and silver sari, all ready for the worship Temple worship and home worship relate
or mentally, to the devas. Talk to them time in the home shrine. “Alright dear. You closely. Home worship, of course, is much
about their cares, problems and successes. still have a few minutes to shower and more frequent than temple worship. Wor-
change. Hurry.” Arati said, “I picked these ship at the temple may be once a week or
3. There are many activities that children daisy flowers on the way home. I’ll bring once a month. Any art or expression of de-
do at the same time each day. Eating, them to the shrine room after I’m votion that is done for the temple can be
brushing teeth, showering, studying, changed.” She then skipped down the hall, done for and in the home shrine. For in-
watching TV, sleeping, talking to friends. chanting “Siva, Siva. Siva is the seahorse.” stance, weaving garlands or singing bhajan.
Every day we follow set times for certain ac- She showered, changed, gathered up her If the family is guided by a spiritual guru,
tivities. Children learn this at a very young flowers and entered the shrine room. It was a satguru, then the home altar would in-
age. The times of morning and evening all polished wood, with beautiful oil lamps clude a section dedicated to the worship of
worship to Siva should become one of, and and a dark red carpet on the floor. Her fa- the guru. This appears in a future lesson.
ideally, our most important, daily activity. ther and mother were there. Her father The shrine room is often the best place in
passed a camphor flame and chanted soft- the home for personal yoga practice.
STORY READING ly before the bronze Siva Nataraja. It was
Wild, fluffy banks of clouds rolled in over now dark purple outside. The night was CITIZENSHIP
the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. The falling. Arati eyes fell shut for a short time A daily time of worship in the home is one
clouds were splashed with pinks and pur- of yoga. of the best ways to promote family unity
ples and a silver yellow. And they were and well-being, which most countries and
moving fast, as fast as a herd of kangaroos. BACKGROUND societies consider the heart of citizenship.
“Wow, look at those clouds. Aren’t they The Vedas devote many hymns to describ- All religions have a daily routine of spiri-
wonderful,” cried Arati as she spun in the ing the spiritual environment of the home. tual practice, of drawing close to God. In
sand of a beach near her home. She spoke The connection between devas and the Saivite Hinduism, our daily worship, study
with an Australian accent. In Australia, the family was an important Vedic relationship. and yoga create a daily opportunity to re-
sun appears very big and it was sending out Turning a house into a holy domicile where new compassion and ahimsa nonviolence
a fiery show of color as it met the sea. Arati the family could spiritually advance and re- and to see Siva everywhere, in all people, all
was 8 years old, old enough to know that ceive aid from the devas is a recurring life, all worlds. Daily worship also cultivates
the sun did not sink into the ocean. But she theme. Much family wealth has gone into a spiritual willpower that can serve the
enjoyed the magic of the sun and sea creating home altars that go on for gener- good of the family’s nation. It makes a per-
touching. “It’s not too late to splash in the ations. In ancient times, when wood, stone son who is responsive to needs and respon-
water,” she yelled against the blowing wind and metal craftsmanship excelled, the sible in meeting problems with intelligent
to her friend Anandi. “Let’s go.” And they shrine room was elegant and harmonious solutions. As the devas work through the
ran down the sand with crabs scurrying out with nature and human nature. The Aga- home altar, they can help in all these ways.
of the way. They ran into the dark water, mas contain detailed instructions on where
shooting up fountains of silvery sea water and how the shrine room is to be built in
that also became painted with purples and the house. It is vital to keep the home

Book 1, Lessons 19 & 38
Serving in a volunteer and selfless spirit is
Here, the mother, daughter and
one of the best ways to help others and to
son are all working on cleaning
help ourselves spiritually. To serve means
the floor in their home. Service
we are giving of our time, energy and in- starts in the home for children.
telligence to help other people or to help They should offer to help their
situations. Naturally, this makes us more parents often, and not wait to
spiritual because our sense of personal self be assigned chores. This son
is lessened. Service awakens the higher and daughter volunteered to
qualities of giving, compassion and help their mother with this
strength. Service is necessary to see to many work. They are looking at it as
needs of the local Hindu community. Ser- a spiritual service. It will make
vice is a necessary foundation for success in them more selfless. It is a good
yoga. Helping elders is a necessary service karma.
for youth. Elders need caring. They repre-
sent the vault of life wisdom stored from Here, the son and daughter are
many decades of experience. helping their grandparents. The
grandfather is holding the
KEY PRESENTATIONS grandson’s hand for guidance.
Certainly one of the great acts of human
life is service. To volunteer to serve in some The daughter has prepared a
way “makes people feel good,” as the very nice cup of tea for her grand-
popular saying goes. Many people testify mother. One day these children
that volunteer service is the most impor- will be the elders.
tant part of their life. And many people
make a life out of selfless service. This in-
cludes helping the poor, the ill, the home- Let us serve. chores are there to volunteer for?
less, the environment, disaster victims, or- Is there a special service they can
phans, refugees. Their life is dedicated to
helping others. Obviously, this is a very ad-
We help elders. do often, like bringing flowers for
decoration? Service is beyond the
vanced life, and stands out to all spiritual normal chores of home life, or ex-
people as a great example. That “makes me pectations of the parents, such as
feel good” is actually a first feeling of the making the bed. It is a volunteer
soul, of the soul lighting up the physical service. Outside of the home, the tem-
body. For anybody who has done a selfless The child sees a way to serve in the home, ple or local Hindu society often needs a lot
act out of kindness or compassion, their school, temple or in the community, and of volunteer service. Young children can
soul is coming foward. And this is actually a says “I want to help.” Spiritual service also volunteer to help under adult supervision
great spiritual event to be emphasized to means that there is no payment. No mon- for groundskeeping, landscaping, polishing
children. Do a good, selfless act, and you ey is given for the service. Ideally, the per- the inside floors, polishing metal trays and
will feel your own soul light. son who spiritually serves is not even ex- pots, collecting recycle materials for fund-
Selfless means that the children are not pecting a “thank you.” Gratitude may come, raising for the temple, helping to put out
thinking of themselves. They are not con- but it is not expected. Why? Because the mailings. There are always many ways to
cerned about their body. They are not men- “you” is the small self, the personal body serve. The children need to be encouraged
tally bored. These are what we could call and mind. It is the soul that is serving, and to look around and to ask around for ser-
the “small self.” The soul is the “light self.” the soul does not feel a sense of being a vice needs.
The young children are not thinking of be- physical body and mind. It does not feel
ing someplace else, or playing, or eating, or small and different from everybody else. It One of the most important caring acts for
watching TV. They overlook discomfort. feels as large as light and at one with every- children and young adults is to help elders.
They think helpful thoughts. They try to do body. Children enjoy a special relationship with
the best job they can. They think of others, Service is good karma. It is creating ac- older people. Quite often their most liked
rather than themselves. They volunteer for tions that are good, kind, helpful, inspiring. relative is grandfather and grandmother.
other services. They learn to like volunteer All of these acts of service are recorded in The grandparents offer a perspective on
service, to make it a regular part of their our karma bank, and they will return to us life, and humor and compassion. Elders
lives. Selfless is a special state. It is a spiri- in future lives. In future lives we will have have gone through family life, raising a
tual state of mind. When there is less self, acts of goodness, charity and wisdom come family, and they can look backwards and
there is more soul. It is that simple, and that to us from our good deeds we do in this see how they could have improved, or
profound. Volunteer means to do some- life, even as a young child. made better decisions in life. An elder per-
thing from our own decision and strength. Service for the young child starts in the son will generally be more spiritual. They
We are not asked to do it by someone else. home. How can he or she help? What have lived life, and now feel a need for spir-

32 Let the aspirant for liberation behave in an unselfish and kind way and give aid to all, let him
undergo penance, and let him study this Agama.—DEVIKALOTTARA AGAMA
Book 1, Lessons 19 & 38
itual experience. They want to prepare head was a red dot and three lines of white
themselves well for their next birth in rein- ash—the marks of Siva sight. He looked 1. Locate a park nearby and have all the
carnation. Because they are more spiritu- noble, like an old king. He stood straight. children pick up trash and litter into
ally inclined, the elders can offer good ad- He wasn’t tall, but he looked tall. In his garbage bags or nearby garbage cans.
vice—advice that has the spiritual, cultur- hands were a map and a briefcase. He The idea is to be thorough and to be
al and character development of the child looked around, turned the map sideways, joyous in an activity that is serving oth-
more in mind. They can see more opportu- and said to himself, “Ganesha, I’m lost. I ers rather than serving ourselves. Have
nities for the child. am definitely lost.” He was in the middle of the children think of other ways they
Children and elders are at the opposite the subway station. People rushed by him, can serve others while they are doing
ends of the age range. The elderly are in carrying shopping bags and briefcases. this.
bodies old with age. Children are in bodies Tourists were talking in many languages.
young, strong and energetic. It is natural Another subway train came in at high 2. Invite an elderly person to the class; a
for children to aid the elderly, and to show speed with a whoosh of wind. All the doors relative or friend. Ask the elder to give a
respect for their age and wisdom. Children in the subway opened at the same time. Out talk on what their life is like, their in-
can help elders in many ways. And if a child poured many people moving fast, and the terests, what they did as children of 7
can see no obvious way to aid an elder, they old man was pushed a bit in a crowd head- or 8 years old. Then encourage a dia-
can always ask, “Is there some way I can ing for the subway stairs. The old man held log between the elder and the youths so
help you?” That alone would be a wonder- onto his map, and gripped the edge of a pil- the children can offer ways to help their
ful gesture to the elder. Helping elders is lar to steady himself. He was being elders.
another good karma deed. Every time we squeezed in the crowd. It reminded him of
assist an elder, we are creating good karma riding buses in Delhi, India. “Time to ask want to go here?” and she pointed at a
for ourselves. Again the good karma is for directions,” he thought. He didn’t speak street on the map.
stored for the child, so in a future life their French. He was in Paris on a trip to raise “Yes, that’s it,” said the man. “You two are
elder stage of life may be filled with help- money for a Hindu monastery. He started like devas. Namasivaya to you both.”
ful assistance from kind-hearted children. to look around at people’s faces . Perhaps a “Well, it looks like we’ll have to take you
kind face that looked helpful. He had bright to another subway station. It’s a few blocks
eyes, like flashes of moonlight on lake wa- away,” said the girl. “Here, I will hold your
ANALOGIES & ter, for he had practiced yoga much of his arm so we don’t get separated in this awful
life. In fact he had started to do yoga when crowd.” The boy reached for the elder’s
ILLUSTRATIONS he was 8 years old. A very old man with briefcase, adding, “I’ll carry this for you.
1. The heart of spiritual experience is feel- thin white hair, over 100 years old, gave Let’s go.” So the two youngsters and the el-
ing and identifying with our soul body and him his first lessons in Siva yoga. He was der went up the stairs into the Paris traffic,
intelligence. The more we in human form always grateful for that, and had never for- crossed a busy street, walked two blocks
can feel our soul, the more spiritual we be- gotten the ancient one’s gentle face and north and one block east and went down
come. Suppose we had a window that wise words. So, now lost in Paris, he looked into the cave of a subway again. “Here,” said
looked on a magical scene of a tall, red for a gentle adult face. Then two small the girl. “Take this subway, and it will take
stone mountain, a Siva temple made of di- hands grabbed his map. “Do you need you right to your street. We wish you well.”
amond, and streams of liquid gold flowing some help,” said a young child’s voice in “You’ve been very kind children. To take
through a forest of emerald trees. The win- English from down below. The old man me all the way here, out of your way. Thank
dow is perfectly clear. This is the beauty of looked quickly down. He saw a young boy you so much,” the elder replied. “Much
our soul nature. But on one side of it, the and girl looking up at him with kind smiles good karma will come your way.”
window is covered with dark dust. It is so as their hands held his map. They were
thick we cannot see through it. This is our both fair skinned, with blondish hair and CITIZENSHIP
limited human view. Everytime we do an sea blue eyes. And they both had small red Volunteer service, especially toward needs
act of service, we wipe a little dust from the dots between their eyes. of the religious community and the elders,
window and can see a little of the beauty of “Why yes, I need help,” the old man said is one of the great expressions of citizen-
our soul nature. in English. “I need to get here by six o’- ship. If each religious community of a na-
clock,” and he pointed to a place on the tion is practising selfless service, there
STORY READING map. “Are you Hindus? You don’t look like would be greater harmony and respect.
The doors of the subway train slid back you’re from India,” he said loudly, because Also religious organizations can operate a
with a quiet hiss. The subway was under- the crowds were very noisy. The boy quick- number of social charities that are of a
neath Paris, France. Through the metal ly replied, “Of course we’re Hindus. This great help to society in general. Caring for
doors stepped an old man. He walked red dot means we try to see Siva in all peo- the elderly is a primary concern for many
strong and stepped into the bright lights of ple. It’s like a game. Quite often we just stop countries, as the population of the elderly is
the subway station and looked around. His and help people, or talk to them. You have on a steep rise.
face was the color of a bronze pot, his hair nice white hair. We were born here in Notes:
as white as salt. There was a crowd of peo- France. Our parents lived in India and be-
ple around him, but he stood out. His white came Hindus.” The girl added, “We just got
hair was long, and it was partially tied in a off that subway that came in. I saw you
knot at the back of his head. On his fore- looking at the map like you were lost. You
Book 1, Lesson 20 & 21
There are certain festivals that celebrate our
A family is preparing for the Tai
human dependence upon and gratitude for
Pongal rice harvest ritual. The
the bounty of our planet. This also extends
son is putting rice from the re-
to our vital and delicate relationship to the cent harvest into a large pot.
sun. We are indebted to Earth and sun for The daughter has flowers. The
our water, food, resources, energy. Harvest mother is making sacred kolam
festivals also renew the bond of coopera- designs. Father is finishing the
tion between humans and the spirit world. creation of a Ganesha vessel.
KEY PRESENTATIONS Notice it is outdoors.
There are many harvest festivals around the There is an arati lamp lit. The
world. Every ancient civilization and cul- nature spirit devas enjoy the
ture had at least one major harvest festival. fire and life force of the offer-
Our modern nations and cultures all have ings.
harvest celebrations too. Nothing is so im-
portant to humanity as its agriculture. Peo- Father is raising an arati flame
ple must have food, sleep, clothing and to the great star of our solar
shelter before the path of spirituality can be system: the sun. Thus, human-
walked. Harvesting the season’s crops ity is asking for the continued
comes at different times in different areas sustaining energy from the sun
of the world. So there are many harvest fes- for all life. Through the devo-
tivals at different times of the year. Tai Pon- tion of the ceremony, we give
gal is a harvest festival held in South India thanks for another year of life
and Sri Lanka. In those areas, the first rice on Earth.
harvest is over by January. Tai Pongal is a Tai Pongal festival in January. We cele-
celebration held at home, outside in front Mother is prostrating as the
of the home or in the house’s courtyard. brate the first rice harvest. arati is offered. The children are
Everybody celebrates it, not just farmers. holding their hands in the di-
We thank the sun and earth for giving vine salutation of namaskar.
Doctors, lawyers, politicians, soldiers, po-
licemen, engineers, housewives, executives, us food. They are using the same mudra
taxi drivers, temple priests—everybody. hand position as discussed in
Everybody is dependent upon food for sur- Lesson 55 on how we greet each
vival. As rice is the main crop for Asia, it be- other.
comes the focus for celebrating the cycle of farm lands and oceans are all sacred. They
growing and harvesting all food crops. So are all part of Siva. They are all filled with
Tai Pongal is not just a rice festival. It is a spirit beings, guided by the Nature Mind of
giving of thanks for all grain, vegetable, Ganesha. maintains a temperature ideal for life. Heat
fruit, legume and nut crops from anywhere from the sun turns water to cloud to rain.
that are part of our diet. The Tai Pongal ceremony is performed out- Seasons come from Earth’s orbit around
side under the energy eye of the sun. Cen- the sun. Our energy sources all come from
Since Tai Pongal is a celebration of harvest- tral to the ceremony is the boiling of rice the sun, including oil. In all ways we are
ing farming crops, it is also a celebration of in a pot to the point where the bubbling linked to the sun. At the height of the Tai
our Hindu vegetarian diet. Tai Pongal does rice boils over the side of the pot. Often, Pongal harvest ceremony, an arati is passed
not celebrate the killing of animals for peo- there is also a kumbha pot with a coconut directly to the sun Deva. It is a moment of
ple to eat. It does not celebrate the killing of representing Ganesha, God of Nature. The prayer, thankfulness and wisdom that the
chickens or fish for people to eat. Tai Pon- purpose of the festival is a to give thanks. being of the sun makes our physical and
gal offers personal gratitude to the nature It is a mood of love to the Earth and food spiritual progress on Earth possible.
spirits that create the vegetarian crops that spirits and sun for nourishing us.
nourish us. Thus Tai Pongal for Saivite ANALOGIES &
Hindus is a statement of our ahimsa nonvi- The Earth orbit is in an exact position from
olence lifestyle. Because Tai Pongal reminds the sun to breed and sustain life. If we were ILLUSTRATIONS
us of our ahimsa consciousness, it also re- a little closer to the sun, all of our oceans 1. The act of harvesting has much mean-
minds us of our relationship to all humans and fresh waters would boil away. If we ing for people. The crops have grown from
and life on Earth. And it reminds us that were a little further away from the sun, our seed, a remarkable, even miraculous event
Siva is truly in all life, that He is life itself. planet would freeze. So we are in a perfect in itself. Water, soil and sun grow the crop.
This creates for children a feeling that even orbital dance with the sun. Light from the Or more precisely, the nature devas of the
the environment—the forests, mountains, sun fuels plant growth and causes vital water, soil and sun worlds grow the crops.
valleys, lakes, rivers, meadows, prairies, changes in the soil. Heat from the sun We humans tend it. Then, when the crop is

34 You must not use your God-given body for killing God’s creatures, whether they are human,
animal or whatever.—YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 20 & 21
ready, we harvest it. We reap the final glo- that shone at night. He read books on the
ry of Ganesha’s bounty. Thus harvesting is night sky. For his birthday, he wanted a 1. Bring in a picture book from the li-
like receiving a gift from nature. Nature telescope. So he was relieved that the storm brary on the sun. Or show a video on
gives to us a gift of food, of water, of re- overhead would be clearing. He liked the the sun. Talk to the children about how
powerful the energy of the sun is, and
sources. We receive the gift with a smile and ceremony of Tai Pongal. It made him feel
how important it is to life on earth. The
words of thanks. tied to the Earth and sun. He was part of
sun should be understood as much
nature. Nature was part of him. This year
more than a massive, gas sphere under-
2. Offering our thanks and kind apprecia- his father was going to let him pass the arati
going constant nuclear fusion. It is as
tion to Earth and the nature devas is of flames to the sun. Shankara had been read- an intelligent, powerful being, a star
course an act we can do everyday. Once a ing about the sun and looking at pictures of deva.
year on a special occasion is good. But nat- it taken through telescopes. It was clear to
urally, every time we sit down to a meal we him that the sun was a powerful and great
should be bonding to our planet, sun and star. A Saivite swami had taught him that
their bloom of life. In Saivite Hinduism, the sun was also a being with a vast mind. istries and departments that oversee and
there are such meal time ceremonies, in- Shankara wanted to come close to the sun develop water resources and land and crop
cluding Sanskrit chanting. If we don’t offer mind. Tomorrow, he thought, my mind will management. This is usually done through
daily thanks, but wait till only once a year, join the sun. I will feel the light and heat. I science and civic responsibility. Religious
this is like only thanking your mother and will talk to the sun. Maybe some idea for ceremonies and practices such as vegetari-
father once a year. And look how much helping Earth will come to me from the sun anism do have a great contribution to citi-
they do for you everyday. mind. Here on the roof Shankara was also zenship. Tai Pongal and other harvest fes-
growing some vegetables and herbs. He tivals are ecological celebrations. They
3. The Earth and sun are like a ball (earth) walked over to his garden near the roof ’s teach of man’s delicate place in nature, the
tied by a wire to a central pole (the sun). north edge. He leaned over and took some world and in our solar system. They bring a
The earth flies around the sun at always soil in his fingers. It smelled good. The pep- sense of sacred oneness to the citizens. The
about the same distance away. Along the pers and caulifower were doing well. He farming industry is appreciated. Such cele-
wire from the central pole (the sun) trav- was a vegetarian. There were some smells of brations can awaken new thinking about
els all the energy for the ball (earth) to host potatoes in a tamarind sauce drifting on using energy sources directly from the sun,
life. This goes on for billions of years. the wind. It made him hungry. He talked to rather than from polluting oil fuels.
other children about being vegetarian.
STORY READING Most weren’t interested. That made WRONG THINKING
The weather forecast came over the radio Shankara sad. People who eat meat are It is wrong to judge the old harvest rites as
9-year-old Shankara was listening to: “ex- killing animals and hurting the Earth. But being superstitious or outdated. These ritu-
pected showers today, but clearing by to- some children had decided to be vegetari- als are supernatural. They tap into a super
morrow,” the weatherman reported. Good, an because Shankara talked to them. That power within nature, that of the nature
thought Shankara. At least we’ll see the sun would be part of of tomorrow’s Tai Pongal spirits. These spirits are intelligent and car-
tomorrow. It was January in Madras. The Shankara said to himself. Bringing people ing. They create our food and forests and
air was cool. Shankara pulled his jacket to the vegetarian diet is a great gift to the flowers as an expression of their Sivaness.
around him. Clouds that looked like black world. They like to be acknowledged, to be
chalkboards lay thickly overhead. Shankara thanked, to be honored with love as fellow
was on the rooftop of the apartment build- CONNECTIONS beings in the universe. Further, chemical-
ing his family lived in. The building was In Hinduism, there are many different har- based methods of farming are being found
tall. It was near the beach area of Madras. vest festivals. Tai Pongal is just one. It is a destructive of land, whereas old farming
Despite the brownish haze of pollution in home celebration. It relates to our daily ways are in balance. Sometimes “modern
the air Shankara could see for miles. This home worship. Harvest festivals are for science” has ignored the great spiritual
pollution is awful, he was thinking. It is in honoring the devas, as well as bringing the truths held by our ancestors. As a result the
nearly every city of the world. How can Gods close to us. Ganesha is the Lord of natural balance of our planet has been up-
people allow this to happen? We are de- Nature. His knowledge and power guide all set. This balance will be restored when all
stroying our world. Killing species. Making the spirits of nature creating the world men again start to work with the great in-
ourselves sick. He kicked at the cement of around us. Because Ganesha governs na- ner forces that guide and guard nature.
the rooftop. Wish there was something I ture, our harvest rituals reach into His Notes:
could do, he thought. Ganesha, he often realm. He is happy that humans express
vowed to himself, I will help save Earth. gratitude and honor to the nature devas.
And he coughed as a big cloud of auto ex- That makes humans less selfish, more spir-
haust fumes came up from the street below. itual and more a part of the three worlds
Tomorrow was Tai Pongal. All over South discussed later.
India families were preparing for the har-
vest festival. Shankara’s family would be up CITIZENSHIP
on this rooftop holding the ritual. Shankara A nation’s most vital concern is water and
loved the sky, the sun, the stars and planets agriculture. Every government has min-

