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2016 YIR
2016 was a year unlike any
weve seen in a long time.
Payton Manning retired, but
not without winning one last
Super Bowl. Antonin Scalia,
David Bowie and Muhammad
Ali all passed away. The Cubs
won the Series for the first
time in, well, forever. And, of
course, we elected a new
President. As the year comes
to a close across the country
and around the world, here is
a little news from the Wilkens.

2016 Wilken Highlights

2016 was a significant year for the Wilkens: there are now two
seniors in the family - no its not Greg and Jennifer its
Hannah and Sarah. Hannah is a Senior at the Air Force
Academy and Sarah is a Senior at Faith Lutheran High School.
Both will graduate next Spring. Weve been in Vegas for about
a year and a half now and it really feels like home. We love
hearing from you all and we love visitors even more. If your
travels take you to this part of the world, please let us know,
wed love to reconnect.

Joy to the World

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you
trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power
of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

2016 was another great year for me. It was a busy year at
Allegiant as we continued our rapid growth. I went back
to Minnesota in June for a college reunion (wont say
which one) and helped my Dad celebrate his 80th birthday
in October. One of the highlights of the year was a trip to
Turks and Caicos this summer with Jennifer and Sarah.
(Scratch that off the bucket list.)

2016 was a happy and busy year for Jennifer. She celebrated
her one-year anniversary at United HealthCare where she is a
Nurse Case Manager. She joined the Las Vegas Athletic Club
and worked out with a personal trainer until he quit to
become a police officer (must have been less stressful!) She is
also Lenas primary walker (although these are becoming
slower and slower thanks to Lena.) Jennifer oversaw the
construction of our pool and loves sitting near it, but rarely
jumps in.

Hannah is now officially a Cadet 1st Class at the Academy
(which is the Air Forces way of calling her a senior.) She
is closely counting the days until graduation and will soon
be within the 100 Day mark. Hannah was accepted at
the University of Nebraska Dental School and is hoping to
begin there next fall. Hannah keeps busy with school,
hiking in the Colorado mountains, and traveling.

For Sarah, 2016 was a year filled with fun, friends, and Faith
(as in her high school.) She and her boyfriend Royal are still
together. She had several visits from her Minnesota friends
and loved showing them around. Sarah also worked as a
lifeguard this summer. She and a group of her friends from
Vegas also attended a rap music festival in LA called Camp
Flog Gnaw (no joke, look it up) and had a blast! Sarah has
been accepted at the University of Nevada, Reno and will
begin there next fall where she plans to study to become a

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