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Strategic Financial Planning

Shanequa Joiner


Colorado Tech University Online

May 4, 2016
Strategic Financial Planning

Key Financial Policy Targets

The board of directors is mandated with the responsibility of the formulation of

policies related to financial targets. The targetsinclude goal-setting, budgeting, and risk


Setting of goals

The board of directors is supposed to set the projected accomplishments that the

proposed cancer center will achieve. They have the mandate to set goals that are SMART In

that they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. Since the proposed cancer

center project is aiming at maximizing profit, the goals set should be oriented on how to

achieve it (Kavanagh & Government Finance Officers Association, 2012).


The policies formulated by the board of governors should incorporate the control over

the flow of money within the project. This would help them to manage the money that the

project will use as well as track the project`s income and expenses. During budgeting, the

board of governors is supposed to consider emergency funds which take care of unexpected

expenses (Kavanagh & Government Finance Officers Association, 2012).

Risk management

The board of directors should come up with policies to identify and manage the

potential financial risks the cancer center project is likely to face. One of the major risks is

debt repayment and in this aspect, the primary considerations are the amount of money to be

borrowed, the length of time to repay the loan and the interest rates associated with the loan.

They may consider opting for insurance as a way of mitigating the impact of the potential
risks. Such insurances would cover aspects such as health, property, liability (Kavanagh &

Government Finance Officers Association, 2012).

How the New For-profit Status Align with the Financial and Strategic Planning of ABC

The hospital is currently run, privately, by the XYZ health care system with the aim of

making aprofit. Thus, the financial and strategic planning of the new for-profit system will

involveincurrence of expenses while establishing the cancer center which aims at helping the

community. In as much as the project aims at making aprofit, it will be of benefit to the

community since they will not have to cover long distances to look for cancer treatment. The

profits they will make for the next few years will help to cover the debt used to complete the

project. The financial and strategic planning for the community hospital, on the other hand,

mainly aimed at ensuring the revenue raised covers for all the expenses incurred while

serving the community. They thus don`t have the motive of making profits, and this tends to

inhibit development within the hospital.Therefore, the financial and strategic planning for

both the XYZ healthcare system and the community hospital align in that both they will

almost similar incomes for the coming years.

How Managerial Control can be usedwith Financial Planning

Managers play a vital role in financial control since they are the ones held accountable

for the key financial targets of a cooperation.These key financial targets are the ones that

contribute to the overall profitability of the enterprises. It is thus very essential to incorporate

managerial control with the finance planning (Anthony &Herzlinger, 1975).

The managers within the company will help to ensure the expenses within the project

on cancer centerstays within the budget.Budgeting is done during financial planning to help

ensure the resources available within the hospital are assigned activities. After the assignment

if the resources, it is important to ensure that the resourcesallocatedare used accordingly and
that they are used responsibly. The managers place constraints on the expenses of the project.

They ensure that if spending is increased, justification is provided and in this case,

justification will be characterized by anincrease in revenue (Anthony &Herzlinger, 1975).

Managerial control also entails the control of regulation which stems out from

operation procedures and the policies that stand. During financial planning, regulations are a

primary concern since they lead to expenses within the company which should be

incorporatedinto the budget development (Anthony &Herzlinger, 1975). Medical laws and

regulation govern the financial and strategic planning of the community hospital.

Finally, quality controls are the major component of managerial control and entail the

variation in the acceptability of the services that will be offered by the center (Anthony

&Herzlinger, 1975). If the community finds the services offered at the hospital satisfying,

they are likely to turn up in large numbers which will consequently lead to increase in

revenue. Revenue is part of the financial planning since the budget within the financial

planning needs to consider the projected income of the project.

There is, therefore, a need to consult the executives in the XYZ healthcare system

since they are the one in charge of the management control. They should be involved in the

financial, regulation and the quality control of the project hence be incorporated in the

financial and strategic planning of the hospital. The financial planning of the community

hospital affects the management under the XYZ healthcare system.

Assumptions of Financial Management

One of the assumptions in budgeting is the enterprise going concept which assumes

that the business in question will operate and remain in existence for a specified period which

is foreseeable by the company (Kerzner, 2001). It is important for the management of the

ABC community hospital and the XYZ healthcare system should assess the ability of the
hospital to continue being in the market even after the establishment of the cancer center. In

this case, they should evaluate how they have been performing in the past and the resources

availability. Since the center will require both equity and debt financing, they should be able

to know whether the source of capital is reliable and then they can make assumptions about

the continuity ofoperation of the project.

The other category of assumption is the conservative concept which requires the

managers to consider the smallest possible amounts as well as the highest possible of assets

and revenues that are available (Kerzner, 2001). More so, they should also consider the costs

values that are likely to be incurred.

Assumptions may be based on the sales that the enterprise will make after sometime

(Mathisen, Pellechio, International Monetary Fund & International Monetary Fund, 2006).

This is based on how the company is faring at the particular time of balance sheet

preparation. In the case of the ABC community hospital and the XYZ healthcare system, they

should make assumptions based on what the cancer treatment center is likely to increase the

number of patients opting for this hospital. They could also make assumptions on the

expansion of the hospital in years to come.

Capital Investment Decision Analysis

Capital investment decision entails capital budgeting. Capital budgeting helps the

managers to select the projects which increase the capital of the enterprise and to analyze

projects whose span involves some years. They do this by considering the revenue and the

costs incurred by the project over along period and the time value of money since it is

important to know how much money is worth in thefuture. The process of capital budgeting

involves six stages which at the end, helps the manager to make adecision (Agar, 2005).
The first stage is the identification stage where the managers are supposed to identify

the types of capital expenditure projects which aim at the accomplishment of the objectives of

the organization (Agar, 2005). The non-profit ABC community hospital, the project

identification does not involve the search for a project that generates profit. They should

identify a project that enhance the health of the community. XYZ healthcare system, on the

other hand, generated the cancer treatment center with the aim of making profit. Thus, during

the project identification stage, they were to look at the likely projected revenue and the cost

of the project before embarking on it. The major consideration is the maximization of the

profit likely to be generated by the project.

