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Isn’t there only one Christ, so how can there be a sowing

of seeds, plural, if there is only ONE SEED, ONE CHRIST?

Notice something interesting above, another key was
revealed. It stated that in him, the SEED was the LIFE.
And the Life was the Light of Men/Humanity.
Ah now it is starting to add up. The Seed is a life
generator of Christ, and this life is the light of the true
children of the Father. Whenever men or man is being
used, it is NOT referring to a specific sex, but to the
creation of the ADAM, which includes all humans, male
and female, which is humanity or the one’s pre-chosen.
Now add this to this unique scripture.
Ephesians 1/4 “According as he hath chosen us in him
before the foundation of the world…”
The SEEDS are within CHRIST as the main plant or the
trunk of the tree, whom is also the SEED/WORD.
Notice that it states, according as he hath chosen US IN
HIM, before the foundation of this world.
What this is saying is, HE/Christ that is of the initial seed
bearer, the Father/Mother also produces SEEDS from
within him. However, something here is being revealed
that is even more important. It states that all seeds were
IN HIM before the foundations of the world.
This is important because it reveals all the seeds already
existed long before this world came into being. The
Children of the Father, brothers and sisters of Christ
existed long before this world and their many births
(seedlings) into this world. Children of the
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Remember, a plant can produce new seeds to be planted
via the fruits of the original plant, but the seed must first
exist before it can be planted. Do you understand? We
had to pre-exist!
Just like a human father and mother can create a new
seed from their seed to be an offspring down through
many generations. Nevertheless, all true seeds come
from within the original CREATOR, the FATHER.
Christ is the light of humanity, the germination, or the
light of the SEED as also being the original SEED. Just
like any seed needs the sunshine to grow; within us we
have our own light from Christ as the original SEED
encoded, and from HIM many more seeds were
The light is the DNA/RNA spiritual coding of you and me
from before the foundations of the world. Before this
universe was ever created; we existed as the SEED of the
Father and Mother, within the Christ.
The Light is of the Father and Mother; because they
originated the seeds in the first place. The Christ is the
first SEED, or firstborn among many.
Now does this mean Christ did not exist until he was born
and given the spirit? Obviously not, he existed long
before the foundations of this world.
Thus, it stands to reason, that those of Christ, the new seeds were also
pre-existent prior to this world before their births into this world, or
better stated before their special DNA seed was planted here. The seed
had to first exist before it

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