Book 1, Lesson 22
God Siva is the creator of all souls, all spir-
This is the Kshipra Prasada
it beings, all life, all planets and stars, all Ganapati form of Ganesha. His
places high and low. All of Siva’s creation is big belly symbolizes all of the
in three very large universes. These are physical world. Ganesha is the
called by ancient scripture the three worlds. God who guides nature and hu-
This lesson discusses what the three worlds manity, who gives high culture
are and the act of Siva creation. and great ideas. He also directs
the activities of much of the
KEY PRESENTATIONS deva world. Ganesha is a great
Every child lives in a home that has rooms. God in the Gods’ world. This is
There are rooms for cooking, for eating, for where Ganesha lives and views
sleeping, for cleaning, for enjoying compa- and helps all the happenings in
ny. The home is where we experience our the physical world.
world the most. Our world is what we see,
hear, touch, smell and taste. We call this In this hand Ganesha holds a
world the physical world, because it is the twig of a wish-fulfilling tree. We
world that is real to our physical body. We can wish directly to Lord Gane-
live in the home in our physical body, our sha in the Gods’ world. If our
body that we see in the mirror every day. wish is good for us, then He
We see the walls. We hear the voices of our will advise the deva people in
family. We smell flowers in the shrine the devas’ world to make your
room. We taste mother’s food. We feel the wish come true.
blankets of our bed. When we step out of
our home we see the neighbor’s homes and
the towns of our country, and the sky,
mountains, trees and flowers. As we travel
Ganesha says, “Siva created 3
further away from our home, all that we worlds: our world, the devas’
see, hear, touch, taste and smell is part of
our physical world. Earth, the planet we live world and the Gods’ world.”
on, the sun and all the stars, and all of
space is part of our physical existence. This
physical world is solid to us. It has certain
laws. Falling from heights can hurt us. Fire
can burn us. We cannot walk through has a deva world body, a body that has dif- There is one more world, or uni-
closed doors. We need air and water to live. ferent colors of light shining from it. This verse, that is even larger and much more
deva world body is actually the more im- spiritual than the deva world. This is the
So the physical world is what our physical portant body of the child. It is the child, Gods’ world and it is so vast, so beautiful,
body experiences through the senses. But with full intelligence and abilities of spirit so filled with wondrous light and bliss and
there is another large world that exists thought. The physical body only exists be- divine intelligence that it is even beyond
through and inside the physical world, but cause of the life force from this deva world our imagination. This is the world of God
we can not see it with our physical eyes. We body. When we sleep, we live at night in our Siva, where He exists as the Supreme Soul.
can not hear it with our physical ears. This deva world body. When we die, we live for a This Gods’ world is also where all the very
world is there, all around us, even going long time in our deva world body, helping advanced souls that we call Gods exist and
through our bodies, like fine light traveling great spiritual souls and preparing for our perform their great cosmic functions. Deep
right through us. It is a very large world, next birth in the physical world. The deva inside each child’s deva world body is the
much larger than the physical world. It is world has many levels, like vast steps going soul body of pure light. It looks a little like
called the devas’ world, because the people from down to up. One level is all the spir- a human body, because the human body is
who live there have bodies that shine with its of nature. On the lower steps are beings a dense copy of the soul body. The immor-
light (the meaning of deva). While our and people who are not spiritual, but en- tal soul body is the child’s true identity.
world is physical, this devas’ world is men- joy being mean, ugly and instinctive. On This soul body grows and learns more of its
tal. It is built from thought. But to those the middle levels, or steps, are people who God-like nature through the experiences of
who live there, it is very solid. Yet its laws are helping humanity with new discoveries, the physical world and devas’ world.
follow the power of thought, rather than new ways of thinking, new ways of healing,
the forces of physical matter. Let’s go back and with art and culture. On the top levels, God Siva, the Supreme Being, creates all
to the rooms in the child’s house. The child or steps, are great spiritual deva people who three of these worlds from His Mind. He
steps into his or her bedroom and sees the guide humans in their spiritual search and keeps all the worlds going with perfect or-
bed. At the same time, the child is actually practice. der and purpose by His Mind. Therefore,
standing in the devas’ world, and the child even our physical world exists in His Mind.

36 These worlds, tiered one above the other from the lowest to the highest, make up the universe
of transmigration.—MRIGENDRA AGAMA
Book 1, Lesson 22
All we see and hear and touch is part of the bell tones echoed into silence. The 1. The ideal prop for this activity would
Siva’s Mind of light, love and pure energy. room was almost dark and Jnani could only be to have the kind of balloons that
see faint outlines of the pictures on her have one or two balloons nested inside
wall. A feeling of sleepiness passed over her. of the main balloon. When you blow
ANALOGIES & But she wasn’t tired. Her bluish-grey eyes them up you see through the main out-
were open. But, as if she had stepped into er balloon to a second balloon inside
ILLUSTRATIONS a movie theater, Jnani suddenly saw yellow and a third balloon nested inside that
1. Let’s imagine three rooms that are inside and blue light fill her room. It seemed to one. The outer balloon represents our
one another, like a Chinese box with boxes come from the center of the room, a great world which looks into the Deva world
nested inside each other. We walk into the circle of yellow with blue shooting out of it. and deep inside of the Deva world can
first room, the largest room. This is the She watched the light with incredible joy, a be seen the Siva world. This is the best
God’s world. It surrounds and contains the happiness she had never felt before. The three-dimension representation of this
other two rooms. In the God’s world room yellow light surrounded her, sparkling like abstract concept. If this kind of novel-
we can see the walls of the next room. A fireworks and feeling like warm bubbling ty balloon can’t be located then bring
door opens and we walk into the next water. She no longer felt or saw her body. in a supply of balloons of different col-
room, the door closing behind us. This is It was like she had become a cloud, float- ors and sizes. Have the children blow
the Deva’s world room. It surrounds and ing and airy. The room was not lit up by the them up so there are three different
contains the physical world room. We can yellow and blue colors, but the golden and sizes. The largest size is the Siva world.
see the physical world room’s walls. A door blue colors seemed to go through the walls, The next largest is the Deva world. The
opens. We walk through into the physical like they were made of glass. Jnani was smallest is our world. As three differ-
world room, the door closing behind us. All frozen in joy, not moving, breathing slow- ent sized and colored balloons are
we see now is a single room with its walls. ly. Her only thought was, “Devas. Spiritual blown up, the children line them up in
We don’t see the Deva’s world or the God’s light. This must be the deva world. I am a close row and try to see through the
world from this physical room. Yet we seeing the deva world.” Then the yellow and smallest one (our world) into the Deva
know they still exist. blue light became very soft. A room ap- world one and Siva world one. Then
2. Children are very familiar with the spir- peared before her vision. It was solid, real. they can let them float around and ap-
it world, or the devas’ world. This is be- She could touch the surface of the walls preciate that Siva created them all.
cause up to age six many children can nat- that were made of dark, shiny stone that
urally see into the devas’ world. They see had a soft green glow. Yet Jnani knew she 2. Gather the children into the middle
nature spirits, like fairies, or they see, talk was also in her own bedroom. She was in of the room and have them form a cir-
and play with deva world children their two worlds at once, she thought to herself. cle. The lights are on in the room. The
own age. These are the famous “invisible Then two people walked into the room, children are directed to look around at
friends” that many young children have. one young man and one young woman. everything in the room. Then the lights
Often children will be visited as they are Their faces were kind and beautiful. They are turned out so it is dark. The chil-
falling asleep by high deva or angel people. wore very fine Indian-style robes and their dren jump up to a standing position
These devas guide the children, offer them whole body gave off orange and deep blue and take in a deep breath. As they
excellent advice, or teach them some fine light. “Yes, Jnani,” the lady said. “You have breathe out they see the room being
spirit skill. seen the deva world while still in your phys- created from their own body energy.
ical world body. This is so you can remem- When the lights go on, they children
have successfully created the room. Re-
STORY READING ber, and tell other children about the reality
peat this a few times. This is like God
Jnani lay on her bed, smelling of freshly of the deva world.” Then they walked out,
Siva creating the three worlds out of
washed sheets, under a brown and red and Jnani’s eyes closed. When they opened,
His own Mind.
blanket with Indian designs. She shared this all she saw was her room in darkness. But
room with her younger sister, Tara, who in her mind, she still saw, as true as life, the
was four. Jnani was 8 years old. She was just deva world. world and occasionally entering and going
relaxing, her hands behind her head. Her beyond the Gods’ world.
head rested on a pillow that matched the CONNECTIONS
blanket. Her bed was not soft. She didn’t Notice how this lesson closely connects to HOMEWORK
sink into it. It was firm. Jnani had learned the Ganesha says lesson on Siva created Have the children practice lying on their
some yoga postures which she did on her everyone and everything. Everyone and bed or on a comfortable mat on the floor
bed. She had told her mom, “I want a firm everything have to exist somewhere, and with the lights out or very dim. They
bed so I can do some yoga on it and sleep each according to its purpose and spiritual should relax their normal eyesight so they
well.” So there Jnani lay on her firm bed, advancement. Also, this lesson nicely com- are not staring or focusing on anything, but
floating on it like on a raft drifting lazily pliments the lesson on home shrines and are just looking. They should be having
down a river. She lived in Fiji, near Nadi, worship, and on temple worship. In the good thoughts about the devas’ world and
where a new Murugan temple was recently home shrine, we are tuning into the deva deva people. In this state of receptivity the
built. She could hear the temple bells chim- world. In temple worship we are tuning children may experience psychic images of
ing like metal birds in the distance. It was into the Gods’ world. In learning yoga, we light in the room, of beautiful places or of
nearing the evening puja time. The last of are also functioning in the higher devas’ very kind spiritual people.

Book 1, Lessons 23 & 53
The world of animals is a beautiful and im-
portant part of God Siva’s creation on Here we see two children ex-
Earth. Saivite Hindus view all animals, in- pressing their joy and fondness
cluding dolphins and whales, as being the for the cow. Being close to a
body homes of souls. Souls live in animal cow like this, or close to a herd
bodies, just as souls live in human bodies. of cows, it would be impossi-
Humans are friends with many animals, ble to think of harming such a
such as the dog, cat, cow, goat, horse and beautiful animal. And it would
be very difficult to even think
elephant. Among the animals that are our
for one second of eating a cow
friends, the cow and elephant are the
for dinner. Most children
Saivite Hindus’ best friends. The cow and
around the world have a diffi-
elephant give us many good things for our
cult time eating meat when
lives. They symbolize spiritual truths. They they actually meet the animals
teach us certain good qualities. All life is sa- face to face. Notice in this pic-
cred. All life helps in Siva’s plan of life. ture that the cow has been giv-
en a garland. This is a fine ges-
KEY PRESENTATIONS ture of our seeing the cow as
The animal kingdom has many kinds of sacred and so generous to hu-
animals, from antelope to tigers, from sea mans.
otters to dolphins. We can make a very long
list of all the animals in the world. Our list Here is the temple elephant.
would cover lots and lots of blackboards. The temple elephant is dressed
What would our world be like without an- in fine clothes and ornaments
imals? It would be lonely. We people would and in many cases has designs
be by ourselves. It would be silent. No cows Baby, see the milking cow. She is so painted on its hide. The ele-
mooing. No dogs barking. No wolves howl- phant is a great example to us
ing. No bears growling. No cats purring. No good to us. She is like our mother. of how to take care of our own
horses whinnying. Without animals, the family and community. Ele-
world would be less beautiful. The world We never hurt the cow. phants are very caring.
would be boring and dull without the run-
ning, jumping and playing of animals. We In India, all big temples have
need all animals to make our world spiritu-
ally complete. The animals help our world an elephant. cow dung is an unscientific fuel.
be full of Siva’s beauty, and each animal is In California, USA, a very large
a part of Siva. The animals help teach us, electricity power plant uses only
for they live in nature. Animals only take cow dung fuel to produce enough
what they need. Animals do not harm na- this. Everything has a purpose in Siva’s electricity to power a small city. Cow dung
ture. Most animals are vegetarian. The an- plan. Everything is connected to everything is very antiseptic—it kills germs. For thou-
imals that hunt, like tigers and wolves, are else through mind consciousness. Every- sands of years cow dung has been
smart enough to know which is the weakest thing is bursting with Siva light. To sym- smoothed over kitchen floors in India as a
animal to kill for food, and they have devas’ bolize this sacred existence, Hindus see the kind of instant tile. It creates a solid surface
world (see lesson 22) permission to do this. cow and elephant as perfect examples. For and helps keep the kitchen free from germs.
We humans do not do this. We can be self- thousands of years of history the cow has Finally, cow dung is burnt down into its
ish and harmful. Very sadly, we humans been a generous friend of man. No other fine ash form for vibhuti, the holy ash that
have made extinct many animals. That cre- animal has provided so much for human is a mark of Siva’s pure white light that
ation of God Siva does not exist any more benefit, and with such a gentle spirit. All shines through everything and everyone.
on Earth. All gone, and none of the chil- over the world, in many different times and The elephant is one of our most beloved
dren will see them. societies the cow has served humans with creatures. The elephant is majestic, smart,
For Saivite Hindus, we try to see the best precious milk, with dung for fuel, with a strong, and is among the most caring ani-
in animals and honor that best. We learn friendly nature. Besides Hindu India, many mals on our world. We have learned much
and we are thankful. We see Siva in all life. old societies—from Egypt to Europe to about elephants in the past ten years. Ele-
All life is spiritual. All animals are filled China—regarded the cow as sacred, as a phants talk to each other through a very
with Siva’s light. gift from the Gods. Every day, all over our low tone language (it is below the human
To Saivite Hindus, all animal life is holy, planet cows are providing millions of gal- range of hearing). Elephants grieve for
as is life itself. Further, non-life—such as lons of milk that is made into butter, their dead, and actually hold ceremonies.
the soil, rocks, sky, clouds, water, moun- cheese, yogurt and even ice cream. Cows Elephants are so close to each other, so car-
tains, volcanoes, deserts—is also holy. It is give tons and tons of dung for fuel every- ing and loving, that if elephants in a herd
very good for children at this age to realize day. And the children should not think that are away from each other for over twenty

38 You must not use your God-given body for killing God’s creatures, whether they are human,
animal or whatever.—YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lessons 23 & 53
minutes, they greet each other as if they shoulder. The leash was moving again. “I
were parted for 20 years: noisy trumpeting, have time to check this out,” he thought. 1. If possible, locate an educational
dancing with their big feet and wrapping Usually the game warden didn’t have ani- video on dairy cows to show to the
their long trunks together. mals around his home, except for the big class. If this isn’t possible, bring in a li-
Like any higher intelligence animal, the sheepdogs. The game warden, a tall, African brary book on the subject of dairy
elephant can be trained from childhood to man, liked to have animals in the wild. Free cows (not beef steers) and show the
perform services for man. Unfortunately, as the wind. So something on a leash was children the pictures and read some of
this training can be cruel, and often is. All unusual. “And it must be big, at least as big the text. The idea is to present to the
young Hindus should protest cruel treat- as a cow,” said Ganesha as he neared the children all the bountiful products that
ment of animals. But if an elephant is house corner. “I think it is a…” come from the cow. Then ask them to
repeat together in a loud voice three
raised with love, gentleness and respect for “Yes, a baby elephant,” he shouted in tri-
times, “I will never hurt a cow or any
its intelligence and generosity, the elephant umph. Staring him right in the face with
other animal.”
can be a great friend and help us in our curious, friendly eyes was a kid elephant,
spiritual lives. Such are the special ele- dark gray and dusty. His trunk, looking like
2. This is the elephant game. Bring to
phants that are kept at the very large tem- a living vacuum cleaner hose, was sniffing class some brown or gray cloth mater-
ples in India. Children that visit these tem- at Ganesha. Sniff. Sniff. The trunk waived ial. A large portion of the cloth is
ples love the elephants. Their eyes are deep in the air and was right in front of Gane- draped over four children who are
and smart. There is no fear. The elephants sha’s face. “Hey fella. You want to know me? lined up and crouching over. The idea
are trained to reach down with their trunks This is so neat,” he said to the elephant. is for them to form the shape of an ele-
and give a blessing on the top of the head. They were nose to nose. The elephant phant. Make some kind of trunk out of
The children should be taught that the trunk, slightly moist and smelling of fresh a piece of cloth. The child who is the
elephant is in very grave danger now. The hay, was touching the boy’s nose. The ele- elephant head uses the trunk. The ele-
elephant population in Africa has been re- phants big ears were fanning the air. The phant walks around in the class, then
duced by 70% due to deadly poaching for ears went back and forth. Ganesha said, “I stops and gives blessings with its trunk
the elephant tusk, or ivory. bet you’d really like a bath in the river.” The to the other children. Everybody gets a
baby elephant’s head went up and down. turn at being the elephant.
STORY DISCUSSION “Hey. You understand me.” Then he no-
With dust flying everywhere the black jeep ticed the elephant was wounded in his leg.
pulled up quickly into the house yard. Ganesha had been to India last year, and
Skidding on the red dirt, the jeep stopped. he’d been to the Meenakshi Temple in warden were driving out to check on an
Grabbing to unhook his seatbelt, 8-year old south India where a huge elephant greeted elephant herd. There was little rain this
Ganesha jumped out of the jeep into the pilgrims. The temple elephant was gentle, year. The elephants needed water. It was an-
dirt. He was skinny with a big floppy hat but no one approached him unless the other big problem for helping the ele-
over his curly black hair. He was smiling mahut, his keeper, was right there. This ele- phants. Ganesha jumped in the jeep. He
and his black marble eyes were quickly phant was decorated with fine cloth and was very glad he was helping.
looking at everything in the hot morning even had jewels as a necklace. The temple Notes:
sun. Over next to the log house was a long elephant picked Ganesha out of a crowd
thick leash that disappeared around the and brought its great trunk down to Gane-
corner. The leash was moving like a snake. sha’s head. It felt like a wet butterfly landing
“Something very interesting must be on on him. It was a blessing. Ganesha knew
that leash,” thought Ganesha. His father somehow his karma would bring him to
had been driving the jeep. He was in a big help the elephants. Siva is in this elephant
hurry, and had already run into the house. as much as He is in me, Ganesha knew.
This was the home of the game warden, the With tears in his eyes, Ganesha looked at
man who took care of the animals in this the wound on the baby elephant’s leg. The
huge park. The park was so big it would elephant’s skin was thick and a little rough.
take a week to drive through it. They were Ganesha slowly petted the elephant. He
in Kenya, Africa. Home of elephants, lions, started chanting, “Aum Namah Sivaya.” The
giraffes, zebras and many other beautiful wound was healing. But still it was a bad
animals. It was also Ganesha’s home. His wound. A deep voice said from behind him,
father, a good Saivite Hindu man who “He was shot.” Ganesha turned quickly. It
loved animals, was the assistant game war- was the game warden and his dad. “What?
den. Ganesha had a camera around his How,” cried Ganesha.
neck. It was a good camera. He loved pho- “Outlaw hunters,” said the African man.
tography and he really loved elephants. In “They were killing elephants for their white
his room at home stuffed elephants were tusks. This little guy was in the way. But he
spread all over. Often he dreamed of ele- will get well.” Ganesha was happy at that
phants. After all he was named after Lord news. But he was angry with the hunters.
Ganesha. Ganesha moved the camera to his Right now, he and his dad and the game

Book 1, Lesson 24
Among world religions there are many
Sambandar is standing inside a
child saints—children who show a path to
temple hall here. The outline of
God through their artless devotion and
a Siva Lingam is seen in the
non-intellectual yet deeply spiritual view of
back. As we can see Sambandar
the world. In Saivite Hinduism, Saint Sam-
is very young. He is wearing
bandar is such a spiritual prodigy. He is three stripes of holy ash on his
honored for his lofty songs to Siva. forehead and a pottu mark. He
is wearing earrings as was the
KEY PRESENTATIONS custom in those times. Around
Children are naturally open to the spiritu- his neck is a colletion of sacred
al realities. It is easy for them to believe in necklaces, including rudraksha
the nature spirits. It is easy for children to beads and Siva symbols made
see the spirit beings in nature. Life is full of of gold.
mystery and discovery, and God is part of
a child’s search for answers. It is part of In this scene Sambandar is
their natural wonder that they easily see singing one of his songs. He is
God Siva in everybody and everything. keeping time with the cymbals.
Children very readily accept teachings Sambandar has a nice smile on
about sacred knowledge, about the magic his face because he is happy.
power of ceremony. Worship wells up freely When he sings of Siva or sits in
in a child. Contact with the deva people of yoga to find Siva inside himself,
the deva world for children is as natural as Sambandar is happy. Even as a
adults watching TV. So childhood is a mag- young boy he knows that the
ical time. Some children have special expe- happiness that comes directly
riences that set the course of their lives. from love of Siva and Siva’s love
Some children have extraordinary experi- The child saint Sambandar. for us is more important than
ences that are then forgotten as they grow happiness from physical things
older. And the experience, usually of a vi- He sang holy songs. we may like to have, like new
sion nature, is only remembered late in toys or a car for our family.
life—then becoming a sign of direction in
life. Of course, if a child is wrongly raised
by the parents or becomes clouded by cares
and desires too early in life, then these nat-
ural perceptions are dimmed. he asked him how he got the milk, the child
immediately sang a song describing his ex-
There are children famous in history for perience. he had seen Siva.
their musical or artistic gifts that blos- ling with the elderly saint Appar, the old
somed while they were only five or six years After this spiritual meeting with God Siva man and youthful boy enriching the lives of
old. This is often used as a demonstration the young Sambandar was inspired to sing hundreds of thousands.
of reincarnation, for a child manifesting more songs to Siva. He traveled from tem-
such incredible talent at an early age indi- ple to temple. Through his songs he in- ANALOGIES &
cates a mastery gained through several past spired the people of South India that Siva
lives. In the history of south Indian was a loving and ever-present Supreme Be- ILLUSTRATIONS
Saivism, Sambandar is revered as a saintly ing in their everyday lives. Soon, he was be- 1. The holy songs that Sambandar sang are
child, a child who unfolded a strength and coming known as a saint, a person whose different than the bhajan type of song dis-
beauty of Siva knowledge far beyond his life is dedicated to God and who is very vir- cussed a few lessons ago. Bhajans are usu-
years. Undoubtedly, he had achieved a high tuous in conduct. He composed many ally a simple phrase or set of lyrics set to a
level of spirituality in his previous births. songs, the melody and words coming spon- repeating melody that is easily memorized.
He lived over twelve centuries ago. This taneously from his devotion. His songs cov- Sambandar’s songs are more rich in their
should not seem such a long time to the ered many topics, often relating to the verses and melody, though it must be stated
children you are teaching, for they too were everyday needs of Siva’s followers. The that the original melodies Sambandar com-
alive at that time. Sambandar was born into songs often carried Sambandar’s assurance posed are lost. They were not carried down
a Saivite Hindu family. As a three-year-old that God Siva would respond to the pleas in generation to generation. But the melodies
boy, he became separated from his father the songs. Because of his youth and the and lyrics we have now represent a spiritu-
at the temple. He cried to Lord Siva for practical nature of his songs, a large group al school of singing that is very precious in
help. Lord Siva appeared to him, blessed of people accompanied him on his pil- South Indian Saivism. In fact, these songs
him and fed him with milk. Finally his fa- grimages to Siva temples and other holy are like windows into a time of tremendous
ther found the young boy again, and when sites. Eventually Sambandar began travel- spiritual change in South Indian Saivism.

