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AMG clinical teaching checklist

Medication Administration

No. KNOWLEDGE Met Not Met Remarks

1 Aware about 10 rights of medication administration
2 Knowledge on LASA and HAM .
3 Aware about 3 levels of checking and double checking.

No. SKILLS Met Not Met Remarks

1 Ensure right patient by Patient name and MRN number
2 Ensure the right indication and right medication by Collecting the history of
present complaints, allergic ,verbal consent, own medication, vital signs and
investigation reports.(Patient has rights to refuse after giving proper
3 Collect the medications and do first level checking to ensure correct medication
by checking drug name, dose, route, expiry, color, LASA,HAM.
4 Ensure right route, Right dose, Right time.
5 Arrange all items in a tray which is need for medication administration and
ensure hand hygiene.
6 Do Second level checking: Before preparing medication ensure right medication.
7 Do double checking- If HAM.
8. Bring the tray with prepared medication with empty ampule/vial, prescription,
clients medical record to the client’s bed side and ensure correct patient .
9. Do environmental preparation and patient preparation such as provide privacy,
adequate lighting, positioning.
10. Ensure right education by providing adequate information regarding action,
expected side effect, complications associated monitoring care.
11 3rd level checking with empty ampule, loaded medication and prescription.
12 Clean the site with alcohol swab and keep ready a dry cotton for applying
counter traction after medication administration for SC and IM injections.
13 IV push use SAS technique (saline, administer medication and saline)
14 Provide comfortable position
15 Empty the tray and do hand hygiene.
16 Do right documentation
17 Do right evaluation and document depends on medication actions begins.
 IM injections after-30 minutes
 IV injections-After 15 minutes,
 SC injections- After 30 minutes.

No ATTITUDE Met Not Met Remarks

1 Followed correct procedure
2 Effective communication
3 Follow all steps in 10 rights of medication administration.

Check list- Medication administration Page 1 of 1

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