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For Questions 1 - 4 Choose one appropriate answer based on the underlined words of the

conversation below

Nurse Wahyu : Good morning Mrs. Kartika.(1) ________________this

morning, Mam?
Mrs. Kartika : Good morning, Nurse. I don’t feel very well.
Nurse Wahyu : Really?(2)________________
Mrs. Kartika : I think I have a headache. It is really painful in my head.
Nurse Wahyu : I see...And how about your (3)________________? Is there
any pain?
Mrs. Kartika : Yes, on my leg.
Nurse Wahyu : What’s wrong?
Mrs. Kartika : My leg is so stiff. What should I do, Nurse?
Nurse Wahyu : Okay, Mrs. Kartika, you do not have to worry. I will check your
blood pressure. After that, I will measure your
(4)________________. Now, would you mind lying down on
your bed, please?

1. A. How are you feeling C. How were you feeling

B. Are you happy D. Were you happy

2. A. Do you want some medicines? C. What is going on with you?

B. What do you want to eat? D. How do you do?

3. A. Hair C. Nail
B. Body D. Bones

4. A. Body temperature C. Body height

B. Body weight D. Body Mass Index

For question 5 and 6, There are jumbled instructions. Please arrange these sentences into a
good sequence.

(1) Pump the bulb to inflate the cuff
(2) Hold patient’s arm
(3) Release the cuff from patient’s arm after getting the result of B/P
(4) Put the cuff around patient’s upper arm
(5) Listen to the sound of artery from beginning to ending
(6) Roll patient’s sleeve up
(7) Put stethoscope over brachial artery
(8) Search patient’s pulse on inner of lower arm

The correct order of how to check patient’s blood pressure is.....

A. (6) – (8) – (7) – (3) – (5) – (1) – (4) – (2)
B. (2) – (8) – (6) – (4) – (7) – (1) – (5) – (3)
C. (2) – (6) – (4) – (8) – (1) – (7) – (5) – (3)
D. (6) – (4) – (7) – (5) – (3) – (1) – (8) – (2)

(1) Wait for around 5 minutes
(2) Ask patient to raise arm
(3) Ask patient to place one hand on shoulder
(4) Take back the thermometer from patient’s armpit
(5) Put thermometer on patient’s armpit

The correct order of how to measure patient’s body temperature is.....

A. (2) – (4) – (5) – (1) – (3) C. (4) – (3) – (5) – (1) – (2)
B. (4) – (5) – (2) – (3) – (1) D. (2) – (5) – (3) – (1) – (4)

For Questions 7-15, choose the correct Modal for the dialogues below.

7. Nurse Maria : Tomorrow I am going to buy some aspirin for patients

Nurse Ayu :There are plenty of medicines in the drawer. You ____________ buy

A. Are not have to C. Does not have to

B. Is not have to D. Do not have to

8. Visitor : Is there any place where I can smoke?

Nurse Mira : There is no smoking room here because it is a hospital. You ________

A. Should C. Will
B. Should Not D. Will Not

9. Nurse Christy : I have been working for more than 13 hours today.
Nurse Nurul : Please take a rest. You ___________ be tired after such hard work.

A. Have to C. Must
B. Do not have to D. Must not

10. Nurse Fajar : Nurse Mika, ___________ you speak Indian? There is an Indian
in room 208 and he does not speak either Bahasa Indonesia or English.
Nurse Mika : I’m sorry, but I know nothing about Indian language.

A. Can C. Should
B. May D. Must

11. Doctor : I will give you 5 academic journals about nursing. Please read it at
Nurse Myra : __________ we read them all?

A. Should C. Does not should

B. Not should D. Do not should

12. Nurse Dian : My shift is done. I will go back home now.

Nurse Fika: Don’t forget to bring your raincoat. It _________ rain later.

A. Should C. Must
B. Might D. Have to

13. Doctor : Do you have non-academic talents, Nurse Angga?

Nurse Angga : I ____________ play musical instruments when I was in Junior High

A. Can C. Could
B. Cannot D. Could not

14. Patient : ___________ I have a glass of water, Nurse?

Nurse Kartika : Sure, I will give you. Just wait a minute here.

A. Should C. May
B. Must D. Have to

15. Nurse Sita : We will go to the cinema after work. Do you want to join?
Nurse Anna : I’m sorry, I ___________ visit some patients today.

A. Have got to C. Cannot

B. Had got to D. Could not

For Questions 16-25, choose the correct Conjuctions to complete the sentences below.

For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, on, in, when,
because, before, after, therefore

16. Doctor Norman has worked at this hospital _____________ 5 years.

A. For C. After
B. Because D. Therefore

17. The patient did not know about the illness _____________ the doctor tell him.
A. And C. Nor
B. But D. Before

18. The hospital where my mother works is ______ Jalan Ahmad Yani.
A. In C. At
B. Into D. On

19. Nurse Aninda ________ Nurse Rayna come together to visit the patients.
A. But C. Or
B. And D. Nor
20. This year, my sister will work as a nurse ________ Japan.
A. On C. In
B. At D. Into
21. Mr. Norman is not well yet, ___________ he has to stay one more day at hospital.
A. Therefore C. Before
B. After D. Because

For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, on, in, when,
because, before, after, therefore

22. Neither Nurse Nanda ________ Nurse Sulung inject the patients today.
A. Because C. Nor
B. From D. Or

23. Nurse Anton was studying _____ STIK Muhammadiyah 10 years ago.
A. So C. In
B. On D. At

24. The patient wants a glass of water after operation, _________ the doctor does not allow.
A. For C. When
B. But D. Because

25. All nurses are waiting the instructions ________ Dr. Wahyu.
A. To C. When
B. From D. After


For Question 1-, Please translate the sentences into Bahasa Indonesia appropriately.

1. The patient fell down from the motorcycle. That is why she can be hurt like
that.(Pasien itu jatuh dari sepeda motor. oleh sebab itu dia terluka seperti itu)

2. The nurse injects the painkiller for the patient, so he cannot feel pain anymore.
(Perawat menyuntikkan obat penenang pada pasiennya supaya dia tidak merasa

3. The patient has a fracture bone, so the nurse has to apply a splint on his leg to
immobilize it. (Pasien itu menderita retak tulang, sehingga perawat harus
memasangkan penopang pada kakinya supaya bisa digunakan)

4. The doctor asks Nurse Evika to clean Mr. Andi’s wound. (Dokter menyuruh/meminta
Suster/perawat Evika untuk membersihkan luka Pak Andi)
5. Nurse Nafisa and Nurse Maria prepare the needle and thread to suture the patient’s
wound. (Perawat Nafisa dan perawat Maria menyiapkan jarum dan benang untuk
menjait luka pasien)

6. The patient’s wound needs to be bandaged so that it will not get infection. (Luka
pasien harus dibalut/diperban supaya tidak terinfeksi)

7. The doctor advises the patient to come back to hospital in one week for stitches
removal. (Dokter menyarankan supaya pasien kembali ke rumah sakit untuk
melepaskan jahitannya)

8. The patient cannot straighten his leg because the wound is too severe. (Pasien tidak
bisa meluruskan kakinya karena lukanya terlalu parah)

9. Mrs. Damalia does not want to stay at the hospital. (Ibu Damalia tidak mau
berada/tinggal di rumah sakit)

10. The nurse suggests Mrs. Lauren to take Ponstan in order to relieve her pain. (Perawat
menyarankan Ibu Lauren untuk meminum/mengkonsumsi Ponstan untuk meredakan
rasa sakitnya)

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