40 The Lord of Appati is both inside and outside, form and no form. He is hidden in all thoughts.
He is thought and meaning, and embraces all who embrace Him.—TIRUMURAI
Book 1, Lesson 24
The songs tell of people’s concerns that are great road that led to the city near the lake.
as real today as 1,200 years ago. Many strangers entered the land by this 1. If everyone knows a Sambandar
road. One day he saw a tall man with very song, then that can be sung as a class
2. Imagine a child that is so enchanted or brown skin walking along the road. He had activity. An alternative or in addition to
enthralled by the beauty of a bird singing in a staff. He could see a small image of Siva this, have the children compose a sim-
a tree or of a butterfly flitting from flower on the staff. The man was dressed very dif- ple song by themselves. Divide the class
to flower in a meadow that he or she bursts ferent. And he was singing something. He into several groups, each group to
out into song. The child simply starts to seemed very joyful. Curious, Parasiva compose a very simple song of love of
sing as a scene of beauty or a gesture of jumped from his rock and ran full speed to God Siva. They do not have to create a
friendliness is observed. They make up the road. He leaped onto the road and wait- melody (if they want to, they can set it
to a well known melody), just the
words and melodies. Spontaneous singing ed for the tall stranger. And soon he heard a
lyrics. Then they recite the song to the
is common to children. And it is delightful man’s voice singing a very lovely song. The
class. Explain that Sambandar, as a
to listen to. Children are not shy in this way, melody was unusual, much different from
young boy their age, composed his
or have adult inhibitions, so they sing freely the songs of Kashmir. Parasiva could only
songs out of such spontaneous inspira-
and airily, a spontaneous expression of understand a few pieces of words. He spoke
tion as the children are doing now.
happiness. This is a very spiritual moment Dogra, the language of Kashmir, and knew
for the child. This does not include a some Sanskrit. The tall man had a kind face 2. Bring in three tennis balls, or small
youngster singing some rap or rock or pop so Parasiva called to him, “Noble sir, the balls that bounce. Arrange the class
song they hear in movies or on the radio. song you sing is new here. It is very beau- into a circle. Pass out the balls around
Some children, like Sambandar, are so in- tiful and I hear the word Siva in it.” The the circle. The children with the balls
volved in God’s hand being in all things man stopped walking and leaned on his stand up. In some simple melody they
that they sing directly of a God experience. staff. He knew Dogra because he traveled to sing “Aum. Everything I see is Siva,
Certainly, this is to be encouraged in chil- Kashmir often. “Umm. You like this song? Siva.” Then they bounce the ball over to
dren. Yes, it is beautiful, full of wisdom. It is from someone sitting down. The child catch-
the south, in the Tamil land,” the tall man es the ball and jumps up and sings the
STORY READING said. “From Tamil land. That must be very same phrase, while the other child sits
It was over one thousand years ago. Up at far south. They worship Siva there?” the down. The idea is to keep the ball
the top of India, inside the cradle of the Hi- boy asked. The man smiled, “Of course, bouncing around to different children
malayan mountains was a kingdom called they are great worshipers of Siva and do at the same time, each one singing the
Kashmir. At the center of Kashmir was a much yoga. This song you like was com- phrase and then bouncing the ball
very large and deep lake. It was greenish posed by a young boy your age. His name away.
blue and had lots of fish and ducks and was Sambandar. He was a Siva saint, and
geese. All around the lake were great forests his songs are very popular in the south. Do
of pine and birch trees and piles of old, gray you want to learn it?” The boy eagerly
rock. The rock sparkled in the sunlight for replied, “Yes, I will sing it in the temple and
it had many quartz crystals in it. At the the woods.” And so Parasiva was the first composer. Sambandar’s songs are sung dai-
edges of the lake, which was called Siva- person to sing a Sambandar song in the ly by millions of people.
mana—Siva’s Mind—were lovely temples land of Kashmir.
built of the quartz-filled rock. The temples CITIZENSHIP
came out over the water. They seemed like CONNECTIONS While singing alone does not make one a
they were floating right on the water. Of- Many of Sambandar’s songs, as well as the better citizen, Sambandar the child saint
ten devotees would feed bread to the gold- other Saiva saints, are sung as part of tem- does represent someone who was a good
en and brown-spotted fish swimming ple worship in South India. They are often citizen and also worked for helpful change
around the shining rock temples. All the sung when the doors are closed or the cur- in his country. For instance, the young
temples were to God Siva. Kashmir was tain is drawn for the dressing of the deity Saivite Hindu youth of today could be bet-
known throughout India for its great love during the puja. This is an example of how ter citizens by working to see that all the
of Siva. There were many Siva yogis in the something new in Saivite Hinduism—it Hindu temples were always clean and beau-
frozen mountain caves of Kashmir. In a was new 1,200 years ago—gradually be- tiful. Youth could volunteer to do selfless
beautiful wood-and-rock house near the came an accepted custom in the temple. In service (karma yoga) at a nearby monastery
lake lived 8-year-old Parasiva. His father this case, the singing of the Saiva saints or ashram. Youth could work to bring
was an administator at one of the large lake songs. In many of this book’s lessons we Saivites back to vegetarianism.
temples. Parasiva was lean, but strong like talk about Siva being everywhere in every- Notes:
a mountain lion. His blackish brown hair thing, as the creator and as the creation it-
was very long, often tied in a knot on the self. This is a philosophical truth. For many
top of his head. His large grayish brown people (including children), they may not
eyes were unusally keen. He could see very be able to understand this as a philosophi-
long distances. He liked climbing up on the cal truth, but in a song this suddenly be-
rock ledges high above his home where he comes understood. It has personal meaning
could see the entire valley, and watch the through the song, and through the song’s

Book 1, Lesson 25
Rebirth, taking a physical body many, many
This is the Nritya Ganapati
times, is a fundamental knowledge in
form of Lord Ganesha. In this
Saivite Hinduism. We emphasize the word
image He is the happy dancer.
knowledge, as this is not just a belief that This tell us that our long series
can be held to or rejected. It is a law. The of lives through rebirth is like a
children must learn it as a very important spiritual dance. In our begin-
fact. Everybody is experiencing a long series ning lives, we are just learning
of births. It does not matter whether they about life and we make lots of
believe in rebirth or not. Rebirth is a key mistakes—mistakes in our
fact to understanding our spiritual life and dancing. In our middle series of
purpose. It is called reincarnation, meaning lives our spiritual progress is
to re-enter a flesh body. This means we have limited as we go after physical
had past lives, and we will have future lives. and emotional pleasures—our
Each life is like a stage of growth. It takes dancing is selfish. Finally, in our
many lives to grow from ignorance—where very last lives on Earth, we are
we live only for physical enjoyment and can making much spiritual
do bad—to enlightenment, where we know progress, and our dance is
our spiritual soul nature of oneness with beautiful and serves others.
God Siva, and serve others in goodness.
Ganesha is dancing under a
KEY PRESENTATIONS kalpavrikasha tree. This means
What a delightful, fun knowledge to know that in every birth we should
that we have lived many lives before. This strive to be joyful and be very
is an extraordinary knowledge. Children active in realizing God Siva, so
very naturally agree to the law of reincar- our birth cycle ends.
nation. It makes perfect sense to them. It is
children who most easily remember their
Ganesha says, “Everyone
past lives. Researchers into reincarnation a life: king, president, scientist,
have found their best cases to be young is born again and again.” doctor, lawyer, jet pilot, designer,
children born in India who remember their wealthy businessman, company
immediate past lives. Teenagers also very executive, famous actress or mu-
eagerly accept the law of rebirth. And they sician, peace negotiator, priest,
are very curious about what their past lives monk. In fact, through our long series
were. Children like to dress up and pretend of our karma travels with us into the new of lives, we experience all of these, and
they are other people. They easily enter into life, like a suitcase, a suitcase of karma. It is much, much more. But, like a mountain
drama roles, and spontaneously act out be- there with us all the time. climber using his tools, all these contribute
ing a princess or a pirate or a priest. They So reincarnation means we have a long to the final goal of yoga enlightenment.
enjoy pretending they are adults, doing series of lives that have purpose and direc- If the physical body dies in each life, and
adult things. This demonstrates a natural tion. We are not just born by accident. We a new body is given to us each birth, then
inclination for the minds of children to be are born with purpose. Our lives are going we need to know who is it that is being
intrigued with other bodies, other lives. toward a goal, like a mountain climber born. Who is it that is re-entering the flesh?
Reincarnation means to re-enter the climbing toward the mountain top. What is It is our soul body of light that is re-enter-
flesh. That is, we experience birth into a the goal of our many lives? Well, there are ing the flesh. Our soul takes on the new
physical body many times. The physical many small goals that we must obtain in body, and uses it to learn and grow as a
body we are born into may live for a hun- our lives—from becoming smart and cul- soul. Our soul uses the physical body to ex-
dred years or it may only live a few months. tured, to being nice, kind, generous and un- perience karma and to experience the lim-
Each life is different in many ways and sim- selfish. There are many small goals, all of itations of the body, emotions and human
ilar in many ways. Each life builds on the them good. They develop us as a physical mind. This is like an astronaut (the soul)
previous lives, like building a pyramid with body, our minds, our emotions, and final- who uses a space suit (the physical body)
blocks. We may be born as a man or a ly spiritually. But there is one big goal that and is limited by it to work on the moon.
woman. It all depends on the purpose of our lives go toward. That is knowing our But the soul also shines through two other
the life—what is the reason this particular identical oneness with God Siva through bodies: a mental body and an astral body,
birth is taken. It also depends on the kar- yoga. That is the final goal of all of our both of which are invisible to our eyes. But
ma lessons of the life—that is the acts we lives. It is the reason why we are born again we live in them all the time. At night, when
did in past lives return to us in our present and again on planet Earth. Obviously, to we sleep we use these two bodies. When the
life through karma. The laws of rebirth and children and adults, there are many won- physical body dies, our soul continues to
karma are very closely connected. When we derful reasons for physical life. There are grow through these bodies until the next
are born into a new body a certain amount also many things we want to do and be in birth.

42 Lead me from unreality to reality. Lead me from darkness to light. Lead me from death
to immortality.—YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 25
Now, when the soul is just beginning to onto the dawn sky. On the backs of the
take on physical lives, the physical body and horses were large packs of spices, gold and 1. Have the children bring in whatever
its desires blot out the natural goodness rare, carved wood. The camels, looking like old clothes, costumes, hats, wigs or
and light of the soul. The physical human furry gold in the rising sun, stepped along other drama-type items they can lo-
body is an animal body. It has strong de- the trail with big, round feet. They carried cate. The teacher can help too by bring-
sires, and can be bad, selfish and greedy in rubies and sapphires, incense, and orna- ing costumes, etc. All the clothes are
fulfilling those desires. In the beginning ments for Hindu puja rites. At the front of arranged in stacks somewhere in the
lives, the physical body and mind will act the caravan was a girl on a beautiful brown class. The children sit down and quick-
bad because the soul’s light can not get horse with a star on its forehead. The girl ly think about who they were in their
through the desires. This is why we see so- was young with pretty brown hair and she last life. Then, without telling who they
were, three of them go to the clothes
called evil in the world. It is not an evil wore a thick, dark red coat over a long blue
and quickly try to assemble a costume
force. It is the physical person ignorant of blouse and white pants. On her forehead
of who they were. It could be an Amer-
its own soul/God nature and selfishly seek- were three white stripes, meaning she was
ican cowboy, Egyptian princess, Greek
ing only low desires and power. Everybody a devotee of Siva, Lord of Beginningless
philosopher, Indian warrior, Hindu
goes through this stage, then grows out of Light. Her cheeks were high and proud,
yogi, European noblewoman, Chinese
it. The more lives a soul has experienced, making her thin silvery brown eyes flash sailor, Roman priestess, Arabian camel
the more we see the soul shining through. like jewels. Her name was Priya, and she merchant, German scientist—whatever
The person is said to be good, honorable called her horse Starshine. Alongside her the children think of. The girls and be-
and spiritual. Spiritual people are people rode her father on a very big, white-as- come boys and the boys become girls.
who have lived many, many lives on Earth. snow horse. He was the owner of this car- For a short time they act out the part of
They have learned from many karmic avan. They were leaving a Hindu kingdom their last life. Then they quickly remove
lessons. called Khutan. They were leaving the cold their costumes and the next group
All the children in the class are in their mountains for a hot desert of sand and lit- dresses up as their former incarnation.
present life. They have all lived hundreds of tle life. This caravan was going to China.
past lives. But they will also have lives in the It would go around a great desert that had
future. The children’s actions in this life di- cities on its edges where water flowed in
rectly effects the quality of their future life from the mountains. While Starshine long line of births and deaths. You and I, we
and lives. Each child is building his or her walked along on the trail, Priya often are souls of light flickering in these bodies.
future now, at every moment. This means thought of her life. She was now very inter- In this life I have many opportunities,” she
we are each responsible for our future, a ested in her past lives. She knew she had said outloud to the night sky. “I may mar-
very important teaching. lived many times before. “Perhaps I was a ry a wealthy trader. But I will make sure he
boy in my past life,” she thought. “Look at is a very spiritual Saivite Hindu. I want this
me. I can ride horses and camels well. I can life to be close to Siva and the God’s world.
ANALOGIES & live in snow storms and sand storms. I I want to find a yogi master who can teach
know how to read. And now I am learning me yoga.” The lights of the city were getting
ILLUSTRATIONS to write. If I was a boy in my past life, those closer, and now she could smell the fires of
1. One nice illustration for our series of things would carry over to this life. ” caravans camping outside the city. She
births is a string of pearls that is laid out The caravan went through valleys and thought to herself that all of these men, and
flat rather than joined in a circle. Each pearl low hills. In three days it came into the some women, were in the wheel of rebirth.
represents a birth. At the beginning of the desert road. Priya could see endless waves Most of these were rough men. They could
string the pearls are very tiny and dull, of hot, white sand go off forever into the be cruel and selfish. But they were honest.
meaning we are small in spirituality. But distance. It was a sea of sand. But on her left They had learned to be honest and to help
each pearl is progressively bigger than the were dusty cliffs of rock and tired trees each other. She knew they’d advanced that
last. This means that we are growing spiri- thirsty for water. Priya wore a scarf over her far in spirit law. These traders were better
tually in each birth. Toward the end of the face to protect her from the desert wind men than the robbers that swooped down
pearl string, the pearls are very large and that was filled with sand. On her head was a on caravans. Priya knew the robbers were
bright. The last pearl is the largest and it white turban to guard against the very hot real beginners in the birth cycle. It would
glows with light from within. This is the life sun. By the end of the day she and her fa- be near impossible to see the soul in the
in which we know God Siva in yoga one- ther could see sparkling yellow lights, the eyes of the robbers. Priya’s caravan settled
ness. lights of the first city. But also on the side of into a camp and she went into the city with
the road, buried in the desert sands were her father. It was alive with all kinds of peo-
STORY READING the white bones of a horse that had died. ple. And there were flowers here and won-
It was a very long time ago. Out of a town This reminded Priya that each life ends, derful green trees. Priya went into one of
in the steep, cold mountains above India a and then there is another birth. “Starshine,” the garden parks. There, sitting against a
caravan of horses and camels walked slow- she spoke to her horse. “I don’t want you large fig tree was an orange-robed yogi,
ly north. The horses had big muscles and to die. I love you and I know I would miss middle-aged. His face shined with Siva
you could see hot breath steaming out from you.” In response Starshine looked back at light and Priya knew this was his last life.
their nostrils in the cold. It was early in the her with moon-like eyes and went nee-ee-
morning. A few stars were still holding ee-eey in horse talk. “But we are all in a

Book 1, Lesson 26 - 35
This is a famous and popular story among
Notice that in each one of these
Saivite Hindus in South India. This story scenes there is a Siva temple in
demonstrates the reality that Siva is in the background.
everyone, and that an act done to one per-
son does indeed impact everyone, all life Semmana Selvi is praying with
forms—for Siva is fully present in all life. all of her heart. She is looking
This tale also demonstrates the power of toward the Siva temple. She is
spiritual faith—that by fully believing in fully expecting that God Siva
the divine realities and through prayer, God will somehow help her.
and Gods can assist us in many ways.
Here Semmana Selvi is on the
KEY PRESENTATIONS porch of her house, preparing
In this story, drawn from the life of Saint rice pittu when Siva as the la-
Manickavasagar, Semmana Selvi is facing a borer offers to help for some
sudden crisis. Everybody is needed to help food. Semmana Selvi is very
build a dam to protect the village from the happy to feed the laborer, but
river’s flooding. The entire village could be she does not yet know He is
washed away and many people and animals Siva.
hurt. So everybody is needed, even the el-
derly. Obviously Semmana Selvi is not the
only old person in the village. There are
many, and perhaps most are saying “I’m
too old to help—what can I do?” But she
really wants to help. And knowing she is
too frail to be physically active, she prays.
She prays with the power of one who is
desparate, who is really expecting some- Semmana Selvi is an old lady. The river in her vil-
thing to happen from the prayer. Her crisis lage is in flood. The king announces, “The river is
drives her to a state of super-belief, of spir- flooding. All citizens must come to raise the banks.”
the child. Prayer can be used for
itual expectation. And her prayer is an- all kinds of genuine needs. Per-
swered by a temporary physical embod- The old lady prays to Lord Siva, “I have no help to sonal prayers for help in our lives
iement of God Siva. All people face such build the dam.” Lord Siva comes as a laborer. La- are expected by the Gods and
crises in their lives, including children. borer says, “I will build the dam for you. I am very devas. They want to help. When
There are major and minor events in our hungry. You can pay me with food.” He digs the
we pray we are asking. Because we
lives that place us in jeapordy, misery and are asking, we are giving permis-
unhappiness. In today’s TV world we see earth, he takes the basket on his head and dances. sion to the Gods and devas to
news everyday of natural disasters, man- Often he eats. The dam is not finished. but the la- help us in our karma.
made disasters and war tragedies. Men, borer goes to sleep. The king comes. The king hits In Semmana Selvi’s story, when
women and children are in peril. During the laborer with his cane. The laborer disappears. Siva is hit by the king’s cane,
these times of trial, religious people turn to everybody feels the strike. This is
deep prayer as a way of comfort and aid. Everyone feels the hit, because Siva is in everyone. a powerful and beautiful truth.
But there are many small events in our dai- God is in everyone, indeed is
ly lives that bring us to deep prayer to God everyone. God is fully all people,
Siva. Prayer is a form of communication, of animals, insects and microbes.
talking. We are talking to God. Semmana Therefore the blow is instanta-
Selvi’s plight drives her to mentally ap- neously felt by all. In this story, God
proach Siva for help. But she has a genuine When children pray, they should firmly be- Siva uses a physical body to make a lesson
need for help. That is a key. If we are in lieve in the power of their prayer, as long as for Saivite Hindus. But let’s take this truth
need, that is the time to pray deeply. If we, it is good and unselfish. They should be- of God’s whole presence in all to the next
as adults or children, are simply desiring lieve that Siva will somehow help them. level. Since God Siva is in us if we hurt an-
something—a new car or toy for in- Help from the Gods’ world or devas’ world other person or animal, then everybody
stance—than such praying will not be an- comes in many forms. And it always follows feels that hurt. Everybody feels the bad act.
swered. It is too selfish of a prayer for spir- this law: the help given to a prayer must be If we do good to someone else or animals,
itual aid from God, Gods and devas. in accord with the karma of the person then everybody feels the good. Normally,
Prayer needs absolute belief and sinceri- praying. This is very important. The help we do not fully feel the pain when another
ty. Semmana Selvi was totally sincere and must fit the child’s karma, and it must person is injured. But actually we do. We
fully believed in the love and power of Siva. somehow relate to the spiritual growth of cringe. We feel bad. We may actually feel

