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Microsoft DBA Interview Questions

Hi guys, One of my friend shared interview questions asked at Microsoft-

 when sql server is not responding or not started what action will you take place?
 What is the diff b\w 32 bit &64 bit sql server?
 what is max memory in sql server?
 How you resolve deadlocks? How will u to enable trace flag 1222,1204 ? if u found error in error log regarding
deadlock occurred then how u resolve?
 Diff b\w login & user?
 when i am configure backup job is failed .how you resolve ? what are the steps u follow?
 Types of recovery models?
 why we didn't take transaction log backup in simple recovery model?
 Suppose in my workstation i have 16 GB RAM...i have set max memory 8 GB then sql server uses remaining memory or
not..if yes how?
 What is the use of trace flag number -T3608?


Karvy DBA Interview Questions

Hi guys, One of my friend shared DBA questions asked in Karvy interview by interviewer.
 insert into table values(empid,deptid), which type of lock works here?
 diff b/w left join and inner join?
 From below datatypes, which one is not possible to create index? int, bigint,varchar,varchar(max)

 Empid,Passport,Pancard,Phno, then wt column you prefer for clustered index, and why?
 query for delete duplicates using cte?
 diff b/w proc and function?
 diff b/w delete and truncate, why truncate is faster than delete?
 diff b/w cte and view?
 i have country name likes india,austrlia,other,.. then i need as a last option in drop down list.
 how u can optimize the query?, process?
 diff b/w sub query and co related sub query?

 Tell me two ways to recompile Sp at runtime?
 How many leaves you are taking at monthly?
 How many times you are going to your native place monthly?
 If you are working on client Specific, then u taken leave and u r at home, IF they have urgent task, then what is the your
 What is your goal actually?

 why you changing the job in short period?
 Can u join here for same salary?
 What is the meaning of Pan card number?
 How to restrict data except passwords and triggers?
 What is the team size, and their all responsibilities?
 Whay we need database programmers, front end persons also can write sps?
 What is the your class room size, how is the class room environment?
 why you are left the first company?
 How to compare 5 years back sp with present same sp?

 Grammer and prepositions
 Spellings
 Sentence Formation
 Reason and Mental Ability
 one hostel has 400 members and available food for 12 days, if 80 members will increase then how many days we will supply the
 if 2/3 in 1 minut, then full bucket in how many seconds?
 coding with alphabets: TVXZ_.
 Email writing: How to write email to client IF you are sales man?,
 how to write mail to client IF you are facing problem with them?
 How to write mail for leave?


Accenture DBA Interview Questions

Hi guys, One of my friend shared dba questions asked in Accenture interview by interviewer.
 What is the index, which purpose you have used it?
 what is the diff b/w clustered and non-clustered?
 can u create non-clustered index on clustered index column?
 can u create non-clustered index on PK column?
 how we can create non-clustered index on pk column, because the PK has default Clustered, but i don't need clustered?
 what is the diff b/w UK and PK?
 how will store the index at inside the database?
 What is the Optimization?
 what are the Isolation levels?
 How to check index already exist in db?
 Wt is replication and types?

 Diff b/w function and Procedure?
 Explain us about all your projects? and roles and responsibilities?
 What is the day-to-day activities?
 if you hv 1crore table and two 1L tables, then wt is the best way to fetch data from three tables?
 wt is the dynamic Sql? which type work u done in it?
 if emp table has Empid(clus),"Fname,lname" as IXNC then select * from Emp where Fname='shiva' and Lname='N' gives u which
type of indexes in execution plan?
 if select * from Emp where Lname='N' and Fname='shiva' gives u which type of indexes in execution plan?
 What is SQL Profiler, what is the use for DB developers?
 What is the CPU time in Profiler?
 How u decided to which columns are good for clustered and which columns are Nonclustered?
 What is diff b/w CPU time and Duration?
 who are assining the tasks?
 who will decide the index creation on perticular queries?
 how will you finout which queries are slow in the Sp?
 can u tell me the optimization technics?

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