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Output spool request as PDF: different

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 1
Via LOCAL Printer .................................................................................................................................... 1
Via Spool Request  not processed yet ................................................................................................. 2
Via Spool Request  Already processed < 99 pages .............................................................................. 2
Via Spool Request  Already processed > 99 pages .............................................................................. 3
Via transaction PDF! in command line of print preview ......................................................................... 3

Author: Dries Devrome

Date: 23/02/2017

It can be usefull for us or an end user to create/convert the output/document in PDF rather than in
sapscript. Below some possibilities on how to do this.

Via LOCAL Printer

1/ Print (en laat in spool zitten)

M’n eerste test met ‘print immediately’ werkte niet, geen idee waarom

2/ Set pdf writer as default Windows printer

3/ Print vanuit SAP op printer LOCAL

4/ je krijgt een popup om als pdf op te slaan.

Via Spool Request  not processed yet

- Normaal kan je vanuit de spool  export to PDF doen voor niet completed
spool requests:

Via Spool Request  Already processed < 99 pages

- Voor requests die wel al verwerkt zijn en kleiner zijn dan 99 pagina’s:

Programma: RSTXPDFT4 via SE38

Spool request nr + output locatie meegeven:

Eventueel naam nog wijzigen:


Via Spool Request  Already processed > 99 pages

The above steps are only useful if number of pages is less than 99. When the
number of pages in spool is more than 99 in addition to RSTXPDFT4 program we
need to run one additional program RSTXPDFT5. Steps are as explained below.


Step 1:- Spool number identified which has more than 99 pages in it.

Step 2:- Run the program RSTXPDFT4 with the Spool number.

Step 3:- There will be message pop up “PDF convertion in Back ground?”. Click
on Yes.

Step 4:- On clicking ‘Yes’ a batch job will be created and scheduled.

Step 5:- Go to sm37 and you can see the batch job running. Note down the
spool number from the batch job.

Step 6:- Run the Second program( using se38) – RSTXPDFT5 and enter the
Second spool number(the one got in background job) in the selection screen and

Step 7:- On executing there will be pop up for entering the file name. Name the
file and path for saving the file. The file name extension would be .pdf

PDF File downloaded will be downloaded to the path specified in save as screen

Via transaction PDF! in command line of print preview

- Bij sommige SAP instances heb je ook de mogelijkheid om transactie
“PDF!” uit te voeren bij het print-preview scherm:
Echter bij Ontex is me dit nog nooit gelukt, dus misschien de moeite eens
uit te zoeken waarom dit niet marcheert.

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