44 When the Creator dances, the worlds He created dance. When He in heart endearing dances,t he
several elements, too, dance. —TIRUMANTIRAM
Book 1, Lesson 26 - 35
pain or a little sick. In an invisible way, we level, flying high over a soft sea of clouds,
all feel everyone else’s pain and joy. That is now painted by a pink/purple sun. Selvi let 1. Bring a roll of string to the class. To
because we are all God Siva inside of our- go of the armrests and swept back her al- demonstrate how one act can effect
selves. mond brown hair. “Well, this is fun,” she everyone, tie the string to one finger of
thought. “I’m safe. This plane is like the big all the childrens hands as they are
seagulls I’ve seen at the Singapore ship grouped in a circle or several lines.
ANALOGIES & port.” Selvi was next to the window. It was Every finger should be linked by the
nearing sunset. Through the bed of pink one string, and all the children hands
should remain in front of them so the
ILLUSTRATIONS clouds, that reminded her of her bed in
string does not get tangled up. They are
1. Prayer is talking to someone who can Singapore, she could see the ocean far be-
told they represent all the people of the
help us but we can’t see them. They are in- low. It looked like dark green stone, flat and
world. When everybody is connected,
visible to us. We can’t hear them either. But hard. The captain of the jet came on the
then they raise their hands out in front
they can hear us. Have the children imagine cabin speakers and told everybody how of them. The teacher gives a gentle tug
they are sitting in a beautiful meadow with high they were, how fast the jet was flying, on the string, and as the movement is
tall grass and yellow buttercup flowers. when they would arrive in Madras. Selvi passed down the string each person’s
They are praying. As they pray, their words listened as she continued to watch the finger and hand are moved until the
form into bright bubbles that float across changing colors on the bumpy clouds be- motion reaches the last youth. Every-
the ground and up into the sky. Their low. “So beautiful. Earth is so peaceful from body’s hand moves as a result of a sin-
prayers are a stream of silvery bubbles. up here. I wish I was up in space, and could gle act.
These bubbles travel a long ways and are look at Earth with its white swirls of clouds
very fast, faster than lightening. The bub- over the blue oceans and brown land,” she
bles arrive to the prayer devas and Gods, thought to herself. Far to the north she saw
the beings who can best help us. The bub- a pale brown spread of land that had a flash like that mean and thoughtless king in the
bles glow with light, then burst with the of white and yellow lights on it. “That may story.”
prayer words going into the mind of the have been a city,” she thought. She also Selvi unfastened her seatbelt and
devas and Gods. They then help us with knew that very far to the north, far beyond smoothed out her yellow punjabi outfit.
our prayer, as long as it is good for us. But what she could see, there was a large earth- She folded her legs into a yoga posture, and
they rarely send bubbles back to us. They quake that had hit in the country of Burma. found it was quite comfortable in the air-
answer our prayers through helping with Buddhists and Hindus lived together in line seat. She had decided to use the time
opportunities mostly. Burma. There were many lovely temples to pray to God Siva. She closed here eyes
among the country’s jungles and rice fields. and her breathing slowed. She put all of her
2. God Siva being in everyone everywhere Now many people were suffering from the energy into her thoughts and began to pray
is a wonderful concept. Let’s imagine that earthquake, including children Selvi’s own to Siva to help the children in Burma. She
there is a beam of white light that goes age. She thought of them briefly and with asked God Siva to help all the Buddhist and
from God Siva to every person and every compassion. She opened a little, illustrated Hindu children who had been hurt and
living being. God Siva is at the center of a book that her aunt had given her to read on were suffering. She knew that those who
vast, unending net of light bridges to each the flight. Selvi had been pleasantly sur- had been killed would have another birth.
person and being. If an act, painful or prised to see the main lady in the story had And she prayed it would be a good birth for
good, happens to one being on the net of her name. It was Semmana Selvi, and she them. Selvi believed in her prayer and knew
light, it goes to Siva and from Him to all. was an old lady in south India who had it would somehow be answered.
This is a constant, unending process. prayed to God Siva for help during a flood Notes:
of her village. Siva came as a laborer, helped
STORY READING repair the village dam, but was beaten with
The large Boeing 747 passenger jet lifted a cane by the king. When the cane struck,
steeply into a cloudy sky. The clouds swept everybody felt the blow. “What a fine story,”
by like streams of milky water. The jet’s en- thought Selvi as she finished the little book.
gines were quiet inside, but the climb was “That explains why I felt such pain this
so steep that 8-year old Selvi was gripping morning when I heard about all the chil-
her chair arms. Her back was pressed dren being hurt in Burma during the earth-
against the seat. Her seatbelt was tight. The quake. I am a part of God Siva and a part of
plane was going so fast. Most of the pas- them. Even though I don’t know them, I
sengers were relaxed, talking or looking out feel what they go through.” Selvi also took a
the window. Selvi’s uncle and aunt were little vow to herself to be sure not to injure
nearby, reading magazines. They were trav- anyone, not even to call them a name or
eling from Singapore to Madras. Selvi lived tease them meanly. Selvi knew that every-
in Singapore. She was visiting relatives in body in the whole world would feel the
south India. This was her first air flight. pain she caused. “Wow,” she thought. “I re-
The jet’s climb ended and the plane went ally have to be careful. I don’t want to be

Book 1, Lesson 36
The realization of our oneness with God
This form of Ganesha is called
Siva through meditation is the final goal of
Vijaya Ganapati. He is the giv-
life. It is the final achievement of life. After
er of success. It is success that
this knowing or realization, there is no we want when we are trying to
more purpose for a physical world birth. know Siva. At first we want to
The reincarnation cycle ends. know Siva from our studies.
Then we know Siva personally
KEY PRESENTATIONS in the temple. Vijaya Ganapati
There are many ways to experience Siva. We can help us be successful in
can know Siva through learning about feeling Siva’s energy in the tem-
Him, as in these classes. We learn or know ple. Finally we want to be suc-
that God Siva is the Supreme Soul in the cessful when we quiet our mind
God’s world who creates all beings, things in meditation to feel ourselves
and worlds. We learn or know that God as Siva.
Siva exists as everything and everybody, for
His Mind is everywhere, is all. We learn or In this hand Ganesha holds the
know that we come close to God Siva golden mango. It is very sweet
through temple worship and chanting Aum and delicious. The mango rep-
Namah Sivaya. We learn or know that God resents the highest spiritual
Siva loves us far more deeply than our own progress for us. Here, Ganesha
mother. These are all very important holds it to remind us that our
knowledge that we learn through study. It is highest spiritual goal on Earth
to know something in our mind of is to experience our oneness
thoughts and memory. So children in these with Siva. Then, we no longer
classes know Siva intellectually. They un- Ganesha says, “There is just one way to have to be born on Earth and
derstand who Siva is. live in physical bodies.
There is another kind of experiencing or never be born again. You must person-
knowing. We can say we know someone
well. Children know their parents. They
ally experience God Siva.”
see, talk to, eat with, enjoy entertainment lands leading a great variety of
and travel with their parents all the time. lives. Each of those lives adds to
Children know how their parents think, the individual soul’s experience,
their habits, what they like and do not like. until the person becomes very spiritu-
Youngsters know the emotions of their par- ence our identity as one with Siva. This al and has a series of lives dedicated to spir-
ents very well. Children know their parents knowing is beyond our physical body and itual pursuit, to finding God, as was dis-
as the parents are around them. But young mind. It means we are so still, so peaceful cussed in an earlier lesson. This is the true
children or even older youth would not that we become one with Siva’s Light and purpose of life. It is the meaning of life. It is
know their parents as they are at work. the indescribable Source of that light. It is why we are born. Finally, each individual
That is a personality side of their parents the spiritual experience of our own perfect knows Siva through yoga, and there is no
they don’t see. This kind of knowing is a soul being that is identical with Siva’s per- more need for a physical body. The cycle of
personal knowing—you know the person- fect being. To know in this sense is to real- reincarnation ends. This is called liberation
ality and emotions of someone very well. ize. This means our body and mind and or freedom from rebirth. Liberated souls
Children can know God Siva this way when spiritual mind are totally in the experience continue their spiritual growth in the
they go to a Siva temple. They know Him in of oneness of God. In that meditation, devas’ world.
the temple or at some great sacred site as a there is only oneness. That is the discovery, It should be explained that when we die,
Personal Being. They can feel His love and the realization. This can only be achieved it is only the physical body that is dieing.
spiritual energy. They can feel that He, the through yoga. It can not be done by school Each person continues to live, learn and
Supreme Soul, is guiding and taking care of learning. It can not be done by temple wor- spiritual grow in their astral or deva world
them. Children feel and sense the loving ship. body as discussed in the lesson on the three
presence of God Siva, like He is the moth- When we experience this deepest one- worlds. Then, when it is the best time and
er and father of their soul. ness with Siva, then the true purpose of our the best family for the individual is avail-
These are both very important kinds of lives in many physical bodies is complete. able to enter a physical body and make
knowing. But there is a third state of know- Each of the children in your class have been good progress toward spiritual awakening,
ing that is much deeper and powerful. It is born, lived on Earth and died many times. the next birth is entered.
to experience our oneness with Siva Many hundreds of times. This is reincarna-
through yoga meditation. This is a spiritu- tion, the cycle of birth and death. The chil-
al knowing where in our mind we experi- dren have been both girls and boys in many

Even as water becomes one with water, fire with fire, and air with air, so the mind becomes one
with the Infinite Mind and thus attain final freedom.—SAMA VEDA

Book 1, Lesson 36
delight. “Must be heading to the Bali Space
1. Bring to class a rope, a light prism
ILLUSTRATIONS Port.” Jai lived in the future of Earth, in the
and two large pieces of thick, dark
1. Knowing Siva as a complete experience year 2124. His homeland was Bali, a Hin-
cloth. Darken the classroom and set up
of oneness has many analogies. This com- du island near Java, in Indonesia. The pass-
the prism so that a beam of light is
plete experience of oneness means that the ing space birds caused his brown and blue striking it and creating the prism rain-
individual meditating no longer feels sep- robes to move. And his sand-colored hair bow effect. This is God Siva, creating
arate from God Siva, but experiences his or blew into his eyes. On the edge of his up- the entire universe out of His white
her true identity as God Siva. First start per robe was a large white crescent moon. It light. In front of this display, put one
with a simple analogy. This can also be was the sign of Siva. Eight years old and cu- of the cloths so it hides the prism dis-
demonstrated. The children all imagine rious about everything, Jai knew that learn- play. Set up the other cloth close by (or
they are big yellow sponges, the kind their ing more about Siva would help him be a have two children hold it) and pass the
mother has at home for cleaning, or father pilot of the space birds. That was his great rope under it so it is equally divided on
uses for washing the car. At first the dream. Knowledge of space travel had both sides. One child comes forward
sponges are dry. They think of themselves come to scientists in the practice of Siva and ties one end of the rope around his
as dry and small. This is like the child about meditation. To fly a space bird, the pilot or her waist and faces the cloth hiding
to meditate. But they are about to jump had to enter deep meditation. The pilots the prism. This side represents the
into a pool of clear, fresh water. The water became one with the space mind of Siva. In mind of the devotee. Another young-
is God Siva. The sponges all jump into the school Jai studied this. But he also studied ster grabs the other end of the rope on
water. The water immediately completely reincarnation as part of his Saivite Hindu the other side of the cloth. This other
soaks through the sponges. They are filled learning. He thought of reincarnation of- side represents an earth birth. The
with God Siva. And each sponge grows very ten. “Who was I in my past lives? Where did child facing the prism display stands
big. Their mind expands. The sponge has a I live? What did I do? Was I good and kind still, breathes deeply and waits to
partial oneness with the water. We say par- and did I try to find Siva inside myself?” He “know Siva” by seeing the prism light.
tial because there is still a sponge and water, asked himself these questions. Sometimes At first the cloth in front of the display
which is not complete oneness. But this is he fell asleep at night thinking about them. is not lowered, the child does not know
a good beginning analogy for children. Jai turned on his feet, his long robes almost Siva and the other child holding the
touching the ground. He watched the space rope tugs him gently through the cloth
2. When we say we will never be born birds fade away like silver bees. He prac- to a new physical birth. On the second
again, we are stating that the reincarnation ticed the space meditation at home. Just try, the child says “I will know Siva in
cycle has ended. No more births in physi- give your mind to Siva as space. However this life” and the cloth to Siva is low-
cal bodies. No more need to be on the Jai had been taught by a very old yogi, who ered and the child sees the prism light
physical planet Earth. This is like we no was one of the first space bird pilots, that display and knows Siva. The rope is
longer need to be in school. We received the real goal in life was total oneness with dropped and he or she is free.
our education. We did very well on all of God Siva. He told Jai, “Earth is a school. To
our tests. We graduate from school. That graduate, you have to know Siva. Not just
part of our education is complete. Life on the space meditation, but the complete Every lifetime presents an opportunity to
Earth is a school. We are in school for many identity in the Supreme Siva. Then, no find and know Siva. It is up to parents,
lives. We are learning about our divine na- more Earth lives.” Jai understood that in- teachers, elders and swamis to instruct chil-
ture and our identity as a cosmic soul in stantly. He liked that. Jai knew he was much dren so they can make knowing Siva part of
oneness with Siva. When that oneness is more than a physical boy who might be- their lives. And they should clearly under-
known through yoga, we graduate from come a space bird pilot. He vowed to strive stand that life on Earth has a spiritual goal.
Earth school. for Siva oneness in this life, and graduate
from the Earth world. WRONG THINKING
STORY READING Some Hindus think that since they are in
Jai squinted his eyes into the afternoon sun. CONNECTIONS the reincarnation cycle, it does not matter
Out of the west, in the yellow haze of the This lesson closely relates to the Ganesha much if they pursue the realization of Siva
sun were two bright silver flashes. They says lesson on being born again and again. in this life or the next. This is not healthy
moved fast. They turned quickly and split The reincarnation process is key knowledge thinking. If you are actively pursuing a
up. Each moved straight up into the blue to understanding our present life. It makes spiritual goal, you will try to lead a good life
sky, then flew along the bubbling clouds. us realize that we are spiritual beings on a that creates good karma, that is selfless and
They dropped down and flew right over Jai. spiritual mission here on Earth. That mis- helpful to your fellow humans. You are as-
Two metal ships, looking like aluminum sion is to know Siva as our own self. This sured of a more advanced birth in your
sea shells. There was no sound as they flew lesson also closely connects to the Ganesha next life because of striving done now. If
by. Total silence. Jai could hear the birds says lesson on yogis can find God. Yoga is you lead an ordinary life with no real spir-
and wind in nearby trees. The beautiful the way, the method, that we know God itual goal, there is no guide to your con-
craft went by almost like they had wings. Siva. If we don’t practice yoga, and keep duct. Future lives may present no opportu-
There was just a slight hum, like bees. practicing it more seriously as we grow old- nity for real spiritual advancement. In this
“Space birds,” Jai whispered to himself with er, then we will not know Siva in this life. way, many lives are not fully utilized.

Book 1, Lesson 37
Among the most important, if not the most
In this scene the children are
important, responsibilities of human soci-
prostrating to their parents in
ety is the raising of children. Each mother
the shrine room. It may be a
and father are more than biological parents
special occasion. The children
of a newborn. They are guardians of a soul may be seeking the blessing of
who has reincarnated into the parent’s pat- the parents for some new event
tern of life and karma. During the child- in their life. The young girls is
hood years, the mother and father are the prostrating in the manner of
most significant teachers and guides for the women, and the boy in the
youngster. They are gurus in the sense of manner of men, with a full
carefully giving knowledge and direction in body prostration.
all matters of life and spirit. The young
child needs to know and understand this Father and mother are reach-
relationship, to respect and cultivate it. ing down to their children to
pull them up and toward
KEY PRESENTATIONS them. This shows their humili-
Over the past decade many studies, often ty and love for their children.
utilizing visual or sound imaging, have
demonstrated that even unborn babies are The prostration is mainly an
learning in the womb. They are very sensi- act of being open. The chil-
tive to movement in their small, watery dren are open, intelligently
world, but also very sensitive to sound and willing to follow their parents
voices. Unborn babies know their mother’s advice. The prostration sets
voice long before they are born. In the aside the human identity to al-
womb, babies are learning, for while the low the spiritual identity to
body’s biological development is unfin- Mother and father are come forward.
ished, their astral faculty of intelligence is
fully functioning. Of course, this has been the first guru.
known by mothers for thousands of years.
Many cultures, including Hinduism, place
great emphasis on prenatal learning. Moth-
ers sing, read and talk to the unborn infant.
At this time important knowledge of the
Saivite spiritual goals and values of life can rus—the parents answer questions, offer
be given. So the guru relationship is estab- new knowledge, shape the youngsters’s eth-
lished even before birth. ical sense. This introduces a new responsi-
bility to the child, that of obedience, respect they know their parents as gurus are trying
Newborn babies are superlearners. They and honor. Even at an early age the Saivite to teach them and guide them into a good
learn at a rate that is many times greater Hindu child should look at the parents as social and spiritual life. Children should
than an adult. The mother continues to gurus. What is a guru? Simply stated, it is also be encouraged to ask questions, to be
strongly bond with the baby as the prima- anyone who teaches from experiential curious, to want to know the whys and
ry comforter, protector and teacher. The knowledge. The guru has personally been wherefores of what they are taught. Obvi-
mother’s responsibilities as the child’s first taught and then experienced the knowl- ously, the parents have a serious responsi-
guru are fully needed by the baby. Where- edge. Young children need to understand bility of being knowledgable enough them-
as the father’s responsibilites come later, that their parents do have lots of experience selves to give good answers to their chil-
when there are more language skills pre- in life. The parents know much about life dren. Or the parents must guide the child
sent. But the father, of course, does nurture that they need to teach their children. The to another person, another spiritual guru
a strong bond with the child, and does im- children obey and respect their parents out who has the answers.
part knowledge through talking. of love, for mother and father are their
growing-up gurus. Obedience and respect The child’s respect to his or her parents is
When the child can talk and walk, and has a should be a natural part of a child’s atti- shown in Saivite Hinduism in many ways.
sense of ego identity, then the relationship tudes. Children also need to express grati- One old and still valuable custom is the son
of the mother and father as teaching gurus tude—thankfulness to their parents. or daughter touching the feet of the parents
can be understood by the child. Everyday on a daily basis, or during special times
the young boy or girl is learning or being In Saivite Hinduism, obedience means a when parents are honored. This demon-
guided, perhaps gently corrected. The child genuine willingness to follow advice and strates humility and affection and grati-
can begin to see his or her parents as gu- instructions. Children are obedient because tude. It puts the child in the mood for ac-

48 Be one to whom the mother is a God. Be one to whom the father is a God. Be one to whom the
teacher is a God. Be one to whom the guest is a God. —YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 37
cepting advice and instruction. It also re- not much light. But they could see a light-
minds the parents that the young person in ening storm in the distance. Giant ham- 1. All the children make a circle. Going
their family is a soul born into their care- mers of clouds gathering on the horizon. around the circle each child tells of
taking, and that spiritual unfoldment is the Pinkish streaks of lightening shot into the what recent knowledge or advice their
highest purpose in life. Children can bring sea. The ship raced across the choppy seas parents gave them. Then going around
flowers to their parents as a sign of love and heading east from India to an island far the circle again, each child states out-
loud a good deed they plan to do for
respect. Often this softens the heart of a away and very strange. Kavita and Gu-
their parents over the coming week.
parent who may be upset or angry and runatha came down the mast like jungle
would not in such a state give good advice monkeys and started to run for their par-
or good correction. Children do not argue ents’ room on the ship. “Hey children,” the
with their parents. But they should ask in- captain yelled. “Don’t run on the deck.”
telligent questions. Children should show “Yes, captain,” said Kavita as the twins
honor and respect to their parents by vol- stopped their run. “But we just saw a light-
unteering to do chores and be helpful. ening storm on the horizon. We are going
to tell our parents.” They ducked down a And the twins, quick as deer, jumped off to
hatchway to the dark rooms below. The see mother, touch her feet, and tell her
ANALOGIES & twins were traveling with their parents. about the beautiful pink lightening. The
Their father was an important official in family went together up on deck. While the
ILLUSTRATIONS the king’s court. The family would make a ship leapt into the sea waves they watched a
1. One of the best analogies of the guru is new home in a Saivite Hindu city now be- great lightening show of Siva’s power. Fa-
the mountain guide. The mountain guide ing built on a very large island called Java. ther quietly said, “Inside that lightening,
knows the mountains very well, so well that Father had told the twins a few days ago, deep inside its heat and force, is the light of
he can safely guide someone in life and “We will be strangers in this new land, and Siva’s Mind. It is like golden lightening that
death situations. He knows all the paths, all you will have to learn well from me new fills the whole universe, and never ends.
the bridges, all the secret routes, all the hid- customs and ways. Remember the laws of Think about that.” The twins looked at each
den dangers. He can take someone who has karma I taught you. You both will have other, their eyes big and thoughtful. Then
never been into that mountain region and fresh karmas, new lessons. Everybody you they happily went off to get some sweet co-
successfully and safely guide them. He is at meet will have some karma for you that riander milk for their mother.
home in the mountains. He knows how to you created in a past life. Karma is your
live there under all conditions. The guru is greatest teacher. Always tell me everything CONNECTIONS
like the mountain guide—knowledgeable that happens to you. Then I can help you It cannot be overemphasized to the chil-
and experienced in the area of his or her understand it.” dren the importance of the guru, or that
expertise. “Wait Gurunatha,” said Kavita as they their parents are their first gurus. If chil-
walked against the ship’s rocking motion. dren look to their parents as gurus, then the
STORY READING “Let’s bring some sweet coriander milk to parents will be obligated to continue their
Over a thousand years ago a huge wooden mother. We can visit the cows and ship’s spiritual education and advancement so
sailing ship was on the seas. It had tall cook.” they can be the best possible guides to their
masts and great white sails as big as clouds. “Good idea. That would be a nice early children. The law of karma operates here. If
Stitched across the main sail with thick red morning gift,” agreed Gurunatha. “But let’s parents are good gurus to their children, in
and gold thread was a very large Siva greet father and mother first. We got up the parents’ next life, they will have parents
Nataraja figure, the dancing Siva, Lord of very early this morning.” The passenger who are good gurus. Have the children
the universe. When the wind shifted or area on the ship was cramped and smelled consider that it was a great guru who pro-
gusted the sail, the Siva Nataraja would of old wood and sea water. But the family duced this children’s course for them to
dance on the wind. Kavita and her brother had created a nice area made comfortable study.
Gurunatha enjoyed standing under the sail, with cotton pillows and brightened with
feeling the sea-smelling wind across their dyed cloth and oil lamps made from brass CITIZENSHIP
face and watching with fascination the Siva cages. The twins ran into father as they Family education and guidance is vital in
move across the white cloth. One early made their way around some ropes and any society. The function of the parents as
morning the captain had put a safety rope barrels. They both immediately touched his educators and guides in life is fundamen-
around them and let them climb up the feet, and said perfectly together, “Good tal to a stable, morally healthy country.
main mast. Kavita and Gurunatha were morning, father.” Normally they would Viewing the parents as gurus, as teachers, as
twins. They were exactly the same age, born wait for father to greet them back. But to- part of our culture certainly is the most
in June, and now almost nine years old. Up day with the excitement of the lightening profound way to develop the family educa-
in the ropes of the mast their chocolate storm, they both quickly said, again in cho- tion process. In this approach the parents
brown hair blew around large grey eyes. rus “Father, there’s a lightening storm. are responsible to raise spiritual citizens
They were a striking pair. Everybody no- Come and see.” Father, holding a barrel to who value ethics and the principles of com-
ticed them and liked them. Together, like a steady himself against the roll of the ship, passion, tolerance and respect for all.
pair of doves, they looked out at the dark said, “Really? We must see this. Perhaps
green sea and purple blue sky. There was there is land nearby. Go and tell mother.”

