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In 2019 we watched as Tiger
Woods made a thrilling return
to Augusta to claim another
Masters, the Patriots added a
sixth Super Bowl trophy to their
collection and the Washington
Nationals became World
Champions without winning a
game at home. 2019 was a
banner year for music movies
including Bohemian Rhapsody,
Rocketman and Blinded by the
Light (my fave). At the end of
the year, there was also a big 2019 Wilken Highlights
story in Washington DC but 2019 was another year in which we were all blessed with good
since it’s Christmas we’ll leave health, great memories and the love of family and friends. We
that one out. Here’s a little of enjoyed a spring trip to Utah where we did some skiing, hiking
what the Wilkens have been up and mountain biking and a summer trip to Minnesota on the
to. lake; Hannah got engaged (see page 2); Sarah spent the summer
in Reno; and Lena continued to provide us with the
unconditional love and loyalty that only a dog can. We hope
that you all felt the love and grace of God throughout the year
as well.
Greg, Jennifer, Hannah, Sarah and Lena.

Unto us a Child is born

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on

earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.
Luke 2:14

2019 was a busy and productive year for me. I took the Nevada
Bar Exam in February and got the results in May (I passed). I
also ran the San Diego Marathon in June (and finished). My
consulting business continues to grow and I love the freedom
and flexibility of working for myself. I did some teaching at
UNLV in the Fall and will continue in the Spring. Throughout
the year, I was blessed to be surrounded by loving family and

Jennifer spent a good part of the year, as she does every year,
devoting her time, energy and attention to others. She surprised her
dad by going to Nebraska to celebrate his 85th birthday. She
volunteered at our church, including in our Rooted small group and
a very special Christmas event with Hope For Prisoners. Jennifer
(and the rest of us) also went back to Minnesota this summer for
some quality time on the lake and reconnecting with old friends.
Jennifer is also becoming an avid Las Vegas sports fans and can
often be seen sporting Golden Knights and Raiders fan-wear.

It was an extra exciting year for Hannah. She and her
boyfriend Ryan took a trip to the Grand Tetons where he
proposed. She said “Yes”, and we are thrilled to have
Ryan as part of our family. The wedding will be in May of
2021 and we couldn’t be happier about the news. Hannah
also completed another year of dental school and is
spending more and more time in the clinic where she gets
to work on real patients – yikes!

Sarah completed another year at UNR and is well on
her way to becoming a teacher. She changed directions
slightly and plans to teach in high school instead of
elementary. Sarah stayed in Reno this past summer and
worked at Dutch Bros, which (she claims) has the best
coffee this side of the Mississippi. Sarah also has
become an avid music fan (makes me happy) and loves
attending outdoor festivals like Coachella, Snowglobe
and many others I’ve never heard of. Sarah is home for
the holidays and then will head to Spain for a semester
abroad (must be rough!)

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