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1. Hannah wrote an amazing story that thrilled mom and her teachers 2.

End of an era, on November, 15th, we saw Twilight on the big screen for the last time. 3. Trevor will spend 12 months at practice this year. 4. There was a 100% chance MHS would win their 9th State Championship; John and Trevor were there to witness MHS bring it home. 5. You can reach us by email at

6. We are on facebook and pinterest as well. Look us up, say hello.

conference. We took our most inexpensive cruise ever for fall break, and took a bunch of friends with us. Hannah drove a car for the first time. Trevor was involved in every sport in McCracken Co but soccer. Trevor was also on the first little league Mustangs basketball team. We finally moved Grandma to Paducah. The move has made it easier to see her and better on the stress levels because we arent as worried about her getting hurt anymore. Lastly, Callie LOST two pounds! Real exciting stuff, huh?

Dad Mom Hannah Trevor

42 40 15 10

A Year in Review:
It has been a whirlwind of a year, we havent much had time to sit down. We didnt travel much at the beginning of the year because Grandpas health was in a state of decline. Sadly, we lost him in April. With both of the kids birthdays in April we didnt have birthday parties, but Hannah turned 15!!! And Trevor said goodbye to the single digits! Nothing happened in the summer but work and lazy kids, but hey isnt that what summer is about? The fall brought on the last year of our high school. Michelle transferred from the high school to the Board of Education office. John flew to Wisconsin for the NWA weather

See you in 2013!!!!!!

This year weve visited the following states:

Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and the islands of the Bahamas

The story of the Paducah Champions


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