Book 1, Lesson 39 & 50
Besides God Siva and the Gods Murugan
and Ganesha, the only other person we Here are a pair of bronze san-
worship is the satguru. Again, as in worship dals that represent the feet of
to God and the Gods, we find our deepest the satguru. These sandals are
divine love given to the satguru. When we in the old style, with round
are in our final series of lives, and the spir- pegs that come up for the toes
to fit around. These sandals are
itual path is very important to us, the sat-
in a shrine room, surrounded
guru becomes the most important person
by fresh flowers that are
in our life. The satguru is the enlightened
changed every day. The sandals
guru. He knows his inner identity in and
tell us that we follow the guru’s
with God Siva. The satguru is the only per-
steps very closely. They also tell
son who can guide us to our own realiza- us that the power of the satgu-
tion of Siva. The satguru’s feet are symbols ru’s Siva knowing goes all the
of our following his footsteps. way to his feet. The satguru is
completely filled with Siva.
KEY PRESENTATIONS This is the Dhundhi Ganapati
We taught the children in a previous lesson form of Lord Ganesha. It is the
that the father and mother are the first gu- image meaning “sought after,”
rus of the son or daughter. There are in the and of course this reminds the
Saivite Hindu tradition many types of gu- children that it is God Siva that
rus. There are family gurus—the priests we are seeking after.
who do special ceremonies for the family Here is a small pot of precious
and often offer advice. There are music gu- gems in the left hand of Gane-
rus and dance gurus. In old times, all teach-
Daily we worship the sha. This symbolizes the spiri-
ers would be looked at as gurus. A guru is tual awakenings of our future.
one who is very knowledgeable and expe-
Satguru’s holy feet.
rienced in his or her field. There are sever- Ganesha says, “Our guru helps us
al types of spiritual gurus. Some gurus
teach Sanskrit and perform rituals. Some know God Siva.” is the main drive in life, then that
gurus teach philosophy. Some gurus sing, individual finds and becomes a
tell stories and teach ethics. Some gurus personal disciple of a living sat-
teach yoga and meditation. Some spiritual guru. The satguru has to personal-
gurus advise families on how to live and ly accept the disciple. This means the
help make choices in their lives. Some spir- he always shines forth with Sivaness. This is satguru gets to know the person. He begins
itual gurus may do a combination of these. why many Saivite Hindus come to worship to give personal direction in his or her life,
But these gurus may not have personally a satguru when he visits. They come to re- and begins to work with the individual’s
experienced their oneness with Siva. That is ceive the blessings of his Siva light. To many karma pattern. Becoming a disciple, or
what a satguru is—one who personally Saivite Hindus, even to see a satguru from a shishya (in Sanskrit), often involves a spe-
knows his identity in God Siva. And the sat- distance is a very great blessing. It brings cial ceremony. At this stage, the sishya is in
guru continues to know that identity them into a purer spiritual mind. The sight the most advanced relationship with the
through personal meditation of identity of the satguru helps to ease their karmas. It satguru. He or she is being personally
with Siva. The satguru is the yoga master. gives them hope, faith and security. Seeing taught and guided by the satguru, and a
The word sat means knowing the truth of the satguru reminds people of the real rea- psychic bond of light and subtle knowledge
God’s Being. So sat is a very special prefix. son they have a human life. They can look grows between them. The satguru directly
This means this guru is a knower of God, forward to their own enlightenment. For helps with the karma. This is when daily
and he can guide worthy disciples to that these Saivites, the satguru is a distant bea- worship of the satguru’s feet is most im-
same enlightenment. con of light, like a lighthouse. They do not portant and significant. The holy feet of the
A satguru is truly a very rare person. He relate personally to the satguru. satguru, often symbolized by a pair of
is much more rare than a king or a presi- Many Saivite Hindus honor a chosen sat- wooden or metal sandals, are a special part
dent or prime minister of a country. Be- guru by keeping his picture in their home of the shisya’s home shrine. Every day, the
cause the satguru is constantly filled with or in the shrine room. These Saivites shisya (and this could be an entire family)
the light, peace and power of Siva he is a choose a satguru that they feel drawn to prostrate to the satguru’s feet and do a sim-
very, very important person. In fact, to and love. They daily honor his picture and ple puja. They try to feel the presence of the
Saivite Hindus, the most important person seek his blessings through this simple wor- satguru, the special feeling of his enlighten-
on Earth is the satguru. The satguru is like ship. As a spiritual law, all Saivite Hindus ment. They try to think as the satguru
a living window to the indescribable bliss, honor all satgurus. would think. They remember to put his
love and knowing of Siva. Wherever the However, when the person is very advanced teachings into practice each day. They per-
satguru is, wherever he lives or is traveling, in the reincarnation cycle, and spirituality sonally seek his blessings and guidance for

50 One should worship his guru by daily performing full prostrations to him. By worship, one at-
tains staediness and ultimately realizes one’s own true nature.—GURU GITA
Book 1, Lesson 39 & 50
all important matters. Finally, and most She was wet, and wanted to dry out. Their
importantly, the shisya seriously practice traveling companion, Skanda—a big, kind 1. Bring numerous blindfolds to the
the spiritual disciplines of puja, mantra and man and a trusted friend of the family— class. Have several of the children tie
yoga so they attain Siva knowledge in this was now fetching water for making dhal on the blindfolds so they can not see.
life. and chapatis. Then one other youth acts as their
The satguru’s holy feet are important It was spring in the country of the Ma- guide, telling them where to step as
symbols for the children to understand. hadeva River. The river was sacred to Siva, they walk around the classroom and
The holy feet mean that we follow very and the river was so clear it was a window. outside. The blindfolded youngster is
closely the footsteps of the satguru. He has Green moss stones and black rocks with totally dependent on the guide, who in
attained Siva consciousness. He has gold and red streaks lined the bottom. turn is totally responsible for the wel-
fare of the blind person. This repre-
climbed the spiritual mountain. He knows Brown and rainbow-colored fish swam in
sents the guru guiding the student to-
the trails to the top. He knows the dangers pools the color of turquoise. There were
ward knowing Siva. The person who is
on the path. So we follow very carefully water falls like liquid silver. A few temples,
being guided is obviously very grateful
where and how he guides us. The holy feet made of great deodar beams, and roofed
for the help, and offers deep gratitude
also tell us that we need to be humble, ego- with gold tiles, were built on great flat
to the guide. This represents the daily
less, as we pursue spiritual enlightenment stones in the middle of the mountain riv- worship of the Satguru.
under the satguru’s direction. Our thinking er. Bridges of wood and rope strung across
of “I” and “mine” and “me” are left outside the silvery waters like spider threads to the
the gate of the satguru’s wisdom. So we temples.
humbly touch the satguru’s feet and pros- The winter grip of snow was gone. Yel- Skanda had finished toasting the chap-
trate before him or his sandal symbols in low, purple, pink, red, blue and white flow- atis and cooking the yellow dhal as night
the shrine. This creates a feeling of surren- ers, looking like fairy faces, danced in the fell into purple darkness. Shanti had made
der and openness to the spiritual forces grasses of the meadows. But it was still some tea. The food was hot and steaming,
within him and us. cold. And sudden storms brought sheets of and smelling of good spices. Jai and Shan-
Often, our worship of the satguru ex- rain and hail—little white balls of frozen ti were very hungry. All three of them
tends to those satgurus who are no longer rain. Jai rubbed at his face where a ball of prayed in Sanskrit to God Siva to bless the
alive. This includes the line of gurus the hail had hit him. As he rubbed, he smeared food. The plates of food were in their laps.
satguru comes from. Sometimes, a Saivite some charcoal from the fire across his Then, an owl hooted. There was the flut-
Hindu will choose a satguru who is not cheek. Laughing, Shanti, said, “You look tering of bird wings. Twigs crackled not too
alive as their chosen satguru. They follow funny, Jai. You could be a raccoon. Let me far away from their camp. There were foot-
his teachings and invoke his devas’ world do the other side for you.” steps. They were regular, like men walking.
presence through guru pujas. “Hah, hah,” said Jai, but he was smiling Jai and Shanti peered into the wall of trees
as the fire cast a comforting warmth on covered in night black. Then, they heard a
STORY READING him. It was good to be on this journey up deep, wonderful voice that sounded old
The blue smoke lifted into the gray sky and the Mahadeva River. “Well, it shouldn’t be and new at the same time, “Aummmmm.
seemed to stop, like a tree made of smoke. long before we find him. We are far up the Namah Sivaya, young children.” Jai and
There was no wind. Not even a tiny breeze. river now. ” Jai said. “Yes,” said Shanti. “We Shanti were startled, and almost dropped
Everything was still. A few birds tweetered are close. It feels like there is lightening in their food on the ground as they jumped
a birdsong from the deodar trees. The fire the air. It could be the storm. But this feels up. Out of the trees, and into the gentle red
that 9-year old Jai had built was made of more magical.” Jai and Shanti were trying light of the fire, stepped the satguru. His
young wood. It made a lot of blue smoke to find a man who lived where the Ma- eyes were like two full moons, full of pow-
and there were tears in his light brown eyes hadeva River began as a lake. The man was er and kindness. Jai and Shanti immediate-
as the smoke drifted into his face. He a legend, a living Siva satguru. He was tall, ly prostrated on the ground, covered with
coughed, pulled his thick, black cotton coat wore long orange robes and his hair was the stones and pine needles. But they didn’t
over his red hair and turned to his sister, color of morning frost: white silver. Most even feel them. All they felt was the Siva
Shanti, “Next time I’m searching harder Saivites of this country saw him from afar. love and light coming from the tall satgu-
and getting old, dry wood.” He carried a pine staff as tall as he, walked ru in orange robes. “Now children, get up.
“That’s alright brother.” Shanti said. She as sure as a mountain goat and always had You will get all dirty there,” said the satgu-
was ten, with hair like shiney brass and a several men in yellow robes behind him. ru. Jai and Shanti stood. Then Jai spoke,”
thin face that almost looked like a cat. Her When the country Saivites saw the satgu- Great guru, we want to be your sishya,”
eyes were ice blue. She could have been a ru, they would often prostrate on the “Oh, yes I know.” said the guru. “But first
princess. “You didn’t have much time. That ground even though the guru was a mile let’s have some nice dinner. Then we will
rain storm came over the forest faster than away. They knew the satguru had the un- talk of the path to Siva bliss.” And so the
a running tiger. Everything got wet. I’m limited brightness of Siva inside him. They children served the guru, and he began to
glad you got this fire going.” She took off hoped some of that brightness would shine learn more about Jai and Shanti.
her gloves and put her hands up to the into their lives. Jai and Shanti wanted to Notes:
crackling fire that was built in a circle of meet the satguru face to face. He walked
round stones. She had found the stones. Jai into their dreams. They both knew the aged
found the wood. Night was falling quickly. guru was their spiritual guide for this life.

Book 1, Lesson 40 & 56
There are very important times in our life
when we really need the guidance and This is the Yoga Ganapati image
blessings of God, the Gods and devas. of Lord Ganesha. He is doing
These times usually mark a major change mantra chanting and is sitting
in a meditation posture. This
in our life, such as starting our education or
shows the power the Gods have
marriage. We experience these times as
in helping us at very important
young children through old age. The sam-
changes in our life, when we
skara ceremony is a specific ritual to invoke
have samskaras. Because of
the presence of the divinities during these their great powers of mind, the
important periods of change. One of the Gods can help many millions of
most important samskaras for childhood is people at the same time.
the beginning of the child’s education. This
is marked for divine guidance by the writ- Here, Ganesha is holding a sug-
ing-of-the-first-letter samskara ceremony, ar cane stalk. He loves to see
which is usually done in the temple. children happy with sweet
things in their lives. The sam-
KEY PRESENTATIONS skaras bring children a sweet-
All people, especially young children, like to ness and success in life that
have good luck and good fortune in their would otherwise not be there.
lives. There are many times in children’s
lives when they wish (which is a mental Here the Tamil character for “a”
prayer) for something to happen. Or they is written in a tray of rice. The
wish for an event to turn out well for them first character of any alpha-
and their family or friends. At a young age bet—Hindi, English, etc.—is
and as we grow older there are many im- written into the rice.
portant changes in life, and having good Ganesha says, “A samskara is a
fortune and wisdom at the exact time of ceremony done to bless us at
those changes is indeed an important part
of Saivite Hindu living. We call the cere- very special times.” ma. During this rite, the Gods
mony that brings us good luck and wis- and devas are very aware of the
dom, the samskara. There are many sam- individual girl or boy. Many bless-
skaras given throughout child and adult We write our first letter ings are sent for the most success-
life. The last samskara is the one for when in the temple. ful spiritual life. It is during this
we die. This samskara is held after we have samskara that a guardian deva is
left the physical body, and are on our way assigned to the boy or girl. This
to the devas’ world in our astral body. deva is a personal guardian or
Samskaras are always ceremony rites. friend for the child, and helps guide
They are religious rituals. There is always a learns to make its first sentence, a very re- and protect the person throughout their
certain way of doing each samskara. For in- markable accomplishment in itself. entire life. This receiving of a guardian deva
stance, the groom and bride always take But there are changes that are super-im- is one of the most important parts of the
seven steps around the fire during the wed- portant. They are so important that the name-giving ceremony, and indeed one of
ding samskara. But samskaras do not always Gods and devas themselves want to be in- the most significant events in the person’s
take place in the temple. Many take place volved and to aid the young devotee. The life. If a child did not have a name-giving
at home, or at public halls. But most sam- first of these events is the name-giving samskara held in a temple, then there
skaras need a priest to perform the rite. The samskara, called the namakarana samskara. would be no guardian deva for them. Also
samskaras’ purpose is to bring the Gods In Saivite Hinduism, this is when the baby they would not have formally entered the
and devas directly into the life of the devo- girl or boy receives their religious name. A religion. There is a common misconception
tee at the time of the major change. Bless- name is chosen by the parents for the son that you are born a Hindu by simply being
ings are given—which means the Gods or daughter, and that name is ceremonial- born into a Hindu family. Actually, to be a
send pure colors of light that helps the per- ly given to the child with a priest conduct- Hindu means you have joined the religion
son be smarter, more caring and more spir- ing the rite. This samskara is usually done through the name-giving samskara. This is
itual. The Gods and devas look at the kar- in the temple. This samskara is one of the why and how people who have not been
ma map of the person and see what is best most important rites, because it is consid- born into a Hindu family can formally be-
for them during the change. New opportu- ered the child’s formal entrance into Saivite come Hindus. Even people who have been
nities may come, and this is good fortune. Hinduism. The child is introduced to the in other religions can formally enter into
Many changes for children involve phys- Gods and devas, and the boy or girl become Hinduism through the name-giving sam-
ical abilities or growth: such as having teeth part of the great overview of the Gods help- skara. The name-giving ceremony can oc-
grow in or learning to walk. Or the child ing us with our spiritual growth and kar- cur at any time in life. It does not have to

52 Life universal shall guard and surround you. May Pushan protect and precede you on the way. May Sav-
itri, the god, to that place lead you where go and dwell the doers of good deeds—RIG VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 40 & 56
take place only in childhood. eyes set wide in her face over a pretty nose.
There are a number of other childhood She had the eyes of an artist. She made 1. Bring paper and crayons or markers,
samskaras, but the most important one— hand fans from fine strips of palm frawns scissors and scotch tape. Instruct the
after the name-giving—is the writing-of- and from finely split bamboo. They were children to draw and color in anyway
the-first-letter samskara. This marks the sold to shops in the city. One of her fans they want the first letter of the alphabet
formal beginning of the child’s education, was so beautiful, with delicate brown, green they currently write in. It could be Eng-
one of the most important changes and and gold threads sewn into a banyan tree lish, Tamil, Hindi, Gujarati, etc. The
times of our life. Writing the first letter— picture, that it was given to the Siva temple letter should be very big, a giant single
which is the letter A in the child’s spoken in her town in Sri Lanka. Premila gave it to letter all colored in. When the children
language—signifies the entry into the the temple on the day one of her friends are finished, they cut out their letter.
Then all the letters are set out side by
world of education. Usually the letter is had her ear-piercing samskara ceremony.
side and scotch taped together so they
written into a tray of rice, and it is written It was the dancing palms in the dawn
form a long line. This is then displayed.
quite large. During this samskara, which is light that gave her the idea of making fans.
A more fun alternative is to divide the
held in the temple in most cases, the Gods She always watched the palms through the
class up so that each group of children
and devas are able to give the child a great window, chanting Aum softly to herself to
is producing the letters that spell out
psychic push into success in school studies, start the day well. In front of her jackfruit Siva in the language they write in. Each
in social education and spiritual learning. wood and thatch roof home was a garden of these Siva’s is then taped together
This is a samskara that will be felt all the of flowers and a walkway through a row of and displayed.
way through the university years. This sam- palms to the beach. The surf was small in
skara opens the doors for the most success- the lagoon she lived on. But storms at sea 2. We are re-creating the ear-piercing
ful and beneficial education for the indi- often washed in wood from India, which samskara. Choose one, two or more of
vidual. However, it is up to the child and was just over the sea waters. Often she went the girls who already have pierced ears
the parents to make sure they go through to the beach to look for old creamy-white (and a boy if one does). They should
the right doors. That is, that they make the wood that had animal shapes. These she take out their earings before it begins.
right decisions—in tune with the Gods and would take home She would polish them the boys will be the priests, one to ring
devas thinking—regarding education op- and keep them in her room. Her younger the bell, the rest to chang “Aum Namah
portunities. This means that the education sister, Tara, shared the same room. Sivaya” in unison. One student writes
plan has the greater spiritual progress of Today Premila watched the palms as the on the blackboard, “This will bring you
the child (and later teenager) at heart. This pink halo melted into a sky touched with health and wealth.” The rest of the stu-
samskara holds many keys to this process. soft blue. She had her favorite deep red dents repeat this phrase softly as the
The parents and child must be open to di- dress on, and her hair fell in a long braid earring is put in by the teacher. This
vine guidance. down her back. Bunches of small white can be done for each child. taking five
flowers hung in her hair. Her 5-year-old sis- minutes or so apiece for the chanting
ter Tara walked in the room and looked out and bell-ringing. It should be empha-
ANALOGIES & the window. “It’s very pretty today,” she said sized that no actual ear-piercing is
in her young girl’s voice. done. It is a play using children with al-
ILLUSTRATIONS “Yes, and you’re late as usual. We need to ready pierced ears.
1. A normal calendar marks out the days leave soon. Are you ready to write your first
of the months of the year, with holidays letter?” asked Premila, as she straightened watching the palms in the orange-blue
noted. But let’s say we have a samskara cal- out part of her sister’s dark green dress. light. “I remember my first letter-writing. It
endar. This calendar marks all the impor- Tara had yellow and red flowers in her felt like Lord Ganesha was watching over
tant changes for our whole life. It marks the braided hair. This morning the whole fam- me, like mother does when we go to sleep.
month, day and year these changes take ily and many uncles, aunts and cousins And it felt like there were a lot of invisible
place. It actually starts from before we are were going to the Siva temple for Tara’s people—devas—at the temple. Like I knew
born, for there are samskaras for the samskara of writing her first letter in rice. them. I think you will also experience this,”
women pregnant with a child. And it ends “I’ve been practicing all week,” said Tara said Premila, and she smiled.
at our death. At each of these major events confidently. “Now, it is just perfect. Every- Tara smiled back. “That’s my prayer. But
of change, it is a personal holy day. That is a body will see that it is a perfect letter. And I want to help the animals as I grow up. Not
holy day just for each of us. It is a day on I hope that Lord Ganesha in the Gods’ to just learn about them in school. But help
which the forces of the holy Gods and world sees it. I really want Him to help me them so they are not harmed,” she said.
devas are sent directly to us personally. with my studies.” “Mother said there is a lot we can do for the
Premila said, “He will. Lord Ganesha animals. They are Siva souls like us, right,”
STORY READING loves to help us with the growth of our she said brightly.
Premila looked out the window of her mind and heart. But He doesn’t do the “Yes, Tara. They are. And it is wonderful
house. Tall coconut trees moved in the study for you. You have to work to be as you want to help others. Well, we need to
wind. Their branches swayed like large fans smart as possible. I do very well in school. go. Time to join everybody. “ And the two
across a pink halo around the rising sun. And my fans are becoming very popular. sisters left the seat before the window and
Premila was a talented 9-year old girl with And now I am learning to play the vina. “ palms, and walked out the door. A great
hair like waves of midnight and soft black She turned to Tara, who was sitting and still gathering of family was waiting.