The next stage is the search stage which involves the exploration of the alternatives to

the capital investments which will achieve the objectives of the organization. Here, the

organization looks for alternative models which suit the project identified (Agar, 2005). In

the cancer center project, the search stage for the non-profit status, they would look for

investment alternatives which are low since they do not have a way of repaying borrowed

funds. They would rely on equity financing which may not be adequate. For the profit based

XYZ system, the search stage involves alternatives which may be alow or high investment

because they are at liberty to borrow. The cancer center project requires funds and the source

of money is hiring. This is because, under the XYZ system, the money will be repaid by the

profits which will be generated once the project is complete.

After the search stage, the next stage is the information acquisition stage. This

involves looking for information on the capital investment alternative selected. This

information obtained should consider the expected costs and the benefits of the investment

alternative (Agar, 2005). It will then be used to carry out adetailed investigation of the

project alternatives. The cancer project will have benefits and costs to the community and the

hospital as well. The non-profit community hospital should expect profits such as the ability
of the residents neighboring the hospital to access cancer treatment without traveling long

distances and the reduction in the health costs since the services will be offered at lower

prices as compared to other hospitals.The expected costs will be the purchase of equipment,

labor, and drugs. As for the XYZ healthcare system, the anticipated benefits will be the

increase in a number ofpatients which will translate to the expected revenue.This is because

they focus more on financial benefits.They also concentrate on the non-financial quantitative

and qualitative benefits as well. Such benefits will include new machines that treat customers

at a closer distance as compared to when they have to travel to longer distance. The facility

will also ensure that many patients are treated within the shortest time possible.The expected

costs will include the cost of machines for treating cancer, labor, and drugs amongst others.

The next stage after the acquisition of information is the project selection stage which

involves choosing the project that fits the specifications and the preference. After the

evaluations carried out at the capital investment alternatives, the project which has many

benefits with fewer costs is considered and selected. They also consider if the project will be

necessary to be implemented from the analysis carried out. If they do not find a project that

suits their need, they may choose not to complete the project (Agar, 2005).

Next is the financing stage which entails seeking the sources of finance for the project

(Agar, 2005). The XYZ system, they would consider both debt financing and equity funding

for them to complete the project. The debt finance will be repaid with interest over a period

of time. The ABC community hospital, on the other hand, will consider equity financing

more than debt financing since they do not have a source of revenue enough to repay the debt

with interest.

Finally, the last stage is the project implementation and control (Agar, 2005). Once the

source of fund is identified and the fundswere given, the project is implemented, and its
performance is monitored. This will help to ensure the project complies with its expected

performance. However, this stage may be followed by post audit stage which is not always

included. Post auditentails all the measures taken after the audit are complete to correct any


Information Needed to Evaluate the Cancer Center Capital Investment Project

In theevaluation of capital investment, there is crucial information that is necessary to

carry out the process. The evaluation process is done using various approaches which include

the payback period, internal rate of return and the net present value (Greenwood, 2002).

Payback period is done by determining the time it takes for the initial investment tobe

recouped into the project. The investment is recouped in theform of expected future expected

cash flows. Under this approach, the information required is the cost of equipment purchased

and the estimated useful life of the resource (Greenwood, 2002). The cancer center project

will include the purchase of equipment for treating cancer and thus they will need to keep the

records of cost to help in the evaluation of the capital investment using this approach.

Net present value, on the other hand, is used in the computation of the monetary

benefits expected from the project and discounting them into the current value in time. This

entails the use of rate of return and in most cases the minimum is the required. This minimum

is also known as the discount rate or the cost of capital. This is important in the case where

debt financing is the source of money.This method requires the initial net investment and the

annual cash inflows for the project (Greenwood, 2002).

The internal rate of return is a model which is under the discounted cash flows. It is used to

determine the internal rate of return or the discounting rate where the expected cash inflow`s

present value is the same as the expected cash outflow`s present value. This method requires

one to have the expected annual cash of the project and the present value annuity factor.
In the center cancerproject,information on the opportunities created by the project

regarding technology would be paramount. Such information includes the technological

changes that occur in the hospital once the treatment cancer equipment is bought. The

employees become more productive when they have better equipment as compared to when

they treat workers with old stuff (Greenwood, 2002).

Internaland External Stakeholders in Decision Making

Internal Stakeholders

 Project manager
 Procurement Officer
 Board of Directors

External Stakeholders

 The community
 External auditors

Agar, C. (2005). Capital investment & financing: A practical guide to financial evaluation.

Amsterdam: London.

Anthony, R. N., &Herzlinger, R. E. (1975). Management control in nonprofit organizations.

Homewood, Ill: R.D. Irwin.

Greenwood, R. P. (2002). Handbook of financial planning and control.Aldershot, Hants,

England: Gower.

Kavanagh, S., & Government Finance Officers Association.(2012). Financial policies.

Chicago, IL: Government Finance Officers Association

Kerzner, H. (2001). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and

controlling. New York: John Wiley.

Mathisen, J., Pellechio, A. J., International Monetary Fund.,& International Monetary Fund.

(2006). Using the balance sheet approach in surveillance: Framework, data sources,

and data availability. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, Policy

Development and Review Dept. and Statistics Dept.

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