Book 1, Lesson 41 & 44
Karma, like reincarnation, is a fundamental
law of Saivite Hinduism. It is one of the This is the Ekadanta Ganapati
great invisible forces of our world, and the form of Ganesha. It means “sin-
devas’ world and Gods’ world. Karma states gle tusk.” Notice that the word
that whatever action we do, good or bad, danta meaning tooth or tusk is
returns to us in the same or a similar way as very similar to the English word
our original action. This is very important dental, meaning of the teeth.
knowledge. It means that everything that There are many Sanskrit words
happens to us is of our own doing. We did similar to European language
something in a past life. Now it is return- words.
In this left hand is an axe used
ing to us for us to live through. What we do
for cutting through our igno-
to others, or to ourselves, comes back to us.
race. To do good karma we have
We live through it, and hopefully, learn
to be smart, and to understaand
from the karma. This is key knowledge.
the spiritual laws.
Karma is our teacher. It makes us careful
and responsible for our actions. This is the Haridra Ganapati,
the “golden one.” When we see
KEY PRESENTATIONS golden light around us, it
Karma is one of the most widely known of makes it very difficult to do bad
Asian spiritual laws. Many millions of peo- karma, because gold is a spiri-
ple in the West believe in the law of karma. tual color.
And they guide their lives by it. However, In this left hand is the noose
it is not necessary that someone believe in that Ganesha uses to hold us
karma. It still exists as a law. Just as we don’t close to Him, so we do not do
have to believe that we need air to breathe. bad things.
But if we run out of air, our life ceases. So Ganesha says, “Do good and good
whether one believes in karma, or not, it comes back to you. This is karma.”
still operates. Thus, our entire world is ex-
periencing all the time the law of karma. If some person. We may not even
you were to show a map to the children Ganesha says, “Do bad and bad know them. Because we were
(which is a good idea) or to show them a generous in our childhood, the
picture history book (another good idea), comes back to you. This is also karma may came back to us in a
all people in all the places on the map, and karma.” later life when we are an adult. It
all the events of history are constantly does not necessarily mean it re-
shaped by karma. This is a very big and turns to us when we are a child.
crucial idea for children to grasp. If this This may mean that, as an adult, we
class is successful, it means the children are help an elderly person across the street, or receive a sum of money to help us in diffi-
beginning to examine their young lives in give them a seat on the bus. That is a good, cult times.
the light of karma. kind act. In a future life that act of helpful- Karma also applies to how we think. We
Of course, guiding our lives by spiritual ness or sacrifice will come back to us. are thinking that we want someone who is
truths is why we learn spiritual knowledge. Someone will help us when we are aged. sick to get well. That is good karma, and a
You learn something as true, then guide Let’s say we get some money for our birth- similar well-wishing will come to us in a fu-
your life on a daily basis by it. We learn day. Normally, we might spend it all on ture life. We are thinking that we want to be
about karma, then we live by its law. There ourselves, buying things or doing things we a vegetarian because that protects the ani-
could really be nothing so simple or pro- like. But on this birthday—our 8th birth- mals and environment. That is good kar-
found as this. Even young children need to day—we decide to give half of our money ma. A similar thought of compassionate
follow this basic approach to spiritual liv- to an orphanage. We are giving half of our concern will return to us. It may be strong
ing. Karma is the most important knowl- birthday money to children who have no enough to dramatically change our future
edge for a young person to understand and parents and an unknown future. That is a life into deep spirituality and success.
live by. Karma is not a complicated idea. It very great act of generosity. This is a very Karma also applies to our emotions.
is really very simple. Let’s say we do some- good karma. The law of karma records that What we feel is recorded on the karma
thing good. We give a coin to a poor per- act, like a video camera in our personal video tape, and is played back in a future
son. That is an action. We are giving. We are mind. It is like a video is being taken of the life. If we give love to a person no matter
being kind. We are being selfless. It is a action, and is stored away deep in our what they do, even someone we don’t
good action. In the future, in a future life, mind. Later, in a future life, that act of great know, that good karma of love and affec-
that action of giving the coin will come generosity will be played back to us, like tion will come back to us. We will be loved
back to us. Someone will give us something playing a video on a VCR tapedeck. A great in a future life, despite our faults.
of value when we really need it. Suppose we act of generosity would come to us from But what happens if our actions, our kar-

54 All suffering recoils on the wrongdoer himself. Therefore, those who desire not to suffer
refrain from causing others pain.—TIRUKURAL
Book 1, Lesson 41 & 44
ma is bad? What if we act bad, think bad scholar who looked like a white owl would
and feel bad. Let’s say that instead of being wear. Ananta liked the idea of a scholar, a 1. Bring to class two balls or other light
generous with our birthday money, we find person dedicated to tracking down old and round objects, one white, one black,
a wallet and keep it without searching for valuable knowledge. Sometimes at night with a rope or twine securely fastened
the owner. The karma video camcorder is Ananta fell asleep with his gold, round- to it. Tie the two balls to the ceiling so
on in our minds. This bad action is record- rimmed glasses falling off his nose. they can swing freely. One child stands
ed. In a future life, we will lose something Tonight, after going with his parents to see by each ball. Have the children suggest
that is very important, and it will not be a movie as part of his birthday celebration, an action which is good karma. the
found. Someone else will profit by it. This is Ananta was buzzing like a loud cricket. He child by the white ball pushes it away
karma of a negative nature. Let’s say that jumped in the car and slid onto the soft from himself and says, “Good karma
instead of wishing someone health, we say seat, and shut the door with a loud thud. goes out.” Then, as the ball comes back
to ourselves, “I wish that person would get “Okay, dad, let’s go,” he said. “I’ve some- and the child catches it, everyone says
sick,” about someone we don’t like or are thing really important to do at home,” as he in unison, “And good karma comes
back.” Then the children suggest a bad
upset with. That is a mental bad karma. In locked the door and buckled the seat belt
action. the child with the black ball
a future life, people will send their thoughts across his favorite grey-blue kurta shirt. He
pushes it away and says, “Bad karma
of “get sick” to us, and we could get sick as a sat back to take off into the night time traf-
goes out.” Then, as the ball comes back,
result. If we get angry at a person, or if we fic of San Francisco, California.
all say, “And bad karma comes back.”
are jealous of our sister or brother, these are “Sure, Ananta. But, first let your sister in They should suggest at least six good
bad feelings. They will return as anger or the car. You shut the door before she got and six bad actions, and turns can be
jealousy toward us in a future life. in,” said his dad, chuckling. “What’s the taken pushing the ball out, relating a
We can see that karma is with us every hurry?” They were parked so only one back specific negative action to each black
second of our lives. It is an inescapable law. door could be opened. His sister was stand- ball push and a specific positive deed to
Everything that happens to any person can ing at the window, a street lamp lighting up each push of the white ball.
be traced to their karma. This means we are the frown on her face.
each responsible for what happens to us. “Oh gosh,” said Ananta, as he opened the
There is no one else to blame. We are the door to let his 8-year old sister, Amala, in. “I karma. To him, it was a truly great idea, a
maker of all of our own karma. So, good forgot all about you. Sorry about that.” law that built a bridge from the past to the
brings good. Bad brings bad. What does the Amala hopped up onto the seat and future. Ananta had even created a karma
law of karma accomplish? It spiritually stared at him with her butter brown eyes map, or actually a karma web, on his com-
teaches us. Karma is our greatest teacher. and her red pottu dot, which she already puter. It was a picture that looked like a vast
We learn to be spiritually good. We learn to knew was her eye of spiritual sight. spider’s web of all the different ways karma
sense when actions and thinking are good “Hmm…Ananta. You were just going to tied to a person, in the past, present and fu-
for us. We learn to judge our future by how leave without me. I’d say that was a bad ture. They were driving across the Golden
we behave now. Of course, we learn hard karma. Leave your sister alone in the big Gate Bridge now, hundreds of feet over the
lessons from our bad karma. Basically, we city.” Amala was learning about karma, and Pacific Ocean, all black in the night. But
learn not to act, think or feel bad. Our so she looked at everything as whether it Ananta knew there were whales swimming
sense of right and wrong becomes clear. We was good or bad karma. “But, that’s alright. down there in the ocean waters, and they
can sense when an action will be bad. We You’ll learn. Your own karma will teach were surfacing for air. That was what was
learn to control our feelings and thoughts. you. What is the hurry, anyway?” on his mind. Whales. Saving whales.
All of this develops us spiritually. “Well, for one thing I forgot to feed Yogi “Yes, yes. You’re right. I know. I need to
Turtle. I was watching the movie, munch- be more careful. That is bad karma. And I
ANALOGIES & ing on my popcorn and I remembered I have no excuses,” he said to Amala with a
hadn’t fed Yogi Turtle. Poor guy.” Yogi Tur- smile. “Keep reminding me.” Then he
ILLUSTRATIONS tle was Ananta’s pet turtle that he kept in a leaned forward in the seat and said to his
1. The bouncing ball or push ball on a large rock-and-grass tank in his room. He parents, “I need to make a phone call when
string, as used in this lesson’s activity, is a called him Yogi because the turtle liked to I get home. Is that alright?”
very good analogy of how karma works. withdraw his head and legs into his shell, “Sure,” said dad. “What’s up?”
like a yogi withdrawing into Siva’s mind. The family had just seen the movie “Free
STORY READING “See,” said Amala turning to him as the Willy,” about an Orca whale that had been
Ananta opened the back door to his fami- car pulled out into the headlights of other freed from captivity by a young boy. At the
ly’s new forest green car. He was excited and cars and went up one of San Francisco’s end of the movie was an offer and phone
moving so fast his brown curly hair flew steep hills. “Another bad karma. You know number to adopt-a-whale. “I want to take
around wildly. At nine-years-old, Ananta in your next life you will miss a lot meals. all the money that I received for my birth-
looked like a midget soccer player, thin and People will just forget to feed you. You can’t day and give it to the adopt-a-whale pro-
not too tall. But he never played sports. He blame them. It’s your own karma. If you gram. Isn’t that good karma, Amala?”
was an idea kid. Ideas noisily rumbled neglect Yogi Turtle now, you will be ne- “Oh, yes. Very good karma,” said Amala.
through his head like a never-ending herd glected in a future life.” Ananta was look- “And by the way I fed Yogi Turtle. I noticed
of elephants. On his nose sat a pair of gold- ing at her red pottu as she spoke. He knew he hadn’t been fed, so I fed him. Now, that
rimmed glasses, the round kind that an old, she was right. He was studying the law of is also good karma.” And they all laughed.

Book 1, Lesson 42 & 57
Scriptures are the instructions from God
Siva in how to live a truly spiritual life.
The father and son are seated
Scriptures are the teachings of God Siva
on the floor in a nice shrine
and the Gods given directly to humankind.
room. Father is reading from
Scriptures are the holy guidance of God
the Vedas to his son. But Father
Siva and the Gods. When scripture is writ-
also reads to his daughter and
ten, we call it holy books. They are like spir- mother reads the scriptures too.
itual school books for people. We call our At least once a week the whole
scripture the Vedas and Agamas. Original- family gets together to study
ly our Hindu scripture was spoken from Saivite Hinduism.
Siva’s Mind to the spiritual minds of great Notice that the son is sitting in
yogis in meditation. They then memorized a good yoga posture and his
the teachings as a spoken and chanted back is straight. This is good for
book, and later wrote them down to be studying the holy books.
passed down from one generation to the
next. Now, in our times, reading scripture The rishi is the yogi with spiri-
needs to be continued in the home with the tual sight, the same psychic
parents reading holy books to the family. sight that wearing of the red
pottu symbolizes. The halo of
KEY PRESENTATIONS light around the rishi’s head
When we go to school we use text books to means he is experiencing Siva.
study from. We use text books in our class- Perhaps Siva is talking now.
es. The teacher talks to us about the text The rishi is writing down in an
book to help us understand. We often take alphabet called devanagari the
the text book home to study at home. Text Vedas. The language is Sanskrit.
books were written by people to teach us The script is devanagari.
certain knowledge. The knowledge is given Father reads holy books to me.
to us at a level we can understand. Scripture
are the text books for spiritual life. The vere our sacred scriptures as a
word scripture comes from the same root as God Siva spoke our scriptures. priceless treasure that must be
script, which means to write, or a group of Wise holy men called rishis studied, guarded and passed from
writing characters. All the children in the this generation of children to
class are learning to write in script. It is one wrote down His words. their children. Protecting and
of the first things a child learns in school, to preserving the Vedas and Aga-
read script and write script. If one of the mas is an important point to make
children went up to the blackboard and with the children. In the old, old past
wrote out the word SIVA, (a good demon- soul’s journey to Godness. They teach us some of our scriptural texts were lost. They
stration) that would be putting the name of about caring for all beings and our planet. are gone. Fortunately, so much is still with
God into script. It is a holy name. It is part They teach us how our universe of stars, us now that Saivite Hinduism still has the
of our Saivite Hindu scripture. And indeed worlds and time was created, and who the greatest treasure of scripture in the world.
the young student would have written a Creator is. These are very holy books. The The children should think of themselves as
word—Siva, the name of God—that ap- scriptures for Saivite Hinduism are the guardians of our scripture.
pears very often in our Hindu scripture. Vedas, which means “Wisdom from white Our holy scripture were written in the
Scripture in Saivite Hinduism are the text light,” and the Agamas, which means “That language of Sanskrit, which is a most sacred
books, the school books for us to study, to which has come down”—this in itself refers language. It is a holy language that has the
live by and be made happy by in the most to the process of scripture coming from power to connect our world with the sub-
important aim of life: spiritual living and Siva’s highest consciousness to our world. tle worlds. It is also such a precise language,
personal knowing of God Siva. We call our Our scripture is the oldest in the world. that it is being used by scientists as a pro-
scripture holy books because they are Out of all the religions, Saivite Hinduism gramming language for computers.
books that teach us how to be good and has the oldest scripture. It is over 8,000 - How did we receive these great scrip-
holy. They teach us how to pray, worship 10,000 years old. tures? Well, they came from Siva, the
and do yoga. They teach us how to build Children—and adults too—think of Supreme Being. Have the children imagine
temples, and even how to build homes and money and gold and jewels as being of very that Siva is talking into their mind. He has
towns so they are more spiritual and close great value. But the children and adult the most beautiful, powerful voice, a voice
to the devas’ world. They teach us how to Saivite Hindus should think of our Vedas as peaceful as rolling ocean waves and as
live close to God Siva and the Gods and and Agamas as truly priceless treasure. Our comforting as the bright, twinkling stars.
devas. They teach us about our soul, and scriptures are large, very, very old treasure The children close their eyes and hear Siva’s
how to live as a soul being of light on our chests of diamond and gold wisdom that voice mentally in their minds. Siva says into
physical world. They teach us about the would fill a giant vault. It is our duty to re- their mind, “You are a soul of brightest

56 As when a fire is lit with damp fuel, different clouds of smoke come forth, in the same way from this
great Being are breathed forth the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda—YAJUR VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 42 & 57
white light. You and I are one. Simply sit the white glow of the sun. He had a large
still, be still in your mind and you will nose and thin eyebrows and his black hair 1. Bring a copy of the Upanishads to
know Me.” was very long and loose. It fell over a deep the class (or Dancing with Siva if you
This is similar to the way our scriptures red Hindu shirt that today was very dusty. have a copy). Have the class gather
were projected from Siva’s Mind into the He wore a large brim hat that he had around, sit down and chant Aum three
minds of the great yogis that we call rishis, bought at a stall in the capital city of his times. Then read from the Upanishads
which means “one with spiritual sight.” The country. His country was part of the Indian or Dancing with Siva scriptural quotes
Vedas and Agamas were projected from empire of long ago. It was the land next to the easiest sections to understand.
Siva—like a slide projector—onto the slide northern India—due west—a bleak and
screen of the minds of the rishis, the wise rocky land with a few small rivers and great 2. This is a mental game. Divide the
children up into pairs. One of the pair
yogis. This spiritual voice of Siva was not cliffs that looked like castles of giants. It was
is God Siva. The other of the pair is the
like ordinary talking. It was a projection of a lonely land. But it was here that long ago
rishi. The child playing God Siva thinks
a complete idea—a vision—including pic- Siva yogis had come to be alone and seek
of a nice thought about religion or na-
tures and feeling. The wise men we know as the Face of Siva. The yogis lived in caves
ture. Then he or she mentally projects
rishis received this projection permanently that drilled into the cliffs. On this day, Ma-
that thought to the youth playing the
into their memory. They then taught it as hesvara and his friend were looking for a rishi. The rishi sits with his or her eyes
a spoken or chanted Sanskrit scripture, and special cave, a cave so secret it had been closed and tries to mentally hear the
later it was written down. Today, our scrip- long forgotten—except by one man. thought being sent by God Siva, and
ture is available for reading and study as “Look. There’s the opening. Right there speaks it out. It may be similar to the
holy books. If we were to collect all of our between those four big boulders. Very nar- projected thought, or it may not be.
Vedas and Agamas together as books, they row. We can climb up that way,” and he The intention is not to catch the
would fill up many large shelves. pointed to a pile of stones that formed a thought exactly right, though that may
We have learned that our father and narrow chute they could crawl up. occur. The purpose is to have the chil-
mother are our first gurus. One of the du- “It’s steep. Watch your step,” said Kashi as dren experiment with this kind of psy-
ties of the father (or mother) is to begin in- his foot slid on some gravel, and a shower chic transference, which is similar to
troducing our scripture to the children. of grey stone fell to the ground below. the process that brought through the
This is done at home, during a special time Kashi was the same age as Mahesvara, nine Vedas and Agamas.
set aside for such reading. It is usually a years old. They were both very curious, nat-
weekly event, and all the children attend. ural explorers. Kashi looked down at his tioning. “Unusual. It’s so hot out here.”
Besides the Vedas and Agamas, there are yellow tunic, also covered with grey and red Kashi put his hand into the black cave.
other Saivite Hindu scripture that help ex- dust. He checked for the map. It was still “Hmm. Very cool,” he said. “Well, let’s go.”
plain or add to our supreme scriptures. tucked into his thick black sash. The map They both slipped through the cave en-
These are also holy books. Among them are had been given to them by an old man who trance, disappearing completely into a
the sacred songs and writings of the Saivite lived alone in a rock hut in a valley of red black passageway. Behind them unwound
saints of South India. stone and one gnarled old fig tree. Mahesh- a strong rope from Kashi’s sash, so they
vara and Kashi went to the old man, who could find their way back. It was totally
was known as Saint Veda, because he knew quiet, an unearthly silence except for a tiny
ANALOGIES & the Vedas. The two boys wanted to learn tinkling sound of running water. They fol-
more of the Vedas. So he taught them over lowed the narrow cave passageway, which
ILLUSTRATIONS a period of one year, and they learned made many sharp turns and seemed to be
1. Above, we used one analogy of the slide much soul knowledge and spirit laws. Then climbing up. Behind them was the black-
projector and slide screen to explain how one day he gave them a map—an old, wrin- ness. But, now in front of them was a pale
Siva projects knowledge to the rishis. Be- kled piece of dried leaf with strange marks blue light, like sun light going through very
cause rishis means “seer” or one who sees, it on it. He told them: “Learn to read this deep blue water. They made one more
important to stress the vision or seeing re- map. Seek the cave that has guards of stone. sharp turn, then they stood at the entrance
ality of this process. The television is an- It is a Siva cave. It has a secret treasure.” of a huge cave room. They gasped. It was
other good analogy of this process. After months of making hard trips out as big as a palace, and filled with a beautiful
from their village to try and figure out the blue light that seemed to come from a pool
STORY READING strange map, they had finally found the of water in the center. On a small island in
About three meters up on the face of a hidden cave. They could have given up. But the center of the pool sat a very old, old
steep rock cliff was a secret cave. Long they didn’t. They knew this search was im- yogi. He had large eyes, like green emeralds,
boulders hung over the cave like stone portant. It was part of their life’s karma. and he said, “So, you have found me. Now
guards. Hundreds of years ago, maybe The cave was just a slit, like a large cat’s I will teach you how the Vedas and Agamas
thousands, a part of the cliff had fallen. eye. It was pitch black. Kashi came up to came from Siva’s mind into the minds of
Boulders and rock and dust tumbled down where Mahesvara was standing on a narrow men like me. Breathe deep and make your
like a river of earth. The cave was almost ledge. They both looked in. Nothing. Pure mind like clear water,” and his old voice
sealed. But a sliver of the cave entrance re- darkness. Mahesvara put his hand into the echoed through the cave. A thin bridge of
mained open. Mahesvara put his hand to blackness. “It feels cool,” he said to Kashi, stone dropped to the island, and the boys
his honey brown eyes to shield them from raising his eyebrows into a look of ques- walked across, already slowing their breath.

Book 1, Lesson 46 & 47
When we go to the temple, we are stepping
into a spiritual palace. We prepare our- The boys are lined up on the
selves. We dress a certain way. We do things right side facing Ganesha in the
a certain way. We behave a certain way. This shrine. The girls are on the left
is just as would be expected if we were vis- side. Often too, for many reli-
iting the emporer of India. We call these gious classes, the boys sit on the
right and the girls on the left.
temple customs. Two very important tem-
ple customs are how we stand in front of
When we enter the temple, we
the deity for worship during puja and how
walk around the inside of the
we receive the arati lamp when it is offered
temple from the left to the
to us after the puja.
right, in a clockwise direction.
Our world is obviously divided into boys Notice how the hands of this
and girls, into male and female. There are young women are coming over
millions of species of life forms on Earth, and partly through the flame.
including animals, birds, reptiles, bugs and Her face is about eight inches
plants. All, with a handful of exceptions, are away from the flame. This same
divided into male and female. And it is ob- custom applies to any kind of
vious to children even at a very young age, flame that is passed before the
that there are big differences between girls God. It could also be a single
and boys, between men and women. There flame, rather than an arati
are differences in male and female bodies, lamp.
even in faces. Simply by looking at the face She takes the energy of the
it is easier for a child to tell the difference flame which has been charged
between a girl and boy human, then be- with blessings from the God
tween a male rabbit and a female rabbit. During puja boys stand on the right right up to her eyes. On the
Children also know there are big differ- and girls on the left. third pass, her eyes are closed
ences between what girls like to do, and and the eyelids are touched.
what boys like to do. They have different in- We pass our hands over the arati
terests, and they think about things differ- lamp and touch our eyes.
ently. They also feel about things different- side is our emotional force, our
ly. This means in body, mind and emotions feeling and physical health force.
girls and boys, adult men and women are It is rose red in color. It is called the
very different. Boys like to be with boys. moon current. Girls are in this current
Girls like to be with girls. This is natural. On their own, the young boys and girls more strongly. Boys and girls use both these
And this division continues into adult life. would form separate groups. Boys would be psychic currents, but, by nature, they dom-
Marriage does not change the natural on one side of the ship. Girls on the other inate in one or the other. In general, girls
bonds of men and men, women and side. Which side would they choose? are more caring, kind, understanding and
women. Well, boys would feel drawn to the right live longer. Boys are more pushy, more ana-
The temple is the most important place side. They could not even explain it. They lytical, more brave, reckless, less sensitive to
for this natural division to be followed. The would just feel comfortable there on the other’s feelings. Boys are strong.
temple is the place where we want to be as right side of the ship. It feels natural to Certainly, one of the most beautiful cus-
much a soul as possible. In the temple, we them. Girls would be drawn to the left side. toms in Saivite Hindu temple practice is
are more a soul of light, and less a human They would be more comfortable, more re- that of receiving the arati flame after the
body of flesh. So, if the girls and boys, the laxed and secure. But they won’t be able to puja is over. Each devotee passes their out-
men and women were a mixed group in the explain it. So, in the temple, it is a very old, stretched hands over and through the very
temple, it would create a strong sense of old custom that men are on the right, and- top of the orange flames and sweeps the en-
humanness. The identity of soulness would women on the left. ergy up to the eyes, touching the upper eye-
be clouded by the feelings of attraction or But there is an explanation. In all people lids. This is done three times, with a slow-
unattraction (in the case of children who there are two subtle currents of force that ing down on the third time. This is truly
don’t like to get too close to the opposite run alongside the spine. These are like neon one of the most amazing and powerful
sex) between boys and girls. The children tubes of light. We can’t see them with phys- practices. Fire itself is a wonderful force, a
will understand this quickly. Let’s look at ical sight. We see them with our spiritual magical energy. It is complex and mysteri-
the temple as a ship that takes us to Gods’ sight. The current on the right side is our ous. Even scientists who study fire as a pro-
world. Boys and girls are together on this mental force. It is sky blue in color. It is fession cannot fully define what it is or how
ship. The ship is sailing through space. It called the sun current. Boys are in this cur- it works. Fire serves many purposes in the
will take a while to reach the Gods’ world. rent more strongly. The current on the left temple, for its energy flames can be seen in

58 Offerings of perfumed substances, flowers, incense, lamps and fresh fruits—these are the five elements
of the traditional puja which culmiates with the offering of the lamps.—KAMIKA AGAMA
Book 1, Lesson 46 & 47
our world, the devas’ world and Gods’ confidently as she walked beside Saraswati
world. This is an important point. Fire is a down the wooden deck that shined like 1. Boys, who are naturally of a mascu-
connecting door to all worlds. When the glass. She had on her favorite pink and line nature stand on the right in a reli-
arati lamp is passed during puja, God Siva lavender punjabi. “Siva is everywhere all the gious assembly. Girls, who are natural-
and the Gods send pure color beams of time. He’s in those high mountains, but ly of a feminine nature stand or sit on
light into the energy cloud of the flame. Siva’s also through this bay and through all the left. Boyhood is represented by the
The arati lamp is then brought to the devo- the streets of Vancouver. And believe it or sun. It is warm, brave and adventurous.
tees attending the puja. Each devotee passes not, Siva is even in my older brother,” said Girlhood is represented by the moon.
their hands three times over the flame, Ratna as her brother came up carrying two It is cool, caring and wise. Bring to class
sweeping up part of this energy cloud and cups of hot chocolate for them. The hot the drawing and scissor materials. All
of the boys are going to make a big sun
the bright color light to their eyes. This chocolate steamed into the chill air and
image for themselves. It should some-
brings the power of the God’s blessing di- formed sweet-smelling clouds. Actually
how depict warmth, bravery and ad-
rectly into the body and mind of the devo- both of the girls’ elder brothers were with
venture. All of the girls will make a big
tee. It helps them to see our world and lives them to look after them, and there were
full moon image for themselves. It
as a spiritual adventure. Children should many other Hindus on the ferry. It was a
should depict coolness, caring and wis-
feel open to this power as they receive the popular day to go to the temple. dom. When they are finished the boys
flame. Their attention should be in the “Yes,” said Sarasvati. “I love my brother and girls line up in their correct assem-
chest, neck and head. They will feel the en- and I’m sure Siva is there somewhere, but bly, all holding their sun and moon im-
ergy enter their body like a tingly cloud. they are boys. Boys. They can be so…so ages.
Further, the deva people of the devas’ pushy. Like charging bulls.”
world can see the devotee when the arati They found some nice chairs on the open 2. Paint or crayon sets should be pro-
flame is passed in front of them. They can deck and sat down. They were on the left vided and thick cardstock paper. Have
see us as the fire flames light up our faces. side of the ferry boat, looking out to the the children paint a series of flames like
We usually cannot see the devas, but it is pine forests and rocky coast where sea ot- they would see on an arati lamp. The
more important that they see us. They are ters splashed in the waves. “You know we flames should be 5 or 6 inches high. Af-
often the ones working directly with our sat down on the left side of the boat,” said ter this they cut the flames out of the
karma, and the detailed progress of our life. Ratna, looking at Sarasvati with her brown paper, but being sure the bottoms of
eyes. “Just like in the temple, when we go the flames are still connected, so they
STORY READING to the left side for puja.” are still one unit. Then the youngsters
The ferry boat was as large as a building “Hmmm. Interesting,” said Sarasvati. “It take these cutout flames around to
turned on its side and floating in the bay must becoming a habit. I didn’t think about each other and practice drawing both
waters of Vancouver on the west coast of it. The view is very good on this side. Here hands over the painted flames and
Canada. The ferry was huge, a great white come our brothers. Now, are they going to touching their eyes, right hand to right
hull with red markings—like a floating sit on the right side?” The brothers, very tall eyelid, left hand to left eyelid. They do
Hindu temple. It had a wide, wooden deck and bundled up in coats over their brown not actually touch the eye itself.
for viewing the beautiful Vancouver bay kurta shirts, came up and said, “We’re going
with its cold, charcoal blue waters. It could to sit on the other side. We’ll keep an eye on Now I’m going concentrate on feeling the
carry hundreds of people and lots of cars. you from there.” power of Siva in the heat and light around
The bow of the ferry opened up, and cars The girls giggled. “Well, they sure took the flames. Take it right into me.”
drove right in. “Just like going into a drag- off to the right side fast,” said Sarasvati. “Me too,” said Sarasvati. “We’re almost at
on’s mouth,” said Ratna to her friend Saras- “We are moon girls. They are sun boys,” the dock. Prepare to go ashore,” she said like
vati, as they both watched a stream of cars, and they laughed loudly. “You know we a captain and laughed. The ferry had
some honking, slowly crawl into the ferry. should watch the moon one night from this smoothly crossed the large bay. Now the
Then the bow doors shut with a metal ferry. We are moon girls,” she sang to a bha- two sisters and their two brothers got in
clanking. “That’s it. Cars are all in. We jan melody. Then she jumped up and ran to their car and drove to the temple that was
should be leaving the dock soon. Canada the railing. “Look. I think I can see the tem- set on top of a hill, and overlooked the
sure is beautiful. Look at those mountains ple from here. See the white tower peaking whole beautiful bay. They pulled into the
topped with snow and sunlight. Wonder if up over those trees. The sun is painting a parking lot, got out and walked through the
Siva is there?” said Sarasvati as she tossed kind of mango-colored light on it.” temple’s outer doors into a large hall where
her black hair over the shoulder of her Ratna hurried over. “Oh yes, I see it. they left their shoes. The temple was made
green and yellow punjabi outfit. She had Looks like a little palace. A Hindu temple in all of white marble with very fine lines of
light green eyes, and that’s why she liked to Vancouver, Canada. Who would have pink through it. The floor was solid Rocky
wear her deep green punjabi when going to thought of that a hundred years ago?” she Mountain granite, with pale blue carpet
the temple. Today was Sunday, and they asked into the swirling sea breeze. “I’m go- spread in large squares. The girls paused at
were traveling across the bay to go to a Siva ing to be practicing taking the arati flames the entrance to the main temple hall, then
temple in the mountains outside Vancouver today. Did you know that fire is like danc- went up on the left side. They did their
city. Vancouver was a lovely city, and the ing energy. Ice is frozen energy. Fire is en- prostrations and sat down. They were hap-
temple was like a diamond off to its side. ergy dancing very fast. I used to just fan my py. The boys walked to the right side and
“Of course Siva’s there,” said Ratna very hands through the arati flames real fast. prostrated. It was natural.

Book 1, Lesson 48 & 49
In our physical world we each have a moth-
er and father, two parents who are separate Often Siva will be depicted
people—one a man, the other a woman. wearing a female earring and a
They are the mother and father of our male earring, showing that Siva
physical body. Our soul body of light was has the qualities of both moth-
created long ago in the Gods’ world, just as er and father in guiding each
soul in its spiritual journey.
our physical body was created a few years
ago here on Earth. The creator of our soul
The cobra snake symbolizes the
body is God Siva. Siva is both our mother
spiritual force that rises up our
and father. Siva is not a man, nor is Siva a
spine when we practice yoga.
woman. Siva is the supreme Soul of light.
The same spiritual force that is
Out of endless light, love and intelligence in Siva is in us. Siva controls the
Siva created us and cares for us like a moth- force for us, as part of His love.
er and guides us like a father.
Nandi the sacred bull is a symbol of the When Nandi sits in front of the
perfect soul devotee of God Siva. Nandi is temple or a shrine, he is always
very attentive to Siva, always looking to Siva sitting down on his knees. The
to serve and seek divine oneness. At tem- largest Nandi in the world is at
ples, Nandi reminds each one of this per- a Siva temple on a hill above the
fect relationship. city of Mysore in southern In-
dia. Many Hindus go there just
KEY PRESENTATIONS to see the Nandi. The largest
No one is more important in a child’s life granite Nandi carved this cen-
than mother and father. It is a precious tury is at the Kadvaul Siva
truth that without mother and father each Nataraja Temple on the island
child would not be in this world. In a very Lord Siva is the mother and father of Kauai, Hawaii in the USA.
true sense all the children in this class were of my soul.
biologically created by their moms and
dads. Out of their union of life came a new
life as a baby boy or girl. The baby looks Nandi sits in front of every beautiful person they could think
like a combination of the parents. The hus- of that would be close to Siva’s
band and wife become mother and father. Siva temple. perfect beauty. Beautiful face.
The child has two parents, two different Beautiful eyes. Beautiful hair.
people who live together in a marriage. Beautiful body. Beautiful skin. All
They make a home. One is a woman. One is made of light that is more brilliant
a man. Together, but still as separate people, two different beings. Siva is not two differ- than all the stars. That is Siva the Perfect
they raise the child. That is the way of na- ent souls. Siva is not like our Earth parents. Soul. When Siva creates each soul, that soul
ture in our Earth world. Siva is not a man. Siva is not a woman. is a likeness of Siva. The soul looks like the
Deep inside our Earth body is the soul Souls are not male or female. They are be- Siva soul, only it is very young, a child soul.
body of light. It is our most real body and ings of super light. Siva is the Supreme It is very beautiful, with a face, eyes, nose,
divine intelligence. It is truly who each of Soul. In fact, we cannot really refer to Siva mouth, ears, hair, arms and legs—all made
us is. We are soul beings. As souls we rein- as Him or He. Nor can we call Siva as Her of pure tones of light. Our soul is not a
carnate into Earth bodies of flesh and bone or She. Siva is the One, the auspicious One, travelling ball of light, or a vast misty cloud
as the class studied in a previous Book 1 from which everything flows, like a one of energy. It is an actual body with a cosmic
lesson. Our soul of light is immortal. That ocean that feeds uncountable rivers. Siva mind that is one with Siva’s mind. Our hu-
is, the soul never dies. Nothing can destroy created our soul. Siva creates souls all man body—as well as our astral and men-
or hurt the soul. Each of us as a soul was through time. Even as we study this won- tal body in the devas’ world—follows the
created by God Siva. Each soul is personal- derful lesson Siva is creating new souls. We original form of the soul body. The human
ly created by the Supreme Siva. Our soul of can know Siva as the mother and father of form is in the likeness of the soul body.
light, like a glowing ball of light shooting our soul. The emphasis is on the and. Siva is our soul’s mother/father. Siva’s
from the sun, came out of the all-powerful Mother/father in One. Mother is unending love for us is much deeper and stronger
light and intelligence of Siva. Every soul, love. Father is unending knowledge and than even our Earth parents. Siva’s love is
and there are uncountable souls, flashed power. As a One Soul, Siva is both divine like a gentle, ever-flowing wind all around
out from the unthinkable brilliance of Siva. mother, divine father. us. We can feel it all the time. It fills us. It
We are soul children of Siva. Now Siva is the most beautiful soul being goes into us and comes out of us. Have the
The children have explored God Siva in imaginable. It is a beauty that is neither ful- children wave their hand through the air
other lessons of Book 1. We know that God ly male or female. If the children were to sit slowly. As their right hand passes through
Siva is not two different people. Siva is not and close their eyes and imagine the most the air in front of them they are going

60 He is the never-created creator of all: He knows all. He is pure consciousness, the creator of
time, all-powerful, all knowing. He is the Lord of the soul and of nature…—KRISHNA YAJUR
Book 1, Lesson 48 & 49
through Siva’s love. It is there. All the time. movie Jurassic Park, so she knew a little
All around them and through them. Siva is about dinosaurs. She said, “Luckily for us, 1. Bring to class a stiff white plastic
the perfect mother/father. Here on Earth most of the dinosaurs were vegetarians. sheet that you can roll and tape into a
we as souls in physical bodies are growing They were giantly gigantic, yet all they ate tube about 2 feet tall and a soap bub-
and learning. We learn through our own was an awful lot of plants. Veggie dinos,” ble maker. Up through the tube you
karma. We learn from other good people. and giggled so hard her sun hat almost fell will shine a strong light. Also bring to
We learn from gurus. We learn from our off her reddish black hair. the class a piece of pink thick paper
own spirit voice. Siva is taking care of us “Yeah, but look over there,” said Jnana in and sky blue paper. Tape the pink pa-
here on Earth, seeing that we get all the a hushed, scary voice, and his hand pushed per on the left of the white tube and the
right experiences, all the right guidance, all back some huge leaves called elephant ears. blue paper on the right. This represents
the Being of Siva: the white tube is His
the right goals so we can know our oneness “Raptors. See. About six feet tall. Huge,
pure spiritual force; the pink paper is
with Siva. The mother love of Siva sees that sharp claws. Very fast. Very smart. They like
the mother side of God’s being; the
we are safe, comfortable, provided for, gen- meat. Look, they’ve spotted us,” and he
blue side is the father side of God’s be-
erous, kind, happy and peaceful. The father turned to grab his sister’s shoulders. “Let’s
ing. This matches Lesson 46 where we
love of Siva sees that we are brave, strong, run,” he said excitedly.
learned how girls are on the left and
smart, adventurous, curious, virtuous, ded- His sister stood still, totally unbothered. boys on the right. Yet God is still just
icated. Siva does this for us in a thousand “Hah. There haven’t been any raptors for one Being. While all the children are
ways every day, and all through the night. millions of years,” she said, and smiled. watching, have one of the students sit
“Yes,” said Jnana. “But they can live in behind the white tube and blow soap
The bull is a remarkable animal. It is sa- our mind, and in movies. Maybe all the di- bubbles so they float up over the glow-
cred to many ancient cultures. Stand nosaurs are alive on another world? Maybe ing white tube, lit up by the light. The
around a big bull and you can feel its Lord Siva just took them to another plan- soap bubbles are souls being created by
strength and determination in the air. Nan- et. Well, let’s get back to mom and dad.” God Siva, out of Himself. They come
di the bull is a great symbol in Saivite Hin- They walked back to where the black jeep out of His spiritual energies, and He is
duism. Nandi is the animal mount of Siva. had brought them in. They were deep in- both mother and father of the soul.
In some scenes Siva rides Nandi the bull. side Cambodia, deep inside the great green 2. Nandi never takes his eyes off Siva.
This means Siva is riding or controlling the jungle. And right in front of Jnana and Am- Bring a beautiful crystal, brass or
human body—which is strong and has rita was a stone city with walls, and gates bronze object d’art to the class. Also
many desires—toward spiritual unfold- and towers and palaces and stairs and wa- bring a soap bubble kit. Place the arti-
ment. We could look at this as part of the ter ponds that seemed to float. The whole fact up high at the front of the class so
father love of Siva. Nandi the bull sits in city rose out of the jungle like a giant space everybody can see it. Instruct everyone
front of Siva at every Siva temple or shrine. ship. But it was real. And it was old and in to sit in front of the object and to see
Nandi faces Siva with a look of ultimate de- ruins. No one had lived here for a thousand how long they can keep their eyes on
votion and duty. Nandi symbolizes for us years. It was called Angkor Wat. It is the the object without being distracted.
the perfect soul devotee of Siva. Nandi is largest spiritual temple in the world. A tem- Then have two of the children stand
the spiritual person: humble, ready and ea- ple city. A temple city for Siva built by a behind the object and start to blow
ger to strive, strong in faith and practice. Hindu people a thousand years ago. These beautiful soap bubbles. Despite this en-
people were called Khmers. tertainment, the children attempt to re-
STORY READING Jnana and Amrita stood staring at the main steadfast in gazing at the object.
The jungle was so thick that even men with stone city, surrounded by a water moat,
razor-sharp machetes couldn’t get through their mouths open and eyes wide. Together,
it. The jungle was a thousand shades of their heads rose up and they looked at a gi-
green splashed over giant brown tree ant, peaceful face on a tower. It was made of frozen. “Wow. Look at this,” said Jnana ex-
trunks, twisting vines and flowers as big as stones as big as cars pieced together. “That citedly. “Amazing. It feels like we are right
temple trays. The jungle went on endlessly is Siva, the mother and father of our souls,” with Siva in the Gods’ world. You know…I
across the land called Cambodia, only cut whispered Jnana. “When I see Siva, I think think Siva has brought us here just for this.
by muddy rivers and narrow animal paths. everything is perfect. Though I wish the di- Siva wants to personally show us His love.”
“Dinosaurs could still be living here,” said nosaurs were still around.” The sun was The light, far more intense than a rainbow,
Jnana in a voice meant to be scary. “One sinking over the jungle fast, casting dark or- continued to light their faces. “See how the
foot of the brontosaurus could crush our ange and purple light over everything. The light splits into two beams. That is the
jeep like a…well like a Coke can, like when children couldn’t see the sun. It was below mother and father powers of Siva,” Jnana
we crush them for recycling at home.” the city now. There was a small hole in the whispered. “I’ll never forget this.”
Jnana liked to think of himself as a di- stone face of Siva on the tower. Suddenly, a Amrita was like a rock, staring at the
nosaur expert. He was 8 years-old, with a fiery beam of orange-yellow sun light shot stone Siva, the deep orange/yellow light in
round, chubby face and eyes so brown they through the hole in the stone Siva. The light her eyes. “Aum Namah Sivaya,” she chanted.
were almost like chocolate candy bars. He beam shot out, widened a bit, and lit up the “Like a beam of light, my soul body was
was sweet-natured like candy. But he liked two children standing in front of the stone created by Siva. I am a soul child of Siva.”
to tease his younger sister, Amrita, who had Siva. They were in a beam of sparkling light
a face like a baby deer. She had seen the coming right out of Siva. They stood,

Book 1, Lesson 52
Lord Murugan is the God who guides us in
all of our spiritual practices. Murugan is as Here, Murugan is seen as a
a monk, a sadhu or swami. He has no wandering monk with a shaven
home, no money, no clothes, no wife, no head and a loin clothe around
children, no things, no hair. Murugan his waist. He wears rudrakshna
monk guides us out of earthly things and beads as emblems of Siva con-
sciousness. He also has earrings
human joys and into the vast spiritual land
which for a yogi show that He is
of blissful yoga. Murugan’s highest mission
using the highest spiritual
is to be our guide and friend in yoga. Mu-
nerve currents.
rugan is the God of yoga.
Murugan is carrying a danda,
KEY PRESENTATIONS the yoga staff. It is a sign of the
People, including young children, enjoy power of the spine, the tremen-
looking different for different occasions. dous spiritual force that flows
Many adults and school children dress dif- up the subtle channel of the
ferently every day. Women often change spine. The children should keep
their hair style. When they do, it is like they their spine as straight as a staff
are another person. A girl with long hair when practicing meditation.
can get a short haircut, and the girl sud- This is the first step in unleash-
denly looks like a boy. A young man grows ing the spiritual energy at the
a bushy beard. His parents may not know base of the spine. Murugan
him. We put on special clothes and hats for helps each child with this.
all kinds of different outings: going out to
a fancy restaurant, going to the temple, go-
ing out to play soccer, going to a cooking
class, going to see our relatives. In each of es us that the Gods are pure and
these examples, we appear different to oth- Lord Murugan is a monk. powerful Soul Beings. The Gods
ers, yet we are the same person. Now, Lord are very advanced souls living in
Murugan is a super soul, a God. As a soul
being of vast power, age and beauty, Muru-
He is the God of yoga. an unthinkably vast world of the
most powerful mind and light
gan does not change how He looks. But in forces. The Gods do not have
the temple images that represent Murugan, homes as we know them. They do
there are several different ways He looks. not have wives or children or mate-
These are called darshanas, or views. This with Siva, all of that is left behind. It is not rial things as we know them. The Gods do
helps us as worshippers to approach Mu- there with you when you meditate deep in- not live human lives. They live as great
rugan for help in different matters. Lord side of yourself. If it were there, even in souls of light and intelligence, helping un-
Murugan can grant help in many ways and your mind, it would distract you. The countable people in uncountable worlds
for many reasons. This is like the king of a bridge of yoga would not be crossed. The throughout the universe. The Gods do have
country. He is king of the people. He is the image of Murugan represents this total dri- great spiritual tools, made of spiritual
leader of the ministers. He is the chief ve to Godness. This is in fact how all ad- forces, that help them in their service, such
judge. He is the commander of the army. vanced spiritual people spend their final as Murugan’s Vel.
He oversees the treasury. The king has lives on Earth—as monks. This is an im- Murugan is the God whose mission it is
many different duties. So too does Lord portant point for the children. In reincar- to help us with our spiritual growth. This
Murugan have many different duties. nation, the final lives on Earth will be as is His duty, given to Him directly from God
Murugan is first and foremost a monk. monks. The goal of Earth life is realization Siva. Whenever we think of spirit thoughts
What is a monk? A monk is a spiritual man of God Siva through yoga. The sure way to or do activities that bring out our soul na-
who is totally dedicated to God Siva, to achieve Sivaness is through a simple life of ture, Murugan is there, around us invisibly.
knowing God Siva. A monk lives very sim- yoga practice and spirtual service—the Fortunately Murugan can help millions
ply, so all of his intelligence and action goes monk’s life. A monk is a soul living on and millions of us all at the same time. Mu-
to yoga, to oneness with Siva. Earth, but as if without a physical body with rugan’s mind hovers over our mind when
Murugan is dedicated to spiritual yoga all its needs and desires. Satgurus, whom we we do spiritual practices like study of
life. He wears a loin cloth and his head is studied a few lessons back, are all monks. Saivite Hinduism, puja, temple worship,
shaven. There is no wife, no children. He That is why Saivite Hindus revere, follow Aum chanting, praying, penance, religious
has no home or land or car. The monk has and financially support the Siva monks in good karma, spiritual service, deep breath-
no possessions, no job. He has no money or their spiritual quest. The young children ing, yoga poses and yoga meditation.
jewelry. In short, Murugan has given up all should respect and love all Siva monks. The greatest and most valuable way Mu-
the normal goals of human life. Why? Be- When we see the image of Murugan-as- rugan develops us is in our personal yoga
cause when you do yoga and seek oneness a- monk in a temple or shrine, it also teach- meditation. Let’s look at it this way. Muru-

62 From all knowledge, yoga practice and meditation, all that relates to the Aum sound is to be
meditated on as the only blissful (Siva). Indeed, the Aum sound is Siva.—ATHARVA VEDA
Book 1, Lesson 52
gan is the God of yoga. Yoga is the final, the moon, he dropped slowly, floating like a
highest practice in life. Lord Murugan is the puff ball of seeds on a summer breeze. 1. Bring in enough medium size yellow
perfect power of yoga. He holds the power Chandra felt very light, even with the heavy balloons for the whole class. Distribute
of yoga in His soul being. By working di- suit. Everything weighed less on the moon. the balloons to the children so they can
rectly with us as we attempt yoga, Murugan The spot light lit up his sky blue space suit blow them up. The balloons they are
helps quiet our mind, make us peaceful, against the dark grays and browns of the inflating represent Lord Murugan, who
and He carefully draws each child into His moon surface. As he drifted down, it re- has a golden spiritual force. Lord Mu-
blissful yoga power. This is a beautiful minded him of yoga experience. As he went rugan is going to help them do “bal-
teaching. into yoga meditation, he felt very light. No loon yoga.” With their inflated bal-
weight. And it felt like he was floating in loons, each of the children sit comfort-
ably on mats on the floor in a cross-
STORY READING some kind of magic space that Murugan
legged or half-lotus position. They
The night sky was deep black with long provided for him . It was like swimming in
hold their balloon in their lap and
necklaces of stars running across it. There very light water made out of happiness and
think of Lord Murugan, God of yoga.
was no wind. There never was any wind. bliss. Then, he landed in pillows of thick
Then they rub the balloon on their hair
There was no sky, no blue sky. Even when moon dust. He smiled and laughed.
to build up static electricity, tilt back
the sun was seen, like a big ball of yellow Far off to his right was a yellow glow, their head and place the balloon on the
gas, there was no colored sky. Just night with towers of red, white and blue flashing top ridge of their nose and their fore-
time black with the glittering stars and the lights. It was the moon village. It was a large head, and try to balance the balloon
yellow sun. There was no air. No trees grew. group of metal buildings popping out of there for as long as possible. Their yoga
No flowers bloomed. No water ran. There the moon like silver mushrooms and cop- is to balance the balloon. If the balloon
was no sound. This was the moon. The per bubbles. He headed there, to home. drifts off, they grab it, build up some
moon that circles around Earth. Hissing softly, the doors of his home static electricity, place it back in posi-
Chandra was a boy whose name means opened. He stepped in. The doors shut tion and try again. They mentally ask
moon. He stood on top of a very high quickly behind. Off came his suit, which he Lord Murugan for help.
moon boulder that rose at the edge of a carefully folded and put away, checking for
huge crater. He was ready to jump off. It any damage to repair. Another pair of met-
was night time on the moon, a night that al doors swished open. Chandra stepped
lasts for 14 of our Earth days. Yet Chandra through, wearing a formal dark green cot-
could see fairly easily. At his feet was a ton kurta shirt and light brown pants. He
strong spotlight, casting a light beam far had very long black hair and tiny ruby ear-
across the crater. Chandra reached up with rings. “Main lights on,” he said outloud,
his thick space suit gloves and moved his and the room filled with soft white light. It
helmet a bit so his neck was more comfort- was the living room, full of comfortable
able. He had to wear a space suit, and car- furniture, books, valuable Hindu art and
ry his air with him in light metal tanks on living plants. There was a view of the Hi-
his back. Everybody who lived on the moon malayan mountains on one wall. Chandra
had to wear a suit when they went outside. crossed the room to a single door that
Chandra had a special suit for young boys. looked like pearl. In the pearl was a beau-
To mark that he was a Saivite Hindu, Chan- tiful green crystal Sanskrit Aum. It glowed
dra sewed on the right shoulder of his suit a with its own light. This was the shrine
red circle with three white stripes across room door. He said “Namah Shivaya,” and
it—the mark of Siva. He was 9-years old the door opened with a series of bell
now, and had lived on the moon for five chimes in a Hindu music scale. Chandra
years with his family. Traveling from Earth, stepped through. “Please give me a cave
a large colony of families from many differ- lighting,” he said, and the shrine room was
ent countries came to the moon. One of the made almost dark. He liked this for medi-
first things Chandra’s family did was to cre- tation. The shrine room looked like carved
ate a shrine room as part of their new granite stone, but it was not real stone. In
moon home. Among the deity images was one niche was the gold Murugan. A pale
Murugan. It was all in gold, gold that had blue light shone on it from behind. Chan-
come from the planet Mars. Chandra took dra worshiped Murugan, then sat in a full
very good care of this image, for he knew lotus position. He began to feel Murugan
Murugan was the master Soul of Yoga. draw him into the golden center, a gold-
Chandra did yoga every day. colored force in his spine.
Chandra leaped off the boulder, kicking
up a small explosion of moon dust as his Notes:
heavy metal boots left the rock. It was a
long ways down. He began dropping gently.
On Earth he would fall like a rock. Here on

Book 1, Lessons 54 & 58-61
The focus of this lesson is to affirm to the
1. Vina. A multistring instru-
children that singing spiritual songs is an
ment played with the fingers.
important part of life because it helps the 2. Drum. The two-headed mr-
soul shine and grow. dangam is our traditional
KEY PRESENTATIONS 3. Flute. The traditional bam-
Why do we sing to God, Gods boo flute has a beautiful sound.
and guru? First, singing is fun. 4. Harmonium. This is not one
It’s happy. It’s joyful. At satsang of the classical Hindu instru-
and at the temple, we sing to the ments. It is a miniature piano
Gods because we love them. We and is used in bhajan groups a
want them to know how much lot nowadays because it is easy
we love them. to play and helps the singers
When the Gods hear a song hear all the notes of the song
sung to them, they send some correctly.
devas immediately to that person or group. 5. Tambura. A four-stringed in-
These devas are music-type devas and spir- strument gently strummed to
itual too. They sit around those who are keep the basic pitch.
singing. They are in the devas’ world so usu- 7. Cymbals. Used to keep time
ally you can’t see them. But then they start and rhythm. All children should
singing whatever you are singing. They learn how to play the cymbals.
know all the songs we know and a lot more. 8.Tavil. This is a temple drum.
What happens when they sing? When they We love to sing songs to God, You will almost always see it
sing along, our inner body, our astral body Gods and Guru. played at temple festivals and
with its inner ears and an inner nerve sys- Deity processions. Usually it is
tem hears them and vibrates. And it feels played with other musicians
like a new charge in the vibration. This usu- Our traditional instruments are playing the nageswaram, a diffi-
ally means there are devas present who are the vina, tambura, cymbals, cult oboe-like wind instrument
attracted by the devotion of those present very common for temple occa-
and they are adding their spiritual energy to drum and flute. sions.
the group and it really increases the shakti.
It turns the vibration of the group that is
singing to a combination of physical world One great benefit of devotional singing, Deity were right in front of them listening
and deva’s world (sometimes even Gods’ especially when it is done for many years, is and looking and smiling—does the real
world) symphony. As they sing along, the that by energizing and strengthening the as- magic of devotional singing work.
devas fill all the sounds and notes and tral body, we are better equipped to handle
words and sounds from the instruments challenging karmas when they come up. Our traditional instruments: Our most
with Second world energy, like divine heli- There are many ways to sing. The way to traditional instruments are the vina, tam-
um (the gas that they use to make balloons sing that really creates a beautiful feeling bura, flute, cymbals and drum. Why? There
go up in the air). (This is a nice image to ex- and helps the soul body grow is when you are dozens of other instruments in India,
pand on.) are concentrating on the singing—the even ones that considered very classical.
The most important thing that happens sound, the feeling of the sound, the feeling Why are these five so special? They are spe-
when you sing alone or in a satsang (a of the rhythm, the words, their meaning cial because they represent in both purity
group of devotees singing together), is that with visual images of the Deity. When you and simplicity the inner sounds that we
the sounds stimulate one’s devas’ world or sing like this, the magic of singing happens. hear when we meditate very deeply or can
astral body. The most powerful devotional But when you just say/sing the words and hear “played” in nature—like Aum-like
singing actually vibrates the cells of the soul have your mind on something else and/or drone sound of ocean waves breaking far
body. are letting others do the singing while you away or the flute-like whistling of the wind
Devotional sound, devotional singing, just listen, then not much happens for you through the trees. The strings of the vina
has power. It acts like a devaship, a Star Trek and you don’t contribute much to the spir- and the tamboura, you can tell the children,
transporter chamber and can fly you into itual vibration of the group. It is like you are represent the nerve currents, long subtle
the vibration of the Second World. (Both rowing but when you pull the oars you wires of subtle energy of our inner bodies.
these images can be expanded for the chil- don’t put the oars through the water. You Playing the vina is like playing the nerve
dren—devaship and Star Trek transporter. just skim the oars over the top of the water. currents of our inner soul body. The tam-
They are good because they show some- The boat doesn’t move. It is sort of lazy. So, boura is like the Aum, a never-ending hum,
thing really happens, we “go” somewhere be sure to impress on the children that only harmonizing all sounds of the universe. The
when we sing, rather than nothing happen- when their minds are on the singing, when drum represents the primal drum beat of
ing except making sounds. they sing with a full heart—as though the constant creation, the extraordinary power,

64 All that God does shall win our praise. We magnify His name with hymns, seeking boons
from the Mighty.—RIG VEDA.
Book 1, Lesson 58-61
beat, dance, force that Siva infuses into the would stop chirping and listen. She sang
universe every second. The flute is super- many songs, but mostly ones about Gane- 1. These songs can be introduced and
consciousness, soft, delicate, ethereal, the sha and some ballads that her great grand- learned any time during the year. For
high soaring, bird-like feeling of realization, mother made up about how you are only as the class on these lessons, we want to
enlightenment, also sometimes equated rich as your heart is rich. You are poor when teach the children two things: How to
with the hollow current of the spine where your heart is empty. She knew hundreds of feel while singing and how to lead.
the energies of light flow like wind currents songs. Have everyone sing together each
up and out the cranium sahaswara chakra. Manisha learned them all like a tape song and concentrate on the meaning
The cymbals are syncopation, beat, rhythm, recorder that was put on “record” and all of the words. Tell them to really feel
and represent living in rhythm with the rest the songs went into Manisha’s memory they ar taking refuge in Lord Gane-
sha’s protection. do this with each
of life, learning to live in rhythm with sea- without any effort. Manisha would sing
bhajana until most seem to have the
sons, with people, with karma, not fighting, with her mother when they walked any-
feeling.Then have them take turns in
but flowing. where and sometimes at home. But a lot of
leading. One child leads, and all the
the time, she just liked listening to her
others respond enthusiastically. After
mother. One day when she was listening to a short while another leads. Those
ANALOGIES & her mother sing, she fell asleep and had a who ar shy should be encouraged and
dream. She saw her mother’s soul body drift told what matters is not o how well
ILLUSTRATIONS out of her physical body and into the clouds they sing, but how they feel when they
1. One nice image you can teach children is and Ganesha was there and she went and sing. Everyone should applaud after
that when they sing they are blowing up a gave Ganesha a big hug. Ganesha was each one leads and say how well he or
balloon, a spiritual balloon. If a group of singing the Ganesha song that his mother she did. There are additional and
ten or fifteen are singing in the mandapam loved the most! more difficult Ganesha songs after
of a temple, when they start, the balloon is One day the head of the local orphanage this guide which can be taught.
very faint and only as big as they are. It just asked Manisha to come with her. They went
envelops them. But as they keep singing— to a house and went inside. There was a boy
and especially when they are very happy lying on the floor. He was very sick. He was
and full of spiritual feelings—then the bal- the son of the head of the orphanage. In a
loon gets much bigger and can even become dream, the head of the orphange had heard
as big as the temple. a voice say, “Let the little one sing, wings of
wellness she will bring as you strum your
STORY READING strings.” She asked Manisha to sing some
Manisha lived in Rajashtan with her three Ganesha songs while she played her veena.
sisters and four brothers and parents. Her They played very softly for many hours and
family was poor, but they were never starv- prayed to Ganesha to help the boy. A few
ing. Her father was a farmer and her moth- days later he got better and told them that
er was a very good weaver. She weaved the when they played and sang that day that he
most beautiful clothes in the world, Man- saw little light green and yellow streams of
isha felt. They had so many different shades sparkling energy going all through his body.
of red and orange. Manish loved to watch He was so sick he thought he was imagining
her mother weaving. She would sit right be- it. But now he knows that singing is one of
side her and sometimes even fell over in her the greatest forms of magic.
mother’s lap and would rest there. Even the
motion of her mother’s arms going back Notes:
and forth as the weaving shuttle block went
back and forth wouldn’t wake her up. But
mostly what Manisha loved about sitting
with her mother, was listening to her moth-
er sing. Her mother had the most beautiful
voice in the whole world. When she went
with her mother to bathe in the afternoon
down at the river, her mother would sing.
Her mother would wash Manisha and also
once a week would massage oil on Man-
isha’s body and in her hair. All the mothers
would do this to their daughters and young
sons. It was to keep them healthy and keep
the hair healthy. Manisha used to notice
that when her mother sang, even the birds

Book 1, Lesson 62
Yogaswami was a very great Saivite satgu-
ru of the island of Sri Lanka, just below the
This is the right-facing profile
southern tip of India. He lived to be 92-
of Yogaswami. This illustration
years old—dying in 1964—and spent near-
is drawn from one of the very
ly sixty of those years teaching and guiding
rare photos taken of Yogaswa-
many Saivite Hindus of Sri Lanka. He took
mi. This particular picture was
a keen interest in Hindu youth, including taken when he was in a state of
inspiring a school course in Saivite Hin- meditation. This is what he
duism—which this course amplifies. His called summa iru, “being still.”
simple, one-room ashram was in a small
town near Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka. He His hair was very long and
is called a sage because of his piercing real- white. He tied his hair in a knot
ization of Siva consciousness and his re- at the backof his head, an old
markable yoga powers. Yogaswami is in a Saivite custom for holy men.
line of satgurus called the Kailasa He always wore white robes. He
parampara. Yogaswami is the satguru of liked children and children
Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, the present sat- liked him. Many of his sayings
guru of the Kailasa parampara. and writing are specially meant
for children and youth.
Yogaswami means a master (one of the
meanings of swami) of yoga. When we look
at the life of Yogaswami, we are viewing a
truly great Siva yogi, a man as familiar with
the spiritual land of yoga as the children in
class would be familiar with their own
home. Now, Yogaswami was once a child. forethought, Yogaswami sudden-
He wasn’t always Yogaswami. He was born
Satguru Yogaswami was the ly met Chellapaswami, his satgu-
in a village in northern Sri Lanka in the ru. Chellapaswami was a tall
1870’s. This was a time before we had cars sage of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. man, thin, dressed in a ragged
or airplanes or refrigerators, computers, ra- white verthi and shawl and so full
dios, TV’s, movies. He grew up year by year, of Siva’s light that is was like
going to school like the children in class standing right next to an ex-
here. He learned to read and write, do tremely bright search light. His
arithmetic, made friends, played games, mals, people on tightropes and trapezes, knowing of Siva was so full, so complete,
sang bhajan and went to Siva and Murugan clowns, fun food, games, noisy bands, scary that he was always looking at the world as
temples to worship. He learned about the rides, flashing lights. Most children will re- through Siva’s Eyes. And with those eyes,
Saivite saints of south India. He was a veg- ally want to go to the circus. They desire the Chellapaswami looked straight into Yo-
etarian and kind to animals. He was an ad- fun, excitement and newness. But a few will gaswami’s eyes from a few feet away, and
vanced soul, reincarnated on Earth, going have no interest in the circus at all. They asked in a commanding voice, “Who are
through all the happinesses, curiosities and don’t want to experience the circus. No de- you?” Now, the children may think this is a
trials of a kid’s life. By his late teens a foun- sire for it. simple question, and that Chellapaswami
tain of Siva spirituality was starting to well So, Yogaswami had no desire for mar- wanted to know who Yogaswami was.
up within him. A relative started calling riage or raising a family. He was beginning “Who are you?” A child may answer, “Well,
him Yoganathan, and the name stuck. to steer his life in the direction of a monk, I am Sivajnana Senapati and I go to school
Many years later, when he followed very as in the Murugan lesson. He graduated and I live on Royal Street.” But is this what
strict, demanding yoga practices, people from college, found a job, and began his se- Chellapaswami was asking Yogaswami? Was
started calling him Yogaswami out of great rious spiritual experimentation in medita- he asking for Yogaswami’s name, home and
respect. tion. He dressed simply, ate simply, slept on job? No, he wasn’t. He was asking Yogaswa-
As a young man he decided not to marry. a simple bed, kept to himself, did his job mi to quickly search inside himself for his
He had no interest in marriage or family with great care and concentration. Years true identity, his real “you”ness. That iden-
life. It simply had no attraction for him. For went by of this simple, monk-like life. He tity is as God Siva. Chellapaswami asked
the class children, this is similar to some- was not a satguru yet, but the foundation “Who are you?” Yogaswami at the time re-
thing they definitely have no interest in or was being laid. Then, on one unforgettable mained silent and did not give an answer.
desire for. For example, let’s say some of the day he met his satguru at the sprawling Years later, Yogaswami said Chellapaswami
children in the class have no interest in go- Murugan festival at the famous Nallur Kan- had lifted him out of a period of darkness
ing to see a circus. A circus is a very exciting daswamy temple near Jaffna. Without and into a meditative experience with that
event for children, full of wonderful ani- warning, without an appointment, without question. And here is a remarkable example

66 God exists. The world is at peace. God is peace. What happens on the surface is all a game. God
is overwhelmingly present everywhere.—NATCHINTANAI
Book 1, Lesson 62 A C T I V I T I E S

of responsiveness and obedience to a satgu- outside on the streets had umbrellas up. 1. This is a variation on musical chairs.
ru. A few minutes later Chellapaswami London looked like a city of umbrella peo- Bring to the class a tape cassette player
came up to Yogaswami who was standing ple. From out of the window of his family’s or CDrom player to provide music. Also
on the hot sand grounds of the Nallur Kan- apartment 9-year old Jyothideva was be sure there are enough mats for every-
daswamy temple and said, “Wait here until watching the drizzly rain come down. He body to sit on the floor. Yogaswami, a
I return.” Chellapaswami walked away. He had opened the window, and cool, foggy air great satguru of Sri Lanka, was famous
didn’t return for 3 days. Yogaswami was still was coming in. It rustled his short black for telling people “Summa iru,” which
there, in the sand, waiting. Yogaswami was hair and the pale white curtains. On the means in Tamil, “Be still.” Set up the
now Chellapaswami’s shishya. They spent wood wall beside him was a picture of a mats so they are in a wide circle. The
several years together in deep Siva yoga man with snow white hair and beard sitting children are standing inside of the circle
training, until Chellapaswami’s death. in meditation. He was wearing a white ver- of mats, forming a circles themselves.
Chellapaswami made Yogaswami the next thi and shawl. The picture was black and Start playing the music, something up-
satguru in the line of gurus. white and kind of fuzzy. The man’s eyes beat. The children skip and dance clock-
Yogaswami then spent five years sitting were closed. It didn’t look like he was sleep- wise around the circle next to the mats.
in yoga meditation under a large tree on a ing or dreaming. To Jyothideva, it looked Suddenly the music is stopped and the
street in a village very near Jaffna. He was like he was traveling somewhere. The man teacher cries out, “Summa iru.” And
there day and night, blazing sun and pour- was sitting totally still, frozen like ice. But at everybody must find a mat to sit on in
ing monsoon rains. He wore white robes the same time he was traveling, probably a cross-legged postion and become per-
and let his beard and hair grow. He ate once across Siva’s world. The picture was of Yo- fectly still. Not one movement is al-
every few days. This was in the early 1900’s. gaswami. Jyothideva missed Yogaswami. lowed. After a short while, the music is
Then he moved into a one-room hut at the Before his family moved to London two started again and the children skip and
same spot, and this became his ashram. years ago, they lived in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. jump going round the circle till the next
Summa iru is called out.
And it became the center of spirituality in Yogaswami’s very small ashram was just ten
Sri Lanka as Buddhists from southern Sri minutes walk from where Jyothideva lived.
Lanka and the Hindus from the north came He used to visit Yogaswami often, some- “Very, very high in the sky,” said Jyothide-
to meet with the great sage. Many Saivite times twice a week. Yogaswami sat on a va. “So high that there is no more blue, just
Hindu families became his disciples. simple wood bed. They talked in Tamil and the night time of the moon and stars.”
Over the years individuals and families English. They laughed. Yogaswami was very He then whistled loudly. There was a low-
would come to see him every day. He began funny. Often devotees would bring a tray of pitched woof. Then click, click, click, click
taking a serious interest in the spiritual offerings to Yogaswami. If there were sweet the sound of a dog walking across the tile
progress of the Jaffna youth. He often invit- pastries or candy, he would immediately floor of the kitchen. In came a beautiful
ed youth to ride with him in cars of devo- pass it out to the children, softly chuckling. golden retriever dog, just about one year
tees. He taught and advised them person- Now, Yogaswami was very far away in Lan- old, wagging a big shaggy tail. He was a big
ally, wrote letters to them when they trav- ka. On occasion Yogaswami wrote him a dog. And he headed right for Jyothideva’s
elled and watched over their karma with his letter. In the last letter that came, Yogaswa- face, to give him a big lick. “Hey, Grihanya.
yogi powers. He made up songs of teach- mi wrote, “You must meditate in the morn- Do you want to go up in a rocket ship?” he
ings that could be easily memorized. These ing and evening at night before you go to said to the dog as he ruffed up his thick fur.
became known as Natchintanai, meaning bed.” Jyothideva kept all these letters in a Grihanya means gold in Sanskrit. Grihanya
“good thoughts.” Yogaswami worked with silver plated box in his room. This morn- had reddish golden fur and very smart eyes.
a group of adult men who did good karma ing he had meditated, and he hoped Yo- “Who would feed him?” asked Savitri.
service for Saivite Hindus. Yogaswami in- gaswami was watching. He knew Yogaswa- “He eats a lot, you know.”
spired these men to introduce a course on mi had the power to see people from very Jyothideva said, “I wonder what Yogaswa-
Hinduism into the Sri Lankan schools. The far away. So as he meditated, in his mind he mi would think of a dog in space. He always
men were successful, and that course was sometimes smiled at Yogaswami. had something funny to say. Once he
the starting point for this course we are Below on the street cars and trucks raced spelled out G,o,d, and d,o,g, and said both
now studying. In 1949, a young American by. There was honking and a man with a are the same,” as he petted Grihanya who
man came to Sri Lanka in search of his sat- red face was selling newspapers. He was was batting crayons all over the room with
guru. Yogaswami initiated this man as the shouting about the news: Russia had sent a his wagging tail. “The world is a playground
next satguru in the line, and gave him the dog on a rocket ship up circling around of God—that’s what he said. I wonder what
name Subramuniya. He is now Sivaya Sub- Earth. “Hey Savitri,” he called to his Yogaswami is doing right now. Let’s see. If
ramuniyaswami, who is overseeing the de- younger sister. She was over sitting on the it’s noon in London, it must be early morn-
velopment of this children’s course. light green and brown carpet from North ing in Sri Lanka. He’s probably sitting in
India. Crayons were spread all around her meditation now. I used to really love sitting
STORY READING and she was busy coloring in a picture of with him when he did yoga. It was so much
There was a slow drizzle of rain coming in Siva. “There’s a dog up in space, going easier for me. It felt like electricity was com-
over London. Clouds, gray and sad and wet, round us in a rocket ship,” Jyothideva said ing from Yogaswami. So pretty soon, some
came in over London Bridge and the Buck- excitedly. children might stop in to see him on their
ingham Palace where the Queen of England “In space? What’s that?” Savitri asked, as way to school. He’ll chat with them, maybe
and her family lived. Everybody that was she selected a bright blue crayon. sing a new Natchintanai.”


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